t wy AVV l v -i i J " - t! .R :- wj v.-j I" "h ft . I 4 5ttri,i . wsi: . ! , HI; ii; irtv'b: HaNf Li Ufl f,v M fi. 1 Ml n m km: imvi v. I :! IW (: t it .- 4 IVE GOT Meney feeme Energy Seme Ability 1, want te invent all three in 'an statu em iff In," aevi business. Experience sales, advertising, mcrcnnniiising lief. etctices a 1. II 60S, l.edcer OHIcs SAUNDERS Absolutely white per fect dlnniend $200 '., iMMt set In pint-1 Established SO Yenrs mum setting us llltts-1 (r!l,eJ 2710 Ccrmanlewn Are. 11 & 13 Se. 8th St OPEN EVENINGS JxiGLONANNEX 4i604 CHESTNUT ;? OME here for Sunday Dinner we prom- you L. Aiglen stand ard of Feed, Service and Cooking. Choeto from 3 Dinners. One. at S1.50 quite elaborate. A Chicken and Waffle one at $1.25 a simpler but quite satisfying one, 51. A la Larfc, ir you If , prefer jbvaajnitrT-' -vgTTTjaxj H liIANY a chicken Icses its H 1V1 J,eaJ nt the thought of being well dresred! Leave it te the Chef here! The chicken he gives you is as tender as it is true which is saying much now new adays 1 Cafe'jyitfen Bread below Wnlnut Famous for Its Feed ANOTHER ST R A Y ER SUCCESS Unlirrt II.iihI I'ltS HuzxHr.l d , in tmv of the t)l"' tllill hua nu I. riill.icleinlii.i fstliiilis ltrfiirii I" J lirimi hf Itl I llnlalir.l Ihe Htli yiietc f iti-i llu. Ki'll iirtiiuainr Hflinel. lit imrtitlii uimi. ilfleriinneil Ibiit lie hnuM lure the livtt imihhII k tultitng fur liilhtliekt, ii tlie) .flit tilln ti hliuter' llu.lne I ellec. It rrciulreil .mere nelf ilenlsl en thu irt n( lilt part ills tn keep Itc.ti.-rt nl sirarvr'i until lie citnlusteil, lut they itM n. Tim nsiill reimhl thrin fur hi 1 their rrltlees, for heu Itnliert Itiiliheil lh Mfcrelsrlnl ( nurte it t Slrjer', u nell was he preimn-il Hint lie uteiipeil nt enee Inte a iMwIllun 'lli Hi" I'l'iinailinnU Hull resil ('nmimtir nt Sim HA n iiiunih mul In e tliiu mi' luiuitli hl .iiUrjr was liirree'l , . A IiikIiiie Inilnliii; nt Htraier s ter tiev nr sjlrl U ii I'liulunl minrnutee nf miu'em In I'f-. H ' He I -s 'nn .nl 31.1111I fntlii'i. for I lirMniH. niv"iit, r tint Irsr (Irl mul lv 11 Isielne.. niiirie nt Btmyer's, ntntlliu nl Nm esr', an I tlnm liure Itii'lr m Cb TVrffc iis tutlay or Ciitttlrwue rf Terms Lv Strayer's Buiinesi College Cheitnut Btisst, rUUdslsnU (Hue 1 nHnMaiMHHHBiMi tniinnTriiTmntiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiinfffmmTg M I H Open Snmlnus tnr Dinifr I H ' ', lit 'I B j .u use ps Alse Operating 0S 1,'Ainlnn Annex ; 1604 Chestnut St. AY )ininiiiiiiiiiiim(f SUIT TO DETERMINE CITY'S CREDIT LIT, I Taxpayers May Bring Action te ' Test Borrowing Capacity I of Municipality ! IS ONLY $14,000,000 NOW I A taxpayers' ult te determine just what improvements can be charged against the city's borrowing cnpnclty prehnhl.v will be brought ns n step te- wnr,j solving the municipal Annm-lnl ! tnngle revealed through nn opinion 'Riven by City Solicitor Stnvth. j Members of Council were somewhat dozed today bj the opinion of the Cit Solicitor in which he said thnt the city's borrowing capacity m only SM.OOe.lMXi instead of Se.!. 000.000 as had been generally believed by these conversant with municipal financial affair- This trmendeus reduction in the1 borrowing capacity will greatly deln.v a numbr of improvements, some of which have been started. Ne aid enn be obtained through legislative appeal, as it would l four jears before action could be obtained In that dlrec- tien .ludicial action is favored by .Tesepn P. (taffney. ehnlrrann of Council's i I inanee Committee, and Ceuncllninn Hull, who Is ersed in the city's tinanee affnir. Mlid he thought that would i be the enlj redress .Mere home nile Mr riillndciphla se that Council might Miperle city expenditures without I Stn,,c 'lietntlen is favored by both men. hollowing u conference with Assist- i uui i uy solicitor i.ewengrusu In tne absence of Mr. Smvth. Mr. said : !nffney ( i Wants Term Determined "I hau had a talk with Mr. Lowen Lewen grund. of the City Solicitor's office, relative te the opinion of the City So licitor te the Controller upon the "ques tion of the city's borrowing capacitj. (iaffney said. ' there should be started imtuedi- atelj nn action te determine whether I 1 or net the entire cost of the Delaware ' Uiver bridge nnd the sewage disposal , plants are chargeable against the pres- ent borrowing capacity of the city. There will, however, be no real relief or satisfactory determination of what Is or is net indebtedness until thnt term has been defined In nn amendment te the Constitution of Pennsylvania. "The borrowing rapacity of "the city should only be charged with amounts , te which the city has committed Itself, ' either by action of the people passing upon nn electoral lean or by Council. , in passing a ceuncilmanie lean. If in the test case the Sunreme Court sbeuld i . . . ' T I determine ttint the tetnl cost of the I sewage disposal plant is presently I '"""; -.." nil.- iii) a wiilllS ! PflTl.leit V. tnrtti en nffftnf ul.ni, 1,1 l. ,.n.lx I-..,-... ,,.,,, ,,,, , ..,, fc fiiuuiii lit; uiiiuc te repenl the net of liX)." nnd pnss a less drnstic one which would insure n I greater degree of home rule for the City I ! of Philadelphia in connection with the erection of, a sewage disposal plant." Ceunclman Hnll aid: "This opinion is a thunderbolt. Kverylmdy will agree j with Mr. Smyth that he is right se far 1 as charging off apnrojiriatiens for the Delaware Hirer llridge is concerned. 1 The matter has te be judicinlly set tled : It s one of these things that you cannot decide in n minute. I imagine I a taxpayer's suit will have te be brought t" determine what is te be charged ' aga nst the city's borrowing capacitj. Thn we will hav te go in the Legis- I laiurr ter relief, out tlint means vers, ! Wry long dela,." " Hall Hits Health Bedv ,- V , ,' ,.. y"",,s .""':, .. Herrymnn. who wns bem in M- t tii inM.ten.it .. , .i 7U" '"tmerclBiid street, wns held ' County Cnvnn. Irelnnd. wns Miss Hnr ,,: Til, L lt al u WK f'"" cenrt in .?1000 bail today by Mugis- ; bara Dougherty before her marriage. .Mate Department of Health, which . trnte Lindell. of the Hrnncht.iwn police One of their grandchildren. C Ver some nr.e r.ge get the city te commit J station, en the . harge of attempting te ; non Albright, is employed by Colonel itself te build sewage disposal plants. ! Ken 1 u limousine from .Mrs Uita Levi. I Franklin D'OIier. "If the State beaid hrs the richt 4.rp(Hi Old Yerk read. I . . te commit us te these nreiects." lie I, away bj the Legislature, What is the use of having twenty agencies telling Philadelphia what It should de when iiH eiii. body Citv Council should deride this." i Referring direetlv te t li Snnth epln- l ion. Mr Hnll said: "If hi decision reduces ir hiirieuiug c-ap'icitv te SH.OiHi.lMH) new ir will be increased te S.I.-.OOO 000 after the first of th. j ear. win n we will have a large increase 111 tlje asse-scil value ,,f renl estate.' At the present time ,be borrowing capacity is SM.OOO.OOO. I'tider the Mnyth opinion ?-".. (KMlHX) is for sew -age disposal plants, ?I,000,000 for tiie ' Delaware River Rridge and $4,000,000 for mandninuses a- the result of land cordeninatieiis, totaling S.'IO.OOO.OOO. , even the increased borrowing capndtj after the hrst of the venr will net en able tlie ity te L'e .iliuid immediately l'h th 1 uiirempliiteil itnprev cment. It jj es'iinatel li Citj Coiitreiltr II.idle that 'he city's gross borrowing iipucify en .January 21, lO'J.'l, result ing from tiixt-s en renltj nnd perMitiul pi "pert j will be $2!).",l)e'i),iH')(l Tl e-c cenersiiui vith preiedun wonder hew the Legislature nn help nu It would first lie npcesni t.. pass n iin.tinitleniil nmeridment te inctea-e the borrowing capacitj Thlh veild lillie te he pit vHCli In the llHt .Mg.- Iiiture submitted at th next nv fiulir tie. tien and then rntitleil bv the I.cgis. I liitur of 11I2." , Pellnwtng are the imprevi "icnts nl eadv started and wlmh pruhnblv will he nffectnl" The Pre.. I.br.in Con vention Hall; iinprciveriient of Iielawnie Itiver: soldiers' nnd s:,il,,r, tm 1aer1.1l ; Art Museum: Delaware Itiver I'tidge; -ewnge disposal iilunt . Seuth Philndel phin grade ciesviugs clt.v s transit lii'ngrntii Werk iiii been Marled nn the librnrv and art museum mi. I i.n. utat of the s ' .ige d.sj iisal plan' Nothing lias linen none en high-speed MMiisit lines mithi ii7Hii in l!il." the - 1'' iers' and ti ler' ineiuen,.! and s. miiIi Pluludelphin grnde rrn-nwi New It leeks as theush nil of these will he debited etineiltnnn U'egle.n said "I hnte the utmost confidence that Philadelphia's borrowing eapaeltr will be entirely maple te carry en the needed improvements and. of course, the fnlth nnd credit of the 1 it.v ar hejninl ipies ipies tien," he said "Tlie laige H'nii frozen u;i in transit leans w aich are insiilli ( ient te build nn.v serviceable port'en e! the lines niirhurirrd. v. Ill li rmedi d I hope, bj the action of the next Leg. Islature. This, together with n proper plihtiltig of future ecimtni'iien work, with grenter einphaals being plnceil upon the needs required liv the rlty'n expansion, will certnlnlv enable Phila delphia te keep its position in the fore front of the municipalities of tlie world." I ladle) Sought Opinion ' The opinion wis requested In M' 1 Ilndle) in order that the citv itiigle net become enmeshed ni linnn. al cm pln-lUlells III levv .if 11 4 euiliei,ii. nn nn ef sunburn. 1 nm mil mm that s,,, ,, 1 nu nccident should occur te mar the ' '..,'-. ii,i-.,ii, , r ,, i,i,'i it -ail llliil wonderful affuir mul detract from the enjeyuient of the occasion." City Controller Hndlcy enld: "I will have te have time te study Jta application bfer ruUut te what EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHIL'ADELPHlAr SATURDAY, Poland's President ST MSUMS WOiH'lKCHOWSKI Who was elected President of Po land en Wednrt-dny. He was born in J8M) tintl served as .Minister of the Interior while Pittlcrcwshl was rrcmlcr extent the borrowing capacity has been uiIii.ia.I 1 ,lltn v..m1I1.. ...111 Inl'M ,..,.,, ,i !i,,VM Ceuneilmen arc said te lmvc known thnt n strict interpretation of the law would mean Jut the sort of opinion thrt was given. They sought, it was paid, te have the Controller content himself with the situation ns It was. The Controller, however, disregarded ttie advice nnd' wrote three letters! te the City Solicitor demanding the opinion Controller Ilndley three weeks age placed the extent of the city's borrow- I lug power nt S33.O00.0OO. Of that i sum. approximately SS.OOO.OOO was I available for allocation by vote of i Council nnd wns the emergency reser voir from which funds for tirgent city improvements could be made, as the electoral lean funds require the approv ing vote of the people before expendi tures can ee iiuiuc. In hW opinion the City Solicitor stnted thnt the law required that the city chnrge off against the borrowing cnpnclty huge sums necessary te com plete the Delaware Uiver Ilridge and the comprehensive sewage-disposal sys tem ordered bv the Statu He.tlth De partment ar.d which hitherto have net bren se charged. On Cost of Bridge Official estimates of responsible offi cials en the cost of the bridge and the sewnse-dispesnl systems would have tn be taken as the basis of the cost of the projects, the City Solicitor ruled. Th''e " h.c instance of the Dehiwnrc Tl-. 1l.(.In. U ,iUk' tl.nA nl hA Hirer 11 ridge the city's share of the cost of building the bridge is plnced at $8,221,000. Of that sum. $1,800, 000 has already been appreprinted by Council. Ne Legal Commitment On the question of purely lecnl Im provements the City Solicitor ruled that the city has made nu legnl com mitment in regard te lis borrowing capacity beyond tne amounts already autherised or appropriated. He took the ground that the city could halt purely local improvements at any stage of construction ; but where a third pnrty such ns the Stnte entered into n com pact with the city, he ruled thnt tlm entire nmeunt estimated as the cost of the imprevemet.t must be charged off against the borrowing power. Parele Denied' Accused Youth Die boy s mother plended with the '! mngi.-trate te reduce the bail se th her son could spend Christmns with her. Her reeiifst was refused, because the bev is en jiarele en the same charge. Tonight's Radie Programs rii!f.Air.i.nu station twiPi ((Imbrl llrethers-riilillc Itlrrn Clafs 11 I tee Mctere e 10 Th- flrjt of R nerle of Snfu-rfTi nlel.t Janre music urccrm will s. hm.i 1 rv"! .rnnrknfhlfIlllSIrl earrisi evr pclil lanrl wire and brujjl I Hilt Ht'ttlun I'hlliKlelphln htatien (WF1) (Strawbrldfp 4 Clethlrr) flas. II Stntlnn (100 Steteri.1 t3.i u T ChlM.-en own half h..u rls h. (.'eualr Klii"V no- , 3'i Sjntn ci,u, vvill talk tn fl ' .. iren fir 'h l.nt tmu boferu I.Ih Chrlxtmis I've I MKl- j s The ijrv nf tt-e. Mele Drlze centet si". I'ri' ii.'iranc. trie Strn il, V it C'i'I. M It s.il t'lub funiler it. re t i, ,f, I "t- - - . I..M.MWI w II I retent lieun ' h i erit ' !"n j-- '-r-iUlij trepereil tn sh rt. n, 1 fee- f,.- e-.c-rt uv The m'ni "hit. It? I"u"i Oreet ili Clllih. s,i . j,,., 1 lUm',r IVtist- IMnvf 1 t.,'els t 11 j.1- ' 1" S 'X I v . tI'h" Unroll Sliiinnils T iti , I, 'j my tguew) t--nlni: , humiinn I.nrettft Kerl' f I we.l ;ie ii. frnicrnrn of Chrl-lmT i ui riilliiilellihln station (Willi) fv ivniiniaker'si ( Ihss 11 (tee Metrrsi ''t.ite.1 Htatetc N'avnl ' i servaterv ' k r n i I r .! Mutei weaUi- rrciert anl r ii 'Ji-l it. Yfi riilliiilrtiihlii Station (UNvTj I eiuile llrnthers (3(10 Milrrsl - te f M --Th fallow-Ins iUvr' will !,. i.t tl. s -ration and will rrtn.ler special ijnlr Mir npnleln. vleilt.lst, Mls Tt.--r-'.i c,r .!i,er j.lanls- .y.iininy Ilfirre,, it ijf late-t nn"i M.s l,iuthv Huff ir.a'i no. Ill vttiuit.-i sinllnti ttvi;Vti 'Ihe Atl.intiv ( eii-tltullnn (tllll Mrtervl Mrntral stantluril Tlmr) c i i k t- ,'.,iurt hi the Helten rin ther' crc-n-alru of At.anta I) V) te 10 30 I'cinrert by veral arc tn s'i iti.iin'al music arrjnrfecj by lleniv Mu' Um. Ne vark sl.itinn (WB) if., Jlambencer Ce- (100 Meters) il lu -.Sun'a t'Uui will epeak le tne thll ilrn and tell of tluee who wrlta te h i.i ur ci,rne te him III "Teyland." e. jr. I'.ipnitr nurnlcTa by Ihe .--cl .. nir T-.. Uanje c'limMnitlati n f, ie T- V. kiv buel: review I ,.! b-r; ,,lcmi, irltlc. .Newark Millien (HJ.i iNeslincliniise "Ott .Metersi i Ma m p' idraw t I r.r ... 'f.-ilv Hinrls " s ,(. I akl.ciriH. s ", iMtue tr.usle. 'i Se i uw-rt hy Harry J. (.'i.ffr v 1' IS l'resrni arranBeJ I'V Hi- -i I l.iuek-eutn- Inntltute li S.', Arllr.Klen tlme ulsnnls S either feiec at JO HI 'f'Mrrer.t K.enls," t'V In II."' tut" fe- 1-ub.i hervlie I'ltlnlmrcli HI III"" HIK M lWstngllr.ut 311(1 Il trrm t .. . . I'mler the i: nl iu hump ' s in i Hi I uj. bji Jii cri bv Ihe ' atfie.Ji.il . hn r from . .iii.Bcm h - i i', I'liU- Srhenectaily Xtntimi (WdV) K.eiierul Klectrlr Company CI ins II rltatlen (103 Jlelrjl) r. 30 Talk liv HanU C'laus 0 ii -- Chlllrn'ii . presraan of Christi mtva sterlsfc M aUilrs lets. H vTs tiislmmmwffWmmi mm BgcgaiMi in timm ste Redman Wiater Suicide by Gas Continued from Pace One , companion talked of recent "bail breaks" Hnnnclnlly and nlse stated thnt he had lest his job with n meter bales ngency. At 0 o'clock this morning Mr. lvd wnrds, the only ether occupant of the "frnt" house, went te the bathroom en the second fleer gallery. Connected with It Is n smaller room which Is window-less nnd enn be reached only through the bathroom. When Mr. Kdwnrds epenetl'the deer of the small nnncx the deer nlmest struck Mr. Wlster's head. Police say a rug had been stuffed under the deer but the fraternity member Insists the body was nn the rug. When he saw that Mr. WIster was beyond nld, Edwards notified A. 11. Clapp, of Ardmore. n fraternity official. I.nngherne Wtster nlse was Informed. I Planned lakcwoed Trip One of Mr. Winter's companions en I the midnight trip te Elktnn was Wll i llnm W. Wcsceat, of Wynnefleld, who i Inter was a guest nt nn Informal wed ding nrenkriist Mr. WIster gave nt the Ultz-Curlten. Ne member of Mr. Wls ter's family wns present. "I met Mr. WIster nbeut a week nge and had dinner with him nt n hotel," Maid Mr. Wcsceat today. "He told rae he had been pretty well booked in the market. He didn't say what stocks he hud been pitying. "I met him ngnin Tuesday night nnd he seemed te be nil right. He wanted me te run down te I.nkewoed with him ever Christmas, but I had ether plans." MOTHER WHO FLEDFR0M CONTAGIOUS WARD FOUND Will Be Returned te West Chester Police When Baby Recovers Mrs. Mary Petresky, who escaped several dnys nge with her young bnby from the contagious wnrd of a West Clmtitni 1ifiantf.il ti'liaif.. clin linlit lirwl been confined with measles, wns retaken ; In rhlliulelphin tedny. Mrs. Petresky wnlked out of the hos hes pitnl while Chester County authorities were pondering ever the problem ere nted for them by the fnct thnt, while stern law demands she be reutined !l()0 dnjs in jnil for operating n still, hu manity demands nhe be allowed te cure for her child Chester County ordinances de net permit her te remain in jnil with her bnby, se the authorities attempted te solve the problem by sending her te the Chester Ceuntv Ilnme. Then tlie baby contracted measles nnd the mother wns sent with the bnby te the hospital. . Hecnusfl the child Is still sick, she cannot be taken back te West Chester. She will be placed In the Philadelphia (Senernl Hospital until the baby re covers. CELEBRANTS OF GOLDEN WEDDINGGIVE DINNER Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Berryman En tertain Children Tonight In celebration of the fiftieth nnni versnry of, their wedding, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles H. ncrryman, 2223 Onul street. Kensington, will give n dinner! tenignt te tneir son, nnrics . ller ryman, ,Tr.. se," East Thompson street, their daughter, Mrs. Wlllinm J. Albright. fi00 State street, Camden, nnd their twehe grandchildren. Mr. Herrymun, who is seventy-three yenrs old, nnd his wife, two yenrs his senior, were married December 24, 1R72, nt 1230 Herks street, by the late Rev. Mr. Menree, then nnstar of I.manuel l.piscepnl Church. Mr. Ilcr- rymnn, who was born nt Pnlmer nnd i East Thompson streets, is n printer employed Dy wen & i e., Twelfth nm unry JH nii.. i. in ... it. ....i , . ,. , OAK LANE PARK ASKS FOR NEW SCH00LH0USE Community Alse Stresses Need of a Recreation Center Petter rducntiennl facilities for chil dren ami the establishment of n rec reation center are urged in the nnniial report of the dak I.nne Improvement Assoc iatien. A new school for Oak I.nne is n vitnl necessity, the report states, nnd should be forthcoming in view of the nmeunt of taxes paid ns eempnred te ether communities where tnren nre ! lower nnd bchnel facilities better. I "This community puys mere in taxes j nnd has less schooling accommodations than the majority of neighborhoods I considered In the building program of tne Jjeiiru or j.uucntiun ter tlie con struction of new si himN," the report rends. "This fin t should in. impressed upon tlie-e In charge of the building pullcj and coin ertul action should bring the desired result ' The prubh m of a recreation center should be taken up before nil desirable locations are utilized for building pur poses, the repot t uiges, SIX HELD AS SUSPECTS IN DENVER BANK THEFT Marshal at Santa Fe, N. M Acts en Tip Frem Las Vegas Santa IV, X. M.. Dec. 2.'!.- Illy A. P i Six men v.1 Ii heav.v suitcases, v he arrived from I.as Vega" in an au tomobile early this morning, nie in the i "tint;, jnil pending investigation III connection with the robbery of the I'liited States Pederal Re.serw- Hank U nek at Denver. Tin- 1'nlted States marshal's office luid lecelved a tip from I.ns Vegas, and liepu v (letilciie.v unil Assistant Super Iniendeut Diignn. of the penitentiary, after observing the suspcits during li-inkfnst in i restniiiniii. leek them into custedv . Italtlnieic. Dec 2,'i.- I Rj A. P.) Discevei.v has been made here of one of tlie live-dollar bills stolen by nrmed bandits in the raid of the 1'nited States ' I'edernl Reserve Rnnk truck nt Denver last Monday, police officials here de i lured today. The bill was passed at a downtown leslaiiiaiit ,iist night. It wan declared. EX-KAISER SELLS WEDDING PHOTOGRAPH FOR $10,000 ' Official Picture of Ceremony Sold te New Yerk Firm I Denrii. Helland. Dec. 2.1. - ( Ry A. . i The former (ierinnn hmperer Iiiih sold le n I union nnd New Yerk com pan the world rights in what he de scribes ns tin- first official photograph of Ins reient wedding The price paid was .$10,000. The picture shows the former kaiser in the uniform of a field marshal. Prin cess llermliie is wearing Ihe famous math in, tac wedding gift of her lulu baiiii. Il is understood Wllheliii was an nmed wlien liu learned of I lie profits iiu'iile from tlie sale of his portrait by unauthorized photegruphers, nnd this conslderntlen, together with u desire te augment his Income. Induced him U VMM tM asu. POPE TO SUMMON WORLD EPISCOPACY Encyclical Says Present Evils of Earth Due te Greed for Material Things CONDEMNS MODERN DANCES ' Du Asteclntcd rrtsi Heme. Dee. 23. The probability that the Pope will call n meeting of the entire Cnthellc Episcopacy in Heme during the next jubilee year wns an nounced In the Pnpnl l-nrycllcnl. issued tMlny. Such n meeting would be n continuation of the Ecumenic Council, which wns held in Heme in 1870. Pepe Plun' cncyellenl recnlls the re cent conflicts in Itnly nnd the effort, of the church te quiet them. Among the ppneeful events of recent yenrs it calls nttentlen te the twenty-sixth In In ternntiennl Euchnristlc Congress nnd the grent religious manifestation nt tendntit upon the transportation of the Imngp of the Virgin from Heme te I.orete. The letter, enumerating present world evils which it snys are mused by n greediness for materlnl things, snys that the remedy is chiefly te be found in n return te Christ, which means peace, justice nnd love nmeng nil peoples, respect for order nnd au thority nnd oembntlng mnterinllsm ns well ns teaching true dcuiecrncy and brotherhood. Pope Pius nnnennces the probability of his summoning a meeting of the en tire Episcopacy of the world in Heme in thp course of his approaching jubilee year ns n contlnmtien of the ecumeni cal council nt the Vatican held here in 1870. The pontiff praises efforts nt unl vcrsnl pnclfictitl.in. He condemns dl- J0"?- modern dances nnd immodest ! fashion The encyclical expresses the hope 1 thnt all these who nrc still outside the Church of Christ may enter it. The Pepe says he is encouraged In this hope by the fnct that nearly nil the fitntcs of the world have entered into relntiens . with thp npostelic see. He regrets that i Itnly, his country, nnd the sent of the ' papacy, Is net nmeng these, nnd pro pre tests ngnlnst the situntinn of the Hely See In this-country, which, he says, has nothing te fenr from It, lue encyclical ends with nn exnertn tien te prnyer nnd with the bestewnl of tne npostelic benediction Jubilee year is observed in the Cath olic Church every twenty-fifth yenr, from Christmns te Christmas. As the last ordinary jubilee was observed in 1000. beginning en the eye of Christ mas, 1800, and ending Christmns Eve, i 1000, the nest jubilee yenr is due te begin en the evening of December 24, 102-1, continuing until Christmas, 102,ri. Girls Aflame at Ball of Artists ; Continues from Pace One when somebody carelessly brushed a clgnrettc ngninst it. That these accidents should hnve happened en the occasion of one of the most decorous nnd beautiful nnrttes ever given in the Aendemy wns felt te he particularly sau i.y tne siuuents. xney expressed fears thnt because of tlie valuable paintings stored in the Acnd- I -, i,,;,! tnr kk vnKra a .vpa T7T. bn"8 n"gl,t bC banne'1 ,n'5nlenmmnt Mntete ndjeinl tne BuiKiing the strip mine. Frem his perch he rntbhHtXHl&&T can thp len embankment., fifty Poles who insiste ei i stn, Cnntll ft fect hlRh' wh,ch flnnk the hn"-,nlle wnlT almost Umc L "h?&TS nn-1 M-'t-wide Lester mine ,Ieitrwas nt Midnight thnt the nffair .' L 'Ull?',lh swung into the fun and gnvcty of ! f hole night long-, June Jl nnd J2. down fnrn..r fminiimw of tim i,in.i 'm,iln his concrete bnscment cellar. He snow nnd icicle room planned by Lulgi Sizzirri became u rcel of color nnd life. Beautiful, titinn-haired Margaret Whitney, from New Yerk, who came U....L. .M......W.. . ... ,.. I. ...... A1IU ns n pitcher of lee wntcr, dnneed with the tnll Cossack, Wllmcr Hoffmann, Raltlmere artist. Miss Whitney's ces- , ttime wns perhaps, the most original of the feminine ones. It wns n shiinmery nile green silver cloth laid in billows nnd folds that somehow suggested xvnter. Her hendplece wns three feet wide, of glinting silver cloth hung with penrls. Heward McAllister, a rajah, was with this party. O. Kleffer Ress was perhaps the most , loeneu nt et an tne men ttnncers. ms costume, as he described it himself, wns, "Oh, n bear rug nnd then Beme ether kind of a bear rugfer n sleeve nnd n couple of Christmns tree orna ments for earrings." Etcn Sheik Was Frigid There was a geed bit of the touch of Christmas about the whole scene. Fairy ice palates were in the back ground, anil the ceiling-hung with shim mering points that never melted. Ihemas Murphv. nn instructor nt the I'niversity of Pennsylvania, had one of these Icicles hanging en his meustnche, ns u concession le the occasion. He went ns n Sheik, he explained, nnd it wns hard te tuid nn.v ether way te be Arctic. Tlie two Totem Poles were remarked wherever iliev went. They were Krlc Douglas anil Marry Knight, students of l the Academv and they admitted they had' done tlmr worst with their little paint brushes. Doretliv Dejle wns Ihe spirit of the North. The bodice of her costume wns roseate. This was Aurern Rerealis rising out f a glacier, otherwise her .iip .,- .,f .. bile sill: tin her Kilver slippers wire tiny wings, these the licet wings of i lie north wind. There were maids of Neptune present. Anether touch of the sen was given by n number of midshipmen from Annap olis. l first It wns supposed they were civilians In costume, hut it was seen leiiriitd that the were en u acu acu tlen fieiii Annapolis. Pattv Mnrgellcs wus n vivacious Spanlaid, Mrs. I.eah Ramsay nn en ticing urientiii in sliver nnu uiiick. Dorethea 1'isilier drew much nttentien in her i.nieeii of Shebn dress. The f-luiiis were n decldedjiit, espe cially the meeting at the North Pele of "Henr Mi Carter," teacher In com position and decorations, with Ills three students, Pete Heyle, Mnrgnret lVrgu lVrgu sen and llenrv Ta.vler. Harry Khhl wns Mr. Mi Carter, and. judging by the rocking mi rriiiient of the some nun silting en the deer who listened le Ids Impersonation be made u ery geed one. Tlie real Mi Curler ill the audience fiije.vetl It ns much us any one. .lerrie Mejer was the snow queen. In n dniiic with Alice Harris us .luck Frest, she was brought buck tn warmth with a kiss. Peggy l.ipp. Priiscllla Pnr Pnr sens, Marjerle Colllsen, Vlrginin Mc Cnrty, llrnee Martin and Deeiin Meller were the snow llnkes. A sole dance, "The Silver Fe," was given by Mi-s Hetty (illes. Tiner for Political Arena Paris, Dec '.'.'!, Clese friends of (ieurs-s C "lc-.tu stnte Ue Ins ie. turned te I'larce with Ihn "' Inten tion of reentering public life. hiivliiB the assurance thnt Ills desire will be facilitated bj President Mlllernnd. M. Mllleiiind is reported te' hnvu stated that ufter 1'oir.care only a uutn of the 31enctftu tB wevkTb ipl'' DECEMBER 23, 1922 Killed While Shopping T "8 HELEN STOITZ Of Rtickingham, pa., flfiecn-yrar- old victim of auto crash nt Bread street and Fisher avenue Herrin Defendants Get Xmas Gifts Continued from Pae One Dnngbnr, who testified thnt he heard tiring which may have come from out side the mine, before Hendersen was shot. "I snw him shot," he said. Hendersen wns one of the three union men whom the defense will try te show were slnln by mine gunrds nnd whose denths were the immediate cnuse of the mnssacre the next day. The Stnte con tends thnt these three men were killed during the mine battle thnt rnged nil night long nt the strip mine nnd which ended in n violated truce. "1 was Htandlng in my home just about n hnlf mile from the strip mine," said Crenshaw, in his direct testimony given yesterday. "Yeu enn see the em bankments the dumps around the pit from my house. Jerdie Hendersen was lying en his stomach in the field 100 feet nwny from me. He wns resting en His elbows. The shot from the mine I hit him right there nnd he just rolled ever. 1 did net see him have any gun." A few days before June 21 a company man, Jim Cellins, enmc te him. Cren shawk continued, nnd told htm Mc Dewell, the mine superintendent, said tnere wns going te be trouble ana "I'd better get my family nwny." "I helped him enrt his family away," said Crenshaw. "On June 21 1 wns home nil nfternoen. Frem the house I could sec the bullets hit all around my place and the dust fly up. I didn't see nnybedy firing from my side. The bullets I snw seemed te ceme from the strip mine. "That nfternoen, when I went out te drnw some wntcr I was in n position te cee the inside of the strip mine embankment, nnd I saw n man carrying what looked te be a heavy lead of iron. I Baw him tnke it up the side of the embankment and put it down; then he get some bushes and hid that iron. It wns some kind of machine gun ; it fired ns fast ns you could count." Dcfense witnesses nil dnys yesterdny pictured me provocative activities ei the nrmed guards at the strip mine. xne wneie uonrey tnmlly toen tne stnnd te tell hew they were hnlted in the nubile rends. hew the nrmed suard killed their heifer, wounded their filly mare, punctured the reef of their barn and 'nearly ran ever their boy." Old Man Sought Shelter 7ehn Conrey xvhitc-benrded nnd 00 i vpftrs nlH. nrimltte,l te the f?tate, that he did net sec the mine gunrds firing un der their own flag of truce just nt sundown, but his son, Jehn, Jr., said he did. "I saw two men firing from under their white flag In the enrly evening," the son explained. "And they kept firing for nn hour nnd nil the night long nt intervnls. On the morning of June 22, nbeut fi A. M., I ducked Inte n ditch. The shots enme from under thnt white ling. The cnlf wns hit nnd ii heifer tee. which Hied, nnd nlse mv 1 JsBBBBHI '. V.sjiiiiiiiHiVMBiii05 --.-, vfl0llHBTvv:'s far 'I 4 filly mare, Five shots hit my house and ' Jw one went through two partitions nnd,j fell ok my baby's bed." 2' J lie son whb iinulun te stnte clearly whether or net the sheeting was done by the mine gunrds nlene. On his side of the mine lift said he nnw nobody else sheeting, hut he didn't knew whnt wns hnppenlng en the ether side of the mine. He admitted thnt, though the nrmed gunrds halted him, they had done him no physical violence. He said he heard oue guurd say: "We'll show' em hew te run this country!" Conwy's aged wife Mnry nnd their dnughter JCdna testified they snw nrmed gunrds en the truck which brought new i weikmeu te tiie mine from the station nt Cnrbendale. Once, tee, they said they snw .McDowell with two guns strnpped te his back. New Life Infused in Plans for Fair I I ( "Uiuicd frcm I'ukk One been disrupted since tlie resignation of ! its chairman, K, T. Stetebbury. ietitenlaH action, it wns snia, might be ascribed te the need for a body which would hnve ninpie power te act and which would have a broader field of supervision. I Te hasten l lie preliminary work 1 Judge Renniwell urged immediate ap pointment of members te the standing cumniltlees provided In the by-laws. "Prevision wns made for these com mittees three enrs nge," said the i Judge. "Hnd they begun te function j at once much of the present chnns would I have been nverhsl, As it Is, net a sin ' gle one is functioning, or even in ex ' istence. I de net knew of any better evidence te the public of our geed faith than the appointment of such com mittees te get the preliminary work un der wny forthwith." The committees referred te include these en Manufactures, Music, Ait. (iieiinds nnd Ruiltliugs, Agriculture and Mining. Judge llenniweH's resolution wns referrid te the new Advlserj P. ecutive Ceminltee. Senater Pepper, fc rmerly n dircter of the association; Solicitor (leiiernl Reik anil Colonel D'OIier were ug. gested bv Judge Rennhvcll ns n eon een iiiltlee of three te nsk President Hard ing te bring the Fail- before tlie con cen feience of (loverners, which he pur poses huving next month, MEASLES CASES DROP Patients Reported for Week 754 Fewer Than Prevloue Figures Thnt the epidemic of measles Is dting out is Indicated b (he weekl.v vital stu- tistics report Issiied by the Department e Pi.hl!" Mtn't'i The nuiithcr uf new cases ieieited this week was hut IIS", lis (-nimiaied with 2211 last week. Telul iiuuibur uf deaths frum ua cnitseH durins; the week was 017, of vywc.ii luuij -luiet; were causca bv WIFE WOOED HIM, IS HUSBAND'S PLEA Girl's Leve Letters Filed in An swer te Hegarty Annul ment Suit HONEYMOON BROKEN HERE Cumberland, Md.. Dec. 23. Leve letters of his wife, were filed by Leuis Walter Frances Ilnbcrstreh, of Al Al Al toehn, Pa., in answer te the suit of Ha Mnquetta'IIfgarty Haberstroh, brought through her father, Wade W. Hegarty, wealthy coal operator of Coalport, Pa., te annul her marriage te him here Jan uary 12. The Hegarty family has been resid ing at Altoenn nnd the daughter was nttending Highland Hall, a fashionable girls' school at Ilellldnysburg, Pa., at the time of the elopement. The honey moon lasted but two days and was spent nt the Rltz-Cnrlten, Philadelphia, when Hegarty appeared and induced his daughter te go home en the plea that her mother was ill and her return would save her life, The plaintiff con tends the marriage was contracted through fraud and misrepresentation of the age of the girl who was only six teen, while eighteen was sworn te in procuring the marriage license. The age of consent in Maryland was recently raised te eighteen. The husband denied that he induced. influenced or cajoled Miss negarty Inte mnrringe or misrepresented her age. He claims that by "fcminle artifices" the girl solicited his company and pro posed marriage. Here arc some of the letters quoted in the answer: "Leuis, dearest, you asked me te tell Scullys Restaurant Christmas Dinner Frem 12 Noen Until 8 P. M. tl f&KB j 5317 GERMANTOWN AVE. Phene Oermantewn 4000 &&&&&&& KfiTlHSMMTIlM wimiMvimiM I VrnSrS 5 STORES CO. 9r Mr s.m mm isi " n A13jj5jrj5fi-JfK5fj-fi1525jsjsjv5 Wt W Seu 0fiy tee all stribe mere anb mere te folleto tf)e example of im toljese btrtf) at tW time tee ebserbe- g American Stores Ce. & $? ft jWerri Christmas! THE best beloved, most welcome and most impressive of world holidays again brings its message of geed will and geed cheer. May our patrons, and these who are dear te them, find joy in its coming and inspiration in its meaning. And se, a Mtxxv Christmas e ne &titi !3U Central Trust & Savings Company Market and Fourth Streets Philadelphia I ' i ' Capital and Surplus, $l,fi00,000.00 you why I care for you. Well ,. irtl bcr the1 first day I came iIX Vi!lW'.''J IZ " M M1 times read one's thoughts ynmL0 ?, ' 'I love her, and she will knew itVM,Vl. long.' At least I hope. T VSfanS ,,un b. . wj uu rice ir T .,!", vnmj) you, but te my sorrow I JJjjM "I Was net successful, but I Un i Wftlll mu tt"s il lUJf ncart I Hjlll V him. I loved you the minute t.w? you. Miss Hegarty wrote, tt few j. f later: lew A "i iiflvn n niiPRrirm i ...... you-you will think I nm terrible i 1 I hnve beer, waiting te ask ,0' Jfe' ,1 ler an awiui long time. Will von " , sent te be inlneuhvnys? t r - ? vun. i I.- -.... ...if. t ,r " " ur n,. ! rnnn.. - te be your wife. I car guess I should net have said It. W J could net help It. I love you se.'- l IU uu juui nuK. X can i nnih u -j i. REP0RT8 MORENO WILL WED Les Angeles, Dec. 23. (By A P ' A rumor is current in motion riM.,7T 'i nnd society circles thnt Antonie wfi rene, screen actor, and Mrs. n.i.l Canfleld Danxigcr. dnushter n .v. J !? O. A. Canfleld, wealthy oil ener..;, i will be married the latter part of 5i'' nil- h Txi. Ant.. nli- A01 Jl today. " i'"":e anuvai" A FAS5&Y jaavEw? C rttev, Snvi riittBrDlnngfri Including Stum Oltm Clt 9 Ortttrs sa H Sh.ii, lg" Caldta GlwCn,,B 1225 Market Street yF Never Cleied 1 J) Ne , Parking Restrictions abeVs PUBlf 8T. ;?? 3 " ffr. ' h0t. 'i