mr, rWWWrTi 'mmvssm -,VOTyM')yiilN-v,li,)M!,''JlTl tiffltyAT'1'" ' ' ' t-w IWfWF!!, SVV ' " 1 ' nv f;1'; i rf' '" rB I aB" finf.. (" '(fV fST GOSSIPABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Tells of the Benedicks' Ball A Secial ! Event of Importance Held Last Night at the Ritz-Carlten Dinners and Opera rCHKTAINI-Y wni n gny night Inst rrcnliiK- 'ri,p lloneiU(-lM Imll. the prrn, nnd a rw one nt thnt, "Lern- inVrn mippefil'incc 9Pirk. ItntlPillrllK' lin 1 Is irlwn.v n wen- Ait niul it "s lipimtlfiil '''-' nlshl. nil imll. ns j oil knew, in given by n umber of nmrileil iiu-ii pmpIi var. nn U i wiipmllv IipM en tin- night nCl. ". ? . ... t 1.. twit .J.t ifllli ni-n.i nml r It 1m net nlil. with Chritinns t-i'ii i l,lll-ii"". --,.- ... ,., i ..... . , :7:i:iSf. ? .lliiner-Uanec en Rt. In imj iwiiih "." : ;' iw. cnid in In- Hip IpihIIhk ili'lmtiiiitps of ilip eninu. Tlir patrniipvcs of tin1 bull hle i-ar wimp Mrs. (innltier ( t'ssitt Jlrs. (iciKB1 Drpxi'l. Mrs. (icon,'e Ilnr Ilnr rlfen Frnlpf. Mrs. Charles K. Cee tml Mr. .Telm S. New bold. The Imll was civru in air 1111 1111 rnrlteii ballroein. the junior room mwl rntnnila belnu used for supper, mid th-rntrnnes'-i" rereiveil near tlie entrance I .. .11 ... f..a V.......li1 li. i.l ...I fn rue e.i i'iuiii. ..ii. ..,-.. i,"u .1., .. " "" . .. .i t.i i.,i ,,i,.ii. i Invriy 111 a Kiri-ii nun .1" ."i .."i. i cewn. wlilph linil it trnlti nt eiip hiiIp. rp were (liiiiiieml". .Mri. (iiinliH'r ('!ntt wns nlfce stiiniiini: In a irnwn of .Inlh of ! ver. Alri. AU'Minilpr Mill n.nccnlnnr looted I'hiiruiint: ill n u'ewn of binek velvet. tin beilleu of whieh wn pompespil of point iIp vpiiIcp lace. The ilresr. lnil n very Rrnppfiil train of .. enlvnt. nml she were pearls. Mr". Jelin White (ienry was In n rewii of cold sequins ever cloth of milil. mid her riatiRliter. Mary Oenry. were n freek of Kile Rreen nml silver brocade, trie bediee cut squarp nt the neel: and the .i.i.i liiivlmr niiinled tianels of urepn r". "':."' ... .i -i, .,,i iiu. bediee rut squiin' m " , likirt hUVlllR peillieil Jianeis in mmi ind silver chlfff.n nt the sides. A lovely ' nietnl cloth fiewn of Relil and old rose 7 worn bv Mrs. Victer Mather, whose It lini peiiip i" or " "!" in fnii .hi .n'Frpnic jciihs. ilrliutnntc ilnutzli-' meri pxpIiihIvp. V'" m.'. f nn Invi-I Ur (if Mr, and Mr-. Wllllnm TVarsen ! titl-ni affair, net n sttWriiilitin "HP I ;'' " of Mount Kemhlc. MorrlHtewn, ..I tin- 1l"t - very pxHiiMvp nml net ;; ': nl;' this t-liy. whose ciiKiiRement f rr lore". I-tukv nrp I he lititli Mini ' ' ' ' cnm." f!,r"y Warren. New I itry inrisi; ' i ..i.... it,in. ( emi. has recently been an-1 ini'liril ill ll. nn ini'.. inn. uit.ii.n lmtmeeil - : - ,,.i ,..i.- ...iiuc iiil'ii .mi- nun .urn. r.iisnu Wis were penilH. ,,., I'" ""' B" In honor of their dehu- Mrs. C'lareiicp Delnn pIiesp a stun-i Ulnt(, ,.IKltP,. Ml!il ,orethv Ui K(.,.( rlliR dress of inaiive velvet, trlinnieii u.m ncll(1(. MS3 .ll(,n n,irrlbeni jh,,m with ilnll silver, and Kitn Delnn. who Anne H. Tewnw.nd, Miss riarah Frank- Is n debutante, von knew, were an e- flowers 'is a triiiiniins. mm nci naei.11- ter. Lee Tunis, had en n darling uri's , of rnse-colered 'ilk. tntnuied wilii rcflles eiked with geld, ami made en dNtimtlv ol'l-fashleued lines. MrH. Jehn Koai'Mey .Mlicneii, .rr . was lii white and geld brocade, and her wrap was of ermine, icmhiiiR te the greiiml. Mrs. Andrew Peller, who. Mill leiiieinber. was Mis Kiithenue ('ee. were a very unusual dress. It wns of Nil" t'l'oen satin and had an eu'rihess of black lace. Mr-. Pertei 's i.. -i.... 11 ri i'iimi nsier-.ii-.iw. .'" ' ;; ;;' ' Jl., nl-ochese Nile Bi.'eu. but h'l - wi devoid of lace. 1 lie miu n"" ' lielnteil panels en tne sua. """ " (Ifieil with iliinesteiie.s. AW'i: TOWNSKNI) wen that lowly' , , lY . . , frock blie appeared ru lust at nil iwn dunce given last week. 11 was 01 . pink 1 011I1 ,.l till; iviMi insets nt e- cjui-ite lnce. and Virginia Carpentir wn- ' Ise In milk, her tmcK neiiig "i pui" nnd white chiffon brocade. Sim were I a necklace of pearls and a pink and I cnld rose 111 Her 11,111. .iiary 1 niu-i. im- debutante, were a fleck et n- (olercd Ileliclii'ini lace, a panel et Hie hue falling from the lieuldeis and feiinlnga -holt train. Iler-ister. Miss Viri'lnbi Cnrter. was in geld I. ICC I 111" .ip.a l.n.i n leitnl uf lirnwii fur HiTess rcbs b id n b. id et n ur a ri llie back of tl" shoulders and a it inpe nt geld luce. I here weie em loses, uiipliuuu' en the lnce. He en Hepe MontRemerv were a leil-lieaili'il tpJm'I frock. Willi a panel en the left lde extending hejend the lii'iii., Dorethy was 111 Mippnnc nine Tebet. The ilrcs was slightU draped nnd hud rliinestotie ornnmeuts. mid sue wero dark blue velwt .slippers and lliinestnne buckles. Mrs. (ieurge Hroeke looked htuniiing. 1 thought, in n gown of lilick jet ever nit in and tulle, nnd her daughter. Mt. Samuel J. Uceus whose marriage, jeu remember, toel: plllie 111 October, were ; M'I'J -marl down of cloth et silver. THKKi: is 110 qtiPiitien about It. Sil er nnd geld doth and mnteiials of tlie same kind shot with color arc hold ing sway this .war for owning gowns. Df 1 nurse, velwt i- alwajs a favorite, nml most of us count euis''lws us verj "old time" if we liaie nut a I least one velwl gown in our wnnlrebes, but tin- clinging geld and silwr linn ades and nietnl cloths are the thing with out a shadow of doubt. And what de jeu think of this i urban Men'.' Se many women wear head head tliesses of the material of ilndr gowns esieeiall the Mlvcr ini'l geld imes. wound about their heads like Orieuial turbans, but without crowns. Were there te be a clown llioie would be a lint, and a hat is newr worn te a ball or epein. Tlie egue for bands et color across the hair ha- bem ipuie finntie for a louple of and ihe idea nf earrjing tlie band mound the head instead of just across ilie front has developed the turban, 1 think. I.ucy .li'fferys liml an uini-titil bend dresH of featliers at the ball la-t night. Ir was of white and violet ostrich plumes mid wn- wr becoming. ,"i-1 nil K te frecK 01 c Olll OI si ver aim muw, "'"'; "- mr isiuun, ..iin. mifii !ll.,l In sllvri mil aeld luce. Mrs. . Mlchell. Miss Florence II. Mlchell, Tcili'd in Nllri m im ' l .-. .' .iP. James X. Cartel. Jr.. Mr. Jehn Josepli Tree 1 nnis wt i stuK u 1, Jr Jf i.cdyard Heckscher. Jr.. I town of chiffon, putp wlilte with 1; rem 11 , Jrr ;(hviir,, lroekl. Iri Ml. Merris 1 (.lilting nor iroeK. wn en was u, wnii.-i MlK ,..rnnk .,. stnnten. of 7109 H.r,e clilffen mid bud panels at the Mile el . awmie. wi.ed, announces the en tile bkirt embioidcred in Mulct lluwer-. i g.igi'ment of hoi (laughter. Miss Mary AMONG the dinneis given In fore the ball wns a large one tit the Holle- I Tiie-Strnlferd bv Mrs, I'rank Cljde. Ir was given for Helen Hepe Montgemer.v nnd llunii) (ienry. mid llioie wero nbeut KtO guests, including eiglil ilebiiliinles. The Livingston Middles ul-e gnve a dinner, and se did the ile St. Ph.illes, end the Charles Coxes. M OLLY Is ver.v fend of plii.vmg with dells, but -be has had several in rldents with some of her favorite- el intf, ami sue is renny vviurieu noeni ( It nil. l oil see, these daughters el tiers have n bnbit of fiilliu,' mil of their cnrrlnge and breaking their arms or ,vm ,0 i hil-ifiied I' Smith Hill, faces, and she can'l leinoinlier net te ' M. rut. r hi. gi.indlather, Mr, I'erclvni run with them nnd net te turn corners S Hill mddenl.v nml nil the rest of the IhijiK". M, willl.nn K Mm bier, or :i V, 1 he does that tire bnd for ihlMien. Ihe I ),nm fllll (ioinnntevvn. will entertain ether da.v she Imil a theught: 'Mi. the meiub'V! of the WeinnnV cinii nf aid bIip. "1 wisli 1 liml u lii i It sister te push in the coach, se's when she foil I eut ehe would net get broken." , v'iviv vwvvr NA.M.. vvi.N.M.. -- . f""!1! IfTf i'C H.4 1 It 1 1 IliO SOCIAL The inarrlairB of Mis (ieitrude Heik- "her. d.iuirhter of the late Mr Miurlce Heeki-cher and Mts IIicUm hei , ami Mr Aided A Middle, seu el the late Mr Aithur Middle and Mis Mlddl", will, h will tnke place en Satuuli.v at neon In f" Mark's Chinch SiMeemh and l.n eiiat streets, will be perfeinicil by the Hev Father Huntlngilen. Sitpei ler of the ' 'filer of the Hull Cuss, . vv Yeik He will be assisted In the l!ev In ihaycr, rectei of St Mail Si Peel i feuthburj. M.i.-s, and the I 1' Vernen t color of St Mail O 1.11" Church, "t this cltj. Miss ICllen Mary C.iss.itl will be maul of honor nnd the hridesm.iii! will be Miss Lucrella Stevntis Heck her and Mlns Helen Hepe Mnntgeiuci j , ceip-im (-f the bride. Little Miss Laura Smith. daughter of Mr. and Mis Albeit Smith, and Master Alexander Mlddle, Jr, son Sf Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Middle, will (lower girl and page. Mr. Middle's best man will be Mr Blden Ileso, of New Haven, Conn ami ;P. 1 ,ushei'(i will Include Mr Alexander Middle. Mr. Fruiicls Diddle, Mr. Hum IlrPIIITln. Ml- fiKnnnf Krvln. Mr. flnnk. TV V. '- ""'iw i lawn. .n. t.'rllllMlM ttP Al. ...... . r Hamircl J. Ucpvcb. Mr. Pei-nimum, II. hheber, Mr. Wnltcr .Stekf, Mr. Up- V,n yi'lynn '"! Mr. W. Seward Webb, Jr., of Xuw Yerk. Mr. nml Mrs. l.lvltiKrten U lllilille, of CRtvlew, Ur,n llnwr, Ptitcitnlnrd ill ii-'n'01' '" 1"fere ,lle Ui'iicillcka' Mr ntwl Mrg .1.Bn,.ti uili ut. -. IVillt'M u KatiM Unit, Chestnut Hill, litive Inmu-iI 'ruing, Jnnuary Anions the i ucsts who wilt tittpiiil Him illlincr wbleb Mlas Chnilmtn NVinmieuu i ami Mlii MiiiBiirctla Hhnrpli'm, daugb- ' " ami .Mrs. r Wilsen KliatnlesH. or Chestnut lllil, will (flvp at their Heme en iTldnv cvcnini; imt In honor of Miss Amu- II Tewnseml. Mljisi Anna fVcllla -.iiiiinc nnanii ami jiiss llutha V .sin.Mbi., all ili-luii. lines of this season, will In- Miss Harriet l-'rnzler Zlmniet mann. Mls l.tieyllr Austin. Miss i:ilr.n- l.. lt.... t..M... ... r, ' ' ' " " - .'ii-i r.iiz.ieuui uarry M- in-. .Mr mil Mis. Oenrue Wlllcex Mi-' ix,.,. m,- ijei,, ,t . i)0. :((. Mr. ' .lames K v ieuis, Mr. Paul IMtu.n. ' .Mr William Arneld, Mr. Iledncj l.and- '"' '" i.enan i'e, iir u alter I I'.ess. .Ij Mr.Alheit Klnp, of WnsliliiK tin, D. ('.. and Mr. Leenard Hnrckman of .New lerk. Tlie ffuests will later at tend the ball which .Mr. and Mrs. C'harl-1 ten Yarnall will nl" In honor of Uu-lr debutante daiiKhter, Miss Amies Yiirnull. The PtiRnKem-nt of Miss MarKnretl.i Slmrplcss nnd Mr. Walter Iless bus re cently been announced. ' fill. PIIAUlu ...Vin ..'III tM.1 .1. .!.... I...1. - .".. ::""7..rv;' ":: -" "? .' i v nnu .ir. ami .ins. nenry j-jiieneii, or ej.i (.ueBiniii sircct, day evening, .lanuary 2, In honor of Miss Mury deK (Jcary. debutante daughter of Mr- and Mrs. Jehn White (Wry, before wuane. .uss uoretny Hrewnim? nu.itie. Mr. Sidney Montgomery Mr uichmd Moiugemery, Mr. Ferreatt-r hcett, Mr. Ilranduii Harrlnger, , .lam.s Dobsen Altemus, Mr. Henry !""" nml Mr. Itebert llroekc. Mr and Mrs Bertram Llnriiiivelt en- 1 teiinlned at dinner at their home, 171.! 1 Spi lieu street, last esciilng, followed bv a box party at the Metropolitan opera! In honor uf Mrs. William I', llulfuin, I 1 f Newport. 11. I Mr. and Mrs Ar'iiur W. Kew.ill of Kill Spruce street, entertained 11 p.nty 111 rue .Metropolitan opera last evening. the box of Mis. Sewall's brother and .Sftri.n.,as. Ml. ..,, Mrs. 1.,,..,. y,,,... man. of 1 ll Spi uce street The guests I inciuuea ur. and Mrs. .lehn II. (Jlbben ami Judge and Mrs. Kebert von Mesch- ''kci, ,nr. nnu .uri. leuimau ami their son-in-law and daughter, Ml. and Mrs. Krnest C. Savage, and Mr. I'npe Yeaiinan. Jr., and Miss Georgina Yeat- ,,, lilVt, uft f(M. tiu,r ,ni.u, Dune mnr. Jaffrev. V II. In slieml Hie Imll. das. ire itni,i t 111, i.nnti f ini rni.. ami avenue, Ch'e-tnut Hill, will give a j luncheon and bridge partv en Monday, e..,n,.., ... m mniur i 1 ner fieuuLiiiiiu daughter. Minn Frances W. Ilickriell. Dr James Weir Hobluseu, of MG Seuth .Sixteenth Mreet, entertained an opera party in the box of Mis Heibert M. Howe, of 102." LePUht street, at the .Metropolitan Opera nt the Academy of eiropeiinui opera nt tlie Academy or Musc pxill, M Howe's sen-ln- law nil( ,.,II1Kht,.i Mr nmI Mr-U Wllllam G 10w nn(1 tlu,ir ,ilU,Khtpri jjiss I'.hcda hew, of New erk arrlvi d esterday te spend the Christmas holidays with her. Mp nI)() MlK J()hn (?rnbeI of st Austell tlall, W ncete, will enrertaln at dinner en Saturday coning In honor of the Hen. JiMle.-i William Lenwlek Kid dell and Mi-1. Kidded, of Terente, Can., who will be their gue'ts ewr the week end. Mr. and Mm. Urlbbel and their fam ily will have en January 21 for Cellealr. Fliu, where they have taken one of the cottages of the Hetel Ilelvlew. which they will OL'cup) for the remainder of the winter. Mrs. Geerge Dlaben will entertain nt nn Informal d.inoe at her lin-me In Merlen en Friday evening, January B. Mrs. Jehn Frederick Lewls, who Iria been spending a week In Atlantic City, will return te her home, 1914 Spruce street, tomorrow. Miss Muriel Wurtz-Dundas. of New Yeik, will arrive en Thursday, January -'j, and will be entertained as the guest of her cousins. Miss Kleaner T. Wurtz and Mln Marlen S. Wuitz, of 213t I'lne street, fi.r 11 few das. Mrs. Loulse C Maker Jr. of Mala, will leave early In .lanuary for a ,.1 SI 1 mile M.. .. 1 ul... ...Ill 1... .1... guest of her son-in-law and daughter. 1 .Mr and .Mrs Kth.iii Allen Hitchcock! I" fl. I.iiuil, itlll, HIH'H' fllU Will If I IU 1 Miepley, rrr a few weeks Mrs. Uuker will also visit her son-in-law and daugh- iii. in. and .Mis .luines w, Nixon, .Ir. at San Anionle,, before returnlne te her helne. Mr. nnd Mrs IMward n C L rich, et 1911 Spruce street, enteitaincd at tlie opera Supper Club lust night 1 Mr nod Mi Jehn S. (lusiiue Jr., of uvemiu, Overbioek. will fi Us Wiiedblin entertain nt dinner at the Philadelphia, (Viintry Club en Saturday evening, be nne trie iiace te li" given at tlie club. Figliteen guests will attend. Milan, te Mr. Jeseph Steele Calhoun, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chailes (i. Cnlueiin, or this cltv I Mr ami Mis Jehu S (Justine, Jr., cntiil.iliinl .it dinner en Mnudnv eve- ntug at On Is- Ihiiiii CI3S Woodbine uc inie, Ox ei lii iiuk The guests Included i Mr and Mis ci.iude Tayler, tr. and Mrn IMward T.ivlm, Mrs. Oenrge Pal- Iriiei, of New lull. Miss Hmma Mi vvers, 1 Miss Urnie ulli't ic. .Mr. nnd Mrs. W ilti r .s'ceti Mr and Mrs William Hurl. Mr. .mil Mis Albert Cervell, Mr Frank Ivdb, Mr Frederlik Kej ser and Mr. W.ilb r Mi.npli'ss Mr .Hid Mis Oirrgi! Washington Hill. 'of ,"i70 Pnik avenue, New Yeik. are lieilig eengi ilulntdl upon the blrtb of :i kuM nn Sfll llflri V Tlei'Cmlier I? 'CI... ..1.11.1 (lei maiitevvu of which alie is the pies. , ibin, mis al'tei neon, at half after two. I iV,1.'", ,' ..,'wi,1,'!!i' "',11 ,rP''elve with Mrs. nu.-iM.-i, nn. .v.,- ...,,, .-i.t nnu inenieers f lt, im.ird assisting jrrs- William i I Metllcv ami Mrs Charles II. Arndt 'will pieslib' sit the tea table. The club, of which Mis. Ulchard Sharp- less li.iM- is i li.iiim.iii, will sing ('hrlst- niiiH.iniels with Ml-s Hem luttii Wagner at Ihe piano. ells- Wagntr will also llle pllltie. plav (several soles. Mlfs 1'er.i Levering pldgenu. of Chest, nut IIIII. .s spending the holidays with her sblcr Mrs. Martin Nixon Miller, .it .'j Fiflli itxenue, New Yolk. Mi and Mrs. Herace (ire.sklu, Miss I libido- iiiei.Mii and Mr Jpioine Urea- Km b.ivi nievtil li itiii tin Ir home In Jeiil.iiiiewn te tbn TiiiiimIiip Ap.u intents, ...... It .. 11. I.. ,e I. ,. ..... iii i.e-v.v- ..,.e, iiuiiiiiuii, ui vll-l vv.vil will givu ,i Uinclueii ami bridge i toiieuiow ai i mi neon inn enrms Hub I in honor of Mrs. Thomaa Hillary I 'a;, no and Miss PicdeiUku Mreruer, whose eiigageineiit te Mr. William C llullejnuu wa.s recently announced. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Olyslnger Itlg glus, of -113 chambers avenue, Camden, have anueiliii'td tbu eugageuieut et their daiighter, Miss Marjeil.i Itlggins. te Mr. William Ilenrj Hev bold, seu of Mr, and Mrs tloergo Sejbeld, of 301 Seuth Fifth atreet, Camden, Ne date has been set for the. wedding. .H. U, Ill IIUIIIM (II ...... i. ...... . ii..... ...! i. 1 icriii irjre iiii.,i ... .!... iti. .. t 1 . .1 ... . teVENING TTJBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, A MIDWINTER BRIDE ''''''Bf . D1 'Hl'BSttttM , s n'HJIK L ' :4l'4.SK TO Hk&?. .' 7 f HBw - - Jf.ASiiMHmS9m''t :- ) ' iAfr' - taOsE3BMPr!IBkJr ,-' -A . " -" Ml a II ! IIIMlll - i 7 alllflHir IHKA.&KlW'li'r.T i fXfmammBS&awmgEam w MISS MARY ERNESTINE COLEMAN Daughter of Mr. and Mr3. Clinten H. Celeman, of Gwynedd Valley, whose marriage te Mr. C. Jeseph Dexter, of Overbroek, will take place at neon Saturday, January 20, at the Church of the Messiah, Gwynedd. Mr. Dcxler and his bride will be at home after March 1, at Ardmore, where they have taken a house. CHILDREN IN PARTY CLOTHES FORM AUDIENCE AT OPERA Fairy Story of Opera, Given for First Time in Many Years, Attracts Younger Members of Society Many Handsome Gowns Arc Seen Society divided Itself Inst night be. tween the opera and the Meiiediels' Hull, nml the nunieimis dinner parties before the ball were the occasion for absence el I very many of the regular patrons of the opera. Bexes and tickets were passed ever te friends and relatives mid a num ber of the younger school tet shiired the rare treat of the opera. , . 111 . .. 1. air. nnd .Mrs. urenvllie Umigp .Ment gemery tippujileil tin- box et .Mr. and Mrs. Itebert Learning Montgomery, and chaperoned a party Including their own daughter, .Miss Klizabetli Howe Mont gomery. Miss Anna Hroek and Miss Mary Illnny Montgomery, the latter the daughter of Mr. mid Mrs. Itebert Learning Montgomery. Mrs. Ment- t , 1, .1 1. gemery wus gowned In black ami goal ureciiiie, imiuu en puuii lines 1 with 11 trnln which fell gracefully from 1 the shoulders. 1 Anether children's nnrlv occupied the box of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence II. (JeiM which was entertnined by Mrs. deist, .. i. .. !......: ... t Mini wine ll iii'i-i-Miiiiifc i;iiii in I'viiii gliiv crepe. There were many beautiful i Surf ilistiuotlNe costumes we.n. Seft 1 chiffon velvets in pasel slindes were par- t pulnr v iieiiu iir. w i e tlie meta c el h flecked in geld and silver combined with rich tones in blues mid reds, run n close rlvnl with the Chinese, nnd Egyptian breendes, the bitter being se much the i vogue for the evening wmp. IJan.leiit.x in Creclnn mid Oriental cf- I .. . i i i. .... .t.... feels have been given much attention, . . ... , I.. '"U wrlP " stIp "" vur pij . Wraps heem te be of as much iinper tance as gowns, for ee nsldcrable utiPii- lien is being given t. (lesigii-and hues That Hip Span sh Influence Is also with ; us Is evident by the increasing pepu- i lnrity ami dlsplny of the famous silk shnwl in brilliantly embroidered Hew- ; ern en backgrounds of reds and yrl- lows. Mrs Jehn 15. Tlmjer occupied the box of Mr. mid .Mrs. Alexander "un j .... Itonsse bier anil entel'llliriii lis her gnosis Mrs. ifeiiprt II. Large, .Mi-s. HevMitd S (Irnhiiiu. Mr. Jehn C. Hell, Mr. ilartlev Meriiek and Dr. Penni nian. Mr. Tha.ver, whose costutues nre ever nttractive, was In black and silver bieiude. which harmonized benu tlfull.v with her vrnp of burnt orange velvet, which has n deep cellar of A illndi'i'i f ihinofteriOiS completed (hi costume. Mis. Large looked well m Engaged MISS VERONICA D. WIIELEN Daughter of Mis. Michael J. Whcli u, whose engagement is announced te Mr. Sylveattr J, German. -v iiue uuimiij uuii.isiuicii- "- a simple frock of bhick dope roi.iiilne. 1 created by Ihe presence of se many of Mr. and Mr. Ilriiee Kuril entertained in the young beyb and girls. There were', box Mis Alice llarvej. el' Wil little bejs in the feimiil llteu suits of ' minsten. and Mr. IMward Kred (iiel-1 long gray trousers with hlmrt black ' ler, of Uroel;!n. . Y, Mi-. J'erd 1 jacket and bread while inllnr- nml llioie was attract iely attlicd in black enpe were big boys, In their llrst dinner rnhreidered in jei. Mis llarp.v'b suits, while the small maids and tall gown was of jade green diilTen. made misses looked elmrmliig in dainty frocks , with n tight bodice 11 ml full skirr with of silks nnd luce. an irregular hem. 1 JM'i&fkwKmSSi m v.,- fKrsMi I n .n.. n " MS&iiSSmS V V , Photo by 11 gown of French blue oliirt'en em em em bioidered in crystal bends, while Mis. Hrahain selected 11 beiemlng gown of litlit blue metal cloth, nml were a plat inum band across the front of her head. Mr. nml Mrs. Alexander Cee Ynr null and Mr. and Mrs. KeRimild Jacobs occupied Mis. Alexander Ilrliiten Coxe's box. Mr. Yarnall was gowned --'....,...... I'll -, will nil. IIVH" 111 IliaeK Cliilleli mile. .Ml' 1 1 Mrs. Theiiins O. Ashton wero a mnd-einp gown of black whet em em breidered in jet, with bands of jet evi r tin' shoulder.- nml made with a I nun which fell from the slieuldeis. .ur. Henry Pepper Vmix selected white satin biocade. Mr-. Charlton Yiirnull were nn iUtrnctie gown of jade gieen '''.' ...mi,- .in fietu dp. (,ft m'( ''. mniip wuii a tram which fell e,,.;i., ,. . ... ,. ... ,. m,1'1)"?,,","8 MlfH vv"n Kebem In a , V. . . ;" "i'- gn"ii iiuuie en ev T"Tlvli. l"mn lines with a short train at tiie side. Mrs. Richard V.nm Ner- ' ten scleoted geld brecadp cm V shapp ' I nt the iifd; nnd made with n court 1 1 i..,.. , t,,,, rv..i u m mncnllKinr. JT.wn f S1l,,,llv?" wnr, " ,, "" K' ' ,p, "U 'f .rf U"jnl p,ll'I,'I,; ..i... .:.:,". " '."'' ""- -'" iiiiiiuriui trimmeil at the cellar with Russian .s.iuie. Mr. and Mrs. Henry P.rinlen Coxe entertained as their guest- in their box Mr. and Mrs. Persifer K. tSiben. nf g ,l,'l d .",7"""f K?? '" I-"1" ""'I wlilli' brocade mine with a com i tialti nml were n wrap et white tur. Mrs. Ulhsen. in a bioca.le.l Silt Ml i Ins. nf n i !.. . 1....I.. i i. i -....., .... , ,,! ,, ,, , ,,.. ?ii:iiiii iiiiviiiri iiiiai ,,1 M,.s Su-i,. Stewart w ere "i gevii ,,- Mat,u f.m Mr a, Mrs. .1. A. Miss Klb'-rhe (iribbel ami Mr. Jehn M Cre-ini occupied the box if Mr 'nml Mrs Jehn Uribbel. Mrs. McCiinh -., i. r tl a becoming costtiine of imrple i liiffep velvet, while her sister. Miss (inbbel "ere blai k crepe satin and a bl.ick f-J'Jiiri-li shawl embroidered in red and M';;n iiiiHi-is MKs Catharine Wharten lnr..,u ..r.. a frock of black velvet made tight nt tin bediu with n full skirt. ',, bodice, cm round nl the neck, wns fln lhluxl with an ermlnp cellar. Mrs. Ccerg,. ll. Kvnna aelectcd n be be peming cnstiime of orchid shaded c if fen embroidered in silver I(.r or er pulnr wrap was of while fur Miss lrginia de Meral Smith looked well In a fieek of ,,.(,p pInK ,.hl(t,w nnd wero a Spanish shawl of white embroidered in i pink and green il,m,.,-. Miss Sarah Legan Starr were a frock pf Irench blue georgette embroidered n steel bends. Mrs. Arthur II I.e.i looked ver.v well in purple velvet Mrs. Isnnc rntnnll Starr was Kmn ; lM gray nnd silver breende. West Philadelphia Mr nnd Mis. Daniel Crawford I of MOO Wynneflclil avenue, aniwi'oe .the engagement of their daughter, Mi 1 Myrtle ll Crawford, te Mr. Wl'lum Pugb, of Ovetbioek. ' Celcmel nnd Mrs O F. Snvder h . iiounce the engagement of their d uigli Mer, Miss Margaret Snyder te Mr I. in J Dm by. Jr. of Washington. d '. ' Mr. nnd Mis- Ralph Itesentl. I.l ; 1310 Neith 1 tin t v -s-ut mid street i , nounce the ougat'ement of their ter, Miss S.idle Reseutleld. te Dt M u l Ibevv S. Hrsiier, of this i Ity. ' Mr. and Mis. M. Godfrey of 711 j Seuth Fift -sixth street, amidim e " ! engagement of their daughter. Mi-- Cella ijedfipy. te Mr Merris Strains, I son of Mr and Mrs Jeseph Strmi-s of 2bOS Wea Albert street Mr and Mis Leuis L Murder g.iw a dinner and box tally en Mendav .v. nlng In honor of Miss Mildred Lewbu. . I whose engagement te Mr. Maunlnir lb n , ctUii. of Cli.ulesreii, s ,. his 1, en announced. Mr. and Mrs ,s p.url . f Whailen slieet, h.ive uniieiiiieed ' rh.t eugngemimt of their daughter M s A,'""m i'.l'rtvl,,tit. ilr; ''"'I' 'iitenbl.itt. "f i". '" -V,"' i Na,1,(" street eiu, wedding will take plnce next fall North Philadelphia .Mrs. -Sarah ueseutiinl, of n;r. Minler street, has as her guest for some tlniu ,ir. .iieipu ixiiiiu, ei liadMlen, Ala ivir. nmi .xirs. .lesep h Heni.i,,,i ,,f ROB Went IIuiitliiKtleii stroet. cflilirated I their pllvm wcdaiiiu m their home en Sunday last. Thcre wcre nbeut ane hundred guest?. , Sir, nnd Mrs. Merris Ornbcyes, of 4210 West (Jlrnrd avenue, have an nounced the enRaReinent of their ilailRh ilailRh ter, MIish Anna tlinbeyes, te Mr. .Samuel .Segal, of 1.S57 North Hlghtb street. Ainentr the Rticsts who attended the re ception in their honor held en Sunday wero Mr. and Mrs. Leuis ScRal, Mr. nnd Mrs. .Vntlinu Segal. Mr. nnd Mrs, llermnu llesenbauni, the Hev Harry Sbnplnf Mr. Uivld Setal. MIsh Claire Bal. Mnster Martin .Se;al, Mr. Jnck Uiabejfs and Mr Harry drbeyes. Jtlss Kllzabetlr' Carscn Watsen, of Indlnmipells, feuncrly of Oermantewn, Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. James Mc Cunly, of TIekii Seuth Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. W .1. ltobliieii, of lrt.10 beuth Twentj.tliltii stit'tl. announce the PiiKi1.KPn.c11t of their daughter, Miss Mai Amies Uebliisnn te Mr Walter T. Ambrogi, of uwibreM. .Ileng ilia Heading Miss Mury Sl.-wart and .Mis- Anna Sj'ewiirt. diiughteiH of Or. and Mrs. .1 U Stewnrt, of oak I-ane, gave n surprise p.vtj (or tnelr brother, Mr. e iKr M mi c wart, en Friday evening. in guests were Ml. Uoiethea Walten, ls Durelb) Mump, Miss Margaret 1 , 'M1.HS Jlargaret McKee, Miss Louise 'Iiilmere, Miss Anna Speck, Miss ili-len UartlBiiPs. Mr Allen Addlcks, Mr l,ws i:skerlnn. Mr .Jeseph hhinipp, Mr. .linn.'.; r;in, jj,. wililriin Jeniier. Mr,,. i.f,n. Mr Alfred out Mr Hpiny Wnll. Mr Hiuld Kav, I '''''"'L1. "arlieur Ml Carl Andcr 7??,i ,i n'",maH Jenes, Jr.. and Mr. living I'end. Ml." Alfird ChiiibM Tufferv, of Jtc bank. Slnten Ulaiid. . Y.. Is Isir ese. ner pmcuis, tr ni.d Mrs Wnltcr Dyson' of oak l..inp. for the holidays. 1MB Oermantewn n .."!.' '.'.."r"? J "'"'row. of 602.1 Wnyne hi Ashcvii'i", 1;:-'!,"en')ll"B ort time niMi Jr"V!irl laft and her daugh , ' Mh!i 1-ilv1,n Kraft, of Wayne nve- t mi' nil I. inn In ,lHt- nm .,,.. ..II.... . several weeks at Davteiin. Fin l, 7. tbev will January. remain until the mlddle of of .110 nnd Mrs. A A Chapman. ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY THE MANAGEMENT OF THE MAJESTIC HOTEL Bread at Girard Avenue :iiAiiM AVNOl'M PAUL WHITEMAN'S CAFE DEPARTS ORCHESTRA r vdkk tiik ntKKrrm.v op Mit rn.RLKs nens-nni:r.i:it wru. rrv Tomorrow, Friday and Saturday, December 28, 29 and 30 ' ' e(.Ai i Y i. .u.iiN pi: i.r.VK main liu.uioe.M i.priT toen .Ml!. Wlllir.MANS OIICIIKsTHA IS VOW 1'l.AVIM. U'll'It i.i:(il!(.l wilirnw u.wiiim DANCING FROM Tirlietn rn oale at e31ce of hotel and box etnee prlc. AN APPRECIATION We desire te express our pleasure and slnccrest appreciation of the splendid interest and evidence of support and geed will manifested by se many of the best clement of the community at the opening yester day of MURRAY'S, Philadelphia's neiv restaurant de 'uA'f, Locust street east of Bread. Nothing in our long and successful career as restaurateurs has filled us with greater satisfaction than the enthusiasm shown by the large number of visitors and patrons en our first business day in this city. It was a gratifying public testimonial cf con fidence, and ice extend our warmest thanks. It shall be our endeavor, at all times, te live up te this trust by providing the choicest of feed carefully and properly prepared and served, offering the best of music and entertainment, and looking after the com fort of our guests? IS 3 Sincerely yours. MURRAY'S "The Restaurant Fer Smart People" M U WALNUT Barg. Mnt, Today 50c te $1.50 PAULINE LORD in r.ucne O'N-Jlll'i Matterplay ANNA CHRISTIE With OEOROE MARION, FRANK SHANNON La it 1 Nliliti. LAST MAT. SATURDAY Next Week, Mil. New Year'i Day, Seat. New THE MONSTER By Crane Wilbur Most Myiuneiu, Tlirlllinn. Excitlnc Lauah. Play Ever Wrltttn Iv EITH'S THEATRE AUNT JEMIMA Jes KaTirienil & Llttle Club Orcheitr. VUANK VAN KOVEN TOM SMITH Mauric DlamenJ tc Oe.i Jenn & Jenn. jamea uutten & Ce . EIl nnd MISS LEITZEL In "An Atrial IVaIIa" J SheMi New Year i Pay 1 30 30, 8 r M . , . Academy. Sal. Afl., J.. 6. 2:30 hempel Dliiu Pnuba Waltz by lUaueit TIlM.lS SilW l UHMV A IICl'l'i-' ,s Adlili'lil) MjiiIi AiH.I IIii.i'h llllt i liii.t DHlLAUhLI'HIA sat. . i-rid., g ftDrHFTDA UKLntO 1 KA n I.l HI J .1(1 Wrr nVJX DECEMBER 27, WtBt Berkley street, are spending the holidays at Atlantic City, Miss Helen Mooney, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. If M. Moenev. of Hast John John Jehn eon street, will leave this week for Hip llaliaiun Islands, when- she will spend some lime Shu will be au.enipntn si by her sister. Mrs Henry Hroel.s. Mr. and Mrs 'ieoige A. Mcllrlde. r,t t8 Carpenter street, are spending Hie holidays at Atlantic City Mrs Alfred Vegcl entertained nt luncheen followed by brldgn en Thurs day at her home, 2001 Clielteti neniie. Among the guests were Mis. Wllll.ini Urynn, Mrs, William I'. Walters, Mrs. J. Jehnsen. Mr. (S. Jnines. Mis. . Ceunsll. Mis IMmund Hecbt and Mis j. A, neiiham Mr. ami .Mr. Harry Kessler Kirk of Oermantewii, announce the cnganemem. of their daughter, Mls liillth Ada Kirl In Mr. iJeirge W. Allen, keh of Mr and Mis. T J. Allen, of Mount Am llolmesburg Mr nnd Mrs. II. II llerielt of se.rf Fiaukferd avenue, am spending a few dan at Atlantic City. Mrs. Clara Hinckley of Ttliawn slrft will entertain the nipfnb'M of In r card club nt her home en Friday nfteinein Mr. nnd Mrs. II. I- He Id;,, Welsh read, have had n rle n for a few days Mr. nnd -M Ivery, of Kansas Clt, Me f M'l gin I" Jeliri Kesvnhcrp Sharp The marriage of Mis Knthr.n M i'P. daughter of Mr. ami Mrs M"iii shin of I. 'SO Viela "ft id nnd Mr I1"iJ'j- n I'.esenberg. of this if leek ptice .i (veiling at S 1 1 lui ), In M011I11111 Cehen elllclateil The tuple, who i ntteiided bv hi r eeu'lp Mls I'e.i . (Iressmari. of l.iwrnne, Ma-s 1- ' maid of bonei, wen- a gown of ellvi r brocade nnd cart led a shewr beuquel of roses, lilies of the valley and sweet 1 pens. Miss !. w Hnrk. Miss Uea 1 dress, Miss Ann. 1 Abrahrimsen. uf Wt -it Virginia; .Mi's ji .Nauicn. .-uiks 11a. rlct Frlehelter and Mls S Knlin of New Yerk, noted as In lile-muid- Dr Maurice was best man and the u!ier- were Mr. Jesepir Sharp Mr Samuel Weii-berg in Hdward Kahn Mr. Vletni Cienl.rn. Mr Harry Fri I- belter and Mr Itehnrt Kimni' After 1 tlie rectptlen Mr and Mrs Rosenberg llaft en nn extended wedding (rip and .will be Heme arter l-eiiisiiiry 1 til iii. I North Klghth street. in rrv. .111.) l THAT 11 TO CLOSING Conway i 233 S Bread Street, at regular B m it m m u n n 19 M II 11 U n n u n ii M CI M Mi a n m m CPs Ws&P" iMBnssar.BmaiBBgE BROAD ST. THEATRE Holiday Event TOMORMfENOONiTZ.le SNOW WHITE Aid the Seven IIHI-U VI IP .N(UN VIDW"-,l!lIlr- s'-n rut t vis i vtnv pi v.1 Ir "SLEEPING BEAUTY" SEE ri"VD,,r. rf Ilut:1' D " 1 He I.,, ,. rfnTn;cVu,e'Sa'n.H" ""' Th. Tlcke.i tOe tillMS, ,t Thf,t, MET ROPOL1TAN SfNOW MAT. DAILY FOR LADItS ONLY NIOHTS ""!'?".. v VIUi.lV.l I A llVITTt l-i ?sc rp Jioe eek rvriiv n(r evor IU Smti New li"I OCtr n, nimH. l I UHAMA 1 i V ' I'i. tin AOADEMY OF MUSIC METROPOLITAN OPrUA COMPANY N v JBeEVF' At 7.30 DIEWALKUERE Mmu, Matifiiauar KepiiDfrg Gorden m. '& tTS&ri'A "" saasr'H'.'- EMMET WELCH Minstrels MATINEE EVERY DAY THIS WELK Tnvs rnn Tirr mrtT r,WV,.V "l .w.w .w.. ... w...j,Wt jy .--. n-FSMnMO i Vt A. tii.l.. . Nu-I t lit ll 1 . V V,j-'N-' t -4X 5v' ( f-wP, -(. I 1 v b m M I -p&'T-I THAT GIRL PATSY 'n'. i iiur. - i 1922 ' 11 ARENA 45th Market St. 46th VERY Comfert iVERY Requisite READY ! ! ! LET'S GO I'l.e ' 1 1 if i . t t . .t. i i e in nnnetn iiik Hill ir di ft i mc e fniljh. t't n it 'i Will Begin TODAY Morning Afternoon Evening Environment Delightful Special Features Orchestral Music ICE SKATING W7 continue during the season, and en the days that it is held this advertisement will ap pear in the amusement columns of the daily papery NEW REMODELtO REJUVENATED MANAGEMENT MORNINGr- ORCHESTRA ArTERNOON EVENING- POPULAR PRICES Watch ler it! 1 1 will net appear Days that no skating is held. THIS WEEK Sessions Daily Popular Prices Evenings 8:30 te 11 . . . 75c 10 te 12 and 2:30 te 5. .50c Children under 14 ,25c IS ' ''M ''' I M li'-Ti.'VhTi'fi DAILY MATS 2 15 EVES AT 8 15 WATSON SISTERS i ivm is'n i,im. i ' . i i . m ' r i rn i.n --v. rrr-i STEPPE and O'NEAL VIK K LAW! OP. jenwi itKitKEs he worn .no FIVE KINGS OF SYNCOPATION III. I let I 111 n'T Urn tt SM SHUBERT Pe"- " y e. and Saturday SL-AT3 .VOW TOR HEW YEAR S MAT NIOUTb Al 6 30 ADElPHIMa-Tomer. ,;;.,', $1.50 PAULINE mc: fTV'f OQlPPiNu DRAMATIC PtV "&GU1LTY ON P i, Ma, T Sr Sut Beit Ssttn SI LYRIC Nl. .KiS AT 8 15 hHARP J MATS THIS WFEK MATS. TODAY, FRI. & SAT. BL0SSAi JTOPcnairnm Sl lllll Ii .1(I1M - W . Ml , FORREST A. ri "l.:u l lllUAY-r KT 9FT'' PA'JUfflTWJS MlAB aOTAl 0RCHESTSA UWZ WUSCT1GK of HtV BEAUTiSS GARRICK POP MATINri mrAY Mnt. Tomorrow. Best Seats $2 TOTHE LADIES Ii" Auth ri of Mci-rnn cf -h8 M 'V.ti ' WITH 3-2ELEM fcAYES On of tlin high met, of pa m -ri l.n BROAD MATS r PAV i SAT ii"r- iM 8I5 I'.OlUFvT Itff A aka"lKB B and GENEVIEVE HAMPER SHAUFSPFAnEAN-CLASSU i AVS MAT. TODAY JULIUS CAESAR lurtiiai-ii ftb YOU LIKE IT Tl nr. uinjiii tri Maensth Sit ,, n.i Julie' Sa N et , ,, ,."', H mi (i r... in .f t i "" - -. ...... . .- ll , ,,, ,. y. ., N Bht j hO'V Q- Il-I lie VAUnrvti.i r r urc ... , iShlrl Maum, ll.e New -T. , li. .te CASINO 8th & v, - .' M. iultlJ jean urniNi s riuicklc of 1923 MODtRJI DANClMi T1 L'din ! Ml,. k I I ' TROCADERO ,,, JnWaiia arail . FlfliU. KmS ' -if'Vf '-" y tF i iCia VjU mi f 11' iv fH . i i 1 1 . ih "i?ft'S 1 -1 Dlrittlui Hlnnli-y Cm-uni n.i of Amcflcta NINETrENTH ft MAHKBT ' 11 A. M, te 11 r, M, JACKIE COOGAN IN rillST NATIONAL ATTRAOTtOIT "0L8VER TWIST" BY CHARLES DIOKENfl NEXT CNEW YEAIt'B) -WEEK THOMAS MEIOHAN IN "BACK HOME nn numfe" Extra Midnight Performance NEW YEAR'S EVE f& lflTlt AND MARKET 11 30. 1 30. 3 30, & 30 7 30. S.38 4th week The finest motion picture you've ever seen! Tlir. 1.CAI. ROMANCE OF MARY n neil and ciimuxs branden AS OITSTASDINC. HISTORICAL ivrT rnr su r ttest story lIR rOI I) VQt MARVEL. Ot s Mr7i RPII f I OF SCREEN M w&tMkg) AMI. SUPREME CAST OP 300 HEADED by AIUO kl wm PMMMM The Most Geoiffeeus Cinema Creation of All Time St ITISCS BY JOSEPH URBAN THAI OITRIVM. WYTIIING EVER SHOWN OS STAG! OK bC KEEN COSTUMES OF RICHEST MATERIALS AS" ARTIS. Tlf TK! ip PRODUCED AT A COST of si.; 500,000 A COSMOPOLITAN PRODUCTION A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Special Augmented Orchestra NEW YEAR'S EVE MID.VIOHT PERFORMANCE SEATS NOW SHE WAS TIIE MOST ALLURING WOMAN' IN PARIS HE WAS THE BEST SWORDSMAN IN FRANCE m And when he tee fell, infatu ated and heart-heavy, under the mystic enchanting spell of this bewitching sorceress, Paris waited breathlessly for the im pending disaster. Never had there been such n het-blooded 'emance in the history of the City of Leve nnd Laughter! ( Rex Ingram's Metre Masterpiece TRIFLING! WOMEN at the ALDINE 19th and Chestnut '1 A M. TO 11 T. K Kiw Yi-ar i Ev( Midnight Ferfornueco A. M. TO) 1MB P. M, BROAD ft CHESTNUT CONSTANCE TALMAGE IN PICTURIZATTON OF PLAT "EAST IS WESf " C- R,,f,. Eluelrin itJtU ... -" -V,!! ,. NEXT WEEK A WONDERFUL PICTURE "THE DANGEROUS AGE" New Var I t M.jnlnht Pi-rforinance PA! APF 12TK MARKET 1 flLinVLl ie a, M. te Hits P M GLORIA SWANSON "The Impossible Mrs. Belle" . w Vnti T7 Mlttnla-ht rrfermanc ARCADIA 16T1I lc CHESTNUT 10 A, M. TO 11 10 r. M. Katherme MacDonald IJ IlOMrSTlC ,n RElXTiewR't Nw Vm -i Eve M tlnttrht. VICTORIA 9TH li MARKET D A M te IMS p. M, LON CHANEY BA;giJ) Up a Year I M rtnlfht rorfenm.noa CAPITOL TK MARKET 10 A M, TO ii n i w RODOLPH VALENTINO ;yfl N w Y t i re Midnight rerferminca GLOBE JUMIFEK AMD MARKET 11 TO 11 RnriR the Whole Family te Se v' l:J ir....l. .ill- n:ll Wur 1UICIIUC Tnuuriiiie Kill NEW YEAR'S EVE pEJ?OTa"ntch K'tJfcVll aunrt imn jii stll, BROADWAY JJKOAI) A BNTlltl iinrAi " werid'p ohampie-j IDEAL" w " - w WUIUAN KWIIIMV'I Wallace Reid in "Clarence" ALLEGHENY lJWfr Dorethy Dalten, Jack Helt "ON TIIK 11 IC . II SEAS" ts (inivtr te- with VAtmrvii i CROSS KEYS MviftftVi "THE OLD TIMERS" S 5 ANTON V .?! 7(it07t VH ,m m 1 i i . I A'v--i.-t., , ,