T 1J EVENING PUBIjb LEDG-EBr- PHILADELPHIA; WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 27. 1922 1 I MM illOY RIIRV ! .UTTLE INMLIDS GUESTS lfi?&wlSAUNDERS!mn i. . n IUI1ID ll 11 R iiiGii I , umirlrAn. n.i.Hj-.iw mini hit. Aiinr n I'Htlnn titf triPin. imp 1 1 v l .-w.m- lilllili"'"' - -- - m.uiiu nesM OH PRISON I Result of Probe Inte Conditions at Holmesburg Will Be Completed Today PRESENTS IT FRIDAY Th Cirnml Jury tnrtny ninln worked en llif report en eeiiilltinna In tlie rbllft'lrlpliln County prisons, which will I presented te .TtidRc Audenrlcd I-'rJ-(tr, when the court convenes. It was first hoped the jury could Jnlsh the erk of cempillnp the report resterdav. The session begnn nt 10 o'clock in the mernlnR nnd ended nt i In the nfternoen, with a hnlf hour for lunch. Tint toward the end of the diy it became evident that the tuns of tfitlmeny was tee sreat te be welded Inte shape nt one sitting. The jury met again this inernlnc te add the finishing touches, nnd will adjourn ever tomorrow. Aflstant District Attorney .Tehn Waiirer nit with most of the jury yes ifrdnv, helping te .t'emntlze the notes of fiie court reporters, who were kept l,uy with the evidence durliiR the .eure of the eleven dnys of hearing. It Is expected thnt the Grand Jury will Include several rccommcndntlens In its lepert. lulvUiiig the -eurt of the necessity for correction of mnny of ihe evils discovered nt Holmesburg nnd nt Meyninenslnu Trlsen, Eleventh nnd need streets, both of which are under the jurisdiction of the Beard of Prison Inspectors. Bv perennl examination the jury corroborated the stories of mnny former convicts who told of the Inhuman treat ment, the no-smoking nnd ne-talkliiK rules anil the dnys without feed ns punishment given prisoners in the In In itltutiens. 10NETYrSTRANGERS ROB HOST OF $286 Mm Whfc Gave Them Heme-Cooked Meal la Victim Last night Theodere Tiblis. 171!) Spring Gnrden street, met two lonely strangers in the City Hnll courtyard. "U'hcic can we get a real home- footed meal in this burg?" nked one of the men. "I'd give my right arm te it down te a menl like mother used te. make." i "You've hit just the right person te , tell jeu," icplied Tihlls, gcnereuly. ' "In fact, It just happens that I often I de my own cooking in my apnrtment, and nothing would give me greater pleas ure than te Invite jeu boys te dine with me this evening." The invitation was accepted with a profusion of thanks. The visitors stayed nt Tlblis's apartment until after mid night. A few minutes after they had bidden him geed nigiit. lie discovered , that they had taken $1S0 in money ami , ilething valued at 100. ' OETTINO IIRITAIN'S VIF.IF 8lsnd d(lerlnls. appearlns at iiitfrvnln bj Herbert N. Caen. a Londen llnnnrlal writer of International ntnntllni, give (hn . i!w of Orat Ultaln en preblenji of In- I itrnitlenal finance, war lean and ether lm- i rerur.t topic. Always rend the editorial i pit, of the rcni.ie ledger. "Mike It a Children, Patients at Weman's Hos Hes tlltal. En'nv r.lirlt.-,-- r i.. Meri- '...in j.-,i) (i,,., ,UM(, ,, , Impp.v by the (Wlnum ur.tl Ne 11.11' M Ill1fl-lllill lllf ..!.... I.. .. ' eith (elliw nviMiu... A (MirlMtnins ent with refnsh.ncntH. '1 her,. w, i, gift for en.Ii lltti,. KllnS. Thp ,.,. iron were ilin,. ,rK (r,.ntr( ,0 clinic and the hespitnl ward. Weman Leses $500 Ceat A mnlHiln m,t iilurd t $ii(M k lr. ported mlssinc from t,p imm, ()f ,, .Ice. i:Vk. nl 1(101 West All.-' glu.iy nveini... Tim ,t ,( , l(11 wen. sine; December lit. according te 111 n liniluny.1" "' ,"'P" Icft ,,nnR,,,, Questlered About Barn Fires New J(.Ni.y Slate troopers, scekiii" barn burners In (Hemester Count v, to te Iny iiuestiened Clnrenre Vutiderirrift twenty-one jenrs old. and Jehn Kei Nlinw, lwent.-nlne jetus old, both of Mniitua, wlie were nrivsted en ether serious clmrgi".. lteldents of . iwu lind reported seeing the men out late nt night, which led the troopers te believe they might luive been Implicated In the Imrn Hits. After questioning them, the trooper" Mihl they nn convinced the men knew nntliln of the llres. y ft - W rJ i m C.TU, chm&i ) TITTLKfelksnager-J- ly take the pleta-ant-tasting jAYNnx tablet. And itbenef.U tl em when they have a ceurjh, because this TABLET is the handy way te take Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, famous since 1S30 for coughs and throat threat irritation. Contains no narcotics; no habit-forming drugs. stum es Cbujhs 5528 yjtjHi $85 11-13 Se .Solid nbttlmim Wrtl.llnfT nitiRS Set. with IS din din niends, ns II1U1- t r n t e tl Sonic with lnrt?er rtla- i mends, $100 nnd ' J123. ifaMita(d 59 Veart Stk St. 2710 Gernuntewn Are. J."U-.N'-W OKIv'S CLUB Xlj X LIKE HOTEL Times .Square (Seulhwcat) INDIVIDUALITY tXOELI.EHT COISINIT keem Blnale. 13 M te tt.Ot QLLANDE landrU'-lbHMAN CO. Open Snt. T.r. Till 10 JHFIDENTIAt 3NVEHIENI JEOIT rjsrxT Cheese Your Own Xmas Gift If you received a bonus check or a X m a 8 check you can de no better nan te invest t in jewelry of our own choice. Rectangular Shape Ft) m lm iTtiln watch of Denular Hi.-r, In 14 or It tri&pA v.n . Mi.i. - . - -- -- -.--- n.vw.. w ..iiili' buiu. in nsceuanc meTement muaniniflQa rer year'. tlelld pecifll One Detla W;Uy yA Jewel Illinois ThetiMMa of thea "lLM .VOt.S WATCHES" hv hen eH by iir and ery en lv lastlnR latUft t en That la why w roc rec roc emmend this 21-Jewol mev. ti n t In 58 y a r K tl a r An ted keI.i ailed raiA A n xtr I hln mnri-i t the low irlce of illent meTement 52r6 $27-50 Pay Only $1.00 Weak Buy On Our Ceatdiatitl enTaniant R-E-D-I-T $44.75 $1.00 Weekly Cigarette Case Scarf Pin .Sterling Silver H-Kt Geld il"C.ae "l"""- stttf pin. m ueid miay. &pac . 7 K rer en" 7'5U I graving lth tri .L"" for en- $14.9 T IQLLANDFP 1 leniFLEISHMAN CO. CHESTNUT cernee ELEVENTH ST MOST BEAUTIFUL of the HUDSONS Hudsen has always been famous for the beauty of it.s closed bodies. But even among past creations, was none te rival the exquisite grace, luxury and charm of the New Sedan. The entire production of America's foremost custom-body builder is devoted exclusively te this one model. That net only assures the finest workmanship, but makes possible a price net equaled among luxurious cars. On the Famous Super-Six Chassis With the New Improved Moter All Hudsons have the new Super Six meter, the most talked of meter achievement of recent years. Old Hudsen owners, even, find in it a charm and smoothness hitherto unknown. Among ether models, the HtuUen Coach has an unrivaled .success. It affords all-year closed car utility, comfort and protection, with abun dant read performance and reliabil ity and at a price but little mere than open car cost. Fer these who demand excellent car performance with closed car advantages at mod erate cost it is of exceptional interest. Speedster, $1425 7-Pnss. Phaeton, SM75 Coach, $1525 Sedan, $2095 Frcfffit and Tax Extra HUDSON Super-Six Sedan $9HQP Freight and LaXjUO Tax Extra Immediate Delivery Us' I'riccs Touring $1015 Cabriolet, $1115 Coach, $1M5 I'reislit ahil Tax Extra Gemery-Schwartz Moter Car Ce. Sales Reems, 128-140 N. Bread St. Service Station, 2100-11 Market St. N ' Abbotts HOLIDAY SPECIAL ICE Cream of a delightful blend that carries you back te Grandmother's own plum pudding, with its fragrant, savory sauce. We have packed Abbotts Grandmother's Pudding, in bulk form, in the sealed package untouched by hand. Order your Grandmother's Pudding new. ABBOTTS Alderney Dairies, Inc. jfidt Ofdfoiefaatet Once the jlrpatkefthe Apache Indians v i a i . j i i n SaJ" 'rw-'' sssafehj? ' ., s. "STTSsga-j v'-r?T ssswisssssae mmmRhaK millMI IUIIW M--f1WS!! r .r h;ni3k..'jrj1' n t ii mmw 71 &i' aSrW i . . w m Iff III '.TilM'. rsr-vn: tJTJT- iinl i i - rs- W 2t; Si 'ipilinw"" ;a,(5Ra'rviiiij LbiMW . i 1 ss-TOvsfe immrirte&g ' - IHIIHMI APACHE TRAIL HIGHWAY ef ARIZONA All Moter Mountain Trip' Through the meit picturesque section Ot tllC (HltllC5t UNDER the sunny winter skies of this land of rocky crags and towering finnacles stand the newest and eldest andmarks of civilization. The great Roosevelt Dam, h!,her than Niagara a 20th century monument te modern en gineering M.ience, is but a few steps down the trail from thepre-histoncTento cliff dwellings elder than Babylon or Nineveh. Be sure te t.ike this 120-mile trip through Apachelnnd. Comfortable seven pascn ger touring cars meet you at Glebe te take you ever the Apache Trail Highway meeting the train again at Phoenix. Tri weekly sleeping car from New Orleans te Glebe enable you te make this n part of your trins-centinental trip without the less of a business hour. tzn&etir t0Cali fbmia Cvcry mile a scene worth while NcwOrlcan, SUNSET LIMITED San Francisce San Antonie El Pase Tiuxm S.m Dicso Les Angeles OII-burnlnB Lofemotlves, Observation Car, Through Pinlns Car with uncx cellea cuisine. Dally through teurht lc pi' s car between W.ishlnpten. D.C. arid San Francisce. Triweekly sleepmu car trem New Orleans te Snn Dicso via the San Diege ami Arizona Railway through the CARRISO GORGK. Fer literature ntn( ifi'ormdtieii, diiihcss SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES F. T. Brooks, General Agent, 1602 Cheitmtt Street PI one, Spruce 0577-8 Sfr j m MM l t I.e. l,M)li:il 21 li it. c O'lcii.) J A. .M. lunrx !.." I'. M V SnellenbureS L 1 ENTIRE BLOCK- MdBKETII2iTet2& STREETS k. M Continuing Our Phenomenal $100,000 Sale of Beautiful, Fine Q uality Fancy Linens Tomorrow In Our Main Fleer Arcade at Savings of V3 te V2 r J "? t&SF 60c te $1.30 Madeira Bread Tray Cleths, 35c, 50c, 65c, 85c Each Ilnnil-scnllepcd cdjre, with beautifully hand hand pmhreidcrccl (ftir" en snowy white Irish linen. About thirty uilYeienl patterns. Size 0x12 inches Madeira Tray Cleths Hand-'.t.illeppcl mi;e, with magnificently liand liand liand rinbioideio'l cinMf "n v -i,. line round thiead I'ish linen. In sc.vci.il attra -. w pattern. $1.50 te $:j.2r Trav Cleths, 10x13 Inches, 90c, Sl.le, $1.95 Each $1.75 te $3.75 Tray Cleths, 12x18 Inches, $1.10, $1.55, $2.15 Each $2.50 te $4.25 Tray Cleths, 14x20 Inches, $1.50, $1.8.5, $2.50 Each $50 te $205 Italian Filet Trimmed Sets, $25 te $145 Magnificently hand-embroidered and cut work centres, with beautiful Italian hand-made filet and Berano motifs. The most beautiful creations of hand work ever shown. The sct comes in round, oblenjr. and oval shapes. Seme are 13-piece sets, ethers are 25-piecc cta. Madeira Tea Cleths Exquisitely hand-scalloped edge and centres, hand embreideied in the most elaborate designs ..e hae ever shown en extra fine snowy whitq linen. $9.00 Tea Cleths, 36-in., $5.85 Ea. $11.50 Tea Cleths, 45-in., $7.50 Ea. $20.00 Tea Cleths, 54-in. $12.50 Ea. Point de Venise Lace-Trimmed Doilies, Scarfs, Tray Cleths and Tea Cleths In two very attractive patterns en fine linen centres. These are positively the most popular and most attractive patterns we have ever imported. Can be matched :... i.:.,,i e .-.- liliu luiy rwiiiu ui ut. Doilies (i in. Doilies, Special, :55c Each 9 in. Doilies. Special, 75c Each 12 in. Doilies, Special, $1.15 Each Oblong and Oval Tray Cleths 6x12 in. Tray Cleths, 75c 10x14 in. Tray Cleths, SI. 15 12x18 in. Tray Cleths, $1.95 14x20 in. Tray Cleths, $2.50 '13 Madeira Centrepieces Hand-Scalloped edjre with beautifully linnu-cni-broidcrce ic"tre or Miewy white round thread linens. ast assortment et chniniing pattern'. $1.50 Pieces, 15-In. Round Centres, at 95c Each $2.50 Pieces, 20-In. Round Centres, at SI. 69 Each $4.00 Pieces, 24-In. Round Centres, at S2.50 Each 1000 $8.50 Madeira Luncheon Sets, $4.95 Set Beaut ful l.'5-piecp sets with hand-cal!eped c Igc ard cxqm-itc ly hand-c-mbtmdered centies en cry fine round tlmad ln-h litien. Madeira Hand-Embroidered Scarfs Ma(:nifui.nl In nan 1 emhrciide n m ja-t one beautiful pal tc 1 n. nniUi min fn.i Italian filet lac? cdire en fim t r uid thread ln-h linen $11.00 Scarf b, lS.xati in.. $7.00 Each $13.50 Scarfs, 1Sx45 in.. $8.85 Each $16.50 Scarfs, 18x51 in., $12.00 Each Filet-Trimmed Napkins lli.iutiful filet and cut i and hand-einhroid-cied c rner.".. SeN.ial leuly paucin, en upcriei' piaui lmt'iis. 'ill- meit i.nmsite pattern- ever pindlU'ed. $155.00 te S50.00 Napkins, lSxlS in., $22.50 te $.")2.50 Dezen S50.00 (e SI 00.00 Napkins, 21x21 in., $;2.50 te S65.00 Dezen $150.00 te S700.00 Filet Trimmed Table Cevers, SS5.00 te $375.00 ' With iui weiK, claburatily band-embroidered filet and Hi n'e mct't cintr'"-. "I hi most clabonte patterns nvc Imni in it -ion. In round, eaI and oblenjr di-i-n-. The j,n.aU'.t collection ever a.ssimblid in any l.eic in i'hilailulphiti at one time. I'eme in .ill i i. Madeira Doilies Hanil-siallepi.il edes and band-embroidered centres, en .-nuixy white huh linen. Pretty pat terns. 40c Doilies, ( in., 25c Each $1.15 Doilies, 12 in., 75c Each Scarfs 1S36 in. Scarfs, $4.95 1Sx45 in. Scarfs, $6.85 1S54 in. Scarfs, $7.45 Round Centrepieces 20 in. Round Centrepieces, $3.65 28 in. Round Centrepieces, $6.85 36 in. Round Centrepieces, $8.95 45 in. Round Centrepieces, $14.95 800 Madeira Luncheon Sets HunJ-emn Vl-picie set?, with hand-scalloped ciki and riihly hand-embroidered centres, in a a '-pc var ctv of -haiminp patterns, en extra-fine "'.ou-y white renr 1 thread Irish linen. SI 1 .00 Set, $7.50 $16.50 Set, $9.85 Madeira Luncheon Napkins n'i prfpri! haivl-.callepcd edec and artis t..id "ird ciubreidercl coiners. Splendid aiert- i T ..f r..i; i atterr". SI 0.50 Napkins, 13x13 ins., $7.50 $18.00 Napkins, 14x14 ins., $11.00 $22.50 Napkins, 18x18 ins., $12.50 3800 Madeira Scarfs Hand-calloped c'pes with elaborately hand hand cmbreidered centres en finest round thread Irish l"in. About 15 mnRnfirent patterns te select fr in. All can be matched in cncp sie. S5.00 te $8.75 Scarfs, 18x36 ins., $3.25, $4.00, $4.75 $6.00 te $9.50 Krarfs, 18x45 ins., $4.00, $4.75, $5.95 S6.50 te $11.00 Scarfs, 1Sx54 ins., $4.25. S5.25, $6.25 92.00 Madeira Baby Pillows, 95c Each Size 1-K-J2 in. Ileautifullj, band embroidcred in ten diiTerent de!.i;n. Seft m! finish b- t. te and all-linen. Madeira Bed Spreads Handsomely hand-hemstitched c-dicc, with hand hand embreideted centre en extra-f'w.e French mercer ized batiste. $27.50 Twin Bed Size, $18.00 Each $33.00 Deuble-Bed Size, $18.00 Each $25.00 Italian Filet Pillow Cases, $12.50 Pair Have very finest hand-irade Italian filet lace edge, with a la: se combination cut work and filet ami magnificent hand-ombreidejed motifs. Slia 18x38 in. SNELLEN DUROS Arcade, First FJwr f "y- N. SNELLENBURG & CO. :N. SNELLENBURG & CO.: mtn m nwii Wflf imiii