" A) W r,r,V "4&. 4V 'j HT f 4 Ai EVENING PUBLIC LED(3Rr-.PliiLADELPHi; feATURDAX DECEMBER 23, 1922 yWSf GOSSIPABOUT PEOPLE Saucy Wynne Speaks of Christmas Doings She Tells of the McLean Ball Last Evening Many Parties , Given Tonight Dinner Dance Last Evening NOTIIUK Clitlstnuis ! almost here f.' with 1" " """ M","w "" ifmnml P'' ft'ellnc. i's memories ntul ' ,e,-tuesrtit I"1"'". And the old- ,,.iiril Kl'lrlt t ClirlHliiiiiB Is mere AW thai the Christmas holi days arc here, the sub-debs are vying with, the debutantes in the number of parties being given for them. Miss Sullivan will be the guest of honor at n luncheon and theatre party ie- dunce for the s( hoot set n wll. ns Mr. tfaV aml "" Brown, who is mid Mr, f lmilr S. Ilelinrd will rIvp the flauftli'er of Mr. and Mrs. n di'iinn nt 1'i-h home for their dmi'tli-' Reynold Driver Itrewn, will be ter Helen, Their niece, .liilln Helmi-l. ,lr pncBt f honor at a theatre will ni'tke her debut n n ( mice nt be1 ' ,,,;' .. . . ,, .. Tlo'levuc .in Christinas nlKlit. l..v (lie mrt" "" ""W ' ,'V,C'', Mr. (( iiif. ii vii i u ingeyseii ureivn ATTRACTIVE SOB-DEBS BEING ENTERTAINED TODAY I eighteen minutes. (Jntlier up tlic trim- J I minus linking (ifT (lie excess I our. r.KMmen1 notices. be wi h Hnptlat. . U MC. ... I., imu f iiv limn I'ini' II. i . i irM.iHMii ,,,. ,. p.. The Mtiln Line will Hut lie nrlv i mill give tins evening for her tnlnii' -wimi l ni. r,w! " " Ii-mm Jeiijelii either, for nt the Merlen' and for Miss Elizabeth Harris. (eaiiW it ' "-v "f 1,m,(,s- ;)Vna fvrlf,.k,',i i1"1.' Mr- r,ml Mr- IIT,"r yv' ' 'Vba Norten's parents, Mr. and !,,. m. in ely it home in which the .N en I will give unite n IntRe ihuiec for ,, Richard E Nni-fnn will h"CH , 1,1..,iwiti, 'vreuths. J tlielr- dmiRhter Mnrcnrcttn nnd for Vlr- Mrs. mumi a a. net ten, will in.lrtwnte net derei nun wiin ,,,,. riirf.i01f(,- .i. tt, ., ,ii,. i entertain at dinner teniaht be- in. il.. p.niil en mirniiiR in nip " ettS en ('iiriitmns live nre hcmitlftil 'f eJmih iiU' " '" Clnihtmas Kve ,11s, ,n SiimiiiJ- It Kin's ou n minute n t fniiii hist-ine.ncnt shnppln;.' nnd in. p, ilcliw-i M"ir pn-ents .te'trselt. . I. ....i. u.i Cittt tillMill i,p inline i r" w "" "" """ ...I ultli (-terj"iii' it would I'e i Upte-wnlt'tlll the dje; ( before hr Minns te mull thincs nnd he.e te ",,. tliPin iwelvcil, te we liuvc te de Vlier!-"' seniPtliliiB fi lieiiutlful nlieut hrislnun -the tender Hter of he nuiin mltpd wiim liRe tl.reww its pciiee iill.t r-ntlelirss mer top wiiem- "."." '" ter of Mr. nnd Mrc f'lmrleM II. Ilf fenderfer, of Wynnewood. The gueitH will be the Mih-dcbs nnd their hentix. Still another nffnlr for the Iuir.v yeuncer t-et n Ihentrp pnitv nml .,))) tier wiiKM .Mr. nnii .Mr, iinnrj In- ersell It""wn "ill plve for MpMii Itro mi 'iinl Itettj 1 Iiirri . who. If I nni nut mixtiikcn. are t!iniv nieeei. Tin- j;irli .11. iniulnij 1 1. ....... I .!..:.. u It. mi ii u'pmU ln.st(ld I !,....'. I. ..II . 1 n 4...I ...... I illl.( ill iiiiii" " . i'wi'-.ii i ii ,i,i iiii ,m, K".v . viiu unxi I e ... .... .. . ...til til. t tu . .tnl f.l.llllLf.u it. Iik 1A. ..nHA m. t.IM I ( a l!ll . llUl OI liMll'M- I". .,...... W " i... ii.iriit.vr. l" Uf V.I.-II IIHHf H"m'. Mich u la.BP baip new e, - i-J iierntinc fust nt home. Much ipoil ipeil inu wns fining nlniiK with tlip leeupcrnt iiiR. nnd when C'lirNtinnstiinc came the mhiI11iis; wns win hc limn ever. Mether, hnwetpr. d(eii(jd it wns liiue te cull it hnlt, nnd f 4 e 3 thut mnde neises were ttihoe If uny ini'inlinrs of the fntnily ."liPil for iu"jpstien. Hit of tli" "i i1 I'liild. which muki One fiienl of tin fiituilv. Imweier. nnit te Bie te ethers i ftnuiR ill , 'l, net knew of this nnd intend of !("( ,l.is istieiiKcr tlinn ever licfevc. iteliiR te fiithev or nietlier for miikics n,i if (in r heniH me with the giving. 'i'ini, nlel the jiimiij Kiuitlcnmi lilui lilui ew Inpiw e nil should be'. -elf. Dick km-w well wti.it Iip wnnted. 3KAI.I.Y. the lust week lia been Vnlmest the Kn'-t of the season - ,r Theie wen tlie .TeiTerdH1 ilnnce .r'MiirRueritc Hejle en Monday nlclit ,V he 'lance at Cieen Hill Kiiiim sjjy8y 01011I11B for Muf.v Sehcnck. ben en Wednendny iiirIu Mr. Austin w n iliinee for I'lieylle. you reiiiem n, nnd en Thursday there was the Mill ,r Anne Townsend. Hut Inst niRlit nite bent the iceerd. for theie wiih n all mid n dinner-dance besides n nuni tr of dinners. nlli; bill was filicn b Mr. William L McI.p.iii for his debutante d'liiRli r Siinli. and the dinner-dance wns- en 1j the Wil'liim .1. .ipiikh. 01 .- fore the dance which Mr. and ' Mrs. J. Hecter McNcal will give in honor of their daughter, Miss McNcal, and for Miss Virginia Diffcndcrfey. In no uncertain Ieii-h he iPtiuirkcd in n whisper. "I want n dium. but don't tell." The fntnily friend i-nld he W'eiildirt, hut wondered why the sp creey. Up found out neon nfter Christians when he met Dick' fnther one tiny. Said Mr. M , "If ou don't wnnt te low' Mrs. M ' ' frI"ii(N1ili. you'll stny uway fiein our house until that drum Is busted, and I hope it's busted seen.'' 1 NANCY WYNNi: I SOCIAL ACTIVITIES 1 Mr nml Mm. Wdliain Pieiren Jcnk. ! of this city mi'' Meuni Kenihle. .tot .tet .tot rl"tewn, X J nniieuiicp the ciu;.i,'eni"nt ' of their (liU';htPt, Miss ,les"iliine .lehti.i tewll for X'IU(' oeisioii lien i'"'"-- 1 Jti,..-, uiiu .ur. jnmcs hic.v ,irrc-i. line JenKs. ' The lull wnn in the bnll- , -"en of I'tiif. nnd Mm. Rederick Meirls line.Mii.s. W.irren, of New Huvcn, Cenii The fei- ,e..i of tli" B elCv -iytn't Kill 111 ii " ma, neun,.em(n, wns'mnde nt .1 din-nner-il.ince .111 he Hese (,ai le m 01 nc,..(lni,(,0 ,.h,ch ,..,. ,.,.. ...... . , . t..i ii ....,1 i Mine Hetel. .Mrs. iiimm ..i.i.. .... irnli's sister-in-law. received with tier id hoi fnther at the Inll. Sarah looked M in 11 frock of ixery-wliite nntiu .ilirniilciid In silver. The bodice was emrless and the whole ireck hiinplv mle. tin the side of (lie sMlt ther" ns n wide bow of sutin lined v Itll 'cr ilntli. the em!- f the bow eteml g IihiiiiiI the idee of 1 'lie skirt. Mrs. nleif Mcl.enn's rewii was of rose rese ivlcd sllvci elelli with liciidlni! .it the listlini. nml 11 sjiiar train ill the le. 'll.iie were nlieut ."0(1 filHt. "tUIIUI' wne ionic level.x dres-ps nt - luili pnrtlcs. Klizabeth Harr'niRcr ire n Nile Riccn elet kewu trimmed di i ,! nt ben, In and mnde with (hui'iil skirl. The bodice lrml 11 round cl, 1 1.11 no sli'i ves. She were slhir id.iii2s nml li'iipls. rjiubeth Me len whip .1 Ivauiiful fred of Inven nnrp ue last evening nt the Ilelleviic-Stint. ford In honor of their dntiKhtir mid their niece MImi Xnncy llncker Weel- sten. ilPhutante dauRlitu- of Mt. ami Mrn. .le.pnli , Woulsten. of (ilendnii. Chestnut Hill j Aiiienj; the Kiifft.4 who will atieml the . ,, , , ,, ,, , tc.i wh.ch Mi-. Walter Cepe, of (ici- diiUKhter of Mr. and Mrs MP.hat.ep. niniit.jwn. wU K,ve this nfteiuoen In "( '',0u Lee-int slieel. who h ik been honor of her seu-ln-lnw Mil (l.iuchter. seendiiilf a few dnvs In W ilmiiipten nnd Mr. and Mis. lMer.epent Hazard of j -Ncw Verk. ha.s returned te her home iV-niir.1.- Z.,L"l!lXy"'",.Xr",. Mi Altliur Ilnl..l lliiey. of 1M0 Up . , ,.. ti r. I-". ;'.',. "",' .' , iincey tiiacc. i-:t tins meiniiiK fei Dtchcit. MPs I l.inces K. Wlster. MNi .i,...i 1.1 1. ...1 1... 1... I.... y.i . ....1..- . . . ... .... ..... . Hi,. ... iiiiiiiuxu ..t;i iil- iiv. Mui f'liitimhiK Wlstel, Ml'W Itltu ' .1.,. v tl ekhclicr, Mi-i hut initie S Dlssten. ' Ml Ille.uter tf.it t. Air. Lewis N. Mis. Hdwln I. Il.ill 111 d MIkh Klercnce UukPim, Jr., .Mr J( eph Harrison, Jr., , " Hall nre spsmlins the winter in I.a . .mc nnirv nart, .Mr (iceice A Ite - Jena, (.-nur. hins, Mr. Kdward Itulibiif, .Mr. Kduiund HnHHBBKp' ''' r7TlKM Mr - ' JHHBM w?rEUilltinmmBKffl)K:'-: Hn9 W aSBHtK,-' far tj ''- bbbbbI laisSHaBBaBBaaHBBflBBBtWiBBV. , S" wHW I ' JBPnp -:;Ti 1;' ' aaBBal PEbhhm' j&wltk JhhhmhVsdt f ',F', . ' SaHHii wir'am Mw I m, jH m"'' JbI r ' "'.:' . laaaaal 1 C' '";' "' Er BBBBBBa ' ''iBBBraBBal ' . - Wmtl & BBBBBBBBBBL,. ",' "'IbBBBBBbI BsaKxidiKLi . aav' aaaaai 'VVBSBBBPK nBBKBBBBBaEaHBb ' aaaaBBBBBB I ;. 'BBff HBaBBBBaaBaaBBi JIPbbbbbbbbI VV j .ji 4 jgXsHffJaaaaaaaaatJ . BBBBBBBBBB iBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBvlV Jjf n'aBBBBBBV tfS ??9 vr&r y"m? vv .. r'F W S ' I fmVMBHRlGMjiiif&TBk. WHt'PKiiXfflBH&s JX?MM N. a&ac9sm "5vPss4sffisS fiw S mid work te smooth linn, nirii uei ,Tlli: ti:mii.h down ever tills deilfili nnd nllew te Jlmne (inil .'Icrlci sIk (1D00 N ) flOOll Nn.il H(im of thn flnm llnptlnt Church, IltrHSKl.r. ir cnwii.l.. r.ninr. Wm I)jr MpCunly Ametlt Ponler. J. Marvin Manna. Munlcal Director. llrentl mill Atuntpr Jdit.v iii:nky imy, minibti:h. lo.:ie a t. Mernlnr Worehln nnd Rr nif.n, "IV BVKJIY HAY WBUB CHItlBT MAH " HtKrlnl musical iirncram by lrK Hillilren'" choir nnd iiunrtel 7 tr. i .it ANNt'Ai. wiirrn gift Hi:ilVrCK. AN DIUKNTAJ, AND JlKAtt. TiriM, I'AOKANT WIUl. KXi PHE- "Ji"NlL'.:l' . l.(IUJ.t:iiltnre It IIKM OP MCMC It A. M.. Prf. I'plix A1pr ill npnl en "rh Mnrrlair IMi! iintlin fltnrni (ynlr In rent A niv Il'.rj'.lnn . f'rlcniU A M ln fir UernMii .MPtlliB Heuse . ' ' isiiera mitem 10.30 11 1 hi. 1 Ii cll'ju ICATHERINE SULLIVAN" Tlrofe Mrs. Wilsen Gives Foreign Recipes ltllt II II1 till' itrtni ... . , sprliiK for etip-linlf hour. Then re -roll. rut and huue, Muleu Alninnit Torte Cakes "" . 1 J' Marvin lUnne. jiukicai ijh 'I'lm Hu-Ihs linker lins nnv litltnber of Irpdcrlcl: K. Htnrhp. OreunUt ,' iiuin ..iL.H no It Is rn titer hnnl -Vr ..l unwell wilt rrcneh Humtny. in.!i fnney little ciiKph, he 11 is in 11 1 A A, d 7 4 j, Th T,mple Cfln1. 'from the description te find the enite t Wnp(1 Cheru, , jj0e vnICM wm mntr th 1 thnt miii desire. Try (his nnd if It is fellow inn tirncrnm. mernlnf and pNenlni 1 win .ym .1. ... . mipcrpiit some ' Nornreth'' . . ...Oouned net W lint you want F Will sttSReKSerni Ten.Tlinu.niKl IHrp- nni (illiets. 1 In- Swiss ulinend lrt.' eiiKcsi velcm ...Kennady mc fnvernblv nnd popularly known in ' Jp'f Veru H ierh '- Ahi.llnir" Cmp everv Swl's bukei. Pie." in mlxlnt '"'" l Ju. " i' . idW- ?l,n bewi nnd cieiiin until like fresb-phurnrd ip school. Jere I. C c eupi . v:Sj '",J,.'',' ((,. ' .luninr nnd Henler Yeuru Pcnnle'ii fleeli. 1 Oik (iiie Inula. , tlc 7 V JI. Vew ndil ' ',lurl!llr,i.m;Ll,JKt'!'l'lly-nt5.i!i-H, .iii;ii(iniAi, ii.w'tist ( lit urn , Tun rwn of peu tierrn iui. 1 nnd crpam ngnln until the mixture leek like hard sniiee. Add Thi. iinlk'M nl tour ((;. nnd erenm nRiiin. New ndd 1 Fle rupi of idWi; flour. Four trrrl fraipentil of hilling ih j ' dcr Kiftrrl irilli Hie flour Uncc. Onr-half ciip of milk. Werk te smooth, line deiiKh. Chill for IwenH-feur bouts. Hell , oil en Homed pa henril nnd cut with lntyn II.. n.wl l.riwh w t I PEC Wlish. ' h 1 i-u.i'i a.... ..... - -- . ... trirnii. .. .... ,1 1 t.i....lw..t nlnwinrlri nlld - iii.' .. (iMT Willi -in.. I 11 " ' ' "" . ml.Mi IIUI, sr. 1-llWT-ItAY Miienr.. l.lth and bnkp In tnedernte eMUi ler ten uiiiiii t-flr, ,. cnrBttn,, rBr.,in t.li4H The iinns for thCM' (OOKies iiii- ii.s. .,, In Hj.llterlum V V. V A Mfft (jrensed nnd then chilled nml nnseu with iee-eeld water. Appenel Almend Cakes Crentn three-fourths of 11 CUP of but ter until like fiesh-eliurned butter ami , ndd One nml enr-l.nlf rnn of uenr. Crenm ngnln. Yolks of ii' 1 ii'. nnd erenm ngnln New ndd , , , Our icnspe"" j nV """" ''' ,"r''- 'e ir 1 'i pi a f pmtiy fl' ' Xir t'ibl' ine'tin of celtl tittri. I'.cnt te fine, smooth nils, thnt she'iM lie just stift (.iieuith te drop from pn"; nnd held its shape. Add . t.p-h.ilf , pound of almonds thnt luee Wn ; blnnched nnd cut in thin Ieiik slices. 1 1 New (trense nnd Heur n tin nine sneei, nnd drop the mixture by the tnblerfpoon tnblerfpeon tnblerfpoen ful four inches upnrt en the prepared liakinc slieet. bnke in medernte even for twehe minutes. Uft tiie rakes from the bakinR sheet wlille the cakes nre wnnn. and ln en ' flat surface without pllins. ! Swiss Imfin Drep Cake I Cieam seven tablespoons of butlei witli . ' Our 'ii of pei'-ilrirrl iii'jm. The imtls of u n'l'. ('renin nrnin. new ii'ld I'mibrtrrUn J AHCII 1TRKKT f If t'RCII, JSth nnd Arch. (.'tirl.t'nm (rmens nnd mu.lf The choir nlll ha fmintd i.v ftpi.n tinnlpw Cech ran, h.irplit, nnd Jniichn Stmldn. of the Phllartelphla Orchetra Mellnlsf. I)r Miciitn-v "III prenrh I s.4.1 Vh Fu'Ine.n of Tlm ' s ' Wan Christ Hern of lh Verdn .MnrV" 1 his vi . Ii thp first of i .crle of Hun .1 nil ' t srrmenH en Oipat Qupttenti Aheut Cli'lst ' 'I'Up i. -prtnir prinen I ip hreadrHPt.J l-l lenriPjrr in.rin'.ijiiM piti.sin rKiifvN fnt.iteii" He 'I ii I Mini nl m H- WILLIAM I, M-' P.tt(-K T'tiKtOf. Jl"i s,u'i:i. Ii i frtllY Air.Htatit. 1(1 ",'i -v mi, n rind m .J.fi ' 1.,.f lh Srhf.il T I"- Ait l pnT P.lVPitr t p . d K K I'lnrk, urKftnut-Illrccter. 1. i M"l.i"j h pr.i.ie ll..n lennid Edmund confalte Phil lllprlr. terer W..luin hllT harltnr. rrmike C'ertpsl harpiut L'f rli0.1v wpIiiiItip . i mil of err.ifittti In Miae MCNEA.L Tl.r in ill nl lrninit. ' ''no mi'! unr-hnlf iiipi of flour, ullli Famous English Muffins ami "'" frrl '"""""' "f '"""' Pr"",r' " xlfti it ill tin' flu Ii . Little Swiss Cakl'S Will rhnr-qimrlrn cup of mill. Juirr nf Dili Icmei . And Lc.T te smooth, fine batter. Drep en picp.ired hnliihi; "heels, usini; . teaspoon, nnd keepinc the cakes nlieut three Inches apart. Hake for eight min utes in medernte evmi. Te prepare the pan urease nnd Heur n hnkinc sheet. ' The use of n bnkins sheet in mnkinc these cakes is necessary owing te the Prove Meuth-Melting All n.v :Ml. M. A. WILSON Coeurloht, JOlj. by Uri. ,1.', 4 M'llten. rums rcsrrtea near M;s. '.Vilsen -- The HnslMi muffins nie thlity-fivc cents a inun. mil duriliK tlie wnr tliev chnnired i.i ..unlity entlndy. fro '" , hjina V, l MX I'h' P'U"U "'P" po.eus eunlity te a (In-pJiw,! S '-k,B ln ,h,s UttxUi" tlm''- e.i,VAHY piti:snYTrniiAN enrncn Ixjru.t t nlxle lMh npv .TnilV A INGHAM I D . of S'pW Yerl- City, will prpani at oelh service. 11 V .11 i, nl 4 V .11 PPi:riAI emiIHTMAH MfSIC will b rpnrterpi, h an auinpntd shelr undpr th dlrp-rie-. () Mr. Daxld K Cre7'.p-. oran eran 't A' tbe forcnuen cprM'O the choir - I'l C'iu Ari'.rn ""nc O Heaspni" Tours nihein Kmmul" Manney The uftPrneun mURl' alp Herxlfe will b 3'n at a 10 P .11 vhPi Ihn rhelr will situ.- n'd i hi ralxs and rnreI "All Ole'v He '.T3 Oed en Illuh" narh "Siln' Nleht Hel N'ulit" Hajdn "At 'elcrrn .llldnlulit Cam" a Call " Ol t Trench ' s r Nep ' cild Kreneh Mri Kll.. 1 ( oek Nt 'v Hlnu We ah full SPtlv " did Krnch Hew Hrltht pp.ara tie Mnrnlne Stir ' Nlcelal-llach ' rheie s a Sentr In the Air" Oil Trench Air. Arthur II I'njcr ' The Phenhprds Amaz-d ' i:nllih .Itr V" M Km rill ind choir Ifnll Ipus (.hriat Herman Maeh " 'ensider O M sui old Preneh Jlr Merr'i H Wnrp e Jeaua IVeleem ' BPhep-Ilach .' 30 I .11 Sunday school In Parish heUl. ("ItniSTMAS DAY spr!rp at 11 A. M.. (enilucteil Iiv I'.p I)- Ita'Callum I'UINcc. Mr. Austin Pill ves nml Mi. Ii.iIk H. I'uivcs .lit- Ilnzard was Miss Nunej Cepe. Mr. and Mits. Kiancis I. du I'ent, of Jlr. and Mic. ,1 sppli I) floedman. fermcrlv of the l.en&ac-e. are nev living at. us. reii..iiu lead. Mi Ashlev IVchl rlstewn. announces W'sss.S YULETIDE SPIRIT TO RULE ciikp. he (ilTpicnt nnd net se f,.el I hey nre se univctsulh- iit.,i i f(f wire thai ninny ethers, tee, would like the redpe, US well ,is I. Things You'll Leve te Make 5prlpp w II b HKLLN C. ,BBaPBBi xaa . " p" eruiK nueinei iiiiuliV. CWiii' VVaBilll jr .M . . . - . ..,,.. .. wt., ,, ,,, MiiMiiiiu '. , Iw.p .1 titfrl.t.,,. Mku l. 1.... .... 1 lmil. . t.t - - . 1 . I... 1 11. i ...'.- Wm -j1.!. .dT'lUBl f Wr r iim' i-ed hriKiuc. w h eh had a Pi tlicntie puity en TuvmI.ij cvenlni:. , i .. ,V" .:....,' ,, ,;.,.'... ' ". ', .,'.- 47' I , T 7 771 1. r' C rJ Tin ffl ff JTI T7 rr T A T r O I ' " M" ',""". Il," wneic I lived then BM S BBJIA' - . Ik ip I suit . -,., 1,1 en thesiile un-iar, '. honor of Miss IKM, n K. , ft . . t "Ip' ' , "j. 'VvimV . til V V JOjEj O LsJUULJ 1111,11, 1 IVH KjO i "''V , ',"?' Ml ! '"I' 'J w .s , op, . HJwMJ A Kl ill, a p. .Ml e.-..anieiit. Celd Uppcis l-m-i - dchu 'an c daughter of Mr and ,. , 1 rX I V, i iV , r ,H tniiKhl from tin.. p. II,. hnk.sl the -JcWMI -IIbI ,. skUiiw mi- worn will, the J ,.," $. re, ?',! ,, ' 'i.'i.- ' "V; "te of Cernoll. elr.ss ,.f f.lT Xrd.,te ' imk.-, nnd sh,. sold then, and people '3l5M;;W'V,'Mk r . iU'".'''sb chr';;!,'." "Jlnf l J - J?! - "" "'--i V,! " - -- FCW Have Postponed Christmas Dances ami Entertainments mZ, 'VTlil'Z WMtly In tnl b l'nlis ( In.', tun. It was ei Vim KVl, ilt tjlf, i:-.ut. iif.stialfui d in After ciKlileeii nxuitlw' tr.i"'H'iir In, .., " iikii in am te hiij the JJ.. 'Siiw? 4 1 'K-.aB inn .. urn -,c in, (I sold and black bro- honor of hcii d.iimht.r. miss uuiethy it ihnrp... ?.ir ,i-i.i Mi Jehn r. ceinhs Until Next Week Dinners Are Planned nn,T;. .IV" !"'. M'(',rt ,""1 "'"' ,he"1 4vr'jy?" s fB ,... iiiiiiIp Willi .1 band of sealskin l-.'e , ' have icturnM t. ih" HMIevue-Strat-I '" '""" " Ct " """"'S irt I lannca .icais aKe. Hut te imj who ate the -?- 'M - ' . ' aW uiiu.: Hi" lieni. The bodice had a beat Tll(J KUl.M ,, , lltK,llU lhe the f"Kl for the v.-lnui. -7 ' ,i,!f" the ineinerv alone will make the '''Lv&f!s Hl ,1 j,!,,,!, s uits ItalMfWll). Vu at,,, paity. followed l.y supper at the Mr and Mr- .les.c ,! l.nkeiis ' The week after Christmas ,n,ks n Thursday, m :i :!i(i. theie will be an Ic iried" ",'!",' ,l?"rii" Tp"ttt? h C" 1 i ' bVI Ml Hunk hew welide rful Nerma (.re Itltr.-i arlten, which Mr. and Mn Sam- of ( Vd ir l. n-i l.um. (Kfeid P. . an- lull in ( luh , tivill.- I lie mole notice. , v, cut he i i, e Ine of lie riue'illei In, h describe two of them., s-VtW7 V ' I Hf .I...I. .iili.cl, frocked in black ncIvcI. uel I'Uinent. Jr.. of Chestnut Hill, will nouiice the -m.-,,,,, nt of Hull .l-.uRh- able l,ec, ". il i in is til I I lis lime i , t.ee T. n n ill h .. .erv ,1 .f i"r i!, l ,i W"' l",- l,:u" "'"iiewher. tllV? I H in pen. I eiirrlms.s am a peail neck- Klve en .Saturday veiilnir next In hot.er I tci . Mis Mlhl-e 1 llroeks. and Mr rtel.'rt ' t ,.i, , ,' ii n iiisiinii,. i.usy urn. , i.mm'ttee. 1 en will he .pi.( alter teintil them an. knew them nnd eeuid - (r'-V-' ' ' .' ! ,. m tin has wonderful (.-old red ! of Miss .Saracllen Hlchanhen. dehu-1 Patterson Helm's, ten of Mis. Jehn' , I(1 ''" 'dub, leaders and in-nhers he meclins. at winch Mis T.niu.'i H. , tell iisnieilt tliern. I ' JlAid.' L v ' eVI . , , .,,,, fi,. coinnlexleii, and ! ''"' dimifht.r or Mr. and Mis Telbcrt i A Helmes, alto of uxferd mue lni preparing baskets and dinners ( iirnell will preside. ., ". i . i . As jtt;? tOV i Jaffl , i, ," ..mlK he est beenii l' l'lcl,anlM, "f Uernmntewn. will In- , ,, ,. , u .. . . f"r ""' I"""- and their own p""ial , , , , . ... f Hath Huns iJ X aaH ilie- was ten llj the most Keniniiij. , n MN) , l.'crBUen Mits u- ',m' Mr'- ' ran' '' K '''' '" , hnlidiM n reunnns ( elllldl of .lew Mi Wenifil ..,, Nl5--il V ' n k a 1 I ffalM line mil seen her weni'. Clair (ilt I k, , ,Mll ,.- sjm, the itl.s iiiiiLmret ii! I 2-4" N",, Ihlm-thliit sued an-' V r ,. f . , , , . , , ,,. . ., n'ev'' """ffins nre al-e nail,.,! Pncii.i. '- , . ' , aBTa il- .-.. hlre M'lM't. one el tl , . ' ' ' fj , i. :1 2V "V r.Pt . ' neunci. the miuiIiirpei tlielt d uchtM. .. ') ' " "f " elul s lime po.tpened TI.e junior members will rIvp their muffins. Phi..,. i ..., i''..i,5,'S" I " .-afllt-33 . ' 'aflUi lii-beihceil f-ncks with a leilt'. full w... .1 J.ernn Mr PI. Ii-V,.i n.-.V, p ,. I M' -s Hei l mi-' !'-'.incr'i (1 rl: le Mi ""le Iirlsttniis (dimes and ciileilnri- firs nnniial play and diini nt M rem- '" "'"' Ir Mi. were ,s,r while stocking :.!d'.i .'..VrlRaii Mr Jelin I e 'Vi' M ! 'Tn"" "i-cl- Hul. Ir. en Wciiies- i,.U ..nrJI ucn, week. !.t this ,,el;'- Pic Hull Wcdnexl,,, cuMiini. Tie, One nip ,,,,,,w ,,,, I(W . netadinhle Train ,1 i.l.,.', ."Ker .ii,i,.i and loin' cn- llohert P.tllel.I Mi Whiiilnn Si.n. uny. iiefcineer .'e. at tne iiuuili et In. ctliiifs In mev. , k,,s. tvllecte.l the i ill pi ill "lhe Charm Schiejl I l.e ','"' ' "! e putnii, ,i ,.ler. With 1 ilctnclinl 1 iiirtiifs nnd neiklace. house, Mt T. P de Quaitel Hi,', ..td- "" 1ml ' tecteur l.loe.i ,iil..id(. spiiit. pieciuU will .. iim.I for phil nlhipi. ,' " mrilun,,. ,,;, het!, ,i potntei . w ill sere for aftc "" """ -lr' ''"J -nn.. iticli.iidstn A hrldsc pntv w'll J." rIcii next Il.ltlntwai StlilheMictie Club , n. Ihllies ..f th. cluli. ...-.,.., ,,.,y nvr ,.(. llal.e a out. n . I.I. u...L tun .i.ilihics hiii Ijpiii ces- lliilnp l.iitleiim ' T.,,,n -,n.... 11 e.llips.lnv atielinjn at tlie Hetel, i-i.,, iiniinl I'linviinn. fp,,l!n ..I, I,. I, ...,i..... ,...,. ',, "."" . (MdP.l elvit or Ii 1.1 - ,.f ....heinnt,. ,M.JnL..ii(.nt Jr. I' M -' nml Mrs. Walle'i, of JaH'!n,. .A""JK. M!.1. $! will ben .MiMimwn' Pnmdn tl.L .,... . .. ... . ' "? ,, .. ' . V.'. ! "''""''' Vw". ' "' ar, with silk or rl.i v.. '".:.... ...i I.: ,1.. , l,ri letliiijres, will enieitaln nt dli.ner nt iV.. ,"i,l,,'I; .?:. ',.".',' '" .7: ' : " "" will I.,. L'hen r'li.l.,, , t (l ; .1, ..' I :'""" ' '!r " "lh ' """ . ".",' " ',."" ''""'"'" ." "'". c. ler one that w ,...." i'l. , .a I. ,s tl" Jome .m, (hrlstmaa i.u Mnje, S' ",,,--, l . "V '' "' f .". 1B-;:"-'i r '" ...'... ,.,.,. .V . . " " "! ' "'l'.'. ''" ' " - ."- ".. '.'" ;"" '"'"' enkc. cur eewn Cut "......" ' ' r..t . l,.lw . ..... i"" ,.,"fl",'r. "i"'-"'"1 .' iiffprur t I : Mrs. .. ...." " ':.... " ".'. ",u.?,m,, . . VMl1 I"',""M,!,,,IU;' Wir wll n. blnul and ihun , .ten. Sewmnii.. '"., .... r.1..1" "ilviV . .":..... . V. ,.1. ' ., ,V"":...-'.:. l" .ri'!5 Hchn Jnd Mt c nebens. U "., ..'. """""".V. .' ",r'" " ' "." '!' .'""' ""...l"'1' ""!. i.m.i N-winiiiiM rei1. ..,.,. A ...., .. two tot. tnbs .() it ii ml it preed te he .lesephjnr licllt. nits. ilniiL'liter of .Mr. linn Mrs. Mil- ,.. ., , , ...... , .,. fiellc en Frliluv nest at tlie Kitten un 1. .lenks, of Morrislewn. N. .1.. vuw street. (Icima'iitewii.'wlll clve a ten I hm,se He,tl d inane ner iieeiii iipipiiusiii.i "no en MUUKiay, iiecemlier lt, in honor of rr and Mi' c. C Prumniend r cousin, .nnc, uoeision, a. a un ner (iiuiuiiicr, .miss i;ii7.,n,eth Potts. I 2714 .North l.e.nlh stKet iitirieuucn The Pyianiids will ulic a dance and I'ailsh I I.nis. Women's Cluh el f.'einianlewM Mrs. Williiiin i:, Piiicliler, ptesident " i in r m,i ,. ii ii , 1 1 1 ........ i .... r. ... ... - . ...--. ,.,.i i;...- i n-.i i.ii i lie iiicin- thp Woelstons in nctn'j-r. whose .MiRiiKeniunt te Mi. Husscll Van I the cncaif. incut of Un Ir datiKliK r Miss !'H. at nei iieiiip, l Pcllium read before this winter i cicr was recently announced. i Jcuniiette niutuineiid. te Mr S i.ullen puuchiiij niiernoen nt .Si feseiilnne. who I cut most el her time in New ..ik ouch she wns at Mile Moes' school l'aris for a while. Is most nlinietive (1 is n blonde like lief cousin Nunc, lis fall and winter tlie two j;irls linie no eicrjwhciPH leirether and ale tli ery popular. It's niie for cous ceus i te be such Irienda 1 tli'nk. Nnnc.i's itlier wns Miss ltcuhih .lenks, a sis t of Mr. .IcnkH. Mrs. Jenks. who is Miss Ilvrthn Coel:, was a l'iiiln Iphinn tee, Jesephine's fiance from 1 tluil I've heard is ery nice. He the nni of I'lofcsser nnd Mrs. I'red iek Mertis Watreii, of New Iliuen, mn. n AND MUS. AI.IIKUT DUAPHU 'Wlll'l INti will be at home as usual Chiisttnas ee after II o'clock In the diinj: I think It's such an inter tliiC custom mid it is one which they ve nlwas el.seiwed, Of course, no rds me sent out, Mrs. Wlilliux will leave next W(si mIiiv, I hear, te visit her jeiinccr n .Inch, who is In Pittsburgh, wbeie " iiium. n (emcih in wliich lie is play ! new i. After the first of the jear rs Whitiui: will ke te Allmiiy. ia., ipre P. mi, her elder son, is in SlllOs. Mils nfteiuoen there Is another debu tante ten, net lhe last of the sen a. In, weer, because theie will be 'leu Chapman's op New Year's Ony. "' le.i tliis afternoon Is itlven bv Mr. (I Mrs Jeseph l.ucas te Introduce, eir ilniiKhiei' Helen, Helen is known htr iiitiiuutes as "Tisslc," nnd, in' ''t. is called "Tissip" se much that i me people de net realize her real une. She Is at college this jear, and hns pet attended ninny of the parties' as far, but Is reIiir about a Krent al diulnu' the holidies. The ten Is be ith en nt the new (duhheiise of the iiiisihani.i Seeiety of Colonial DanieH j llp'.O l.aliuier street. Iinitn will be n Krent many parties tonight for sub-debs ns well ns bs, for new that the Chrlntmus hell SR (no upon us putties nre in full 1i;k. The ilehutant.. dance is te be ut the lihiilelphln Cricket Club nnd is being en by Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry Vnlen e for their nttractlve dniiKhter reth). Anions these who will give eners beforehand nre Mrs, Henry nipple, I'nrmim, who will entertain f .Tespphinp Jenks; Dr. and Mrs. wmwt (i. Aiken, wlie will give a rty for Mrs. Aiken's dnuphter. Mnric nilse Adams, nnd Mr, nml Mrs. eacrlclt Fnlek. who will entertain for r daughter Mary. Mrs. Hetiiy S. tneg will also pive n party before tlm li but she will take her guests te "I'ntre. HeP party is, for her , EUubeth Morgan. In Cieitaut UU) thtr will t a The Kuest.s who will attend the din ner which Or and Mrs Themas O Aiken, of IIciwmi, will ghe this eve-nini,- In honor of Mrs Aiken's debutante dniiKhter. Miss Marie f.oulse Adams, hefore the dance which Mr. nnd Mrs Harry N. Valentine will rIe at the Philadelphia Crlehrt Cluh for their daughter. Miss Doretln n Valeiitliie, will he Miss rtlta DePin, MIt,.s Iaicylle Austin. Miss Kllrnhcth Pancenst Huey, Mr. Charles Jehnsen, Mr. Jehn Kellly, Mr. Kehert Pcntz and Mr. Hewmd Ventz. Mr and Mrs, Wllllnm Baker Whelen will spend ChrlHtmas with Mrs IVhclrii's hrether-lu-lnw and ?l.stcr, Mr. mid Mrs Celeman Peace Urewn, of Iloscemmon, Iicven. Miss DoTethy n T.ee, debutntite Engaged i Stuhhs, of Il.mishui v Engagements of Interest IE I Baaai aBBBBM ' jStr aBBBBBBBBBB7 i ML jjaaal I VJ' aV 'v'.-iaaa l aar . & . I X J. .'clock. The 1 1 nni onenis win kiii; ( iiu-tinas carols. j The clies in literatuie will meet 'Tliiirsilnj .11 Id tell o'clock, lid bv Mrs. .Minion I'njpe. ;.. .i ..,.-7.,..V. t.lrimlden Cluh ,,, , . ,...,.,.lp,... , T1C ,,,. I'd id llci'ic Sed nherui'i v ill .'.induct seip.'s ler the . hildr. u. i!am. - wl'l be in charge of 'he hestes-e-, All- .Turn. S. 1 aiiib .mil Mi-, l'liubdb Shoe Shee maker New Century Club Tlie 'e. itti. Ileiird w'.l ii 1 1 at 111 ..'ell,.', .hi 'i dneiln. uiunim: Pliileinttsian Cluh On Tin sd.n . from I te (1, a u in ill Clmplpf of the (llenelilen ne uen for "the school set." te whii'li P'Pl with lle rnlnn, I'eiir ,". ., haul ,') flour. amlbeat te line smooth batter Vew mid I 071 lilrjl. I i, j,i ,,f ftr Ami knea.! te snu.eth deuu'li Turn in bowl, iiiid ml, th,. top of the .leii"!, well with srt,.,nij, 'j-,js j, te m lent a ci ust from f. ruling Cever ami -i a wnj in piie tree ftem for four lienr- Pill an de train, one gown rnoen and evening. ibleng tram of hre- lenvA lace I. me i. (Ten of an nttrnetive ill harmonize with out the curie nt the henry ones, en th.- e tab is lencer thnn thp ethe-. I Have the cei responding pnrts of the fasteners concealed under billions or ornaments en each ilioul ilieul der Wien mil wish te wear the gown for the "M'niiu, fasten en the new l,,nc tr.i n P.u'teii holes rip le used m- 't'Oll of 'lie .MH, It ..il wis!) KI.ORA. Wp ine'div r. I' emlttd r.xt trt i A .erdli! in.tA'len te p'( t1pm (ixriiRD I'rksti:kian. fcei s. Hreid .t ItKfl.llAV P Ciriisi: M . Mlr'r. Pll.lt.sO.V P IIAKRIS Assist tin HKKIIKIIT II LVANS O Btn t an nip'rter Marimnt nt Iver'., se. prane, Der.. Yeunn Vrn rtedn oeti" trait i 11 illiHtn II K,veli tenei Ileb (tl (i lUix'pr, tats le.in- 'TUB IMPLICATIONS OF CHUISTMAS ' AnthmB "Th IJIrthduy of a Klti, N d.mjtef ' In liethlehem n Kins Ik Hern !lrtM4 ' 1h Infant .lenin' . Handel Tener nole "Lomfert Ye Mt People ' Iltndel OfBan ' Paeteralp Ssnphnni llundel llnlli iijil. Chorus Itandel T I" HIUSTMA TIUINils keR IIM. IVCiItsniPPKH " t'ri:a-i Marrh of flip Mai Dulielt l '., r lVhep the Hdn Hid Sunk In H si (i .1 r-us'Lh lh' Anlj and the sppiicrd. . . ... ""hemlam Jrviu. hritnia Senst 'i.'taert s'i mLe- SetiK of thp Infant J...u Pr,n"h Chi tr i Pp'.M iU(s , -hp I. I'.e Doer" m--lpnn 'lii N'.nht Si'nt Sir.li It-iui-v V, KI COUP. TOMuIH'OW T rilH ' ejiMi : rr cm it( ii " Vi.t iimi i'KiniTi:ltiA.N (inn ii """ 'J 1st and IV a t.ut sis y.r tl.KAA.MlKIl .-IllrrOT t. , .ll.s l.-i . r.rv D., Het AI.VIM II OPIU.KV As.slsrWT Pr M-.. Cell nil rrpach .it 11 , ' S P M ni i herm cfelr ..f.iMt.-d t.j ni-nb,., , ,h. Phllidelrha OnliPiOni under thp ii. i tlnn of v Undent N()rdPn vim Vi-'der an ealr.ip iireL'rain f Chriktmaa r u.c .t Airtri un ami i.vi- u .spj.tf,t jp ( A ler a'ld Il - ' ih Chr.'-n..s N u-hl ' '.In ' N.jht s n of the r . IC.nv Uin, ( rn il.- II tun lratt llll-llsllet.. 1. fiakinir our .mil u itli ., I.,. . ... .... . . ,. .1 . r ' . i' ill. uiiu is nnii their i lillilren ate muted i inse oppressions or wells, ii.ittini? the Mr. and Mis .Jehn J ltmnbeiKe.'. of i Club will gite u Christmas d'ltiee in Tl,,. Membership Committee w ill iue i Heur firmly Set uwat un'ti Inee Ir.l .orethy M llllller! m Jll! i:,lwill'f' ,.,, ,, , Kuiite lle.ml at 10 :le when the tin,., limit cM,,es. ,, ,, I Chic Cluh A Cliristni'i- nartt nt Ncii'lihorheod net touch or handle one l,,.ln'i. tl The Ileaid ..: liiriclets will miet at Heit-c will be gh.'ti Wcdiiesdat , from pastry beard Itell inn without han (1 :,')() en Wednesday. 'J te -1 ..'. In. k dling until about three-quarters of nn . - Imh thick. Cut with biscuit (Utter nnd lllliee fl ( (inn. ... -I... ... .!. I. ..I KII7..lletli l.euise ITICK, te Ol i,ie.(i i -v .err. i . . r, .. .. i . i . r . ' ' '" "" mne (IP- Hrunmcnd Indi.tv. of Nehrnska and UUt-OJ-i Otl'll irltest te lie (Jllldren S iJiriStmas Parly III picsMens or wells I,,,,, it, t, nf S'... '..., 1. t.i.lr I.. .. . ..I n il...... I .... ' . . ,..v a; .mi. iiii i'ieui ,uir let Entertained in Frankford Delaware County Next Week ii th Dorethy watd Muck, of this clt Mr. nnd Mrs I lent X Prick, of. BOOS Xr.rth Thirteenth street, announce thu eUBngctiienl of (hull daughter, Mis Kll7..lhftll I.OUIse I'TlCk. te ui uicl Xew Vetk Pi Andrew Is a Ktadualc of ,lli'"r.sen Mcillc.il t "llsgi nnd a Minmlmi rt tlil ltptll I'l .111,1 Tllp.nl Nil Kpsllen I'i itiriiltcs ' Miss Aile Tcrt of Oxfeid utenip. . lillilren s ( hr sttn.is p.irtt will hi ' will ciitcttalti n I 'tliiher of frlemlM ,tt hci s't.n ci Tu. sil iy ..ft.TIHK n Ive.tnhe I home this ev.nl ni; in hone i uf .M, l' at the We nan' Cluh of Hwartlunoie ''. 'i'-.'.. .....'.. Ii.. 7',. ..:, T:ilzaheth Shetmnn. of Allvntewn, Pa. bt Mrs II 11 Parliip r i rer- nlH!fg fir)' OIIgU ,he 1b ependlng some time In this city -,. , . , r , , . . i ,...i . . ?. ' us the guest of Miss Terry. Vnieiic the . T'le ceinmlttee in charge of the dance 111 neum i iniaaeinnia guests wi t- miss i, nevd. .un s '" ':,,, "' ..."rr"", ..'"k. .mnu I irilAmndn.i tlluu C S!litl,un,i S.t I. . i."...!'.'.., .....'.. j... ... mr, . tain inferninlh at her horn" this eve nlng nt a tree trimming party The guests will Include. Miss Ucnetiete I.eftun, Miss Antin Muldoon, Miss Jesephine, tli.tdv. Miss KstclU White, Mien Florence Pnlste, Miss Frnnces jir, chailes I'eniicrH hns relumed Cohane .11 ss l.llllau I'entiell. Miss from the West whdi! he spun seteial Haric ii .Veil Mits Jan Herring. Mr i months In trntel lley Herring, Mr .tucuaei . iienueiininK, i Mr. Jaik Iienaliti'-'. Mr p'rank Mc Keeu, Mr and Mrs Chatlcs V.. Mci'Muic of Mr. .leseph Caillii Mr ll'in.t Lent 31 1 S Itliawn stiect are recchlng con Mr. Hcnr Cotten Mr Chailes CJalla- grntulatlens upon the birth of a son glier and Mr Jack Heed. ' Mr ,i M,s Herace William,. ..,,,1 ' ..MiH? ,K Ilvli?. ,''"te.' "f Mr and tl.pIP ,1 .lilPi- Miss TI.Pl mn IV l ,,,. t,lr" .'V.,,'""V.r '."'?.'. "'...'IHyllllll lead ;-u."""r;; .... ..,. . :.:: "ius n-u rer , 100 .Wp,t '11 se Other stile, nt Kncratrd ut M 00 p.r 100 tt r nr (Snpp U'a mn CI-IH for a 'I .mi Ti 1 .- rrpp, (pt. Hnral Vp'-ftlnc hlinp Hit Valnnt t.. I , p.p M'l l ,. ,i 1 11 I CiPK t. I"i 1 I ii l,lr II . ( .1 and ( h l'mui inu-c ilii' ' l. Mi"f- d lilt n .el i t ,r (p j (jii.Kr.HenK i-RK-in i i:jsi (iiutui Hns: 'iounert I tmen (-ruber i "Ten ciaaa ' hrN'i i ,, 11. ," Or. I' tha 111 I" I r MPM CM e iii'ttiip i mi:km' pm. is i.,..,- 11 ( i A " - Th- iifi . ,. ,;., ' ,,., sp, c , -, n mi-, nt ,, , r ,, l ' i II l, l r" ii t ,i n ,i'", 1,111 .,. 1 . f". I lP- ' . sten mist. i'eiir. i le twi ntt mil un III I fort I llllllte I'l. ne op .-r.ild'i after ten nunutrs in warm weather 1 in .old weather nml bake, turn tig Tune for (.'iking. FROM PARIS! 1 I n , i r.'tei ie 4 nml I tf i frpk p c ,, lln, 57.10 A. L. DIAMENT & CO 1615 A'ainut Et. Teai tlful I n In .Intel tf 11.25 te 57.10 r.'tei ie 4 nml ( I trt. ftps p e ih nnd , i i Jni1 at St-atlcrd Ti ii r .' Iiv the Junier se.tien of the N'er- Miss C'ntheilne MePevitt will outer- , nach. Miss H.'Selens Mlsa O " Hal ev "n".'.' ''""V..., rl"l ",'' Mrs ""irf .iim ii, .iin ii ii-t 1 lil''Ktl tl' HI' Al- Miss I zaheth .Shertnan. Mr F sil,. ;"'", '"," "," """.' ?."V., ur' A1" ley. Mr M Koonz Mr II Xickels Mr '"'1 f, r""kn. M r F I. f'ulllngs Mrs 11 Hredge, Mr A Faudely. Mr p. 'Den- 'P1"1 "' e Mr' Hewnrd Heppui. Mrs nUlsen and Mr H Terry,- Harri T-.ttle Mrs Heward Knecdlet and Mis (leetpe Znne of Khnmekin am tlm guests ever the Christmas hellil iys of Mis. Williams' mether. Mis ileerge Leffcrtts, of 2100 Seuth Twentj-fltst street Mr. and Mrs Clinrles J Hcckcr. of Chplwe.i V .1 feimeilt Of fiOfl Sin, Itli Colerado street, Olrard Farms, are en-' tertalnlng Infetmnlly at their home I ever thu Christmas belldajs i lie Keiltll. Whein uli.. ..il I spend never.il weeke ns the guest of I her aunt Mrs. Paul Hemmeraly, of Sa vannah, Cla. ' Mr and Mis I Meade aie spending me ciirisimas neimtts as in of iclatltes in ("ollinRsweod Christmas Week Bride in Norristown News The inniriage et Mr Allen Helf Hnrt- KPl fc.,.t nf tr Mnii II.I.I...I .nn. mirits .OWP . 0t , ... rn.h,,Pl Mrs l.etils i' Knunens of .lIth. tiinre i utertained 1 1n ciMinheis of her In n!ge cluh en Wednesd.ij afteipoen Mr and Mrs Wilsen Apphpate, of Pi Hi t P.uh will k i' is tt. ek I,. Sellt'l n liev N .1 eheie lint t i i sp ml the (''liismi.is luilul i with Mi pple gales pureiils Mrs Allien Hoetei and liei daugli tei Miss Iioreth Heeter, et Prcxel Hill, will spend tlw .'lirlstmas hel(ns with Mrs Hoevpi's brother. In-lnw and sister Mt and Mrs William C.trr, at th.ir home In X. w Verk Mis Heeter nnd her daughter Inte Iikh nt lilantl City for n let might Comings and Goings of ) ardley Persons Ol ICllltltes III . OIHIIKSHOOU. Mr.S .UVU.r nt lln.,rin., ;Tli -"""'"' ' Meade was 11i- M." If Themas of 1SH ,,,. Vp,,?,Un..vy n xt nt tLtIli1e p,,lCi; Ml' 'e,rh S '"'"' liicl"'- f Uetin MimiMrf.t flVe hriile'M5,- V a". Har'uiTVlll ,""", """"-"'"-" "" live In Canten, ,V Y Mis .1 it IleiMicf has irtuine Many Holiday Visitors I Mr p.-oige iiuchanan, a student at f,em " Nlst "IUl 'u"" ' ' " I I.ntt reneet llln Aeiulemv la ..,,.... n ., Mr n.,,1 M.a c,n,i,nl ....... .u ;.i i . .;. , .e PHC.uuiK III" "' .". .'..- .'iiuiMvi .-.liner, n ,-,11 ( hrlstinas hellduvtj with his mother U"'''. me being cntei tallied hv Mr an Mrs. It Ueorge Iiuchanan, of e Kast Mrs M H. (Ilgc Freed ley street. , ,, , , .I.SN .lOsr.VUIW, .i"A.n llchvtiintc iliiiiiihtti of I.. n, Iftn. Williniii I'. .(iA. of this i if nml Monhtewii, . .., icievr iHlltiUCMCnt ii unnauiicfit te Mr, farnrn Carey Waned. en of J'ref. and Mrs, Frederick Merrit Warren, of New Haven, Conn. in Germantown This Week Miss (Jerliude Waters, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Daniel Waters, of 188 Queen lane, hns aa her gucit for sev eral days Miss Elizabeth Hutch, of Bnstrn, Muss fur whom she enter tained at bildge followed hv tea en Thursday nfteiuoen Mr nml Me W .1 Constable nml I their daiighl.i HIsi llettv Ann Con stable, df Mil ma ('mad i. nre the I Bill sts of .IP Hllll .ins lluiteii II I'.iurringlen. I tlln Prill, 1 .. u and Mtrtn Helen tp.lmt, nf t.'.. .r ,M) .Mrs HU,"1' Wltiter, Miss 'S'hoel, Is home for the helidats. Mildred Z.alewr and Mr. Hareld Cene, , . , of Xorrlstewn, have been the a-uents I ' brlsttnas . ntertalnttientH will be of Mr nnd Mrs Hnrry A, Stkes of Bll" ln ,n" m,llllt' ehoel en Wcdties l.uncustei' J ' or Ii .illeiiioen Mlsa Sarah Cloud nnd Miss Fsthpr Cloud, of Hast .T.iceby stieet, will enter laiti at a tea en New Year's nfternoen Crissman ItusseTi Miss Matgaiet Moen, daughter of Mr unlet wedding will tske pipe i, i.lll Untm. a ten,,,., f, i, Mm N.chelas Moen, of 307 lltiuH ' -I'Mei iau . 'hur. 1. ''tiii'th K r. . t "." ', 111 (till ll. Imu rntliriiiM Irrmt l. . . tJ . I l.nr. .. '.i ...tti. ..i , . ' Ul Mi. and Mis ri.tiik P. Leenard, of , '0!'iidtnVl,t'm' ll"1',"'new''. Mil, te. ";"'" "f -'V North r.ftv'third .it,'.!,.; U55 West Het tie! street, will cuter- t0 5 ,"'" '"" ''""' ' '" l""1' "' Ml IMwiw. ijpHSHiirferr-I?r.',Cu;g (I I hJ"JJIIU.,UiIUMllltxilU.itUlAU.iT MERRY CHRISTMA1 l'rnt.t1llt l'ilrinml tin ut ii up sr. it in; , nnrvxriviTv Uth mil V ur i n. ii t "ITJX l'.tv JAMI ' ( i It.wsi.v nre,,, 10 " V I I in r i ., ir i 10 41 MiiniH' P . , ,ii 1 vvmpr, 7 1.1 i r.il Sprt i p 'lit' - s 1 1 . i N.r p. n ft' l.e . c, ir tu.,' i n '0 II i r-i ii l.,n t , s,,n a i.n i. cm ic'ii with rn snir IV'l.dlli; CMP IN'li f.1.1- ' IjT (in in ii or mi: nni M'iisti.i's "" " J Jt Nl ' 'l !t till li ' llt ilI.iMPIF I! I'di.p Itirtur M' A H lln!. ( n tiriiinn )" ,0..A,;M -" "'"' Pruei .s.rmen b wnsTn&'fnri'Sa ..1' ''' a1u"ln "" ''"itmi "- - - i.rr .. j Un i-enri ml i.nrn, iprtpp luuiiuimueui nujcuuiul ei 'n ,pi , .. f..r'i. Bill - - ...... - - IMJKIttx, '. 'h .nl II, r m v j ' l ' 11" ( ti r ii-ilnn S Xf . Ir,,. tic l'r t -. iii.l Spr.net, ii t V. .1 " n ii, II 11 p m (1 , med' ' - ' " I'll n er-'ipr c t PhUa r", I, ,S Il II I V rl . 1H ,, T-nnk i ni i ir en H i, nil 11 A M JainM ' ' '" , , ,,,,. )!, ,rt tain at the tlu.ni" followed by supper ut the Itlt-Cailte.i oil Wednesday e,v nlnir next in honor of their dnushter, Ml p, Leenurd. Mr. and Mrs Kahili Sehttem, , ' .7 " V.' .,.1' Stanbrldge trct. nre rceu7ini con. ii'.h i"r Inm . i. . .. " 5 : f'ratlllnllAna rn i lilW '1r,l COM 1 1 H Lri0HUIll Will VO Oil hi O iarn Edward tehweaJh f ft BOnt W- ' ''UI"r hlP. Upen their "etu lam Kawara Schwenk. wlll ma ut iil3 WarrInBten uir.i 1 a se or tins cllt le, e ceicnien Mr ami extended urn (ri arrlneten avenue. tM sr tFwbf? S s, mm vl.VrA "n v- ir'r' f wirv x -mr-r i O 'Bv 'vaW-- ii i IT "--.' ViV i -I I te - g I! I, I'l ii i; s i in iK ii 1 ' , i 1 I i pm I. I I H, II JI PP It i T D.. MAY YOURS be a geed old fashioned Christmas with all of the geed old-fashioned thrills and joys even te the reindeers' patter en the reef. Wlnkelmait 1130 Chestnut St. V Tu (i i il! H w fi.il pi fl jljl . ;r Ji "i t t II . , iitnmiint.ir ' " VI" lliirinnil, H.Tt r him s.rmnn P-i.n I ' . ' I i mi. ( dili.slr.i Kni- 'I ftp i h - itll! (.in ; p ppjni in A i4 rkar llis.. I ll c,B,)r Krnri, r in j -siimriH. S heul i i-l Srvlc tit ss hv Hip ltt t t l.wir, Kpctnr ' ,11 s.. .p Cnuri Ii Vi KI PN'IMI SKHt ICK 1- "i" Mirtn Bhi lb Iv Communion ( IIKIST tl.t'l lV t. '10 A M lliil c.inrntininn K ni t M , '. i DiTiniunl'in II ,fl II 1l..r. Ii; s.rt, p n, .rmen In (Iip Up. mr Tip ih.nr ml hm r Tp ri'iun hi ' Martin '" 1 1 i'l . s' "fte " II,. i NlKtlt ,Uln hT l'i:ri:ifh I' I . ( III KI h, (Iprnisntewn WtMip tp ai I II. wi i( ur r. i U't 1 KM Mil I I, -KI mi ItPUur Ht'NIHI .-.I ItVICJ.x ' 7 11V M II i' i enitntitiinn I 1 1 no M liiK-int u 1'i.ijpr Sprninn by thp It.Pter t 00 I M Atinu.il ( hiiilrrn n ( arsl r i Ipp IJIipss by Up It.i t'prn I, I'rLan HI.HVK K.s' CIIWSTMK DAT 7 Id A 11 II .1) Cerminitilriu 1 nO A M llnrnlntT I'taypi ant Hei I'nuiilnn Seriiimi by Un n ter , 'iitt i jti mal .H'titnnk- t llltilrhui Plltsl I Ml MIIW III ( i t,p,tii',i p, i. i ii, iii. ni. k it iimn is M . . I ' I M (.iltlli, , I r,V, "Ur , . f ii.-i s,..,,, .,, j,UM ;; 1eb "i px,.",,::,.h.."v,,,'.",,:,1"" ' , I, S ri ,p ' ' "IH istlllfltN MM Ml II III (.MO,lAi,,..-r i.icii n ei tv. 'i (piiipri ave --" hundiij Dcirinbrr "I ItiDi' Wi TT5f?' " "rvtc..,', 9,u- 9 M m 31 tl m I All ar Invlttd. '4 ' .Ui4A' "iLiamluai , ., i: -i wewipiaanii -t;. m'.".?-! '. .'l'NMJ' 'Ut mnrntattimmm