Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 27, 1922, Night Extra, Page 21, Image 21

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    Jlipg ''4MK;
praSByiKiasjTTO? w' w-mw .'4w, .jpjjtij
Miss Florence Allen
Is Answer te Criti
cism That Politics
Abrades Inherent
Feminine Traits
JVee Betide An
Bess or Besses Whw
Try te Influence or
Intimidate This Ju-,
dicial Jean of Arc
Elected Because the
People Believed in
Sincerity of TAigh
Purposes Shown in
What will be the effect upon the
idministratien of justice of newly
enfranchised woman's invnsien of
the higher courts of America?
Will she tear away the veil which
has blinded the eyes of the goddess
'hreugh the centuries?
Or will the ponderous wheels of
the legal machinery grind en into
the future without perceptible
change in the mechanism?
Perhaps the answer te these ques
tions will be found in the future
actions of Miss Florence Alltsn, who
takes office January 1 as a member
of the Ohie Supreme Court, the first
woman In America te occupy such a
In the race for political distinc
tien Miss Allen holds two ether
'firsts." She became the first Cem
men Pleas Judge in the county when
elected te that position two years
age in Cuyahoga County, 0. She
was the first person running inde
pendently of party connections te
,un a place en the Ohie Supreme
Ohie's new Supreme Court Judge
seems a living answer te the criti
cism that politics and office-holding
will detract from the inherent finer
inaractensncs or a woman.
Determination Is One
of Her Characteristics
Possessing a faculty almost te the
neint of a dual personality, she has
handled her court cases with a grim
determination net exceeded by her
male competitors. At work or durintr
professional hours she is rcstless,
brief te the point and gruff te the
extent that makes her almost un-
'ecegnizable when a few hours later
he throws off her official duties.
Interviewed, she answers ques
tiens quickly but in detail, at the
iame time keeping up separate con
1 crsatiens with as many as three
or four persons besides the inter-
If, as has been true since she
ecated in Columbus, she is particu
larly busy, she seems, at times, te
forget entirely the interviewer in
the interest of ether conversations,
but invariably comes back te the
subject under discussion, with an air
of having never wandered into new
fields of thought.
But find her alone, the rush of a
hard day's work ever, and she is
again the woman, discussing triviali
ties in a manner entirely foreign te
the Judge of a few hours before
and bringing up topics of conversn cenversn conversn
Men which would have sounded
trangely incongruous te her ether
Judge Allen is a Democrat, n
party Democrat" she calls herself,
'ut she ran for Supreme Court
'udge and was elected by n sub
tantial majority as a non-partisan
andidate, just as she was elected
'udge of Cuyahoga County.
"The Constitution provides for n
' en-pnrtisian judiciary," was her
'eclnratien, "and I feel that strict
adherence te that Constitution pro pre
dibits cither nartv from havinc
Jdicial candidates. My candidacy
'" a fight te establish the nen-pnr-'fcanshin
of the Sum-eme Court and
1 feci mv election has nlnced the
tamp of public approval upon the
'iea "
"Besides," hhc added, thereby
cemingly giving place for the in
lant te her feminine self. "I could
'let have wen the Demecmtic neni-
va.cjiir,' .i iM;JyBfl-r nKWs. -itt
of the Mif- Jfl rA I uMiwJ5--5?!! "Y
'"""""" "" i & -sSss'O-'- ---O55i-Oi l try tn establish that pi inciple. and Enid , cheerful
.. ...,.! : Tt' UJOS - s- I
i suimi lime v--s --- -s -s- eJ
vZss-e -" - - -r
' T -" s - 7 great disappointment "Of course, we
mj --" ( r. -
. fp ry i) rr ,
r i
I ! ' 1
V !
' ! ! I
! I '
! '
X .y.
I erni lerins nun i mult a great inter-
est in Imlli his lrg.il i.iws and ln c.im-
I lulglis, Se It VVIls llllt 11(1 1 U rill for ii... I .
.... J 1.1
. I
I am a Democrat; but the Democratic
leaders of Cuyahoga County have
never interfered with me, even in
the slightest degree. They have
been absolutely square with me and
I consider them leal men. Hut I
have seen Republican leader even gnn, '" b" "",1 ,100t
tell the Judges they had elected
whom they must appoint as ceuit
bailiffs. It made me fuiieus, I'll
tell you. Ne political boss could
tell me whom te appoint.
JCight in my own case is im cuun- '
pie of why the courts should lie out of
politic!. When n judge ilics or resigns
ami who mil te-ll u lien I may le
cither? tlie very bailiff of the court
becomes the prey of political '-polls-men.
Ne matter hew pond a bnllift lie
may have lieen, h" is kicked out lie
cnupp the politicians lnne ilciinuilril iliis
job for einc lieni'linuin n ,i loudilieii
te tlieir rccoraniciiilatien of ilie new
''Yeu enn het jour last dollar iliat 1
have tnUen rnre of mvlmiliff. for In if
n goeil one," she ndilcil Willi u slight
tiparMe In her ee".
a ciewd for us. f-ntnt-fniRettes
leiu'ltlded that,
politicians' meeting was
for our nskemlilape.
"My speech ai well tinder
when some hoodlum"! m tin- ( rewil he-
luit I just ap
pealed te the men in the ievd and the
rowdies .oeu were hushul up."
Miss Allen necr "hncnme" n m,f.
fragette. Like Topsy, acterdiiiL' te liei-
own statement, she "just crewed that i
waj .
.M. r .. i.. i
-i. i.iiiiit was ,! mwjer ami iKthc
in polities," hhe i'iilaine(i. '-u,, n1
elected a memliei of CniiKrcoe for sc
oral terms and I took a great inter
est ill lielh his lec.il i.e-es and Ins cim
li.ilsns, se it was Imt natural fur un
til enter Inte t In- pnictliv of nw nnd
te want te Mite
Became Politician
While a Selwelfirl
"Then, wlnu I w.-i just a Im i f.,,1,
I was tent e a prnate si hoel The
i nreil her c.imp.iign primarily was te cideiirnilf
irj in e-itnlilisli that piinciple. and Eaid , olii-erfu
i.i'ii her defeat would net have been n That vns
sreiit disappointment "Of course, we
like te win. Imt I lielieve the people of
ohm hae lifgun f think uhniit tint
i preposition, and 1 beiie tuer" are nut
two ii te tnnki' the imirts uen-piirtl-
i s;ui. she snni.
1 "Kither we i nisi make ;t nen-par-usan
in 'net as well as theeiv n a
matter of law. or we 'nu-'t have mi
i m.inv iiiuVpi mleiit cnuipnisus with at-
lendnnt m tones that tin- pulitielan
will grew 1" utu'.er-tand that a party
.nilerseinent i n liandii up rather thnn
in asset te the i.'iiididafe for Judge.
we wen the (fls" she added.
teailnr tliei meived tin- idea of .
school MMi'ili- and I ells eleiled as ih-.1
lui'inlier fniiii riurid.i.
"One n. n some iiue inn mini i u .1
Miffr.igu ln'1 and I was ter i' I
twelve-year uld sister agreed wnh mi,
hoi m 1 'h 1 s.s'er. .mill thirteen I 1
opinions in" Inr own en tlr ineft.
' Ji. -I .111 iiwful lime iluhlinu suf
frage into del. Imt liualU w. mh
1 eedd tuul I lni.e In en drn 1 . Imini1
- ilfi.ige 1 m smi
t III u luck til tlh Sllllje, IIUU-
ti.irui.in 1 nil .11 , .Imlge Ai.ui de-
Is a Suffragist,
But Net Militant
Alwajs a leucler In tin- Oh .1 mHuji1
fight, Judges Allen malinains s. never
had much In eeminnn with the nulitani
"I cle net helleie 111 liein militant,
for I de net think one gel i much In that
mnnner," who said "I hae nlwayi
nppenled te mnn'B falrnes and have
found men heth fair and .hlijliniis,"
she ndded, Kmillng
"Hut 1 de believe in milium en
forcement of the law. she declared,
with some of her courtroom giltnness.
"We need nothing nowadays se much
as respect for the luw - real respect, leal
reverence for the moral and pin puse .
of the law We need in IkhIi it In our
children and in our schools And the
courts must pretei 1 human lights which I
exist, In nil cases, even piepeilv cases I
"If the eiitiiiuie ei vvcmiiui into the1
bed) politic will de nothing else than
stimulate gieaicr pii ucipalieu m gev -eriiineiil,
it will lie weiih the while,' '
she ileclaied
As earh as I'll-' and again m l!H
.fliis Allen took active panic in Ohie
' Ruffrnee i-auiinlgns. ''he .vein IPI."i
saw her in .Massac hiiHelis helping her
1 In
tigered at Activity
nf n1ii: f r
"inttlll liVSbl'S sisteis et llint N.lli' In w.Ui
ie, 1 nm net saying 1 lint te get palgn
teB. I am net beginning mv next I , ... ... , , ,
mpalRn yet. I smcerely believe . un as "''"' '
e COUlts Hllnillil lm nut nf r,liMc I Mal'IOll itlCPlinft
and wiien I see the wav seme. "i imd the nh isim m 11
political bosses attenint te interfere hle-nm Common, in I annul lliii
th, and even tiy te dictate, the, at nm
Wointments the judges nie te make,
'l airly makes my bleed boil."
'en again, "Of course the Kc
Publicans are worse than the Demo
crats. Rcully, I de net Ry (iiat because
and 1 lii'M'i espeili'ii' en him inn at
tempt 10 have the meeting hieken iii '
"Strangely ei t.'h. ilnu uis right
here ill niv own Slate, at Minion, the ,
home of I'li'-lileiil llmdliu'
"'I'liere wiih 11 pelitlcnl nieeliug en.
the ('(lurtheiiHe slept mid hIiice the poll-
licians had se eiiHlilerntply gatherecl
' z fmM&e.mtmiwrjHmmmzmmw' . ,r,,cs,! ' i
1 ,'3' 'W?f5l."? BRMWWBBT TTK8tMMMHiimiiM MB KMESa tPFf'vXTM!mVVCtW
Mx,mmMemm&1'; MwmKmmm wtacsWfj425B , . d
Ml' 1 1 1 In 1 I 1 Ml IL ,1 IB WM1 1lilitfH'imillliai ! y" i i'ITWWHWIHI " eer -nr
ii I IP ;":r"
mM$$ ' "' '
PI is is a tuigli'v eieiisive way te ile I m Ju
lewever, ter 11 i.inei an awiut 10c
,f money te cirrv en a campaign in the
.Imlge Alien '!"f,i '10' i",,i " ! ( Ideas
en iinv one, and it takes p rsNtent
I lestieiiing " g'M !' stnrliil, but once
.m'lig she teMs tli whole terv, and
!,en tic ur is told steps talking and
ii's for liei ii.'erviewer te -tnrt a
the fitlit that brought
.ludg All, 11 ii.te th" public eye, and
having spem several years in news
paper work herself, she profit! d by the
pubil''it and seen after was made As
sistant Prosecuting Attorney of t'ujn t'ujn
hega I'eiinty, the mi' )ion.leiis county
in ( line
That appeiii'men' nu." alter Dve
yiars" pr.utien in (Tcvelnnd. where she
opined her eHiee. As seen as s!n w,n
.nlmit'ed te the Inr In 1!'14. after two
years In th" prosecutor efhee, she war
elcet'd Comiiien l'leas .Imlge.
liming her term in that "thee r-he pat
incut ever two of the must try
ing i'isis in the history ei the county,
ami ill both ie deinenslraled her
nhilltv tn 1 ike cue et heiself.
.ludg' Wil.ni'ri Mcilannen. pre-.dini
Judge of ihe Munieipiil 'eurt "t ( leve
laud, was indicted ler sc oetid -deglee
Always in Forefront
of Fights for Equal
Suffrage, She is
! Strongly Opposed te
fitting in the race of 1 man accused
of beiting n strike-breaker in n Hpvp-'
land strike. She heard flint one of tbJ.
I principal witncticf, for the State had
been threatened with death If he Mine
te court te testify . The names of the
two men who were said te Iinve uttered
, the threut were given te lipr. Wbilcj
she snlcl it v. as doubtful if they could
hove been convicted of an crime, uhe
j s't her bailiff te watch for them nnd
declared she would pend be'h te jail for
contempt if thev s0 much as came. IntJ
the eourtheusn.
' "Their appearance in court, after
1 that cemmninl was made, would have
been contempt, and I certainly would
have jrderci' them put in jail," she
paid. The two men charged with hav-
1 ing made the threat left tew.n and did
I net come bark.
She also ordered the jury locked up at
night and refused te nllew even their
friends te held conversation with jury
men. The trial lnntcd eight (Jay', nnd
the jury was locked up every night.
TIip ncciieil was acquitted, but Judges
Allen said that did net matter, as she
' wanted both the man and the State te
I get a s'niare deal nnd proposed tj see-
1 that both get tbnt even if she lind te
lock tip half the attaches of the court
te assure it.
Politics and professional life have
net dulled the feminine instincts of
Judge Allen, ns pieved by the following
episode of the suit cue.
Court Bailiffs Gave Her
a Handsome Gift
, When she left the Common I'lenB
henih fi few days age. the court bnliffa
gave bur a handsome leather traveling:
Whei s.ip came te Columbus the fol
lowing !a. te b" sworn In na
Supreme C'et.rt Justice, she brought
the bag a'eng and was telling her
friends about it.
"Ju-' leek at thesn beautiful ivory
fittings." bli smtl enthusiastically.
"Tim the woman for you. She
doesn't pay any attention te the utility
of the bag. b.it is taken up with a
Mini h ct ivory dtw-dads en it," re
marked one of her men friends.
"That's nil right; these ivory fit
tings just set the msi' off." she an
sweied, with an abashed smile.
Though always neat in her appear
ance. Miss Allen is never dressed in a
manner that might be termed "styllnli."
Ordinarilv her court attire 1r h dark
eUiri'd. one-piece frnek, simply ftinh ftinh
lened. nnd her shoes nre "common
set.se" iifiiri's. bro'id-feed and equipped
with ruV"! Iieeh
Attending social function in her
murder for tin' alleged Haying of hiJ ' honor, v Inch bnvp lieen many Hinee
frieul, William Kagv, who was killed her arrival In Columbus, she presents
ill nil a Itoiiielule
Flurciiif h. Allen. Ohie hupreme Court JudKc-elcct. us bhe appeared after sentenciiij; William JI.
.Mcf,.innen, frniK-r I lilef .lustue el the Cleflnd Municipal Court. In the Ohie Stnle'lVnitentlarv
at Columbus lelluwiiij,' Ins cmnirtlun for perjurj at the time Mitis Allen ns nn the Ceinmnn Pieus
i.ik', te Rrvietr Her
Fifth tit for Suffrage
1 c. 'e '.i k .if i r siiTni'je fuhis 1
h rn ri ! i"iniliisceiil n 1 oil will
f 1 er li-rln bt fme tl ..
c ,ert , ' Oh 1. n est ihl'sh tin
1 en iht v of the j,invisi,m 1 1, ,.
i.irter- ' '' ' veia' Cities
rferring en wnnun "l.e righ'
lUtticipal election?
Mien, at tl e time the ' no.
' 'v of thee provisien1; m
"us engaged m hiw practice in
i'. Cuvnh . iCniiiiiv sent, in'
v is destined H'r tu 1 e .in- I
. "st vvnnii 1 assist im ire' . ,
1 v in 1 Hi i ! vns ,,
'11 C'l's 'ill's of Ml 1' s-t Iti 1
fn ir 1 iitix in in , mi!" .
i.'.i' 1 ,v ete w, . 11 l.iekc !
i "II I 111 tlillt . s' c s;ivs
M ii t inn when I t ened 11
T I he c.'l-e was set (low n '
"I' 1 i'c I . '1 tlnv. .,! 1 !,..'
1' I moil i baielv have t 1 1
' ' iiiiluis ti I line ler the
1 lev brief weic pi.
' ' e ' ill el'. e Tlein,
r's i.n 1 he tin.ii I dis-
d ilely neci s. c v fm
1 1.' 11 ih. isim 1 Imd
11 n't it ninl km w I
1 Till. Illlli, Is J tele. '
lince fin nils im 1 hi-
' have the tnuk and
r I ' 'i tli. v met
erded Legal Decision
Obtained bg Stealth
'They had the book aid I astM i im
(pii'stieiis, liiit lnl. 1 I dli-ceveri'd it
ii id been elitanied f'ein .1 Chicago li
brnrv and, while I mu net prepared te
snv it wnH nur ciined. I miiRt mlmlf
l-'i cling ran high A'enev wis spent
freelv te cli.it Meiinnnen. and iimny al
'I'ged the jurv did net escape the "m
tluerie " However, the mrv disagreed
and ut his i-ei i.nd trial the chel i,u
iiiting 'Hues'., a woman, w'.i.i at ii.e
l!rt til.il iiveit.'d lie hud si tl the
sheeting, told n diffcrint s't).i, and
nkain tl.e i,iiy ilisagned
An unlit tui' ' t was cirvw 1 1. iru.ng
M' (milium with s ibern."t,t',i of pi : -
Takes Her Place an
Criminal Court Judge
1' wi, at that point I idge .Vim
,01k he,' place en the riinln.il 'ene h
"f the 1 i.ihi)g,i Ceuiiiv I oiiimeti l'le.i
I'enirt .md the trlnl of the nc 1 'ixeil JinUi
loll te liei let
1 in Hie 1 1 itelv 1 ! In iv , tig I lie s 'dll I .'is.
ignelllillt of the jury. M.M.n .'ii.i, t ,1,1
'.iikin hitnsiit 10 n sanat'iri'iiii. nni
when bis 1 ,ii' w.i lulled In, .tt'eiievs
piesetited 'i 1 citilicntp frm 1 tie head
t tie s 11, it,i ri. 1 tluu .Mil, 11. 1, ,i vvils
s'ltTerllig 'n in 11 iierviii's lireikil . 1 and
feulil net 'iitend tin trial,
ludgp .'!i ii in toil priiuipt i'
" ' ill the Cli velanil Ai 1 1 tv n
Mulji ine," shi direited her ln.i'ifl
'lien tie in iideinv was en the Ime
.1 dgi' Aln 1 'is'.nl that two 1 1 t.t !)
jiliv -i. 1 tns he 11 cnininended ter 1 iiiiii
inn inn 11!' 'i 11 ,11 snid te In s "eriiig
,'ikiu 'i nervous liieakdevvn. .niid
iticlv the s 1 c ,ilt-.t were rei iti nende
I'lev nuiil" the 1 ainiiiiiti'in md thev
oieiiiiiiiiitd tle former Judge l.lii'.i ill'
til for the trial
She eideied the Sherllt 10 brn k linn
!'i lui when Hun etlicer iiirlvnl at the
silll 1'. 11 llltil it ,s s d he w 1- 1 .Id M,
iniuieii had no cletheM .liidge Mien.
When lllfiT' ied of this t,,, tl,,. Sheriff :
' I dl III t send for his pintle's I M'lit
h in. Hriiig him In "
Vends Accused Judge
te the Penitentiary
Ihe Shi'iiff knew Jitdije Allen
Plelliptlv rcilll-it!ellltlj , hlmiki.t
he iireseiiteel te Mctlniineii and in
te get reucl te iiiiivm. Atteiidanti
enli'i n pillow wllp,
111 alt I like City,
found clothes for Mctmnnnn
I linn
e was
lluv tidnpled ilevieus waxs te ebtnln it. J,re,MS,t. I"'0 r,1'r. einvleteil and hen
, , ' tenced te the penltrntiarv
'a stniiue cel tr.ist te tne" vnii-coiereci,
1 medishlv gowned women about har,
but ' 11 11 Is her personality Hhe never
, eenis te suffer mil' h trem the eon
Ferm Mfe Her Idea ,
of Real Happiness
liei i .ei t,t complete l.nppiniss, hhe
told a "iniit'il ) het'igrnpher." m "te
live en a farm nnd have gtnnd piano."
nnd ' "i idea et 1 uhappiiiesM. "te t.
.1 slrve rt ns".i a'id functions '
liei fiMinte prime author is (Vr-.
vi nt"s iinl her Imerite te'' Hemer.
Her fivente herenne is Susan II. An An
teony ami her particular aversion i
Metiei no Ii
She bus e pi eased nppmvil of the
stnti ment of one w ri er who -nul nlie
has the Hppcnnncp of 11 woman who
Witt. . 1 11.1 1 -iicriss ceili li.vn'lle a tefini
et 'inri h hi 1 inlirenli'i
Mie v as t e n
l t tli 'lift ' -el,.' ' M' ir,i 110.
gnr.'ir )mrt nl m-r adult life)
tin-- liee'l st,,' lit ,n tl e -t nlv of InW,'
tllllt s' 1,1- 1 eltig -pl'i ! .oil ;, ,erlm.
of hmm'i m'ih 11 si .' hiii tn earn
tlinm of the nieiiev fur lir eel ifatien.
Tun veii sh. si. 1 1 ,1 stiii I.ak
Ce'lepp iimI h"i h.i In ler ..f I a v h ije.
gne w.is ip . 1.1I f 1 1 in 1 -terc lte
er.e I eivirsitv 1 livenml 1'Viur
viurs lift,- In ing giadualed fieni tliin
iniisin ie eartieil a iiianter'H ele.
ere 1 1 1 ie' ficil kpI"!),,,, nnd e-enititu-f
tleiuil law fniiii the same shoe1
Studied Law, Alse r
Delved Inte Music '
( !' 1 s,i, m vc nr In the CnheiNity et
'hi .1 :e 1 iw Si'lioe' and tenneil time-
en 1' in
' ersil t. I
har 1 ti nun iim
1 Lit ing tl hi tut e sii hoi m t
in I'i Chi. "tt. ing ni'iMie
At no time' did she intend "fhoel
for mere Hum two vears nt a stretch.
What fTt t win ih, weiriun hara
lipe n the I thin S iip im "nt '
liei siHti rs in the Mitlniiie intivetntnt
hope fni grmt tiilnirs. ami hedleve they
have an '1M1 n presi m itive in elilec,
Law vers thin ighmit Ohm reeognUe
her abi'ltv in their prefeKsinn
MeuiberH nf the jniljclaiv hrtve px
pressed no fears IIS In her nlillltv .nJ
culm Judgment nnd Hie liittcrcut nntl
suffrngist among them einrcsfPii a ba t
lief Mhn will de her dittie "m )ttt '
ni well u 11 mnu " j
veirs 111 Nev l nrfc unl-
vihk which she took her
. 0 year
mtttt W'iWyjOWWtfi