Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 23, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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    .;v-v. .. wi..vjf,i,. !V-rJ5P5frT" t-y7?
kt 'ov.fvwkie'i;?
Uji - -F
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i i
1..M .
Man and Bey te Be Grilled by
State Police Today Fol
lowing Confession
Cyril AVoei, confessed burner of his
father's bnrn. nml t.ee ritinertv,
w-Atelimaii nt the stables of Arthur .1
Fex, nt Bndner. who confessed vester
liny te having rt t lie stable. nn tin'.
IU be taken from their cells tedav nml
given another grilling by State poll c
While Majer C M. Willn'lm. heart .f
the Slate treupei-. reni-ehl'is f"i" t"
mysterious firebugs that Iin terror
Jred fanners in counties mli.i.'en' in
Philadelphia, ilees net belie." tue Weed
boy has anj connection uit'.i ether
fires, he feels that Pinnerty kmMs .t
great ileal mere than he ha teM
A man ended "Henes." ih" it'
out in an a nnuinlub with Vui'icrtv
1 Wednesday night, is being euqht thu
morning. The barn of Bernard Martin
nt Sweilelnnd. mis luirneil the night
the two men were together. A . i"
t the identity of "I'niiie" w.n re.- iie.l
1.1ft night and Majer Wilhelm is ni
fident of finding the man foeti.
In addition te Weed and I'imiii i.
M third prisoner is being hrbl .it t ie
Weft Chester j.ul until jv.hu an n
vestigate tin peibi!itv of hi Imi .'is
been implieated in tlie barn b-irninss
lie was arretted in Norr.tewi a- .i
Formers of ij town-hips in ( nester
County met last nisht in the Municipal
Building. West Chester, and formed
themselves into a ugilaniv i ninuiittce
te chei'l. tin prc:id "f incendiarism in
their ferritin i. Mafer Wi'helm at
tended the iiieetine and -.'il.I be wel
comed the o-nper.-i'le'i of th fanners
Weed, who i siteeti J ear old, u.l
taken Inte custody at Norrl-tewn List
night b Chief Wilsen, acting m
operation with the State pollen He
whs accused of lit -i tijs s,.t tire te the
barn en the farm occupied b his father.
Alfred Weed, near Bridgeport Tin
farm is owned In Stephen O'l.cnu.
The barn was d'strejed iVdiiedav
night along with an automobile, most
of the farm machinery, hay and fodder
Deaths of a Day
State Insurance Department Liqui
dator Dies Frem Pneumonia
William Y. Irwin, .'ll' West Winona
Norwood, 'liquidator fur the
State Insurance Department ami prom
lneat in the dvie affairs of Norwood
fnr tunny .eurs, died of pneumonia to te
tiny In th' Cerninntewn Hospital. lie
was sty ytars old.
While ii. B "lei.ig yesterday en busi- '
ness id- th. Suite. Mr. Irwin was '
MKen in s.ijni amiwas s,.ni te tins,
City in care i, a phsicmn. i
During ins t.iii y-n.e years resi
(jence in N o-mie I. Mr.
(n both the Sihuel I!, n:
Irwin served
Council .in I , 's .11 ue in the Masens,
Moe.e. B.ig'c- and sieial ether fra
ternal ergiini.iitiiius.
tl . .- .....II...1 l. l..w i.Vl.... ,!....
II IS 'III . I . , .1 llpl III' ..lll'.l. III, 1-17
ibiu William Y. Irwin, dr.. prefes-
M .1 s, ieiice at the (ilea -Ner Hlgli
tjvl.'. W.i! i: I.. Irw 11. of Ner-"
J.e.!; Di. .! y Irwin. et Krie. and
diush'c. A.is. Wiilcr p, McVic
liur. e,' N
rluigenn nis
. u "I. 1 he Mineral ar
,. I1 !" an 10. nn eii later.
" " ,
PhllacJelph s Painter Was Noted feri
Vattr Celers
Frank 1 Begltsh, p.iini'-i of water
colors, dlisl .it Ins lieme in point Pleas
nut Pa.. Thursday n.gl t
Ter ninny icais he va nlentilied
ith the art life of this city, and was
Mice president (f tin- Sketch Club. Ills
K'ibjci s f. 1 li s brush were mainlv
ta' I'n 11 -uLiirban and ceuilfrylde
See - Seniles of niammetli ink and
fl'iiiiiier' trees; farm and
M'l'ics. i" (!( 1 few of his
Mid" c's n"d xtr. I'nglisli .lttiiiiicii s'ii i
wieci'Ss from tlielr almost limitless pro pre
mt en t. his name was a household
q'i" .nun M line te California.
Mrs. Mary A. Hughes
F id seniie f..r Mrs. Mnrv A.
ril'g''cs. (ife of tie Itev. Ir .1. A.
IIucIms. ta-ter of rt. (leerge's M.-tlie- '
dis 1 "tii-i-. i; -i 1 Clieridi. i'mirth ftrct
beb" Vine, iilm died Wdne.l,i n
her bum", "lilil Neitii Twidftb street, a
few I ..or nftei -be '..I taken ill nt a
CllUiell lHlci will le leml.lcled this
nflci neon bv Dr. II I! i kb'l I!i"-i '
Bisliep Berry 'ind Bil.np Neely also I
nil attend. Tie interment will' he ir.
the Mount Mcriah (' n.eiei.i. Mrs.'
Hughes was 'evenly - i i years oil.'
She had been net he In , liur, li work
an I was a liih'e chiss tene'e r fur mam
jenis pr, .i, Mi Huglns were m:ir-
ill d lm" -enjlit ii.ir Ituru .a ('an- I
nda. -he 'i.i-s. i her i.i i.i, m Harris- I
!mr4 Mic I -ui lived In her husband!
nnd .i daiiL'liter. !i- Bessie M.i
Uus I' . 11 i III id te.l hi r
Jehn Sims Ferbes
Funeial serines were conducted to
day for Mrs. .Tiijiri Suns Ferbes, of
Qirrhroek. who died suddenly Thursday
Before her marriage Mr. rerbe w'as
slartha .lane Aye-, she was eel
lnteral descendnnt nf Jehn Hancock.
She lenies bei husband. Jehn Sims
Ferbes, seu of Dr. William S. Ferbes.
nml a ( uumii of Admiral Sims. Mrs.
ferbes deieted much of her time te the
Um.llie luiiiemeut.
J Benjamin Jehnsen
t Benjaaiin .lohnsen, one of the premi-
Sent residents! of Marcus Heek, died at
ie Chester Hospital Wednesday. His
father was an eherter and leader m the
eurly Methodist Church nt Cekesburi.
He wus a (llris-ter eT the I.inwend
tulldlng and linn .ssei iatien He is
itrvived hi a widow, a son and .1
) Edward Jamesen
; Ldward Jamesen, eight 1 eight
old, of .lenkiniewn, died at the Ahing -
ttn Hospital tins morning, less than an
lour aiUT ne was h-ricken while null;.
Ing en (ireenwoed avenue in .leiikin
tjnwn. Mr. Jamesen, a Civil Win- let-
Kir I urrt-u " dmltiiVtra nn"U,rn''
1 M-irlnn M r-.u,.
Marlen M. Crewe
i Funeral serilces for Mniieu
t'Y.V : ..'....',"., '.""" " "',
-hiii'n ti ui kiein iiii in i ii ii . ii. i.i ii,,.
ritll veiuiiinj ii. UMil ilisrilleers, will
I... - tl' m ... ,itl line' l It I It I 1P
u '!!; tM' .uVllolreu' uf,'',l'u!'n !lt ,ih i bc.icllfrent land in Neith Wildwood.
nenie. Ml aluut Htrei'l. t elllngdale ,.nvrllu. mm. hlecU. i mprising ti'ls
y Donald I Mieiltnii Pest, Ne. Bill. , etn. with -."H" net of .ipurmii .-rant,
American Legien Interment will be in
Montresct Cemetery. Mr. Crewe, who
Mi twenly-cight years old, died sud
4ly Wednesday, lie wns gassed at
l. Alumn, France, July IS, 1018.
' i tew
All set ter Christinas with a nlie
ilnirw.iy and wait until Menda.x .
Lite shoppers :inleus te 'get h"
Mrs. Rnenel Bernstein, 85.
of Attempt te Save Child of
An aged v eman and two little girls
were hurned te death m their homes
Mis Ka.liel Bernstein, eighty-five
years ld. f K'" Norris street, was
fatal! v burned when she tried te beat
out the Hemes enveloping Melly Spire,
ne .ears eiu.
l'.dlewing ti.e .lew lh custom, en KrI-
lay nigiit. .mis r.ernsiein in a numiier
of i an. lie One ignited a curtain.
wT (ithing .might tire. When Mrs
Bernstein tried te heat out the llamesi
111. 'Ill 11 III' - - ,'.. ..,.
both died scleral hours later.
Mr. Spire. who live- en tlie se.end
fleer, is in flu i'niversity Hospital and
left her daughter in tl are of Mrs.
! Ijpinstein. S!ie has net been told of
the trngedv.
r.mr-ie.ir-eld Martha Tiimerlne was
burned te death when lier dress caught
tire in her home .it 'Js-l.-! Salmen street
Seieral brothers and Msh'isiif the 1 li 1 11
tried te beat out tlie llames. hut with-
ellt success. '
Pennsylvania Weman Alleges In
human Treatment
MeadMlIc. Pa.. Dec. 2.'! After
si.t -mie years et ma'Tied life, Mrs.
Kliinheth Sutten, sen nt --eicu years
old. h.i- ntmlly est.itMislKMi tin lint
that iu..rriage ler lier has teen a
Yesterday e st.trtid a divorce nc nc
tiet. In the Crawford County Ci.utt In
an effort te gain frei dum from the
bend that bind her te Harrison Sut
t..t.. .if Tri'i T.iw usliin, tin (etinti.
T!i" decree I su,iit en tlie ginund
of Inhuman trentment, which the wife
asserts "iiiiike life a curse inthir
than a blessing "
Accident in Vault Sets Siren Going
and Guards Bar Exits
Kmpleies aril lisii-irs at i' Ilu'l
t!.i- ineriiiiii! had a bief inln! h"ii ihe
burglar ii'iirm in tlie C.ti Te .i irei '
efiice went nil and -i'iii.s 't"
men. wi'li drawn p.stels. ri-lud
through the ".i rblm-s
(iiiards appeiind at all evr- ,.s if In
magic and re-fused ' ."rmit i M. mie te
leme tttitil order 'ere tinnlli .cut
aieiind calling them bti' k te fvular
A bank messenger, searching through
the vaults for linnet-, a" i M.iiiy (
off tin alarm 1'
is ,i Mren nun was
plninli heard in n
In" and the tower
te'- hilild-
nl-HnL' " urr rtiMWt.ne
Drunken Prisoner With
Attacks Patrel Officer
Daniel Bean, a patrol etii. ei of the
Tenth and If ittotniced streets station,
had four of Ins tingci-. n.-irli severed
last night when two drunken pnenets
attacked him as he was taking them out
cnughl his hands
, them as pessilib
heied as mu.li of
in his mouth and
, closed Ills teeth.
The indet and 1 1 jr. I linger of the
left hand and tlie middle and third tin -I
ger of the right hnnd were iujuied
Bean had taken one lirisuner out of
I the putrid and ordered the ethers down
when they attacked him.
, Jersey Business Men Take Over
I .. .. ...... . . .
INOrtn Wlldwoed Lets
(((can City. V J.. De. . S)
Atilleiiiu eiiieut was miiile lure today
. . .
l Imi Dcciiii i iti ami Uridgeten Inihi-
m. ,,, m, rcli,iM,l a trail of
, f,', ...u'rett N
eiuemli. of Ymcluiid
The price paid is in excess of S-.',".(l,li(HI.
The new ewnert., according te .1.
William Morrison, of this city, who
made the sale, will improve the land.
1 spreading ew-r the diiid. her own cloth- cetiimnuiiing i 'ern nun in. tiey t stay (eusiruii anoue-r ukikhiii; kh- h kiki ,,,nr,i te the (lerinnnteti police stn-
ing cauglit tire. there. At a signal fiem his cunradi's ' Inlirm Masens nt the Mase Heme. 'le1
' Samuel Nntlmiisen. a neighbor. s,U the -entr r.iu out. All cscajied in a ' Bread and VetinercIniiil streets, is Speaking in a matter-of-fact tone.
i smoke and tumid in an alarm. I'm- small motorcar. made in the will of the late laceli I.. ,,,,. Jvmier told Idell hew he and1
men found the woman and mrl en tlie l.udetitly fulling they would be I.elp, 10(10 I.uttonweod street, which ; jljs i,Int,cr )m,i )rPn getting money by!
! e i..,;.. ..'.,, I, ,,t m il.i,,,,.- 'I'll.,,. ...m iiiinti...! in tin ilistriliiitlen .if I'lu'i.im i. was ndlllltted te prelmte leiia.V. . ..1....1 ,...1 ,11,1,. .. !. :
in. in , .in. 1 iv... - ... ..-,.....,.-.... ,, ,,, ,. . , , ' ilil,eilL" nu oveii.e n r, ,11 i. 1 1 11 11--. in .-i-.,- i
.1 ... 1 1,.. s:,.,, lt,w,,i, iil. ins.eK te.!l. thieves lunke intn ll,e I he will disiKJsV.s of nil tStllt" I I... . . " n.... iih' ,.u.l ... .. e-...l
SEk i .s S
sprig te take home, Imug eier the
The streets are tluen.'jid today with
before Santa Clans gets en the job
Butcher Shep Held-Up by Amateurs
Brings Them Ne Meney
Tl.'ce h giil neneus robbers l.ehl up
an im.-'r buy m tin butcher shop of
Crerge lern. Oxford and I'.iulej streets,
"t t . 1" o'clock this morning anil gath-
eretl uji si tuikeys. The dropped
one in their haste te t scape.
Nell. Jf.ll North Twenty.
iillLJl1 "''"' ,1'" "r'1(T 1,OJ'- was ","nc
,n the steiv w fen the men entered with
dinwn icelv.r Det n was eating
iireaktat m a mom aitjeiiimg the siere.
Knell ran back te his employer when
n cea' lapel ever the lower part of Lis
far., and ptcr.'d into the dining room.
- ...... ...v
butcher shop of I. C. Sbaltiak. lL'U
Ridge avenue, curly this morning and
"'eh- fifteen dressed tin keys nml nine
'Iress.nl clnckeiis. Minlpack valued the
turueis at M-'L' ami the clucUen.s at SI 1.
FOR NEW ENGLANDERS'spr,,;; ";,, m.oe. Mar, a;
Members Gather Tenlaht and Hear
Praises of Yankeelan. Sung '
Hundr"iU of natii-e New I'nclandersi
will attend the erty -sis end annual
dinner of the New l'nslatld Society of
Pennsylvania in the ballroom of
ballroom of the
Hi II. in.'-Str.itfei.; .it 7 e't lock feniclit.
Tin- iiimmitte.. announced today that
il m- v ere .empleie for the eietit and.
' with i menu wirthv of tin best g.i
t'nti'pi.ii traditions of the society, the
fr;,Mt premise te he tlie best In a long
i i f n.itald" dinners
M. I'lbers ..f 'lie NeW Lngltlld Si) -
..(. .t Peni.siliinm Women haie been' fJIS ,,, n,,s chestnut street, Cani
nwf.i t.i the dinner. I here a.e n I ;, who (lie( i)(.,.,.mK.r (). two days
Maiited miiiibei ..I scats In the, balcony f , mg .un. , nt) lul,mel)1it.
for f .ends which will be assigned in s,xth ftml Mechanic streets,
the cider (.f arrival. Haymond D. Asher. T'Jil Lilierty
Among rue spciKers win is- . 11.
P. Fiiiti'i. president of P.rewn I nl-I
ier.it 1, win will speak en "Taking the
Id in tie New"; lieerge II. Moses,
I'nlte I S'ates Sennter from New 1
Hampshire, who will speak en "Tlie j
ites Sennter treni eiv,
sJi irit of New I.ngland, and diis
pur, tiiefts-.ir of economics nt Van-
deiluli I'liiiersitj. Nashville, Tenn.,
iilm will talk 011 "The New I'nglnnd
Aristei r.icv "
nutr "ir Turn DI API I API Cn
UKC Ur intlil BLniIUMKriLU,,.,.,, .,mi,reskl. 2I.-. I.Ulm;sten st.
, in.. I Jit tub Hums .lOHO MiMlle xt.
Victim In Hospital. Skull Probably '1 ft.r s,2',sia'nM ""
Fractured Companion Held "j,;', '. ny lliis'l: VA'm.
Frank My-l's. of 010 Mount Vernen "'l'iuSZ I'a.'rmeunt
street, lured by the residents of the n,
neighborh'.ed 118 a watchniau between Iu J, "'r-"2$.,Z ,'"1 ' ' "
Sixteen. I, and Nineteenth and Arch and s,1,!iil.Ml niim, Sis ttf, t . and
t 'll.... I. ,11 uiii.,itw U'flU iifliieUHil liV 1UII . i... a tl'hlif.M retr t'Ol1! V .Mil Ht.
. 1111V..1.11. ti... .-..
met 11I112
but came out
ii. ten. .ending one of his nssanants
t.i the Hahnemann Hospital with a pes-
sihli. fracture of the skull and the ether
iii tl-e Fifteenth and Ine streets police
My eis. although 11 private watchman,
Inn been ieted with police power and
m.-is armed. The men who nttacked
him were described by police as James
Moere, tu cntv-.even years old, 01 ftnuili
Alll.cn street, and William Cuuaek,
Hurt 1 1 ears uld, of Weed street. When
the first blew wns struck, Myers drew
.1 blackjack and hit Moere. He dropped
and Cu.tiek ran Myers Ilred two shots
,n the air and was Joined in the ch.ine
bv two policemen who lumbled out of
the station house with the noise of tlie
disorder. They said Myers' assailants
i ere urunK
Macfarland Asks Hay3 Why He
1 Was Net Consulted
New Yerk. Dec. Si. 1 A. P.)
'The Hci. Charles H. Macfarlnnd. get,-
I cr:i Mcretlirv fit tlie r CIIC nil I OllllCIl
i f ., ( 'iiuirhes of Christ in America.
t,,da made public n letter te ill H.
llais. head of tlie .Motion Pu tun
Indiistn. calling for an explanation
i i i i. ,
till. Hi "T -- - -..
( '.,1-iiiiittee en Public Uelatiens, wns ,
...usulled about tlm rcinstatetnent
ites. ' I'lilti") Arhiickle. film (e
win li -, as II llieiuecr in .ur. iiais
His leltei dcclansl thai "unfertu-
1 niileli the impression has gained ground
that this is due te prcHsure of financial
I interests invested in Arbuckle pictures,"
Bronx Taxicab Operator, Who
Reported Wife Missing, Faces
I llu Associated Press
Niw Yeili. Vet. M.
I Ilecker was drelareil guilty of Jirst-de-Igrep
mitrrter In n verdict returned early
I today by u jury in tin Hrenx County
I Court. The penalty for tin crime In
J New Yerk State Is electrocution. Sen
tence will be pronounced Tuesday.
He was cenvleteil of killing his wife,
Jennie, last April by striking her ever
'the head with an iron bar nml burying
her In an ashpit.
Months later, when neighbors became
splcleu.s and IJecker had been ar-
rested, herMItue-cncnsed Iwdy was found
In the shallow pit in the let adjacent
te Heiibcn Nerkln's garage.
Nerkin also was Indicted for murder
in connection with Mrs. Becker's death
I and is nwaltlng trial.
Ileckcr. owner and ojierater of n
taxicab", reported te the milieu in April
that bis wife had left him and their
children, and nsked aid in locating her.
There were tumors of foul play at the
time and when, sometime later, nc
placed the children in charitable insti-
totlens and went te live with Miss Anna
l'lms, jielice inestigatpd and arrested
Itietli Ilecker and Nerkin.
The latter, jielice declared, made n
statement chaiging the taxi man with
i killing Mrs. Ilecker. Nerkin steed
'watch while Heekcr burled her. still
meaning, the alleged confession stated.
Ilecker iicntcu tnat mi' ueuy leunit
I in the pit was that of his wife, but1
, neighbors Identified in court clothing
j taken fiem the body as having been
, worn hj Mrs. Decker.
The jury deliberated an hour and
I ten minute., after getting the case early
! today.
Escapes With Clothing and Jewelry
Valued at About $600
A sneak thief entered two homes in
West I'hiladelphia last night and
I escMiied with about StiflO worth of cloth- '
.was obtained through a cellar window.
ami the neue ranncKcti.
" "
' Jacob L. Kelp Estate. Verth $67,
i 000, Is Probated
Prevision for a fund with which
, .. 1-1,1.1 l I . I
amounting te 5fii, 00(1 which is ( rented
! '"'" " lr;Mt f,lm fr,i,In ncIi an
I I'linuity will be p.nd te Mis. Annieh.
' - asen. sisiei 01 111c .csiuiei. iiuniig
' iter me. .11 n-r iicniu m pinion 111
(lentil tin
' and accumulated interest will go te tlie
Masonic 1 ! me.
i .Other WI1N ,.r.,ba,cd t...l.,y included
Lilly M
C.ill." Ila.e! avenue. MWh)
Mil. hell. L'10 Verth Third
.....Mil. ......i. si 1 11". li li i . I.it,!,i.i t l.
Ntilt . Stllei'l.' '
Prisoner, Held In Camden, Trailed
by Gunner's Ceat
Hubert HardgritM. thirty -three years
was held
old. .1 Negro of Salem. N. .1
e .. .. 1.1 1 I 1... 1. I..-
i&'arA. nhi.
i.ith iimii-.l.iui.-ii ei
I II l.n n I, (.1 ilii.....l 'llll.llll tllP
, ,..,,, ,. Cliiirlnu Slnnmir liftv.elL'ht
. .,, .f ilmi.k (lf ., ..unner's coat
worn by the driier ..f tin car, who
sp led'awav after tlie accident, and
fiivi. tlie deSerilitl.ill te tile police.
v..s..r.l.n P..nrelmiin .lehn Palmer
id llardgraie, wearing a gunner's
1 coat, i riving through I annlcn 111111 ioek
i.i... I! I...- ..C I.J. .... Clitnf nf
Hie licciii- iiiiiiii',-i ,,1 111a (.it. ..... v-
Deteitiies S( hrcgler, Asher and Palmer
then went te Salem and arrested I laid
liraie. who finally admitted lie was the
iriver of tin1
car' which struck Shinner.
.,i. '."..".' :.:;.-.'.u V. t ..
..;. u.m a. y 'i?'"!: ,,-y ,. """
,, .,.. .,,Uii n ajit n , rnui Jn 1
Kflltlll l tUKU'ii t i !" -
rtdtran 31 ROW limnien.l t.
J ..V. K -le ,V;f. M ""'
Iia 1(i Tu.Ker 7-jn ru rum me nnl
1. iratrftn lln. 1-11 i-aicnini r
Smhiin Vex U2'J N nth Bt.. Ull'l ( flia
l(nifmn ists c-HmbrUi t
i-Aiuui'l Kertrun I'm'.' N -lUi St.. anj rtc-ba
Kruiltz. nw s Kith hi
(Jtt. E Srhmirtz. I hleaw-n. Ill nn.l lay
Semrky tr.ns Verrt r,l
i ri Is nn- llf". S-'ll . Alden at . enJ
Kdna rrthc,nc- Hill N 111th s(.
lUrry Smllh 411 i: Prim st . (inJ Marie
HurrlB .-I'ln:. Dfiun si
Trunk H l'nlmer i! .'I S. TOtti st., un.l
Ni-luii M sii'iiri- ill'. . ijiiKcwuen i
Samul .shnplru 1 12.' s lieuluii
st . n J
Sm.hiM uizn. i.i r .'nn te
' aiome Z'Uri'r "IJ "n',t"
,(., "nrettreM niea k
UP'imHii si
ami Katle
Mh t.. nml
H.,vaii Kii.it! sr.i .'. l.'ith At
I'reiderlck e- Jiculk. ftertT I.U'llen st., anl
Ksthrjn II Hrnwn. '.'.'il.t .s 17th m.
C'hirlfs (ieirer 21.17 R C'larflpl et . nnu
M. u-Hret I'leti! 2JI2 K ClearfleM st.
Junier J. Isha K12.1 Mount Vernen st . nnd
rrances M (Jultaiiher. 2I1H HM(t( ue.
Hamii'l llcrgmnn 421 Snvrler .no and Tlllle
I.nbevltJ 2.113 H MlMn-iJ st
lileharil Bmlth n20 H. lnth et , ami Hallle
Ilrnwn 020 ,S 10th st.
Cirl J. llnrnn r.20s Vine ht.. uml llrownle
I. Smith. 3R7 N ili'.l t
Uern.tr.1 Jt. .Shanlej New Yerk City, nna
Ann K. Vcruilrtcn. H tOl Oierhr.iuk nic.
Hnmuel l-lcln. r W12 Pananin at. anil Uura
SlUrmmln. ''Oil H 10th Ht.
Mr " -,'-'
una t.Uta-
I Itnw.in! Iterdcrlnti. HIIIO .V M.irvtnn t..
and Nwter KeHrute.-lan. 131S N Marvlna
' w," ittr n vn ll.ni
ter 2IWI S. l'.'tli t.,
I ami Hirtlia Denli a
L'.IUl S 11 tn it.
I.iIh KiainT 1T10 ;( 1'rnnklln t , and
Irtin Krl'dinxn. 1710 N. IVanKIIri st.
Imieph A HpiIkk s;in y -i, m , and
Alie M Md'OHki-r IWtH N' 211(1 kt
.Strphrn I'arn'iii 2I1S I.uillnw t . uml (lladya
llroiiwhieri. .T.I Hi lnllac M
Uilnlin Celsnn, '.'24.-i ritwntc-r ,.. mid
Mab'l Veunv. 2321 l'llav.eith nt
Jemes I'. Jiiewn, 2111 i' lnth nt and
.Nrnret fl Wfln.'r, aHO N. 2tth nt.
C'ail W. llaueh. KI2U K. Perks at., and
Catherine Devlne, 7t W. ilontemry uvt.
fltnly A. llreza. 4S3H N Ilreail nt , and
Kithvr M. Malts, 2U;i,1 ., 3jh it.
later forced the cellar deer of the home ! '. :"",. A'1 nli , s A.'tet Cernii II f,It !t tlu" ,U,S- ,," ,r,pra !,ml ,,vi'n
of Mrs. U. O.stein .":'..; l.a rclnvoed & ' X Uclf N
.-iM'tiue. stralins artitdes villi ed at S-4S.. f n , . .. . i... .. ,.im,.K(. 0f house l-'c-Utl out in ( hnstmas tinery.
I Hetli robberies were repot led te the P- ?' 'V. ,J , ml was 1 eM f V ft rtl er e 'lB McDcvitt was lenient te
Mlee of the nfl.. fifth and l'ine streets ' bi.MLing. iiiid was helil lei a tun er .' ,,,. .... ...,,. .,...
ill," s.iiii,- i. i.tti, ,. u- ,i..,..,- '....,i..i.:i ..i.. ..r .......... ............ . .......
In Forthcoming Bedk Will
r a ' i -
nu cays, siutfuuvu,
TIip I'lilteil .States since Its Infancy
linn produced 404.'l millionaires nml of
this vast array of money klngn, less
than 1 per cent, forty of the men te
be cttu't, have acquired their wealth
The figures are these of Dr. Itussell
II, Conwell. nastiir of (I race nuptldt
Temple, and founder anil iircsldent of
Temple University. Dr. Conwell dis
closed the fact via radio that he baa
Abraham been laboring for twelve years te jire-
(luce n volume en the lives, tue werK,
and the wealth of the men of America
who have accumulated fortunes nbove
the niilllon-dellnr mark.
Dr. Conwell bad been keeping till
a secret and he disclosed It probably
without realizing that an audience of
pcrhaim liOO.OOO jiersetis from Phila
delphia, te California wan licteiiing te
his every word.
Seme time age, nt the invltntinn of
Jehn Wanainaker, Dr. Conwell agreed
I te ueiver ins lecture, vcres ei uiu
! mends te the iieeple of the I nltnd
I S"V'S ""''"F11 V,,00- tb," I'readcaMing
station of the Wanmuaker store. It
was the first time Dr. Conwell had
ever talked te an invisible audience,
ltefore liiin during the course of bis
address, which took nn hour and thirty
minutes, was nothing but the 81111111
microphone and a velvet curtain.
"Acres of Diamonds" bus much te
Many Prseners n Camden Jail Re-
leasea ter vnnsimas
Judge Shay, of the Ciiinden Crim-
inal Court, hent happy tidings te the
Camden (iunty Jail today te all pris-
eucr.s whose terms were almost up. The
I order of release will include nil miner
!rnsPS where jirlseners have enlv n few
mere dtivs te serve.
Tin Klks. Meese and I.iens Club in
Camden today liegan their activities te
bring cheer te the homes of peer fain
Illes for the Christmas season.
'I'lwi llrtt liitr i Mnlir.'iMnn fill tlif phil
, -" ." ,i ,i is . ,;..
ilreu was staged by the Liens today
, . .... ,,,-,l"""") "' "
tired children nt the Kills Heme. The
I.iens distributed a nmnlier of ( hrist-
n.as baskets.
On Latter's Arrest. 12-Year-Old
wer ;;rr" z:tv;
learned te steal from m brut her. Bich-
urd. He is prettv geed nt it. and
he is Mxtenn years old Me showed
me hew te de it and it s easy.
Thes,. words expressed tlie sordid life
i. ,.. I,. I., .. . . ...... ..-..... . ....
......u,...i ,..,, ...!. nrirnni,it in- i'..tr..l.
iunn Albert Idell". of the (lermantewn
station, while he was ransacking tlie
home of Mrs. Anna I isher. "Ml- N ay net Miller, known as 1 lie ijiiecn nt the
avenue. Dejiers." She Is a fugituve from jus.
I Mrs. ribher. who is an invalid and 'lice, linking jumped her bail In a nnr-
i who was alone in the house, was , cetie drug case. Her father, charged
frightened when she heard some one
moving nlKiut anil opening a winnow
shouted for assistance and then tele-
together, and we had a pretty geed
hard luck story te tell," young Pepper
said. "We knocked at tlie doers and
wi, tlie people cr
came out we told hew
1 father was de
ead and that we had
nothing te rat. A couple of weeks age
I j,' ;;s T VntinV business fe
IDlik was arrested for
r my-
. w",f " .
rnUIVI lntl mHOnlNI:,
j "Watch Our Dust" Is Advice as
vmn rui.uu la Dcyuil
Knrly thh morning, N. (I. Mack, a
I resident of Cardington, Pa., stepped his
l. H D , I. la.......
sedan in front of a restaurunt at Six-
,il'"1 '"" Mi"'l',, m't,' Al llfi stepped
out of one deer two young men catered
ite-j-yfc '-, in- ---,!:
I 'lir L' l 1111 III s(I 1111, ( 1 ( Llll- KC III).
epiied nn the gas, the
ether stuck lus head out of the window
nnd yelli.l. "(ioed-hy. old top, and
tnciry Christmas!" and a moment later.
Made saw his machine disappearing
west en Market street.
Mad; hailed a tuiciih and gave chase. '
Westward en Market street, thence en I
West Cliestir pike, through Llnnerch
nnd Oakineiit he pursued tin thieves, j
At (lakuietit he stepped nt the police
station and asked for help. Twe pn-I
trelmen started In pursuit en motor
cycles, but leturnid nfter hnlf en hour
te icpert ilmt tin stolen car had out
distanced tlie in I
"1 don't mind losing my car se mm h I
ns I dn the nerie of these two thugs,
said Mack. "All the time I wns (has
ing them ui the taxi they kept waving
back at im and yelling at me te watch
their dust."
Prisoner Caught in Germantown Ac
cused of Attempted Theft
Charles KelniiMin, Negro, 1000 Ogden
street, was Ik hi in SSOO bail for court
by Magistrate Lindell, nt the German
town pelne station today, for en nt
tempted (hi ft of overcoats belonging
te employ s nf die Pelhum Court Apart
incuts, m (ierinanteivn.
Itobinsen was arrested Inst night
after nn i m !' e of the npertinent house
had puruci him. District Detective
McPiirland. nf the CernuitlteWll Millien,
HcurchH Ins loom and found n large
iiuantlty of silierwiire hidden under
the !,ed. Bobinen denied he had put it
Upper Branch Halts Sessions Until
Washington. Dec M. (By A. P.)
After transacting some routine busi
ness and heaiing Sennter MyerH, of
Mentana, tend u Christmas editorial,
the Senate tiidai began its holiday, ad
journing until Wednesday.
The Naial Appropriation Bill will
be taken up thin and debated until dis
posed of. 1'iilest rural credits, legisla
tion has been icperted by the Banking
and Ciirren. i Committee, the struggle
ler dominance between suppertets of
tlie Administration diipping bill and
of the Vertis agricultural tinnncing
liirnsure then will be resumed.
.SCIII.IMAS At ChlCrfBO. 01 le; 21,
efler .i ilisfi'ru llltiess, lll'.NJA.MI.S I..
,M'lllilMAS' hushnml "t I.llllnn I'runB
Hililliri'iii Imi i irifnt Chlcerei ,
HI HIM Di 21 AI.HV.S1IH. tnmlidnil 'if
Hea.i .s r,i, , Amur). ItrlBlliyH un.l
ri-lindd Kiel nn nitieiH uf Hely hamllv. cm cm
lnejis ur Sm.i Amei llei uml I nth'r o e
dutl.s of uhi 'i hn hub U nienibfr, lire In
vlled te at ti-ii-1 funernl. Tueadny, .;? A.
M.. from hit Ui rIdenc, 1UM K. OUi ..
Itenulun ihhi.h fil Pntar's Church. 10 A. M,
Intel mint llelv itedeeiner Cemetery.
lt Ml illllln. I ll.11 II 111 h" llll'llllll 1
DECEMBER ' 23, 1922
Turn Spotlight en a Few JFie,
i vrr tit. m-t. .i.
tr uuuii uisnunvsiiy
de with wealth. It has produced mil
lions of deilnrs with which Dr. Con
well has been nble te found Temple
University and educate young men with
meager means. In this lecture Dr.
Conwell denies that money Is the root
of nil evil nml lauds the man who is
able te accumulate It.
It was nt this point that he men
tioned the book be is jireparlng en
the lives of the millionaires of tile
United Stntes. He has the material all
in hnnd and the text is about two
thirds complete. Next week he will
go te Atlantic City and spend several
weeks finishing the job. He hopes te
hnve the work published by March 1
and leeks te It, he said today, te sup
fort him In his old age.
In addressing bis invlsble audience,
Dr. Conwell said thnt .'1780 of the
104JI American millionaires began life
without a dollar.
"They were all peer boys forty years
age." he said, "and 1 want you te
realize that the chances te 'become
wealthy today arc hundreds of times
greater than they were then."
Dr. Conwell said today lie will men
tion names In his book, and while he
will net criticize some of them, he wilr
tell hew their money was made and
why be thinks their wealth wns dis
honestly earned.
s Erected at Bread ana spring
Garden as Part of Traffic" Plan
A booth for n traffic policeman is
being erected today at Ureiul and Spring
Garden streets ns part of the syn
chronized traffic control system en
North Bread street.
The booth is of metal and octegan
shape and is fitted with windows and
heated. Captain Shultz, of the traffic
squad, snttl today the booth would be
erected as an experiment and if it
' proven hntisractery tney weuni nc
; llstnilc,i u nieng uren,i street for the
nreved satisfactory they would be
convenience of traffic patrolmen,
The booth is 0M ,he Ktr(ipt lm,1( jml
,f tl)0 pnn proves practicable the booths
wm ,P installed en high stands se that
' the traffic men may have a view of
i tlie street for a mile or mere each wny.
, The actual operation of this booth will
i net begin until next week.
is liberated en parole
Four Other Prisoners Receive Clem-
encv as Christmas Remembrance
Tin Christians stiirit pervaded Quar
ter Sessions Court today. Kery one
riiv. sixty-seven Vl'llfS old. (It
Seventh street, was placed en probation
j for five years. He is father of Annie
with continuing her drug jieddling trade.
pleaded guilty en November 1 te making
one sale, te ICstelln Martin, si (Jovern (Jevern
ment ngent. C. Stuart Patterson, Jr.,
his attorney, made tin plea for clem
ency. (illbert Skinner, a Negro, of I'.ly
street, (ieruiuutewn, who pleaded guilty
te receiving stolen goods a linre
was discharged, as his wife and chil
dren arc without support.
Uayniend Startzel, sixteen years old,
of West Gorden street, who pleaded
guiltv in October te inieliintary iniin-
slaughter, when lie ran down a iniitilinliw rnneim? fr.im fiftv te Hirt-.- i,'
. . . . . , ., 1,. . ,
robbing maill""" "y "' . -"i5 n.ns... ..n
proiiaiien. ne nn. i uccii sejuemeii m u
year In tlie Philadelphia Protectery for
I Beys
Max Mcdvene. of North Tliiity -third
street, convicted of entering with in-
'n' '" v,ea1' xu,s discharged, nnrlus
Sallews, of Chancellor street, guilty of
( unlawful use of drugs, w-as put en pre-
' lin()I1 fl). ,mn j,lr.
Visited bv Sterk
iliLiHHI '
i i
Yeinis ruler of LuNcmlwurg, e
vtliem a daughter was horn last
night. She will Iks named Eliza
beth. The duchess was married
November 8, 1011). te Prince Felix,
of Bourbon-Parma. Their first
child, Jehn, wits bem January 0,
Carletta Wells Married te Rey
Jacksen, Relief Worker
..Athens, Dec. iM (By A. IV) Miss
Carletta Wells, of Bryn Mawr, Pn.,
and Altadenn. Calif., and Rey ,Tackf,en,
of Whitehall, N. Y., both American
relief workers here, were married in
the English chapel yesterday. The
bride is director of the American Soup
Kitchens at the Piraeus refugee camps.
Mr. Jacksen, n former naval aviator, Is
director of supplies of the Near East
King Geerge was represented by his
lord high chamberlain. The Americans
present included representatives si the
embassy, consulate and navy as well
as of relief and commercial organiza
tions here,
shore bandTTcaptured
holding up" detectives
Man Who Terrorized Atlantic City
Is Charged en Three Counts
Siirclel Ilhvatch te .Vciiftie i'ublle l.tdeer
Atlantic City, Dec. L':?. Making the
mistake of attempting te bold up two
city detectives who with ether members
of the jielice force have been engaged
in n two months' senrch for him,
brought about the arrest of I.hingsten
Dritmmend, twenty-one years old.
Druminend. who is mere than six
feet high, is the mucli-jeuglit-after
Negro who has been terrorizing resi
dents in the outlying sections of the city
and motorists along the boulevards en-
i i tering the city for mere than two
Karly this morning, while Detectives
Martin and (trace were purked In the
shadow of a big warehouse at Delaware
and Mediterranean avenues, the man
demanded that they threw up their
hands. They complied and while the
bandit was searching the pockets of
one man the ether captured hint.
He was taken te detective head
quarters and identified. He Is held
without bail for highway robbery, crim
inal assault and attempted murder.
Geed Grade of Birds Offered Here
at Reasonable Prices
Better turkeys for less money were
reported throughout the city today, with
I -r.---c -- - .- . . . ...w
,i peumi in ptnee nt tue sixty te sev- i
enty -tue cent prices prevailing at (
Ilniikii limit? nml nliinbniiu liMA..t.
'' ', ....... iiii,iu in I'lwii.iL
l.l.lt iS'
.limits sold ,
nreiiiui lerty, wuiie im
for thirty.
Cranberriw were disposed of whole
sale at Sil a barrel, and Christmas trees
were sacrificed for SI." or S12I) for a
carload containing about ."00(1 trees.
are assured of unimpaired assortments and
prompt deliveries during the closing hours
of the Christmas season.
J. E. Caldwell & Ce. beg te announce
that merchandise purchased up until
Christmas Eve will be delivered Christ
mas Day by their
in New Yerk, Atlantic City, Wilmington,
Washington, Baltimore, Pittsburgh
and Annapolis
j : OF LOUIS paste!
jenienary ueieoratlen Hrv1
j Wednesday Only One. of Cen. '3
sequence in This Country
Eminent echelars et France will t.t. '
with these of America, in nn interna. .'!
uumii ceiciirnuen nere, next Wcdnn.
dey, of the centenary of the Irtti of'
Leuis Pasteur, benefactor of tnanlclmt .'
and among the greatest of Frenchmen-' 4
The celebration in Philadelphia wlli A
uc win eiuy nniienai ehservunrc of fki
event in this country. The French (Jet-
ciiiiiiciii. win uc represented iiv m;
bassader .Titles Jusserand and M it,,,'
net. director of the Pasteur Institute
of Tunis who has been sent by France
i-Hiu-. mu.v mr inn ceicuratieti.
Uovcrner Sprout, (Jeveriinr.eli
iinviiei, mid .Mayer .Moere will U
present, representing the city and th.
will represent the Nntlnnni rti"!
nient, The local committee In cliarn Tef
the celebration is composed of Dr vpn
Ham Duflield Ilobinsen, clinirmnti. l)r
McCluney Iladcllffe. secretiipr. ' n.
.ludsen Dnland, treasurer; Dr. i;(iffl -I
Fnlis Smith, and Drs. Charles A p I
Cedmnii, Krnest Laplace, Wiim I
x-viurcii i(ei( i-, .x, jjcruum.
There w'lll he, first, a meeting In th.
Academy of Music nt o'clock, te hi.
luiiuncu uy u iiiiiutT in me isellevite.
Stratford nt 7 o'clock in the eventn.
Speakers nt the afternoon session will
Dr. Htissell II. Chittenden, profewer
of pliyslolegicnl chemistry. Klmffl.M
Scientific Scheel, Yale University; Dr.
i enieii jveueg, cuairinau, .National
Ucsenrch' Council, Washington, D. e.'
Dr. Jehn B. Denver, professor emurtini
of surgery, University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Hugh S. dimming, surgeen-gen.
crnl. Bureau et I'ublic Health Service,
Washington, D. C. ; AmUassatler Jtii.
These te address the diners nt the
dinner will be Dr. Itehert Abbe, New
Tork; Dr. II. S. Pritchett, president,
Carnegie Foundation; Dr. Lewis S
McMurtry, professor of abdominal
surgery and gynecology. University of
Louisville, Louisville, Ky. ; Dr. Hobart
A. Hare. Sutherland M. Prevest, pro pre pro
fesser of theapeutlcs, materia mediea
and diagnosis, Jeffersen Medical Col Cel
le'ge, Philadelphia; M. Unmet, special
delegate of the French Government,
director of the Pasteur Institute, Tunis
Governer Spreitl, (ioverner-clect
Plnchet nnd Mayer Moere also will taU
Held-Up Victim, About te Entir
Heme, Faced by Armed Men
William Cenner, twenty-six yean
old, was held up and robbed Just ns li
reached his home at Thirteenth nrd
Federal streets at 12:15 o'clock this
tonner was met by two young met
ns he reached his father's restaurant.
As he was about te enter the men
stepped in front of him, leveling revolv
ers nt his head nnd ordering him te
"Put 'em up."
One of the youths thsn lowered his
weapon te Cenner's side while the ether
went through his pockets and took
!?.. :i."i. The reblx-rs then gave a signal,
a small car in which three ether yeutln
were riding drew up te the curb an4
they leaped in and sped away.
Cenner ran te the police 'btntlen at
Fifteenth street and Snyder avenue ini
! care a descrintien of the men
. - - -
I.0S Angeles. Dec. '.'!. The enm)ill,n
nf W""!";p ni(l' "in.pictre actor,
ncuperating from a breakdown, which
i.uresr caused ins (lentil, today Indicated
continued improvement after a aiidit of
fcoed rest, according te reports from th
rnnituriuin in Hollywood, where he ht