i ii .1 j. WVJW?X7FW " Tk'.r vrf,vliwipr-wjC7''.r & ii f'A Vi"' ' imwitt irrw.r jt( ."- r J mr ,tit iiVaj 7sT, r r '-t - '' . $ Z,i- "irtjr'- rf,-:'i'V"'' f!i . "v,"" 7' 1! '? rwJ 38 s 'ft EVENING PUBLIC LED(kR PHILADELPHIA; SATURDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1022 . .... i $ V' 1 Organ and Christinas Carels at WANAMAKER'S store closes at 5:30 WANAMAKER'S WEATHER Mostly Cleudy WANAMAKER'S P; liana aim uimi ,,. an(! nrun unMtle Ht Noen Stere Opens at 9 rrnmPfSw-Wr Chime ",1 Giving, Giving, Giving Is the Thought in Every MindIt's Frem the Writings of the Founder It Is a Pleasure te Remember , a Day in Edinburgh with Dr. Horatio Benar, the poet preacher of Scotland, who wrote much that still prolongs his useful life. This for example: "He liveth long who liveth well. All else is being flung away; He liveth longest who can tell Of true things truly done each day." What are we here for if it be net te make life easier and sweeter for all .about us? J Signed Qyfamwfc. DURING CHRISTMAS WEEK Almest Everybody Visits Wanamaker's It's holiday time and folks must go sight seeing. One of the sights of Philadelphia surely is the great Wanamaker Stere. Yes Te Be Sure, Visit Wanamaker's! Be sure of your welcome, even though you are only passing through the aisles, or showing friends the sights of the Stere ; a welcome which is net "put en" for appearance sake, but which is the spiritual cornerstone of this whole great material structure of service; Be sure of complete comfort in going about and seeing, perfect security even for the little children you may bring with you te enjoy the great Tey Stere and the ether wonders of Wanamaker's (no roomier, pleasanter, better safeguarded store in creation for the little folks te visit!). Be sure of mingling with the best kind of people, whether friends or strangers te you (and that does make a difference, in atmos phere and in ether ways) ; And above all, be sure of the substantial value of the goods displayed en every side, whether you mean te buy them today, next week, next month or never. ' Walk into Wanamaker's with absolute assurance that you'll net walk out of it over reached, overcharged, disappointed or dissatis fied with its merchandise. Christmas did net ''bleed us white" of worth-while goods, despite the most tremen dous season of holiday selling in our history. New, fine stocks were flowing into our store houses, and our shelves, and our counters, while the last of the Christmas gifts were going out, and even earlier. Werth-while goods are all that we deal in. We have no scrap-tables heaped with fearful and wonderful assortments of odds and ends which "missed fire" as Christmas gifts and are geed for nothing else. "Sure-fire" buying and selling is what has made Wanamaker's Wanamaker's. We cannot keep some people from buying trash, but we can and de keep all people from buying it here. Behind the Smile en Every Face Yeu Meet There's Gladness in the Air and Mere People Than Ever Are Realizing What a Great Thing' This Yule-Tide Is, With Its Santa Claus, and Its Thought for Others and Their Happiness, and Its Cleser Fellowship 1 But the Biggest Gift That Can Come at Christmas-Time Is the Privilege of Being of Use te Seme One Else ALL day today, from earliest morning and far into the night, Wanamaker delivery trucks will be chugging along city streets and suburban reads, laden with the last of the Christmas gifts for which the doers of the homes are se gladly opened and hands se eagerly outstretched. One could hardly think of a higher privilege for a great busi ness organization than te work se closely, se intimately te make happy the greatest home festival that the American people celebrate. TXUT It's Been Christmas Here for Weeks -- and Every Heur a Pleasure People, people everywhere. Thousands and thousands of people from the Main te the Eighth Fleer and down again te the Down Stairs Stere. People of all sorts. Big people and little people; city people and people from out-of-town; young people and old people; men and women and children unnumbered; people of every profession in life but predominantly these who belong te the splendid profession of MOTHERS, and who are cheerily shouldering the whole family's shopping. Frem the packages under nearly every arm and the smiles that radiate from every face one can guess hew few have come en an errand for themselves. nnHEY Came Alene, Perhaps, but Have Left - With q, Thousand Friends Fer where there is se much of Christmas there is bound te be' the warmer feeling of friendship. They have met in the Grand Court, have thought the Christmas decorations magnificent and have gloried in the soft, rich waves of"' melody that roll from the many gilted threats of the Great Organ. Sweet carols of Christmas were played and the people have joined in the singing the most unusual kind of carol music ever heard all unrehearsed, its background the massive walls of a huge and humming business house, its singers strangers te one another, casually met, "like ships that pass in the night" VET Bound Clese in Spirit and Sympathy by the Music of Christmastime But most of theirucame mainly te de their Christmas shopping in the pleasantest and quickest way, with the best return for their money in permanent satisfaction. And the store has 'endeavored te serve satisfactorily. We believe that when the presents purchased here are taken from the gift table and put te the test of use the new slipper worn, the new gloves drawn en, the new books read, the new lamps lighted, the new piano played it will never be said, "T'm sorry I went te Wanamaker's." There was no effort spared, nothing overlooked te make each Christmas gift the best. Every market in the world, every corner where human energy and human ingenuity are producing things was searched in this relentless quest for the best. Of course, human relations are net yet perfect, even human love is full of flaws, and se are the things that mere humans produce, but the gift things here are the most perfect, the most flawless te be found en earth. And we aue glad for our confidence that no matter what gift was purchased herefrem a grand piano te a child's toy, from a mag nificent circlet of diamonds te a pound box of candy it has been of a quality that neither seller, giver, nor recipient need blush for. Se with a serfse of having done our best te help von de your best te make ethers glad, we say JLferry Christmas Ml te All and te All a Good-Merrow New the Christmas happiness turns te ether corners. Mansions en the glassy boulevards where handsome limousines roll, great estates looking proudly down upon the whole country-side, little cottages nestling close te some mountainside as if for warmth, or lowly place in the shunned streets et the city are all akin as Christmas Hears. There's one feeling everywhere and everybody's helping te M k V L ft- . i t9i ffSft Bitm dP'SGaMHHUWBWgSSSSt-!-. C3399UKKI !SsSMS8M3S3!iSS5iS&85 .. iiiikii 11 ! ar mh uh m n tu hMdta jm a bbjwbb - . -u i 2SSS 8n 233555 !H! i uiujJ j jb! ii . . i KKH& &K 1 111 ii juuuu uGumnSKKH i VlJM tttt:iiiiiiiitr:?t'!i'i nil 11Q1 It G3 XV 7 I IV I? II fin vaunt I !uiimiuimniimjum.ijniwMCT a I a mugniMinnn? "nfi --J2i.. A ND It Would Be Lets of Fun te Peep Inte Most of These Hemes Everybody flying about with arms full of gifts, white paper rus tling, scissors snip-snipping and getting mislaid in the transfer from hand te hand; The best tyer of bows in the family having her hands full, es pecially with the lovely, glistening ribbons of silk or tinsel unraveling tee fast, as it always dees: The Christmas seals threatening te give out (as they alwavs de) until somebody saves the day (as is always done) by discovering in an overlooked corner an unopened box of the prettiest ones of all ("Don't you knew, we came across them that Wednesdav in Wana maker's?"); Somebody catching sight of a gift she or he was never, never meant te see until twenty-four hours later and then registering an elaborate obliviousness which would de honor, te a girl sitting en a perch, who sees with the tail of her eye a boy coming along the street te call en her; Somebody else seized with an ail-but-fatal lapse of memerv as te where he, she, has stewed away the most important gift of ail, and the whole busy group amiably dropping work te go whele-heartediv into the search (invariably successful); Gifts pepping out of Wanamaker gift boxes, gifts being pepped into them; ' ' Such priceless freightage of Christmas geed will going into each box, each package, however small, and however uncestly its contents as te make it worth its weight in geld en the kind of scales that really count J What a day is the day before the da. before Christmas! Only two clays eclipse it in importance, and we have just named them above. QO It Gees at Christmas, the Whole Land Over Stores are crowded, jammed, busier than veu w ish thev were There are people everywhere, all laden with bundles, all in a hurry all tired out, but all happy. ' There's a hubbub in homes, everybody's get tee much te de, everybody wishes it was all ever-yet everybody's glad there is a Christmas, even though it comes but once a year. Merry Christmas te All Says Wanamaker's - gfe , u ite. V ! II la 4. vUvl w