rct"7 atjT" ivv":' -c.. "fF7"""T" TU V'-"''!''-? "-H-j'iVifV J -p,vr,5 a w f'lm T'l"r7Jn '- -': a 3 7 'rf EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA; WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1922 7jft Subconscious Courtship A modern woman' extraordinary L"Am Amp iem rem fafcrte. " iiif wtA Ar W h told in thi, faetinating nevl By BERT A RUCK Auther of "The Wrong Ur. Wright," "The Arrant Rever" Ste Copyright, 1111, Dedd, Mead a Ce. rim's WHO IN THE STORY CLOVER EWnimTONB. charm charm Itiveung widow, who hat inherited a uAeiintti. Harried by relative and l4i who want te tpend her money, iSnlter who cant te marry her for i v, decide) te marry a 'huehand for && $' fd & "the h"P"" "it&'lt HARRY CARMWItAEL, irri War veteran, man of personality, ,t engineer who ha invented a new mill, te finance which he agrees te attir'i "ttrictly butlncit" propeti- ROBBUARY MEADOWS, Clever', miitn. e pretty girl of the period. "uRS. MEADOWS, aunt,, who hat Jritndtd Clever in advemty and la Uevered with faven. BAXDAL, younger daughter, a t'ffJi'nOLT, big, geed-natured cap, Uihfully in love with Rosemary. Wannest Glew of Passion EACH punt, skiff, ennee, wns blos soming with the sunlit roses and yd liK and whites and oranges ami near Ms of sunshades, summery hats, Much, (hint, frocks. This, remember, wts tin- summer chintz frock ; half tkeSlrlsen the river were the windiest fabrics ever designed for curtains and loefC rovers; fabrics trellised, be flowered, pictured with birds nnd Idittf nnd Helies of every shape and ibde Impossible. The effect, sewn en the blue-gray of the stream nnd bor dered by willow green, was that of one iwme'ving rainbow jazz. Why no mey sny mm as it iinuen ten British have no color?" Clever heard that question put by lerae girlish Amcricnn voice In a neigh boring punt of the gay flotilla around tbn. Hhe caught some ether stranger's liwer "It's because of our climate. That inbtle veil of island mist Is drawn ever the gayest garmenting of our crowds en our brightest summer day. Don't you ttaliie liew that's repeated in the Hrit lih voice and the misleading llrltish manner? Always that tinge of restraint, ibeve wildcat splashes of gaycty ; warm Mt glow of passion " Clever's nnuttered comment. ''Wns Harry's manner se 'misleading'? Could be have lieen gay? Could he hnve bfn p.issiennteV Hut why de I think ef him all the time like this I will let. Net once again today " TJint voice within her seemed te whlper. "Net once today shall he irep nut of your thoughts'." Voices of hawkers in bniges ciied "PregremV Official pregrem and guide? t Hubbies, pretty bubbles for the bout; buv a bubble for the beat? PregremT Fruit, any fruit? Fresh morning gathered strawberries mil Knglish cherries. Pretty bubbles! Checlit! fresh nerning gathered " Agnln Clever did net hear them. Voices of minstrels "Swannec: nrnnnre ! and n kitchen where the rimbler-reses twine. I'm gcttin' tired of playin' second fiddle, plnyin' lecenil hddie te you. uv Iwve, Indies el'lest stiiL-er you The Hiver of Years ! Tin Gee-gee ! Leve's Old Seng! The eldest singer GUMPS Sentimental Uncle By Sidney Smith nnd gentlemen ! en .tne course; your The Sing away from her nnd In ihn fleui. ti,t w,C.i?.Vn n,Bn, whesc Arm 'i'"" ...... u.. , morning nnunted her mind. Her husband, Harry Carmlchncl ! Fer nn ttiftfniif bim i...i.. i. . be part of the dream; an hallucination, a hnutit. ' Hut no. There wns no mistaking him; there wns time te leek wen nnd truly at him ns his punt made its away along en the offside of the pack Of beats. hnek Imvnr.l ttnl ii.i.i and the Islands. ' ' That punt contained three extremely cheerful looking young men in worn um.ers. Twe of them punted. The third li.nm.il for,,.,, .1 I, nil.... it!.. blazer was that of the Old H. IVs': hlS Dine Stllck (lilt hntrvnnr. I, I., ll. nnd the sun blazed arrogantly golden m,i inn uncovered nemi. V,,' -V0M- u ,vns Hnrrv. I lOVer S eVPN fnulnnn.l ,,.,.. .1.... gleaming head of his: they followed ll " sun past, nacKed hv the greenery and roses of the Henley bnnk. until parasols and Panamas and awnings nnd punt-poles came between, nnd he wns swnllewed up in thnt colored, rippling cretonne of the river crowds. Then, njjnin, Clever saw nothing mere of the crowds, the races, Hip exi cltement and the stir. It seemed te her ns If she would never sec anything again but these shoulders leaning forward, that golden thatched head under' sunlight, sliding past, slipping away from her. Harry ! If only ! Meantime whnt about Cnriulclmel himself? He had net even seen, his wife. He had been tee much occupied. And for the next three dnv he was still occupied chiefly with thnt punt of his. A striking centmst w'ns she te the two splck-and span punts of the Hell-' party. Ne dazzle-cushions here, no nmscel no bubbles for the beat, no picnic contraptions from Asprc. .lusi nn old tub of his pre-war lieliilnvs! Camiichnel had bethought himself' of her. early this summer: he had run down te the beat-house where she linil lain for years forgotten, had found her dilapidated but water-tight, and had put her into commission again. She wns new his summer home. A couple of pests, stein and stern, could be erected In n few minutes, a light ridge pole lny In the slings, the ninviii tent ing was neatly folded behind the locker, and there wns Imh reef. The dining room was amidships: its table a pair of beards. The seullcrv was forward, the larder an old hamper, and the beer wns kept cool b hanging it outboard in the liver. The whole craft seemed full up ns n glps.i's cart with i llsteve. kettles, knit-bags, rugs and blankets, white-eiHimeled mugs, tinned feeds, and terrier dogs but there w'erc three striking enough looking men in it. A Stag Party Fer young O'Hrien right linnil of the great Cox could have stocked a wardrobe with his lutcrimtielinl cups. His friend Hcnty, also of the Air Ministry, sported that preudc-t of all Henley badges, no matter hew sliabbj the old I.ennder blazer ami tie. As for their host Cnrniii'lund'n phsiiiie had drawn plenty of eyes besid'-s thus., of his wife as the punt passed. SO NOV) KHOWi KNfcM, ri-rs- re UV T-V&i , 1 OW NS- ONCE trt fv NW.- sue VUOHKED VM.t efc. Mt tue MM 0J UlVTU 'tU: OtvAfc. VJt&VKXJ s v - " vv mp e ws. ei veV- k vjvvx- HQi WMQVO UNCt. ITS OVXVM N SMOKX WWc A60 THN"X Ttfe. LOMt BVXs "TOOX N BVG CME.VW OUT O OM- VWSrJ Mr Rises sienmvM- QS 7. DOVl'T VJJOR.V MJOUT Mc- t VNt A.V LESSON- VLL VltMt. OW CfiM sTKe. r4 hAH WZMz-K - A.N& V OOW'T THNK AMSQOtM MU- TlVKt WOUR 9V.NCC M Wfctt. Vb.T tXMt.. wvut THT CE C NOV) 50VJtiM-T Hfe. V.ST- j Mfflm.jJ StbM SM fffflr 'III! I i SOMEBODY'S STENOG- Who's Running This Office ' n l!g t f I By Iluywurd BUT r?EALiy-MlSTEf? I OH IT VVttS. 5MlTHEr?S -Yen SHOUlDT -,UST A Tf?FLE HAVE BEEN sSe AVIFULiX i MlSS OFLAGb. EXTRAVAGANT 6NIH& rdMOAIEYSVe All )b Girls jewelry oed lvi,us Fer CHRiSTWAs.' r l1--! Idle. MY! m fact itsexilya part of ay PLAAis for THE Place here T VXAMT Te MAKE ALL OUR EMPLOYS FE&L SATISFIED -AHEM-ESPECMLLY THE MOST DESE(?Vi6 0- . rjl m rsj At TOR FbPPER- I THIWkTHE Really PUT MB. HERE Te 8RIAJ6 SOME AODERAJ IDEAS )AiTe THE WORKS the Old Gemts CLEver at pckiaj6 UAJ6 BLOOD. H THE OLD GEAITS CLEVer? AT PtCKtJ6 MKfe I YiiaiA BLOOD. J - BEa I V ' V w I K i0s' yJpMGTL UaW N. 95. kumm EH- HE HICK-ED L" 1,Z & flKnfc3r " - C ssr- -- - i u. ii rr iKVJBJii -J-m i s i -v r e I'll VrA iBiwft ix V Tvf sT ztsS ) T7 i? - r . , -- awv .flWBPBf- wi ll in i ii i sarv fyy "tei iL!llsiL - jtksiJ ffZWmmWm,K J'Jr09!H'lSa t"-'rr,.. . c i : i . r- ' nmmm ttsw j v a i 5sfc-iS-' MunramLwm v. mm m- 'll& n : -'"i ,v llll ii -r "eflii , x- " - i cJs it&- 'its -4jr -z g I " J5;: ":NiJ-wjgls I cTvri'ht- '" P"1 " $&' f ' ? A I ,, S7- L'if r. lZZrJ?&P' J) The Yeung Lady Acress the Way Clever did net hear. Tiling! Anether pistol-shot. Mere riii'i. Again the launch going by with tbf iiniieiincement of which crew bad wen, by what lengths. Then with banjo-twanging nnd piano itriiiaining there struggled down slow ly hi and out among the punts the cen-ewt-p,irt's barge with the banner Wtfred : "The Londen Hospital. Help us te Kfi Afloat I" Abetitdi voice. "Spare something for the liunpltal. Indies and gentlemen': (Play up, Saunders ") "Oh. y'll ink' the high read. An" I'l tnk' the low lead. " Clorer did hear that. Peer Clever! There wns the cbiukle of coins in an UMtrrtched fishing-net thrust here and thfre among the throng. The net jin flM across her lap. "Thank you. madam? Something ter the hospital?" "I've no mere money,'' said the jenng woman who had been Klphlnstnne Brethers. "Jim, will you put in an thtr sixpence for mcV" And she thought of a pound-note tint she had once crushed into the palm of n wheedling gipsy in Hich Hich wericl I'nrk. Unrry liad been there te cold hrr then. "Heed luck!'' the cry rose us , pop ular irew rowed past, uu lewanl rhe iUrtlng-tinint. "(neil luck " a k....:... : , i ': '" n uiunn iiiit ur mj iiiiiiee iiem m gleam uwii s-crew lewai'il tlic well-wishers n the boom : there wns a flash of white rtli. a quick grin of thanks as tin itht xent by. .Clever, wntchiug. Udt senseleh tears riic te her eyes and te her secret heart ww senseless thoughts ' What these boys mothers must feel ' e them in their beat! 1 shall Dfrer see a haby-bej. He would "k umi kh nniidseme witii such cv- In these days Carmirhael thought of her both seldom and ulwus. That is te say, quite a let of his time was still taken up bj telling him-elf thnt he had get ever all thai madness. That was wbj he had put the old punt into commission, te forth) him self witii n-Mriatiius thai doled fiein long before he had cvei -et feet in the office of .Mrs, Klphiiistene of Klphln Klphln stene llrethers. That old life of swim ming, punting, runninc In vheits along the tewpatli and doing the washing up eunelf niter ii'als w.is geed I'lmugli. He was a bachelor, even if he were still a mnnied man. lie didn't want te marry anybody else, and. as he told himself, that madness of his was ever new. That was w by hi- had gene ever te Hatfcri.cn and bad chosen from among the lest dens in tint home l'cter. ' ,f oil ln..!illu ill.. hWlL, ill.tlltltn, .,) , ,1 I 1 . I ,F III! ".., Vl.S ',,, llll'-l ' 'MIJJM' " ',' "Mil recurrently lest. Pld his new wor shiped mist-r ili''Mipis'ar ler two mm -utes from his sight, l'cter was lest once mere. l'cter could lese hitnsell three times between Henley Hai1wa, I station and the Itnval Hetel. l)all I l'cter sought for death under the . wlieelt of meters or the jaws of bigger dogs. Forever was I'eter in the wnj. between Carmicfiael's feet or si retched out upon the packets of pioiiens Heurlj Cnimli'hael threatened le send hack te these people al llaiti'isen hi- lepleiablc tiargaln tllieut em of intelligence nils Vtcr--!iit he 1d el much, ami al niglit lie lny ucainst Hairi Cnniiichael's breast. "tint of the waj. Idiot." muttered j his master new s I'eter blocked tin !., ..r .lln .i..L i- liltli. nil i.lmn li I imh (Hup, "! 1',, .iin'i; ,,... .ii i....i ! grabbed the deg up bodily and pitched him en te the heap of rugs and blan kets that were the nlghl much of three men. This was new en the feiuth da of the visit te him of plcnl) and O'Hrieii: tliey weic lunching al iheii liathlng Christmas Excitement in Teanerville FOSTAIXE FOX The iiiiiiz ladj aciess the way says she's taken out an accidenl Insurance pelicj , hut it would be just her luck never el bur,. VeRYertE HE TfVftD T eN , BIT Geed AMD HARD wm&h i-er pu-rry, thc village. eoer-uBcaeR. , vioeuo come, op ame whisper. : tc feOUO YeO JeirJ ME. IK A little Xmas Cheer. ? rw,i. S4 Elmer. Wu. Gesina 21 fmW'Wf G.VE HIM A sis 5 " Vyflf " ' ffllli fff 12 .1 v.S'- tfM" ,' f .it J CH ftii -M, SCHOOL DAYS VeOrt. MOfrtfcll. HAi Lr I Hta uiftr-icnD' Rwd em -we- eaessen. Tiahe. n we 3tnTcu vjp -:- ; Din i; em vt messerL. iH I, J j (l Mjfj Uffl TAHE.lT WD 5tRTCW vjp THcL- , iHH j jjjjl J, III, i I'l P'ATeSLrASS imoew. Wetn.(l iB ' ,' ' I III I ,SVSTft'S ftS. SO s-BN-B- MC7-EQ- BV J, kVIAf. I'M CeTflMO WORSE. AN5 , I fl ' x ' I. iSS IPUA-i' -r Tie r-jiuv . .F-. -ay fty- - PET EY That Makes It Thirty-three and a Third All Around Illlli tft m. ,lllt l. 1 I 11 111 ' IllHll . Ili". tI'M' Hill' KMIM " ' Voice of the Kternnl .Tim- "I sai -1'"1 stu"' Hrlen.' , what nbeut lunch''" ' 'Hrlen looked up lien, the tin Thl ti,r,.i, :.. -:.i.... i , sandwiches thai lie was luu-Mug in This tlimiBht liad eri.lentu- e ,. t. ' sandwiches thai he was hacklu iny punting-parties at the same me- tl"'pr- ,"' r ,'"' ' V""1,"! '?'M' ernr, incsei 11111111:11 uiniuisii no Scarcely vns the l.L'ft race ever than tre broke out a far-spread com cem com ntlen, bumping, reshiftlng of beats. Are you going en new, sir. ".ell take their place. 'Ware . . W ,lu,-T (,en,t comp 0I "" thr"' 1 ,. ..' "fg .veur pardon. Catch e!d there. Oh, sorry! It's ?v "''.J1'"- ' ' .'Wnip skiff! "are skiff! a Ocenns of room ever !VV ,' Jell5' w," Kt"y "here we 'rV1 lll.ln,- Nl,w then. i 1 l,re,p '"" n elntter of cutlery "'I glass heing unpacked : the -rustle of Mr, the N)ft p,)))piIIK f rerkMi T))r wmferllng smell of feed mingled with '""ver-smells of pleasantly dank fhl, of gnsnllne from the launches, of (""scent drifting down from the sun t Jibiir of Pliyllif. Court. People m W( Hniid a prattling hail of .'""ling ever-- Ih tliU hnni I. into A nd he fetched these " Anether packn. of envelopes tied leiind with string, dropped into Cai-michael's htunl. yl.ei tcr. Nene for me or Heul. You've all the luck, Carmichael. ' "I.uck, indeed," grunted his host "who wants te waste the last day of Henley rending business letters?" lie stuffed the string-wrapped bundle into his blazer pocket and turned from the stove. "There geei Uton geed luck. Kten " "Geed luck" Here (I Hrien in terrupted himself in mid-shout. "I mij, leek!" he exclaimed stiddenlj . "I'p then' behind you, Cnrmichnel. ' Ills friend turned, raised ills bend, saw whnt had caught the ether man's glance first. "Pretty," exclaimed Carmichael in n tone as' whole-hearted as the gue of Peter's fend hi own e.w-s. i.oeKs top Hi-- JBl I MEIL. yrvfAS IS OVER- AMO 1 haveu't EWOOGH COtW UF"v Te HAVE MY OLD STraaw HAT CtUAWED- M0WEVEKy I 6"AV& "The- ciris what "THEV VslEWE MOHER- IUC feR ALt-NEAt AWD (HATS OOME- iHIMG TflEV'RE. SATISFIED imuf . -V. T 'V-JSN I 1 in1 1 11 f, yr- 1 lifMAOEC, HOWS ) tJB ti-STtU KEEPIMC Y r- "I ('. Veifht I EyCMAWCED IvAT fOv2- ,This Fur Ceat -AMD 100V PEfTeV OEAP, . 1 (TOTTM WlWC IHSICAO efThs .He-ckiacc mi 1 J 1 J . ""s ' v fei , U VsfELL wrut-, I WATS me I sAS VsfOWQET?IUf. MOV.' I COUCD lT)spl.AW 3WAPPIHGTPA7T?s'cr- -CICA1? Hoieer.Thg:v gave me fei."THis PtPt " " I ll. 1 .1 . " " I 'mJ ! iN "J'ni1R for xw' thnnUs. ipillBi doesn't she?" I .,, ""'it s this; Lennder creiiiu? 1 l-01. pu,r face en the liver wns new Thni. ' " . .'." "" -' ciirbHc-rewi M tinned le hemetutlig nun nung mc an te 1 ..'",".' ,.nwf"lly. 'nt .kind of MengntuI soap bubble; faint and fairy fairy 'eni'lng er..iV',lll,H if ,.0,,n ,n "' . like, as if a iml had been detached from KV h,, .."m5:!1 ""mi1, "'.",nl 'l"'l,"'r. against tlie blue. Bonsai,!,. ."-T' ,-V",l"r- Uh- Helow the 1 -i- "lis a bewildering Whtr 1m"!' .rV t0..'!rl"k '" kaleidoscope of the bobbing balloons of ( Inrnt r. . . u the c llllllr.r ll, ft 1,1, u!. ... 1.... ... nftnl.i 1 "inn- in vr inn no our Inn. . V0 guessed hew violent was her Jr. MrlKF1''. and hew proudly she nfi protesting. "Ne! I won't be the S , T,,,, lel"ghtful party, this Thp."1,, tlay all this pageantry. feiL"1"11 nnt sern Just background f. one miserable girl who's feel enough ik.'it ? en,lnK hrr ''ert out for n man M1 never see ngnin " that moment it bnnnened. f Jtl1 ""Prepared, she lifted her eym nS . 1 r,nr,1,'en'''i Plh'tc full of cold PV nnd snlad en the tnble laid across r , "ic's threw .i. ....miA.1 ,01111s. red trnlt .1 ml imccii Mt in' !iun-"i ,.i.'.. . .-.. .... ..... -- n...; "-.' . "'" '"aiiing eiie nni . ,,,., ..Hi dnr.llng geld, lilt .,.--',,- ,' ion rn cnuf men.- r,.nn Hft,- ' . . . . . inn ehsestl.,,. ,.r 11 '1. ... ' 1 - iiImivc tne'i' circled and tinned the ir.mc cluster from which the sclleis replenished their sleck; but thiH bung eier them like the roc, that bad laid these eggs. lined like thistledown, pallid, tjnin tjnin neus, gigantic, next te the clouds she wus the largest thing between e-irth nnd heaven. Faintly the hum of h.-r engines descended; the misty Hath of her pro pellers could be seen. Her gondola seemed mere n.ntchbexes. One wondered that man could innnagn and handle nnythlng no vart teke her up, bring her down, make her secure. CONTINT'KD TOMOnnOW GA SO LINE A LLE Y Labeled r x Ts. .. 1 mm T-TUfJ WW r" " ' ( 1 ' lS mm -J YW rs--a. st riJ I - - y a 1. J"' "Urn" 'H immWWmmmmmWm,Jmm1J smWOTJO I III mmzJi'i 5CTiac"T SKEEZIX, THAT'S THE FIRST TOY I'VE EVER SEEN VOU PLAY WITH FOR MORE than ten minutes 1MIEP HUP fflltY 1 .mr L JmT mt r I C2CD I? .QDQD0QU11 kkx; JiJf .WOOoenr i? Cta. s-L Z Patra d 5 ifZr HE'S GOING S. (fmf TO BE A REOULAR IllAJ pal te YOU. what J s3. YOU GOltSG TO J V.HAME HIM? f N J kmimwtf " "Tfiar (ffey - PAU) - SEE.2IX HA PlCVsEO A NAME. MOTHER n i PAU By King Api y s f m Liyp KlK 17 rfiSSk 'm' " LW why op 5 -r&A. VETY THVNG J yS A 1 - .Ay tf- v 1 i