Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 27, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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fw., vjifres.-VAv JI'IPB''V '. v"'; ' vn;?? jay-i
m ft J" t v v -
f I
Round-Table Talks With Busi
ness Men Test Public
en Fair
Tlnund-tnhl. talk., between t lir neiv'v
formed Advisory Keiutive Committee
of tin- Sc.iiii-Ceiitenniiil A"in iiitinti
find groups of prominent I isiness iiit'ii
te eund nut public opinion en the full
re bring continued today.
The first of Mm conferences was he'd
yrsterdni Willi twelve members (.f the
Chamber of Cominerio llxecutiie Com
mittee. Ernest T Tries, ulie l elinlrmnn
both of the Fair Committee and of the
executive body of tlm Chamber of Com
merce, expressed himself ns well
pleased with the outcome of the con
ference, mid aid ii generali) lo.pon le.pon lo.pen
Five nttltude was evinced br the
Chamber of Commerce guests.
This Is conflicted significant, in
view of the fnet tli.u 'ill but two of
the Chamber of Commerce gieup are
manufacturers The North Philadel
phia Manufacturers' As.c, lutien, which
is strongly opposed te tlm fair proj prej
pet, hni ren.stenll m.iititnliied that
the relebrntlen would be injurious te
Hi.'inilfneturllig Interest.
Representing the Clumber of Com
merce were Alb'i It. Jehnsen. Its presi
dent . Heward 1!. French. 1'. H Gads
ilen, D.ivhl Klrsehbaum. 1'. J I.nf
ferty. W P Hatha. Itelliiish.nd N
Tnbr. Charles Vaughn, Charles .1.
Cehen, Jeseph Steele nnd N. H loll ,
It K planned te continue the.e con
ferences dnilj. and the view, expressed
t the business men will be ir.tluentiul
in detei mining the uregram I'm.ill.v set
tled en.
Kepert Textile Men Opposed
The Philadelphia Textile Manul'a.
tuiers' .Win tat ion recently addressed
mi iti(iilr te all textile nmtiiif-ii tu r
in Philadelphia tenitiirv ui mi tin iir.'.
tlnti us te whethel the hcililuu i til"
Sesiiil.Cenleiininltl I'.xpesiti. n wiiiild
be dclrable fietn the point "I i im of
the textile ni.iiiuf.il tiirnu btiJtie.
A total of '!! iii.ui'it. ii Hirers ic.pn.i leil
te the llupim. nt which "J'l." pii'rd
tlicm.elves as (ippeel te holding tlm
Exposition, f. "if t.iMired the iron
two were undecided, one was indi'Tennt
ii iid two were in faer nt 1 if 'no
expense were limited The '-"'." eppuspil
te heldinc the r.xpesitinu i "plied i ( -tnntlnlli
as fellows ;
I'ii-t Will make tiinre aitue in ,il
1 .id lien, abb liihet hut.ige
Second Would be of no permanent
Third Tim nun and mntetmls ie
quired could be put te at le.it 100 ether
letter Uses
Fourth Will icult in in. rea-ed enti
fit miinut.ii Uir.ng hi dialing .i nei-i of
Fifth. Will in. reuse the f.ix rate for
null owners ami nciibmlv else.
Sixth lieiuainls fur unie'i-enahlj
Ligll Wildes will be created
So'.enth. Will no rea-e In in. i nst.
Csi(ci.lll the lent Item.
Fighth People who would otherwise
Vie learning In textile plants will at
Itil.t be temporal ilv uttriited in'e tlm
Imlldiui; ti.ide In "fatii-x " wines.
N'inth. I'ndesirable parasites" will
flecU te the eit and be a lenliu i il bur
i' n te tlm , m - nferi u a braneli of tlm
Uiiinii i pa I internment.
Tenth I! isiuess needs no stimihnt.
Jim will n need anj in 102i it the Px Px Px
jiositien nli a is disiiirded
I.'bveii i2's will be nrtili iil! !n
il.it I'M mi! the exposition will liii"
Jithini; bin aueth.r pene, ,,f i"i..
3 iiiient" ter all Philndi lpln.i i" t'.e
Twilve Tin re i net eneusl com-
ipen nr skilleil lnbni'
ii '; ir.nli s. in ,n
1i lli indiistti
rinileen Ii is il
I iron
3 stiimipeint
1 mini en. Stieiiil tin in n
i p
I' mirinc. epei..ill in i,is,ni;'
I'lltei.n IJellls are new lll.il"
. lllle pn -w.n Wl i ,ijr n i
Ulnieh lllllleiir.lllle lir IbII nil
slll ell I Inlel
3' i l.idelphla iav
IltC lis
nig .
. Ig II
1 1 ,i''e
. M-
Ii Xtlle m
-! V.lls III l,
r' ui- uithMili t
Hi '" III ' elllpetltl
ii i 1 eiip"i labor
y en would luaki
In 'Hi leasing our
i nut r
ii iiiark't
ii w ', .
i nil I- 'l .
Illllttel - 1 He
labei ciisi.
"s M'Ul.'"tl. Will
I.'lietll U '
Ji e.. Iii. i dug vender- and ti
'.If I
l.lSll. eU A p.'st.lellce or n 1,11
T ild b prett table te tin- i xt.e.'i
Mimi i vii' iiirtlmi iieuieraiii
llm 1 1 ndiiieiis. whiih an n w ij.i .
, 1'etei a i in nt evi'i ' nun nun i
I w nn The pin n is ti
i.i. piumI
.mn it, .ii.- t"
'I e "tit v -nni Will lm
i pi ll-ive f. r
Tli averngi worker n In -i treii
i i ml and will xpect t,i In
t I.
I vv. ul -two It i ..'iM in t i
In made internatlnlial iti senp.
r I i has tee tuiiiiv bbtu- i'
I svetllV -three CIlli 112e St
- vv I
i t t, i .
1 ..Ml.
T'eiffaiii and Snn Prntii'isin nil suffer d
ntti i vviinl whv pi k en Ph.1 nn phni
I vvi nt) -tein The idea nan "or min.
Jl l i. led llliv thing llki gemril! -vilmiiMiv
perntii.ii duung tv.i via of
P'liinna'w dieiissen Whv in n,
b" it op thp citv '
1 i n'v live Spi nd live null ,. f. r
idiitrutl museum dedicate .- t
Ji nu. rial te the iitv mnl thus e-t ibl.st
p liniment testimonial of lmlipend-
ii iinl progress.
In the majeiitv of i ases these an
! ring the innuirv spei ifleil Mint thur
ll".lllVe lep') .lii.tibl net In line! .
li'leil as a disinclination or tlmn part
ie intciest themselves m ntlnirs that
would benefit the g rn' ceniiu initv
Explains (luestlnniialre
In ceninmniing upon the iep'v, the
Brsi elation savs
'This association wants it dennitelv
lllldersloed thin tlm opiiiien ,,f its
Tlieinbers were seliciled fur m, nther
reason than te permit of n eo'npila ee'npila eo'npila
tlen of expressions nnd ii'ci-i Mint
might be helptul te tlm Seicpn-l ' nli n -liinl
Assoc union ethcers nnd dnmtnis
in developing plans for holding a i el, .
luntien of some sm- in p.rjii Mint
xveuld receive the support nl tin te
tile industr)
"The iissociutien believed n fair te
nssiinie that, in view of the tad that
one-fifth of the entire population et
Philadelphia is either dlintl) . r In
directly dependent upon the -unes-fiil
ipt latum of textile mills, the opinions
of textile niniiutuc tureis with regard
,te holding the Se(ul-f entenina! ar
t'lintled te very sciieiin considerat'eii "
Sweden Wants Americans te Com
pete in Big Jubilee
New Yerlt, Iee -7 - An Vim-ninn
truck nnd Held team will . e npet,. nt
the Swedish International Athletic
camen nt (lethenburg next summer.
Tentative ncceptniice of mi invita
tion recently receivi'd was announced
t the Ainnteur Athletic Cnlen.
let Bite of the team ami ether details
IN Mng arranged by correspondence.
BO YAP KVKK KK.tn Till; VUU HI. I'll. I
JitlunuxV. Thr'r Intcrtstlnf sc nascs
U tad l,-.Uv,
Belief Draft Dedger Will At-
tempt te Sneak Inte Philadel
phia te Visit Mether
firimr C llersdi '1 i expected te
innKe n I i Ii te . i. Ms in .tlier. if he
is in this inuntn. ii tid for tint reaeti
the Hefide'i iniiiiinn. nt Pift -second
street nnd W ntmtielil nenue. N under
t 'ese jiriititn bj (bivernmetit agents
Iteisdel nccerdlne te runmis 1 -ft
li rn am for the T'nited Stitis nbeari
a liirurir steamer He 's lmtn. i 'k
11 is ,i 1 It js two jenrs since lm
s -ip d f eui prison herp. and lm jearns
for the i X' itPittetit of another spectne
uliir isnpnd" It wmild brnu joy te
the rioteii s drift dodger. It Is de
clared f he could come here, visit
his nietlnr. taunt the (Jevernnmnt and
leturu te his foreign haven again with
out being recaptured.
Has I.rft flrrm.ii)
Wlmtbei Pn rgdell is renll here, or
en his waj Imie or net, it has been es
tablished, it is said, that I c has left
Ms haunt- in liei'ianj An attempt te1
capture him u uuuli by two Aumri
i atis fiem Cidde-i!! in tin- -piiui: of P.'-l,
while he was -ta itii; .it Kbeibnih. The i
effort alnies' Mitveeded. It fniled, how
ever, partly through the dnritu' of Iteri-
1 dell, nnd the assistance gien him by
tehidents of tlie place when the Anien
ians nppeareil. 'i'he failure of the,
Ameriians leu tlmm m a dithcult posi
tion. A cable dispatch mi v.. that Uerg
dull's uncle in in'imam ti Id a ter-
respondent of the Pi Hi lr l.vi in that
Mergdejl left 1 is home sonic time as",
and that hi- w lieieabmits was un
known. Ne t-a c nt him inn be found
in ierm.iii and hi- friends tin re hip
of the opinion thn he is return. ng te
the rnited States in a hope of wsiting
hi mother without hi mi: laptund
Wern was ieel"il ui urn iiriuiuuiii
. . ,t. i ., a,.
ar the tune the H I
was bieught ti
the nftei.' mi ei 11
l' I lenlll llni III ' I
.lilstii i unmidl
. I .,1. I'l d I invel u-
inent !!: i.i.s 1.
a fereu-ii i ' nil
,. uh -. ai h I 'i
I .. II i i Vel'V Vessel ir.cn
iinl i i niaki ii tl .f.
h. t . r i , i -ii dnv
two -s, 1
vvi ip lm it ',, iii Mn lr in-
I i but !' I ."I
ll vv i ', .t t mil I'h
Il ,1-1 . lit et .1 ,s'i e at .-Seattle.
Wn-ti . w.is inform'. I ih.it .1 luun le--emblinc
Ilergdell had tateii in a res
taurijit tlmre
iMniel Sculh. i Inef et the radicnl
jreup f tlm liureiiu et Investigation
of the I epnrlnmnt of .lu-ti.m. inimedi inimedi
iitelv assigned lour agents te beard
every ves-el coin, i g into New Yerk
harbor te seirch ter I'.ergdell.
i:.irlv Priclav in rtnrg four flovern flevern
' .nt agents lienidel a levenue utter
find niHile the.r whv rhreueh Mm fog
te n point several miles below ijuarnn-
t lie 'I'll, tifst v.s.el that hove into
'sight M- il. I'liinrd'T Ansenin The
acent- b ird-l 'he v ess,. along with tlm
i usteii - tlii i.i - .ltd health ethi ers and
ii, 'i... '.ist nut .11 eiid ( abm pn-sen.-er
lined up for inspection and exatnina
t mi the ag. nt. alee studied ev.rv fae
The crew was tlmn lined n 'or a
1 'ini ilit r ex itniii'i'ten
Imr'ng he -eari h net a . i I i-
11. 1 1
a hint given thn' ,'d vt
kn.w vv lei was ., Te
ll.'v .ii iv that Pn 'id 'vas
.ard tne iijen- i'-, win ie
M.i an. I i g pipe
t ...k i st ii I n Mm
foei .. In giingp ink- mil i I'd UP
'.l--i I Z I - uesei ltd I'i 1 ISI'.II
ll," i re ' was i x nn M ' Pn iieiits
V.M.. l' ' i pull., d '1 ll' 'up ' i i
Pi Hll I.t In. Ht 'ep.irnr i e nu
i knew it P.ergdell
In .1 i P.'JI H i
Inn u lf.ir.ng ,u i
." K'cr-
' I t d In lui'le
'I tl e le I uian-
I . "t I "get, 11 1 I I
g' tmi ii w here arm its
1 mi i tinmiit agi n's.
I .' freti sgi,t f n-
te extlll' ' It'
Ann'! '' 'Li
Mtli i n it '1 e r
lime In " i ii '
I,, i i . I i w I'
tir ii
It"i g. i i 'I in. '. i' he is
in.-I el '.."ii i'i md w.'t- '. iit'itn
In ns 'en T II a- ie 1 I 'I I. "in
' he we .' I III "1,. il n I I li nn
leg ui "ih' ii i' si in i ,i,iinrn r r
llewpvei I 'lit.'l '' la' the I.tgle'
in n' 1 in i ' r urn., ii' te '(.in 1 In
l.igl'll lit I- I. It. HI I i el.ietil, , it 1
lit ii.aui sltai. ( ui nt en. t is point. .
out has gene en ri
md ii t nor
I Ilergdell .iti ng . ,t
l hi- tlie l. in i till in
llie 1" in li ui e i
I Held After Aute She Was Driving
i Strikes Weman at Cressing
Miss Mm Mii'w.ii ei i:m i:,.t
I'lilnmr street n i. luld ini.hr i'lim bail
I for I'urlhir heining hv M igistrute Hen
'shiiw teiln) and allowed te -ign her
own bend when at r.ngrmd ' harged with
I haling inn down with la r uietnpar
'Mrs llis.ic I iv .nn in liricid .tieit
I and I ill III'. 1 llletuie
1 Mrs I. mis. a w he livism Us.-, ,,ini
Thirtienih inil, was stiie a. .lie
stepped fiem the pavement te cin the
istreet She via. taken te M Jeseph .
Ile.pital with a dlslei ateij hip
.11 IMHMIHI I.MI'I.m uniti;
C'oinuiinilen of irdutri rrnr'i nhew n
rn t-H. if KJin m Btniilei munt rile bunlnein.
mn '-hr ,iini in lcp pem 1 1. j en buiinrsn
(p. t t irenetji ma em tic, te
llln. ." Hj i in it tliH I'l'MIO
l,tli.i-:i. 'AJake Jt itjblt. .Uv.
wwww i I II II tM I I 9 It. i 111 1 1 1 111
u imm,mMmamLkrtxw-amMm . fe :.. long program
x :.-lv m ; -e v e it'bi t.'v .v Br Hnoeeee.. ;j , ., x- e"- n ti.BM k esai"t .-? :hvi ss -v c a t w . i z . .
-;!3 .- TTl6it'i.J !?.-- -., ;- w . 'UIVWKSBKS.., . .i. , : 'i:' ".,:':. ?J?f, - "
J'WiE 9. suVrlvt IBV ITmH fill VliB VMMFmiMdlMv lfffV?W7
I s-i--. . v ? -ty-tirr "V. VVX&XWVWWWiHK IMONnHM
( ern was j.M-ri,i-,i u. .ii.- ... ..'(...
. ...... ..( !,.. t l..ivir(iii.,nf if Justice 111 the
"""'"- ll""" ,l" last Thur-da. that IJergd.dl was en
i. ....... I n , .il.uI K.itin.l te New X erk.
I UUs- , ,, .1 .- ,i. n...n-..
William a. minis, cui"i m ui" t"-.iin-
i ,mf nt .1 t.Tlni who W.is in New Yolk
I pMr pleliiie siiuws teams ami tium, en Pliil..i!eddiiaside waning their
ttiin for ferr.xbeats after lung c!ela. due te the mist. In lower picture
the statue of ( eiiimndnie Harry Is shown tlltnh isihle in imirh
Heavy Feg Begins
te Lift Frem Cii y
renllninsl from Iirp tine
every istige of the black pall nwny.
Already at neon the fee bean te lift.
C;.iIim and Storm Coming
Acci.r nu te the Weatlipi Itiireau
report, dangerous gales will nccempan
the storm all ulmig the coast, preceded
by a sudden drop in temperature
Ter a time eiirh teilni rner tratEc
whs biiuight te a staiid-till. and nish
llig i miunuters lie ided for their eilices.
peered lleill T mill Wltlll'"S through
the thick mist, wondering if "the
nniiiin r ,..n ,., ...Am, i...i .it.kr
et them didn't. Tlmv wcie from thirt.
mitiutps te an hour late. i
......,. t ..v. n't ,....'. ..Il'l lll'-lt
"i iiuuicis in .sew .ivrsyj eui
for the
secemi l;i et tlie season ex-
perieneed great dithi ult.v in the weeds.
Man) stepped, tearing fatalities, since
it was impossible- te sec mine than
seventy-hie nrd. tbtenga 'he mist.
With Mm partial 'ift.'g of the fog in
the vicinitv ,,t la-it. 1 el . Mi. nun ri
me it wit. possible for Mm nineteen
steamers tmi up at the 1'elaware
liri.iklllltel t" pleCeed lewilld this CIt).
Pew of til. Ml hew. vel Wen ibb' te
i eni" up i v.'i v gn at distaiu i i
The tog will lift here tonight diiicn
1 1 lore an unreised i i.t wind. Pore Pere
caster Mis. -ml Jn place of the fog.
however. Mine will be light rains which
will centir.ue all night and prnbabl) to
morrow, according te Mi P.liss
First app-anns about " e . lock last
night the nitirki blanket r'ipidli spread
out th; citv iinl it. environs ind al"i..'
the I'ellWlle KlVM te the P.r'.lklVllt I
and a'eiijr tb. 'ii-t
I 'ernes slevied Down
'I i' . ric- . ' i . ii Pl.i' uh I ' i i and
1 i'i p 1 1 -el 1 'II- I Ih l'tl
'I - 1 'illia' II t lk tig i lie el ll t -h-
'I I
r ivvis
I l ililiieml e tlie I'liinsv v nun
Ilrtiirend, lest her ienise in the fog in
er .sing the rivet, pi did up the
rner and took almost nn h"in nnd
th slip en the Plii'nilelphin si.m
T r fertv -eiulit heui.s fej et varv.ng
denstfl lesce- den and lifted e VI thn.
citv ind Ctitiiden with nioiie mn u ieg.
ularirv Hut net until hint i veiling
nl ir become se Mink as te i nu-i : nv
-i rim ,i,av te tratispei tat'ieii.
I st Iii nt the rush h.
rie. bi,ar have tmuhh
the -'His s ednle. et
'lm fe
llndlng Wilsen
P tl is-
I. n.
linu i e1 ii
and Wi'n
II I 'err) beats .P.immcil
Use of !' e Cllrtlll'' ' "dules
i row ds n i iiMiniuti is ..I the
t.rtniiin;- a' Phi'mleipuia ml ' (linden.
Wh.ri n -ignal was glien f. - i beat te
take . n n-seiigen- llmie i. a ru.li
hi d w'i- - en rilled te . - tv
ilding i" the is(eiiif,.i- 'In coin
i ni'ers .ng te this ,t 'i 'ii New
Ji-rsi i ' ns vv as ,i i . lav ,ii
V'i i i'i nv.iil. A s '" i 'ei k I'll
ii ernins uliiiesi ha.f i ' 'clred ne
of M. Pniliicblplii ' I'd ll lm; I!
w,n ii ti d en 'In i - in I'i I i
war" 1 ' I'n1 in lr i the Mark''
-tr.-. f 'I ll'.Use
The i ars were . i i ",i Mip
l"r almost twentv i t,. while si
"ml rleiinnd por.en- I leiigbt in
ill.' f rin- walled t e. the trill
There v I- a mull t r ' .levated t r.i
i nd the -tntieii nn. jiniilimd Seri.
i i
ether, iieie nimble te reach Mn
rms nnt i ' the mr. h,nl been i i
A irei. i- iip..'ttl iliat m nmn
the leiniiM read, li -i i.ight it w . i,
most Impessili.e te g i, de their m e In
:' reipilr ng limit- i nun eini in
tivelv h 'I t dlMlil i h
Vet n single troll' ) 'nr acenl. '
eliffel feilm oil the P. It 'I
ing a -nn mi bean fog in 1'f
I'll!) Mil n- Were fertl Cfilll-le
1 Id pi i -eris vvi ie injured.
Kail IimIIIc ll.iiiipiTid
Ofln i. ils nl Mu renn.i i i I
l. ll Ol till PPllIlsl I
I'liilieli-lt In. i 'i iM Ucailn.g I;
1 ii
i i
ii in
Id' rv
- tl
n In
ng I lie
. . rn..
v hunts
llltl I
sn i tin ii .i le 'lilies vvi ic ic t
.riiitlv hv th. lug. allium. h
instant e irnins vveic livi m
ut ci. late in b hv ing this i i -mils
i a i.cil .nine treubh
I '(riles Iteg.iln "Nnrni.iliv
Ac. eiding in nthehiN id ' i I'
v min -v.tiiu ii.'i.-ciigi'i tin lb, n
ilvcr had alnni.t n si, mnl um
u'l 'ei Iv Mi . ineinlng. while i
uf uiignn- .md truck. aiMning i
were lii.ui: lapldli i1i.hi-h1 .t I
running nt i uhi and t n-iuii n
Mipl'i'ii rails and the nut . hved
siibuibiin triiinn, I'ti.iisvlv.nn i It iilieail
authorlties said, nrrhnU in this ,tv
being five and ten inlnuti. behiinl
I Although passenger trnffic nciciHn the
I rner nan iiern it-i-inirii in iinriu.li lit
1(1 e clecL i. Ionic Hue uf dehveiv ItncL,
-- - ---
ytmm )
x w i?
nnd wagons was waiting te er.ler the
terry hmi.c
J he vein. Ie. J, ad been excluded from
passage iiuiing tne rusii hour s,, that
the passcng, . could be neoenimodiited.
The line, of nntiinioliite.. ,. ti.mTe.l fn..
.evernl block., leaching from Market
- .... - ... ,, , - , ,,. ....,,, ,,.,
strpet te Walnut en Helnware avenue.
.Mnni el the trucks waited for thrce
.piarter. of an heui of ter sen lee for
ih in had bei'ii lestered.
Mnn.v workmen at the di Pent new -
i'i r works at Cnne). Point and ethers I
at Ppunsgrevp and Wilmington were1
unable te get te their homes n-t night.
wiien all nu i iram" cam
sher 1
ai'l'r ' II I'll" I
'I'he fern serine tlmre had net been
icstimed till. Ill Tl, III At ." o'clec'.- int. .
lerdnv the hist
..,-.!, .1... I... I I.. Il-i I. ..,..
. .
iiioe.il nu inning-
.... f.t .,., .,..... .. .,
i'enn-greve 'llie Wil
from t, ,'.itJ r!.iu
it remaiimd at
en I.ltm stenmer
... .. .iniiiiKieii
nt Xlll...l I
nt it n hn7..iri nils
lip at 7:eO o'clock
isf nii,.. tf remnliie.l
. .
"" ani.e.e.1 I
M.in Vessels regbniind
... , , , i
Ni Mink is llie murk from here te
I i law -ire P.av ihat nln. teen sieamshlps
ne o.-Deuini at I'l-uriiiie iirenkwaler
in. hup ie iu in i ui o'er tim dangerous
c mrsp Main of Muni have seen no
ind of tumble, haimg lust omsuinterei
a series of Inn in urns which swept tlm
Atlantic, d'im.igiiig iiinn.i .hip.. Out-
sidi the ( ape. -eieial
ve-scl. f.'iirpd
le mole II. I ail.e el llie leg
P.l.selljil- nil i no '! the us- '. tird
up ill the P.n akwater weie unable le
1 ind The ttiuider- ,i. en tin -tinni-slep
Seuth vvi .tern Milir. bound Iicip
fiem I ondeii
Tin ltritisi steamer Mnnchienenl,
bound from .lamnica. h lended with
p. iisliibli. cargo "icral vessels have
i.e n damaged In Ml
.' i in..
furv nf the recent
'1 In vestf.. delal'd in prei(e(ing te
i ' i nnchru.igps Iiptiis,. nf the fog
wil the Dnkwln Itilish. from Cape
Town, Oxenian Hnti-h inun Liver
,'.', Manchlen.al, Hntjsh, from ,Tn
i. ,nci, Cnntadml, s;,,.,,,), from j',,,..
'mil West Cberriw tn.ticnn. from
th. Pncitic coast cirl. m., merlcnn, I
fiem the Pimitir . east , Pederal. Amer- I
lciin, trein iiitui. jefuku Mtiru. .Ian- l
from Cuba
I ee. 1 1 1 1 II I I'H
M" liteirinii in : Hi - I
patin. Uri'ish '
ii Mi Aftlcn:
Ceiiiineri nil 'Irium lirlti.h
P.mific as' i ''lue. inerm.,,, from
rn m rn
Pacific e.
.. . I .,1 I,. .. '
.h. from 1' gl ' Southwestern Xtll.
ii, ." i 'ill 1 1 e. lir i-
uriusii f, u i.onden
Mist lleii.vs Pin nmn
Pireui. ti. t. p. . ,,,g I,, , nuinber of
i larm. in
ii pertisl t ' i
II. re.n li'tlg
dense fog
Th. t .
hi I 11 "i s, .
I '.lei i ji r i
i . rlniid -i r.
iF.r. nt part. f ,)1P Plty
'I .'"I T ii wn. delnieil
'' Inc. b (..i. f,f (0
- -Hid I i .due te
'' ter n i uri'ibili
' isl'.n ,,t Piglnh atnl (
'-lit night
' and I
'um- i
"'t iteiinil..!. i barb's
-'' I I I'uriilll .freer wits
d '
Cms. ..mil ll.isllir.il 'fnp n
fi -lm il b r nml bruises I
nnd b.i li
Wbishi Wa-lmd sbere
V ui in: i . nv i pi ie. the murkv
1 1'iL' "i r Me Deiiiw in I'npes is
"i-i tl m ! as pi i lailed in man)
I- Shipping in and mn of the ha)
, been tied up for thtee da.is, anil
i -ihle te In gin tignin "ti i sinal stale
-" 'i. g in gan te lift tin. morning,
lt ports were nr. ulnti.l that an In-
id Iran- AMaitb mui Ind lainined
hound might, r ml .ship Jehn
light in tlm bin bin upon, of the
. usk.n tun -. eiitnl a- the coast
-ltd nittei kiikaprie m (ape May,
I , rweii.O no nril. i- te put te s. n
' die md Const guard upturns along
' nr nt i -ipe imi ,m, deiihliM
'1 eir patrols
seveiiil ifi-ps of nhiski washed
isl.eie nmr Cape Inv Point led te the
helief that -pvernl rum runiiprs ivere
.iinglt in Mm fog and threw their
nri;eis itverbnnrd fearing enpture.
The Ki knpoe w. tl put te Ben tedav
,n sear, h ..f nnv vessel whldi mn) Ire
in no ii . i.innse ei ttie leg
J C. Ward Served In Civil War at
Grant's Headquarters
an Train iscn, Iter L'7 ill) A. I. )
I In l '.i i il i mn Hnilreiid I oiiiiiiihkIeii
I ns iiuthi.riid i he I'ehiiiI Telegraih
I iiiiiuiiiv I i disi eutlliiie its nirice at
i-nila linu nn nientallv . hn. 'illeued
.1 l Ward 'leiliinl with being the
i.. lent leh iiilii r ill hi i ulleil Slates
in jieitii of .in Ice in leliie us inaniiger
i i tin nth' i
Wurd ha. been in the office for forty
iih He ilauiis the distliictiiin (if
having been the lehgiaphur at (ion-
i.il (irant's hendiuariers during the
run iar He ai-e bn.s lie tnught
Jin'maB -v. i.uisqii no uerse ewe
ajt. jeu'll and U en sac 37, 44v,
Teachers of State Meet for
Seventy-third Annual Con
vention at Bethlehem
ii j (i .xinjy i mi
ltd lib hem, Pa.. )e(
i ii-lblid s,s(,n of the lViitiHvhnnln
Mate IMiiintiiiti Assticinlien get under
mi this tifteiimen in the I,lbert Hlfth
Scheel (in North Linden st(M, nnd will
c'kse Pridaj night
Ml of this iiftei'iioeii wiis given up
te tiipcMngs ()f the nine ilppiirlineiits
In'e which the iirgnnintien Is divided,
each gieup electing etliceis and hear
ing senanite pietfianis of sppechei nnd
(lsi II sllS.
Tin lirst ldg piileitainiuent event
takes luce tonight In the l.iberlv
Iligli Si hoel, when llie Itai Ii Choir, ill- !
rected b lr. .1. Pied Welle. will sing.
A pi eui. itn similar le I lie one given b
the i hoi ii- in the Acadciii.v of Music,
Philadelphia, en November -1, will be
ciing. Theic will be a h pllen ill the
glnnasiiiii following tlie (eiicert.
The four geiierul sessions en Thur.s
dnv and lildnv uieriiiug and nfteinoeii
will centei ni'.uind the four following
themes: ',
Citietisi, : What the Natien ex- j
poets of lei schools nnd ciliieutieii ,
for rltieiilnp. I
'I'enuii lie l em her and her pos pes
fdticm. Pinance. The Slate nnd the public '
school sjsti a. the State's invest
ment, i
llidllstilal iiliic'iiieii ; the inllilenee
of ediliatien i, poll the llidllstilal life ,
of tlie Niitiiui . ,
The upeiiii' sc-ieu in tlie main
auditorium ei the I.lbeit.v I'.uildlng
this nfterneiiii was held b.v the hilth ,
school deiuntii i ui of which II. V..
Winner, of Pi t-lnngh. is piesident.
Music vvns fuitiisliPil li.v the I.ibirt.v
H'igli Scheel On In stin. llrccted b.v
Miss A. I.eiiis eiris. supervisor of
mucic in tlie e .il scimeK.
Columbia educator .spealis
Kdward Hu.irs"ii. director of o e o
iiitienal L'liiilanii in llie Pitlsbuigh
., hoels. ..poke en
I lie place et ei a
, tlenul cuii ancp in tie h'ii
Ctliillinee in tlie scnoels m le
ilnr." nnd Dr. 'I In mas I). Weed, of
i ..'l.,...l.ln l ..l...,,i . ..,. " I ttil.ii l..u I I
, oeiiioiiii i. uiiri -.ii.. "ii .....,.. - ......
the health of the Inch m hoel student
Subjects iiiscnsul weie "The miIiii
high schoel: lire the high s(hees un
duly emphnidzing atliletiisV 'llie high
school honor s.vstem; nnd tlie einet of
the rating system upon teaching.
The college and teacher training de- I
it iHinmil nt will, Ii f Iren (V (riipli nf I
Clariuii, i president, also met, opening
,, ith n linsitincs .c.sieli.
S. Ili'igps.
,,f Shlppenburg-. is vice piesident : l.ere.v
1.'..,.. ..f !,., 1 T..i, ... .ll i ..." I .,.,., It ., .
''" . ,. ..' .... , .1 .
nia. i-pcietary. ami i . ( . i.ins, nt iiuiit-
, gden. and Weir C. Kettler. of I iron-1
fitv. members of the Pxeitilive Conn-
. H ie rum i eiinrrinpnr.
'I'lm tonic discussed hi this trretni of
n.i.,,.n,..M .I,:.. nftnn,.,.'..n ., ..u n't..,
Il'.lllllll.'l III, .,,,,,II".MI .. ..T 111'
Teacher Training Situation in Penns) I-j
vaiila." and Dr. Arthur .1. .Tenes, of
i ne i iiivpreii) 01 iciiiisv iv iiniii, iiih'
.... "Tiie cv,lt n...i.,i ii.,...,t ,.f r.i,., ,,.
11(11 What lb Its Piesent Stntus':" mid
n i:mr tr Kemle ,,f itm r.,i, ..,-co ,
of Pittsburgh en Hip ( ..llpgP 1"-ibew
partmetit and What Aie Its Prep.-r
A",'K..!,I. """ M!'K .rh" '" l-eal-'ll
lP'l l lie .selium cril'"il -llliji-ris all
tei.ented hi .1 I.inwoeil I '.I.i nlicrf-
piiucipal of" the Slipper) H k Stat.
Nermal Nchenl. and harms II I ilmr,
of the P.Ioenisbuig Xeiinal Si I mil.
The Department of Counti Superin
t.i Ipiici . of which .1 II. I lt0 inuii. e
Do)letovin. Is prpsidint. mei imln).
P I. Hlalr, of Meadulle. is v b e piesi
" nt; A P. Akelp) . of ('underspent.
sim relnri .
I he I'xr-ctitive fViinmlttPe of this de.
I'-irtment includes Jehn W. Sunk
i.enanen c eunt) , i iinrm. i-. iiiii.p.i,
Alleghpin Counti. and .lames .1. Hcian
of Carben Counti. The Ceinmittee en
Iteselutimis for the .upei inteuilpnt.' de
Jinrtrnpnt nnludcs William W. Kvans.
of Columbia i eunt) Chile T. Sailei.
of Chester Count) . Arthur P. M.ilin of
Lancaster ('"unti. and Alvin P. Keni"
of Pmrks I'eintv
t th -P.
Pin g ii
sneke ntti i
s-lllOlds llc.lll ,SMilks
rteip met ting Dr. Tlmm.i
Imiul nl the State .('In el
he businiss session and w i.
.'.'"."" "
I nn address bj Dr. I.ee I
"I Mn sitafe Deiinrtnipiii .f
' ' ' '
Public Iii.'fiKtieii. en "Kffoetiio Kuril
Sclinnl pi. ngnndi" Dr. William D
I.ewlh. of p,e state Department, .ik
en "The Pre-nt Smtus el Mm Km il
High Selinel and K. W. Kobiti-en.
nsistant - n i nut. ndent of Itr.i it.-i I
Counti . b tin diMi.snn.
The depai tmctii of superintend' i. i
of win. li It. "it i: I.nrnm.v. of Altoeii i.
is pr'-snl. i
P Huts, n
societal i
f Ke.
' in I"
- li
d ' l .
held its hum ting
k Union, is the i ice
Miller, of I.aireli'.
I ' I
Mil an
ii in Mi
Si hoel
nf Cnlumlii i
addli . e i
II' gi. ik ..'
Admhii.ii i -
I'llll Psl V
I "Pllli 11
Instinct inn
t ml
tien '
lewl ti .
Th .- -b
i.iiilpr. no, i I
I'll! -
loin impattnieni uaih-
ipipiI in lli
' P. D K.l.
' dent . '.
lice pre-id
I rink!
itkliu Si hoel ii nil it ei nun
' et Asplnwull. Is presi presi
Pelt, of William. poll
' ' nnd Ptta M Werk. ..:
s .rssmn opened the meet -
i It Margaret I.iiwman of
spoke en "Imprevemi nt
.- ei Arlthnietlc In Mm
irs " followed liv general
irie Henncs, of the Ilnr-
s-.ii.el. New i.iK. l.d a
i ssi, ns oil gi egrnphv .
" 1 1 dep.ii linent d. b
. tin r nl the l.ihertv lluild lluild
iiiiinpien. of Williniiisp ui.
' nile Dengler, nf Hene)
" president, and lieurge
A hti-ii i
ing. afi. t
..( tl.. I
Pum !'
nie Mm
Tin i
iiate- "
in? I s
I lesl'l.l g
Kienk i-
, llrisni i
t n v
After thi bra f business pesslnn li..i
ilele. an - i ii te the science ,., ,,,,
room en tl,. thud Heur te hum t wnh Mn
, and I'raetieil Aiw
uepariun ii n v ocallelinl lalllcntlen
drins b.i Dean W.itts
Arthm s ;m loll, uf Slain Collegi
iresiel ' In vici -luesiilent n Caro Care
line M It" m nt Iti.idlng. mid the
s, cri'tnrv It.. dne) Itruee, of Huinestead
I lean It 1 WattH, of State College,
spoke "ti "Tin Puni'tinn of Vocational
Agrleultnini distinction in the l'liture
Iltvelnptuent ..i I'i luis.vlvnniii Agnelli
tine" dil(iiii' S. Ila.vlni. specialist
in Ilium 1 1 mu inics education en the
I'lderal Hunid for Voiutleuul Cduca
tnm. dilivired nu nddress en "The
l'lnce him I'unctien of a Vocational
l'tegrain m Ileiue KioueiuIin in the
i.diicati'ii of Cirls nnd Wenu n "
Salllwiw, t)lila.. Ief. 27. (y A.
I. ( 'llie lunilk'SK bkclcten of n woman
belleied by ellicers te be that of Mrs.
Geerge Terrell, of Fert .Smith, Ark.,
who dhHpncnrcd here October ii'i, was
found en Ilndger Mountain, near here,
; Accused by Husband i
Wife of iiicm, lug-piil me theatre
proprietor leaving ciuiiilieiise with
n friend. Mrs. Hldgwii.V Is the"
eung woman In the fur coat.
"He Is Afraid Te," Declares
Wife Accused of Sheeting
Mevie Proprietor
Tin eh Itidgwnv,
motion piitine
appear tmlav te
had been made
"hcatic owner, did net
iptess (barges wluili
iiEtiinst his wife.
Kidgwu.v mid his wife scpamtei ev
eial ineiiths nge when .Mis. Kidgwu.v
who lives nt .",'51 iMini.inuen iivenue.
Olnev, stnrt(d suit for dlveicc.
Seme tlnjsi age there was a euiirrel
I nt the Hidgwav beine nnd Mm movie
man went te the hospital. Hjs wife
.Mn. in i-...t...l mill I. ,.!.., .1... ...... ..I
" """. - .i..i-.um
'befoie .ilagisirate I.lndell. in the
I ltmm.liten-n utnrlnn ren.i.- ,.. i.n..
.' "' .ii...
Itidgivii) prosecute,
present, having sent
Milt he uns net
" end he was still
s leutliiind until
ill. Hip lipnilng vva
,,N Wedncdai.
. i,.n!.l '
.Mr Riilgwni sniffiil dis
' daiufiill) . "Mint's: what he Is. just
..mii.i I'm will!,,. ... i,.,.. i.:, ,..n t.,.
he s,,is lm w,,. .het. P.ut he won't
r.i, e me in ibis . euit or am pla.'e else.
deesn't .show an b use lm knows
In. is wrong llm ineinlng we (pinrieled
' lm i nine home in !:".' o'clock, ainl this
i whole mutter bus b,en going en for
i some nine. I.a.t (.,i In r 1 pled paper.
. lm- a divorce, vel ' i mild net keep
nw iv and i. still living at tlm house. '
Stiff, ring trem what he said vius
1 a litillei wound utiiler the left eye.
Klilgvva) wn. taken te llie lewKh Hes-
pital Dnviuber H!, and Mi.. Kidgwa)
i. i. arrested en a charge preteried hv
District Detective Keeves tndnv .aid
Mrs. Kidgwn.i admitted te him t lint
.m fired n icinhpr nt a deer In Imr
.oein, net knowing her husband was
lii'ht outside In the line of tlie. S'et
until n couple of ila.is after the nl
ligid shoellng wils the bullet disieveted
in the bottom of n waste basket hv l)e l)e
teitive Hei vcs I'nlice belleie a spjjn.
i.r ripped out of the deer by the bullet
tumk and injured Hidgwav.
Mrs. Kidgwa) is n tall blend nnd
ittiimthe. When she appeared at the
hearing idm was attired In a light fur
mat, a black picture hat and a blue
beaded dies, of .mart deign.
Heads Delegation Here te Bid for
1923 Army-Navy Contest
Ma) or HrepjiiiiK headed n delegation
of ltnltiniore business men which ai
med here tedn) te try le take the
rm,i-Nai) football game te Haltinien
next fall. .New x.eik also wants i.,
take the gnme nwny from Philndelphin
The delegntlen will attend the con cen
fci'itice nt the Adi Iphia Hetel Mil
afternoon between loprcentntlips of
tlm Wet Point Military Academy and
N'aial Academv Athletic Assoclntletis
Tlie pln.UiiK agieimcnt for the nmiual
inn r-seri b ' gamp, and tlie plucc and
dale for the I'.l'J-l contest are te he con cen
hldered nt the conference.
Woodlawn Avenue Man Stele Aute
Accessories, Is Charge
Hnrry rirtli. !'4." Woodlawn avenue,
was held under S-lllfl bail by Magistrate
l.indell, at the (iermantewn peliip mii
nun this- morning, for n further henring
Sunday, charged with the theft of sev -
ml hunched dellai' worth of nuto nute nuto
mebile artes-eries fiem the garage of
Patrick McDeruietl. H-'l Hast Chelten
avdiun, (Jeriuantewii
Last nlsht Detective McCarthy, nf
the (iermnnteu.ii station, hid ninenB
..ime bnnels in tlie gatage nnd trapped
iiahuih m !" -'" )' ,i"ill
1 l.l.Aia 'IH, cliiuBhtn i.r l,tnl nnrt A t
1 lm llarrlu (ntn Mei riuknn). nued H j-nm.
ItiUtlin nnd MdiiiM Invlfil I" rnn,tril
.itilreii en Frldai, rt III A M.. Bt puifnti'
rislilince. d Wllil'id me.. Morten, pa,
rrlendi may cull Thurmluy aveiilnK tinr-nn-nt
W'hlu itiHrnh
IIAI.t. Sullenly en Per, 2.1, Jeseph
I liOAlt HAM,, lumhniiil of MarBurei Hy.
MHtir Hull i!0i N r.i ti m
S.sllIlllUOi; Dec 27. llilS. MART
r.l.l.r.N' IIKKIin wlfe of l.euls Aihbroek
llp'atlvss nn.l frlftidn re Invlten te utlenil
fuiiiral -jrilceB Krlday. 2 : 1'. J . t rfl
ilinrn nf tier huiibHnil. 7B0 N. 4"tli t In.
lerin. nt irlinlu
KAl'I'MAN SuiMenlj Die i'll i'ij-j nt
linlla C'liiIrK Ainu HAMI1I.I,. hum and of
1'iiniili, Ku 11(111.111 itici. I'r.in, tuiLi 1 j. 1
tlvei nnd frlcmla Invllcl te utienl fun. ml
I'rliliiy. t" A. M , from Anlier beim Uiund
Ht Chajwl. 1JJ0U N, llrend at Inttrintnt
Mount Hlnal Cemetery.
JIOWAItn l)ec la, 1022. CATHllINK
J., wlfe of the late fiiiencer Iliward Hda.
Uvea and friend ure Invited te Hitend
funeral nervlcM Thuraday. 8.ai) A, j . at
realdenea of dauahter. .lira. Marlen Herr
mann, (181(1 N. 1'ark uie. Solemn rriultm
KiH at Ht, mephen'a Church. Hread ar3
Butler ata.. at 10 A M, tntermant New
Catbedral Ceinctm '"w
1& Pl''?' "
I r-,1 V-Xl 1 1 wm.Sir'f HAT
P. R. T. Head Expected te Be
Elected te Fill Wanamaker
When members of the Ilenrd of
.Indues meet today te elect n wiceesser
te the Inte Jehn Wnnamnker en the
Heard of Kilitcntlen it Is unlikely Hint
they will give mere than passing con
sideration te the nnmes of women who
haie been suggested for the vneancy.
Willie they believe women would
make excellent tneinhers of the heard,
se far ns welfnre of the children is
concerned, tlie judges feel that a man
of bread business experience who can
deal with the financial nnd rcnl estate
problem of the heard should be se
lected. Themas 1. Mitten, president of the
Philadelphia Itnpid Trnnlt Ceinpnny.
appears te be favored hj a majority
of the judges, nnd predictions have been
Hindu that he will be elected immedi
ately after the beard convenes. Mr.
Mitten's name was suggested hv Con Cen
gicssman Vine through I.efeider of
Deeds Hnzlett.
Mrs. P.arclny II. WnilMirtcni and
three ether women hnie been strongly
recommended, cither In letters from
private Individuals or in resolutions
adopted by women's clubs and ether
organizations. T.hese include Miss
I.uiirn II. Carimll, dean of Temple I'tii
verslty ; Miss Marien Helll.v, a grad
uate and former dean ef-Hr.in Mavvr
College, nnd Mrs. I. II. O'llnrra, sis
ter of the Inte Krnest Tiistin, Diiecter
of Welfare, nml formerly instructor In
llttcknell I'niversity. Mrs. Willlnni E.
l.ingelbncli Is the only woman member
of the beard.
Deaths of a Day
James M. Kelley
Solemn requiem mass for .Inines M.
Kelle.i, president of M. Kelley's Sens,
coal dealers at 401(1 Poplar i-tieet. will
be cclebiated in the Church of Our
Mether of Sorrows Thursday morning.
Mr. Kelley. who was sixty-six years
old. died Sunday in the Miscricerdia
Hospital as a result of a f Ji 11 Sat unlay
from a coal car te the concrete lloer
of a bin In his yard. Mr. Kelley wns
Measurer of the Philadelphia Ceal Ex
change and the Philadelphia lluilders'
Supply Association and a director in
the llenenrin! Saving Fund Society, tlie
West Philadelphln Title and Trust
Company, the Mechanics'' Insurance
Company and the Columbia l'nper
Company. He liied at 1)00 North
l'erty-tlrst street and lenves three sons
and three daughters.
Rurlc N. Adams
Ruric N. Atlnms, formerly of "100
North Urnad street, who died en Sun
day night tr his home, in Wildwood, N.
.1., n prominent membvv of the Masonic
order, will be buried tomorrow from
1MI0 Chestnut street. Sotvieos will he
held nt 1 o'clock, hut friends will be
permitted te view the body tonight. The
interment will be private.
Mr. Adams is survived by his wife,
Ellzabc h Clark Adams; two daugh
ters, Mrs. J. Lewis Iirueiian and Mrs.
Edward Preizendnns, nnd one son,
Hnrry li. Adams. He wns-n member of
A'nux Ledge. Ne. .'lll.'t. V. nnd A. M. ;
Oriental Chapter, Ne. 18!!, H. A. M. ;
Kndesh Cemmnndery, Ne, 20. K. T. ;
I,ti I,u Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S nnd
ether orgnnbntleus. Fer some sears he
had been caterer at the Masonic Tem
ple. Samuel Kaufman
Samuel Kaufman, who had lieen con
nected with the wholesale department
of the Snellenburg Clothing Company,
Itread and Wallace streets, thirt) -seven
enrs, died suddenly of heart disease
iestcrdnv morning at his home in the
Helleelnire Apartments, Fortieth street
and Girnrd avenue, aged seventy-three
ears. He was born in Germany, but
came te this country when fourteen
.venrs old. As a voting mnn he entered
business in Kentucky, vvlieie he ir
mained several years before coming te
Philadelphia. He is suriived b.v his wife
and two sons, Leslie nnd Sidney Kauf
man. The funeral will be held nt l.'Ktl)
North Itread street Friday tnernin;.
Interment will be in Mount Sinai Cem
etery. Geerge R. Knapp
The funeral of Geerge H. Knapp.
Headquarters Compan), Fift -eighth
Infantry, who died at the Veterans'
Hospital, Otccn, N. C. will take place
tomorrow morning from his home, 121"
Perter street. lie will be juried with
militarv honors and a delegation of the
American Legien will attend.
Knnpp, who was twent -seven years
old, was wounded and gassed at St.
Mihiel. nnd was In the Veterans' Hos
pital for twenty-two months.
A. high mass of requiem will be sung
nt 10 o'clock In the Church of the
llplphanj, Twelfth and Jacksen streets.
Interment will he In Calvary Cemetery.
William J, Cellins
I nnipral sen Ices will be held nt 2
0 clock tomorrow afternoon fen Wil
ilmm J. Cellins. lumber denier nnd
senior member of the firm of Jeseph II.
Collin & Sen, who died Tuesdny nt
I In. home, 1U0-1 North Fifteenth street.
'Aft'. Cellins, who wns seventy-one ,ears
, old, bad been ill the lumber business
in this city for fifty years. He wn n
I member of the Cnien Lengue nad the
I Lumbermen' Exchange. He is survived
I I v his widow, Ella A. Cellins, nnd two
l-ens, William J., Jr.. and Jeseph II.
i elllns, who weie nHsecinted with him
lm business, The services will be held
I nl his home,
I Hannls Tayler
Washington, Dec. 27. dt A. P.j
I Hannis T.ijlnr, former I'nited States
.Minister te Spnin and recognized lu.
tberlty en Internntiennl Iniv, died at
1 his home here Inst night, uged sevcnti
no jenis, alter an nines of n month.
Pearls for Necklaces
J. LCaldwell & Ce.
-m- - ik
unuxiv uni.1 int BEST
Peltml Wtr tim lw,
PMicrlbid for th tins?
70 vein ii i curat!
tent and medicinal aM
In tn treatmant tf
fevcirt aid dlaerdtri f
t h kldnert. Madder,
and urinary duet.
Hiram Ricker
& Sens Ce.
418 Heat Estate Trml
Bldr.. Cor. Bread &
Cheitnut BU Phlte.. p.i.
Tel. Walnut 3MJ
fiend for
Illustrated UoeUltt
Ne Influence Streng Enough te
Make Government Recede,
Curzon Tells Ismet
nu Amclated Press
T-aiisnnne. Dee. 27. -Through For
eign Secretary Curzon, flreat Britain
Informed Turkey today that the nritl.fc
ne.-er will nhandnn the Mesul oil iiln)et.
as reqtiestecl ny the Turkish delegation,
.lid that no prolongation of the Xe
Kast conference can influence the llrlt
Mi Government te' recede from the tiet.
Hen It hns taken en this matter.
The UritHi position Is outlined in a
Irttrr ent hv Lord Curen te Ume
rnshn. head of the Turkish delegation,
covering tlie formal reply of the Itrit
Mi delegntlen te the Turkish nole of
Sunday last, which Insisted Mesul be
longed te Turkey.
Leid fur-en .said In this letter thflt
the Itritlsh Government had expelled
the Tin Is, from the Mesul area and or
oupiei and .'idministcnd it The llrlt.
ish had taken a pledge te free the
Arabs from Turkish nile nud ctahllsh
Mie Government of I he link, and ling
lend since then liinl t-';".i t cll given
her vverd thai the Aiabs vvtuild nt bj
interfered with.
Lord Curzon milled that Great Hrit-
nitl llnil f-IV'ntl llOe .nlnti,.. ..I..1... . .
, , " " -""l-,ll l-g. Ill If-
'no foieign power take nnv pint of this
j lerr ten- and that s, vveuld stead
1 fnstly adhere te her premise.
1 ne foreign .secretniy said, however,
flint Gleat Ilrltnin was piepared te
have her experts meet the Turkish ex
perts te define the northern boundary
of the Irak.
The reply as0 cpiestiens the rellabll
It of the statistics put forth bv the
Turks te justify their claim te Mesul.
Hie Ililtish note cencludes:
"The 1 ti itlr.li Government reiterate
Its relusnl even te ceiitcinpliite the sur
tender of the Mesul viln.vet am Ik un
able te s,... any ndvantnge uhlcli can
result fiem fmtlier argument."
In ills.us.ing iibat I.eul Curzon
meant b.i the statement in his letter
that the Ililtish tlebgatlnn wns vvilllnjr
te have its expcitM discuss with the
luikish oxpertK the preci.e tracing of
the neithern heiindniy of the .Mesul
vllaet, n Itritish spekcMiian said tlib
merely meant that the Itiilish clelega
lien stands read) te adjust the northern
boundary te move it a (pw miles .cmlli
if llie Turks se desire, te give n nmre
natural and meic ensilv difni.lli'e
The llrkish rpl cited niinieieiis in
stances of Kiitdish icvelts against Turk
ish nile lllf flenlcil nliunlntnle 1ia 'dpi .
ish elnlm that the Kurds and the Tiuki
are iiienticai and iietilu be treati'il i
one people,
I.eul Cuiven's loiter nlse stnted tli.ii
tlie Itiltish were rend) te giiuii tl
Kill dish cllstiiitK in the Mesul villi),
utitoiieui) in case", vvheie thi vv.i
Londen, Dec. 'J7. (It) A. IM-A
Iteiiters dispatch fiem Lausanne snvs:
"There is serious ilunger of the Xf.ir
Kiust conference becoming abortive if
tlie Turks persist in their pie-ent
Mos(ev. Dec. 2T.-(IJy A. P.I
Minim Litvinov, noting foreign min
ister, has sent a note te Great Uritnin,
P'rance ami Itai) regniding the setti
inent of tlie fate of the Meinel territory.
Tlie note asserts that any decision in
Which I.us.sln is net a partner villi nut
be recegni7.ei. M. Litvinov eiiuilinsli'e
the impoitniice of Memel te f.n.sin's
lumber ind list r for which the pert ii
tlie Rntevvii) te the world nmikets.
Meinel, located en llie llalth' Se,i.
was iiiteniatlniialied b I lie Tnat) of
Versailles. The territory funnel! be
longed te Germnii) .
Lest His Masonic Charm
If nny one finds n geld Mnenlf
watch charm beaiing the word, nnd
fiKiiren, Rising Sun Ledge, 12(1.
111 te 1011. please leturn it i" Clmrlei
Itiinner. cleik te .Magistrate Kenslmw in
Central Station City Hnll.
The charm was given te Itiinner In
1011 when the ledge celebrated its one
hundredth annhersar.v. He let It en
his way home from CIt) Hull last
These desiring pearl neck
laces of mere than usual im
portance and beauty are
invited te examine the pres
ent collection.