HPWTf hw Mr'' ;wa?'inHtf:!tfU'''f. "-r '1,WY','W??H, "yvtt.sv ;"j-'" ' J$S tST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE flawy Wynne Talks of Engagements Announced in Holiday Times She Tells of the Valentines Dance en Saturday Night Other Events S It net been n benutifiil long '.LnM.-.rml"? And w much te H ..Ik nbeiit nml tell. KiiRiiRcmentH nml tIK n"1 ,.. ,i n1i hinds ? Sin." Tl'Vre's Miss Ann) Barlerl'M Knon m and the Hcv. Archibald e Ich. Hhe onme out Bcvernl yenrs JVn nml lien been very popular In the mwr Mt. She Is encnged te Cnptnin All V Hnnson Snowden. of UnMlmere. Cntniii Snowden Is tlie i son el Mr. W I en Snowden and the Inte Mrs. ine ulen. of that city. He nerved with the : Fifty -flwt Infantry overseas during he Vnr and is new ut Fert Denning, n'hii'n there was Jesephine .Tonics' cn MRCinent, wliirfi we talkrd about en Snturdav, te James Carey AVnrren, nnd ni of the Ktwiiw" te. Freddie Muller. J",e -r knewwhlcl. is which Sanders. thev are iU-h nlihe, and jet as you ilk te enclt'eite .Uiey are entire y dif ferent: 'That sounds like a bull, hut t's true, of all, twin who leek very much alllce. 'Jy -uflujfly mve very leuslns of Anita. Kvmw Adorns and of Mr. Themas Ifuinplireya. Fred Muller lives with his mother, Mr ViiL'uste F. Muller, nnd his ulster, a"s Glabs Muller. In Chestnut Hill. i 'brother, Dr. William Muller, mnr iletl MI'S Mniic I.e Hi en and his sister, the former Mint Isabel Muller, Is the fr of Chattln Wcthcrill. Anether binllier Is Hnrtew Muller. He Is the jeaiiRCHt of the family. THKKK veto two dances in the week-end. The Harry Vnlentlnes Mve one for Dorethy, who is n de'm de'm junte, ten knew, en Saturday night nt '. lMilladelphln 'Cricket Club, and lapt it eiitng the Hebnrds gave a danre for their daughter Julia 's tie but. ; ten remember. tns quite ill earlier In the season with typhoid fever, m her ilclint ttns postponed until lust niglit. TlllJKE ttere mnny dinners before the Vnlentlne party nnd Dorethy looked Manning In a light blue crepe satin with nani-N of silver lure en the bodice nnd Mrnpx .iter tlirhmilders. There ttns nkea girdle of pearls and the skirt .was long circular one. Mrs. n,lpn'n was tort wnart in n gown of old geld Incedinpetl at the Mt side and fastened with an ornament of old blue fenthers end (lowers. , , Saraelleii Klrhard-en were n lovely find; at that dance, tee. It was of minion colored crepe leiiiuiiie. made in the eM-fin-hinneil stvle. with tight bod ice and full skirt. There wiw n purple flower nt the left lde of th" gown, tthlfh ni quit" wonderfully blended in ci.Inr. Mania Ilagar, who is very dark nnd ceed looking, were a silver cloth finch with panels of red chifTeu en the skirt. Supper was served at midnight. I mtni'lT.I) in at Mrs. "W niter Cepe's tea for Mrs. Hazard en Snt- iinl.it afternoon. It was m nice te sec her 'again after se many months. I fmin'd her looking tcry well. And. by the wnv. she lives in Syracuse, net T'tlca. n's 1 mid the ether day. I knew it was one of the-c rities en the way fiQin New Yerk te ltoehester (jeu pnsn tlueimh both en the train), but I cot mixed en which was which. Mrs. Haz ard, .ten leniember, was Miss Nancy Cepe." She inanied about n year nge, nnd had net been home ccept for an ner-nlght tisit since then until this lime. .She weie a tcry bccemlni; frock of brown ni-uoiilleii-pleiitoil georgette ever a slip of coin-colored silk. There wns a bertha of cream lace about the shoulders, which just suited her. Mn. t'epe hail members of the family in for iia en Sunday afternoon, tee, as the llant'iK had te return tedat. rpe.M.MY had a wonderful number of piepcnts ami a most beautiful time mi Cliiistinas la : but mmebett this iiierning he seemed a bit low in hW t e lad. Mether ceiisiilteil doctors, of ( whom Teniinj hnd a wholesome fear. I I'nr, be It known docteis hnd sometimes , kIvem him nasty tasting things te take, e doctor deculcil te win the jeuiig ' inau's confidence, and said In a jovial l mie: "Well. Temmy, what did jeu i t for Christinas?" Temmy saw the win- I uliig smile and answered truthfully: ' I et trains, nnd horses, and aiitome- I Mies, nnd candy, and canes, and tur Vej, and cranberry, and 'tatees, and cream, and cmidy nnd n stomach aclic NANCY WYNNH. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mi. nnd Mrt Krank A. H.uteil, of l :mlen Htreet, Gurniunteitn. announce he encairenient of thnir d.tiirlitci. MNs Vntia Lambert Sarterl, te t'uptnln . Minn Hansen Snowden, cf Il.tltlmere, fnptaln Snowden Is the son of Mr Wll- j 'On .Stiettden and the Inte Mri- SneM-. If'i He serted with the Fifty-first! 'nt intry overseas during the wnr, and , t at present stationed at the Infantry school, Fert Hennlng, (in. He Is a "icnil.er of the Aimy and Natv Club of I iinrriiM anu a grauuaie or t'llncetcn nUeihity An engagement of Interest In thH v iiiuxninccd today In llosten Is that t Miss M Teresa Perkins, daughter of wr and Mm, Henry Oreter J'erklns, r llroekllno, Mass., and Mr. Palmer 1 "slett Putnnm, son of Mujer (ieerge jlut.-n Putnam and Mrs. Putnam, of 3H5 west i:igbt-slth stieet, New Yerk Ii, Putnnni will glte u huuse pait it I Itztvllllam, N. H. ever next week id In honor of bin tlnncce. The party "111 be chaperoned by Mr. and Mis. MiMrltt Harrison Tayler, of the Pen 1 eck Apartments, Upper Durhy. Mis iiitler was Miss Heater Sears Walker, t IJosten. Mr and Mrs Wllllnm Jejce Sewell. f Out-of-MeunilH. Chestnut Hill, will ive a theatrii paity, followed bv sup- " r t the Hltz-Curlten, en Wednesday 'ten ng, Junuary 17, In honor of Miss irglnlii I, Curpenter, debutnnte daugh- 'i- of Mr. and Mrs. Jceph R Carpen- ,,r(f t'heHtnut Hill, and Miss Susan (loedrniin. dibiitantn diuiKliter of Mis. "waul i: Scater, of 'Jhe&tnut Hill. Mrs Alexander ltrewn. of Urjn Mawr, ,1 'returned from , fertnlBht's stay In Mrs Mnuricn Heckscher and Miss u i rude K. Heckscher, of IWxiuead ' inn, Newton Square, nre eccupyliiK n iipartnient at the Latham. The mar- 't'aK.e,,efMlsH HeckHcher and Mr. Alfred cvt tala pl'ice en Snturll"J, .M'"" Ttabtlla Da Cesta, daushter of fm hVkli 1''. Oa Cesta, of Ashwecd, .'.'""il1' wlll) I" studint ut Fox Fex ti.?r i ' a returned te this city en "er fii the ' H' holidays with i nil "Peter Williamson Keberts. of i ' "Ma Vista, Vllluneva, who has been 'a...'? !l fl'w Uu'a '" New Yerk, bus "'lined home, Mlsj. Murlcn Fichtherne, debutante ' 'iiiBliter of Mr, and Mrs. Jeseph Fleh-. leriiu, of Merlen, who bus been spend- ' '? stieit tlme in Muluc, retuintd te "l'i home en Sunday ' i..,.i.1.,s' Walter 1). lllaben, who has ",' N'tniiiuiB a i.hore time In New 'luii- titurued te her home In Uijii MIh Virginia Nnirls. who Is a stu ' "t lb n Mawr Crlleue, und Mls.s A n,'i.Ne,!ls' '" lwi l"" studyliiK ' , "'"tun, huve returned home for the (htiitmnn ncatIen, and will upend the helldnys with their fatlicr. t)r. ltlchard Nerrln, of 500 North Twentieth street. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kdward C. Cftssard, of Wnshlngten. nre upending the Clnlst mns holidays with Mre. Cassa.rd's mother, Mm. IJriidferd Knight, of 220S Hlttcnhcuse street. .Mrs. Cassurd be be be fere her recent wcddlne was Miss Catherine llradferd Knight. Mr. nnd Mrs. Uasll Corden, of Wash ington, nre ppendlng the Christmas hol idays with Mrs. Gorden's pnrcnts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Taj ler i:dkIMi, at 258 West Schoolhouse lane. German- town. Mrs. Gorden befr.re her recent weuaing, was Miss l.UUne Tayler Ung lish. Mr. Jehn Wilde, of Paris, who unending the wnter In New Yerlt. the guest of his cousins. General Little ton W. Ta7cwcll Waller, II. 8. M. C, and Mrs. Wnllcr, of 2B00 Seuth Twen tieth street, ever the Christmas holi days. West Philadelphia Miss Helen Feresmnn, daughter of Mr. nnd Mis. Greer Feresmnn, of Forty-second street nnd Osnge avenue, will go en Mendny te Chanibcrsburg. where she will be the guest fei a few days of Dr. nnd Mrs. Frank N. Emmert, when she will leave for Clcnrtleld, Th.. te be entertained for n fortnight by Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Duftcm. Mr. nnd Mis. Henry V. Itlntik, of 3510 Hamilton street, ate occupying their new home nt 7204 Highland nve nuc, Bywood. Miss Theresa Murnrv nf Thlrtv-flfth street nnd Potvelton n'jime, has left for a visit te Dayton. O., where she will be the guest of her brother-in-law nnd sis ter ever the Christinas holidays. Germantown The marriage of Mls Clara IJ. Hlrsh te Mr. Huge V. Spltzcr took place en Sunday afternoon nt 2 o'clock at the home of her Mstcr, Mrs. Charles MII MII Rretn, of 022 Klngslcy street. Itabbl Mux Klein officiated. After a wedding tilp Mr. and Mrs. Spltzcr will be nt Heme after February i nt 27 Ktngsley street. Mrs. Charles Andrews, of Lincoln drlye. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex ander Fields, of Dlnghnmten, N. Y., for n few weeks' atuy. Uefare her return te this city fche wilt spend sevtrnl days In Atlantic City ns the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. P. Mnrshnll, of Chelsea. The Tlev. C. Theclere Ucnze, of Mount Airy Lutheran Seminary, will sail en December .11 te take charge of the kureiican relief work in Itusgtu. Dr. Vv .V' Mees. executive secretin, v of the National Lutheran Council, will be Dr. liclize'H assistant, MIni Elizabeth Zeldls. of 1722 North Fifty-ninth htreet. Is spending the Christmas helldnjs In New Yerk ns the gue-st of her sister. Mis. Rebert Aube, 'iir ,hr0r."JVc' J'l!,s Vlvlenne Segal, of HO West Flfty-elglith street. Laivndale Mr. nnd Mrs. Fied Mueller, of 1009 Mapee street, entertaliieil the Intel me diates of the llethany Ilofermt-d I nurch, Lawndalc, nt their home en luesday evening, when nn election of eniccrs for the cemlnp year tck place. Ihn following wcre elected: Mr. Albert Heehn, president; Mr. Kdw.ird Hnnclc. vice president; Miss Kathrtn Bern hardt, secretary, mid Mr. Rebert Benne, treasurer. Mr. Hdwnrd Weiss and his family, of Rending, hate leturned te their home after n short visit with Mr. and Mis. Bernard Weiss, of iiU'5 I'ulniette mi eet .rMJ.n,i C' .I ;Vn,,er' nf Hellermen street. Is entertaliilng JIIhs GladysJack GladysJack sen. of I'lttsburgh. for a ten days' stay. Yardley i ns, 'ueKt Da" ut the Ynidley Civic lub en Thur.sdny nfternenn, tthcii A Christmas Tale." u play In one act. was given by Mrs. II Linn Bascctt. Mrs Wlckbnm Harter. Mis Fred S.it S.it terthw.ilte and Mrs. Charles M. Karnes. Complete p i iifi t niiiiiiii. , , . Af&,. ; ,i m Wm. -er lKr (yjll ! . - I ' llhyV- tC-?) w Tuesday and Wednesday Only All Winter Hats 9 Ne C. O. D.'s Ne Charges All Furs Reduced 25 au&JtttXmet'i) w 1IOIAil..l. OU O- lilllftll.fi! YOUR FEET NEED THEM" - A happier year THE NEW' A.E. LITTLE SHOE made te sta well. Ihey'ru nut and kept in condition all by a patented construction. 1'hey knew the feel of smait looking, ultra-comfeit-uble sliees. Wear them and you, tee, will have it Happier New Year SOkC'SS Shee Company 1314 Chestnut St. APPROVED BY FASHION - Prices Reduced Effective New "JO T.llii: (Will: of our tnl lliin' luw tin r in our fmiiitin in r .net et'it run i s Hit' crrnt ili'miiml fur our kiuik i't t lir ttrnirn if IMnln ililpnu liiu (iirml nn ti lulnik' ii'ir 1.11'iiillh linn urine ln-l nix nlliiu iih tu i,ff(.r our (iiur-n-. I'T HI'lll ( I.Nd ur III 11. 1) INK I l t it Imiffr irlic l.rn i IIM! -NOW Exclusively far Women EVENING PUBLIC Engaged i, VjC- JivA !vrfiuV,svsv a uwJw:vjwAv a MISS ANNA SARTORI Daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank A. Surteri, of German town, whose cnguffcmcnt is an nounced today te Captain Allan Hftnsen Snowden, U. S. A., of Baltimore Carels were sung during the play by Mrs. Billet Cook, .Mrs. B. C. Smith. Mrs. Algernon S. Cadttallader, Mis. II. H. Dande, Mrs. Nerman Re'i, Miss Ncllle Glrten nnd Miss Kthcl Glrten. A vocal sole was given by Master Geerge Bennett, and n Christmas story was rend by Mrs, Geerge Duerr. The hostesses who sorted tea were Mrs. I'nut Brown, Mrs. William Appleg.itc. Mm Wnltcr Dllllplane and Mis Flank Slgafecs. ' Norristown Announcement lias been made of the marriage of Mrs. Anna Morgan Shaeffer, of Fnlrvlew Village, nnd Dr. Wnrien Z. Anders, of CellcgevllU , en Wednesday, December 20, In the parsonage of the Augustus Lutheran Church The pasjer of the church, the Rev. W. O. Fegley, efflcated. The bride Is the president el the Norrlstewn Reading Circle. Mrs. Henry Clay Weed and her small son, Master Henry Weed of St. Leuis, Me., are spending the Christians heli days with Mrs. Weed's p irents, Judge ami Mrs. William F. Selly. MIs Jessie Wlcdlnmoyer, Mlsg Gladys ' Fex nnd Miss Lvdla Beld man, students nt Wilsen College, Chambersburg, I'a., I nre spending the Christmas helldats wun tneir parents m rtorrisiewu. Mrs. Chatles 13 Fec and her small son. Master Charles I J Fex, Jr., of New Yerk, are visiting Mrs Fe's mother, Mrs. J. R. L'mstad, of the Hamilton. Mrs. Frank Grenner. of Chlcepee. Mass, Is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Unhurt Cdmunds, of 112 Bast Marshall street. Delaware County Miss .Taint Cook McAllister, of Media, entertained Informally at bridge last w cek. Mrs. Henry It. Makir entertained the niuinbcrs of her btidRe club at luncheon at tlm Sptlnghaven Country Club re cently. Hansman Pctcrzcll ' A pretty wedding took plan, en De cember 21 at ! o'clock, when Miss Uvn I'ctciell. d.uiKhtet of Mr. nnd Mrs Tlany IVteizell el M34 ParKlde ave nue, became the bible of Mi M.iurlie J HniMiiinii. of 'Ids ilty. The bride tuts Klvt-n In mat rlsiRe by her lather. She iiMl'nr I. . i sri Ml Clearance'1 GOOD TASTE DEMANDS THEM iff . ffflVBI l.ff&t ' amML, ffffl i SRFdttilHiffM5BK&- , J ffM3 ' QBF'saffBSffMffVflub'ffJ i 'r'lHMffVM ffB f 7 'MffV'IffVflffft'SVI1 'IvVnffft ; - m iMjmjJBmmm; . m ! ffflKHffffHii ' ' 'M 9ffVffvvffff9BHvHffVffVw : vSHffSHVffM;- 'I 'wffffBVBffVi' w rwffVflvflHvffM. ' w .a a- a4 "! Kfn ..' 4 "i ! tX1 ' 7 Values j up te $35 jf Mi1 Te mnke every day a happy one is the peal set for the A. K. LITTLE Shoe. Men iind women who have worn them, toeinpr hew rjuiekly tired, aching feet are le lieved, knew f i em expet ience hew uttninnble that f?eal really is. They knew tliat their feet nre net only made well thej're ENDORSED BY PHYSICIANS UMMMMBHIIII 1" treutmiMiU "''" I yn ini im 4n ion iii) An antic for Fuc Tim' TiviifmiiK COLLINS SYSTEM OF PHYSICAL CULTURE HBLLEVUE COURT IUJILDINt; 1118 WALNUT STKELT Lilt I' hone, Syiuve Hm LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY.' wero ft gown of white breended chiffon and curried n shower bouquet of white reset nnd lilies of the valley. Miss .lean l'elcrzcll, ulster of the bride, was inniu et iioner, una Mr. Mycr l'elcrzcll, brother of .the lit lde, acted as best man. After the icceptlen ."Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnns innn left en their wedding Journey, nnd upon their return they will make their home in Wynnewood, KTOLKL'nWAGNBR The tmirrlnge. of Miss Dlnnn Wng- ner, or r,uit uirnrd avenue, and Mr. Geerge If. Htolker took place en De cember 21 nt 7 o'clock. Dr. Newman elllciatcd. The bride, who tens given In marriage by her father, Mr. Frank Wagner, wan attended bv Mhs Freldn Htolker, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Fnnny Geldsherder, Miss Frances Gelt, of I'lttsburgh; MIkh Matilda Oxen feld, Miss Lillian Le Rey nnd Miss Clara Silver. Mr. Hareld Wagner, bn ther of the bride, acted ns best man. The ushers wero Dr. F. A. Wagner, of Pittsburgh Mr. Daniel Stelker nnd Mr. HMmmr CM, ib lb m:mm T u rK3ffffHrvffHlnu?nffV fts. iiW' WALNUT Bdrg. Mai. Tem or. 50c te $1.50 PAULINE In Euitone O'Neill'n Manternlav ANNA CHRISTIE With OFOROr MAEION YV AK SHANNON Last 6 Niuhtn. LAST V. ITINEE SAT. Next Week Scats SelIinB New THE MONSTER By Crane Wilbur Most Mysterteui. Thrllllni-. Exciting Lauitli. Plav Ever Written iureirii.'iw. ii:sk;m:i:s mi: uieuEsr i: Important After Christmas R r.reun i-Formerly te 35.00 Coats of Xermandie f'lutli (reup 2-Formerly te le.QO Meussynu and Belivia; fui- t ri m med Croup :i Formerly te of Belivia; cellars of Nutn.i Caracul Spert Of Pole Cleth, impeitcd Hi ni'tten features of .-mart -pert raoeoon and beater uillai. Greup 1 Dic.sfeef. Formerly Fermcrii; Greup - Dieshp-i. IJJVMNILE APPAREL Coats of mannish ttw.'.l .some fur-trimmed collar cellar Formerly te l.e,i. Sports and Press Cem-, broadcloth-, be Ihias and mannish tuicl; many fur trimmed with shnttl an 1 chin cellai.- 19.50 l' 25.00 Sets -chinchilla and dutiitn coat-; nutria cellar and hat te mauli Formerly te 3."i.00. Set Drps.si.p- A .special let of uic - anil faeifres. Apes ti te Fermer prices te JO.t'O . - Specialize in Apparel That Slenderizes the Harry Htolker, of Baltimore, brothers of the bridegroom ; Mr. Bdwanl Htelkcr and Mr. Milten Antonn. After the reception the brlde nnd bridegroom left for the Meuth, and they will he nt hrme nt CSli, Glrnrd uvenue nftcr Fcbruaiy 10 KBATH LKVITTIBH An Intciestlng wedding took place mi Sunday evening at x :!e o'clock, In the Parkway Asucmbly Reems, when Miss Gertrude Lcvlttles, daughter of Mr, and M.rs- Solemon Levlttles, of 3130 Mont Ment Mont geinciy n venue, was married te Mr, Samuel F Ivcnts, of New Britain, Ia., the ctremi ny being performed by Itabbl Aimlti Rosenberg, Her nttendaiits were Miss Anna Keats, sister t f the bridegroom, as maid of honor, Miss Jean Landew, Mis. Rese Landew, Mln Rese Kehcii, Miss Sylvia Gorsen, Miss Anna Flemnn and Miss Resii Frank, of New Yerk, ns brides maids, and Miss Beatrlce Lcvlttles, n cousin, as Mower girl. Mr. Merris Keats, brother of the TRUE LLOYD HAMILTON ROLLING STONES" ACAUhMY Oi MUSIC WcU. Lvc . Dee. 27 Tim CHORAL SOCIKTV OF PHILADELPHIA Will Glnit THE MESSIAH Dlcte Hewell. Seprano. Elliabcth Heed Latta, Contralto, Key.il 1'. MacLellan, Icii'jr: Hcinl Scott. Bnss. Members of Phlltrtclphli Orchetra Henrv Oorrten Thunder. Conductor Tickets after 20th jt Hcppe'! 1119 chest nut and at thn raiemv All reiti H "rv tl 'ill m f,fir ACADEMY OF MUSIC METROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY, N. Y. TONIGHT LORFLEY fIRST time AT 8 00 vrviii-E. I HERE Mmet. Alda Sunilellus, MM. Jehnsen. Danlsn, Mardann. Mllf e HI. Mr. Bonflelle & Cerps de Dallft. Cnnlucter Moranzenl. Ticitets A'ld mv nex Ortre and Hfppe's. ai uaki:i:s or irei;v.s' .t.v t im.niiEX's apparel i:a 11:1: 1 ui: neni: in ax 'iwexty-hevux yi;ai:s 1Li .Jl Chestnut Cerner Twelfth 'eductien Sale Coats 19.50 Ceat, of 25-00 croup -Formerly te 110.00 coatsef Heliua, Pimvelainc, Armendale, Gerena and .Manella. Cellars Squirt el and Beaver f j reup ;.- Formerly te 150.00 coats and Wraps of Gerena, Marvella and Mar- 75.00 . and y i . . . 0 -Ceal- cevnj ttimmed Wolf, Caracul, Squir rel and Bravt r Coats 15.00 te Fermerhj 29.50 te 99.50 , nvcrphiiiN, (.-imei'n hair, .some import! coats inclmlei emit-,, nieludirii: waKKcr back-, Dres ses te .19.50 15-00 le (5.00 25-00 Greup ,'I Drese-. Greup I Presses nil ee.uiiuc-: ice-, 1 te in 12.95 F'aity Pie-ses of chiffon, -liter lac, i,h. lien-, Fieneh flowers; a w.alth of charm iiifr f-tyles for tin. j mine; pill's party dre-s. Aki-s (! te Hi. Fin CoatsLeck squiriel, Riay and U .wn toney, citet cat, musktat, uncoen and mm in. 42.50 ,0 125.00 All Hats for Kiddie Greatly Reduced Half Off Fermer Prices 27-50 cs of .lorsev 11. 3.95 DECEMBER 26, 1922 bridegroom, wai best man, nnd the ush ers wcre Mr. Harry Corsen, Mr. Samuel Gorsen, Mr. Max Grcenberg nnd Mr. Samuel Lustlg, at Ncttnrk, N J Upen their return from n meter trip, Mr. and Mrs. Keats will reside at 31.10 Montgomery menue, where they will be nt home lifter January 15. DRUCKMAN OOLDHR A pretty wedding took plnce en Hun day evening nt 5 o'elcok nt the B'nnl .leshrun Synagogue, Thirty-first nnd Diamond stri ets, when Miss Miriam Gelder, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Na than Celder, of 1723 North Ferty-set-end street, became the brlde of Mr Samuel Druckman, of this city Rnhbl Newman etnclated, The brlde was at tended by Mrs P Jf. Hlevak as matron of honor nnd Miss Sara Rlei-etiberg ns maid of honor. The Hetter girls wcre MlS't Bstlier Riusenberg nnd Miss Sylvln Druckman. Mr. Adelph Druckman was best man. After the reception Mr nnd Mrs. Diucktnnn will leave en their wed ding trip, und will be nt home after January 3 "PLEASAKTVILLE" MINIATUnE MUSICAL COIirDY FEATURI.VO OEOIlOn TAYLOH AND HARRY YOUNO FRED SCHWARTZ & CO. In "THE BROKEN MIRROR" THEO & DANDIES in "THE BALLOON OIRL" STANLEY, TRIPP & MOWATT In "MORE HATS" KIMBAL & GORMAN In "S0MQ3 AND MU8IC" MURILL SISTERS CHASERS OF THE BLUES FEATURE EDUCATIONAL AND NEWS FEATURES L Prirp Mntllien. 15e It 'JO.- Chll iiit.es rn 1( . VBltHf ;,, 3,. nnd 40r. wxiipt Hntnr'luja nnd UqII ilnm, Wiir Tux liirliulpU, UKAMAT1C ATrKAUTle.V Net a Picture MFTROPOLTTAN NOW MAT. DAILY FOR LADIES ONLY 25e & SOc. NO CHILDREN ADMITTED NIOHTS. 25e TO SI. 00 FOP. EVERY ONE Over 16. Sett New. Het Omen and Olmhl DESMOND Kcn Av. A. rumherlninl Nilfhtl at H IS Mnli Til. H . '1 hurfi . S.f. ??.' THAT G1RL PATY TROCADERO L' &$$ of of Wolf, I'e, Mele 65-00 95-00 69.50 All the incited pleat Seme have Formerly te 89.50 49.50 Formerly te 100.00 69.50 galJuMVia81Vllli 16.50 t0 25. Lar ger Weman- AN ANNOUNCEMENT THAT ICE SKATING DEVOTEES HAVE BEEN EAGERLY AWAITING THE REMODELED REJUVENATED A 45th-Market St. 46th UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OPENS TOMORROW MORNINCArTERNOON-EVENING FOR fCE SKATING WATClt DAILY NEWSPAPERS FOR rURTHEIl A!INO"NCEMENT tjuunrrrt BaRRBRRJUMT the we?ids artt VAMDi DAILY MATS.. 2 15 EES AT 8 15 WATSON SISTERS FANS' tMl Mini 111 t ti Mi I'le n r S'lOI IN Stt , I Iv STEPPE and O'NEAL At Iff I. tWM It JOHNNY Ili:i!KIS UK KOf If TttIO FIVE KINGS OF SYNCOPATION nml a Illir f hnrn -,f liiiniv 11 nii'ln t" SHUBERT te v.r 5. St" SPECIAL MATINEE NEW YEAR 3 DAY NIGHTS AT 8 30 Mat. Thurs. f'" $1.50 PAULINE 'mm T -). (IN PERSON) VteGUILTY ONiS s u A CDiflOnj. nOAMATIr" DlAV Pep Mats. Thurs. tc Sat. Brst Snti. $1 51 LYRIC NIGHTS AT 1 SHARP 3 MATS THIS WEEK MATS. TOMOR, FRI. & SAT. BLOSSOM WiEOfSOMA 1MB, i WITH OPlCIMi Ai$BVNAT 2VA.MlA5iAOU n Y CAST ' m KWifnm M nil! dli ( in m in 111 I II I v Ot! N M' Ml "tt N I HI it, FORREST Irjr-fS' srECIL P0PL'LH TJAT TRIDAY FflUimmfe5 PWAtS Rfly,U OSCKrSTRA nittWUttflUefKlWBj7fc5 fl A T?I?TiPTr Te.N'ir.HT AT 8 IS MAT SAT u.-iiViliHL;lEi;iii.An MAT POP MATS TOMORROW ,. THURSDAY WEEKS 0:.-LY ATL SEATS e:.' SAIE I ivr, 3 By Autheri cf Mr"n 'f tlm Mjv e WITH HELEN HAYES BROAD MATS TOMORROW 4 SAT NIGHTS AT 3 15 BERT SVIANTELL and GENE I EVE HAMPER SHAKESPAItr : TLASSIC PLAYS ten:ght MERCHANT OF VENfCE W r M.t Julilll C'fll- Wei IfVI t A. I I T'iur O-ii-" Fri Mafh,v It Rn ee 1' Tu .... Sa'. ;;,Bht sar Ma-' i.'llll 2 15 US Ttwit i"l St El n Mari VArDEVILLE S Ii:T i I SI -; , 1 71 V T . S Pasteur Centanar Celebration THE PUBLIC i i ... , s 1 ll.'lfi. yl 11 i I i ,' Tn 1 1 r 1" I ' B I.I I hUpi II -a. Ill II , , .,. v w II iv. i . . k . , v i I .- t. !ni'm f ur i I i II .i - I p. 1 M, I I 1 'I I I uf I'll V u 1 I I ' IVi- Ml ! I I n i l.f til U--I Ithl It t PI fr in l i .i n i- I nn I li V I, i. 1 1 It u 1- I II V Ml ' M ir'i '1 lr-i 1' l h A 'l. '. " M l i l I' I - il t l ii M N -l y r'( if... . , ,i I r rii l'i Hnl.r-rt . i i. IT,. II I"- I 1 1 , I il eunir- of tl i . f it.- i r I i t i -n or fi li i , , h fl ' ll I' n EITH'S THEATREi AUNT JEMIMA I Raymond L ,. c.ut, Orel,..,,. TOM SMITH Mnuricn Dumenl k Cn t juril, . Jenrii Jfcmi-k n,i, .. . V.. '.; nnd MISS LEITZEL ' h... . .. n !" Arui Irilli" --. ,.tw ma um i 3(j 4 30. S p M A ndi in) PHILADELPHIA , sat.' nTr-ini!'.11 "l'l'.. II in ( l.f.i ADELPHI mm, lrYTli rrin in nsislhftsir i r V-AsV 4MU JTT V 11 1 Direction BUnlcy Cemptny of Amrll. S& ynsy v"5Pffff I NINKriiKNTH A JIAIlhBI 11 A. M. tn It P. M. JACKIEGJOGAN IM ' CHAItLEa DICKENB' r, IKMORTAI. HAETERPIECn " Len Chansy Gladys miVER Brcckwn tmMm Lionel Barrymera 1 Tvl&l I.TVT MFtV VFAM'Hl lDCOt Them Mclnhm In "Biek Hrm anil Ureh.t' cv rears is.vc UFqrRVED heats mxen DAVIES WHEN WAS IN FLOWER W1QU 161b & MAR.KET NOW ,,'I.M. RESERVED SEATS FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE MIDNIGHT PERFORMANCE ALDINEi-H If you were one of these who saw He:; Injrinm'h yrent picturizntiens of "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" and "The Prisoner of enua, you must net laii te sec this marvelous hit! F l WOMEN REX INGRAM'S LATEST TRIUMPH A prorireeuc enehantinir master- liccu of phetrplay ait, revpaling' nJ tale of a notorious Piiri&ian temp-j toss and her strange power ever, he dc--tiniei5 nnd htart. of menj Wl 1 M BARBARA LaMARR RAMON NAVARRO LEWIS S. STONE A M-TRO PICTURE ei'i:NMi-4ffl A M TO t is r. m TALMADGE IN FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION EAST IS WEST ADDED ATTRACTION Bmltr Kealen. "The Electric Heme" E A I A iC .111 .' MAI. KIT I .l-i-i.V-.Ij . t M lull IM' M GLORIA SWANSON In THF ivnQiis'ptr WRS HET I EW" ARCADIA!:,ll,,,,VV-.V,Ii Kathcrhe MacDonald ' Demeitlc RMatleni" VlCiOkLA-i't" LON CHANEY M t IIM I te 11 11 I'. SI -BLIND BARGAIN" CApneL;!1! , M t UI Kl M i 11 13 1 M RCD0LPH VALENTINO "Ycuns Ralah' LOBE .11 Ml'KIt AMI tt ttn-rr )l Tfl tt THE TPUE XMAS SPIRIT FINDS HAPFINESS MAKING OTHERS HAPPY mj the Whole Family te See Our Y'iM d- Vaudst ille Bill .E.W lirt r1 i- v .- ji e?i '!" RECEI:VI 'r,'r'' V ON SALE rrrv t n'l!' a v kpead . vydfu tt.w.. "" VAUDEVIII.E 'inPAr" v'etitt'. iuvpiei Wel'ace Reid in "Clarencs" 'UJr-:;ENY 1 )H I S. AT 'f mrs-v !i I' - jf. n Dorethy Dalten, Jnclc licit "D 111!. UK. II s.;as" ' hv'" T"v v " ' vvrt'ri T'P CROSS KFYS "THE OLD " ' MM?F TIMERS" ' Opeh'mc Te Day I LOlVI. tT lk, 9, flOD B Restaubant ju inc ai 'ur.nt t c u A3 rTia tmsatm DP,'.1-"1,881 "' JOHNSf JOHNSONS u RE'JE "7;2.i ' ORCHC5TBA iu S Taji: c.iesv.tiens New Fer New Years if 0JI ItSIIVATDNC TO Mill OIHI eecrc3as3Bia2BnurjuHiiii BROAD SI 1HCA1RE -llnlid.y Event n 1. VI XT Tilt' rniL'Av at I r t i i ,; si V M) i' ve t; bv Ch 1 .rn DEC. 28-29 - I in: i-i.uti rss ji m:ilk -m i:'l K.V Ui.WY. COMPANY ., I'll' -I Mill' II P'.I llllllll I ' l'i AV H'l II til SNOV WHITE A-.d ,he 8e,.n , . DujirM I U 1 I 1 I II li I t 1 I . I. I I t "l. iv"" ' '' . inn "SLEEPING BEAUTY" " SFE T'"' U,r of n"' ' U II. Ill" Ftrmilti t T vddlT IIu, urUn n.i.KrXiP luimv Cerns ' mil "' ''j T ckf 'Oc t !il 80 Hew tt Thutr. i? DUMONT'S " ffiW'iiTMi EMMET WELCH Min.trcWr I MATINEE EVERY DAY TJII3 WErw Tut TOYS TOR THE OUILDRPv EE ..l THI3 W PIULDREM ? r I bmmmw si FUNG II drj?J7iF'rryi M-KJenu trPHJfc i a liietli ti flir'TNl'T CONSTANCE P t V yjA iMART Place forSwrtPeepuj- II 53ANCH or MU9Ar S H!.j ,t Ntw yerT CASINO 0,n ".iv'nu- Ml, Tl. "t-na MEDINI' -" ' m H!'1 t fe 1 1 r i 3"S (9 a u 1 , .rt COUlXr 1'l'ttn'l.t. I Chuckles pi oil l -Al(t- .,!! Il'i I A i jL Jrm riill1l4.i mtmmtmym'J taUi.