mKfFF v5 'wv "-"" JBMr ' n w i jf.vJWlU!!HJlWi. , f' N't IWWJv-WWftxw -ji ) WSw'WMimfy ' war EVENING .PUBLIC .LEDGEK-PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY.' DECEMBER 26. 1922 TheDaily Novelette Waiting for Beb 1IY .1ANK OSKOKNK J .lllrt .1... nnst SIX Ilium"" will i"K ' . . 1W-- Hepe Mni-Ktiret linil meW"! lHn,lU's depart- ...i l.i,.,1nc mninntilmi ""1 e.l 1'1. Mnrsnret mn.le nn ""? .1 M..UW. It wns s Iinpertnrt "1D0.r. n for iivnltlitnce te "'"" ill., "l?nll. It HPcme.1 in..crnllve that . .i.M break her voselvo. m ... Hint linti ' ' . ...... ..ii I Zt tin-1"""1 w,nel i,lcn w,,nt V 1. wnr. H tlie-e I JIM' " . .limine Hicni A rlrh her (i mm dozen imir tin. note liirleicil: "I pIini'H wen: sevens) ." Tin ...........f wire Mxt'-. M rr. rT vN.t lirnHf. Tlie SllankV. where rnnwl of men nnc 0f lllltnh . (() mi.,.)inni,.i "" I "Cie Daily Mevie Magazine i inUMe, te n'.'l te mePt Weill te wiille nwny i up "iL' tm hip ihim'p nine tn iivmiii. tlll ttlflVO ml 111.. tn rlnTlt'm-.l lis if he,- feet iP p. thpre without hrr cmwnt. carneii '"'. ,, ,,,,. i, meets here NUini'' ; .";.... ...... t... . .unrsiuei Mijum Sinn t esUPPlnlly ln.lPil iZL fliciT pem-i-lty Jc 'I fiM rt. u llllt te limclf. nml h Jho Miiestinii tm- w "'.'. i.-. u.n Inn: n Kilt behind Z; "column in l"t "emed te be ' IftUWiW te HiPPt at lllnnUN III! I I kiiii II. 1 '- IllPt 1110 1 suniiew Iip nywnM mppm (!! itrebably ""'t thorn before he ..,1 tlll niPrti tlipm. Mnr- " ! . . f..rtl ....'nv fpnm ii...i.r ii'. -1 ........ . wi ."" : . .. i t....i.:.... (nllllllll MIC II KIhjii iwuniiifi J. mi. is stm cut. ills ippuutm nun the nenr-y Inw I ' ' jBk -i y I Charlie Plays a New Rele Here's an Interest ing study of Charlie Chaplin wearing a "(.heclieil" c.pres c.pres bleu anil Rotten up llhc a parson. He loelis llhc this In Ills picture, "The l'llRrlm" new imt s i f :' 1...1 i., the iipiu-v law school ami he hml 1cp" imP'-Hd te coine Inte Bl!iiViliP law Miiilent. Heb (ioedreail. iin's nnlm? te hliiiNplf: "I wenilnr whom the meets new. Teel plan te imike a man cenn uVpnHineiit store. Hut it was her lilea. i MippeMJ t-hu iilwnyw meets niPii liere." Mnrsaret wa about te rl-p from Iipi retreat uIipii hp lenliPil iiIipikI of her and suiMciily at ilewn hriiIii. A- hIh Ke Meb (itieilreail fiiw her. Up felt .r iimt he reulil nut lmvp kppii liim U he shrank lmek iim iiiupIi n it 'was pftssible. bcllPviiiB himself cempleli'ly hidili-n by his pelunui. "I'll wait ami kpp who it R wiih JIargnret's determination, her lips re Inu PIp "n,l "arrow nml her heart eat iii!: fast. "IM like te nee what hurt of girl put me out." "When he comes 1 ! like te thrali him," thought Heb. "Keeping a Rti'l tiaitiiiR like that! f wns iilwns en tinip, a little ahenil of time mj hIh never liml te sit nml wait." Mnrpiret waited nml Heb waited. Thy waited lifteen minutes mid then they waited :i half hour and the longer they waited the mere eager each wn tu sie the thing out. "Itc-dde," thought Mnignret, "if I move liit he'll vPe me;" "'' "eh ri'lleeteil that he'd lie in an uiiharra'-lng position if lie made BlniM'lf eident by stirring from his retreat. Half past rbinieil en the big eleek aemewheie in the letunda. It was .".HO. lly six the store would be cle-ed. ('Inidit pnlnlid tn a ipiurter of siv. The ernwil lifRiin te thin. It would be mere hazar (lmn I hail ever te tr, te get nwnv new nillmut attiaeting itttentinii. Se Mar faret Kept her "-eat nml I Seb Kept hip. Milrg.iiit beeiime iineny. "Cad," thought I'eb. "Sim's ner vous n can be. What sort of man can he he te keen her waiting like that !" Ami Mnigtitt't saw Heb'H uue.i silicas. "He mil'-t e.ire a let for her," she thought. "I'crhnps if I had kept him uniting seiivtinies he'd luie caied ter me. Men alwajH like girls who lead them a cba v." i'ri'MMitly Margaret realized that Mie and r.ul) weie tlie only two pcrse'is remaining In the great rotunda. She law saleswomen getting out crush cov ers te thiew ever ceunteis and salesmen helping te put displnjs under cover for the night. A shrill bell, that Miimded like1 n Itiniit's alarm leik rang, and then the retmiil.i eleil; chimed six. Margaiet inse very slowly, her nep In the air, mid then started te hurry off. A passing iiiMc mini suggesei tn I'eb that he'd better be moving en. The were the List persons net em em I'leies, in the store. Side doers were elided tight. They had gene In opposite ilinotiens, but somehow met In the main entrance way, whither they had lem dlree.dl. "Seny," said the attendant. "Tlie deer's Ik en locked. You'll have te go out the empleyes' exit. Hear of the dire, List dour te the right." There was nothing te de but nbpy. ml standing within tlnpp feet from Heb linndread it was quite impossible tint te iccoicnie him. Margaret bowed Cooj , "Heb spiked nt tliis Mender excuse., 'fan I de anything for you?" he "Kid. "our jour friend seems te nnyi he-n delayed." "What about jour your friend?" fu.ippid Margaiet. "Yeu'u been wait ing ages." "I wasn't wnlliiig for any one," said Itoh. "I wns " Suddetilj M.ugaret bpgan te laugh. Hebs epiessieil Minwed such celltrl- ii'Ui Hint she could no longer held her pose of cold hauteur. "What in tn wmld weie j en sitting there for, tiicii ' Mie inked. "TrMiig te see who mi were wait ing for Veu were really waiting for BOllle one, weren't Jen?" 'Of course I wns, i ,, w-altlng te see tin. uii-J miii intended te meet." I hey had leneheil tin Iiim-s' elt J that Hum and in the creud Heb leiiiid ienise te Hike Margiuet's arm. " H 's like idd llllli's," 1 ffereil, a leeler f,,r Miuunict'n mood. "ii, Hep, lt s wntnl, if,,. And ; eien i waning ler uueilier .....- mil i iin.v tuner ginMill never "lilted nt lilnuk's ler .in one but me"'" ..m '' ,"f ,,,l"'u "nt." said Heb. "Mite often after leiluies me iiM.p J u.iue and s,t tin id in the leiiinila tt leiiuiids lue of iltijkH. Iiiul - Well. I used In h u pcil,,,,,,. Hum- lii v ,ou d cnuie IiikIc mid I did net want te miss mui il you ,iii." I lit" V Mlll:iil nil In ..II. ,. i. thr, .A I . .!... "V""1 """"fill " .iniiiii-ii iii sueei ler biliiiit os. ".Maignrit," Hub e Muaiii'l about?" , 'I was just going tllltteil Miii'iin.i. "Let's have dinner together "' sin?, mt.d ,,., "Telephone ', ,.,'. tt 111 ! I n ilelnjeil or sei,iethiii." il,,... Vi "f"' l."'l,":,1 iPSuiPt, .. .-Ill- lllllgllt-ll. "I 1H ". III1I1L e ( iiieiight I I'll 1 1 THE MOVIE FANS LETTERBOX By HENRY M. NEELY Snnehy Well, new, I'll tell you, I wasn't really bluffing at all. Ilodelph Valentine will lie in Philadelphia next Friday afternoon and evening. If ou could jump into hia taxi when he geed from P.reild Street Station te tlie Holle- Mie-KtrnUeul, seu migiiL ant mm these (tuestiens .ourself. lle'U land in town at 4 in the afternoon. What's he coming for? Oh. lip and 1 just want te havp a little tnlk.. I imagine it'll be perfectly easy for us te get privac. Nobedy'll want te see him here, will they? What? Yes; very nice weather. the .strong and stern type of man would lie pleased te see SIIIh act in a picture diiiinn like 'Skin -Hepp.' He mnekes his cigars in the same nffeet innate wa.v that he lings IiIh faithless wife. AVhat liiililsliiiient would lie ndpquute for the hcurtlpHs-ness of a wite for the Jimmy he portrays! "The battle, which was ilppleled In the first tnrt of tlie story, get me Hist of nil. I w-nH nineng it ever theie.. I-ike our Civil War vets, I shall have it memory ever green and a line old story te iiiuli ever in the iIiijh te come, when perhaps I tuny need u faith lefreslicd in men. I de net leiiiember the name of tlie actor who pla.w-d the part of the DlHtrlPt Attorney. He was geed! i wish that all ntternes wero cast in the heroic meld. "I pies-tune that Tnee is using this picture for prepngalida In tiie interests of neglected service men. And why net? His way is mere effective than the ordinary one of the printed word. Anyway, tlie time will come when we will linve te distinguish between the light anil the wrong In this sort of piepngaiidii (quite seen). Oh! but won't it be a very, very hard task.' We will learn te though ! "Pnthp showed us uur beloved sugar leaf mountain in their 'Oaette.' I thought of you nt once. Isn't it funnj hew we develop a love for certain spot.-i upon the map, and hew we would go tlmmgh fire and water te be at .the heart of them en certain occasions'. T have found my pet landscapes with their associations net be thriliiiic en the fpeelal visit. paid te them. There is alwavs a difference. Par away in the offing is the spirit that was theirs. Memery struggles te straddle from tin. old te ithe new in vain. "1 have made n circle of six letter-,. Thev are II. M. N. W. I. I and I hope they are going te make history. Wally's Krlcnil writes; "Your an swer te 'A. .1. S.V letter in tonight Hvjwine I'tHi.t" I'lnuiKit regm ding Wally Holds bronlldewn i-onierms se entirely te tnv own ideas en tin; subjei-t that 1 simply bad te 'tiiKe my p n In hand,' etc., etc. Hut although m feel ings for Wnlly are identical with jour, f could never in tlie world have ex pressed myself no clearly as eit have, and lifter reading ever for the third time your iidniirable and sincere praise for this actor, 1 can only repeat in tlie 'Inngwldge' of Daniel Webster, 'them's my sentiments' exactly. "I have at ways been tin parncst ad mirer of Wally, and since his downfall and innnfnl efforts te come back 1 am even mere se. It is typical of his own straightforward personality that he is fighting his battle out in I lit open, and I certainly de wIMi for him all success in Ills emlea ors. "As te his downfall, I can only say that he was only hiimnii, and lie suc cumbed te tin-se vIcih dimply because they wen- part of tlie natural en en viienrieiit which surrounded him, just as the small-town jeung men fall for the lure of chewin' tobacco and bells-Imped tieuset-s. Hut, seileuM, 1 am sineerelv "tiny for Wnlly. and I'll chppt fully lay down my twenty-eight cents and three (i-nts war las-, Jen knew, any time or any place 1 can see him "Yeu pp. I fepl as if Wally and 1 were old friends. Iiepnuse way back in PHI and l!ll" 1 plnjed the. piano In Itristel's llrst movie house when Wall mid Mrs. 'Wally. then Dorethy Dnvpnpeit, were playing these old Western pictures of theirs. Itelllelll hfr 'em? Wally was generally n pro pre pro pieter or semethln', and Mrs. Wally a cowgirl lu dhldeil skirt nml a big Stetson hat, and ninny's tlie senti mental ballad I've thumped out of that old Hn-pniiny 'pinne while Wall clasped Ids cowgirl te tils manly chest, and inany's the ctiweus sigh escaped fiem my sixteeii-.M-nr-eld lips as lie did se, 1 can tell ou. "Fer In these dajs. te say that I adored him ( Wally 1 would be putting li mildly, Indeed, mid ecn though I line new reached the mature age of twenty-live, and have n hubby and two little girls, I still have a small comer of in; heart risened for Wally, my lirst here. "Hut I am afraid all this sounds maudlin 'tn jeti, nml nfter the nice for mal way I stal'ted this epistle, tee! And se I must bring Ibis letter te a i lese, as my two well-breiight-iip eimg hope fuls lire staging a near-1 let ever a lead pencil, and in conclusion I want te thank you once mere for Hie helpful words of praise and eucoiirngemcnt jeti have given my Moved Wally. (We married women aie certainly shameless when it comes te movie stars.) "Hut. eli, 1 almost forget what, with wrnppin' Nmas presents and settlm j' evcr thing-, my mjnd's In a wlm I, but iiiijhew, in your answer te A. .!. S.. there was just one sentence I didn't iiiideistimd. Yeu said something about Wnllv having n feeling thai 'no j one cares.' Hut Mtirelj. Mr. Neeh.. there's his wife, isn't there? And one geed woman's Help and loyalty, even though she Is bis wife, founts. ileeu t It? Alld besides, as 1 said befeie. there's me. and that makes two, plus eiirself. equals Ihiee. who arc sponger iliaii ever for Wall." HTIIAMHIIH' NOTICES 'SSjiiJmSnM ?inMmmai'fteWi',T:'t7Twm AsW k HT 5 i' n HTKtMSIIir NOTirKW I (Ye'u never said a truer word than "there's his wife." It's the most hopeful sign in the whole Wnlly ptob pteb lem. "There's his wife!" I wonder hew many of us would be in a position te criticize Wally new if. ntseme crisis in our caieeis, pi-ople hadn't been uble te say leiissitrliigl, "Nem r mind, there's his wife." WEST INDIES I)y Magnificent Crulilng Steamer MEGANTIC (20,000 tens dispt.) 2R clays cruise e II Inlereitlns perti lt eluding I'annniu Canal and La Gualrm SeulliAmcrlcj. Ample time for slshtteelni. t'arti ai tow at $250 Jan. 15, Feb. 17, Mar. 22 Smtkumatiemal Abkcamtui Mawwij Cempaji! Hit!) Union! Slrcrt. or lernl Mltrlils MEDITfimifNEAN ADRIATIC (24,541 tens) Jan. 6, I-cb. 24 Worid'fameiu for steadiness, tie lure quarters, cuisine nnd service. DcIlBbtful shore cxcurslnns i npllenal) I.KM'1, Trance, Italy, (Greece, and the Hely Land. tnquirr for hent- lei itnd dctaiM information Hurt en Christmas Jey Ride Crlslleld. .Mil.. Dec '-(. T.niils S.illz and Cleveland Scott, of Cnslield. I,, en. been severel injured thieugb a ('Im-i-mas "joy llde." The Silllz Itiltemnl ill struck' the rent of Knlpli Sterling's ( n In passing in Crisheld, tuiiied en-r three or four times and wrecke,! $r ' f- nmxmtm B I I In Fall Weman Breaks Leg While crossing the ldg. p,ke nt Tioeper. Mrs. Deniild Dr.iiis slipped en ,i pits e of ice nnd -.'isliuneil u fraetni. of the leg. She was limisled In I h home of her iiinliu, Mrs. I'mnlv S Hrnndt. sti'.msihp MiTirns SMt?4P tjjk te SmkhAmmca. onlL&.GevarmnentSliips vOKncufjjiixMjiirtmKuunumiTin&xrjKZMi iiHwiaii Mew Reduced Rates Fastest Time te Rie d Jnnclre. Montevideo, nnd n?iene Aires. Finest Rnif- American service American oell Air.erleancotntent Sail tnga from Pier I, Hobettn. S. S. Southern Cress . . Jan. GUi S. S. American Lejjien . Jan. 20th S. S. Pan America . . . i-'eb. 3rd S.S. Weitern World. . Feb. 17th H OiXM uth, Houlenn'-Sur.Ker , , l-tanafrnt O; J n 6 Feb, 10 Mar IT I! tS SfHPPI ,, Jan. 20 I'eb. 24 Mar 31 V0'0,0 J n 27 Mar 1 Anr. 7 KxmiMk wws NEW YOUIC TO KOTTERDAAI Ml Plyme NOOROAM V0LLHDAK nvuriA Nl-v ami.i Ituniii ipe ki J-iir tfi API i VtKNDAM nfv.i Ai U Kay ID June 13 PasseiR r 0(11 e. I'll V lnut St Phila Fertnlrhtly thereafter Fer tlaymptn-n booklet uti lrti Munson Steamship Lines 67 Wall St New Yerk City per&terH for ing Heard fl TSk . H i- tri vm it - m !AM I fzOOkmL i vwJVsfiySVe- y I One ' t II B .Suiif'i ' S xr Kht;is seu (A American rri ,rr SOUTH ERICA Reduced Rate Teurt YOUR opportun ity te " Seuth America" M It abeulrl be ira. r.rnre Mill Teut rinhrnce every point of accntr nnd com cem m'rclal lnterait. Pr sunnily conducted or independent purlin arranged. KecuUr Salllnga from Nw yerk through t h I'nnnma Canal. Direct rnll connections tot till point In Belivia. Santa Luisa..De: ?8 Santa Santa Ana... Jan. 25 Santa Elisa..Feb. 8 you girl- K. K. IJ. writes: "New this is net blaming jeu. 1 knew jeu did net write tlie ".Meviegrnms of the Week" in last . Saturdii's Km:xi.n Pfitt.te lii:nnt.n. It struck me jeu hine been very fair In this IIochefort-Hody nlTalr, se please don't think 1 am blaming jeu in the I least. "Hut I want te object with nil m j might nnd both lists en the tabic te that , reiew of tlie j ear's acting. "The parngiaph about Valentine fs cruelly unjust nnd prejudiced. Tim ret- I erenee te Jtochefert is unkind and un- , tactful te the last degree. It is per- , tcctly right te praise Hochefeit. I i have never seen liim, but feel sure he niut-t be very line; hut could it net have been done without hurting? Iledv lias been the victim of some peer plc plc tuies as well as some etheis mentioned. I don't knew but that he deserves some crulit for trjjiig te get away from that company. "The whole tone of the comment is se full of prejudice and hatied that one all lespect for the wiiter as a critic. "In T.loed nnd Sand' Valentine was extiaerdlniiril.v geed. Any fair critic will miv that, and an iT'-r of tlie tort that does net include his excellent por trayal in 'Hloed and Hand is net com- plcie. , ' "There is every geed reason for the cult that has giewn up around him. Unity has wen our admiration and af af tecti'eii simply en his own merits. lie is jeung, very talented and gives rich lue'inise. and he hns a vital and lovable personality. There is that in ids ap peal which gees far deeper than mere fascination. It is particularly strong ' lit present. They have tied him hand and feet and we simply cannot stand te see liim kicked when he is down. "Mav I add a few names te that in ndetiiiaie list of last Saturday? i "Pauline Frederick in 'Glory of ' Clementine.' Moseph Shihlkrniit in 'iirpnnns ei the Storm' (I agree about Mente lSIue in that picture). "Den Clianey in several of his por per tra.vals. "Alice Terry in 'The Conquering Power' (I agne about Italpli Lewis in this). "Wallace Hrery in 'Hurricane's "Cenrad Xagel in 'Peel's Paradise.' "And net least, Valentine in 'Hloed nnd Sand.' , , , . . "Hele is my list of the ten best pic tures of the ear: " 'The I.oveh of Phaiaeh. ' 'Hloed and Sand.' " 'The Golem.' " 'The Plume." " 'The l.ane That Had Ne Turning. " 'Claieuce.' " 'The Pour Seasons. " llle lilery el i leiiieiitim-. " 'Nanoek of tlie North.' "'The Pend He.' "1 want te put 'Tel'iible David, but sec it Is ii P.llM picture. " l.alnne Wilten: ".Tust te show that I haven't deseitetl jeu, I am wilting te you of a hereon slery that 1 saw ibis evening. It was called 'Skin Deep. I hope that I inn net vcr late in mentioning this. "I rt acted somewhat violently te i Ibis pii'tuie, and 1 would like te say, . 'Who would net!' I puipesel.v refrain from un.v iiidulgenee in movie going, and , Ibis Is 'm.v only excuse for being se, stiengly liitluenccil at times. It well I may be that must of the fans thought I this picture mediocre. Mllletl Sills was the slur. He is u geed ncler. I should sa.v a 'gend scieeu actor,' and that is sa.v Ing quite a let. "Ulie llapper who lias u laste fei i m .ssu liegiin. te as! fcevi nil "What did ou," ad- and I'lOSS IV I til hlistluiii beciillse hhe werti ii .sevi.ii I.1..1 .. .....I ., --.-..., ....tT urn, Hllll im i itii .. .. i . . . ... i. her 1 ... i Ti '" .'" "",l- '"" !' Jir hew Ki, i , M)lt lt Firemen Play Santa imnvl,l'v "ni" ,IU0"" "f ,:iKm' ('""" ''.v, Ne. I.!, icpertci for duty cs- ''"''J ,l -'II" Maikct sine, tl ev l'tl (1""- for them. A lingo lue i , M,'"i'";t '"', "l"1 dei orated by "' "'", I'euipsey nml lleseuian lie," f .UI1' I.ieiiteiiiuit Willhim led and CapUiln William Itr.v.iu were in Santa ( biases t ,l(, celebintien. mu-ki L'Vi..n. nf '"''ait" nrerta ahnvv n Ran ,La'" '," nmi'leyinenl 'I'he luinlneBH ennililmw W"1 ,0 .k,"l' ',0",,'l "" l'lneai LliL,, "" .'.Vl"'.1"-"'? H-cllen of t he I'CBLIC i-VUKit, "ALUta u a HiiMt." Adv. J 3 Annua usiness an Financial Containing a Bread Survey e Past Present January 1 , B usmess Future 1 u 23 S PKH.AUELPHIA TO ANTWERP & HAMBURG S. S. "Kiruna" Jan. 4 .s. s. s. s. s. s. s. t n'l puiHculnrn nt tricnl nnrnti or- GEACE LINE '.llAC! I I K 10 Hauerer Hqnare, N. 1", I or t ri'l 1 fiMher rartlcu HUDSON SHIPPING CO. llIC, Agents V'S fli'stnut &t.. Phila. Lembard ."-(il--. Main T'Hl-12 ii t MI'Hi i Vl.Mll 114 VI ininrlti. Illllc This issue will be in effect a comprehensive history of Industry and Commerce in 1922. It will review the conditions which affected the economic, financial and industrial stafus of the country during the past year, and will present forecasts from experts in their respective industries of the prospects for 1923 in m m Steel Copper Paper Chemicals Ceal Oil Rubber Tobacco Building Leather Textiles Automobiles fMALLORYl TRANSPORT LiiMES, Inc. Operating U. S. Coe. Ships CE'JOA. MARSEILLES. LEGHORN Av D NAPLES I'SSB S S "Sin:tna-va" Jan. 9 S S "City of St. Jeseph" . Teb. 10 GENOA. LEGHORN AND NAPLES USSB S S "Lurpaiilc" . . Jan. 2-1 USS3 S S "City of Eureka" Feb. 24 GEYELIN & CO., Snc.v . ,; 108 S. Fourth St., Phila Lembard 514-1 Main 7791m "BLAKE L8NES1 Regular Service PHILADELPHIA te MANCHESTER USSB S S "Wtsl Isleta" . .Dec. 29 GEYEL1N & CO., Inc. i08 S. -1th St., Phila. Lembai 1 5144 Main 7791 FLORIDA BY SEA FnttABEXPTTIA TO JACKSONVILLE $34.38 $61.88 Inclndlnt meals and saleroom aeetnmeUttaaa Kitm etr for prHarrKl apacw. iteund-Trlb TlcktU Ooed te Bateia OMst gtcameri X7el'nei"srs anfl Rahn1aT. 1 V. ts Make Reservation Neu Merchants & Miliars Transportation Ce T'.t II. B. Pat. At. Tat Lecab 1W BALTI1V80RE LINE Regular Service PHILADELPHIA te GLASGOW & AVONMOUTH I SSB-S S "Chapcaqun". .Dec. 28 GEYELIN & CO. Inc. 108 S. 4th St., Phila. Lembard 5144 Main 7791 PhilniMehfa Acnta for HfLTIMORE STEAMSHIP CO. Operating U. S. Gov. Ships '. I i Acnli for BI AKF. 1 TO., Iae. Supj V." A .Operatirg U. S. Gei STRAY'S" SOUTH AMERICAN LIN E Frem PHILADELPHIA Te Rie de Janeiro, Monteridee, Bahia Blnnca, Rosarie and Buene " Airea NOR. SS. "SONGVAND," Sailing about JAN. 10. B. K. SOEELMAN S CO., ACcnt. Bourse Bldg., Philadelphia Lembard 0181 Main 7628 rilnrnl-l rnnTei'i vm Banking and Finance, both local and country wide including the National, State and Savings Bank fields will be discussed at length by nationally famous leaders in the financial world. Many special articles en matters of interest te the business community will find place, together with a volume of exceptionally informative statistical matter, including among ethers: Tables of Stock Movements Complete Charts of Bend Prices Articles en Income Tax Changes Railroads and Public Utilities Marine and Shipping Foreign Business This issue will prove of permanent value te Bankers, Brokers, Manufacturers, Merchants, Importers and Exporters, and should be filed for reference uscduring the year. Make Sure of Your Copy. Order it Today SHKW StegtiW! OF PHILADELPHIA EVENING CYRUS H. K. t LRTIS, Publisher PUBLIC wnanansn aaanaasi- - $m Vi B1 .1 M W Fl 1 ra I I . In. i IB v H. BK rf ii u a au iw a ui aa i m su . rWI ifflf Vhi .ml Jufi rkl StJ i lu MORNING SUNDAY Make Sure of Your Copy Frem Your Newsdealer wmsii , ,U1:!;,,,lViy,n,r t!lcatr,-,s "btnin their pictures through the SI A.sI.M ( umpaiiy of America, which is a guarantee nt eai'h showing nt the finest productions. Ask for the theatre m your locality obtaining pictures through the S'a'ia'V ( enipiiiiy of America. -IAMBRA WESLEY 1. II V Ml Mnr. It la r .M APOLLO LON BARaRY i TO .:U Hf I ' s I The NIXON-NIRDLINGERJlfft THEATRES iflf vXJ- MON I) IA rust:. l'A ' 1 Ave DAILY iv ru MI. If HAROLD TEEN i a ti'xC n i.ts. Anything Else Jiul- , J ' HcwerAr Me f JX ( lve. mu&T 0ee.e. l- -. 1 AAtMOTCi, PEACE. ITEU-VOuX IWTH HNVWeMftS- O . CHANEY -HA'lOW ADnMner; ' v- rtlU,UUlL . - A P'.PAMOVNT P!i TfRf "ABOVE ALL LAW" ASTOR ' : sKnT WILLIAM FARNUM , .,-.. , v - TV ." "VVl't; BLUEBIRD : .',..;-. HOUSE PETERS COLON' L , , NORMA TALMADGE i ii" ' i - .--i FAIRMOLM TOM MIX 361 H ST.I,0,, LON CHANEY viRLlAv)rriKKN NORMA TALMADGE . Hi, riks ' vr IMPFR1A1. .'J.' s",:'. r JOHNNY HINES u - J V 1 1 1 1U III . LIBERTY" ",;..' V,VV Hlr.Y LOV.'vIX i i EFUT IV!rU u ' "Te Have nnd te Held" ORIENT u " "-, V .-I w Dorethy DfHen and Jack Helt i v ' il Hli.ll -1 OYrRPROOk' '- ' , THOMAS MEIGHAN P 1 M ' ' - Kl ' ' v lN" I l.l si i I i'C- Wallace Reid and Bebe Daniels REGENT M ";' m -' ,T COLLEEN MOORE i i inns AMBASSADOR M,J,flB;,-J' "MAN VS. BEAST" Alin Jehn.. H.nes , Sur. Fire Flint" BALTIMORE 1f;T Ml?"1"0"" ... ,:"" ?0 hut. Ma U MIRIAM COOPER in KIVURFD OF THE DUST" BELMONT '-" Wlnv makkw BEBE DANIELS jI-SGLD WI.VOS "Til .v . M,AU AVENUI 1 ' ' "n.l 3 7 Hn. 0 I U. " ' .1 .Tl'JUItr CEDAR Leve Is an Awful Thing" COLISEUM 5U"":' BEBE DANIELS 11 !.Nt.FD u-ines JL.MiiO LIONEL BARRYMORE "' ' ! in THt re& I rr a rs p-r- j.i ,. . .... LLnur.i - '' ASTKu ..vj. THOMAS MEIGHAN TIIF MA'. WHO AV TOMOnm 1 L0CLST v bth A OOtB A U P. it. "twtii avs. i ! 1 ' 1 1 V M. A S Ii 1 Ii V I III INI nnew "il'HKKTU -TS A 1U1 1 Mil '. .... n . . --T mav ire ; ". ' " " . . " l " Pr " -' I'alem.r- iMAUM " s vU ItKPT 3TJ. SHIRLEY MASON 1 U TI ACHEn L-H J HAN MOM BTB. " 'MAN VS. BEAST" i" ' ni .n -fiurs ri mi.. . SHERWOOD fl4h, r"5''j?r. Z7. ui'i'nu it'jeitrs productiev 0,f "REMEMBRANCE" 6ln I ST. " :, RIN'OLI 7 anil f lb Ais T 1-. Tarminil V U. i n iv.i.- i unnirtr. w . - .iir. a t riMUU. Jf PA nMADM in t a ,. '"" ' inw in Pl'Trn 17th 1 it STRAND ""?::' - WALLACE n PLAHFN0E I lit I IBI.M i u ... - -r-" '. I It If REID R LTO ' RICHARD 1 I 1 M ' V I- " t K SAV'Oi BARTHELMESS M ' ' Nil HOY l.ll l M1KI I s I I I r n ii. MUnlsht WILLIAM FARNUM in V. I I 1.0 . ( OMI'hOKI-sL 333 MARKE T ' ' " ,W TOM MIX In UO AND UAUL ' AT O PHLR TMEATRES "1 Ml MHLRS OF M P.T.eTa. With 1- M H-i- . -ft . ...'' ,' i v Jil uttyrtyja.'... . ,. v.,..,.c. ,v.i :. , ' ' i - I V'4 sfi-3-. ,,... I. ' ' i . I , M'1 Gr:iiANTevNr'''v;AnT,,,'i,7ILv VIOLA DANA" t in Hit 6 DOLLAlt DAHY" GRANT "" ,VVlA,nV AY. RODOLPH VALENTINO in ULUUJ) AHD BAND" IV" IK. " f TlNOf ' t n it A,! AAUiadwiiii! aa rmfsumKsaisti 1 Ju .-' ii