Vj,j.,VW-iw f',V,T ''"' ''f ?M frTP7SSgt9SBS .ft. A 1 I' f li' l.'Jf II Ii !fl LEADERS OF FAIR T Advisory Committee Discusses Plans With Commerce Bedy's Executives ANNOUNCEMENT IS COMING IVmsning uli tin wish tin ir plan- t..r the Sesqui-l Yntetitiial. lueiiibet- . i m Advisory llxecutue P.niiid ! in i , vniferred tmlnj with the 1.x. it.', Commit! f the Cbuinb. r ... t -n - merce. The meeting tecik place it t.n P.. i-Vtir-Strntferd. Urnc.it T. Trug . i man of 1v.m1i ciinunittecs, preMdcu Members nf tin- Chamber .it C ineree committee, both n- lu-in'r- i and n reprcsentnthes .f the t'l.ini! . Save their views tn 1 1 1 fur lmd.s. and mi important announcement is -peeted tn result irnm tin- meeting. Prier tn this githi"-ing. the Ailiv.- J-'xeentixe Committee li -Ji' twn-hi it meeting mid lutth'-r '.r-ite 1 tentutixe plans fur the i -ci nltit.i An nouncement ef tin- puni v II tn n. iu when in d Mil- Iuim" ben n.i pit til The lommittee lurne, nil's, i.il.. ru tin y thnt Detroit willing t' '.i! the fiilr If Philadelphia does n i v .mi Dr. James Laitltunre Ilin.rml. nee president and director of program mi I exhibits of tlin Intel tint ien.il IV v Jubilee unl Wat'rwnys Imposition m Ive h.'ld Jl 1 lotreit in 1 !VJ.. left hee for New nk mid Pei-teii 1 i.t night iffer conferring uneiBciall with icvera. persons ni'tlv-h eenn-ctei with tre .equ I -CV.iiteniii.il r'ulr. "I guiher." h- :ud .i th lle'il-i ie ie ,?trnu"erd !iiv night. "tuV p .b'ue npi..- en regard in? the Plu'idi ); ,iiu fair i" by He miMi, n I'tnliiiKiii It Pltilud-i- iSi.i '.he.ild d'i'.il" le abandon the proj ect, Detrui would petpiuie he-.- jublW intil ltil'ij iind lay special stress en th celebration of the lfiOth nnnHfrur! of the Declaration . i Independence." Detroit plan- a SiiO.ltsO.OOO tfiiiir. iirciirditiK rn Dr I ! lu.r. I. te be ln'M "ti 'he t!40 fieres nf pnvnle jr'i.!iil belon belen irX te the estate ,f IJan.mii.t K. Old', millionaire : ituiiie.u'.e t-iunut'i,! ture' . PHILADELPHIA TO HONOR MEMORY OF PASTEUR Developments in Science and Medi cine Expected at Academy Exercises I'hilaile'.ph.j - di in-i.in- ; I", i iineiinciun'iit i ei '.'.irtair ne-le.--merits in medi iii" .ind 'eience ut :.i" IVi'Tenr ('!'. rna i y ( Vlcbratnui Iric i" morrow . Leader- in imil iie atn' ictitltif r'":irih from f.l i.if ei n etmtrj will l't'd p.i 'i- :.' 'li-' puiui lU.Vtill 111 llie Ai.ldelnv ) l')i- Hie' ut the ilnmtr in the ltehrt i"-Strt: ird lallrnel,! l'l the nelilnK. TIt eli.Mker- til'c ami', u' tin iui'" eminent 'i"nti' I nil pli -i : in.i in the I tu.eil '-fit--.. Dr. i'tieiini llurnet i -i ml dele gate tn the l'hlladelid.in i' iebrut'.Mii and will I'ipre-i'iit rrntnc ii the i-,- n j-t ". .IuIp- Ju-i- riir.ii, Kn-iieii Atnb.i 'iidie.' will li" uiie ! i In- pruicipiil ipeaken lie will arrive at West I'li.'.adelphi.i Mtntien tniiierrii ut 1 :T -ind In i-erteil te the Ai nl'-iiiv Ik al I-'retn h secietii".. StM'Cl.ll de I.; 'null i' 1 'te tijraiKv- ut the hit' ix-i will h- or er I'iwl in their fill) volume ti. the lii-m. ' aitins .itie-i hi V i .;i'i il;i -'m ,ii heiii'i ini.iPed I'n in tin -tar... ii tl . will In- lirmidi-a-iHil "ii nn-ii.i er iini-lelith.- -tiiititi).' i' - ''ii . The i... "ther 'ieat -t.Hiiiii'. -. tTl remain iieni i urn 'i Hi- r. i-i" n .uiiheiii'e :' :t0(.(liiii i, :-.i, :, .i..ie.. t.. I.imi -,i .iddii -i FOG HINDERS AIRMEN WHO SEARCH FOR TUG Marine Men Believe Cernell te Have Foundered en Lake Erie !!.-. I'a.. D". . i:-. II' ! irilie. -eiiri I .'ij, 'I e rt'iil i' Lake I'.rie . .. i . ;. fur tl.- ,r- i". rie-l. Willi h llll- bee.l li -'II1K inr i . dll i Avifh her erew . -iul.t. wre I' .niper-'d n rheir work li- a l.eiixj h.ne ...id fis Mnrine .n-n .,er- u lm l.i telln ieil he bunt fur ' Imm sii.ee tie di.(,i .letired !nt Thir-d.i Kr --ed rli be lief that t!i Cernell l.nd burned i.m 1emide.-td "int. iii mit but the 'i.ir, whii'h bad net ben u-"d inr two v.jrs Tis er."- dr - I !! -de pi.t r.i ,! The lll-.inpe.ll ( l'l- nf UlO Ciiliiell le alln 1'ie t.ite it ii- ' . err v.. c Mtiripictle .(In! I !..-. 1..11, N 'J .-M left Cem emit II ir'ni-i "i lievn '.' I'.HMl. w .(.'.. ,niri . -i J lit ll'l' - ell . i.it A I,"', l.it-r e rew trezeii .. .1: i lifebe.li. H , I ari llel ".V.l-lle'1 U-l point.-. ll'e PHILADELPHIANS REJOICE AT JOAN OF ARC TRIBUTE Unusual Hener by England Cause of Much Cemment PlllMile pi, i Hi- in I i',e J.i r.. -i, liieiinm idea -ed statue In i ri i hester. -tatue vhe . f I. II. t Ullle .11 M.l ..I ' .! .1 elle--, r -i, bi tlt.il .. s, H . . iiitr.. -take t' li ' II .i Hnghiiiil II wi' in her ti .imr li, idlers b'iiin-1 h. r ! I i.i a' t it I- a -r UI. isju. tri.i.iie te brence thai i- being p.ui. ' NIi. h.,-i Frillll'ls l-.lb ,1 i I'll. .'Iilelll ef tli Ufe i..' .lean "i Am Mi -i a i U.. r till llieii'llli'lit, Ie ,.e ,ie ,,r In ii-l lli-lli ery s i '1 teil n "Hi r. l 'i perseli llln elli-e MI t - y.inliil .nil w.t.b in l.'iibilii1 leu ."li-er-d b il si. 'tile, te lit id in .:. 'Vincbe-i., Cutl.e.lu, . I -'i... ..i it is a ir uni.siiiil I "t. ,, t,. Hei.. "A- tur a I Icimw. there is ., Mntue te Jti'iii ef An in Kulan.i imw "In Aniernu. the tu-si, scan. I - j the en,. i,,t n..w - -i ii.ls. i t' r r meunt Park." OPEN BIDS FOR COUNCIL Aute Service, Printing and Sta tionery Offers Are Received llnls for tni lushing nut iiiielnl. - t.. I Jtt Ceuiieiiiiii'ii in I i :.'' h..i tei ib printing "I (lie Cli . elllled Illlll .111 nnd leiirnnl and 1 u starle'i.iv iml mi. pliew were iiiieneil teibn 'k llicbard Wegleln, president of C.cii -il and Wll Until II Fell. hi. clerk The Ciiiinii.gh.il.! ( .i!i Ceiiie.nr which In.d the iniitriii'l fir fill iilsbini. Mnteinnblles this er. wits the lew lilddei- for tin- "en be, with i price nf Hi llll hour. The tjuaker fit.. Cab Cfiinpam and I'uiiiU Mclliiith caeli bid .S.I till bill. I'. I Ollllclllllell lse till, unto- mobile- tn iii. he lii-pectieii tours, and , tlier ll'lps I .The Duiili.p Printing Cumpauy Mib 1t,'H.l the low bids for the printing of thf jqurnal and manual Cnntrsetjl iii le lm awuided lutet i AND CHAMBER WiEE BULLET-RIDDLED BANDIT CAR rfhXV'" " - "-fc'.'." - 9win.'rnrfTj1Ti-ti'-imiiiT'n" i-ts?e"l)v1 I MaH5'HHIBi'SMkSsdevV Tuehe lwl- mail"1 In shots flml !.. two inntnrr) vlr luilircinrii ilurln; a (h.ise in (he nertlicrii .iitlen of the citj arc shown In the barb of the i.ir. which was stolen from ItL'i'T West I'riin street I'hrlstntns Day. The tlilt-K escaped LOGO YOUNGSTERS (VIOVE TO CUT OUT " HAVE TEETH SHINED STATE HOUSE 'LOOT State Dental Dept. Under Dr. Members of Philadelphia's Dele Hollister Has Made Great gatien Asked te Aid in Plan Drive in Schools for Stricter Economy PUPILS GET INSTRUCTIONS PINCHOT HERE THIS WEEK i. I... li. - 1 1 1 1 ' s iti ne inn". w 11 - i 1' i . re li- site.As n rn.u'e 'in :.. k. -p I.'--they won't unitiu i, id i . ir lm-. i rra. :. '' lieiti tli.lt d" '. '! t.i.ii M . ..nihil .1 in. I all W ha K"ltl2 i tbu' I .b, - lends I. still ts "r- .lie si .,'tfll'l . r !. i'i i',ii,iiin i III ' s St. I T rn. if:: 's. .refill "i ! th mil ti . -nr i nr" all til' 'i.ie b. I..- ! vi-e'eil uu -'.riu lb part n uni'al lit Ml I- 11 !' the is tate llff'.tll. I nder the il linilisti r. til !.'' a in-er uii'i.i'.' Mi." -le.irls ,:ii'. ir.cliei .: Ur Cl.ir!;,. .1 dental U"'. rt:..-tit has -d nine ni mi. li- in te-th h'i..l ehl'i'i-n Si iioel ..a .aui.it -.; i"i7iiti uis ,ii"d i . s,. th. l.r.'V -Iltive Iine iii'cli lip 1. It'll- II . e'.l .is lt- III -Uriel" ...i'i In tslleil. 1)1 Unll.-ter ll'l .-.'It. .Il.l'l..' till' ' 'II lei! .'. lili- It.' 'led .'l.'l.HUI llliles ! i ' .! the Stat- and deliv-rel ."! li-e-ri-.. iin Ii Ii.im- i.i-ti illu-itatnl with ii i" mi s in i.al Tilt I' I .11.1 'lie ln-t fie nirir'i' (Ien : it is t'. . 'li'il itiib..l.inee. Win: r-.iti-. It i iu.. tin! . .'i.hltvti lllM I; In II. I'"' t 'he terrible-' .ikn.',' in- the (' '. t"-s te k ildl. . ' I "ie . ls -ireiU . Ill .1 ' il'letl 1 1- .' - ! ail i- t.. i-inal .: -he i turer it e.in atu! Mi" at a.l a:ri.N.d rsiti'ient-. l .i' I 'i it,.:-" tl i. i - i I. .I-es '1 lies I. ,r-l" . i deui i! h irn 'ii-Ts. k- ll' ti. '.'' IIS t..l i te sih.- h.nr .in.'i I " te-ti . .In: Mns I., .n.i M "If .IT'" : .1 he with ii !i"! piiiapherii. .'."ii'ii. Icrtiiir; .1 an res. Susiii A Mil I. '. tn- ne. i w..fk ...i i ' : p.ett l!-ldel. nr In fa ' ( iPtiir ai- -in in- Miss ( i blei' ,ll" t' 'l'l seri. - I. 111-.. ("' -tl I. I'M' li. 'H. r a lid pei i.i I -0 It - I'tn li.-n uistr.i aid ' i 'ii.ll , III li I bin t-el' dw.l- ., e !"'.. n .-:, .ir:i' -. 'd t im He I., I.H" 1 '. W ill 11 ''It t!,er 'i. r ,-tii in KILLING OF DRY AGENT THOUGHT TO BE PLANNED Of.hetr S:en Heme J list stt'llU.lwII,'. ii Leaving We-Tin's Bsfere Sheeting . D. . : n 'I", -i v.. . i p... .1 ( , .l.lll I:. i ... . II . t Mi-- I . i'iiHII 1" ) ,....,1. i . -'.. b U-. i . f 'VI II .1 I' . 'he II I'll' -.lel'tl .itl V . ' llOll" :.".b 1 i V in . V rii.i ti . 1 I.. I S.I l'l .'- -I i- h II N..r.ii -trci .I'e.l I ,I M.IV..I. el ";1 Wii. h.-r i l.-'.M I ll.-' He P r, ''is' 'I' P.l'.n.i 'III' a n il" n in. Ii- i n -in . ii . M.u- lier- ill ll I 'Hills ... I M.l- ' i 'III' r- tl.i BANDITS HOOK BUTCHER Leave Him in lee Bex. but He agen te Free Himeelf ll.iMiiini'. V .!.. ! . ji: dan- : -ii v i'ii r.ii 'iii: .limed it'll ' ' I.- 11 "i .1 , . Iligl.t. !e U.il I I' 1 ' I -lit; I t uli, 1 1 , I 1- l. , ll'l el .1 Inn. I i .,. eel 11 ,1 II . '. lk lli.llill.'e 1 r I .1', ill I "'..I I'er li.bbei t, fa- peli. in i n 1 r-. .j TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES ir'l ir 1- 1 . . u s , n 1 . . i.-h 1 li l it "sill 11. Hi.!.' . - "-H-I1- Wil'lai. lekl II Merrln 1'- 1 'i i. 'i '. 1 .1 r .i-rs..n . .' v 1 . h l. li.' ". ,1', in.. - ia.-T v ii.ti. i-.ni"- -.li.1 .', nr ' IHl ' fl 411.1", Vr. liiiiii; im V, ,ilir.j S.ll-J Ml I- 11 V , 1 , sitiul 11 N-iiiumi iiurdeu.t eir.. uinl Wnlnui hi , mill Iieith. i-i,I'.iii 1 e,mt .sirti r Uillh iii-i W. nn, i nil., Ih, Mini. I I. nt t l.'l ' 1 - i,ra h.i.i-i.Hk'. .Ill', ivuntiin. t 1 a.w . 11. -t P rtfl' Vi i' Y I f -II. v K leu lir lirei'Uiti. A 0111. rtf . EVENING PUBLIC smr-vs" I j ii.m etaeul lias Ixen retni'leil tn hate t.ie men, ber- nf i he I'bibiilelpldii dele sa'niii tn tin- U(i. le ut Uiitrishtir;; u mi tieml ,i;;ain;f the i u-tu! i.ir dis tributi 'li nf the 'hint" that I-, iff.' stationer, pens, hair hriishes andetbei wilting and toilet articles and aKi iftiilist th- pieklins nf IdlN in eintiii' It i- -pe. ied tlint IJepl'-' lit. llll" I'r.'iiklii. Speii' e, 1M: Hind-, et tier tier iiiii'i'ew'i. w '! ' iler ii-niu;nitis nletii; ihe-e imes .it tl'- i.iueiis .if the I'hih.- h ltd. .a i.eii'i' tleli prei'il.Il'j the lt--t libl.ean ciiueus en the -pe.iki r-btp. .dr. IMniiitids is ..nt et the i itj tedii . b'll be ha- I'lie.eh iils.-lls.eil the Untie;' with mm' of his 'elleaKUe-. 1'iir M-lll's past It I-!ls bee-l the illste'll -.. distribute anieue the m.'inlvrs nf the I.i ti.slatiive pa. kiiit-s. usiiull described "the lout." which ic-t lln State ainwb-i" iii'in S!0 te $.10 npln.-. A siiuiCiii; ihit the lent as ien t.. .beiil .".Hi' IU-. i. s, ... whie'n -M"- are im nib-1- nl tli- 1 si-intiire. tl.-n the i.it.i! i .' weind tin b-tw.en Sin. nun and .1.1.ii"i ! It is uiid.'i'slnnd ni.it Mr. lMi'ieinls" plan te ellininute the "l.iet" dl-trib'l- tlell hl the lieirt .Ippl III of liev- ei'i.i'r-eni't riiielie- III .idllltli '1 it IS m.ilei'st.i "I tn.it the Spro il Cemiiits,i.,n ntl the lie, ri:a ni.ilt ion el tb- Stare (Ii wrnini m . a- W"ll as tie 1'inehet Citifii-' i '. i ii.iitu - .p St-i'e Kiunii'-es have lninilield"d the 'll.nlll tell ef th'! "loot .Am. i ' ii...i. .e . r i- I"'- ". -d Mi- i:'i:!'"i..i- I.i- in iiiind we-'.l . i.i-e an n' '.-I i'-.ii in nt tin' rubs nl tin' ll.i'i ii.ak' .' ...sni t" Iiu' bl ' . r"I".-tei "II .it eel'ill ittee. A i: i- iinv, ' is -i ir.-litnes ,i (erj ilif ti l'.' I...ittir t.i et b'll nit nt .-tn -,, title-, e- pe, llll 11 ill" llHirtil'H' el th" i ! .mit". e is iippuM-d in it It wif lb1 ft" j th.i' lull- I'e-il'l net be ptr I, nl . "Ilitlllttees 111 lb" 1'lst s.'-sifi-l uhi'., d ' i ' 1." .'iseall'ii " Speaker piini;,' ib il.se -inr ei ,' 111 . 'I Il t II- '. t'.e.'l. . msi: -ins ;:in;.a(ieii elirs of til f ! n. i -' 1 i'i I "IV Wlu.e In ' in.i i.. I 1-. llelli. . . .. . wi't Mr i !!-iii". t iisiib w .rk n iv. '. . .. the el-.-.. I,. Illlll til'' I,. II' ! Mi!-l'ni-r the T I ( latui-' PLAINTIFF IN KISS SUIT APPEALS TO PRESIDENT .e'jnven Tayler's. Hrct-ctten Frem . i .Illusion. ! II .-. t. Accuser Asks 'Pernecutien" M A .; , . ie jr..; M'l J P.-r . I' t ' as l i nl" ' sjj.Mhe. . - - .if s . r-- - I'. Ill l-C. '"'ltd in '..-; week " -f .1 i Xn lulu,;, .-.red lier . ' I ' Hl',1 weapons She I'll!..- .: she l,"i a pi-ti .. : ' "snikis iiup"ratlM Mis A.n. i -i il.lSKI . Ti.il'.i I'e 'lillt.if l'e ' ftiit I.T 'It , !-ui" 'our . .1 se , till. M.l' s- I 'ill ' .' hargid 'ie i,-rt.i' Mrs. -irr ll.g ' eie 'a I iu.jfii a". -. pre.'i.lit.1 ! .. iigl.t '" '.( ,1- . ? th' -. ' th- 'a Mr. Ai' r I V. ' el ' 'II M . iiie -a;d : -i '. "is sii.i; '. ' .I'.stn'e be . i urges ng'ii' J i 'ids for a tn. . i. r 'evi r pi se i laelr in- ii i...'. 1 1. par' 1 , e IT, ,- h e l..e I . 1 Tl pi' in- MUMMERS GETTING READY Few Out-of-Ten Clubs Parade . - . ..". t 1 .I, 1 .1 b- 1 . ' . .'..-;.iw 1. te ;nter 1 1.. 1 il' Ne 'I.. IS Hi. if S ".antei,. ;. Kinb'-r1 .riz ii 'l.e w. , 1 Miiinl. bi'i 11 -i tli.f iibt.i.l.ed 1 P '. p gi J II MOTORIST TO GRAND JURY I Bryn W.iwr Man's Car Unlirjhted j When It Killed Child. Police Say I P '. l-'l l-l 1 ef. ii 1 ..1.....T K g 1 ' 1. 1- 1 ' Nl sit . -i. U-npi It- .1 111 . 'i ' 'S dlT lllg ''- n ei'.l'. ..I I -.ifl'i. . .gl r. .ti (1 P M . De, eiuher :i. 1.I1 n tl, . ..1 lili"- -trui it null kilN : Ib'-ie ( 1I11. -' 'iir old. -'11 S'ertb Six 1 1 -1 end .'r-it Th- a, 1 idem ei 1 sirred at 1 ml It 1 itieets, as tin Siti. third child aii her grand- 1 1 for ih- t .lr-et 'V llll K ,pl.. b LEDGKK PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, ARMENIAN HEARING OPPOSED BY TURKS Lausanne Receives Streng Pro Pre test Against Conference Decision NEW DIFFICULTIES ARISE 'V.J .tjiec.illrd JVe lUi-aune. Dec. -0. A vijtnreiiid.. worded protect ncninst the (Uvisleti et the Near I.nst eetiteieiicc Huli-rniuinN sien en minorities te permit the rmtnlnti delegnte-t ti nppenr Ivefore the suli-coniinlssien und set forth their de sires wnn forwarded te the 'imfercm'e teduy by the Turkied! deletjiillen. Thus u new dlHcerdant note mnrktsil tiie resumption of the peace negotiation;; after tic Clirixtinns recetis. The sub-rnnimii-iuii en minorities had planned te receive the Anneniiin ami lltilgnrinti lepresenliitlves thii afteriioeii, the riiietilnns tn e.tplnin their dcmantlfl for Ml Aiuienian tintiennl home ittid the ltiilnaiinns- te pet forth the perltinu of the llulpirliili residents of Kasteill Thrace, whhh U p-isslni; te TurltUli j Mivercisnty. j 'the Oite'.ti.in pretest was nddieived I' te l'lesid-nt .Mentncna of the stib-iom-tiiHsien en minerltips. It rinil! "In the elliciiil iireitrniii for today wliieli whs received b our dolcKiltlen I toad, net without surprise, that the Armenian iind lluUinriiin delecntletii I m1I lie beard b the siib-coliituishlen en 1 t'litieritics. At the end of the last meet 'nit, of this Mib-coniinissien. I pre I senled objectleiiH t" ymir plan te henr i i'.ic Itiilciriati deleeiitieii, und ii was nsrepd tii.n ttn- itiiitfiirians weuiu ne ren'M-d privnflj In th" Allies. IiU'lud.s, Vrinenhiiis N . I lull 11 tha' ;. mi i et ei.ij r -e..d ' tC"ive the lil.lcari.llls i.i tin; I'siiiti- nf the Mib-eeiiiiuissiiin, btlt also te bear tin- Armenians. 1 preN st I'licr .dlcnll iit'iinnt these aildletues. If. despite the iinchiiiiKeable attitude of the Turkish (U'lejiatlen which has n direct intrit in the nronesed dlsfuw .siens. Your Kxeellft,c Insistn upon llfteniiift te these two delccatiens, 1 cntuiet aitree that this mtini: Mieuld be regarded i- etBt-i.it or thai the declarations i inde should Iind a plate in the eirieitil ri-iert of the cenferetue. "Vrnr.i the -.til tillTliiim ef the Tnrk- ' ish del-Kiiti-ii. the M'tislnli mu-t be eon -i ldrell r.en-eiteiit. The cotifereiiC'. cetifereiiC'. cotifereiiC'. iien.siats of two tiiirties. The Allies eon i stitute one part and Turkey the ether. Then-fore, mi .session at which Turkey is net reiire-entcd cannot be t-itarded ! as efliciul. Arsiimcuis Are Citl "Deepitt" the logical irgilllletits whieli I f lrniidied the ether day In support of mir position, ou have decided new te hear the Armenians as well as th" Hiilgailaiis. The Armenian delegation Is composed f Turkish mbjects. nnd it ti.nl.iK.L I.. ,.,,,, u ,, I 1 fl'i..lll.ll1 'l'l,.. '"'.",., ' .'. Museum nt Art in iiiii. aim was latnu ;. . ,, Tewtishiti . r.; tivkish subjects I Commissioner of the State of Wash- J- Mer.e ' " 'I--"Te enter Inte contact with Mich ti I . .... .- icr... .,. ki,- i 'U ' ??.n! lf) "M'J.-". " eele-ntimi would 1 (iiiivalent te cm- ldeMiie ntfaiint ii State subiis'ts of' tbii same Stuw. Asij initintixe or step in this dlrectiei. will mil cticeurage us te sup"ct the iissurunci'S which have 'been showered upon us in (innrcttesi , with the -.ifeginirdiiig of our sercrelgn rights Furthermore, It would be help nil te Inquire what mil pes.-iblt be tin.' 1 ' racial chari.(.ter of the Arineniiuis who have 1'een linited und of what ginern nient they pretend te be the (b'li'gatei-. "Tii cis:.ng state ef Armenia Inn iilii-ad) arruiigi-d -vlth Turke; by treat, all diffcrcm os .'Metnu; between tuein. s l.,:d 1 i.reli 'limseli hni , i'' "uited, tne Arni-nians new petition- in the I'liiii'eriiice mc private person-; who are ntqiiueii te the Armenian re- Mjblit- of I'.rivun as they nre te Tiirke . '" "The sub.eoi.-uussleii en niineritlis going outside the field of Its tlghtful deliberations. The Turkish delegation ltiirvA itr-plt' juntKuM. tn net partlui lt'ttlnrv tii llli'.li HlUfi i'ILl If"th,- Diincinle is accepted that all pm.ite p.-reiiH who pretend te b-deli- autt-d b their respcethe c.untrles arc ( be gi'.eu iindieiice b tin- . (inference. rh.'i. the deleKHtinn of the p rmn-iit of ' i gintid natie'ial assenilh nf Turkey wi!. hntf in- i-'ini te preii"e by the' (; i.,.,,v j.-lA( slxn funt (it. ,,. siu.n token 'he iidii.issien and audlenic i UtU, ,,.ier, died at 'his home, -list I .. delegations repmsentin? the P"pn- state rend. Cynwyd, Siindisj. ntt-r i lutn-ns of U.M.t. I lib-tin-. SrSu. Irak. ' )u ,,In,ss ,.f k,nnl, ,n0,b,. He was ; lt..i:i, luiil- nod lr...elt ind tue Mes- ',, lf ,.... ,-,., Mlllnc (1lrlv Iasf . .:i,minoriue,..f.I'iRe.sliiwu.Uumanm. imn,Pr sitTeti,,.. iV.-m tuU'rculesI-. l.uUarin and 'r us well as the ... (..'.egi.tes of Ireland -t I'm easelewsly ak ,l '; ' ;nl,vI':,11, ll-;J ul',' "l' "'' 1 u- ns.dhtHii. . t. se ur- mi opportunity . Ml-s N-.iie .lUer. dimghter of the present rhe.r : i-t and legitltimtt- ,.iinni." 'l'l,.'.' i.ietn.r i- s.i.i.i..! In ltln N'ui' Uej tur t'.e Ultelll "I delegation. Uiiulen, De. 'Jii iliv A. P. i -An I I'.xi-h.isut1 T'-iegi.iih disputi li from I ..!.., . I .... .1 ' t'll ll'. lili-- I i'ine. 'i'iini,ii lis Hll- .mritv lev th-statc'.n tn ihrt tbcllreek I JeVlTMIlell has 1." thought et acceding -,. the T ir!si i ! n.iiii.1 for witlnlntwiil .- -he .lec' p.itrillisli fleln l.'ell.dilll- tl.npl-. .''. it th" !.l Pn.'er-. lie- i cpl te I '.'.ii tiewpeii.t as pl iSiHl .it th" I.i'iMinni Ceiiferell. The Prndr n-i.'rte. that bin iev- . ,i!u-i mnh.dt i-1 tie ii'ie.stpin ii mi- 'I .1 III isir. ut" i Kl' I Mllll W II li lei ! Mill- PR. J. BLAIR SPENCER QUITS HEALTH COUNCIL Will Devote All His Time te Public Welfare Department Dr. .1 It'll. 1 .sqelli-l. la' ..1-ISU'd i- d.r- -ei .i t" PI il'idelphiii Health i e'uicil im- ilie l'li-.eiiti.ii, ef Tuber- lih HI.-. It '1,1- lililielii ed leiilll. I ir m-'-r t .nit- in dcii, is time as As-iHfunt Director ill of Pub- eiiii e nl ell !' lln- Hilar et tin s-4-J.lli, v hi re, S the Il'lilth nl I".'. Spencer .s-imii .1 tear I '..lire li Dur- I tig till entire tillie th.lt ,, v,. I tne I II. .1.1. i-., ,,...11 I. II. sle.e, ....! iiiie ''i.'n, t,,,-i..',, -t .-j.'-e.v ..'iej. . I iriie.1 tie -ibil In- rei .died fleiu it " '1 . . s 1 -..ut le h.niti . , Biill- r Sp-t r f.b; the H.allh C-iuiicIl liaJ r et hi" lUN'l.'lelll- te I. s,g l.l.-t AllgUSt. I It 'lll'ir II- Wis 1-1 si.i.de.l te lelll.llll, however, j lil1'j,1)1''N' lllilt ins i.nrh 111 1 net iiiifi 11. linn n Ci.t.p llnjip i'iide.1 and tie- Christ' lil.ls -e.il mlve w.i 1 tiiiiplete.l. PHYSICIAN FOUND DEAD Inque&l of Dr. Franklin Watsen, of Willow Greve, Set for Today li Pi. ii lm Watsen, lifl-feili ,11- id. ..,1 te.iiiii it.-t.d ti rday . .nriinik in iu'd ai l.'s li.n.n , en Yerk laid, Wiliew tii.c.e. He v as seen ... ".i night lit ineiubers nt the funilly -s it ti 1 hum he Ihed mid sei-ineil te be 1. 11 '.iltn It w - net kin wn thai he s i'i. nd tit :.i he:, u diseus.. and the' Coielifl- diudeil in Inlil .Hi lliqtle.st inibi . Ills family ''.vei. in l.iiligllnni'J ..n,l be had liuu at the Yell, in.id heiuc .1 aheit time, MAIil.Mi TIIKIK NKH VlLlt KKSlll.l TlilNN :'.i Iuii;.i--ltrir.l. Wliiuli fullei wt.e ha .... . i,i.n.tnlnu v, 11 ihirifiL- tlii. t,aat vanr h.ive Itlil tti'li hamln ncrm ttn-lr hrurl" Alille frniiilaln te lm fintnUr ttuii e;er, en tr lr oAfies of rti filmnr '" tnle haetlen , . , ,i! 11 ' i'iUH St HE SAVED 400 LIVES. BUT LOST HIS OWN Geerge J. Williams, FexburQ. Mar" tyr In Near Eat, Relief Werk A cabb'Ki'iiiii te thi'NVnr KHt ltcllef jestenlny told tif thn death nf (li'iirRC .1. 'WIIHiiins, of Kuxbui'R, I'll., n N't'nr lla.st Hellct' worker, who renductcil the evacuation of erpliiuic front Mnrcevnii te lllack Sen iKirtH. Williams went te i Mtirsevnii htt Aiiitust from thlH city. ; Witllflinti, nccnrdlnu te u wireless tils , patch from the t. M destroyer KdHtitt. i at Samseiin, led nlmest -lOtl erpliutM en a march of 400 iiiIIch ever the snow snew snow levcred IiIIIh. Me eeiiti'acted n severe eeld. hut inMntcd en RcttliiK the or er tihaiiH s-al'ely into Snm-nitn. Several tltneM en the march he col lapsed with no per.-en te uive him any attention but n nuw, Mism l"annv (J. N'mcH. who was dtatteni'il nt the Near ia.rtt lltlief nrplianaite at Marmivaii, I timl walked tbreiijjh miew ter twenty bourn te reach u lllhiniH J Williams, of t-'exbuiK. He was 11 graduate of Krnnklln and Mnrahnll t'ol t'el leKe, and served with the Hightiiy-Nec-end Ilisieti in France. Later he wns Tnited States Vice Censul at .Milan. Italj . He w-n1! thirtv-fetir jeuvn old. MRS. JOHN W. COLES Daughter of Jehn C. Bullitt Injured In n Fall Twe Weeks Age Mr. Jehn W. I'eles, Voventy-eiio venrs old, daunliter of .Tehn ('. Jlul lift nnd widow of Dr. .lehn W. Celec. 11 nnvnl Hiirceen, died enrly yesterday In the Orthopedic Hospital, where she hud been a patient two weeks because of 11 fracture of the hip due te u full out side her home nt I'll i I'ine at reel. She tens u desi cml.inl of 11 (Junker ', funilly which came te this country in , ItJsSO .'ind .settled eutMili of Cnindeti. , nt (Vlottewn. which talten Its name from the family. She wne 11 member of the Dauyh'ers of the American iteo itee littinn, of the Colonial Danieii, the Nev t'entury Club and the Hedgley Club, nnd was acthe In ebuteli .-iffairri. She leaven n itnindduupliter, MIhh Hllzabeth Tliercse Tler. and two brothers, I i . Jehn C. liulhtt. dr.. nnd the llev. .Inines 1". Itnllltt, of I'riticeti n. Kunernl t-ervlces will Lf conducted to morrow morning at 11 o'clock in St. .Tallies' I'retfi-tniit Kplhcepal Church, Twenty boceiid and Walnut i-treets. Erastua Bralnerd Werd wns rreeltisl here toil.!' of the .lentb nt" Kraus llrninerd. (sliter of the News and Inter of the editorial stuff of the I'rtfs", two former Philadelphia, newspapers. Mr. llrainenl, who was sixty-seven years old and wide! known In newspaper tirebs, died nt Scuttle, Wash., where he wart fermes ly editor of the PeM -Intelligencer. He wns connected with the tditerial sfnfl's of the Times und the World in New Yerk and the Star in Atlanta. He Mii'i curuter of eiigrnviiiKH ut the lhmten -. .... ...... - 1 ""1"" """" J"" "' ','"- - j. mudeii Wiggins Funeral feriees will be held today ler T. Abbett Wiggins, treasurer of the i lehn It. Wiggins (.'emuany, contractors who died Saturday at the home of his parents. Coleirl and Mre, Jehn It. Vigglm-, nt ChtlM'a, Atlantic City. N. J. He In.d bei-ii 'Tlticnlly ill for three months. In 11)11 l.e uinriied Dorethj Pettit. who. wtth tin- two sons. Jehn Jr., and Sterling Del.in. survives him. He wt.s wide! known us a horseman and pole plaiei Fmll Frev i emu rrey , Itenie. Switzerland, Dec. 0. (P.y , A. P.i -- Kmll Frt-.v. formerly , president of the Swiss Confederation I and tirst Jswlss Amtuissadev te tlie Swiss T'nited States, db'd wterdaj . r ut his birtbpbiee. Arlesheim, mar IJasle, in his eighty-fifth year i M. 1 rt.v was a 'iili'.ntrcr tv. cut -fourth Illlneib iufartiy th CUil War. i -- I G. Percy Fex in the during 'n'' "r- ' "iRer, pastor et the M-uitua lliipi.tt Church, and two I daughters, Dni'uthe.i, a senior at Wei- lesle C.i veurs obi 'eg- . i.ml Wltllli-fd. twehe Jeseph Medicus er-ice-i will be held at L' I'ui.f i UliATJs I :.i - I- -i it'.'.' maie 1.. ! W- r t. Untnliul.l .- Kiini-r 1 I II . . 'j' 2 V. M , Hi '.lie re- . AlUrt 1. Sl-iiili'il'. '..' ' I us-iv.t ! ;;"".' ' lti' w- - . -1niere. I'i linrn.-it - 'ii; 11.ll Wt'laseiljy i'i-- 'i' I'- 'J.'., t ('?-'. s.l;. 1 T I 1.1 "f J'.l'tl Hl'.Otl IB- 1 " i' ! frl. 1 le 1-iMleil I" tun-rul . IliiiMilitt, .it In r ur.inUs'it. s i: ) 1, I' M 1 I. Una sir, luur- Meil- i'i 1'i.utltilJ.M vi'ri Id-' ( I.m '. .1 )'. M Intermtiit ne '. r -. il ..Inctuii, te ' " . .' '.'il 1'CJ-', ILI.IAI . 1.1 i: .,1 A i-illlns lle'.vtn s .1 -1 tu urM'.cs mi ltn.i. el a . s Itf l- "ir!iUa' '. Itl't I .'II 111 l'll.it.' 1'lea-e tniilt art -.. , I : i' i KVi.; 1- 1.111 i:v iii th. n-ui -erN I. e "ill , ' , 'Kill ! ..I iVinrl IUl"l Mi"' c .I.M-. 1 I -J. 1... Ilu I I" .,1 : 1 '. l.-l ' In 1 r- lir.Ai.i li Until, 'i I . i'ui t ,, 1. 'I.ur.'. 'VAii-i: MAUI ..; ll'ii 1.. ., He.'.'. Kin:: .. Mm v in -ch (rn- '". ci'i iiilvrin-ii" in at M 1 li'J. nt llrti-tu! l'a . w 1'.. -Ire M ll-ri... I" ' I.'" llUtles iin' ft I ii ' .11 n-i- Lit rn.'.l. 11. ... il."' - 'I... lie. . '.S, '. 'I . -' r. 1, IiIkIi .ll.l'- e .'1 .1 In il Iiil-rtn. iii .s; 1 Hull I.--1 UTk,- I'.i .'. lli.'J Ht lm la9 ', hi. -l'l Nl , I'.erllltl. .wr r 11. nt" H-'li 1 1 e I; Iji er.il ffri'" riiurehii, r 1 i.t 1,1 mid 1 .1. I'i- Si III.' J. 1 III. J 1 i' rv nl--.fi r , .''. 7T ' 1 1 1 'I tiurH.lu 1 an l" I "i se i-ln-Uu. llerii"!' 1 ule l'a Int. rui-i.t Wi.- (V,1r 1.1 ill. Mall 1 I l'"li li.e.i.' sl!i , 1U1 I I ' Ai.ti'i: li- 0.1 II. I' J.-, ll."" SiUllii'l 111. A 1 ' s ... 11 lt.ll.llie. 1,11.1 I iu-ii'.i . r. 1 1 1 . .tin I tm.iri.l -in U"i r. ii.1, t tn - M irtii tl.e t'ljte tailors ' 'i 1 xi(i.uiilrli-. .",1.".- i,-i 11.I.I..I1.1 ' !'. e'llelit )lil,)e . 1.. tr.' . r.lllia'l 1 I re I Wnlie. 1 ' l.lef I SllWII-.s I'.. ,1 II..-' I'llKKK.-. '. ' ilf' ' I . I'm lilr. 01 . ,'ur 11- Ktl'rt .1 T.iJ, u . llixl'e, ! V S.n.r ., 1 r ' " ' -1 l; I! In 1' .t ,r. I,.. I lute r, - '1 -ira Ai'ii'iHiin t 1 i-i ,1 I teivi I . 11 1 i'tn It- Stills ll.rt.r ' 11- in i'i ".. 1 W-'lr. .!,. 1,1 1 ,1 ; Mil" . -'ii I lei, IL . . .( 1 Hell',1 i. 1 ii.., 1 1 ,M,r lit 1 I: ', I till d 1 H, r ,e ' t ! In f 1, I, I I', i..c ' J' M ul lili, 1,1 . ..H' I,,e lss 1 S.l.li--'. 1 t.tii,, I SurtllWui l ri r' r 1 1 u ill T 1 .1' 1 - ,i s MsJ NdlKl.s ' I OOEVIMERCIAfi STtAMSHIP LINES ),! 'Nit; I y O'ei 1 Slf, ' rSlII-lULLCJUA TO I.0.V110Mii:F.r.V W'.S.-;ABr. DUIIUN 4 COHK S S KERHOhliBON" . Slee, ae rti'ieillnaTlRn ant lUltm Pe,tt a s "HOfintsTOWK" i:fiy j,n Oth. r 8 & D, l';rts t. Kuir.i.!i; Caree Srttrj MOORE and McCORMACK, INC. 41-4U tieurte Hldg., Philn. 1 I. ft-U- 1..J.. -.... I.Olllll, tMO'l-- H HI II l.ip I u , Sl Williams refused te 30 buck te the, 1 ? fUti'bv''A orphanage until the be.s and t-'lils under I) s ( 1i$.tUl!teft $' hi- chip had i-enehed Siiinseuti unftdy. L .' U-7yJ'''H'svfM'H''' i After their arrival there for deportation fl i& Aj lM$ &&,&&. i into tJteece, Willinins consented te Uli- I 'J 'U'V'i '' i.sVi'& derKe treatment, but j.ikmiiiieiiIii had 1 fl i tfk fZ',iJ$;. ?J"'( A i devclencd. and he died in the aim- of. i iKgtfM t'-frK'f ?? Mi K " Vii imns was the se., et the Knv. W. I g i'" il DECEMBER 20. m Reported Engaged ,, , LADY NOKTIKIMFFti Widow of the noted Kn.cllsli pub littlirr, who Is rrimrlrd helretlietl te Sir Itebert Hudsen, rhlcf agent of tint Mlteral .Party. Sir Kebert was h cloie pet-MOiml friend of her liusband o'clock tomorrow afternoon for Jeseph MediciiM, sixty-six years old, who died Sunday at his home, llll North Sixty fourth htreet. Mr. Mcdletis wns in thn brewing business in this city for forty .tears. He was a member of Herman Iedge, Ne. t'.M, V. nnd A. M and of Trhtum li. J'reemaii Chapter, Ne. '-Mli, It. A. C. The Uev. (i. It Cabell, of Dak I.atie, will ((induct the i ten Ices at his home. Jehn J. R.'.tigan Jehn -I. Untlgnii. ilfl-llvc je.irs old, n former whelesule Ihpiei' dealer, died Sunduv night at his home. Itli'-YS Frank ford avenue, nfter an illness of two weeks. Mr. Itatlcan was active in ....it.!..- it. ihe l.rit .Hftb Ward nnd a nrmher et the Westiuuiehind Kepubll- an flub" He was one of the founder.. of the lteman Catholic Church of St. Jean of Arc. Krankferd and Atlantic avenues. He leaves his wife, two -eni! and a daughter. Prof. A. Relst Rutt l-'uner.il services l'er Prof. A. Heist Hutt, Instrueter In iiuitheni.iiics at I the Hnterferd lewn-lup Illgli clloel, held tedii at his late Oaktnnnt, wen1 home. itM I uicaster mad. Hr.Mi .lnwr. Profess-or Hutt, who wiii tilt -sit ears ehl. llil'll SlllldllV lllgllt nt pneumonia following a week's Illness. Hern nciir Oettvsburg in IStld. Protessor Hutt was e.Uuutt'd ui the University of Pentisyl vaniii. I.utttr he became an iin-triicter in high schools respectively lit Milten, i Nurberth and llellefeute. He was also I 11 p ell" time superintendent of hchoels i lie body ere inUr- 1 inent will b- made In the tirent Cene- toge (.emetery. i : Peter Stipp Kcraliten, Dec. L'ti. (P.y A. P.I Peter Stipp, prominent coal contractor fui mere than forty ears nnd widely known in Masonic circles, died at his home here this morning nfter an Ill ness of several months. He was bem in (leriiiany sixty-four ears age and emu- te Scranton when he was nine teen. 776 Most Christmas I ' I ' 1 I I , ,li.i;i.iiv .SiLvnii "Watchus Sr.vrieNKia r BJuimI''' iB "il 'J e. L TOPS ALL RECORDS Pennsylvania Runs 30 Extra Trains Between Philadel phia and New Yerk TRAFFIC ON READING HEAVY Holiday travel te and trem Philadel phia was crentrr (huii.nn any iirevieiiH (.MirlMtinas. ticvenlini; te efllclnls of the IVmisylviinla and Philadelphia nnd ItcndliiK Rystrinc. Ilvcry avnilahlc cur wan in use te meet thf ilMiinmlH of trnvelern he tween this city, New Yerk, WnMiliiR WnMiliiR ten, up-Htate nnd wnhhnre pnlntp, nnd inn n v jiiiHiiR'rH were itnnbli! te KCt licrtliH or chairs. Almest every outgoing nnd incoin incein itijt Irnln was run In two tactiens and eiKhty extra trains entered or left the i-hedK of the Pensylvnnia Hnllrenii. Ordinnrllv there are twenty-five daily trains between New Yerk and Philadel phia, but for the week-end rush thin service wns sierra wi! by thirty, mak ing fifty-live trains betweesi here and New Yerk. .Seven rtrn trains went run between Washington nnd this city. T'p-Sttite end seashore travel wns un usually heavy en both the Pennsylva nia find Rending reads, pcelnl trains being run te Iinrrlsburg, Allentown, Heading nnd the coal regions, its well as te Atlantic City. l.xtru trnins also were needed te carry the huge collection of mail nnd express mntter en the Pennsylvania ltuilreiid. Hetween December 15 and 24, oflleluls stnted, 10H0 extrn cars were reiiiired te curry mnll and 'nil additional -Jill 1 cars te care for ex preys packages. BURNS CHRISTMAS TREE Bey, Leeking With Lighted Match for Skate Key, Lesei Toys While Mrs. .leseph Ilnrper, 1741 North drat, street, wah attending her son Themas, two years old. who has '.been ill niuce before Chrlstmab. she ii'nr( crieH this morning coming from . the tlrst lleiir where her eight-jear-eld ' ft" Ulchard had been extimlning Ids lirljUnns tes She rail down stairs ' ","1 r"1"1 ,!"' ' hrlMtuiiN tree in tlnnies. Klelmrtt had received u pair of new Kiites irem nnnta nnd nnd lest the hi aim nan lest tlie under 'the Christmas iiutch te see better. I Ice . Searching I tee, lie ut a ma Altbeiigh Iticliard escaped unhurt the tree, ills toys ami much nf (be furni ture of the rei in were destroyed liefeic tlrcmen, extiiiKuished tlie, bhiz'e. Tin: .ion uv auk i.oeksno rert siav be fe'jinl In tne Ilelx. Wanted celuiana en lagf t'P, .Iric. Inside and Out HOLIDAY TRAVE nO.NG wear often dtpsnda upon ntltches that cannot he .en Se we regard the Inilde ' werkmanihlp with the nme lncerlty us we de that which pleatea the eye. Rebert Stewart i-K Yerk Star .'(Ut ,-lh fit. Gratifying Gift it has ever been our privilege te receive consists of the substan tial public endorsement given this house during the Christmas sea son just closed. Many, many visitors counted ; they have examined the exhibits with comfortable freedom; they have subjected quality, as sortments and prices te critical comparisons; and they have honored us with a volume of business which is most satisfactory. As assurance of our appreciation" and of greater future endeavor, we append the well-nigh century-old firm name of J ECaldwell & Ce. CHESTNUT SfREET BELOW BROAD effiEll; HUSBAND. AND CASH Weman Fights Six Thuga Who Had .Beaten Man Down v With Blackjack , SCREAMS BRING ASSISTANCE A ileHpertsie fight te save !ifP v.., band from Ms thugs who attacked !! was made early this morning by m Jeseph Kezuwelcz, of Salmen feri near Allegheny avenue. IIer j,.. '"' ns imavnillng. as tbe man was hea , no badly he Is net expected te lire The struggle occurred en the RtrL siear their home. They had ten le ,h ' theatre. Mrs. Ker.uwelcs carried $2fln and a diamond ring In l,cr hundbne lu, the couple walked nleng, the bx '" closed in and began striking n.n i band with blackjacks. When he f a? the sidewalk, his wife steed we ii nnd fought and screamed. r Um Every time the thieves rioted in . attempted te seize the huntbLr Kezuweics struggle, until one of .7' men attempted te strlke he? wUI, u' bltirkJiKk. At this juncture "cMi passers-by whose nttentlen had been . tracied by the woman's crl-S w?Si and the thugs took fright and fbil P' Iveziivelrn was taken te the North eastern Hespita , where nlivleln I llcve his skiVll te Jffte His condition is critical. lulluu. CLOTHES WERE 0NfTre BUT NOT ON HIS BACK Frantic "Victim" Wa Worried Ovir "Duds" In Closet, but Leies Out "Help! Help! My clothes nre 0B tire!" screasned Alfred Melten as he rushed into the street from his horn nt Twelfth and .Seuth htrecta enrly to te day. Patrolman Kmall, of the Twelfth and Pltie. streets station, heard the ncreamn nnd responded. Hut en seeing th "victim," he thought the man mun h, crazy se far as he could sre, his clethei were net en fire. "Oh. I don't menu the clothes Vn get en it's the duds its my clesetl" evninineil tne fnmi f,fi-.ttntl.. em , , , ".iii. intn ""!' " . ' or T wen ,l ,"lv n stitch ,,,f ,t0 j"1, " except what I've get en my back. 'I he putrelniun turned in an alarm 1 Iin quick nrrlvul of firemen frptn two engine companies saved Melten's heuie from destruction, but net his clothes which were burned te the Inst thread' Melten said he couldn't explnln hew the blaze Marled. .MEN'S TAILORS 1501 Walnut St. have been JM.JIAMJMI1LWH 'Mil. UISiMS'lgg'jtgasggawi ; J -fl &. sV ffcj i.,..'