Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 27, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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    Tygyv llf w '"'" "" ''' ' ""fff
naln Jen rM Mid Thnrwlayj slightly
"iir Jenlglit w li lowest about U5
nrrrMnjTTrj I 1 I tt I .') I 4 I 5
'pprffqan !". I H H I
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VOL. IX. NO. 89
Entered na Sccenrt-C'ln n Mattel n' Iho Pnstnffle t 1'hlladelchl. Pa.
UnJr the Act of Mrch 8, 1870
I'ubltahed Dally Ecpt Bundny. Subscription Trice $ . Tar by iUII.
Copyright. 1B22. by Public ldr Cempny.
Calls Proposal for Inter
national Economic Par
ley 'Useless'
Mere Than Twenty Senators
Behind Ledge in Attack
ing Project
Fight te Center en Ground the
Amendment Is General
fly Ameclatett Preai
Washington, Dec- 27. Administra
tion Senators under the lend of Chair
Him Ledge of the Foreign Relations
Committee, began in the Scnntc today n
determined fight against the. proposal of
Pcnnter Berah, for n new international
conference in Washington te discus
economic oenditionR and disarmament.
Senater Ledge, who was Mid by his
colleagues te have ascertained the view
of President Harding and his ndminis ndminis
tratien advisers, opened his attack ns
wen as the Senate began work en the
Berah proposal, which is in the form of
an amendment te the annual naval bill
requesting the President te call nn r(o r(e r(o
nemlc and armaments conference.
Alludes te France
The foreign relations chairman ic ic
leuntcd the difficulties of further arma
ment limitation encountered at the
Washington arms conference a year
age, and declared that In view of the
attitude taken by ether powers it
would be "useless" te attempt te limit
land armamcntB unless it were estab
lished beforehand that France had
(.banged her position.
Mere than a score of Republican Sen
ators In informal conference today be
fore the Senate reconvened decided te
oppose the amendment offered by Sen Sen
aeor Berah te the Naval Appropriation
Hill, which would request President
Harding te call nn international eco
nomic and disarmament conference.
The conference determined that Sen Sen
aeor Pelndcxtcr should open the fight
by making a point of order against the
Ilerah amendment, en the ground that
It is general legislation in an appropria
tion measure. If the point of order
should be overruled, administration
leaders said they planned te fight the
proposal en its merits, and ns a last re
sort te present modifications limiting
the proposed economic conference in
Mich a way as te give satisfactory pro
tection against embroilment in the af
fairs of Lurepe.
The whole field of American relation
ship te Europe, particularly ns they
Involve the problems of economic re
liabilltatlen and disarmament, vvns
opened te debate in the Senate when
work was resumed en the naval appro
priation bill after the Christmas rc-
Naval Bill Amendment
The immediate vchicle which brought
the troubles of the European Powers
nc mere te the front en the Senate
fleer was an amendment te the naal
bill, Introduced by Senater Berah, and
i enacting President Harding te call an
international conference in Washington
te consider methods of restoring "sound
lui-incs and financial conditions" and
in seek nn ugreement for further liml liml
lailen of naval construction.
After a week of conferences. Ad
ministration lenders indicated that they
(intild net support the proposal in its
original form, and negotiations were
Proceeding for modifications te make
it acceptable. Meantime n definite
break had developed within the ranks
of the Senate irrecencj'ablp group, of
which Senater Berah lias been a leader
since the League of Nations fight. Sen Sen
aeor Jehn mi n and ethers took the po
sition tlint a conference like that pro pre
pnsed would embroil the United States
hopelessly in European politics.
Expect Harding Decision
In sonic quarters It was expected
lhat the views of President Harding
would be made known In n decisive way
before the debate had proceeded very
fur Deth Mr. Harding and Secretary
Hudns h.ive been consulted nbeut the
Hei ah proposal ami many Senate mem
hers uic looking te Chairman Ledge,
of the Foreign Relations Committee,
and Senater Watsen, of Indiana, an
other of the Administration lenders, te
disclose full the attitude of the execu
tive branch of the Government toward
the possibilities of a new international
conference en American soil.
Chance Favoring Him for Early
Nomination te Supreme Court
Washington, Dec. 27. (Mv A. P.)
resident Harding is expected te send
' the Semite coon the nomination 0f
'i successor te Justice Pitnej, el the
Minreme (.'mm, who has tendered his
resignation, te take effect .Taiumrv 1.
tetlrement of Justice Pitney will cieatc
tne fourth wiuincy en the Supreme
eurt bench which President Hurtling
iiai been called upon te fill.
iwe names, tliese of (Joveruer Miller,
"t .New Yerk, recently defeated for
ie. election, and Chief Justice Hebert
Ten MesehzNker. of the Pennsylvania
eiiprenie Court, have been most proinl preinl
Jientij mentioned ns possible successors
te .iistlec Pitne) It is repeitcd, how hew
"er, thnt ;,,.,,. yvr I1IH ,n.
nted iIiiii he U net ,( cauilldate for
tuenppiiliin t.
,,!hl,,f liistic win Meschisker ic
'"tij was in VnnhiiiRien ter n con
"'i; with tin- Preiileiii, mid his
ri' nils .enlidcnilj predict that he will
w sclfc-tt'il
n bIJ. ea-yl'lns tli Aparlrecnt column
y'B "0. .tJt).
"y' I .. -"...''--'-- .--....--'- i .-'- w.w. y. . . . u usiJSSL . .s...-.r , ..... '
- .. .j. . r.. i imn. i am i . . - - - . - -
World Crisis in Brief
Senater Ledpre opened fight in Scn-
n.e en ueran amendment te naval
bill calling for a new international
conference. Mere than thirty
Senators already oppose- the Berah
preposition, which is also regarded
unfavorably by President Harding.
British mission sails for America te
adjust debts. Chancellor of Ex
chequer Baldwin is hopeful for
early settlement of British obliga
tions te United States.
Statement by Chancellor Baldwin
mat uenar i-aw is seen te mane
important reparations move.
Mission Sails te U. S. With
Hepe of Funding Heavy
By Modetfd Prj
Londen, Dec. 27. The Ilritish finan
cial inlsMen te the United States, headed
by Stanley Haldwin, Chancellor of the
Exchequer, sailed for Xew Yerk this
morning en the liner rajcstic. Besides
the Chnnceller, the party included Sirs.
Baldwin nnd daughter: Montague C.
Nerman, governor of the Bank of Eng
land; Itewe Dutten, financial adviser,
and P. J. Gigg, of the Treasury.
It is expected the mission will return
nbeut the end of January.
In n statement te Oie Evening Stand
ard today Mr. Baldwin pointed out that
under the present arrangements Great
Britain's payments te the United States
would amount te between GO,000,000
nnd 70.000,000 annually.
"We hepe te fund this debt," he said,
"and get the burden of interest eased.
Tf it is successful, I hope America will
be kind te n much mere important mis
sion which Mr. Benar Law is shortly
te undertake."
Refers te Reparations
The Evening Standard says this lat
ter refers te a reparations settlement.
The Chnnceller added that it is of
supreme importance te Europe that
America should have her way as re
gards Europe's financial problem.
Mr. Baldwin's statement follews:
"My mission concerns our I, O, U.'s
held by the United States and is a deli
cate one. We are in the position of
debtors. We must tread warily. Nev
erthless I hope te persuade the United
States Government te come te a per
manent settlement en "' twins of our
debt te America of something like 85'!,
000,000 pounds.
"At present a law of Congress pro
vides that this must be repaid within
twenty-five jenrs at 43 per cent in
terest. This would mean nn nnnual
payment by Great Britain of between
60,000,000 and 70,000,000 pounds, a
very heavy item in our budget. We
hope te fund this debt and get the bur
den of interest eased, but of course the
last word is with America.
Set Example te Europe
"If we can effect a settlement en such
a matter we shall set nn example te
Europe, an example which might well
be an augury for the settlement of even
greater international problems than this
"If T am .successful. I hope America,
having seen the result of one mission,
will be kind te the much meie impor
tant mission which Mr. Bennr Law is
shortly te undertake (the word 'repa 'repa
latiens' was here parenthetically in
serted by the newspaper), and which
is mere difficult than mine.
"It is of supreme importance te
Europe that America should have a say
in the many perplexing matters new
engaging the attention of statesmen."
Washington, Dec. 27. (By A. P.)
Prof. Jeremiah W. .Tcnks, of New
Yerk, who was a member of a com
mission of experts invited by the Ger
man Government te consider measures
which it might tnke for stabilization
of the mark, called en President Hard
ing today and discussed with him the
European financial situation. He re
turned te New Yerk directly after con
cluding the interview.
The President was said te have in
dicated interest in the exchange situa
tion which lias resulted from the con
tinuous fall in value of the German
monetary unit. The report of the com
mission en which Dr. Jenks served as
American member has been adopted in
part by the German Government and
the Reparations Commission.
Paris, Dec. 27. (By A. P.) The
notification te the Allies by the Repara
tion Commission that Germany had de
faulted in the delivery of telegraph
poles anil lumber, provided for In tlie
schedule of payments and deliveries en
icpitratiens account, fixed en May 10,
11121, iH regarded in Constantinople ntti
cial circles ns making appllciilde the
aitlcle of the Trent of Veisnilles nil nil
therlxiuc the Allies le proceed te take
icprisnls and put Inte force troiiumie
and financial mensiiies as n penult)
The matter will come up befeie'tlie
conference of Premiers net Tuesdaj ,
when Piemier I'nincnie will propose
I hut the Miles in turn feriualU register
I Gentium 's default but resene tin outs
.! r .1 ,11. ...1,111.. ...- .i. '.
(IUI1 (H IHC niUli-!WIIIIJ 111 i in M'II-
allies clause el the lientj.
The Flench Government will main
lain at the l'icliileis' ineetiiiL" that
Germany's failuie te deliver t in lumhei
land teletfraph poles must be regnuled as
evidence of her determination te telt
of inrr.ving all her icparallnns eblica-
i tiOHN.
The government operlN decline lliut
GiM'iiiiiu.v cinilil cnHh spine the .'0,0110
Ions of iillinles which r'nince nsked for
n pin ivmcnt of leparatlens. Their
information is said te show that tin
iinautitiis produced lavelv exceed
German leiiulremeiits of agrii-ultim
and ordinary chemical ues. The
l'li'licli (ilhYialN therefore helleve that
Germany prefern te accumulate reserve
i of nltratrs for possible use In the mak
ing of I'xpletlves.
Tills picture showing (he west plaa
or stepnen uiraru looms up fairly
Memery of Famous Scientist
Honored en Centenary
of His Birth
President Harding and feuner Pres
idents Wilsen nnd Taft joint d today,
through written messages, in n remark
able demonstration here in honor of
Leuis Pasteur, a trail bluer in science,
who was born one hundred years nge
Netnbleflihysicians and ether men of
science fiem many parts of the coun
try assembled in the Academy of Mu
sic this afternoon te de honor te the
Immortal Fienehnuui who mude pie
ventive medicine possible.
"Americ.i lias been one of the first
nations te apply Pasteur's work te prac
tical use," wrote President Harding,
whose message, like these of Mr. Wil Wil
eon and Chief Justice Taft, was broad
cast te .100.000 radio users.
The building of the Panama Canal
was made possible, the President as
serted, because Pattern's doctrines en
abled a successful light against jellevv
"The health of n people is essentiul
te the pi egress of n nation." the Pics
ident bald In closing, "for without
health there can be no prosperity."
Woodrew Wilsen wrote, in part :
"It is Pasteur's immortal distinction
thnt he net enlj broadened the thought
nnd enlightened the practice of the great
medical profession in the treatment of
certain diseases, but aWj erected bar
riers against nil disease and se (on (en
fcrred an inestimable benefit upon man
kind." Taft Sees DiWne Progress
Chief Justice Tnft's tribute was that,
"Pasteur was ene of the greatest bene
factors of the human rate in all his his
teiy. Nothing tends te show the Divine
progress in man se much ns such proved
capacit.v te unlock the secrets of the
Divine law in his own creation, life and
Dr. Etieunc Burnet, sent te this
country as Ihe special repiesentntive
of tlie French Government at the cen
tenary here, was fogbound off New New
Yerk this morning en the liner Ln
Savoie. He is te he a speaker at a din
ner in the Bellcvne-.Stiatferd this eve
ning, wlieie the Imal part of tlie Pas
teur program will take place.
Ambassador Knew brlci'tlst
France herself spoke nt the exer
cises ill the per-iiii of Jules .Iiissernnd,
the French Ambassador. He had known
the great scientist persenall and gave
a compelling, sympathetic outline of
Pasteur's ceiiinb"-'-ns te m.mkiiid.
Pasteur's dec' . was "Tiuth above
all," the A' h ader said, as he
sketched the fcie.it Ficnihmau'ti tireless
work ln the laboratory, his constant
decking et ilaerles, his fearless at
tacks en piimiples thnt fuller knowl
edge innde (il)-elt'tc.
"Before he attempted his cures of
the most die eh d human diseases, he
hnd proved ihe benefactor of the silk,
beer, wine nnd vinegar industries, of
the sheep mid chicken farmer and of
many ethers giving, of course, as the
higher sciennlie minds will ever de,
ns jour I'lanklln ever did, his dis
coveries ns ii gift te his country and
te the weill ' said M. .lusseraiid.
"Speaking .veins before the end of
Pastern's ijinr. the gleat English
siieulist, L.-ii r. calculated that his ilW ilW
(eveiles hud probably balanced for
France the iinleiiiuitv which she. vveik-
i in', uiilll'i' lni'K". Iioneinbly, wanting
j te make g'"d her word and signatuie,
had paid ' ( i inunj inicr me war et
lh70. All (eiintrics had, of course,
Continue! en raKe feurnsMi, Column Tour
Daughters Share Equally $20,000
In Will f Governer's Widow
Mrs Vlrgi'"'i 'nrl Hroemall rennv-
packer, w i
packer, wle
i et lioverner I'enn.v -will
was probated today,
eft her e-tiiH
upiiill illvnictl, te her
four children
Mrs, PeiiiivpniKcr, who died en De
cember I'-'. nl tnp -'cnnsjlvnnln Hos
pital, left .i" estate valued nt $20,00(1.
She was bevii'v-sevcn jears old.
In addition te leaving cadi of her
ehllili-eii ein fi'inth of the estate, she
also left encli a package of jevvelr-.
I The lienen' nines ine Ellzn, Anii.i,
Jesephine and Bevnn Aubrey Penny-
Hie elie-l'111"1 """' ir ,ioHepinne
Pennypacker the eldest daughter, Is
left ill trust -I'd at her death Ihe inuiirv
la te be distil'"'!'''! under the intestate
In a eeilUil Mra. Pei.nj packer set
aside the packnges of jewelry, most if
which consists of dinmends. Their value
is in t given.
Tlie vvil' of .Tiimes N lehclm, who left
an estate of $1000. also was probated.
Letters weie granted te administer
Iho estate of Jonnle B. Singer, 2311
Zernlda street, valued nt $10,400,
of City Hall ghes an idea of hew the hea.
plain, hut Bread Street Stntien, wimn
ex en at that short distance
Can't "Tete" Gun
Sharen Hill physician, ar tested for
carrying a revolver. Ills wrapeti
was taken from him today It) Mag
istrate Rensliavv
Derrick J. Wernher,
Man, Weds Russian
New Yerk, Dec. 'J7. (By A. P.) i
Sslr Derrick Julius Wernher. son of the
late Sir Julius Wcrnlier, who was said
te have made mere than WO.0fMI.O0H
in the Seuth Afrlc.m diamond ticlils.
nnd Miss Tlieodet.i Romanev, a young
Russian, wete married here soeroily
two weeks age. the bridegroom nuniittcd
teda.v. Beth he nut! his bride denied
rumors that she in of loyal bleed.
Sir Derrick, who suld he was in the
advertising bil&iness. first attracted
public attention when his father pub
lished in English and continental news
papers a notice thnt lie would pay no
mere bills for the .voting man. 'Ihe son
was snid te hnve accumulated debts le- '
teling S200.000 at Eten and Oxford i
and S;i7"i,0U0 meie at the laces in '
When Sir Julius died It was learned
he had left his son SH000 a -ear until
he readied thirty .vears when Ihe an
nuitv was te be incieased te S12.00O.
Sir Derrick miiI he w'ls a "peer" man.
Prominent Surgeon Succumbs After
Illness of Three Weeks
Dr. (jiHitgc G Ress, of 17U1 Sprui i
sheet, inurnment siitgeeii, died nt II
o'clock this morning in the Latikeicie
Hospital after an illness nf t hre weeks
His umditiiiii hnd been critical for sev
eral dajs.
The surgeon vvns n gradunti1 of ihe
I'niverslty of Pennsjlvniiia and n mem.
her of I he siirgic,i st.ifis of the Limk
i nan, Metheilii. Geimantewn nnd t'ni
versltj Hepuals. He vvns liftv veals
Dr. Ress was .i cousin of Charlie
Ress, tunc of whom was le't after lie
was kidnapped fiem his home in tier tier
mnntevvii ferl.v -eight vears age.
$20,000 Fire Less Thought te Be
Incendiary's Werk
Ijinsdale, Pa., Die. -7. Believed te
lie of iiiceiiiliai.v eitgiii, lire shei ll.v he
fore midnight List night destroyed n
huge barn en ihe farm of Willi im
Haie, of On II', i. ahevc Lnusdiile.
Twe het sis, several hundieil dinks
geese ami hickeus and (we turkejs wei.
roasted nnd farm minliiuery nnd .ill
the imps in the barn destroyed.
The Ihiei.v ihnl the bain was fiicil i
given use te because the Ihiines had
gained such n headway when (lie hie
was ilisi evered
Them an no elf (trie lighls in tlie
barn and meinbeis (f tin. funill.v liml nut
been near the haul shire erly in th.
veiling. The less is estimated nt
$"0,000. State police are investigating
Father of Girl Is Disarmed, but
Other Held for Court
An attempt te kill the man who is
said have made an attack upon his
(Inir.'htei led te the nn est of Antonie
De.Maiile, Ninth stieel nom. Taskci,
and his nppeaiiinee before Miigishiite
Reushavv tedav . The magistrate al
lowed him te sign his own bend te p
pear when wanted and iclensed him
niter healing his ster.v .
Mitchell Comics, the ninn lie nt
templed le kill, was held by the mug.
istrate without ball for court.
DeMaule went te ihe pelice station
whin Condi s was being held, it was
testiliid nt ihe heai nig, nnd attempted
te sheet him Policemen took the gun
nwnv fiem him and in rested hm ,, ,,
cliai e of enrr.viir,' concealed dcmllv
weapons. His dnughter Is Mary De De
Maueo, fifteen .veurs old,
Fi.r.Kii). bii;ri.i.." via pfvn x
la.NriC COAST .k j. t.u tr?ln'frim
Jan. 1 (no extra fure). Choice of i ethiV
thru trains ilvea nrhsiliitea and nopemrnAX.
tlena de-lrea. 10U0 Uitrtnut it? aSv?
MMry Y3wFl3Z. 'fj
mist gripped the city. The statue
no is racing, is dimmed te mcw,
Sharen Hill Physician Signs
Own Bail Bend of $500
te Keep Peace
Although he vvns held up bv a ban
dit en Chiistmas Fay and a man wns
I shot nnd killed en his farm 'imp time
I nge. Dr. Penn Gnskill Skillern, lineal
ilcccndant of William Penn, uiiinet
1 carry n pistol.
I Dr. Skillern. who lives in Shnren
I Hill, wns nrrcsted .vesterday because an
automatic protruded from one of Ills
riding beets while he was walking near
Ninth nnd Wnlnul sheds.
I He was arraigned befoie Magistrate
Renshnw in Central Station today,
ehniged with carr.vlni; "confcnled dead
ly weapons" nnd held In MOO bail te
keep tlie peace, but was permitted te
sign his own bail bend.
M. .... . . I .
mini s nenriiig was tlie second in i
the case. The first was held jester- I
dnj, j
Magistrate Renshnw deslreil te con- I
suit his Bluikstone te iiscetlain wlntli-
er the law geveining etfr.-.-ifi-fl duill.
wi.'pens leuld also nppl.v leth.se whii.ii
weie nel cence.iled.
It appeals, however, that tile judge
didn't find the p.irugraph pertaining n
the chnrge. fei . at anj rate, he did net
leturn the wenpeu te the phjskJan
after tlie proeecdiiigs ended.
Daughter in Court
The Pellie Coin I was tilled ihis
ineriiiiig when Dr. Skillern. accompan
ied h.v his daughter, Ms Violet Skil
h'lii. anlved.
Dr. Skillern was attired in :i long
hluck tout, ii black suit, hinvvii Imek
skin gloves, ;i brown veft hut and uir
riid a geld-headed cine.
Miss Skillet ii wen- a him k tnilie
Stilt, black till I'. Ill ll.tl .Mill White gloves
Her n. i k was iiicirch'd with a blown
Niither the physicinu nor In. il.iugli
ter nmlil eblaiu a se.it when tin v ar
rived and both stmiil for over.il miii
llles as (he g ind of the iigul.ir eases
of tl .1 iv started.
I'lti'ill.v, when a big patrolman tided
gr.ilu.illv out of the loom, having n
sp-ii urns seat. Dr. Skillein court. iisv
w ivul te his (laughter te lake it. I.airr
!r Skillern managed te git i -ial
l'( side her.
He was net the le is) piipied bv
pieceedlllgs it It tl sieiued le be limli
ttiosieil in the m.iehluer.v of the ,
ih in iii Ids own particular case
'Ivvu boetlc" c,iis were i.illcil b -fnle
the liisc of Dl. Skillern. Ill .lis.
posing of a bootleg else, ihe nngi.
u.iie said, "Pi i haps jeu'll be in le i
l.t spirits net tune nnd net be se
Calls Judge (uilc a Cetncdl.in
This brought n laugh from Dr.
skillern and a bread smile fiem his
l inghter.
"'Ihe judge' is ipnlc a i ninedinii,"
he lemarkei).
The stnlle was Mill lingeilllg oil the
fue of the plivsieiail whin he was
alii te the stand.
'Veii sav von i an led this pistol for
pieti i Hun the .IlliUe said bv wav of
.p. iiing the (ire eednigs '
s, I did." replied the de, ter. i
' What di von menu h ptetei lien','" I
1I Skillein elabeiated a little te !
nig his iieitil huiiie.
'lisliiiliiv I i eile iii v- horse te the
el t ksuiiih shop te get a shoe put en
While theie we talked ever various
i s and thou I letiiemheri d Ilia I 1
liml business in the t cut i til pert of the
. itv .
Forget iiiu Was In Beet
' lmi are siiaiii a little," com.
n i I toil the lutlge
Net III the least I pioiveded te
the eetiti il part et the city, fotgetful
a t In- fin t that my pistol was m une
t mv hoots."
What happened tlieuV"
The list j, known. . peliieuinn
ipi.ie.ichi'(l nnd aricsted mc en the
i ii-ii" of carrying concealed deadly
w ipens This stunk me f nun ,i- a, v
p s ,. was net cetiiealed. I thought,
ii that 1 was within my ughs m
v i of the lawlessness vvhlili prevails
Weie .veu ever attaikedV" nsked tin
l i l.lsltate
1 was held up en Christinas ji,,, nl
( lien Heights." leplied Dr MJII
nnd then I decided that I sh,,ud
ii en mii kind of protection.
Did j i have anv ether icnsen?"
' Seme flnie age a man was sliel en
ii I a rni.
Dorethy Must Stay In Asylum
Rosten, Dec. 'J7. - (Bj A. P i
.1'i'lgf Brnlev of the MupreniH Ceinr
v.sterdaj dismissed the petition e'
.lehn D. Giudliier, of Haldwin, j,,
for a writ e: Habeas corpus te release
is niece, Dorethy Gorden, from the
McLean Hospital for the Insane at
W'nverly. Gardiner's petit Ien was the
lutes move In the long battle for con cen
tiul of the glil and her $1UO,000 es-
'i. ', . i' ri '. ,,'.ti r.
Street and Stere Lamps Glew'
as Mist Overhangs City
and Environs
... aHaAt . I
Densest Pall of Winter te End
Tonight With Storm and
Celd Wave
'Che winter's Iie-ivieit fog Inj ever
the city tednj like dnrk night, delay
ing railroad trains, ,ferries and trolley
All met nine trains fiem the north
nnd south strained into stations from
a half hour te no hour late. Street
cars nnd automobiles were bailed. Citj ,
lamps glowed strangely, nnd stores nnd i
efliees jn ijie business .sertlens werei
! fully hghfed.
Thousands of the city's '
toilets "iigered rensideinble personal
Inconvenience. Pedestrians vvcie halted
b the iinnveidnbl.v jammed traffic.
The init spread ever the entire eit.v
and its environs, ulen; the Delaware
River te the Imj, nnd nciess Seuth
But wniiiiiigs. si.nt out from Wash
ington, predict a Meini of ni.irked in-
tcnsit.v late teda.v wimii will sweep
Ontlimrd en Pass The, Column
It vvn announced today that E. J. Laiterty, chief of the
Buicau et Ite&toiatien et the State Dtpnitmcnt eT Public Wel
tuie, will rtbign tliat office en Jauuaiy 1. Dr. J. "M. Baltly will
take chnige nnd will name his own chief te succeed Mr. Laffeity.
Eugene J. Wan en, cdlvjr and publisher of the Uucks County
Independent, of Bustel. Pa., died today in a Newark, N. J., hos
pital fiem n t'rnctuie of the t,kuli. vitnesfe eb bay Wairen fell
in front of a cafe nnd btiudt his head.
MIDDLETO w in, 0., D.u. 27 Heiheu S. Uuny, twenty-two
yeurs of age, of Bellevue, a., aaici te be u. "latluate of Princeton
Univeibity and n incmbui of the I'nuccteu Club of New Yerk,
was found dead in his loom m a uenidiug heufec heie today with
the ceid of a batluoee knotted ieuud hifa threat.
With Intoxication,
Admit Taking a
'Couple of Drinks'
Three p.itr.dn en
hnd "a nmpie
dlMllisseil tn. in the
tieii leda.v bv I In I i
i a Ii auiiiiltllig he
t ilriiiks " wi ie
lern ter mteviia-
I , I Vli e Ce'iimis
sieii 'li in I heard
"Yeu te. eived .1 n it iiiii-ii'id failed te
hei d it." Clinten Regei Woodruff.
1 resident of the beard, told Patrolmen
llnrrv Prietid, Themas Cellins and .lehn
I' Ki Helier.
I rt"iici ines ai inn .-seitiii i rent
stu i i anil was uttiu h d te the Tlu;d and
ll.krieil stieets stii'ieii Cullius lives
nt lsj, llttner stre.t nnd was a feet,."" nines (1i,,
truth, patielumii at Mvteenth and W.il- 1v "lese m svtni.nhv with lu p.iln ie
nutsii'its Kelleliei I.ms at I Is Gieen ' '"' u,,v ' redltcil ltd hiving in inllii-
nn, ,.
fur n
i hd was
in. ml er
'f the feet
1 Isli'll
i imiii-i i nf ii
i it v affairs
, de e feri .
iv set mils lj
of ii tium
Mr. Weed-
-1 uillv that et t lii
wiii bn.-L has In . ii .
i through the in in ii-
ber et in h i etluers,' sai
'I old They Kuiw Hetter
"leu in. n get geed piiv and you
leek fetw.irl ' i n pension for v'eiit
lll-n. i.vilM.'.s Villi Mi li.iiillv.i i
i nn
' self nn.t 1 imp ...mill iitii. in ..n,.. .. .1...
"-.. ' ' '
'- ,' "i .. ... I'.i,- 01 in.-
pilblicttv givin te iiitoMc.itieti and tlie
order that was sent nut -eiuerniug tlu
hublt et iliiiiKui.- you llauninlh vio
late il. '
"Yeu linve Inn en the feri e long
enough te k" ( letter ami although it
is a nilghtv ha I tnmg ter the remmis-
('(Milliiuisl nn I'usv- I'lMirlii'ii. ( uliiinn Three
Sneak Thief Gets Inte Heme of
Noted Threat Specialist
Dr. Geerge M ibv larshall isje
Spruce street, a i'ii .it spoelaltst. ie.
i pel ted te the poll, e of the Kiflci-nth
and Locust sineti station tint a noak neak
thlet broke int. his npnitiitcnt lusi
Locust Rtreets station
valued at $700.
The links
h re iiiui in tlie Help VV anisil columns en
Plise 27 Adv.
He get nwnv with .iiMlnng valued at ""' ""'and in W nshiiigten ami of win i i ,, . i , i i , 1 "lr, ,r"nener
about $100. The d -thing was hanging In- Hi- fmiu.l.r mi.l pr i , ,, ,'i t " " ", ' .'"'. "f' .,-l"! i"',-" ,H,t
en n rack in the front hnllwav. s "igainat,,,,, is ,, ., ,.,1,,., ,,J '!. . ' J""'" ,r """igh the rairbanks and
Thieves entered th. -ipar mii of Dr ' ",i" " r. solutions" , ,.llrr, ' ' ,,'':;1U.U, ,,r"1!" "'" ' Alaska, Cap-
I. lll.ldle Duirield. a dentist, of l.-.l.t icfein, re-ohm,,,,, f l(. .,,r ' ' R ", "l! ",l" " '"'t H0,,t niwaje
Le-iiH. street, Ins, ,c ,, s-ole , se Bnl l.am.grants aganiH , , h , I , I ' hiH , i.n'Vi.n .""'ffle' "
of platinum -T links studded wit'. , I''note a world trwitv i. . , , , v, , . i J ' '' . CP ;t0,,,1B frera
liomends. Dr. Dutheld r ported th, "" iwlizeil rmes iikhiiim ,,, ,, ' ,,, ,,'n1K, ,Jln,"1',i" 'ie Are le Ocenn.
Iesh te the police et ihe Pit eenil ,ii opium inil. aiifn and ( ,i,.mii, Amundsen, who left nt Wain.
Weatherman Tells
Just Why Is a Feg
The mixing of warm, moist air
currents with currents of cold an
Is generally the cause of heavy fogs,
Weather Forecaster Bliss explained.
It is jKjsslblc that a current 'it
cool air is circulating a f-liert dis
tance above the earth, said Mr.
Bliss, and this, coining in contact
with the warm nir driven tewaid
the coast by the hterms in the At
Inntic, produced the fog.
Tlic-e are. however, ether causes,
such as air currents ir. contact with
the warm ecpaii, and it is difficult in
i I iiMifruiiiif wfiii-ii in irrtiMjiiBiLji,-1
.1......l Ll.l. I.. ....mhh. Mn
Newspaperman Hurt and Three
Other3 Badly Shaken Up
In n herd-en 'olllien between tw
a jtomebilfs at Fifteenth nnd fliestim'
streets earlv tin" morning. Gorden J''-i
Iwentv vears old. of 11101 Pine t -et. -i
iiesii:itierin:in. suffered a finetureil rib,
nnd three otl,r.veiing men. "P.''.'' 'V'
Williams. ( Chestnut Hill who wnsfliteh extradition te l)tiisinna, when
iidiiig in .fest's car: Daniel Keilj, nine-,he is charged with the murder of
teen, and nenius tivnn. oein 01 .rn-
ii. ere, who were tlie ecupaiiLs et ine
second cnr.
.lest blamed tlie smnsh-up en Kellv.
win, he snjil as driving his car in sin Ii
v imniif,i tint he couldn't avoid cellid
ing witn lllin. iveuy was niresieu n
intexnated. .lest was treatfl at the
Hahnemann Hospital ane men went te
bis home.
Held for Stealing Aute Rebe
Chargid with the laic. ,i of nn into
mobile robe bdenguc; te S.imue!
Bievvnstein. of 4U1." A tieet, Jni k
Nelsen, seventeen years old. of Frent
nnd Christian stieets was jield under
S lOA hull fitf rvilM t In l fi (fiwt hul n llnii. I
slmw l.idnj. Detcctive'Fernes testified
he had caught the v.. nth in Hie act of
l:ikinr the robe from the iinloniebilo
Juniper and Ardi struts
Leader of Reform Movements
and Leng Picturesque Figure
in Washington Lobbies
'was made bv the Cuttral Savings nnd
i, l .'. .'.,( ' Trust Cetnpain of Mer Reugn in a
Washington. I L'7-Ht. Wilbur ' I"!"'"-1" ''" "J'"'1 ' Dr' Y''"'(-' The
,, .... .... , ' telegram tend :
I. (alts ,., -wentv.iigh, vears sU. ..Tlll. ,-..,,., SflllI1(J(i um, T
, perintetiiieti' el the Inicrnntleiial Re- 'etnpanv of Mer Rouge will indemnifr
form Itiiie.iu, whnh he foiituled. aiiij"" '" anv .inieiiiit .veu might incur
. uil-e of Ins ai tiv ities
"ii hthiilf of prohibition and similar
movements, died nt a hospital bete te.
day of i 'ic iiiui. ni.i. ,. wn siventv
three je -s ,,l,
Dr. ( litlts. iliiileeil I . v .,iM...i...,i. ..(
lp"ivi .,,.,., i
tletl he sp.ci.i.teil k i til liener n
' ' lefm m fanatic
.' Was fe I neinv lllll l
, J eat s u pictiiiosijne
tl.' Il 111 'ollgles-
llllllltlle looms
iiiui pan in imminent of in hibitieii. '
"I IIWs te lestrli t the ,., of anetles !
iiiui ..I legislation of s , ,, ,, ,,,,,
I III, I ..n ... I..
"" I" ills 1. 1 I .11. I, t. si,,,,. I
v amiisemeiits. In , -,.,f . .,, i,, ,,.
h.iv i
in haiiin d le I.." 1 1.. I
llise I uili llVoreil te plevi in t I
, -e ' t 'I I I .- I
ei nir I'l'ii ivl. iiiiiiiiiii.i l s-
lersiy in th,. siitntnei of ln-1 1, u
n prelitie wilier mi ntiiin' ou, stn ns
MU r MI'Ii nil ... v, ( . heli ,
the lie.lv will he ., nt i. W, si. ,
for Inn ml.
et .
W'i'buf 1'
the Rev Pi.
"lllst .UIIIISI,
k ('raits was tin
I' l id- A CrafN i
1 -ve
r. jithi u n j II... .. .. .
I'lirg. Mi . in lN-,i) He was ,
(list ii, in ister for twelve veins
i , i... . .i ..
--- ....ii-i lllr inree veils
til' n a Pteslivteriiin II,,
ll'l ' sue e
ei v . d as
I llslef el , hut,
liill nnd Vew
N II ( In, i
ie- in .-siii-ii'iiiiin llaver-
Itidferd. Miih, Devir.
.'e. Iiloel.lv II in, I . ,.'
..! I .. .J. I . .
I all
it i n r
also has b.eti a t It, l I,,,. i
He has dell nun I, v..
' 'line. p. i, with Sutidav s, I !,,,,,,
t in Mine lie was l vv ciin-1 ,,,, . , ,.
iivirag.d one lsi..k a venr. b. .,.1... .i.,
...a.... i .....
,.e.i us nun leierni uh!iiatl
I s
niMuiii i mr in iiirifVMe ...i.
r pei 1
t'llll (lit
--. - - ' l s - f-
Dr. Crafts was nt ,mw,
.... ie ,,,,,, ,,, intorpinteiiHl R.
....... ii, ii, -.in, me nelliloien t . ..e .. i
ee unreal lias mero than eiifm sob
-i-i. . i . .
U. ,1 lln ...n...l ..... ..-.
Continued en ! rurt. r.t.,.r,....
. , .... .,,,
I widely knew,, I.,.,,,,.,. f h,s .uitvitiesiV. ." r'.Vl '." '."" I!r.r,"'t "f "r. Mc-
.. '1'ini " s 1 1 11 I I 1 iiiiia,. .. ...... r . . .1
Fermer Mer Rouge, La., Mayer,
Arrested in Baltimore, Seeks
Release en Bail
Denies He Is Ku Klux Member,
but Condones "Crusade"
of Heeded Gangs
SfiTKil Dtspal'h te nvriii'O Public Ltdetr
Bnlllinere. Dec. 27. Dr. Bunnle
'MrHvIn McKeen will fight te the Inst
iThemns P. n.,nr.U -.,,,1 v. Wntf.
They disappeared at
their bedii" were found
summer and
a few days
age in Luke Ln Fourche. Dr. McKein.
former Majer of Mer Rouge, is tinder
nrresr here. Suspicion hn rested en
the Ku Klux Klnn in the murders.
As the first move in ilie fight former
I niled States District Attorney Rebert
ft. Carman, win ha been retained bv
tlie ph.vsiclnn ns his feunsid. obtained a
writ of hnbens corpus asking for the
ieleji.se of Dr. McKein en bail until
i !",,n n '''aring en the extradition
'barge 'W'lii'e the writ wap, returnable
forthwith, tiie liearing wns postponed
until tomntiew
About the same time there arrived
here a telegram from Governer Jehn
M. Parker, of Louisiana, which read:
' Held Dr. McKein for extradition.
Papers will be forwarded. Many
"I intend te light anv effort at ex
tradition." snid Mr. Carman as he
obtained the wilt from Judge James
P. Gertei. sitting in the City Ccrurt. "I
de net believe tlint there is uny prima
fncie chnrge of murder against Dr. Mc Mc
eoin m Mfr Rouge. I believe that
this is but a subterfuge te get him there
te (juestien him
"Dr. McKein did net flee from
Louisiana after the trouble nt Mer
Rouge. He remained there for many
weeks after the death of the two men.
He was with his father thirty miles
awav from Mer Rouge from 'August
until October, when lie came te Balti
more at the request of Dr. Hugh H.
Yeung, who offered te permit him te
asseeinte with linn at the Jehns Hop Hep
kins Hospital.
"The Mavei placed himself ut the
disposal of the District Attorney at his
county seat, and was in communica
tion with him for a long time before
he left. There was nothing for him
te hide, and he gave whatever infor
mation he bad at his command."
Taken Hack le Jail
Dr. McKein. who is charged with
pnrtMipatien in the Ku Klux Klnn out
rages vvas taken fiein the Central Pe
lice Millien te tin. etlice of States At At
leinev Robet t r I. each. Jr. prelimi
nary te appearing before Judge Gertcr.
When the habeas corpus hearing was
postpenni. .,. was taken buck te the
polue station
I'i Niiin.g -vhe is n noted specialist,
went te th. onuitheiise nnd offered te
l'lediiie bail, tin- the fortner Mayer
of Met Rouge Di "leungwunt te the
I riviite nmie .if I idge Gerier with At
' .rev i .irm.'in oniieuneing that one of
; lus j,.ii i.-iits. was lviti upon the oper
ating table at the hospital and wns in
a iejniiii condition. Immediate
.operation vi as n s-arv and the spc-
inlist t.-piesteil a prompt hearing for
Or Mi Kein. but the hearing was post pest
I etnsl at Mr. ( 'irinnn'.s request.
n eiTet te deposit nny amount of
i.ienev iii ,i local en iik in an effort
le sciiie the release of T r MnKeln
'Ihe hank will deoesli I.. nn..
bank in Baltimore Cir.v sufficient funds
te i ever anv bends Unit v.... ,ii..
ipl.-dg- for Dr. M, Keln '
i I be inline et th
bank elhetnl who
I s, lit me telegiam
net be as. i rteined
te Dr. Yeung could
In an interview wnh new.pnper men
pilot te hi. arraignment l,ef,,re Justice
Minileid u, Cintral Police Court te
i 'lav I'i McKein protested that hf
, we. nn, hi,. ,., threw any light en thf
i d-nth et I lain. and Richaids
for Ten D;is
Di. M. Kein
I en, b. i vv i eu
(Jim k u he t,i
'wis bsl into the i et,, t
D( lei lives P,,r
In m Inte iiisteilv n.
tile Mad Ins ii it,.
' I h,'. a t.b gram fiem Griveriu.i
l"l n M I a le i , i.in.im, i ioiiiiehI.
"f-.. " .V"1 '"' '"''If'" the ii'nhoriiies
''I ' -l H' ige . i. the chniue ,.f ......
.ei - i i i im ., mi, r,j
, , , . -'. .11.11
rending a
( " liiiunl nn
je- rmirtis-n ( nlunin Twe
i rcnc txpterer spent Pleasant
Christmas, However
l.islin. Di. L'7 (Bv A T.
-(upturn Kit. .id Amundsen. N'er.
vvfgmi explorer, new lendei et nn ex
l"iiin,i, te the North Pole, is having
neiihi,. wnh an arm which was frae
t'licil eiT Siberia when he took the (JJer
tiein th. Aliunde te the PneihV Ocenn
ihniiigh th.. Northwest PiiNsnge from
I'.m.'t I,, 1 nor, "
i".iiii Vmiiinisin. vvbe is wintering
hue has had an X-ray examination
mid" of bis arm
I liable
Itnrrevv. i, iiIhiia (.. wl.l..i. I., i .
yr.b.'n Toe thin.
KTrlllm. -
jniiifc. ur wii
HlTlNlr A;
i.nhlili imi Illllt.1 seilinivpftf n
-.w.m tMM