Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 26, 1922, Night Extra, Page 20, Image 20

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Tjv - I v.p,r $(.' ." iV'V
InV Mttm
X 1
Presidency of Baseball Players' Union Gees A-Begging Ne One Wants Apparent High Hener
I Bebby Is a Cinch for Sailor,
the Organization Has Proper Ideals and Real Reasons Who w!ns Every R0Unrj by
for Existence, Such as Beneficial and Fraternal
Objects, Then an Athlete Should Welcome
Election te Tep Office
THERE was one C'lirltmns gift cekinic :i horn? which it iltd net tind
nii the prcsldcnej of the Baseball Pinters I'nien Prank Ftisih. of t
Hwei v w.e ' H
t? - ''eV'vrW v
Giants nnd 'Icoige Bums of the Bed, me repotted te have flatlv refused ii
accept tli tens, ami scleral e'ner niamenu
hbeiers informed the walking delegates tin
their names must be kept off the billet
nd, friends, there mu-t be something Mill
rail j vvrnin; with an uri;nni?ut!en that has e
n uli difficulty in finding men who vlll become
ethe ei-s I.nel, ever veur li"t of club, leilse1.
nnd u'hlctlc nsstvlnt en 1b tbeie one of which
vcii would net f 1 hlcli'j honored te become
N'et n chime! l'heie mar be reason whv
ii annet give tlie time required te be a
ne'thv officer, lint if the purposes for wbhh the
organization was formed are propel nu wil'
apprei inte the proffer of tue higher efflre and
v '1 think a Ieiir while befoie vei, refuse it
8i fai .i" the public can elhievrr, tbeie ii
no ual neeesitv fei n bnll jili.vcrs' union.
1 1 1 r t n aj be ,i few odd caes where u plaver i"
'it derpaid " 'i.T-ienally. perhaps, the magnate
tind i w.ij te railiead a pnstitner te the miner
liiniiw I c (lifpe af(l hiM b"v tienerall -peak
Inc. however ' ti, tin i beiief tint the bii; and miliei leaguer ft nit lhat
they are worth
Babe Uuth is a i tiwerthv eampie II s- snlatv ; 1 J te be nt eit
7ii,000 Ne doubt tlie home inn king is worth that nmeuit, f, ht tremen
dous drive nttri, ted sn mnnv nuiiiimni Inte Atuinran 1 eaitue ball jiaiks ; hit
the Yankee fninihi-e .ind inw stadium nie i.itid as worth tiw millions of
Suppose 'hit the new un en 'stablihcd a waqe "rale Weu'd Uuth,
while he is the greatest drawinu ard in the same, ai'tpt n cu in his annua1
pav? Just ask the Itambinn te labor fei n paltr yj5.(i00 in order tlu.t th"
JSO.OOO excess that he is piid ma be distnbuttd umen the less ruminate
thletr.s who mai be rec eiMni; S.lrtOrt when t!ie ni worth s-T.'UO, nei eulinj;
te their idea- c, ask him and tlnn pripaie Mnuself fei an explosion
M "
JlfO. niF Hcur'.fitl 'Mtrr J urjn u ill in am f'fiA Uttlc ni ne'himi
in tin if hi nf t fi'iM( tm ii a (n;r fftfr J lint mnii he the ri niten
iciiy 'nii'l, iiipim ami e'Aci hnh mlnrtfi! athUtri turn n dnif rai
in the pmffci nf the piriiilrnry Ihcn' m n aiien irii tirv iheulil
etch nwrc pay for thimichu thiuuah the mnfiirl effort nf it plnijeri'
as'O'intWH. tnd they me no' pnrtu ulai 'y ietncrf etrr the fur that
n fer ireevii 'trim; piti hrrt and utility if!li'ii fjnif eutfi'Hm nil
net be imlening n semi menthli) pav chef!, iilwh fuVy reinptniatc
thfm for irrnrmi huj lent ir qnmcnti
Rene final Ohjrct Would Merit Support
r TIIH union lia t real purpose a the founda'ien of a fund with v. hi. h
te care for retired or 'irk plari rs -then it should sui ced and be sup
ported by evr person who was 'ruh interested in tue future of our national
Kame. (Vrtainlv i plawr weu'd be willing te t ix himself n reasonable
nmeunt of his wiirfH in elder that he iniun insure himself and his pals torn tern
fort in their old as.
Huccessful pilfers. t is tin" 'eolem med ihautr Only a run of
xtremelv hard breaks would pi ic the ull behimvl and deserins pla,ers
fn a position where the; would require tinam ml ans stnne However if
the union wtte designed pnncip.Uh for beneficial and fratrnal reasons then
prominent diainerd workmen should anept with real satisfaction elertien te
the president
There is we suseest nltegrtlifr tee mmh see rer in conne'tien w rli the
ttempt tfi form the union. If us stated, benefic nl and fraterml metivis
nre behind tin- organization, wli net mile an aimeunf emenf eln it the up
pert and nssitane of micnu'es and publi and m ike the assonatien 'e
worthy that eunc linn like FiiS'h and I'urns will be bappi te ,icep'
office in it
Prebablj the fnunda'ieti rf a na-itrble fund would nean u Mr of 1
per rent en a plaer s snlan llith. s'linfinc h s pnid 7." 00(. would pi'
13750 into the union eni h wir ! her pl.nei , ikipeiii; ,,fK"ril i-. pa fe i
reason, would contribute eni1- "sl.'O Tlieie aca.n we find rnnr for dnen
fen. But. if the ilues weje n aue '".tuul fnt nil would it be fair for a S'SOOfl
player te pax 'l.'O ei ene-f.entirtl of his nifeme hiie IJu'li i,nd feii'ider
ably less than ei e pinMns diy'i wapes?
rill', hall it'll urn 'ntty il'j I nl' i , i, r i, '
tchnt then de 1n unite t themthri hi nini
lie pi. hln.
Overwhelming Margin !
rnilKIin lire about MOO tistu fans- in j
Philadelphia tedav with but n slnjtle '
theudit : What a swell nlnihinfc Sailor
1 Freedinan sae liebbv ftartett! 'Ihey
' met in the tlnal of the Christina after
I neon stair nt the Arena and the mm
incr handed the Cliften Heights red
I hend se lrIeu a trouncing the latter
j iiwt enlr was outclassed in rich nnd i
eivrj leund, but it was a mnn !e hew
I lie wis able te remain en h feet
MitouKheut the twenty-four mirutes e
, ac tien
j rreedman'fi ninrsin of itf ten ipni'it
I Hnrrett was net ene-iuled i wiim
we-se than thit eerwhelnunc mislit
'he n reed wiv te nut it. lleliln s eim
i hinue te win from the tailor was t gi t I
ever his riRht that one punih hi- ii
his wen ieietal mutihes for him b tlic
ktimkeut teute but tlie Chicngetin wa
te i war for his Mew, hleveii opponent)
and Fretdmnti was net te be caught
While Fteedninn tried eerrthini
within his power te make Itebbv dream
et Mintn C'laus. Ilatretts gnmcnesti
'.iiiiefl lum threuKh te the linlsh. It
whs net an interesting entest proba preba
bl b'liiuse of tts one-sidedness, till
the bis irewd leniaiued i-eatid until the
end as that thieatenini: ilsht of
1 Bebb 'h kept switihiui; through the nir
in the general ilirtctten et the sailor a
hebldiif: head teieiul times n emh
I Barrett BleeIs
. The nrst finme wis 1es mi liilf
i i minute old w I en iiglu-lwinil uppi r
. ' ut inside fijiened a wound In Barrett -
in"irh He be'iin t bleed pr"tuelj
iiimi iliateh anil lentmued te de
i eind attei round. 1'rvednian s riph'
i wis milch 111 eildeiiie, epefnl it
, l"'e uunrters Ills short uppertLts
i Ii inks and j"lts ripped nuirett litu
l te ribbons
IIK 11 itcalh tin ill f that Hill HullenUuik pin iimj
ti I' e l'i mi
lumni niiniiitt the tirsity. hn a fan nfipty of fnt uken
trauitn urn "'" ein((ii '''icii Keen vim i eniififnf 1011117
crnttr, una atkeJ uhcthei IUy Hill hit 'he 1. 11, html "flit it haul
)'il tau he defi," irfi. )rm' aimrer 'On e uhru I yet 111 the urn
plunar. fie hit ma te hard Hint I felt thi effect) for the
ttr of tut game
'-00lEJL '"' 'AJiMMW mtmm Vwpivr these
Hew Dees It Strike Yeu?
Lafayette in 1923
Football Statistics
Jehnsen's Stand
PENXSTLVANTA'S new TrnnlsHn Tleld is sure te he crowded te the remeleit
terner en N'evemlur 10 next enr. If n gient foellmll team n an opponent fn.
the Red nnd Blue Ih Mifficlent nttractlen te draw n capacity attendance
On that date Lnfnjctte will renew gildireti friendship and rivalry with th.
Qualtern, and the Maroen, let it be known, will be n strong, if net stronger thn
the 102L' eleven nt Its penk of power. ' aB
Lafayette issued nineteen letters le plajers ictently, nnd of thin nntni...
fifteen will be ellslble for football next fall. me"
Dr. Sutherland loses four reRulurs Schwab, '(inxclln, Brcnnan nnd Brun
ner and nltheiih this qunrtet prnbnbly equals the plnlng strenuth of any ,
nthletes nt ether rellece, thelp farewell te T.nfanctte foetbull will net enc th
team netlrenhlv crippled.
In Schwab's place will be Budd. the biff lineman who several vm
starred with By Dicksen's League Island Mnrine eleven.
Hrnst nnd MrNnlly will be after Brennatrs quaiterbark pest
was the first-string substitute Inst fall. McNally, put out of srrlminairr pni.i
i mllnrbene, Is the finente for the position tt .
quarterback nt Kiski two jears njte
in the season with n broken
r." nj
The ferttifr
If early
He wi
Millinan. another Kiski luminary, and Mnrhefka will be the halfbacks ..j
1 will ficht It out for the fullback pest.
eyd atlj
it ! And Lafayette will net spare itn strength'
mly Riimcs nnd point for Pennsvlvatila
Cepjrlel't, liii, lit Public I tdeer Cempanu
Hew I Made My Start
in the Boxing Game
Jack HanlenBeat Up Brick-
yard Bully. Then Cem-
peted as Imatcur Fistman i
and Later as Pre ,
Boxing Decisions of
Christmas Day Bouts I Twe Defeats en Heme Fleer in
One Day Determine Last
""HiMI" ilewn effa that tart and I'll ham I.nrerfJ
Itirrett was en the receiving end 'n J bus! i in the mouth I
THi: AttRN Srnnr rnedmin tl'd'H'li
f'fpatf)il H.)Mi Hurrrtt lci Hart von frni i
tlffjrse t'hiinrs, v.1 si niillepl Ofi-e
s'hi'Jc, hltiy Kiiwi'ra.d mutufrctft llmmj
llnnlen llfnny Ilam bnt Tnmmi MllrrA
hxjpfl Dick Ontwult ilcera Ille wei
t -i AnOj UaUcr. Ilnry KI-1 Ooelmn lw.it
i nil i-iin ilrni. 1 je w uiiiims liitiiicJ
Place Certain
Just be-
our inrts had humped unit ii
IlBIDIMl-Knhb Ilurle untl Tlni Trllllt s
itrei. i'efire riMip) defrnted RnafO KNhnr i
'im: Jick Dempiiry Kteweil Anti- O tlrlfi
nrv reunil He was bittered in tin en use
opening fes'ien and the same thin? wnsn t mv fiult ntiv mere than it was Jymh. Ofonte JCf'mar wen tren linmj
happened In the second. belnK beaten I his fhiule; McCain, the bullv diher . 'Zmjs.SlOAH r.fnr: w" -mn fl-feiieti
ami in hen worse as tue innicn pe-
(tre'si-d ""'ill Be'jIh kept threntenin?
Basketball Statistics
CliU knew ski nnd (tihhnrd
The ether letter men who will return are Berry, O'C'ennell and Crate, enaV
Dlebel, Ferd mid Prcndergnst, tecklcs; Mltlnger, guard, and Ackereyd ami
renti. centers.
What nn arraj of football talent
nor have lime te leaf through the en
THE lentnthe .Maroen schedule has ene open date, and Includes gannn
llh .Muhlenberg, Pittsburgh, naiihlln and .Marshall, Itutgert
Wnsliinufen nnd Jeffersen, I'cnn, Dickinsen and tahlgh, te he plajeri
In t lie order named.
The Slntlstlc.il .Mind of "Pep" Hart
TIinitE are some minds that run te figures' nnd dlaguims and rhuls eien In
sport-i. They love te grapple with ratios, pen outages nnd averages ,md te
chose the decimal point nil ever the table.
"Pep" Hint has such n mind. "Pep" Is n dlizen of New Brunswick nnd
a pieminent business man of the town. But first of all he is a football fan and
tilled with love M the game.
It has been innnj u cnr slnte "Fop" has missed n Butgeis football gamu
and if he Ik blessed with continued health the Hall-Mills mjsteiy will he solved
before he misses another ltutgers contest.
He is n fnmillnr figure nt the games, en the hem h or In the press bev. seated
behind n huge cluit and n shnip-peinteil peni ii whkli moves up and down with
evei.v piny.
The veteran statistician has compiled some interesting data lenternin" tht
1022 eleven. Hete nre eme of his facts pertaining te the Rutgers season:''
The ball wns ndvnnced 1000 jnrds in -1012 sirimmnge plavs. for an nveri
of I l'i nrds n play. "
(Jppenents gained 1211 jards in 4."i." plajs, for an nveiage of 2.T2.
In the nine games plajtd, the team inn tlneugh (W5 pla.vs te 0(l. for onno enno onne
nents, a total of 1.1(10 plavs.
Tlie pla.vlng time whs ASH minutes, whiih means nn average of 2.00 plan
per minute.
The team punted 210S yards, nenrlv a mile and n quarter, and kicked ei
1G."S2 j aids.
It was n peer jenr en penalties, for the ie.nn was 'ct back ."OS yard', or
mere than n euiitter of a mile. Opponents lest .'12.'! iirds en penalties.
FOSTER .SANFORD claims Hurt's stnlitlcs are of jrcit value tn
him during the season. An Important fnct is thn number of plnjs
made. He can tell If the attack needs speeding up.
I wl'li lus tight, swinging fnid and with
,101s of steam lut u didn't mean miv
thing Ilarrtt mted alumsf nil of
1 his punches or else landed en the bach
of 1 1 erdninn head
I 'I he r'ul upet en tin- holiday pin
iKinm oieiiriiij in the semi-fiinl when
Vt Unit fame through with n vpteiv
against the i k- ciii-und-sei k-'un
' li(iil,'i i lui'ev I hiisi- wlm i lime I i
ei I'hincv 'tow uwiiv -u t In shei r
' oreer vvnie sit prised inrlv aid a Ijig
Jus the eight ifunds lasted
' Outpuurhes ( h.iue.v
Wh.ie Hif ian into i inches t up
and Tgiiiti A'e nppnnirlv had te fi.ir
fm thf slnshiti. -"in li'i.i s ,'g, i
le i il i t ei iik niivihin; alie ,t ..
I' I IllgllU1 pilll'he with 'he liiltliniie
bnttUr ami in most , f tin nut- ips Hut
lilil the lif.fti r l f the Illlll.'lg
In r .- first two if unds II if w is
f r.tente I te Je l
All Cltv
w i, j r. w i r '.
11 .1 Sn Ce.ltfl I S te 444
13 t TR3 .lr.mi 1 Jl .SI J
7 s .107 ltiMd nsr 1 U 1st
f the brick vard. I t nnnv lle1imn Veuni Krt(hii knecli-U out
, - . A' iex n.ir.i
vis threatening h.mwsii.ii lMl nfjmp'f'v -eit Mise
,.. .1,-. ,r . i, lmt (,hut JeU Union KieppfU ehiin V tritl
le de te me want ;il ,-,,, Ku 1n0 kl1ll out ,; ,, j;ci,i,n
lie had deim te nl- ""'ml Mike Klrc -un fren Kid Pem, K e
III ll.iu OHIO ll in . . ,,h.rrt KM 5lnr
most eveiv ether '. I'nT'UU'heH villi. Me-in I nefi! e u t'eJtr.nllle IT. 1 U.iJIrc 13 ' :nn d-n 4y A
', . . Mils i.urrcr scie'in ffli'i ve'inr wen i 'in.lantlc Llts 31
lllllll wlcte WC i hmky Wlm it r.ilJle tlnrr diTeitci Jlr . NMU.iitj S nn-.in 1
we.ked. 1 hesi- ,!;TIA.Nn,. (',TY-M Gorden detente 1 R T,?:""? J7A 'll.'i "TjUli ian
tilted Chnrlev. u ' Teil mmu. K n Tanifv en from Club '.'1. ' " '" ' 0UBl'lari
big guv. had pu.n- JnSdt.,urrM,iUnJ',WN,V 1-'""'t " I'Mlilelpn, u,U. .'3
meleil nil the boys v.t rtffcutefi Walter Jfnn'c Al Wnltir , ,,,, ...
.. I,., Im.l tli- nnive wt,n m'r Ji rts !'a'es , . ., ' "ll.lj l.l.lys
who had the neive iKE.STpV-tllcni. Sterh-rif. omrelnte ' xr .,., , , ...... i.ir - ..r
te actent is cum- I rnnk Cnrf iiiitr. I j mn itmnnr i . f " " f" -' -im-i i.itm
" - -- - , . . ., -....,-. ,. , .. . . ,..,., i m
s-f t
Argument en Cobb' Hit Continues
THi: delnte en Cobb's disputed hit Is still taging. Bun .lohmen. in ,i letter
te Fred Lieb. the president of tl.e liusehnll Writers' As-erlniinn of Am.,!..
I .....! t. IT!!..l . -!.l. .U. .... I..I I.. . . . , . . . .
I '"I'l'vu "" "lurini wi'rrr wiin i uc yi'iiuii iiiiiiinrr ever a, non wiien the tnerl-Tns-ir.r.rMi
s Ri.t i is ;,,, j,eaKU0 boss is present.
:' .T,?, h-",' 'LJ"JCi'.' ': ' In ntteiuiillnff te timte. I himself for his ,,, In ,l,,.l; .!. .r. i..i
. ., iif .---.. . - .-. ... r-" ' i"- 'mi' en sfer.
In ( ebb s n'e Jehnsen points out and criticises repeit" of ether games which
nave 1101111117 te n witii tlie disputed lilt.
paitiuilnr d a v
nf- ...ti.- t ruiiKif f un" -iiei. 1 ini"u vim"... 1 .
And tint '""' Krn. Al HeIst in knuil.uil ou' I riiimle
Miaeu flrt
about twentv -'even ' n v rniDIITr Tf
yevrscje Iwiisnt'TMI iniDUId IU
lie I'listtin llasketli.ill l.e.if?ne I1111
Ueen 'ettled.
Tlie Iteidmg Beam will finish In the
ulinr. Huh was ietennlnnl vcsteruiiv
when tl
1 1 men
.1117 'i unie 1. Hit
trey 'hnuld net 'iiifet that the pnhlir ippi,ti hrnehnll an-1 mr.in
possible thr mmiri pmil the alf.Ult t'uiicqutnt')i, ire v e no
reason irhy their i,ilu he any fiirr ' tl r ennui'at nn In
ireilht ami t'eir mould he te dijic'ilty in eh 1 111m; hiqh 'Ul'i an I
rnpuhh eiju ' t.
ill -It inler Gelf ut the Seashore
A I.THfit'tlH Phihdelpii.i dd r "t hav a winte 1 hiisrpjus n jfu .ut,.
jXing gloom lnie tm- htafs of rami lads vvhu lemd a nrw -lei under the
tree, we must net n e s ,-i c,f tin tm t that tin mild weather is a bhssug
te peer people vh'i t.nd it mipn-'ihle te g. t a s,it) ,Hnt supplj of e,il te
innintnin inmfeit in real wntrv wen'hir. And, selfishlv gi-e a tneitht te
the thousand- of gnlft-rs in this vicimtj who spun Mie 'leliih, en the hnkt".
One rnds in the golf columns en th sp,,its paces tlu.t tl am in of
nai(hie-wn'lihr is ' .til u "euihwiri' 'in v nvnimlil tet.r te u ,s nit
"Sunny Seuih Nc the man no ins tin ,ne and the nv ne ti jifnd 1
month or ineie in 01th nnd euth 1 a'el na. li,fii,',i 1". .111J1 or 'cnie ethei
ftne spot eel,n '11. Mnsnn-Iliven lin wh-e 'i m plnv gf f at h (t In
comfort. i mt t lie bUiined fc 'e-'Tl.iiig tie j vih'e t Mid ' e of tn s
wet or.
But a 'e f, .. rierr 'ist Mneir ' nn et . . -n f PI. 'tilt ph ins
te permit tie ; it of thrni's te 1 - -lit ipp.ari-. .. of tn,. en ubs mereU
beiause one de's net iind it pi.sie ' travel -rt 'In- wile.y d'.ertised Minnv
Seuth Seldom id ni.il-stniti.ei vmi'd the ge'fe- tirirl 1 auditions superie- te
these at tin I.inwoel C'euntrv ( 1 'b, m.u AMan .1 ("irr when the I'hrUtmas
tournament was plnvul there
Tlie iei'i-e was in guild fupdit e ,ni. 11 1 1 ei.tcsiai '.nl .t ne 1 sn
te emplev winttr tiUr.. tie.ng "p in i',e ',irBi wis j eimlsible 'I h
jrreens. for tin most 1 irt "ne f.st in 1 ,, ,tv, j nu i,,i.nd it es-ih'e ,
get the most tn 11 I is 11 nn, ar i 'k , W w.ti, il- sun shilling tn ijht v
en Suiidai 1 1 Imp r, i'd j 11 '- I 1 l 1 - ee, ar 1 be 'omfeit ible
l)r I It I'eir, f hnlrman of the I.inuend Te nuninen t'emmiitee ntiii
his associates pitivmeil -plendnl per for the u'e'fers wlm 'raveled te the .ni.
shore Seim of u plnvi I poerlv 'j 'n.r wns f r own fault fondi'iet -generalb
wt-ie a ' 'na' . j 1 pe'sib'v it. e.. red
11' tl th n in 1 golf 'ui'tf 11 llfifi City a inriii uu
YT irhuh mn l,r I, i 'no 111 nhnit in ' m, by train and aheit Inn
hour be tfiolei Ihi I'lit'eielphinn uhe ififiM nll-year-ieund jnl
need net M hrraiif !' cm el treiil euilnrard One iee rijr,i,
uhy our iity n tht inrtt 111 the loot 1 rl 1 h In t r
fraying (.elanels IT ill Re IT clvetne Here
rlS vittnllv ii'sired hi ' i e ( icge wu' have 1 plare nr , ,. pern.
Bylvama foothill schedu e f l'i2". mil Philadelphia mav etier- ( rele-fn!
jrame, plaved bv gintlenunl vming men About .IJ fnjO nr -s n p.ukfd
Harvard's stadium te watfli the pravlug Colene" de i e r Piirellel Pa-nde
en October 21 of thi' vni' and the irewil went away pleaed nrd satisfl'd
Out 'lews 1 mn i ruing iiitersfctirnal fnetbil' tiintflies hue bf- n thei
eugllly aired 'c like 'e wii'ch tlii'e games Ixmuse II affords nn oiip'e-funif
te compare the gridiron pmv et the Kan ith that of thn Setitn and West
The Kentuckv eleven has lout r.vernl of ts stirs but with Cisrlev Meran te
coach them and .1 magnlii'em (ellefi' ipint v,. wi'l go te Franklin Field next
October tenlldent thnt we will 'i e imp of tl" most brillliiut'y p'nvei Dili
spectacular battles of Hie s(nsen
Red IJub'rts was tie of the e 1 'stand nj V .nr ' ) i1 j line w it ri Hai -Yard
this vear Ten ilavs age the I'l22 I'eiife eantnn 1 line t., 'mu,t (,, ,
te play professionally against the Prunkfnr VmIew jt kets lvlmn devlepnt
nn amusing steiv A ihap who siw the game In'istrd that Iieberts hmi nei
been fin tlie vliiting pie team, givin,- 1 reasons fe lows
"Tlie player who was listed as RebertB was i i.ii'less in iiiTeii.,i -of
nn athlete and he nctuallv hml 'h pauni h of a Herman Mloenkeepi r fif
the pre-prohlbitieii dus They mu'd net tell me that was H.m Roberts
foetbnll plnver extraordinary "
But it was Roberts The Centre star did I ne 1 f nines , hrc ji,, 1,
does duty that was entirely unixpeiicd uh n put et the phvsnnl make-up of
n ftrldiren nthlele ANe he was liukadalsnal In ihe exirernr -until the ball
Mlifi put ill idnv Then lie followed the oval villi 'kill and Intuition thst un
nlmest uncn nnv
One ether plnver, Tlnv Hiwitt the Pitt fillb.uk ws -eniewhit s.tinl.ir
e Roberts belli .is te Sunn ('In is gin'i .lint meiiiiii-j iniliTer"ni e nd thi-e
who kew Hewitt in important gameb this senseu wi I testifi iiuir he, p,),.,, h
tlJ "Ot tetnnl hi efforts in line bin kin,;
'1 tiz 11 f te ( I ,11
tiiiiH,' out m Ir ut In rei-iti m .1
'(It 11b and tin i-iennl iuht te the
, hfd In tin thud leund th. 1 ihiim Vlt '. s. u of ble'k 1 is blew.
I'fnved tn 'luu- v th tiieize wiien a '
tight hook teppl. 1 Ab te tlie tleu I Net (..line
1 III W1- up lmw.v.l ll'lile II 1 1 nt vi ii 1. l . I'Ml lied ' st v. . .11 d
1 F10111 t'uii 1 '1 Hart hi.pt ut of a; C. nn s ni.-e md it uiu-t live hurt
ilij'l 'f 1 li'im 1 - well-known il "ps fei tin bullv baikid up felt the !n-
und he get in a si il , i.mt imm' ms ( , ,,.,1 mi mni. Mum ! n Ii b'" !
1 ew 11 te bun,; le me tin tnhiv and l'i - n inn d, .ind I rnuld ste ii.iinedinti'lv
li'ii. tixin - il M.i'ni 1 1 i. iieiih that ii" a-i. t
1 Ad S't if '"-iii M11 111- .11.11 1 1.1I ' ' ,. m,i ' -i.v 111 th" w old.
' . ght hin'vwf.glt ii'l'd tn,, te t his I
ill'Ulels v hill Iffelte Shade of (,iM-l
feinli was put en tlie ll-t of liM de- .
nt r, I antietis te mmen.t nr- iini wiien me i-.prKs t'eunty d.m dnppiil
v K iivnIun get hunted 111 the IVItlVlUhT Uf M It f l" games in one day en the home beer,
ti , 1- , uiv p.ace e se 'losing te I.eu Sugarmnn and liisCeatcs-
M ('Mm 'iinil at ine. 1 hil'enged ..l,lll rIn ,n l" afteinoen nnd bovine
art '. mid when he get no nnswtr, n Educational Officials and Foeteati te .larper nt night. ".7 te 2.
r.,i ',e.i 1 .iiil.c. 11 In the lapel f I stars at punera 0f Michigan End 1 '' thp, menntiine (he Canvlrn
.,. . ,,i , mi .irmrr-e,! nm off the i.irt. . ..,. r SkceterH edged a trillc nearer te Teen.
drew hi. k his powerful rlli: 11r.11 l"IMim. '""'. '""' -i "8 "l tenbv handing tl.e revised Atlantic City
., '...,. ....?.... 1.1.... I rinlnb ..( tlin lint., nil. I til.. I llllC.lt llllial . tilt e J'l.l., -. f.l I .. 1 .1 ..
O lit III 111 HIV ineillll. OI MOIl.'lllllIK "' '" " ' . .-" Il fiiiioiefc,. Ullll mi
nnd .it the 'iime tme I Umwv up my, win Id ns well as gridnen stars ei tliln "re new inn n iiiur ;(ame in t'u lear
end ether veins gutheied here tins i . ic i eiien.
inernlng te pav the hist honors te Bir- ihe Skeeter plnyers lsf nignt. we.-e
nurd Kirk, star toetbnll iiluvtr of the ' all confident thnt they will yet be eble
FniMlsitv of Mifbignn. whose death te tie uji their N'eith Jr'cv nvnls fe"
r-suited Shtutdav from nn automobile 'he- Initial half honor", .ind the win
iiirulent 1 thev ure new going weu'd mike their
Th" luucral w is eelil in the home of Jiediitlen leek geed
Knk's piutri' Aitmfi as honeiarv j 0eajs saire ami PlentFiil
iniuinrirh weir it .uaime i.'-i"..
Ban nips f.icb for lind.lng tlie efiii lal Morer. Jehnsen ruled that the Asm
liitul Press box Mine should be given pnfereme mil tlie official .stntlstics for
the game m iUiMieii. 'Hint gamy was stored for the A P. In I, lob who tndltcil
Cobb with a hit.
"Yeu scored that game for the Asse, iated Press." vviete Johnen. "Aie
we te believe thnt you leveised your jitdsnient at this late date?"
Jehnsen does net get the right tingle en I.ieb's (.land. He has net icvcrsed
himself, but he i bin king up the ethi 111 sierei. a meinlii i of the erg miratien of
whli h lie is ptendeiit. This is lemmenilalile In view of the fan that I.ieh him
self believed Cobb should be indited with n hit.
WHIM: the dispute is raging the official aieiage-, for (he season re
main thn Mine, nnd they show th.it Cobb's average is ever .100.
'lyrus should worry .
Ifiated dnlj tie i l,iii'-en iim
linn tiinj t ii tii s of tL, glnv email ft, tn
t the go' i i sl,,pt. pit.iL.lt d hl'u te be ,i,
I his fin it the final mule of the i. ins
SI' ne i dt'iint-Itieil n n.f'v t,.ni i.
t , ti f i-ter,nr. uli, was diii.T.is
. w iMi , ft hook t, r twi rounds I
Se he'eie 1 knew wluit I was doing
I tine in and li.indid him n l.rrlllc
luiiig Miat I did te Cliniliy .Me
(.tun. (lie bully, in the brirlt ynrd
tint .iltirnoen was tlie t.illi of e'lr
fellow werl'crs for mere than a week.
I '
rftf I It 'f t lli"d te be I f IS" et b 1W
ii'i 'veiiul h" He wis th'-. r'l
'the Im -I but i bidlv liitternl hi' '
! '.-I i s . ib'.
Ilanlen W.illnpisl
'. . m I'it7 -ei i'u e' W I
flpliin tin.illv found someeii" n
1 e k l'r TH " a I e'i ,ill.(d
I leuld ntei in I re, r tfiinev.
ii., i imI 'I In- '" rna nen was held
ii tin n i il ' i nl I was linn-
i i I I,- It -11 Mi hmi i iiu.i laik Hun
'e 1.,. mt' Hi t'is. dajs I hred
i. u one jii nn c'.ufs i,i f ligntvve.ght
,i i . en itn'il 'he dial if nnd when
T ti i'i mvself i,,' ac.iinst IMdi ( in-,
i h .in paw
B'llteii, piestdent "t the 1 ulveisltv of
Mb h.g.in ; tiiivennu Alex . I (Jiiiesbeck,
Mnmes O Murlln. legent of the unl-
nr-ity . t'enili hiildlny 11. ie.it, ( on en
gressiimn (ieei.e P ("odd. of Oetreit.
and Ceiigressmin Kutl ('. Mkheiier, of
Members of the lO'JJ Mulligan foot
ball team u, nitlvi p.illbenrers.
Iviiinl was in st .Jehn e emetery neii'
Knk had bicji , miseu bv nut
us all-Am' 1 1 an ' ml
"Wee" Fisler
In the afteinoen game nl Reading
goals from the field were few nnd lar
betwien. Of tlie seven deuble-di-tlieis,
the Beais had the edge en ihtlr rivals
four te two, but tlie ability of thi visj.
ters te drop in the one-peintus wan the
detci mining fin ter in the final count.
Of twentv-twe trips te the bhu
mink, Ceatehvilh" made geed elen n
times, while Heading could enh
Fourth Division Eleven Pressing
Lighthouse Team for North
west Section Honors
, Holiday Soccer Scores
falil.il! riiirnfw Kri t 3
WIsHlr.emlnic J. .Vtnneli .Mills I
PI k of I'e irth ertlifii, ... p ci( of
reuith N'nrthH.tl
Ihlrtj-MxUi Wnnl L' U-r5e,)I t
C''SbW'YOrl K,Pl'1 '"'Uh 3 ,)r00lhn n14
OttiiwA i uLn 1 llelmai. .'
,, "-""'Ifi'iii 7 Kfnilnttun veinrew
i ion jii Ti
De Paul .' Denten Steel 0
Mrv.H-t C'lwli , t.lKhthuuap llejv Club t.
l.j. .Mat i VlelH'iii l'..frei 1
ureuilji)'1 1",hllhem Ipiistpoiiee. tt4
a -lese nee is b nig stnd.i m th Notes of the SecceHsts
."lillliir.l nt'lllllll III ill" illllllll'
tellllt Division nf flu. Mil. nl K'nntii 1 I run Thlrt.UH. 11.. ..ii. , , ..
Iiv cutis tlie et filteeti ntteintits. The Biadhu v . r i .. t. . ., " U'e Kne,.,j b,ietir Ui .urBriJI nf
guards plaved .sterling lnl un,I blnnke! '"7 'nre Beys Club nnd , in-ir ii, , . LlTnT17vtit&
teucarman and CIiime, the Ceafesville H-'mblei Uesnves. The te. .sl..-,d- T..i.ri aXii'" en tee"'.';,, KJ
DIES f0r,""H,S; in "nI' '', " flV"" 0f '' '"e P'1" ' 1 !a fr?l iLS1 "uiir" .MerSS
, lb" Jasper juaids weie the . n's ' nmre games than the It.unbler eutiil. m tlie m-ninr llf. iieth the innr'
" '"' hi i
. .. .1. -...!. !.. . . n. . HOail V, 11 . PI lll.l hi fn.. I - J iU-1.
Original A's First "" "'"- inai up'ei ine i-ietrl, t , whi, 1, still nte, tni.is v t-Ieus of w inning tl wmntns " tP, ' ceniln lu.i lifer. pl.r
i i --- - "ii ui en-in ii ui r ii i .' .,...HHI,i -.-.-.
Baseman. v,etim of Pneumonia ,he .inunis m., e. .1 ,.i .i i. t "" i""1"""
the .lewels, ten were dienned tlireuch '
Westen 1 1 sle-, familial h i.nnwniine net ly tlie .lasptr defetide. New-
Fully in the fall of the present ven.
T C l J ff thf. fiiiMh Vitih.,ul rfiii..,.
tlln Ifnnilil. I I I' ,lr.fl.l...l I,, ullf.. 1 , . . r. f flift ll,,l f ....... .. . ---. "'-'."
" "" " ,' ..."'.... .. . , k ,i me wni i.s as "VMS, n neTf,, tnisenu i jiiaver iiiiii mini -unii,- mur uuu .nininy jiewns , ,.., .", , d ,,( , v ,, ,," V , i;'!1. i. ::
wai'epi.u- t.. .1,11,111 Hi.nh.1. "f I-. , n, , ?d n i- .l"W n I did .r n ciitmy age. t origin .1 first bi.se- The teunei C.imden.t.. hn, npj.nrentlv 'r""1 "' ,l" Allied I.u.ku... ene .11 he N,' Ji;n "J", J ,the m, d vI.im
" l" I'"''1 "' ,"", ""' "" It ; ' 1 ,,,11 .. win b.t ,. tl.e hnsh mnn of the Athl.tiis nnd one of the , r.g.iined the eye thnt stumped him nt. 'l,lr,,t ' T""' and Ihe ethn in he Th. ,h v - w , lminick and
"!;" '' """'f h!,l"lll",,";ns,,,7h ! in, 1 ndi, .,end ,.r re, p.1,1 famous hwn Furepean tourists of one of the g.eatest shoete'is in the 'J ' lilir 'J'" ' '! V"h ".-.M", '',' " "r'tj,, 'i e ""
hll n.e .eriier of .1 jiiistng" s'anip It ' ,,"' 1S74. is dead He 11 issed nwav veslei - gam, , the Bainb'ei U.-ervcs Hugh K. 1 r was
y(,,,;V,",""T ",nB-",T '"-' , Th,,', wa- ,' st,,- ., .I;- e.xng day afternoon ,,, the PreM.yterian Hes- Ul told, the ..,,,,, lnniIp fiftPPIl J --M manage, and loe It imsd, ,,. f
' ' , , gnm in I 1 i" ' "a ie.ii.eii I I av en t jiilnl fiem pneurr.. -ill bi.sltcts le . p;ht for the home live, and 1 ""',' . .I,,V' -f f, tl ,. . I I'itei I'1"1 J01"-'"'! all the v 10 li-ihlelirm
All the way dinng the ..ah. , , ,M " ,h u, i, , ,,,., :r l,e,.,re I Mr. FM.i di-pite 1,'s meie than t half time the M ere u is 1) te '.. 'Ihe ,. 'lBllt ,,1l? CT V n'" ', ,, ... , ', ',". 'iiV lii Vi -,l",a.''",!"''' ,""7'J .V.1.'
I Iih.'. -..in. Im..- 1 f lii'i,, ,f .,,.... liudv for l.l v, f, four bi ere ve.us i.d n mn.ne.l uctivelv 1 .,,.tt,..N MU( ,, ,, , ,il(. l f"' ,,nl'f ' , ,l , C.ri.mmar S.l.oel teaine. 11 1 n , w ftn,y .y.jj"., Zcr'". "1'1 ' ' """
.ther iiteun.l the 1 ng ,,r.l 1 1. a gnu. .. , , ,.,,1,, f t',e beveia ;e thn nt work up ' a week age He was , tu.v had the game will in hmid and 1 M", """ , 1 , ' , 1 L i
fi.n ml.. te p.,,t fiem i.,'1 t, 111 ' , M'); (,. ,he i;,Blit.ci,th taken te tin In spitnl hut Fridev fiem , mst of tll0 ufniu,, cui' ". , ' leas uieuiul which ,1 11 i..t feriind- ....
Ili.iiuse Whi'ev un.erlsed me r f the I ',.. , k his home. -J1.I4 North Park avenue .,, ?L .. , n 1.,f T'.N. .."" ma,i' able .embin itien has been buiU up . . ,'' ',' ',2'?" . '. fi. I'T '.ln s'.'". .VV.KE
1 ml einni? te ins .itl'.niu eil nire. sinnll
hepeb of lis rimwij wen enturt lined, 1 uilus ire 1 ast
iiepeb et 1 is rinnfiy wen eniuri uneii. "...- ...u . ..nt win. mucu mi im i-' '" , , suin ildni tire 1 h ii iVar i.iiii' Tli
Mr. I'ibler who. with Albert I, Over in Cnindeii the cehIh in ihe 1 I1"1 !" "n lr aiuiici'. Maid iun nil,. ,,, wlire 4 , , n. Mature if tr
Bea.h. of this ;uv was one of the , Camden-Atlaiitic C, fnil5 ,,,me ,! k ' ''''" Vlnm!lM"..,lH rrH'u'n.'i (t'.nT' ImV TfeWn' U
handtul of biiMl.al' veteians surviv- and, while the 'eie v.nn all in line. ! '"'' ''cause of Injuiles in piavus nun ,lhull ,(ill ,hirlltlllll tt, , al n,
ing, was iiern in Camden, in duly. I of Ciiiuden. the two-pointers mined dissni'iei, m the tanks. kcpih nivtri
I wrlleps liimltii; meie etten . n t with
ni'ue stuiin he was entitle.. ' the' -,jt lf.vt tri into the ring was a
I -lener pif.-ss.iiu.il bout. I bent Prof Tien
I , im simjipv set. te wis j 1 mi in Mi )i villi 111 thiec retiniN tt the (ih.he
il. op. nn whim Benin I! 1 s wen j rhi itre. lien .it Third an I Butten-
I from Ti -nniv Murrnv The 't ,1 boxed vif.'d strem My end was ..; Im-
j a ' n n ind ltaw wi'h .If B nan 111 1 agine s.l for .ilmiit Iwilve mlnlitrs of
I ( i.liigi. s 1' ird M night n.d ..j jinn nth inn"' 111l it ihe hili'iyard. I
. lis i-emewhit stiff nftei his 'e.ig rule 1 was g.vuil ten lie.irs for il oil .1 day .
jl, k te l'hlhtde'phia. iu v '"5 ntriveil,
.n i 1 frtu Vir. .1 s l.pf 0 , r 1 I tiriref 1 lii. ' . .. . , . .. t . i.
'" ' " ' ' . ... 1 ... , , n , 11 1 ', 1, ' , 'I1' I ,,,, .'.!,. ..,.- - . , , I ,
ting Ir ' , , and he. 11 ine boxer l nun I Cmnu Minnr Si'l'n n nni'Q game ,, e,nn en iiiuimI.iv ii'iiiust ' " " "" ............
,. --, "t-M " I ill',, ,.,,,. .1 ,,,,' l lil- JIII'SI'IU OUII1I Will '" '''
'Ihe Inst two games en ine 'iniiiiie, t ti. h.ltljj of ii,-,!,,,,,,,,., , ,h ,,,
nm. rnllHil nil as I IC ii-ii'lii' llliui 10 ,' 1 nn ine iiini-Htri tunvertf' neia m
1S11 H,s fathei was Dr. I-oieiie through thn net he fan that plav wa
Fisler. fne tiiif-, Inver of Cnmden interesting fteiu tlie stun.
ml lie cnii e , t , : itiiih identified wi'li 'Ihe recetiHtrui ted nhore oetfir wj
that city f"r i. iiatien. n, net en, minus Bill Grave, who was ii'tuiiied iharji
net en hand, but who will be in the ' st, night giuni
1 ...... .n.iii I. n.s loin e ee II II 1
I I .'...,..,... Muni nnlmi I I lie II. list Helm- "" I Iflsller ItChervis lllil III'' hiillfl'
J. iwieilf e .vllinuenuei 1.. i in 11 "si ieiu ,,, .
lai pl.i.et en the tciini, and 'line Ii . ieii,i t, .opt tl - hiii n.l nf n 4 te t
M.e 111 111 1 iiiiii . V' . ' "" ".,"""- ""e ii--. ,,, ";.,;
, 41, uti1 -""t ', "i iij mil. 11 un i.-.-w
1 . , t. .1 . - .,... "
ll e l'l en im'iii 1, 101 in- . . ,,
I ItlMi ins 1 ,,1 ngK.ess ,, os, , " n t1P ,
I time (dii'ieil a swed -is,rt inent of I rhi I 1
ipiri'lies and shook up Teiimv m veral ' neien b. 1
tit.iex But Muirsv llaifid efte-i enough 1
e keep the fentent fiem be in,; entuelv 1 '5reals l.e
ir.eve'i although Ban wis the winnei I s , , , ,,,
with htt'e ei.istn.n , Kff i t
.! s'iiitii icnrs I nnsweieii
e tiinii ! Iil be It', six et
.', ' te a tin,'!,
1 . nei I 1.11 1 we if e"ll U .1 V
I 1111 U' lehns 1' I10 k
th it Ii ne he. 11
rrmilti Mil 1, w, ,e I ' n I.l8li'-
- I ..' ",,," .," (ili-siill null. I will 1 '' - ., n .. , , fi Kuliiii lii.iil'el tt.O Ifl
- - net win nnv p'linnuth tliev plavedfiir 1uim. I B.unblei e s.uvrs 111 uuu- ,,,,. , , , ,, ,., lU ,, fr s ,. iri rluti
tmlr of I'hllFidrl.iliU hover, iure-rct "1 I ball, and th" outlook n, far from ells- blei of tin- Thud Division v huh is eve.- the : i-nnsten .....ier nt frunt nt''
rteirwen'if'-V .'";' .V'iVie R0.?,,',' n,,,,e.nl,ng. as ,1, v ,a. ..,, ,.;,';; , de'.a.eil .... '1 liauk'g.MUg lue-.i.tig. iin.l ):;;;lni"-t:ifl,ir,:T11,Jr ,V;,nUr;,'. tWin
C-Milentli teleunrh" I i re.lfclne interfiterj tellll pre.pilhltlc tl 111 thill first rflllllf. Dlird llie'lll Whllll Wis gl II Its illst ,),! , , t. n,r r nil"
partlfi Mlm Shit bni I..itli? Ii'inunv
1,11! '
b Iniin,' Ifinen I, clert , ninej-. la re t nlni
Ihittl-Iive held genK wire ininle in
c,fr rtii.nl t"r e rli r ir. ! S il'v l!fi,ii- , , . "".'" , " " eiiiu.- 111 1
till! j:uii ne- e ynn Mitoi s hi, i me i"nv iiiiiiuics 01 pun, or nenrli
lei'ejt of the K.i'eii by Itilinlilii
('ensldi r.ibli eiedll IS due Ilughev
Krrr niaunge. of tin team, and te
,,..,, iiiiii,,) r.,nu C'firv IMi.lidiliil iu .l!'"t. i." . lB ' ',.V,n2? 1,,.r ,M,Vi: !,,n ' "'lnut0 1 ne home . ,ev gaineu,; I Krrr maunge. (1f tin learn, and te
,:", ;-Vi.7h w vlw'nu ' " '" "' '"' ""' '"' -'""- .ii1vVfhl'n,ou',',M,wr-We,inl,es'-.St nndDelii, ...". . I. irrv ' Munkenbe, k. ,he
nan in.inii All-'n ,"-' r" "'"1 l." , ethers - each heciued mi. Wright mid Kerr i.ijitali. for ihe lllit and t-pint wlneh
Ihm. ii I e ii.e oilier feniests were in '. ",, ,.,. . , , 1, j w I 1 e boxing I Oeers Ifflmsr'. f ti nui m th- net w . 1 tlp ,iiiei c, Campbell thiee. ,,nd IHeKh.n he lnji ted 11110 the jilnvets 'Iheieiu.
;;7rKn "llnne" " ""r '"' - . n. l!i!.n He P.'nn Am Cluk ?':, Vjfi.ls'iV '.," rJ"'X I " ''" "ll'- the nU-tV? .- .n,e of the 1, In its . ln;.s and lies
ter nn e111.11 eiiiiir (i l( ((ij f h nr vinetecnth am) , e n for Ileltr-r r v t Heal, 111. Pj , "ni for the season w ith st some vel piei.11 hit, jetliigsteih in the
1 . '"nn. , ir, 1 . i.t nm nrd Atlantic 1 ' 1 l'er ihe v Isllers f llici h,.'e... mol 1 U, ' li,o..en
' Undefeated West Virginia Eleven en
Wa Heme te Morgnntewn
san Diege. ( alif , I). L'i! I!,,
j West ultima I uursitv f.ietbnil ten,, '
Whl'h di'el.led tie liOlUagl I tl InrK'v
eleven of Sie k ine Wash hern ,,t.
' f. rdin Jl i l'i le't farli i..iuv ,r
l.ns Ange'ew en 10 lie 10 Met tiintim
'u where s' heed will hemii In, .
.im I lliet' m will visit .San I r, .
ih e hi'iiie star'ing for the I'mi
isield.M s letitist Wltlnsi.d n r r
'eiwirl p, ism's than linve het 11 n'. n ,
'Southern I '.I'liteniin thi' i-in"i 'J ,
'It uni.nnrers attemm.il t'.fte.n f
,1 hi' Il eight were empletefl The Hi . '
iiig eeliiplettel fourteen out "f tweitv- '
I cev n nfteinptwl 1
Wl ht llglllill tlll.de sixtiu, ttr
lewns and gauu'd l.'hl van)-. fj.,ni '
seruntni ge imniga made tlurtiei.
ct 1 rn- 1 .jur ij.t me
I, ' ' ' Ospl'lll ' ,1 I M II
111 1 MM 1 n- IlllitelC'l Willi
then 1 lull i . 'I fi r ee r -ee elid
It was kiin oiled 11 Baltimore
I. .ewentv re iiids ,1 d Im slmihiI IU"
11 , lie sei nn J
, 1
Iliat wis nn last appf.in.nn' a
l.eri. Later I bee .un.' .1 manager,
prnnieter i' ml in.tti limal.i 1 . dlicss
Hill) ivinii(m 1 j" nfiuiiiia i
the lt of l.l' 1 r r VS iniKm villi ti.-i-t
Al Mierkli ,' ! c' ih n it Ym nt Atl..i id.
Ill) Neiw liarii lu-nmni
A eeheiw ix l 1 .,, pi " e Svtlnir' 1 ,,
frllftk MM tun; i.jnlrer i r-.lrc.l inlin
I'ulre eiire II. MIIUn -illl fni
WhlMV Iluili" 'ih, numleri T'llle 1 .
Inston i Je f, 'tii If 1 Hllmur m
ten flherfcpv urj rii.il O ICecfn v V lllli
IVtti rn
Fer the visitors fihei he't'i' nnd IIii
ev eaih vuh four field goals plijed
l'dgni Hi s in 1,1 ll is a eiiMtedii.M
of ahtlit 111,11 k ,1 as 'i 1 eiiici md
withe.it doubt will In- heniil Itepi In
insti'i eirihs in tin ni. 1. I tuie
Munkiiibei 'i in ).f. fullbi, 1 nnd 1 d
.ml (in oilman nt ii'.-ln fullluuk mal.e
Three National Organizations Meet a pair nf hu l hind te beai They i,i
in New Yerk This Week ,eM,ui'.lly pmli'leut m pl.nl, ig 1I,"
N'T, X.?I'- I0' "" TTI,,,r "!,.,,,n"'1 ''i'he halfba'k'ii.ie lens.sth of K.llinn.
Ansti "QUIXET" p.h.m.
2ftS N. 3rd St.
Mai&tt 11(1 I'hUu.
A8t. for C. D. Pruden Cerp.
', 1 the iraue 1 s iv riark loeJIrv. V ,1 I'll 'ad-lpiu nm et.jr "r '" ' ' """ ,' " , " '"" "in, auiuii.s K, ,,,, William,, u two noted In,
1 , v In tin j.aiue (0sl.1v. ,htwcTiah. his i-cum-l tninin cml i.'s Will held annual iii..IiiiKh heie this .,,,.'. ... f,,ini, ,1(.r ferwanln ami
'arhlsir rifi.mr I ra le it nnxten i lQlweek ainui ,1, in mug mur lerwiiius ,11111
.v, II i-i 1 0 01 . 1 mi-r n d am. nu uriitflt" lue-t D.i 1 II' :IT lemn Hf,(f 1 ,r." ii,,.ti 11... .. . ., . , hledlltlg iipjmlieilts Ixut. lit 1 elite,
..our 1 1 I' Uj I W.iaf 11 .ff.if r rrrnll" "Oil from 1eitl'N nfir nn v.r,i 'he lIl.VMUII lisii,, Aswn mliei, 1 . . . ,,,,., ,,. ..,11 .,m,, l ,
ii. IK aim - 1 ri'e, v's ii . K .., rr!,n,l in Hi fnn ..- ti e Philueje-Iphirf . lu,,, meets tomeirow the Vutieniil Celli- fl'imia.iv wen veisiu ., II10
'I'O I' ' I "lO'r , ti,blislll ,. Atlilslu Asen Inlu.t, .... 'I'lm.l.. kalfie
Panther Gridders Reach Frisce
"r - T e t rivf run
rm In rhnri,f or
S tn I rlinrii. f
1 'ibjriil rfi,
1 ir 01 l.nli nifK'l u te the rlrg.
i . a nn I ih,. ii'irtn csueriH'
r-Ll ili.iim niwl ,,lnlr.i lf.hr rnr.li, I... KlniifV Mrt.lnn nd LOUll il Iff. Iff tht
rushlnif. -ub.t -aim..
if1""""1 L'iate Athletn Ai-sei latum en Thursdn
.llmnif Mc-nrin lecnl li.eitnni 1 ir tji nt-.j nnd the Nutlen,,l Alnilieill' Athleti
(ar.'ccVi?,;. ."..I'e'iVnV, "rfH'-wH: ivirti.n win,... i.i.h.v k ,n r,,..
In Tem n' M iriai n nrrer wteMii hfter (inillinl eiiteri'll, e
ir.i nil irr fir nt ruliun.it ' w,u "" " '". ing ii lentered ujien the orgiltuziltien's
Iilans te develop a u.illeiiu lile cam
palgn for p.irtUipntlini in sports and
mums, u tusk tnientid nt tint ienue-i.t
of the War Department. Formation of
I.. .
..,lii.. 1 j ir I r, nlich' h ri'Jt hpfulfl llllAtl
liii. Pii I' A " teliv te iirnmr fnr the itama
nek fatuitm l'li Stnfeid tnhuislty.
l.trk Ceirlri 1I111R.11 mnnijr if hnxnm
who inil te live In Nm Yerk will t ikn
ewr Hi" reins '( Rutler rre"Iniiin aflti tlm
flrt of thn yBr Illrihle Miller U tu turn
p"ifJinaii h centrsrt 01 er te f'urlev
Tlitre nre leltfr In the fuieitu icpnrt
ment of th i:usike I'muiu ti.imtR fjr
iltrnimi Ta;l r -nd Teun ttcrlecl.,
I '
The fm w aid Ii ie Steinhei lie out
side left l.j nib, inside left, Trimble,
1 enter tnwnid. ' rl Bill. iiiMd'j
n.'hl nml Bel laud euthidi tight, Ih
ni H,'d and tible ' Hm as euuld
be desired
Steile, Mitchell, II. mi and Ferd nie
cNtin men well cnjiable of tnklng the
llllli lis of nnv it thn teiMllrilM 111 rnun
., . ,. .' . ,- 1 .... .. .... ..,,.......,..
anile iinus 111 eiirrj cm 1,10 eirsuiii-,0f ji,i,v Trimbl-j leads in goal
atlens program has been niineiiiRed scoring te ikU, vvltU eleven U his
ns the basis for conducting the work ' ..ri-dlt.
Uuii.litf I ,ii eiuii ti fnr rlKht ",i ' "
1 923
Three Sizes
$1095 $127531650
llirintilni: lieiuiiri' 1st, Arply I" P'r,", et
hy li'itir
Pierpoint Moter Company
Auburn Ulltrll'ulnn
041 North Bread Si.