'iiiVI V'f -tJ.WWSlV&RVA'-livii.. his nueujcs PAT EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHIEADELPHIA: WEDNESDAY. ' DECEMBER 27; 1023 K SEE Nil IN HALF Increase of $1000 a Year, Ap proved by Grand Jury, Re duced te $500 COUNTY ATTORNEY BLAMED 1.1 nLwatch te Evening TiiMfl Uitatr eunt Helly, X. .1.. Iec. 27. "If it nrt net for llic fact that I len t wnnt .7lne my chnm-c for a pension. I weuM held the portion of Burlington tasty detccllve for one minute. In i, however, of my increase In ml D, of $500 n yf; 8rantcd Ttttttiv, I ?.! K Kill?1!!. Pnrker.this morn- . Jfatlre te the rumor that he wns ftd Trim $2300 te $3000 an- Mnk no secret in Burlington County ,wt nil litis net been smooth between 'K en Jonathan " K'lsey, the SSfCuter. An increase of $500 a year f , Mr. Parker's salary was approved kt Kelsey ycMerdny te take effect Janu ., li but it Is the contention of Parker Sit Kel'ey has blocked him from i ob tt run the maximum salary of $3500. "Kelscv hns continually held up nn increase in my salary,' said Perker. !The Orand Jury told him and County Jiidfc Wells that I should cet the maxi mum of $.1300 or mere. The taxpayers are Quite whuiik uv DuUu... . o..v e..v f reimbursement, from reports com ng t . I. . ...l.nl.lnuH nn tllilltir te me, mm in iraun i .,..... I: .,,,nnHite t. Since the wiving of recent murder mysteries. I have had many offers of jobs pnying three times 7i much as I am Retting new. I have hJfii in charge of nil murder investiga tions since Kelsey took office seven years ,,e nnd I thlt'k It unfnir that I should be getting paid less thnu ether county Vr. Perker hns held his present posi tion for twenty-nine years. He has nine mere years te serve before he gets a pension, for, under the law. he must be sixty years old before being pen sioned. The pension would be half sal ary. Kelsey gets $3000 n year, nnd, like Parker, Is dissatisfied with his pay. He declared that he npplled te the State last cnr for en increase of $2000 an nually, but never get It. "I think, if I onnnet mnke Burling ton County see thnt I should get mero money, I will go out ei omce wnen my term expires in 1025," he said. PITTSBURGH POLICE HEAD PLANS BANDIT-PROOF CAR Slew Machine, With 8afe In Ten- neau, Proposed for Carrying Meney Pittsburgh, Dec. 27. (By A. P.) Promoted b.v the killing of a Pitts burgh Ceal Company paymaster nnd the theft of e $20,000 payroll here lest Saturdny, .1. O. Cnlheun. Superintend ent of Police, today invited bankers te confer with him en plans te prevent such held-ups in the future. The neeting will be held later this week. The superintendent has outlined a program of precautions. He urges that banks and business houses use large automobiles, painted in some bright ioIer which could be distinguished from any ether machine, te transport money. The machine should be geared te make unly fifteen miles an hour. It would contain a safe, built in the tenneau and controlled by both key nnd combination. A different route would be taken every day. The money car would be followed at a (listnnce of fifty feet by a high new red machine which should carry four guards, armed with pistols nnd rifles. The superintendent explained thnt bandits, in order te get the money, would lie forced te Ktenl the machine, vliicli, traveling at slew ppecd. could be overtaken. Only receiving hunks or lempnnli-, would held the keys and combination of the safe. BIQ LOSS ON XMAS TREES Wllmhnrten. Iel., Dec. 27. Christ- was tree dealers sustained n severe less this j ear, nnd thousands of trees were hauled yesterday te the outskirts nf i 1 1) v nnd burned. In one let there were leOO trees. Yeu Can Be Well If you have tried everything else without results, try Chiropractic and get well. Perne te the Chiropractic P nle Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays. Fridays 1:30 te 2 30. S te 9 P. M. Clinic under direction of Jehn Doughty, D. C, and J. C. Marsh. D. C. Registration fee. $2, covers charge for 16 adjustments. THE MARCHAND COLLEGE OF CHIROPRACTIC 4201 WALNUT ST. Philadelphia Chartered 183s Hew the "Federal Reserve" Safeguards American Business ti'-D'"mhf, l,,ue The Orarrf rrti n cenu" rtlcleen the Fad V re,.e,rve.Sy,tem Bnd Import Impert nce te the American Buiincit Man. ilTfX ar,Jcle ,n. thl numb the fr.M ef.c"ndy nd chocolate a, manu ,Bctured tit, tun ..jikh nt.ii i.it.i- firmc.ru ." "-".V.'. "'" ...I A'K'.'i" " wniimu a Sen ctuied by two Icadlm nu H. O. Wilbur & Bent. i lie Company will be glad te place en !i,V1'"ng '" ,he "me of eny no Sf,J.,,n? le tecelve t"1 " " Quent ijjuct. GIRARD TRUSTCOMPANY Bread It Chutoet Sti PhiladelfeU I. C. C. ORDERS RAIL EQUIPMENT INQUIRY Reads Directed te Repert Quantity and Condition of Rolling Stock Washington, Dec. 27. (By A. P.) An Investigation te determine whether adequate stocks of locemotlvea nnd cars ere in possession of American rail roads, nnd whether railroad customs nnd practices controlling the use and interchange of equipment nre sufficient, wes ordered today by the Interstate Commerce Commission. As a preliminary step In the Inquiry the commission ordered n questionnaire sent te nil railroads, requiring them te report the number of freight cars owned and leased, the numper of additional ours te be needed in their Rcrvicc, and the nge of their present car equipment. Similar facts ero oeught as te the loco motives In service. In 'addition reports ere required from the reads as te the extent of car short age which they encountered In opera tion last fall, and ns te the araem.t of traffic which they move. Trlvate car lines also were nnkpd tn fni-nt.i. miu. facts. Clergy Object te Benefit Jersey City, Dec. 27. Clergymen here yesterday protested te the chlef of police against his having permitted moving-picture benefits last Sundav night. The picture shows netted $10,000 for a fund used te distribute sifts among the peer. DEER HUNTERS TRY SECOND-DAY LUCK Wary Animals Seeking Refuge in Swamps of New Jersey Near Weymouth GUNNERS ARE DISAPPOINTED Bnnial DiivatcS te Kvtnlne Public Ltintr HiMnmonten, N. J Dec. 27. Tedny, the second clay of the open season for deer sheeting, finds mnny new faces in the swamps nf this section, into which the deer fled for refuge after the first day's sheeting, Wednesday laBt week. The advent of the holiday season, when many hunters nre able te get off for nn entire week and remain In the weeds, gives them, in many instances, two days' sheeting nt the expense of enp trip te this section. In addition te this fact Is the knewledge gained of the habits of the deer and their prebnble location, se that when daylight nrrives en an open hunting day little, time Is lest in locating probable quarry. The first dar'a results were far holew expectations, as the animals proved te 4- be very wary and quickly made for the swamps, largely in the Weymouth sec tion. The fact that the hunting party of Nunzle Brune, composed of thirteen hunters, killed only one deer, but saw twenty-six during the day, most of them tee far away te hatard shot without endangering the fellow hunts men, shows that the animals are un usually skittish. Prier te the opening day deer were frequently seen. On several occasions motorists even crashed into deer as they ran across the reads. In one Instance a deer, blinded by the headlights of an oncoming car, dashed into the vehicle, being killed. In another collision the enr was upset and the passengers spilled en the highway, but the deer, appar ently, escaped serious injury. In addition te the usual New Jersey big game hunters, crack shots from Pennsylvania, New Yerk end Delaware are today trying their luck In the Jer sey swamps. .Heme of these have been here for the week pat ethers arrived yesterday nnd will remain until Jan uary 8, the next open day nf the season. New hunting licenses must be secured before hunters nre legally entitled te sheet deer or ether game In New Jersey next year, the present licenses expiring en Saturday at midnight. Sunday sheeting is net permitted in this State, even if the hunter has n license expiring December 31. Polish Financial Conference Warsaw. Dec. 27. (By A. P.) Premier Slkerski has summoned oil former Ministers of Flnnnce te n con ference Jenunry 0 In nn effort te evolve financial reforms. IParchesIns Ateats'Oien AceedKMHKXHMBMMan (Men Ft114; Children's Fur Seta and Ceata and Fur Trimmings at Moderate Prices MawsanPeMartY 1 1 IVlSCkestnutStreet. 1 New In Full Swinf The Most Sensational Event of Events & JwvAWf Sals HIGH CHARACTER 1923 MODEL TVM.S Net a Special purchase for sale purposes Net a Season-end accumulation of odd sizes and left evers Net a rag tag collection of furs of doubtful pedigree BUT, en the contrary, a momentous stock disposal, which we believe has no parallel in the history of the fur business in Philadelphia utterly disregarding cost, profit and former selling prices. Yeu will find that at MAWSON & DeMANY'S you can buy high grade FURS, of known merit and reputation, at remarkably low prices that represent an absolute saving of a full one-third and that are the finest values in Philadelphia. We have arranged this event (at a time when our customers will be eager te take advantage of it) with the single purpose of the quick dis position of our entire stocks disregarding costs and profits. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in Our Storage Vaults Until Next Fall, Payments te Be Continued Monthly Through the Spring and Summer Formerly Reduced te Siberian Wolf Coats, seal trimmed ( length) French Seal Wraps, self trimmed (fun length) Russian Peny Coats, self trimmed ae inch) Natural Muskrat Coats, self trimmed r4 ungth) French Seal Capes, self trimmed rn length) French Seal Coats, self trimmed fje meiw Leepard Cat Coats, seal trimmed (k length) French Seal Coats, skunk trimmed -; length) Taupe Caracul Spert Jacquette (ts inch; Hair Seal Coats, self trimmed oe inch) Marmet Coats, Raccoon trimmed ; knot; French Seal Coats, Squirrel trimmed no lieh; American Opossum Coats, self trimmed (i0 ineh) Muskrat Coats, Raccoon trimmed ae inch; Civet Cat Coats, self trimmed (i0 inch) Black Caracul Capes, self trimmed (tun ieneth; Scotch Moleskin Coats, self trimmed r length) Platinum or Taupe Caracul Coats no inch) Platinum or Taupe Caracul Capes (IM length) Moleskin Wraps, self trimmed ffnn Ungth) Black Caracul Coats, self trimmed n nch) Moleskin Capes, self trimmed tvxi length) Hudsen Seal Capes, self trimmed (fult Tt; Moleskin Spert Jacquettes, Fex trimmed (ii inch) Natural Raccoon Coats, self trimmed (fuJl Jmgth) Black Caracul Coats, Skunk trimmed no mch) Natural Squirrel Coats, self trimmed ( jmgth) Persian Lamb Coats, Skunk trimmed no l1lch) Hudsen Seal Capes, variety of models (fnll lmgth) Jap Mink Coats, self trimmed fi0 neh) Hudsen Seal Coats, Self or Skunk trimmed (i8 inBh) Australian Opossum Coats, self trimmed (i9 iHOh) Alaska Seal Coats and Delmans fK length) Black Meire Caracul Capes, self trimmed ff,iU iimPth) Natural Squirrel Capes, self trimmed ami length) Alaska Beaver Coats, Belf trimmed (i0 e,e; Ermine Capes, self trimmed rn length) Natural Mink Coats, self trimmed e inch) Broadtail Wraps, Kelinsky trimmed (tn length) Natural Mink Capes, self trimmed ruu length) Natural Mink Wraps, self trimmed (tuii length) 100.00 64.50 110.00 69.50 110.00 69.50 115.00 74.50 120.00 79.50 135.00 89.50 140.00 94.50 150.00 98.50 150.00 98.50 150.00 98.50 165.00 110.00 210.00 135.00 210.00 135.00 210.00 135.00 210.00 135.00 215.00 145.00 215.00 145.00 235.00 165.00 235.00 165.00 265.00 175.00 295.00 195.00 295.00 195.00 295.00 195.00 315.00 210.00 350.00 235.00 365.00 245.00 450.00 295.00 450.00 295.00 450.00 295.00 495.00 325.00 525.00 345.00 565.00 375.00 595.00 395.00 595.00 395.00 675.00 445.00 715.00 495.00 750.00 495.00 975.00 645.00 1,050.00 695.00 1,500.00 995.00 1,650.00 1,095.00 Natural Raccoon Coats Dark Silky Skins 40 Inches Lenij Formerly $218.00 142 .SO Hudsen Seal Coats Skunk, Beaver or Squirrel Trimmed QO.50 Three-quarter Length A.tAd: Formerly $295.00 Extra Large Six Cesti and Wrap, up te 54 Bust Hsdiea Seal Is Dyed Maikrat. French Seal it Dyed Csasy. HAKGE PURCHASES BILLED IN FEBRUARYirTKllVfyMiiaM STRSBRIDGE&CLOrHIER'. Te-morrow the Last Clever Day of 1922 Year-end reductions en merchandise that must be closed out, will make this Clever Day an event of extraordinary importance, replete with substantial savings for all who participate. Hundreds of lets of merchandise which we de net wish le carry ever into 1923, must be cleared away te-morrow and prices have been reduced te the lowest possible point te insure their speedy fjeing. These reductions affect APPAREL for men. women and children, HOME-FURNISHINGS of all kinds; FABRICS, as well as HOLIDAY MERCHANDISE. Clever Day begins all ever again te-morrow morning for, with the MANY ENTIRELY NEW CLOVER LOTS added te the Clever Values in sufficient quantities for both days assortments will be as attractive and as varied as they were this morning. This announcement contains only a partial list of the hundreds of Clever Specials awaiting your visit. You'll see scores of Clever signs in every department of the Stere. Come prepared te meet every need and te save substantially! SBBBBBBBBBBBMIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV aQw aBBBBBBBBBBH I SBBBBBBBBBBB VT-iSaO ' Sfci' V Women 's Apparel at Clever Day Prices SECOND FLOOR DRESSES NOW $16.50 New Hcrse Dresses, In navy blue. Insick and ilark brown. Surplice model with crpam lace vstcp, llartnK cuffs and contrasting iilpinga Sizes 3C te 40. Much less than the reg ular price. DRESSES NOW $17.75 Nw Pelrt Twill Dresses nbeut one-thlrd under price. In black, navv blue nnd dark brown, nmde with panels en tklrt and embroidered with narrow braid. SIzph 30 te 10. DRESSES NOW $21.50 New Pelret Twill Dresses In blnek. nu,y blue and dark brown. Made with eight narrow jianels en the skirt. Inns rlese-flttlnc nl.evcj nnd trimmed with flat braid. Black, navy Mn and daik br vn DRESSES NOW $27.50 DrebSes of Canten crepe and flat erepe, In black navy blue and dark brown. Lew-w.iisted models In panel and draped styles. SUITS NOW $23.75 Sample Suits, chiefly size 30 Plain-tailored medcln of lilKli-Kradc tweeds In shades of blue, brown nnd two-teno effecu. Seme close te half price. SUITS NOW $20.00 One-third less for these Winter Suits of line twill, tricotlne and tlnseltene. In straight - line nnd slightly fitted effects, s.ome with de tachable belt. Black, nay blue and dark brown. SUITS NOW $25.00 Trlcetlne twill and yalama cloth, In black, navy blue nnd dark brown. Sledcls that can be worn with or without the belt : some trimmed with tailored folds. COATS NOW $35.00 Of fine Belivia weave in black and navy blue. All-areuml-belteil dei Inset sleeves with bell-like cuffs, cyllnr of black fur COATS NOW $23.50 StralKht-llne and blouse models, all In Belivia weaves, some trimmed with stitching; many have fur cellars COATS NOW $21.50 Of seal plush closely resembling fur. In the smart hip lengths and all eleiiantlv lined. SKIRTS NOW $3.75 A clearance of Skirts of serire and mohair, chiefly In blue a few In black. Various wlaln and plaited models All preatly retimed BLOUSES NOW $3.95 Ciepe de Chlne Over-Hleuies In light and iult shades, some combined with dyed lace Alse tuck-In Blouses of white radium silk In tailored style. PONGEE BLOUSES $1.95 Seml-talleivd Blouses In various tucked effects; loll or Tuxedo cel- ''DIMITY BLOUSES 95c Tailored models In l'eter-I'an and Tuxedo styles bound Uth blue or green Klngham. BLOUSES NOW $1.35 White Dimity nnd Batiste Blouses In ieml-tallered and l.u-e-t rimmed styles close te half price .it f 1.35. MATRONS' HATS $3.50 Matrons' Black Vehet II, us, many Just trimmed, ethers taken from our regular stock. Many worth double and mere, HATS NOW $2.50 Trimmed Hats, half price and much less some at a mere fraction of former prices All vehet, chiefly colors, a few In black. NEW HATS NOW $2.95 Itcady-te-wear Hats In black only, made of vlsca mesh the newest In tnld-soasen millinery. These are much under regular price. WOMEN'S FUR COATS Muskrat, pony and leopard cat ; various lengths and styles, chiefly with cellar and cuffi of contrasting fur new $135.00 te $235.00. FOX SCARFS American Fex Scarfs. In rich shades of brown In animal effect, with head nnd tall $20 00 te J30.00. PETTICOATS $3.85 Taffeta, satin and silk Jersey, black and colors, various attractive styles. TMIBD XI.OOB MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Two-plece Sef4 of voile, batiste nnd novelty materials, broken sizes ; many styles In the let. Greatly re duced at $1.50. ENVELOPE CHEMISES Clearance of broken sizes nnd dl continued models variously trimmed, greatly reduced. HOUSE DRESSES $1.50 "Queen Maka" Morning Frecks, several models, of checked gingham vvlth organdie cellar, one model of Line llnene with checked cellar and cuffs. Sizes 16 te 40 FINE BATH ROBES Beacon Blanket Bath Robes, many models, only a few of a kind, all geed colors new $3 45 te $5.00. CORSETS NOW $3.95 Seme less than half price. Red fern. Jessica and ether geed makes. 1'lnk brocades, and ula'n ceutll "n Dink and white; ull low-bust, long leng hlp models. BRASSIERES 50c B-mdeaux Brassieres In hook-back style all of pink breende. An ex cellent let. many exactly half price at 50c. first Fr-een STOCKINGS $1.35 Part-wool Stockings In heatVer mixtures with pretty embroidered clocks. SILK STOCKINGS 75c Full-fashioned Silk Stockings with cotton lops and Miles. Sizes 8 '-j te I'l3. Seconds If llrnt ciuallty, would sell at double th's price. STOCKINGS $1.35 Full-fashioned, black Ingrain Silk Stockings viti mercerized cotton tops and hcrlts Sizes 8t-j te 10. Seconds UNION SUITS 38c Hxtra sizes, 43'. Ribbed cotton, band tops, low neck, no sleeves, tight or loose knees. UNDERWEAR 65c Kxtra sizes. 76c White ribbed fleeced Cotten Vests, Drawers and Tights lilic each; txtra sizes, 75c. SCARFS AND SWEATERS Inyxirtccl Wj. I i.irfs $2 00 Pull, ever Weel Sweaters, $1 60. i:cel lent values. WOMEN'S SHOES $2.80 Black Olazed Kldskln oxfords and Tin Calf Oxfnrls with welted oles an! leather heels from legular stock JJ.SO WOMEN'S PUMPS Winter-weight Strap Pumps of gras buckskin, tan calf or leather. In mi art ceiublnati n" I.iss than half I rl -U &5 LONG GLOVES 65c Km-. r Washable ChamolHette Gloves, Hi..' assortment of shades. Men's Cfeiing alt R Graver Safins mh Te-morrow! If you didn't share the first day, be sure te come te-morrow, for the savings are truly extraordinary. Suits With Twe Pairs of Trousers $26.50 Many nre from out famous Wickham line, ethers made by fine tailoring houses. Of worsted and enssimeres in sizes for men and yeunj: men of all ajres. Winter Overcoats, Half Price $12.50, $15.00 Styles and patterns for youthful and conservative tastes. A wonderful Clever value, net te be overlooked. Exclusive Wickham Suits $21.00 Smart new models, including the popular sports jacket styles, tailored in the inimitable Wickham manner, of fine all-wool fabrics. W erth ever one-half mere. Gelf Suits at Half Price $17.50 Many are even less than half price. Odd lets taken from regular stock and greatly reduced. Many are imported, and all are well tailored of excellent materials. Fine Winter Overcoats $32.50 Ulster and Ulsterettc models of heavy, warm woolens in de sired shades and patterns. Much under price. Save en These Overcoats $23.00 Of all-wool plaid-back coatings in the new Ulster and Ulster- euc meaeis. - SECOND FLOOR MEN'S HATS NOW $1.95 About 250 of these Seft Hats ii a variety of styles and colors wlti. plenty of browns. Werth evir om em lialf mero MEN'S SUITS TO MEASURE $48.50 C ei. veur fabrics frnm a .'i.r -tlty of fine imported ar.d Amer.i. goods and we w III make a Suit te veur measure that usual! v would b one-third mere than this Clever pric In gray tlu and brown iffcts a you prefer FIRST FLOOR BLANKET ROBES $3.S5 A cutiwlderabln siivtng is aff Tde.l en these desirable . emf. .-tab!.-Blanket I'leth Bath Rn .-s f-r nun MEN'S SOCKS 55c Full-faslilnned wool ni.d cotton Socks In biack and oxford Seinnds of a grade usually .Units', double MERCERIZED SOCKS, 22c Men will want plenty of these m such n price In Mack and colors , hlgh-spllcd heels and ilmilun soles 6 PAIRS OF SOCKS 80c Men's iotten Socks m blaik rordn rerdn van and navy blue at a remarkable saving. Sues 0'- r.i li'v Men i Cotten "an si-.rrt sleeves a-vlirlilt-e i 1 tliler- u'ut Fleer, naat UNION SUITS 95c '"in ribbed, light-welcht 1'i.len Sulfa In ankle leneth. f-ecends. UNION SUITS $1.35 Men s Hi rvard Mills Inlf- Su.'.i. if wh'le r.l bed cotton First uual !. yet nlmefct half prlc MEN'S MERINO UNDERWEAR $1.65 Hit! Mr Shirts or D-awers at this price theug'i lwe are ne: all sizes nf l.eiivv-'v.ight nntural merino. !i ucb un 1er prVe MADRAS SHIRTS $1.35 M ' Mi'etH , r f my madias !, new, i.'f.-., ),, , , ,r, ,4j stl.r(.,i pattirrs ,n nun-h mer-. FIBRE SILK SHIRTS We a .'l ,i, . , tlf 53 2'0 which " n-uily 'i.i.f the usupI price. in fancv strlei nrd ev-ellert rjualitv MEN'S KNITTED GRENA DINE NECKTIES 50c 'if fine !! silk i with no co'ten ite-i, e, i ui Tini patterns a. -a cer'r gs MEN'S SHOES $4.75 tan Cal I.IV nr Rlucher Shoes ard etlu-i nun models from stock '-n.isuii a.ije - ,i 75 Linens and Bedfumishings Fabrics and Trimmings Fer Children and Misses -S7.50 d.imask- - in i IT.-" .i -$4.20 inch... unusual SKCOND FLOOR MISSES' COATS $25.00 New Fairfield Coats cf smart tweeds In sports styles, double breasted and full belted. In green, brown and gray; sizes 14 te 18 years. WINTER COATS $19.50 MISSKS' Fur-cellnr Coats of velour or two-toned cloaking, sues 14 te 18 venrs exceptional Coats at tll te- NEW DRESSES $21.50 MISSIES' lovely new Diesses of Canten crepe in navy blue breun and black, trimmed w Ith lace cellar ; also Dresses of black or brown lace with satin underdress , sizes 14 te 18 j curs new $'.'1 50 DRESSES $7.50 te $10.75 (illtl.S' Diesses of nu blue nnd brown taffeta, light colored chiffon nnd uepe Ueergette, slzi's 6 te 14 jearH--reduced from much higher prices new $7.50 te $10 75 CHILDREN'S HATS $2.00 Clciiai'ce of eui winter stock velvet, I 11 some valeurs and cloth. They weie lennerly tiublu In jirlce and much inure. 1 IIIRD FLOOR KIDDIES' SLEEPING GARMENTS A broken 'et of Children's warm Sleeping Uur'iients of flannelette and woven material . sizes 4 te 10 years reduced i'r m regular stock soma w'erth mere than deuble 45c te 95c, FIRST FLOOR LONG STOCKINGS 20c CHILDRKV S ribbed Cotten Stock ings In black .ml cordovan; seconds of quality wert'i about double 20c. UNION SUITS 75c GIRLS' ribbed Cotten Futon Sulta of medium weigh' . with Dutch neck, elbow sleeves . knee length, seconds, half price- 75c UNION SUITS $1.50 , npYS' Cray Worsted Fnlen Suits; bllghtly Imp rfnt which accounts, for this low price $1 50. GIRLS' SHOES $3.95 Grewing Oil Is' Uun metal Calf Ox. fords nnd Grecian Sandals, also pat ent leather Sandals and Strap Punipa from stock ii.'jb. FIRST FI'P. LINEN NAPKINS $3.75 One dozen Nejik'iiri of fine Ueaclie l Trlh Linen ls-incb sue Stur.'i and practical f..r .'.iv.lay um -$3 75 a dozen. LINEN TOWELS- I.lnen Huckaback T.m.i lierili red Size 1S'I3 u i h sturdv serviceable wi.rn. dozen TURKISH TOWELS Bleached Towels 2J4'i with colored striped berd. i.- $4 20 ii dozen TRAY COVERS 40c Oval and Rectangular Trn Cov Cev ers 18x27 Inches, of reund-thr, el linen; hemstitched and with n-.il-loped edge 40c BED SPREADS S3.5ii A substantia! saving en sntr, finish White Marseilles Bed "! a is SOxOO Inches, double-bed slz. ' IJ On each WOOL BLANKETS $10 50 Plaid Blankets In uttractiv. . i. i Inga. Pure wool, winter weigh' " 80 Inches. A notable value at J!" .. i a pair MUSLIN SHEETS SAVE c,'V&, C. nl'ichnl Muslin Sheets, 81x90 Inches $1 66 each Size 63x90 Inches $1 15 each. PILLOW CASING 35c Bleachfd Pillow Cas Muslin ft standard quality. 45. inch 35n LONG CLOTH $1.25 Ten-yard pieces of fine-spun Leng Cleth In nn excellent quality for lingerie $1.25 a jilec. I n ;m- ri.ie.R SILK REMNANTS bin. irv.Js nr .-Ir.ihlu shinies P- - f, ! i i i 1 i' f 'un ts of .m 1 'u gths WHITE SILKS $1.25 Y'-"al.. v.- mm, Pongee nd 1 ,, li '! ih i.i deKirable si ii ' k s k. .10. n.-li wldt'i H hull CHARMEUSE $2.00 ' k s(lnn i hiiHniis in thu Q w dth l." , Merit uu.i'.tv ROBINETTE $3.75 v '- '' ' -- i. f"- tie r isVen. M'- " J li t and well I lied ' ,r !! ' and .. lerj. Weltn J'i . 'I 7 tin ' s WOOL PLAIDS $2 00 U. I'n . d .......thinl t,, ,,riH. tf M"i.e les itiap half price u or, and .'i ,i rge bssei'ment of uat t.uiH v ,1th, 51 inches WOOL CHALLIS 85c ..sT-"'"1--,, "!";:;;', ,'h',:l", i,ivny , COLORED COTTONS Mm . er zed p , pi i n. new 24,. It, . 'wear Batli'. 1 ew 31', Rrn,.r ( ' h tow ts. 1 , ,Hn.iH of nrdu at i;i. . t t du. In ns VIIITE COTTONS Wh '. Ne. tlty Ven,, nev 27e a vir.l Leng Cleth, new U- u ynr( RIBBONS HALF PRICE Short 1 ngths of Ribbons, Indud- ' Ing i.ielre b.i tin. stripes and fancy effi ets LACE FLOUNCINGS 65c Radium Lc a Fleunclngs, lghten In.hiB wide, in a variety of colors. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER MARKET STREET FILBERT STREET EIGHTH STREET 1 t r fJl a V' .. ?3 V. V. i..'t.t.:t,.HVi-4.. e, &T -Vj f.m