Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 27, 1922, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3
mfwfm '"WWir if 'A. I PPT Si 'mwrstUFn' CI SLEUTH SAYS BR Mildred Blank, Who Caught Man With Raiced Bill, Praised by U. S. Agents HELD SUSPECT IN STORE gwnlPcii'jMr-eM MiMrcil I'lntik, vrliem Fcili'rnl Kerict SoitIce h.tpiiIx iii-p pralsinp for tier Hever vml in detf-l-In; nml rnptiiriiiR 11 twin tlipy believe te have rns.spil murli counterfeit money In l'liilnilrlpliln, 'ces imtliiiiK Pxlrnnr- diimry In tier f''t. ' Vesterdav 'In' Kill 1eU'teil n niNeil hill ns It N'T pnfil ever I lu rutiiifcr te tier fn her fnllu-r'n flnllpn Icp'-imi "fore at Seventh street iitul Snyih-r nveniie. Hbe iletnliuil the man mm trtiie. II .'...ii! ln.r fntlicr inn for n nelii'cmnn. When the ieliee:nnii arrived hIic vuii w iiRiiiK in"" 'I'0 man's euiittnll te) held him. Up hml menine lireil nt lier eenverfiilien nntl uus nbeut te leave the The man. .leseiili Mel'mlilen. a Verie, ii believed te he riHpeiiKible fur many of the ml-eil S- hill- (lint hae been pawd In l'liiladelpliln reeently for $20 bill". "When the limn rnme in," Mildred fjnlnined this imirnhtic, "he had the bill folded up. 1 bcrnine suspicious by the wa he handed it te me because I had been lending In the papers nbeur the number nf rnhed bills that hove been paced here. "I looked nt it and It looked nil right is far ns- I reuld nee. (if eeur-e 1 couldn't examine It cloudy or he would Jinve become tuiepicieuH, se I made an excuse te (,' into n hark room for rhnnRe. Unfit tlieic, father nnd I looked nt It again and paw it was rfllrd. I told him te rail n pellecmnn and I would talk te tin- man nnd held him until Hie policeman nrriveu. It seemed ns though dail would I rerer find one. I talked about ever. thing I could think "f nnd showed the Mnn nil bl,wl.i nf nrtfr'lcM vn linvn fnr I JUllfl mi '" ,,..-.. ... ....... .... ale. Then I ran out of subjects te talk about and lie was nbeut te lenve. I aught his (eat te held him and just then the pelii email cume in and leek him away. "It vviisn't nnj tiling. I vvnsn't fcand a bit hcr.uiRP I knew he didn't 1'isreet the reason I vvrw detuining him le long." MiTmlilcn told police he had received the raiMil bill from a stranger. FIRE STIRS CAMDEN Smoke Alarni3 Family and Fire En gines Awake Neighborhood A lire which did hut ?- damage cuuM'd excitement en Klin street, Camden, at ! o'clock tills morning. Cu II Uobin.seii, at .'II H Kim street, was awakened by smoke. Ile rescued Lis wife and five children nnd u sister who lives with the family, thin turned In an alarm which brought out (ire fishting apparatus Mint clanged down (he street and awakened many peiten. An overheated furnace caused the blaze. REVIVE SEARCH FOR MAN WHO DISAPPEARED IN 1915 Sister Says Saloonkeeper Saw Or vllle N. Peters Recently Seai h fur (IrviHe N. 1'oters. miss ing fcii.in I'.ll.l. h.is been reiel with repeMs I, th,. Detective Itiirenu bv his lster Mrs, A. 1'. Adeliniin. of 1(17 I'rne .iveiiue, Naibei'tli. tlmt the min ing man was seen at Sixth street and I.elngli avenue a few dnjs age by Chris Kelillri'. M saloonkeeper of Pert.v sfVMHii s(.pt nfj Woodland nveniie. Mrs. A lelmaii said that she had heud nothing of her lirnlliii- since Christine.!! night. I'll.-,, when he ctlleil at the apnrtini'it where he ihen lived with her mother at ."::,". Seuth I'lft.v-siMh tree!, and asked fn'- meiie.v . l'Hei' is fert-ein j ems old, I.nur.i Iiiish, a fourteen -j enr-eld till, wa- rejiinipil ie the poll e of the Relglniln 'ind ClmriHd stieets ivilice Mntien as nii-Mni; fiein hei home, li7l!7 I'nM Jteiks street, since September Jl The g.il s nietiici is- III Si'.'iMh also ha In en hegiiu for How Hew ard I". Shaw, tliliiy-iiii,', nil oversells telrrnn. who .isiiipenie I ChrlMtnii Kve fi i,m his home nt T! 1 l'muhferd avenue DIES AFTER SHOOTING SELF Despondent Bearder Told Police He Was Tired of Dying ILiriv Herman, fiirtv-five venis e'd. Who hn! hiiii-icli veMeuinv ultenienli t tin hunie of his einplevcr. Charles A Illsbiiig. 2121 Columbia nveniie, died today In tip. Weniun's Homeopathic Hospital Hernmii li.nl ben vveil.ing as .i plumber's helper. He left the shop ves terdnj afternoon and went te a dining room in the Itisbing home, when- he bearded. A few minutes. later l!ibiug heard a shot. He teuiul Herman en the llOllP. 11 wviiKee 111 lilu linml II, ....,. -, -. .. .,.. ... .... Illltlu, II, '11111(11 was sent te the hospital wlieie he died . at 12:;;u o'clock this morning. He had i ' told polne he was tired of living. MONDAY IS TAG DAY Aute License Numbers for 1923 Must De en Autes Then Motorists will lie compelled te use' their new 102.'! license tags beginning I nejet Monday according te an announce- i Jiicnt .vesterdny by Superintendent of I Police Mills. I The superintendent said moterNta ' who have net the new tags or who' aie unable i show that they maile ap- I plicatiens for the license in time biitli eunt te cinble the State Hlghwuv Mil lean te deliver the tags bv the liist of! the ejr will be urrested. CKIJMANI ntKi:iN(l WAH I'P.IHONEn" ..ft I'HseiifiH et ellixr rur, a but bem nf tneBf who were tuMmr trlpil fm war irlm. i,r,. lnt'iin.e H II four"! vvrlten (loin lirlln ihm th nurvlvlns elll.'rr of llie nub.' nrirlne wlii,i lllnK t,r lislinnl.i Ims !en V. Ferelsn Nhiyh Dlapaichen occupy F, '." I'k'.'f. .'" '.'!? I'lnut l.i-!,urii -MbU i v ft I tail! t lilt. i HAVE you ever thought of sending out a blotter each month? Wc de. Ask us about it. Thp. Helmes Press, "Printtn 1313.29 Chtrrr StttH PhlltdtlphJ wk PvaMMum, wmjmn Sued for $14,000 mm I - sn vMM v.y.:uat.MaB-Jaiaaiir5f!'trfi.t-.yJfl;.l mtrm tJAUONKSS il'KKLANGKK rermerly Mi. le(cr Cooper Hew itt. of New Yerk, he Is allowed until fiiiinary 22 te file answer te suits for 814.01)11. After that dale lawyers .say her annual Income will be garnishee)! MARKSMAN IN AMBUSH Camden Police Hunt Man Who Sheets at Passersby Cnmden police are searching for n mini who frequents n peel room nt Seventh nnd Vim Heek streets nnd bhoets at passersby. Tin; Inst victim te repot I is heuis Gray, of 758 Central avenue. Camden. He told police Mint as be passed the place early this morning he was shot In the leg. THIEVES ORDER WATCHMEN BACK AFTER ROBBERY Brandish Guns and Escape With $350 In Watches of Uptown Stere Geld watches valued nt S"."i) vverc stolen by window smashers nbeut 3 o'clock tills morning from the depart ment store of James U. Gillies, nt the northwest comer of lhe.id street and Susquehanna nveniie. Twe men I'uievv n brick through one of tlie show windows en Susquehanna nveniie. While the;, were busily en gnjtcd In gathering up watches, of which they obtained seven, two watch men of the steie. I'red Urittlngliain and Gorden C. Kile, ran out. As they approached the thieves tied te the mid dle of Susquehanna avenue, dievv guns, nnd erdeied the two empleyes haik into the store. Then the. robbers es caped. According te .lames W. Gillies, n member of the tirm, this is the eighth time !i window has been robbed this jear. GIRL TAKES POISON Recovering In Cooper Hospital, Camden, Frem Effects of Dese Marien Merris, seventeen .vears old. 730 1'ierkley street, Camden, is in Cooper Hospital recovering from poison which she drnnk lnM night. The police say .she took it after n dis pute witli her grandfather. Watchman Wounds Man HebTt Harvey was shot in the abdo men early this morning nt 1'rent nnd (,'nllewhill streets by Samuel Vellnk, a private wntchmim. after Harvey, ac cording te the police, had threatened Tellnk with a revolver. Haivey in the Roosevelt Hospital. The police say l'ellak attempted te question Har vey, thinking he was acting suspi ciously, and that Harvey mil. When Pellnk pursued him. the police add, Haivey drew a revolver.. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES I'ml McC'lutc I", is s, I'milini l nnil Vhte-Li Wnlln.p, l.-.ls ! iplte! n. TIutmnH I' Ki-ine. J71 1 .Vlmter nl . .mil He, en M. l'lanlsui 4S.I I iinensd iive (lenmc II fiinlili VOIT IV'tcrnl t anil 'il.l Klnit. Ji'le N 1.1th si Me i m .saclispr. lltiie'dMi, X. V in'l Annrt 'iulilm m, .111" I' mliiln si Mnhninnl All, 1 1'.'i, N I-'aivn 'I anil l'ler- enre Johnvien. 1 1 Jli N' tnvn st .lullus Thnmufii ii, Ile . lKth El., nnd l.'llhin Jehnn'in. l"S'i seuin s ll".iTt t: Smith I'll'i luemninii m . nnil sin. ih I., Val"iiilin. ii'hlnKien Ii f IlevMvnl J. Mmllsun Tiiteiii, l'.i . and K 1 i 3 - nbelh Weotlrten. H'llmpliurir IV I." lis Kremor n.'3 !' nth i( nml Clnra l.evln. U2H H Hlh t .Iiimi s .1 sjiilvnilnrp ilie, .V inth et . ami Jin I. 0'i!ren, 1 MO 1 S lliiubnlil hi. 's'erlrn f Ilekcr. H.U I'hibtnui st . ami l.ilHsn Peiilltiin li!17 inti in .st. linUrl v, IVm, .'MOft inmaii s . and I Uia . Hceli, Iiirl.j. Pi rrev II, llrunt, Ne'- Lendtm (.'(inn . and Minn U'llli'ir. S71S Kiwlnt! me, Itebnt M. Mrhull lUH II Tleea si and t.i.nnre J, Ilheid9 S2."0 N r.ih t I lin . Oerniun inn lah t ami .M.irgarft M. (JulKlrv, Ull.'i Fligrrald ki l.ilvatere I'ellu n:'H .s nth st and Mnry T' rlunihHii. '.UK .s nth nt .Samuel I, M"it, "an fnrlnir Oar.lnii nt , nnd lll.nirhi' Ilaldlni'r. Ifi7 N mil st Jehn .! It,irknniri' s." Church lin and Melen I: Smith Si! V. HrlrKhurst ht IVhMiid i hit i.JI lith St. and ltese Kl.in 11(311 V Mvitlewntil t 1'. n VV inumiir 7'J7 N .lih st , ,i d UiLctrn Imhln. WI4I N. rth m lfaap Walitencreft 1C7.1 II.trilen si, and Itao HU'ln, 1HJ" Master hi, luviil "ni,riilf 171.1 N" KM m and lluinihc lliilmrn, Ti'll s ,1i hi Leen lliui.K I.'i'.'l ii'Iji live, jnil Violet Newman. 101,1 Bremer n Samuel hukln 3S1II lamlrllee st ,1nd .Minnie nienul .Ml) W .Su'iiutnann i nve. Reduced-Price Sale of Fancy Boxed Papers In euler te elFcet a quick clearnnce of the balnnce of our Fancy llexed Papers ordered in for our holiday trade, we hnve nuidn slashinfr reduc tions in prices. Included in the sale are cenesnfjndcnee card.s ami papers for both ladies and men in many nixes nnd colors. Sonic of the boxes show slight defects from handling. An opportunity te lay in a supply of .standard quality papers ut greatly reduced prices. Calendars, Diaries, Year Heeks, l.ine-U'Day Heeks for 192:1. Weir Mitchell Calendars, an exclusive lleskins pro pre ductinii. ."ii) Hesklnimnn 904-906 Chestnut Street Stationer!, Printer, Engraver (EVENING iPTTBHC .iCBDGER-PBttlJAraJLTHlA: WEDNESDAY. 11,000 MUMMERS 10 BE IN PARADE New Year's Mardl Gras Be "Biggest Ever," Is Tip Will 21 CLUBS ARE ENTERED The "best and biggest ever" n the slogan nf the approaching Mardl Grag of the North, the annual New Wnr mummers parade. .Monday morning, will lie mere than substantiated, when 11,000 frelieers and gambeler.' repre senting (wo'nty-eiio different clubs nnd associations, will engage In their ens ens temnry hilnrieus and olerfu! display. Considering 'he fact last year's pa- rade taw enlv the participation of fuiu - ' teen shooters clubs, the forthcoming parade may well be gnuged n e the ninnerienl display. And ns for the range nnd variety of costumes, the little ad vance information leaking out from the vnileus club liendnunitirs gives premise f, , ... . , I BeineMiiiiR ns startling and Impressive as has ever been seen ou simtlnr ecca- siens in the past The keen cempeiit! leiltlen htween the nil.te,,. organlratiens, at- this yenr hns brought various mummers wn.vs pronounced about nn air of almost unbreakable secrecy. Liberty Club Has 20(H) In point of numerical sfrenglh, ihe Liberty Club, according te what has been nnde known se tnr. will hud nil the shooters' dubs, with some 2000 members in Hue, when the parade start? out from I. read nnd Perter streets ut 9:. 10 o'clock New Year's morning. In cluded in this unit will be five bands and eighteen floats, while the Chntles Klein New Year's Association will set feitii with 1100 men in line In three brigades and with four bands. The Daniel R. Oswald Club, accord ing te their captain, will have 1C00 frolicking members in the pnrnde In nine brigades and with four bands and ten special features. I" rem LaniOOIl Will come nneiner in i the big organizations, the Camden Clowns, who onneunec they will Imve 1500 men capable of competing point by point with the best from this city, while the League Island New Yenr As sociatien, composed of navy yard men, will ti averse the route lrem Perter , j Columbia avenue S50 1 street north te stremr. The Frank Cellins Club has arranged i te hnve 800 men parade in glittering nnd colorful regalia, while one of the noted fancy clubs, the Lobsters, will be along with GOO men, one brigade nntl three bands. Ah the oiliest shooters' organization in the city, founded twenty .vears age. the Sliver Crown, will be the first in line., and when the head of the column moves, fiOO members and three hands will lie In line. Though the display et costumes nnd floats in general will be along established lines, many new fea tures have been provided for by the various organizations. .Monster Cape te Appear One club, however. It wns learned will appear wit h a monster cape. IfiO feet long and forty feet wide, which has just been completed by Mrs. Ti. V. .Murpliv, Kill! l,ast rasw.vunlt nveniie. Fer several months Mrs. Murphy, who has been specializing in mummers' cos tumes ever since the parade was lirst Inaugurated, has been buily nt work with a staff of women helpers ter sev eral months past, and fifteen girls were required te werl; nt once en the giant rape. Folded up it rerjuiies a dozen men te carry it. while Monday morning, when it will be tiufuiled in all its splendor it will take IfiO men (e carry it along the line of march. Anether feature of the display will be n costume of puirls weighing seventy pounds nnd which will be worn by Kdwnrd Harris, of 'JStIS Ormes street, who will march with the Klein organization. Te com plete the cnstuni" it required nearly 0000 pearl buttons of all sizes. A new feature of the parade will be the participation of the Jeseph A. Ferke Club stung band, which has been joined by miinv old-time New Year shooter.-!. "Jee" i-'erke being a vet erun mummer himself. The band will hnve between KH and 12." men In line. The Uumpeinickle Music Hand, of Seranten, will be another new entry ami will compete in the femie group, "while the Hngemnn string baud will he en hand with eighty-live members. Among some of the "old-timers" who will be along, making up in display what thev may lack in numbers, will be the Hilver I Crown, led bv Ciptnin "Jimmie" .Me- ( 1I...1. n I ,!. l..A1. Til...... i ,1.1 . iilimil, iiiiu nn- "ih I wnvr, viil- Timers who will have something te sur prise the onleoilrs. They will be headed by their popular cuptuin, Her- nurd Dougherty. I 4.90 6.90 7-90 8.00 and 9.00, new 4.90 9.00 and 10.00. new 6.90 10.00 te 12.00, new 7.90 Hosiery also reduced NO MAIL ORDERS Quick Service Men's Shep 39 Seuth 8th St. DEFENDS CARRYING 4. PISTOL IN HIS BOOT Physician Says He Wants te Ba Ready for Bandits' Attacks Dr. I'enn Gaskill Skillern, of Shnien Hill, arrested because be bad n pistol thrust In one of his hoots, will uppear before RInglstrnte Itrnsluiw, in City Hall, tedny, and reiterate his nrgu incut Mint the magistrate hns no right te eenflseme the revolver. The physician, n lineal descendant of Wlllinm I'enn, was an cited nt Ninth nnd Walnut Btrects yesterdny when Po liceman Shcnn saw the pistol. "My pistol Is net concealed," he said te Magistrate lteuhtivv at City Hall. "lJcsldeH I think 1 am within my rights te go armed In view of the inwiewiness mat is going en in every . town nntl rity In tbp country. "A gentlumnn t.ever knows when lie will be lipid up nowadays nnd ns I have always been n geed shot f hnve taken this means te protect myself ftem such nttneks." The physician wns allowed te sign his own bend uper. his premise te return for a hearing this morning. The .Mag istrate said he would held t lie pistol pending bis ttudy of the law. CURIOSITY IS COSTLY Man Who Would Be Geed Samari tan Pays for Impulse "Mister, there's u man in Mint mxl I'linui, nii-i- n t until in illllt IHAt ..iipw u, IntlH. i. ln rreuhb-I l.e.n-,1 him groaning," n pedestrian (.aid te tJIebert Grnlgg. of hlOll Cabet sii eel. I wl, htel")7l h!m "' I'arlcn and Noelef streets early this nierning. 1 "Let's go see what we can de for him." agreed Grulgg. A mntnetir nfln I In. I iwi l,ii,n fin. ' tered the alley the ether put n revolver te Grelgg's body, stripped him el nls overcoat and purse, containing S7. and get nvvay with the loot. YARDLEY BRIDGEFREED Ne Mere Tells en Span Purchased by Twe States ,inttine "f 'lirtnf mne tirfiupnt" (.. ci!i. lirlim, mntnl-illa rnltnu'llli. clnscll n,,..i, the freeing nf ' the Hntbore-Hoislmm tiirnnlLe linR iienii ilie frerln nf mil. I ley Ilridgp, crossing the Delaware Hiver nt Yard ley. in the northern seitimi The bridge hns been purchased br the States of Pennsylvania and Nev'v Jersey at a cost of ?07,ri00, fiimi ihe operating company, nnd after the fur- mal transfer of title, no furthei tells will be collected. DRIVER HURT IN CRASH Express Truck Collides With Trol Trel ley at 31st and Market Streets Tl.n .liivne nf .in Amprienn ltiirku oem,)rmr nioteilruck was iuinred and trnllrv traffic wiir held up shortly be- lire H e clock teilnv wlieu the velm ie collided with a lielley at Tliirtv- nist and Market streets William I.ieveck. fil'.i N irih Markm i tlreet. driver of the truck, swung the, vehicle ill front of the westbound tr'dley and wna thrown te the gieuud. Ile was taken te Misericeidia Hospital, i The mere he reflects the1 mere he's pleased with his new R. P. outfit. Finest of fabric; highest type of tailoring; smart i design. I Quality en a par with that of the most expensive tailor. Dress Overcoats, Silk Hats. White Gloves. Dress Ties. Silk Mufflers. Canes. FERRO & COMPANY D ' egers Peel Clethes Exclusively Chestnut St. at Juniper Beginning Tomorrow, December 28th Semi-Annual SHOE SALE for MEN & WOMEN TN both Women's and Men's Shoes the past Season afforded wonderful opportunity for originality in lines and materials. Niederman creations were unappreached in the city at any price, yet were always one te two dollars below anything of like grade. Bear this in mind and you will realize the values we arc offering. Women's Street & Dress Beets MlEDERMAN 930 Chestnut St RESCUES HER BABY JUMPS FROM ROOF Mr3. Mary Velpe Suffers Broken Leg at Fire in Heme en Seuth 12th Street I GAS EXPLODES IN BAKERY ' After lesi'iilnz bee three-venr-elil .daiiGhter. rn.-v .lerin n iirr. t their " - apartment eaily teilaj, Mrs. I.llv Velpe. lf!02 Seuth Twelfth street, was compelled te jump from the reef when Annies cut off escape by win of the stairway. Mr Velpe broke) liei right leg and was taken te St. Agnes' Hospital. Twe ether injured persons aKe went te the liesplt.il. The first fleer of the building was occupied by the hardware store of Michael Capalettl. Mr. Velpe. her husband nnd three children occupied an apnrtment en the third fleer, while n second-fleer apartment was occupied In Mr. and Mra. heenuid Abulucei i ml two children. Tim Hn. u-lileli fimspil ST.'i(M) ilainnge. started lu the cellar and quickly spread through the building. Mrs. Velpe wns awakened b smoke. H. nieused her husband and chil- (r,,n .1( ,.nrrled Mnrv down the smoke-tilled stuirwav te the stieet I While Mrs. Velpe was groping her way I out her husband threw u blanket ever 1 his daughter Anna nnd carried her te safety down n rear stulrwu.v I'uuware Mint Anna had been saved. Mrs. Velpe uguin entered the binning building, nnd with gnat difficulty made her way te the childien's bed- I room. Shouts from the street assured her l but her etlur daughter had been saveil. Ml'S. VelllO tllell llttelnlltCll te le.lV'e Mil house by way of the atnii way, but the flames had giilned such headway Mint , Mils was Impossible. She wns driven te 'the rear of the lieubc, which was filled I ' with meke. , ! llaeape was cut efi in all directlei s nnd Mis Velpe made her way te n j rear reef. Her husband, who into taken care of both children, shenud in i ,hc:' te jump. Mr-. Velpe did e audi tell In a crumpled bean. AliuliiK'i and bis wlte saved thin- two ibildren en the seiend fleer. Iteth weiei burned en the hands nnd arms in of . ' footing the lewues. They were alie taken te St. Agnes' Hospital. Business Forecast for 1923 With Hur.lne.ss i Conditions 2 Map. SIX HUNDRED trained businew observers scat tered throughout the U. S. have just reported pres ent and expected condi tions in their territories te Archer Wall Douglas. On the day before The Natien's Business went te press, he telegraphed ns a difrest of the 600 reports. His digest, with Map, is en page 30 of the January number, which you can get from your newsdealer for 25c. rit8 is the ar ticle rhlch ercry year causes se much comment and discussion. (10 ethrr business nrtkl'.s, editorials and departments ln the January Issue, alae ) " j i DAVID It. KOROAN. Preiitlent National City Bank, Chleajre. aays. "IU editorials nml busl ncnH nrtlclcs are no reliable and RUthoritntlve Hint no luttness man en afford te orrrleolt them. I, therefore, heartllr com iminii the magailue te all bust nwi mfn." 25c a Copy Three yean for $7.50 raMltdrd Dr U. S. Chamber of Commerce Mill Bide. Waihinrten 3.85 & 5.85 Were 10.00 te 15.00 nmrnm Tim&Ss5L&' x I '?i5-S'?' imiH rtBni i ii in ill DECEMBER 27, , 1922 BROTHER IS ACCUSED Arrested en Charge of Stabbing Jehn Tartulme During Quarrel 1 .lelin Tiirtitlme, !K)!I Tasker street, Is ip St. Agnes Hospital with n knife ' t s.nit.l til ttlfi l llfvui Ufa lttnlmt IfUUlllI V in - -! UlUllltlt Stephen, is umirr nnest charged with the stabbing, .lehn I,, net expected te .. The police of I lie Mernmciisllnr live- line and Dhkinsen street station nrr trying te learn the rensen for the stubbing. GUARdTnGMaTn LINE FROM MEASLES MENACE Parents Advised te Watch Children Closely for Ailment 8ymptems Precautionary measures are being employed by the Heard of Health of Lewer Merlen Township te prevent the spread of measles along die Main Line. A statement Issued tedny by the beard advised parentH te keep ibildren home from day school and Sunday school when the children show .symp toms of n fold, dry or sere threat, red ness of the eve or it cough. "Cull jour physician curly und keep your Will ilien out of iiengesteil plncch. such us the ineving-riictiiie iheutrf.." contin ues the benid'H warning Scheel teach ers are lequcsted te be especially me ful te exclude child) en from school who hae any catarrhal svmpteins or the slightest indention of fever. Conditions nietig tin Main Line are described li.v the beard us by no means setleus" at pii-scnt. CAMPBELL UNDER KNIFE ...... ..... . . . Hegister ei wins, victim ei uioeoi Poisoning, Operated Upen Itegister i.f Wills Campbell, who wns operated en last night nt St. Man's Hospital in nn effort te re - lieve bleed poisoning, developed from u Fer some time it had lnen xi' ti.l pimple en his hand, is expected te leave J Mint Senater Pepper would In mi; about i the hospital today. The operation was the appointment of Mr. MeKeehnn. who pel formed by Dr. William V. Kelly. I Is wecri'tary of the Stnt Heard nf Law i Mr. Campbell tirst noticed the infee- ' examiners'. First opposition te the lat li" n two days age The condition lie- ter nine from the illy leues, nn'l mnv came acute jesteiduy He lives at 281." I It is understood that Mr Vin-e is nls,, (.mil stieet. THE FINEST ENGLISH FRENCH AND AMERICAN PLATES IN MANY STYLES AND PATTERNS Service Dinner Entree Dessert Sevlad Finger Bowls and Bread and Butte n Plotters Closing hour five o'clock On New Year's our third year in 4 i9L Jl1 te our depositors First Penny Savings Bank Jehn Wanamaktr, Founder 1343 Chestnut Street 21st & Bainbridgc Streets j J-WKKJJeXXSli The Matchless g Grand Pianos If you wish the pink of perfection in Music 8 and Art Cases-see our array of beautiful. j Matchless Cunningham Grand Pianos, g On Payments as Yeu Wish It. IT PAYS TO THINK! PIANO lith and Chestnut Sts. ,. , lPn Evening (Kictery: flOth and 1'nrkside Aenue) Wt ate the Only i'iane Manufacture Selling from Factory te Hern Direct PINCHOT CONFERS ' WITH ROBERTS HERE J i Fellows Meetilie-s With Lawyer V.I.WT.- 0 j en Appointment ei rview Attorney General SEE UNUSUAL IMPORTANCE Governer-elect I'liiflnit arrived here' from Ids home in Milfeid this after- ! neon nnd nt once went into confluence j with Owen .1. Roberts. I The lawyer nnd the Gnvi-rum elu I hnve bad several ceiifeient e en ether ofensiens when Mr. Tim-hut wa" m the city and was isnifeiTing witli hvvveis with lespect te the big question of Atternev General , the new chine, Anether win. will eon fer with Mr J'liiehet this .ifternoeii is .Mnjer il- jintii G. Murdoch . et .Milten, fetmer State adjiit'iiil of the Aineiiiini Lrgmn for the Department of I'elitis.v lvaiiiu Mr. I'llifhntV visiting list will I. vei.v limited this week. ' that it I- fell eiicli i ellfetein e will have mere I linn the iibiial impertntif e Interesting in uiuni'clien Willi iclk revolving nbeut Mr Roberts N n i.- pert fi.ni. Washington that C,.,g m""..vsir:..!r. "?!,s'!..,,,...:' ,,,.'!.v::.ri' ,."Bv.....'.-..n'. - "-Vitier et hi . ..IWI .,.iuu. I'. ..,...- .J. ........ ..,,,,., recemmeiiii ine nppeinrniciir in w,i. ii..:.i t m.i... t M..I.-... i . . ,.-.. . . 1 . . ' . 'l , '""" ', :.'",""' "" me iiuiiiiiiiiiiii uuiji .ii . .-.m-m .imuki- for the Ltistern District ..f IVnnsj). vftiiin. Mr. M.-Keehnn is a hieihImm I the law tlrm of whnli Mi ltelnri l i t.i:.l i r l'.,l i I...I.... i the head. .opposed te .Mr. MrKoehau App.n Day we begin the payment of Per Cent 1 I i I y t' y Cunningham til Vl. t 'Inlklnr Miirhliiri, nt Itrilurrii I'r l ri ee y y I'enna, Famous let v. 4 ii- ently, (lie combined dry-Vnre opposition tins nntl tun erreet-er iieiumr imrK'ere In favor of Mr. Mclveehaii. -Mr. .VaiA' is in Washington today nntl will ptofe' nblj confer with Senater .IVpl'cr l nil effort te tench u spiipreiitlse x In some quartern, tin' drive ngnlnst Mr Melvcelmn was interpreted n part of a movement te bring tlnrt.w' A Mnekej into tire hmeliclit 'hi n cflndl date for the judiciary. Mr. Mnekfjr I l""w liiilriiiiin of Hie Werkmen'B tim I iiensiitien Heard ,, ..., 1f: un. uuuc nnnc jhim. ie I French Exponent of Aute-SuggM"' $,$ I il. t r..ii rr.i,n eAnlu ",?'. I M I.-. ..III.. '...... ,l... r,. ..,.!. ,,h,.nln !i j 'It 1JIMIII.J "III , lill' I i , in ii vA'-y of nuto-suggestien ns n means of rTurlnjt , physical lll, will lecture in fhi-j city I en Jinitiiiry Ifi. it was learned today. Delimit' airanguiicnts regarding the place where he will speak have net been made. . Dr. Cene is srliedilleil te iirrive at N'evv Yerk en .Iilliunrv I He sails trm ('lu'ibeiin; mi the .Majestic te- morrow. J"-, WaSct llP. ,, ,,, Mj),,.k (er niispiec'l. et , ,, i).,,lKrK , ,. Americnn Rote , j.jH,.,,. He , ,, s ,(,k,. two addrewiei , ( ,.u,nn, ' MAM rCO rnniUI PAC MAN Dlte PKOM UAb i "" i Jacob Majer Found In Roem With Open Jet i , . ., , ,,,,, ,,.. ,.. ... , , '"'I .;. . L ' T' '' J3 ,,,,,,,, I Will'- '.II'. I "I"., I........ . nnln j.,l,t' , ,,, i1,n.lirniliir ll"i mi i-nreuii i , I lermaii Webww ,wln Ine.i witli bin r,uiitil Afnt. alX I "'' "' ' " . ; t , jn ;l .imir, ,t, the gas peurln , t(l (. ,, frm a ( , tllut wng ealI .)lrlh ,.,,, The poll.. ibml: tlm ileetl n.a necldentnl i PERRY'S SUPER VALUE PRICES for Suits and Overcoats of Fine Quality and only fine quality $ 28 '33 38 '43 Xe ether store any' where can approach these Super - Values by m a n y dollars. L e e Ic everywhere. Compare the quali' tics and the prices. PERRY & GO. Kith and Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for HI en pw J Consistently Geed ! y rJ Coffee i ', y y y i $ y y y r" ) j? I J a. L3U3U Vv un- J'i ..,-(),,(. Brand'S -w...- il,uil., .11(1 t '"" '- flip you ilr.uir;. hi nil mir Stere? 3 H n I -v in wP&' CO J-- :l w ie. vs I J) X V KXXXX: s5M55p5e5 .vjxxvexxfxv' ,xx ,C w -i vM.-vvfei