11' ". 1.- -. t M jv.v i 'M,- m-mw'fWm i t, tr t.tYhim ' " ftj I ""-j. .9 -.- , " VNflWrtf 'I ! t'i I. DP. m EVENING PUBEIC LEDGEJR I J '.., v , PHILADELPHIA, .TUESDAY,' DECEMBER 26T 1922 . . , THIS Llll BIRD ..ijuu talc of manj .'' it- miunnipeiui e - M,- Fein lang-haw i holding l'ift -peumi Xmeitcap turkey uUt. at Pciltij Sh n '.hi Ceiuiihii'i.i Mm-! 'in J . s,; -. s .;. y. - . ... S k . A C " Vn T i. " V Jl'i .(H 'J. .. (J " .L .. j ... . . ! SBBBflF ' "' Ire " BFwJ? B .bbbHIbHLbbbC AziA ' 1 s ,dBWBBBBBBBWPTBBBMBy aMftf f jHL i Hl IkBwBwBK V iJr Am''1' vBYBWBWBWBWBWBw VinBWBWBWB ? '"t ' 4& BvBvBvBvBvBvlBvBvBvBvBvBT vW li wtiifi' w JL-'w BBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl v-v-l,' f IbvbvbvbvbvjBbvbvbvbb wIbv J V WK v:Tt !(BBwBV.iSBfe K, iBBM 5fcfc' 'J'-' jr 4-, f ijW HBr "f' ,.,... III. II. J , 1 yfrMm lF HV41 nBjmKiwejH "MKHltY UIKIS'IMAS" WAS OX KVKRYONE'S I.1PS YESTERDAY. Ctewn-ups cherished theuRhts of Yuletidcs of by-Rene days, but the thoughts i.f the young eentcied en Rifts thnt Santa Cluus mirnculeu.-l. brought. The less fortunate of the city were taken caic of as t ever before fhildien in lie.-pitals were net forgotten, as the pictute en the left will show. A happy group of kiddies who have jujt ' leccived toys given by Mis. Matthew Strykcr, at 120S North Thitteenth street, me shown en the right. Q $$? t'-?frxps ' S!v! " V"' ,y ? JlM HHL' ft i SM&jJ&pk ' , " "",,- - .7, '"" V x - -Hry i v " J - I ixi' ' 'tek; HKW O'fe' "jwiiw BwJk MPBVBbBbKa'' r VBvBvBBLvMKBaBl sIbBmBmBsBBBmBmBkSvS i:1T THE ARMY MULE West Point's mascot, who five weeks age held the attention of meie than 55,000 at Army-Navy game, perishes in Callow mil hired nit'. j' ,'m w V JBwilMBBBiB4JdBF vv' l'?- . , VJMHBJ i"" s ( x fc JlBBTv9JBVHIBVBTelB sB !, L w BVBVBvBvM jv8BJjg;jK, jg-j BTBTBTBBBTBTBTBTBTuSmB- i &wBdj.3jF: tik- -? WIN'NIN'd I TIP AlIm I l K-.MII i: MR VTHON" ester. r, Helgiale trcet avi IUgln.M .1 t n ithui StJtle'iinth, Mia. breck 'unner, "- pi' fir. ! .i'iec ti 'hing first MILPRED WI'N. ih in. tni tc r's daughtir, dt- atptare'i en wedding i ' c, f it has tet'irned RASEHAU. AROARD SHIP, Hint's the wn some of Uiudc Sam's tais enjoy thiistma" da. Ry active games like this, the men of the U. S. X. hae develepcil into the most cheerful and healthful let that teve the sea. MRS. ALBERT LOREXZ, daughter-in-law e f fa mous surgeon, isits U. S. L'NABLE TO AVERT HUNGER in Aimcnia. an American Near Kast Relief worker is pictured trying te restore order among famished youngster!! storming an erpnnnngc at hrivan BVBVBBhBkBiBI m& iBbWBiB vBiJ bV!SBije3k SwJv ' i D L K K i.FL Sle (.AETAM. new Italian Ami a--aiter t L'. S R U M I r K VJr Russia i tt. te lir -e - - '. i'I luIlN U I'M I.EN . 'mi i i in i ii-i .it , iii '. ' I, i' a .' Muinmir Pa ad" Ui R inilRI HI (.H ROIi!A, " ifc k Nft iJr l ninmandu' 1 let in CAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? j .. -aHaK ist?(b!-. 5Kii3ss&,-ss3BKaaifiiiB?4s!r?a2 y ',! !xSv5sw!3j-rf; ' . i WIK J9uJfilriJevJJvMfi PS. 'AWfcVSfWJ Ti. rSa ?rH4S. -- A THE OLD FORREST ' HOfif e.'het ."in." ri-f" d and Kr .nl streets, I'alU of the x-liuilkil' i- ui' ed n 1S' Tl i. it tempi., r,f "i-atning ha- sime been rcplaic'd 1. ti P I ' nt ! ir.n r 1 Fdrnund-, Ktal Estate 1 rut B i ' ' , ' ' nl P iri.. h" gi it'll- S?""SJ5 l"'""7 ?9HHHHi fit Mfck i-BH Bv9BHb1b:k IbVbvBvBvBvkPBvJ ftitf ""rTiYBM wBMfBBMBMBMBgBMBMBMBM HBfeiHBB MPliBBfHlinBBB&BBBl (JOVKRNOR '1HOMAS ! (.VMi'HI Li ef Aiiinu and lu- M" 'akc ad.int.me of ujipettumty te tAplore West Viiginia mini's el IH.ST Wl 101 M.hs'l t DDIES at I'htli i. nt 'In "ja ulitinitien They me Nick Fi-tu. age tunc, and Jehn H. Ward, age buventy-twe KIM ING IX TOU( H j. ,i" - S .pi i j n" nth thi i c raei i-eijuippcd Mi i siiew n " it t i- City Hall Sli.N L ( ONTROL BOO 1 11 at Iliead and Spring (mi n tieets, will gieatlv aid directing of traffic. Tin !.KNIN(" Pl'HI.IC Leik.KK urged tht'si- booths --v ISf S'WM .sUIU.irvL OPERATION. The last of gallant u-trnycr l'. S - Orahain, cut in two by nienh.mt m-m-I. The .-tern uf thi i aft wus grafted en te unethur destroyer MUTL' L ADMIRATION. Londen chauffeurs step te admire minlatuie meter and congratulate little owner en hia geed driving of Jimlnutive electric machine " i - ' Bb' iw" " BBBf i ;- i &$$ $ y (iIRL PARTICIPANTS IN PICTURESQUE PAGEANT nt Y. W. C. A., 147 West Alie ghen. avenue, yesterday. Mildred Fowler, Alice Allen, Alice Cunningham and Rese Had field, pictured above, were among these who helped EPISCOPAL CADEMY ACQUIRES 0VERBR0OK PROPERTY. Trustees of hismic Pln'vlelphia ihoel purchase spacious stone mansion and seen and one-half acre Allen estate a'eng City Line avenue ndjein'ng pi esent grounds of the institution te meet growing demands for educational facilities BlBaBBSBBBJtVvVa yktY'' 'rffl S3unBBKCBBBJ iBiiBlBVMH3IHJBBfl BWJIBMiBw5S NEW Dl'TfTI MINISTER TO U. S. Dr. A. D. H le In all", nccempanied by his wife, recent ui rivals fiem Tokie VV CANINE RAPID TRANSIT. Billy Jeslg age one year, travels en back et euuv old tortoise n.ifr j t