Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 26, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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VOL. IX.-NO. 88
Kutcrcd ns Hdcenl-rims Matter nt the PnMnmrp nt Philadelphia. Ta.
Under the Act of March 0, 1870
Published tallv Kxri-M Hiim1' ""."'p.1'"," '''Xmriny '" W ''''
Copyright. 10'JL", ly Publle Ledger nmpany.
Louisiana Farmer, Nephew of.
Prisoner, Saw Klansmen i
With Heeds Lifted
Prosecution Will Produce Men
Who De Net Fear te Give ,
Bastrop. I.n.. Dec. -Hi. Secret
fcnlcp men who have Worked mi the
MP ecvrrnl months, mid here today
tlicStnle would Ijo able te Identify scv- '
rrnl incniliprs of thp intit-Unl Km Kluv ,
Klan mob which last August kidnapped
(he Met- linage resident, including
IVnlt Daniels 11 ml Themas UlchnnK
wliese drcapltaicil bodies were taken
from 11 licnrb.v lake It week, i
Iterr.v VIniftiin. n farmer, will
trutlfv III'' opening hearing nrdcied
U- fievpinnr Pinker le Iiejjin Jaiiuur.v
8 thnt he witneed I In- M'i.int' mid
irilritlng away nf the lii I'lnrti mill reeeg- I
rlzed Femi' of the iiliilnrlnrs vvIipii thpy j
llflfd their heeds te drink water they
find forced l.hn In L'i'i f"r tlii'in. Ilii'1
nvestlS''itfrs M1'''- Wlirlxlmi" was held ,
mi In tin1 liaml en the Mer Heugc- I
TJnalrep liisliwiij. it was said, mid mil
for water liv the 1lilr-i nii'ii.
The iiivevtlsntnis declined m dlelnse
tlie vilni,' wlii'rriilieiils. In)' niic
icpei t s.'iid lie i" Miiiii'wlirrc in Mlvxis
ilppl iiiiiIit tin pnilrctldli of :i Keel -
.Miellirr ri'peit wii-4 tiim
Committee Headed by Dr. Up-
degraff Would Give State
Superintendent Mere Power
Cut in State Aid Proposed.
Taxpayers Would Have
te Meet Deficit
i Apprixnl of tlie p.-M'iitlnl feature"
I of tlie .iwnllt'l KiiiPRini preRrnm for
the rclinlillltiiliini of the Stnte's M'lioel
system i. oeiitainrd in the report en
this iniii'li -debuted n'l"- im. te Oov-crner-clect
I'liicliel's ' Citizens' Coin Cein
nilttee en Sfnte I'liinnres, wlilrh uiis
Milmillti'd IeiIii.n liy Dr. Ilnrlitn t'pil"-
'The report i purl of the survej m.idi'
h, Dr. rpiU'srnff into the ll-enl poll pell
i'ie of the Ciiiiuneiiuciillli n tlii' nf
feet the Stnte Depiirtnient of l'uhlie
Instruct en. of which Dr. TIhiiiih K.
1 l''iliej?nn Is the heml. It is the fourth
section of the general survey. 'I he
! fifth mid finnl section will be published
One recommendation of the icpert
rhnt the Stnte Superintendent be biwii
even mere power mid be niiide pecrciarv
mid e.ecilip elficer of the various hi,
'beards vhlcli control iippropiliulens in j
Carriers and Producers Insist Women Appear Before Media ,""' ''" t "" ,,r ',i''ll", '-,
i catien. This would allow the m-nnll-
Fuel Is Being Mined and Judge te Oppose Twe Li-
Ksmi"-r!v lmi i
I J nllBSH V
Missing Ten Days Uners ,With Decks Awash, X M A S
. "Wwm -m m rw mm m m m .m s ... . - - -
tight aeas mountain-my nm nuv mim
Ships Driven Frem Their Usual Lanes by One
of Fiercest Tempests Ever Known in
Northern Atlantic Ocean
li" wi fun "d te 'i' In- sluii li
knots b. a blew etil rliil"d l.
he had been hi off Tutticeiln in
Indian (lectin in than lueiitj Main
iikh. The cicv ii in niNKIiis tlimuijli-
mil the li ip.
below deck'..
!ii .
'I'm Xei'lm.il. wlin h Mi'lKcd thteeijin
Inn', lied tl- f.i.n,' i.peili'ii" 'I'll'
I'lll'fll S(. lie-. . Wi i.- cMlli',- '.''I'
in.iin lieu.'s leiichl il- wav ilnm.'i e
wind vlticli ni lid rutin l"1' ,, l-M
miles an bun' In vclei'itj 'np am
iddbeii: said the storm Iicrhii en De-
kiiiIht 1 and liiHi"! until liecciiitiei
l)ici's, under uillllary piotrctlen, scanlicd the lalie near Mer Ueue.
I.a.. fnt- ilajs In irrnver the bodies of Watts Daniels anil Themas Kkli
aril, alleged Ivu llu Klan xictluis. before the Iniillrs were found in Lake
La Keiinhc. This pliole sbew.s a diver InuliiK helmet adjusted. Tedd
Dannpnrt, nut' of the turn who was hldnapprd anil later released li the
Klan. Is standing with Ids hand en his hip
D.'iiiuhter of Mr. anil Mrs. Charles
i:. Wneil. of Atlantic Highlands.
N. .1.. who has brt'll niissliiR sline
Deiembir III. Her parents fear
she litis been kidnapped
Actress Continues te Shew Marked
I'nils. Dec. 'Jt!. lily A. P. l Th Th Th
loiidltien of Mine. Sarah llernluirdt
t.ln.ifnl fm'flinr I niiiri ivclnpnl tbiq morn-
iiiK. and her physicians said that the ule
ti.iitniiii.ti' r.finulilci'fil her net of dan- et'ian
tlu ls' Hltf'' '"',
Ni-H erli. Die. -'. Vielenl
letnpest.s of the sort known eiili te sea
soned mariners of the Netlb Aliunde.
aKiimsl the lim.liliR power of which
huse ocean liners ire bin Minis. .ocl.le .ecl.le
sin lis. iie i-iiiji'd lli"ni"lb llif hist week.
brcalcnliii' intnller M""'- with me-
sli iii'iieti. wrecking th- 'l"ck ciiiii
mcni of steamship-. diiiuiR In I liners
nit of their usual laiii" and "h-ikim;
terror le ihe henrf "' hundreds m
pas-eiipei's. m-i m il'tia te wiri'l"s re re
jierts received V'da
Helentless Bales. iIii.iuk lunec with ej U,P, (. wireless iti)i:iriit ii" un
tile schedules of the liirg"' steuinshlp wrecked. Tlic snjp, h" said, wn- alib
companies, desiil., je-leldav h. of- , te make nnl two knots ill tei l.v -ei'.'lit
ticers .. the (Vdrlc the Ze-land and fJ'1; MrNi ,.,. A,,chnere mm-
Pn-spiccrs were imilini'd
v hii-h W'M'e nwa di cmi
the I'nited Slnti'-. whii'li arrived scpiiii t1 MM, under half speed, her raptain
tin's l.'Hc utter weiillieilns the worst i cpui-tinc that h" bail
... .i..'. i.:. .. ...:n ..... .. i.i storms e' liiirricimc Ien
sioieis ii ii I'll in-iiii .--, sun in,- ,ni i- - , . ., I ..
.t , t .i .i...i , .'.,,. ihe eiiliic trip liem Kettcrilam
l""t- "" " " '" "" ,'"" but a few dn.
The Mimcliuriii and l.a Saveic e- .1 .. . . . ,,nii,2 n leak and PJfut tot
niilM' mi of her 1 iiiK" of siiyar beet mnlaes Inni
le be jettiMili-d
Members of Speed "Parties"
Spread Tragedy Through
Streets of City
Aged Chester Weman Kiltad
While en Way te Place
Wreath en Grave
Ttncnl w."s abroad in the street? of
tin- fit earl this inernlnsc in thu
form of pest -''bflstmtis jeyrider,
whose tell Included Ihe killltis of enn
til f 1 it 1 In, rn nhnlili, fntill ill 111 F- nf nil'
encountered ., . r 1 .111
tliiniiuheiil "''"'r "nd Hie painful injury of 11 third.
All Ibese casualties fnlleWPfi en till"
tietled lelav tliej Weu'd
Thur.-da. two ilnj bite 'Ihe NiaRaia.
due leilat i.'iertcil -be would 'i t"
fiRhl her wav te purl liunotrew.
The '.iretna reported fiem llnllfat
that -he bad been fun-eil le put In
llieie The Mount t'llirel )s hup hole
and the President Menree in Londen
lonienuw . but both far behind -ilied-
111 of the llnllmid pert beds of ether automobile accidents thnt
incurred In and near Phihiilclphin en
Christmas Dai.
Heliert Hull, forty-five jears old, of
Jll'I West Sargent street, ns stniek
In n car tilled with shouting, roisterinif
llpenstiiwu. Dec 'J) P.epeit- ac
cumulate of the violence of the gal
which has prevailed in the Aiilantic
Tin- 1'iiptnin of the steamship New (Je- ' merr.Miiakers at Jliilpe avenue and Spv-
lumbia. which leturne,! te pert te 11- enteentb street. Me dleil of Ills Injilrirn
ti enish her oil fuel suppn said In- had , ....
rrcciMMl an SOS from three ships. " few minutes later.
te which lie leplied. but heard 110 mere. Archibald Hlnir, seventy-fim yrnrn
He believed tbe.v feunilereil. ' old. ISliO Arch street, wns hit bv nn-
,,r s.n r- nt storm- wlie TJi,. Celtic bad lifeboats and deck fit-
ether joyriding party nt Spventi-enth
flliileil liners tlltn lie t wstcril.n -lllll .int. Itf.nilefl 1 i.lnl.i.lliin riminriil ..ftlinl
' " ,, 1. , -,..".,....,- -...,
'I'l.m- iisani-iml (leu if lite nctrpss' re - ! i be Inn IICM-i belere -"' 11 ihe tieaclier- ,.r.i.seiiL'ers le etbei e in 1 lei s. Th,. C:ir- 1 S'reet nnil Ilie larkuny. lie js net
....... -, . . - v . . . . .1"" "-.: . - - . . ..
uinrknble recover. cenlinued there was ,,Ms North Atlniinc 10
11 pnsslhilitj that'she intght still nppear Intrt ii--iih- iiioeiI a- 1I11
in the new (Juiirj play as planned. n:-lit.
oral niiei'i .iiiiiii.er ri'pjin wns imu hle) ,s tJ0nng mined and JUCIge tO UppOSe IWOLI- 'nation of cxpendllilUM tn the miiieiis'
Iia II lllll III kllKfllf fl ill lE'lllltl I C 1 t I - -
-lone nij 1 ijier stale wiinc-; Shipped With Rapidity cense Petitions , ':hi "'' schoeis-u,,iM.,.si.- ,,.i-
netlier wilne-s is reported le Iiiim' ' ' ' leges, normal schools, high and piemen
lieen lenaned te Texas le await tin.' - ' tarv -cboels.
"f"wm,e .,NPi. f .,..,. ,e,- "AVE PLENTY OF CARS DECISION IS RESERVEDipJfr'lW
Mltless.i Nephew of I 1 Istmei , at the rnixerslty of PennsjUania. leads
IMielsleiie told the authorities he is " j i.jcf;
11 nephew of D. .1. Iturnetl, former I Whl'i- hou-elielilcis nre In -leginu ic- . A vtiloen does net 'belong te the pic- I "The ' State Dcpaitmenls of Public
iS-'inmIm. ,!,',",r"t,r,'.'.. "'r",,,!,",!"!'"" ""! flH-" fr fn-l. and refiiler lures,,,,,, and home-like atmespliere of Inslnictien of ether States increased
Urn latbd beie en tlic charge nf niur- , ' ' .. 'their persennels inure inpidly than did
.ler. Iliiiiictl is the lirsl alleged m.'iiibei '" -eme Insianci- take the view thnt Diexel Hill, several women ipsideiits tl)at '( VllIIHylvMlln ,1,,,'ing the lifteen
nf the bended mob te be arrested. 1 In scar.ilv is 'worse tlian ever be- of the place contended today when they 'years preceding 1!lU().
Pltins fur tlic open bearing here will if,,,,." niilread ellieiiiU and Id" iire-' appeared in the Media cnurlhnitp and' VTliu number of miff officers new in
he fm i.iulated tit a ceufeicnce in New , , eptlmi-tlc ptetesipd against the ginntlng of two the Stnte Depnrtmeiii of Public In-
Orlr.ins net 'Ihiirsdny of these con- 1 , ! . ,. ' striictien in Pcniisyivania in preper-
ilueting the impiir.v The corenei V in- h"""' "f ,,H' vl,i,",i""- , liinmr licensps. tjel, , ,0 MUmbPl. 0f pupils enrolled
iiii'il eer tlip bodies of MameN and Charles II. l.wing. mcc tuc-iiletil ei 1 ney sain tliey nail net only tne I in the public schools i near tbe average
IK, I, .,.,! .,.! il 1' il... V.. I
., 11 lit. tin ..nil in,- 1 i.ijii ,,1 111, .,-11
Orleans pathologists who cenibicteil the
autopsy will be di-cu-spil.
Tlnts-e iirqiKliuted with the characjT
ef the wilnesses Ihe .State will call arc
.nitlieritv for the statement that the.v
will nut fear te tpstifj. It was this
spirit of ih'lialice te the lobed mid
masked men that is believed te li..ve led
le the death of Daniels ami Richards.
Htli fought these men epenlv even '
after thev were kidnapped for ipiestien-
111; in entiling le llie-e said ! he in- I
111.I Ueinliii" Itailwav ' Stale law but al-e that of the 1'ederal fin- eleven representntivi States.
jC.tvcrniue.il In hind them and that they) "While the salaries paid thc.-e staff
. , .. . , officers are higher than In ether States.
ig a let -ibeiil a thi.it en going te light-te tlic finish. lhpj. ,M. J1( 1J(.UI. tlmll wns necessary
i' niinrs. Thei.' i no' While two score ether cases were , te obtain the sprvhes of the individuals
shortage of cars al t nines. I ,- ''eard b the curl. Unit of Drexrl Hill j emplejed. The fact thnt these elliceis
.... . r , 1 'belli th.. sn.itlielit lire net ppriiiitte.l te take fees for serv-
e-lly believe a I.n of the seme abeiil "(ll the spetligl.t. K ,n ,1Vnnsvlvlllill m. te .,., ,.,,.
I lie Philadelphia
said :
"W'v a ip healing a let -ilieu
age of pars nt the niinrs, Tltei.
coal l.'llliine ttinl V e Meal aleilt s
"The inlncs are being supplied with
cats, pud the inal Is being inevcil te
J hose who spek the licenses are Mrs. ,,.,.-., f,. .vi-ltiiiir lmelts Hbenbl be taken
Vtitib. P. Ceiuiliiin mid .Iiipeb Schech. ! into account In this connection. Alse
the I net that 111 ether Slates the sal
aries are frequently lived bv statute
lip, but it must be lemeiiibpieil tlllll
for ment'is no coal wn lueilucid at
all. We imp lnhiinl in inal: v" Cltl Cltl
tlel esi'iipn tliat fa I ."
Ne I), maud Cor Cars
formed. ,il,s citv l.v tin PhihnHphia im-i
Attei.ie.v.s for lliirnetl me mnieus K hl . n. ,-,,,, ,ls h p,,,,!,,,,.,'," M,.
ler n ruling en their petition for a pre-,,, . ' ,.
limliiarj nial for their client thieiigh . '"" '"iiiniued. "Ne one can tell
ilie tpgiihir court channels. The peli- I w hen the pipm-iiI -ilualieu will e'ear
Meil ninde before District Judge ( bleiii
has Iippii ferwariled in Atteriip.v !eu
fral Cece, vvini lias taken no action.
(lovrnier Parker, at Union Keiige
'ndnj. declined te ntlirni or deny a
lepert that the Stnte luiil two men in
nstn.lv who have made .eniplete con cen
fi'sulntis Clirlstiaiis ditniPis wpte served ves
tday te the troops stationed here' mid
at .Met Itniii.i, f lilt, .j .L, ..1 1.
I'flDles of ml I i t in liete nrnl neu ui, n I Leiiiiimeui Ceimiain . said teday: "Wei I'Yniii the attii.ideef .Iinlri. .lelmsnn
inea wete eiilertaliied al a dinner given I have ler -ale, for imniPilliit" dellver.v , hefere w lien, the pielext was made, ir
". hip ctitPi et tie lenartm, nt of I , ,,. .n.1.1. 1 i..
' . II III I ll Illlll I I'l 111 '11 I 'I III I I .1 I .S I II si-i 1 i,-,- -
I iible . on.lliien at Norvve.nl Station. Pa.
1 "In spite of the fait we have of ef
leieil these cars te vntuall.v cverj rail rail
lead (einpan.v and shipper of utal. Imtli
Until wpip in . eurt.
Net in Dre.xel Hill 1 .m.i nl(V' 1.,..,... tlum the.v should be in
It is contended hv the license sppI;pi's , erilpr te secure persons nf the highest
that their ptopese.l pstiihlisliinpnt- eflieleney.
would be in (iarietlferil and therefore 1 Salarien Nene Toe High
tliat tlic indignation of the Drevel Hill "Salaries are no higher than aie
i.sucnts s L'eesraii 1 c.il v nut ,.c .-,n: tipiesstirv te eiiiain nun 110111 iiipu ami
if neil.ii... nUe -Ivvemen of high qualifications.
'IllSII.e Ien .s
nation heic.
conducting the Jmcsil-
; ll is ,iu.,t possible thnt engineers.
ppiluiis inalliPtuaticians, mnv have te
be engng'.l te fettle hij pliiise of the
lienting out Mr. Kwing's statement j The-e conversant with the topeg-
ciicPining the car supply, .lames K. I ,""!; ",' ."",' , M,',;l,." '"-v ;'''' 't fe.i 1
., . . . . , -, ' .,., I is tile seu h side et Carrett re.ul, while
i.niiKii. iininiifc'-i in in- 1 inn.-... i.uiii . iireet lllll ,s ilie nurlh side.
was evident thai he was net itnpresspil
with the line of le. alien drawn. lie
-aid s, 1 ;n ply. "I'm aiquaintpil th.tr-
per cent 01 tile sunt nave tPit 10 accepi
nnsitlens elsevvliere under conditions
that would give tliPin larger llmiuclal
returns ilinn in tlip State Department
of Public Distinction.
"The expenses of the Department per
pupil enrolled in Uip StntP and the per
capita of population In the State are
net quite se high as thp average fur
nished by eleven representative north
ern States.
"The bureaus have been, en the
whole, conducted in an efficient man
ner, n is ni'iieve.i ttiat ine uatu pn
Mine. Ilernhnrilt was tnken vvltli a
fainting spell during a dress rehearsal
of the pla.v several da.vs age. mill suffer
ed n relapse Siimlnv.
It seemed almost ns though that
miracle which the medical turn said
was necessary te save the life of the '
"Divine Sarah" bad happened. Man
lice lternhar.lt. her son. said the tin- j
prevement was se marked that the doc. 1
ters had iiprmltted bevcial intimate
tiiends In visit thp patient.
Sees Plan te Sidetrack Pneumatic
Tubes j
Congressman Vaie aiiiieuuied today
thnt lit' would tight thp plan of the '
I'e-tmastpr (ieiipral's office te iticrea-f'
! thp number of trucks carrying mail en
tlip streets of Philadelphia.
Mr. Vare said what was needed were
additional pneumatic tube sv stems and j
net mete automobile tni'J;s. '
"I have filed with tlic Postmaster
'tietipral." said Mr. Vaie. "a petition I
1 signed l.v the seven members of the I
; in.ii. ..1. ..... :.. .1..1 :,.,, ,,.i ..1... 1., I
II lllllllil I lllltl ,H-l".l 11, "H ....! ll-' l.
Senators Pepper nml Ueed urging earl.v
cnnsi(lcrntinn of the plan nf installing
I mure tubes. New I have a letter from
I Washington wlicb indicates a pnssibili
j t.v that the tube project will be shle
1 trai ki'il in favor of t rucks.
! "I expect te take up with the Pest-
master tJeiieral the unwisdem of sub
stituting trucks for tubes. Market
street, for instance. Is scjircel.v safe as
it i. witli se 111:1 nv automobiles, and
tlic addition of fast -driving mail tiucks
would serieush add te the pre-ent con
gestion, (lur thickly traveled streets
need less, net mere congestion
11' '. b .1 pr.'tia. ted mania, vv Indi
ring tne last fe"' compelled te I a v
Friihi.v . She le
Saturdav, was cvpe. ted te live.
. .. t,,r six. heurs: Ilirry Achermnn. l.-.KM Seuth Mam-
1 1 i'ihjii 1 p 11 il 'I Fuil'irt
IIOHE Die. C3. Premisi- KusseTTni has ordered tV cir."7f
. .. 1.-...:. 1,a ttnuc ee Ixtin'n,'' nf l'cl'
UO'.lt V 111 .'. I15W UCS1K U"illii-Jj "' i-s- -
I Lv the ancient lictore as the emblem of a '.nic.it Rr.-
..i tn" new Italy regenerated l)y tne Tascisti. 'ine iascibu ue
vl.'I their name from this emblem.
J2EW YORK. Dec. 26. The office of the "Inch consulate."
n which Daniel J. McGiath directed the attaiib et the D:ul
i.:n in this city before he lcceived a letter threatening death
, ,ie lc-i the country befeie Denemeer 20, was closed teuay.
, ii: Irl.i .ilfalrs m the city claimed they did net knevv
K. TcGratli was.
M Arrests Kxpreletl
Atl.'inev tictieral Cece aiiiieuui cd
liat Ihe Slate especlcd In aricst ni
eiighl.v with Hun neiglihorlienil." This ' seined relative te the number of schools
. 1.1 i-iiini nun pun!- in ine aiguinetil. 1 visited, centerencps lietii. mlilresses
ip iiiijii nirs sum iiip.v were psnp-i,i,, Iniim-s writen sv llnlii iti-..ii.'it ei
in.elisiil beiaiise .Mrs. Cenalian Imni-s ner ilnv snent at vverk. etc.. when
-t -IV 111' seven ...lite lli'l.nll. ,111 In lilts I'lilllll.v .Mil ill I llllllll.l. We have lllolte-e, III cslnli Ish ,1 snlnit. i ll,nl ... 1 t.. .....: 1.1. .1.. i.:..i.
.,, , ' 1 ' ' , .. ., ; "" '" "" ('onsiuprce 1.1 ihoiu'iih.e wun ine uigii
'I.IU-- of inuider. I,,,,,.,, ,lni,,. , ,is, f , ,. . verj limbing new H.il as a center by ,,Uiilllicntiiins of the staff clearly iudi-
ii m 1. " .nl "i;l",' ",f ' "' ""'" ,IP I' Kb Ihe pi ices iiskt.l aie vety tea- "", )"-'"1 "''I -m in u in t.v Club. ,., thn, ,he Stale has rwelveil full
lu-nsi iTi'!Sr S 1 ,!; C" -S i .-!'"',' 'I"- Hail ( l Siienlllv I return for the money expended.
M,,,k ::l::r'T rTV: m'-alrsi,,, i:!!-!',!,! " ::, lira Ei'. ; n,,",,,ip" nn r- T-
avail llicm-eives ,,t nvei.v nppeniiiiii.v j,,.,. , ,. Schn. h Alter loekliiL- ..be,,.
... ism ,'lins., .tn ti.'iil ,ii:il em's. Mills re. ' 1' 1 i. . 1 . , . '
" . ' . 'i 11 .".'; ' - v enaiian nnitgur
, iicv i.iK .in-inisiiii -nn. 1 ... .- .- in,, nun. iing ii-eii ,nr tin- lemmuuiiv
all I lent." ' iiiei'lings.
as ' Alt emcl.il 01 Ilie riiiia.icii'iiiii inc. .--111' was p.i,i,ieiit. 111 imiv nuicMv it
..i ... 1. .. ,. .
" "i is. 1 ciieial agellls have
mreil thev have the named of
IWt'lllt III. inlieis ,,,' 11, m,,),,
Atlnlavits will be lllllile nl'illns
I'PlMin lu.iiile.l tn l.v i ev idem p as'
iTiiiKititi l.iiplic.'iicil nl Ihe public bear- lieinlltig I u.il ami Hen i innpanv is said, hi cause N Inn li proposes te e
lll"S VII ............ ..Ill I... 1 ,...i,,l..,l ..ill tli.',. Ills, i lllllll.'l ll 111IS Nllll. . it,,, I.,... ,,,......,.) ,.l I. ,
,7 ' " I" ' '"lis 11 ill lie I 1 I'l' ill I'll I IT 1 "M 1 it, .. 1 .1 t.,i nri ii'T.iii iii ,1 .ijiiiiiuiv 1 , . ; ,, ... . - , .
"Ills ... nil At tin. cMiieliist,,,, ,.! il. nil in.' tile dealers nf lb" dlv Willi the Chn.'les A W.iifiiei. iircsi.l,..,. f .1., Keeil. is critically ill III the Lllllkena
1 .. ' .'" '.' L..' . " ... .1 . " . ' '' ' II !..,. ..I
"Hiring 1 1,1,1ml .lur.v will be invnkiil iiUinil tens 01 aiitiiiiu in- 11 111011111 nun .111,1. was timmig tln.se 111 limit ie(a.v
"id linli-inn nts ictuin.,1 vvlicte in-t i ; vvas pieialsed Mayer Mimic in a leltei ', ' , , , ,,un-e ter the eigntii-
,,0,1 ' ! when thesmiiitv et luel tii--1 began 1.. mil,,,, velnd the chief points of tin
HI" HI-, Mill' VII III' I Mill llelei IV I in III' It'll. , lllll Csl . I
Noted Surgeon and Cousin of Kid
napper's Victim In Hospital
Dr. (ieerge I!. Ue-s. premiueni siif'
?', v '' al. ii--sii I iv St. Clair I
Ailaiiis ,,t ,,,N Oriejii-, ,,r r Distib'i ,
.Mlm1.11 ami (Ieerge S. 'iulmi. Asss
'"l'1 l v tielieral. ,
sit I'lei I 'n I'lienlei l, 1I11 v., nit ,. .i.li.ii. I .i.lli b.liikit
'ir"" Ill li. M. Mi Keln, 1 1-1 ' The sit'iiiu 1011 was f.u wins.
'"""I l Ml'l .'mi'.i. I,,.l..., . ,1 1., I,., . 1
, I llispuill, IH'I ''
, for three weeks
, 1 The siirg 1.
the I niversiiy
has been centiued
who is a graduate of
of Pennsylvania. 1-
hflv '.ears old. lie lives al 17'JI
witness et Ilie healing 1 has been clesld b.v ICC. lie lleclaics, and
The Meichiuisc parish , 11 nni-i al-e be rememben il, he said,
bad net leiemil mi i tlm nml si 1 1 i.i I Ii in is i ana hie of cha mri nn
1'llsvnr 1,, llN KI..M,.,,,,,, ! ,111IM meiulgbl
Miinine, L,i., H,,., n( flu A ,, . j Hiillil.i,v Hulls Preduetliiu
""Hi. nil. lien nl the mm. huh ! Unwevei. uvvitig in i he Christmas
inn ii,s 11,1,1 liv nlhcials nf Julius bnlidavs, half of the It. 'a. ling da I and
j"1 li"" .,' "lyistlv al liallini thai I I cdlciics rie il I down tnda.v,
,,' 'i, 'I McKeiu. Iniiner Ma.viir nf nnil the lubiinc me short handed.
inniic was nu le-Jlsleiei 11s n
Sl'Mie I Ml CI I I llll I'SS.II'V I ,. .111, ,. ,t,.i I l.m lin. .,,,i.l.. ... .1.,
Thai nllielal al-e leek the view theie pie I -al....iis beans,. ,I1M VWII1, .spntce sticel. and Is a nienilie.. or tli
was much 11111 ss,,rv panb ever the, both be ab.n 1 ''.-li feel front t he public sJKi',iil stuffs of the l.ankemiu. Meth-
,.,l siiiintl.iii . . I ) 1 . , 11 - 1 1 the siniiilv N sclmel and 1' least lllll 1 bildieii w.ml.l ' '"'l-L .eriiiaiilnvv n nd Iiuvpi-sIiv
, ,. . . 1, ..!...!. 11.. 1... : a
iiiive 10 p.i-s 10111 in, ices itallv . Ie al-e 1 " ' '""' , , ' 1""-1" "'
as-eri 'il thai a -iiI'idh would be a gicat I ''hnrlli' Hess. truce nf whom was le.'
di.advaniag' ter tin icasen thai Dreel I "'"'r b'' ""s kidiiapped from bis Imini
Hill was grnvviiig last as a hniin. , enter. , in lieriiiantew 11 fnrtj -eight j curs. age.
lie aildetl lb. 11 a siilimn would be a blnl '
in l'.iir'
ei llitnuii. he ii'i.i in I,, , ' linn ,,1 i.n in iiiiinii. 1 mil. situ,, nt tlmt
"I'let.i it ..ihi.,s llnpkiii. 1 ciiei.in nl , tiinc. bl'nwmg tbe.lrlke. I here was 110
"'"'nil' it iti'lruitiiii. It t m te 1 i'l 111 11 In i mill III sight m all. Lake navigation
urn 1.111,1 ,1.. I,
"li .latin, 11 ,-,
li'MII -aid In
Cuiisi, was set nl""' here last night by
.1 npeit that lie had lieen seen in a
n siaiirant liere
I. Seaver Ilamiliuii. pinpiiemi. told
pnh. that one .if ilii..,, men who ale
in lii. cafe looked vi iv mm h like l.ilb-
li.linl pi. lures nf ISerg.le'l. and lane a
I -1 riitinv uiieasilv ,
I'his will liiilhei 1 iti In 1 1 pioiluclien.
011 tbe ieiiiiiuiiiiiv 111 vcvi of ilii. and
uigeil ilie 1 'I'll te lel'ii... beib nppli.
I catiens.
"Il w 1 mi hi be bail cne'igli te have one
Is'lnun," .an! Mi. Ceiiatil. "but two.
mid etilv a .linli ilistatice apart, wh.v
il 's iucmii 1 IV lllll .
Mr. Wat' lev lew eil the hi..terv of
Diesel lllll
explain- His Pnilcst
Victim Believed te Have Turned On
Jet by Accident
William Jennings, ivvpiit pight vent,
old and niembei of a (low mew 11 ' New
Year mummers' nrgntii'atleii, wa wa
feiilid dead in 11 gas-tilled room nl In.
home, i:t III Smith Dorrance street, te.
erli. Pa.. Dec 'Jli "I'ntt.v" Ai
. ekln's return In the motion picture
win Iii has arnu.eil the sentiment of the
ministers! and women nf Yerk.
Mrs. , II Ilavward. IipiiiI of tlip
public wellaic depal tinetit et the
W.'liiau's Club, is verj nun h opposed te
s..vvlug tin- At buckle l'ilms in ih
i 'pern llniisP or aiiv of tiie screen
lie nllrs of this place
The ministers of the Ministerial As
.iti'lalieii voice Mrs llavvuird's senll- ' M,. i;,,,,,,., ,'. ,.P2,i
,11111- .11.H or I -I'll ,-s IlllggCIUIIglPI, . 1
nivviver. ..IV he Win lei the neniil,. "
1 nlge for lliellt-i'lvps ii. in wliethei llicv "''''' llln knew ledge nf li 1 .nil lifiivei'.
i' ill see ih.i ceiiieiliaii "ll the -iieen vv Il.'re.ib.i 1- She w,i- askini iiiin'irtl-
-..I-, r-.-r-.i ! '"" Ml '"P"H b" "I. cillier 111 ibis
BECKER SENTENCED TO DIE .eumr.v .. ,. ,i,(! ., i,,,..
j "I din ' knew iiiiv rliiug abmr It."
unaimeur t-enaemnea for Slaying was all sin would -,iv
('it I. nil M Mil'., nl Mi, C,.,. 1 .mil considerable 11111.1115.' '.. In r deck". ""' "'r"'' "" '"i- "3 " Hceimi iiucw.
I with mprr.vmakers at llrnad and veli
streets. He wns treated for cuts at the
Methodist Lpiscepnl Hespitnl.
I'nur Pltingp Over flunk
Adding te the tell of auto acci
dents, four .veunc residents of Consho Censho Conshe
hncken. while driving through Villa
nnvn, lest control of their enr nnd
plunged ever nn eight-feet ejnbnnk
niPtit. Their iiijuries, however, were
net serious. Thev were (Ieerge Pay
tut, kle. driver nf tbe enr, mid Jehn
MMiiiire, Jeseph Kordnet and Jehn
Ostrcv .
According in witnesses', the party
that struck Hall ininiPdlatrlv after the
accident turiud nut the llglits en th
rnr and. putting nu gre.itei speed, dis
appealed down Itidge iivpiiup Hall
was picki.l up. put In a taxbah nnd
rushed te St, Jeseph's Ile-pilal. where
be died of a fractured ikull a few mln-
I ut.'s after arrival.
I Hull vvas living vv,th a family by
jibe name of Ti"".in:. His vv idew is
j living witli her mother. Mrs Jeseph
;!svlvcst(r. 11. "JIM'. .'nrth Fifth street.
Wilnc-scs el t lie P.lair an-.iii nt tpll
a similar slot v . Thev ..t.v the car that
, lilt the a','., I man iva- sporting anil.
1 despite the shouts nf imssersb.v . failed
j'n step te ne him aid. The vie.
,litn was taken te tl" Meiliin-f lirurgl
'rnl Hospital in a Pi inn' LrixiKK
tlll.k. I'llVsii in'i. I111I1I nut little liepi
fur lis ui.iviTi lli iv.'i- ictiirning
li.ene from a Christ mas panv given
ill 1 lie inn . f Ills soil.
lied fter Hitting irtini
Mh, Ik's all ngln , ). - p. Mt . pp.
'010 v , ger pinched. " i rieil three veung
men ainl tbi'" girls after their atlte
11. id siriuk .1 vvngen driven bv Harr
At'luni'in. diiver for a baking con-i
c. t 11 ,
' I had just stepped nn wagon when
ilcii car slntnmeil intn me, knocking
me fiem mv s,,ii ainl throwing me Inte
le stipci, ' Acl'i riiim. told tin police
' l'nr si" oral moments I was union
.1 mi.. When Liiiine te it wa 1 i.t lii
miic I'i heat ilie 1 In en veung te'lnvv
.'id gii'N, vv I e wet" st, nu ling nvii me,
-a' thev gi,c--ed I .vtis imt Imillv hurt
,ih. I they bad better make their get
iiw.ij before llicv get piucbe.1."
. berinan inaii'igeil tn imikeii tmte of
ilie vnm-liur.: cat number, wbi'li be
tnl.l the police was Ppiiii.v Iv.inla Iicphs"
e .'illl.'T He wns tr.atc.l at thp
, t'" .'.'-it Ttrit t vi,. ,,.,.,,,,, , ,. Methodist Lpisn.pnl Hn-pttal fur cuts
Seattle. Wash.. Dec L'li .Search Washington. Dc -'' I. ml" Mibhed mi the fine
l'nr (irnver Clev.'aiid llergdell, of' Wen. the 1 tgnti en- vear-ei Pe.iutv of f,ll, "f ''"' '""' tragi'' nv identi
Ph.ln.lelphii. v In es.aped 111 Mav. I the upper , r. 'p. ..f' Chines,, sei'iet'v in T d He deaUi "I NI;- Mic CI
I'.IL'II. while . 1, ,,.. , live. vP.-.r sen, .,,,. vv... , . bam . scv e,lt v - four. ..f h-sler. w be vv
---.... n .,- .-.,. .- ,,,,.,, I,,.: I,.,, T IS ,-,.,,,r,,n,l ,..,,,, ft ,,.., ..M....I. a...., , . I I .. . I . .,.... .... 1..... .. ...
- ' ' 1111. 1 siiijci, 111111 11 lit. 11 iiiuie-.Mi ni-r ii,.v I'l
Hie I tilled States I , n m,,i,i,,., i ,,,. ,,, ., f,,ii,. i. ln.r liiisliiinil's crnve no vvhlili .!... Iml
Armv ami who li , i been leperted en a Di-trlit planned tn idace a wnatli 'I In. mi
liermin ve.-el n, for the Pacific' "Mildred is ill. and ev. rvthing is all dent took place near tin- Chester P.unnl
right." was the w.ir.l which came t. vrnunu. 1 tie utr uiai situck the ag-l
day from Wing L.'iii W.n. father of the """ "s driven bv Charles P.
mrl ilireiike, 'lie vvas Ijebl
"Will she imr.v ilenrg- ,,m Lee I , The four vnung res, leu- nfConshe-
new V" was 'iskeii i ll,"'h,n "ere nijureii in Mpnng Mill rea 1
nml .vinrris avenue, vinaiinva. whetitip
driver of 1 he car, iienrge Pa.vnack",
.failed tn see a sharp turn owing in the
I fog. 'I'll" nut" swerved nlT the read.
eiip.il nn embankment and lan.leil hi H
;e romance
Notorious Army Deserter Said Missing Mildred Heme Again.
te Have Been Seen in
and Daddy Says "Every
thing Is All Rip-nt"
General Federation of 2.500,000
Wires Disapproval te Hays
New iU. Dec. 'Jli. ( It.v A P I
j A pretest against tiie rcapppniance .f
; Kes (Fatl.vt Arbuckle in motion
plctuies was telegraphed teda.v te Will
ill Ilavs bv Mr.. Woeilallen Chap
man, chairman et the etunnttep en1
M..11..1. Plenties ,,f the c.ener.,1 iv,i..r,,. MOTH ER DENIES SH E KNOWS ' Fl N E NEWS TO R. MUM I FP
I tiim nl Wniuciis ( lubs. wub a tupiu- I
ber-hip of U.rillll.tllll). ' - I
1 ins orgnntatieii, the message
s'lnl, "stainls icndv In assi.r ativ indi
vhlual In lehabllilate liimself, but nut
11 th" evpensc nf the Ideals nf the .Na
11111 The .vitiiib of our land must be
iiiiteiti'd from a revival of iurerest in
h.. degrading talcs ,,f hi r 1-i 1 1 1 and ,.,.. ,i.,,r,lllM ,-
lli'lll 1 I'll! Illlieil illll.sni,l III IIUUli'l 11
living n-se'inte.l therew ltli."
the injr.
lllsVVl 1
11 In r home ni Wv iiaew.ii il,
"I'.ver.v thing 1. n'l 1 gl
1 lag" is all right . ' w .1- 'i
And m Chinee s.icietv of Washing
ton as Well lis Chine. e ...11, m ,,f ,.u
mk. and Chfie.e l.i .in,., ,'lnles in
both cities must avv.i n. velnpnients.
-'' nun linn m viiii, m.i nn. until...
She Is III the Well llltllt-llni.nl.
.a,' ' !1'"1.''', l: M McKnin, ilul The p. nii.vlvaiiia liaili I is new1 II" wa- . mss-evanilned b.v .lesppb I "" , , . f ,, , .
"O-a tans ,.., insisted heic In, lav shipping two solid liains of coal dallv Smith, 1 tnin r Schech. An odet et 1,11s liem the living room
'"'J hi- -en was t the univeisilv. 'Hum tlic Sluimkiii mid Nauthnke dis'. , Wagner inhiillled that he sK,., I ',,i,"V"1 ""' ! ". " ,.,,""L '"' '"""
1 cperis ,,,,. ll,,,, the Aliuiiiev Ccu- tii.l. tlu id has announced. , petition w I n h said that Schech was im Vf ''nniiigs. f epe the d,,,,,- site
"Wis .,,,,. icfiiesled his iviuili In cii.il mined dm nig the da.v in Ihe .lis- llllit pets,, 11 tn have a salami. f.""".'1 lin" ,1,'a'1. !'" '.', 1 !". "'"' ;"k
l.lllllul., . .,. . ... ., ., ... . ' .' .. ... .... 'Ontcxivrt.-illlfllll. lll.ll.l.i....... ,....
" '" '" 'c-iii.v 111 the iipcu heal
ing al It.l.linp in iiimu'cIIiiu Willi Hi
I'.K'IIIIIIS,. ,,lipi.'
'"Hid lint be I ,l
tiicl leaves at 'J A. M.
nnil nliig.
Ihe following
1 use, Imt be
'CI I.I.... 1 1
1 . . ' 1 tie cieer .n-
"lll lililei leimiu 1,1k ..,,, I,.,.l il.i ... 1
- .- , ,. . ... . ,-,.,. ,,,,,i 11,11 ,,,
'De .von knew Mr. Schech
".Ve," ii'i'lieil Wagner.
"Hew de vnii knew lie is unfit
nskeil Smith
''""l"' "i- had gene im,. hjijng, He, "I sign..! 11 because I'm against Hie
ii'iil.'s. ,,.',"i"i"'." M."J!''.' """',l H'hmi Yerk Read Family Threatened With ; ""'""i'." mimI Wagner. 1 believe
III. .'";!"1 'I lell.v. 1 c..lf,H "" whit ilesllcs m run a suu j.
in ,.' ,!' ,x"ln s l''1"'1 hist siiuinier that buttocatien mli . Isll ,
ii.t-.,.i I Hawing ft 0111 a jet. It is believed Jen
nings turned the gas mi acculentallv
after turning il off.
1 He was 111 goe.i spirits earlj tedav
and was making preparations te nuiieli
witli tne iiiiinii - m, .m'w 1 par s linv
Wife Smiles as He Leaves Court
New Yolk. I lei '(! 1 liv A Pi
In . hn in llci'kcr, a chaiiltcui . te,hiv
m is .1 ulPiifCil 10 die in the elicttii
, hair 111 Sing Sing I u the uiuiil,.- biv
,u-il nf hi. will'. . li nine, whiisp bmli
.1 v. nil week, age was iuiim in ,1 Inn,..
Ml!., I i.ivc III III, T.lnliv.
ate liliili 1-1
sliniilil ' re
and nther 1 .
is .aid. in
into -li
the Deparlmcnt of .lilstli e ' null
"I tn It" nil III" liiiikniil
nl leiiiin Pai'iti' t'ua.f
i. 'ire In ing wit. hid. it
ise ll.. atleinpls in slip
.nnv from a shin uiteii
'which I ' mnv be working as n s;u.
All tierman icels ,nc being given
.............. .,,.., ,..,. ...... .1....
linker smiled Its he Wlllke.l l,, re .e,g looked . V e'r cireflllll
Mil' . nut 1 1 .....ii 1. ,, 1 ,iniifii' inuils lull
tl ll
unii 1 ni ennui; 1 eiiriiarv .1, jiu inn
,li mien man went in Sing Sing Prisnn
(inverniiic nt agents are exercising uu-
i'IIUsc nt Ule unusual
III, 1. 11 "" - ''lei nisi summer nun
"," I dl-nlliiig mid 1, tlier lawlessness
"-' "'ase is N,, 1 , m. 1 ,.
I l"i" ,, ''"'I'ler ill the scries ,,f ev s
.1,M '' ,h" I'l'lnapiiing ami sln.v
UU. VII ll in, ...I ...1 ,
I, ., ' 'I .llll-IIIJIl ,11 iSSI,.S
ii" Mii.vitr . 11I1111, ,iie, i hjK ileitiirtiiie -nliig
'"an tuts .eel imi in which he vvas In 11 11 . Th" Slum apartment is dircctl) nvei
Ve.i v 1 1. .. I the lire shnp of It It. (ichlmiicr. 1'lre
It.'Kiilini ','''' -"' '"' A '''," ; started in Ihe "lbir ami spieiul qiiicklj
Iluiieiis ienuc.,K the Kll KIllV I , ,. s,op.
ei'i.i!.'i!"!i ' """ '"'' "epeialhiii with I -.tern wa- awakened bv smoke, mid,
UhlitieiiH nitlvel.v combating ll. ,milng bis wife and bah), civeted
i'-sl ,! .1 ''"" "l"1" '" ll1" ',l'"'in.' ei'.h with a blankel and .Hilled tliein
l,i ,i "'"V."' """"I'll convention of the, t the n Il quick action Stern
i.n nV ' ""'"'"'D. " i atinniinted I,,!,.,, mivciI several Christmas gifts. The
liv Li. I",'"1''1'11 hundred icpicenla- ,(, cau-eil about SKi'Jll ilaniage.
litis l(, ,, -ll, ,,,,,,,,. I
I'liiiupl aciiiui b I led Sliin. KI.'IS Mr. Smith s,n, thm saloons would
m k read, -av-'l his wile ami bnbv,ne burl Dnvl lllll in Hie 'j'asl, as It
I'i ii. Jr. fiem piebable suffocation I was big ciimu.11 and piegiessive eniiiigh
iluiiug a lit" vvhidi il: mml then te continue u. man li forward. -
i.paitnicn siininv atter .1 u 1 i,..-k this nth,. is in Hi" dclegiiUuu were Mi.
I lllllile While picsUlenl of U,,. '. C.
T. 1'. : Mrs I'.lith Del., Finnk Taj ler.
.1. ('. Duke in 'I Arthur lliirrctl. pi cm
dent of the - Imnl heard of Daib.v
Mrs. Willie -'ilii she was opposed
the license. In cause il vvas In cunllict
with the Ciiii-IHUtieii of (lie I'nited
The Judge le-etvcil decisinu.
In i.llcmlani..
'1 '.Inn
lliinii n, iiilflnr.
V n
Mil VV M .lllll'.' llll til. Altl,
n nf 1 hem n! eiii li In xf llulp
mil inniira teilnv en e 20. Ativ.
llll mt'invi
'III, , I is in , '
' I ' iL'fr inn p
' fuUliil 111 t '
''II M'TIIMnilll.i:.'
if the i;i.'iiln- I'ub
'I . ll, l I I J,lll. II,
"'. n,i ll'.. I, .
Sania Thrice Blesses
Public Scheel Omcials
-rVuta gave lii-. usual assortment
nf gifls('n the iiuirlnls en earth nnd
two ullli nils nf Hie public schools
ine belli'! cspei'inllj migraliilaled.
Tli" liist is Ltuauitel Schocti Schecti
lierger. asslstanl siiperlntemleni of
supplies, whit was given a new
daughter en Christmas eve,
The ether is llelmau White, (lis
triet superlntcnilenl, vvliu saiil he
get mi unusual number of upHf,
pri'srnts a pair of susp,.,,,,,,.,.,
Itihle ami a Imlllc nf -
1 in- .en... pem, 11. v ilecreeiiiK ' usual vigilan. - h
.iiinini in- imi 11 en cm 1 inir the ...... f.i .' . 1... ,,,,,, ii,n. r.....
... " 1 1 ill 1 uirsi in lit' iiiiiii iiii-i 1111' in i'i-
Ilergdull f..r veil-, was a thorn in the
side of suburban police, with his auto-
nuts nwrrartrvMrre u,n, mobile speeding pnnliv in. s. Then hi-
GAS OVERCOMES WOMAN "letiance of the .Iratt laws led te In.
arrest ami inipn.,inui"nt mi linverner's
Presbyterian Heme nesident Victim '"'"'"I. N"- Y
. . , . . ., , III est ape wa. a -eii-atiiiiial a. n
of Accident en Visit mU(. .1111 r ... The fugitive ,!.. .
Mi.s dii Pcnuinginn. a residi m of, way te (ieriiuniv . wnere li" is snj, (,,
me the I'li'sbvti't 1,111 Heme, was a.ci-'have been fetid as a true liermnu pa -
I, ulallv 1 ven eme b.v gas while spend trim. lie is kimwii. however, te havi
nig tin iiiiiiiuivs witii iter sister-in-law
Mi- I' I'eaniiiginn. :,',; Wi listi-i ,
si I 1 el j
Mis. lYnningimi, wlm is seventv I
VCIIS lllll, WHS lllllllil Hill IIIISl'liMlH j I
her riiiiiu b.v her sistcr-iu-law she ,
was illlieil 111 .vnserii nrum MnspHnl,
Ivvhcte pb.vsii mils sa.v she mit.v 1 iver.
j A h'llk.v pipe ill a gas heater (ium,.
, is believed le have cilll-cd the II. chlcut
, it 1: in 1.1111MM1 inu iii.ii'? i'iij.
I 11 tl vei 1 pi r.ui 1 inn, , ,
'I' ' ' iu 1 . n pir, j. (i
ner lattii'i a-serteil. i,e.,r-e Nutn 1
"""" '" " t" Wnsbliigtmi ImiImv. 11
wa- ndded. That was a,
M.itih Made b.v Parents
Mil. lien Wen had . .une nf t,,n v M
age. and her parents had 1, 1:1,1., ii,?.
1. She was t hr.miup th .. ,.
111 1, eug,. Mm, 1.,.,., , n,- ,1,,, ,. f (
piesid.'in of the Clinic.,. Met, 'limits
As..., latum f ,.w Ynrk. Tim purents
were enthusiastic an, the nmn ,,ge wa.
higlil.v npprevi.l until the ,,M ,,f the
wedding art iv e,l 'i'i,,,,, i;r,. M
Lee wa. left nt the hlirch
Triiiililc bad mtci veiled Miblnd
bnil slipped the parental n,,,,.,. ,,tiil hn,
llitwn When. s,,. ,.,, Kll. , ,',
)''' I f knnw Her , ,,,.,. ,,
riantli- ami s .,, u.,s ,;,,1(-,. x ,M
( enlliuifil nn 'ei. sj. ( U1 ,.,r
Temperatures Net by Any Means in
Recerd-Breaking Class
'Ihe mildness , f j .,.,,M n,..,,.r
was a keen ilisaiipnininieiii 1.. n
ditch eight feet below t lie level of the
mad The party was returning fiem a
Cbustina- v'sit t Immes ,,n ,,,. MHm
( base Moter Thlpps
The iied.ie nie t'.dav heni.lii'g tlie
,'tv tn' two ViHlllg tlll'll Who sine
sl'JsfHi iiutiimehile belengn.g tn Snnnpy
Stager frmn in front nf a bmi-i nt
'.VS We-t 1'enil stiec, l,ne Chi 1. in,,
.itniunmi and "M'lmiige.l slim. wt
nioter. vcl" palielnieii befme .ilin ndnti
ing tin' car
A tcleplintie call .nfiifmcil the 'Iw.-u-tv-si.,mid
street :ni, llui.tli,.- Pat-k
ivenu't siiiiii.n 1 Im t the Mir l.i,, Iicph
stnb'li and lint the thieves , ,,, 1 1
seen going 111 Hie dilectlnll nf I i I n, ,
llVellU" Mnliirc.Vi le I 'at I ellneii Cm.
ler iiinl C111I111 gave chase ami 1 mgi
up with the sinlt'ii nu'n at Lehigh nve
1. ue and Tliirtl.-tb str. ei Wbeii the
lubbers sflW the pnllC'lU. II tllev -I n ',i, I
w.st en I.i high avenue 1 1 1 t t. -peiil,
une man driving while the ether n, ,,J
tbe tear seat nml emptied hi. r, vnlvcr
nt the piirsuir-. All In. .,.,i . went
wild, however
Cc.iii. n lined w'b 11 slietgun rp
luine.l shei for -Inn its I , , .ha-ed hi
ill- The piirHini led ihiniKh ,,,ZP
st I. and 1 veil thnnigl, no t ,,'.,!
I null. 'I ainl Mnkli v r ri el-
wlin wete Innking for semltlini, . ... 1 , M""'- 1""'
snow , Ice Mv , . '"" , Hi-r. ll... thiives , 1ljr
iiiiprpssim, Hint t,,. dav v ,s r.,,r h"" ' '7'ImI fn.11. .1." ,,,, a, , ,IH.
bieaker f,,r high I 'hrs,,, " . ,r. ' l'b';n''l ' 'r.'Uh .......b.v alle,
lures, but tiguics prove tl, a, , , U '"'" ,,"'a,'fl '"', ' "'"' "X"I.,i.m
w.u ranted. "' "'" '?,'' ,l"'l1 f'"""l th" teai . ml nf Jt
lieen hemcMi'k In the I tilled Slates
fur Mime tunc. at. I -miner or later an
attempt te iPturn 111 ili-gui-.' has been
ncwaraea ter uapturing uenvicts , The niereui v leaehed its bW,.. '""'iai.v nuuiei wiin s net n...., the
Ynrll. In lie, "tl - W II Mm,. I nl .1 ,, in nl ... 1 .. ' '. ' Iiillllt'I s gl
---...,. . -. ......-,'.. . ..,,,,,,, ...iii'iie ..
That is
a plaln-clelliPs man nl the i nrk police' Is degree lower than the ma vnnui'ii t"
depart nt. has been awarded SIU0 for Christmas Da.v. ISs'i. "'"'"ui 01
tne capiine 01 M ,1 I i,ld and I larenc" 1 esterdaj s nverage was .)' r s dp
Divintip.v. tw tiivi. ts who ps.npi'il grpps abevp normal Tlie m'.'in tern"
liem the It.uRvuw p. ,1 1, u.iarv ,.., 1 1, . perature nf ye.terday i,.,,, 'IIBll
inner is. jj degree.
Ill I he winds 1 eld vvim lu
iiiniicu nun oil .ill" nt the pi. cei, 0f
glass, a diep of bb mil vvas found in
ilicaiing tiim one of ihe thieves' had
been hit
liicsl.i and Cirllii sriy thrr get
guild leek m Hip fan- of l,,,t , R,
would Ik' able t, id.-nllfj thclll