Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 23, 1922, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Letters te the Editor
A Christmas Peace Message
T th Editor e Hi ruendiij PubUc Ledger:
Hlr "I'mcp en Eartli. Geed Will
Toward Men" the Christum'? me
iike of Reed clircr tbnt rlnpi the world
around at Yuletiile. It f the message
of. the Prliiec of Tencc. and as "Pence
en Knjth tlireHgh CJoed Will toward
men" It Ipceuhh the key which will
unlock unto the world n new era, lift
ing out of the dough into whlih it lint
se deeply fallen. It is only through
.. . .. .- . ... f ti..H.l!Allp
living tnc tnrisunn me 1I1H-IUH1.U.IIHI1.'.
a. set fertli by III in whose birth we
celebrate at this season each year, that
chlliznilen can hope te progress or
even held in own.
What does lllng the Christian life
Internationally InxeheV Simply this,
that nations entertain the mime relations
one toward another thnt individuals de
In n well-ordered community. That wc
re progressing tewird this there inn
be no doubt, (lun-tetine is no longer
tolerated en the p.nt id Individuals.
Enlightened seelelj epecls inch mini
llehtened seciet. no longer teleiatcs
dueling, cities no longer fertlf) against
each ether, mates U amicably with
neighbor states mid M-tile differences
by the nrdeil) preies-es of law. Fer
one hundred ears no soldiers or battle
ships hive patrolled the ItOOO miles
of border between 1 tilted States and
Canada, and though -euTiil occasions
for war bnie occurred which might have
precipitated cenllii t bad armies been nt
hand, the lonteiitleus mntiers were
settled pencenbl) without leieiirse te
force. '
lii.i Tin, erer stmt te thine of the
entire Absence of suspicion toward our
nr.rtlir.rn nelchlinrsV With armies PA
trolling both sides of the border would
this hn possible? A "hew of force is
the breeder of suspicions, and a word
of suspicion breathed into leady cars
sprends like oil, only awaiting the
touching of a match te tart a con
flagration. We are tee prone te disassociate In
ternational moral obligations from these
ef Individuals. Christ s wav of life,
indltiduall) and internationally. tithe
same, but de we s0 consider If' When
lie snld "Leve your neighbor as your
self" He did net menu jut the family
next deer. He imnnt our international
neigllDOls. loe. i in? .aun.ii.-uu .n ,
uei and tne nrotnernneu ei .unii r-t-
tend bejend Ihe narrow confines of
famlh and eercnn:e the barriers et
race or nation, welding all into one 1
ir.tem.itiennl family of brothers.
"Peace en Knrth, (!oed Will Tewnrd
Men" is, therifure. a Christnun chat-
lenge te nn peoples ier)wnere ir
presents a senrchins ucn .is te whetlier
we are doing our p.irf ie bring te pa's
this condition. ie we indiMdunll)
and ns n nntinn rn-enerntln - wltli ttie
I'nncp of I'eae. te nihlexe this end':
Let us net sing et peine this ( lirist-
mas, unthiuKiii
but let It spur US n i
te de our bit. Let us make "lVaie en
Karth threugli tumd Will Toward All
Men and Nations' the burden ..f our
thoughts and c.irrj with It .i resehe te
mnt nu n Vn Vn..,.'u rnu. il,1..n 'I'llel
furtheiing of the c.iuse of pence is the
biggest job alie.nl ler 1111.'.'!
wi:ndi:ix p. ui.ii;h.
Chairman, Publicit). Uucks Count)
Council for the Prerutlen of War
MerriMiUc. Pa . December 11'-'. 1H-J.
A Prophecy of Peace
Editor of th' Ti'ttlna Public I cde'r
Sir The fellow In; Is Mipgnsteil v
in editorial en preparcdni"-t1 m r,vi -Hiwi
l'vni.ie Ledehs, Nepinbrr 1.
lOl'S :
" Addrfs te rrietnli' Aifcoeiation of
Tljmeutli .Mcf-tlnc. In., ".PUMitivn ear.
lien bv Jiiclgp William N. A-liman. of
Philadelphia, for many c.'ls Judcf nf
the (Jrnlinns' I'etirr of l'MImh.liiInn
and who at thr time of tlir- address wav '
president of the IVnnsjlvania Peace
Society, ArehliKhep Hjan wee presi
dent. This ctninje talk en peace tint eve
Bins, seventeen jears age. becan
Yeu and nil Triem!, ns pinee-Iev- '
Ins people, fiel -.eenre m the thought i
thnt wars in this ieuntr haie eeaei .
but 1 warn mjii that the nuct awful
war the world hns r-vnr ilre.itnul of Is
beiiiR planned hv the iinlitar) power-,
of Kurepe, All wars tire iilanned lj
milltnrj ruler". War i the eiilv ex
i use fur the custetire of nulitar power,
or militnriMn.
"This war will lie a machine war
In the air. in the earth and under the
ea, and until the tiendi.li minds of
men hae exliniictPcl their di.ilielicnl in
ventions for the ilistriietien of life nml
homes nnd piepert. tlm ai win con
tinue, and at list the people ill b" -e
aickened nt the hurmr of n nnd co
eutraKeil nr lulns exploited and im
pmerishid ) the niilitaty. the prof
iteers ami rulers t li.it th- people of the
etld will H"! , ilibiirm.iments will fol fel
low nnd unrs will iein "
.IiiiIsh Ashni.iti s Micntidti trips te
Ti'repe ui'i ethir leuntriis cae him
knowledge of afTnir. and, leiiplpd with
his deep insight into the unvs of Im -mnnltj.
In had ikhis which many
of us could net understand.
Consliehofken. I'a Dee. I'll, UO-
This Winter's Screen Favorite
Te the I'ditar et tin 1 i riiim; Pvh f I rda
Sir It's a pntt safe l,.t t,. t1P
acreeii fiuinte this winte- will be the
Ceil ash si r?i n
I hnd un lireiikfuvt thl- ininiuus. by1
The Uer. Ill .1 sum I rLlnnpimi , lina
the lemperntme as nlieiit tifu, nnd
the proprietor apeliiiued b satinc all
the fuel he was able in ubt mi newndas
was "buckwheat ' .iinl the f.-w him
dreil peuiuU of th.it. 'iu Unit;! jrrant.d
te li 1 in li) his ilenli r. Ini had been com
pelled te dr.iw triini the nml nrd in
his own llltter
DeuiiibiT ''0. 1!I2'J.
Velstead Law Should Be Revised i
Te the I dilet e Ine i enine Public Ledger' (
Sir The VeN twul hiw ns It new
te e, leal "ll '':;; fr,Z LfTer- ""ccsters had done for mere than SUOU
Hill be no call for Kiin-lh. """,, for their fnmilv use.
ence, of course, de occur, and for t it m u fnr(ljcr thim t,mt . ,f ifics
courts hae been established. i-ti . . , f . , .,
, . i. ... . !.n I assn , pr !- s s asu s.l la s a a i .. MM '' !' '1 sT" " ? --1 " . .t"" "t m LM .T "
7 1 l"i VVHrVT 15 Trf MMTCl2 . B fleS H6f2. A 2tOUe- J. -J-C " f ?5i
Jig LSf TJiv ?y Ym $'y
"SJLg-g N Hr &-
I' I - II f -. -.... II I I t
A i .. .-jM
Letters te Uie Editor should be aa
erlef nr.d te the point at possible,
avoiding anything that would open
a denominational or sectarian dls dls
cupilen. Ne attention will be paid te anony aneny anony
Uleu? latere. Names and addresses
must be signed nt an evidence of
geed faith, although names will net
be printed If request Is made that
UlvV be emitted,
Iho publloatlen of a letter Is net
e be taken as an Indersement of Its
MewH by thin paper.
Communications will net be re
turned unless accompanied by post
age, nor will manuscript be saved.
standi la degrading te the intelligence
of the free American citlren, and also
Infringes en the rights of our sovereign
First, our constitution gives te every
American citi7en the right of life, lib
erty end pursuit of hnpplnet8. The
Velstead lnw takes nwnv from the
citircn his (led-glveti rights of llbcrtj
lniismuch as it forbids lilm te go in
his vine) ard and take the fruit from
tliere which the (treat Creater grew for
mankind, and make the home Inte a
flnanciall) . te store in n supply te last
them n lifetime : it protects tlicm in
consuming the same, therefore it legis
lates for n sptiiul elnss.
It ule states thnt ever ene-linlf of
I per cent Is intoxicating. These legis
lators who determined that certainly
had a large experience in booze line.
Wiliinm Wheeler states no scientist Is
,iblc te determine what is intoxicating
Hew c.ui thev determine what is nun-
lnt"ic,iting and be beneficial te healtu
as n heerage'
With reference te ratif.wttg the
amendment b ench indiidual State.
It Is teucedul thnt legislators elected
ngninst their "ilrj" opponents b) their
"wet electors, voted "dry" en the
nmendment after tilling up their vaults
sufficient te last tliem for life, with their
slogan working "Safety first. It cost
our Government $0,000,000 a year. That ,
Is only n drop in the bucket of what is
used te protect the bootlegger, because
he is the reil live prohibitionist tedny
His slogan being "I am going te get
mine while getting is geed."
In our drug stores there are medi
cines and concoctions for Intoxication !
caused b overeating. Whv did net '
thee one-half of 1 per cent leglslnters
Tlroerili. tnr thA.n n. AnA. n...l
lewn t0 nermn, eneQ merc Wjth
j .. t,lrnr(i nn Mmn n! thn --,-,
winp vnuirs, with n Inw f0 ,012e Rn,i
SPnr,.t,, th inw-mnkcrs who rule that
miglit makes right would seen have te
1(,t en th x,erkinK mau nnd en hlg
constitutional rights.
Philadelph.n. December lil! licJ'J
Questions Answered
Amnrlmn, -....J A I
Amendment and Act
Te the Ldi'er of the Kenme l'uhli- I.rdyr; j
ir lvlti 11 ut)im tii .111.1 r .. .1. .. .., i
rwilen Hn tliltccenci l)pt.n iii ur..iui..
"en m-nain nt en I t Jie VnNtedd laf
J .., , , ,, , , Al.M.ti:
''"lin l-iphn n.emin ,!.v.
rr." '.icifntl, mndmni ki.en n i
- " -"- " " mil U II
l niKlllillirr rhe uHtt.nl I i t an
,.8il h iVinr efr I'r"i ni Win i
'e f r th) :uirtj of p-iin hrk- i t
if iifururii, th 1 iirht.cnth vtm ti mttt i
deflrln.: whv . ntltiit lntnicv.i
1 guet
i Greek Names for Fraternity
' Te th L'llitur e (.' E endia I'ublir I.-iaer
s-i r Kmdh 8"n tiii in th 1n le-ed m .
elope If tms l p nlblr If pft Kin llj
print enme ire'i nm-s and thlr tnwintn
thnt could b mel for a fratrntt' Ihiin.
. ( ti " I
I'lil'iiilelvMi ncemb'r 20 Ifl.'I
Tvne wU i.neu n Grtf., "dintfs al Meier
AffHn pxpr-.s 1 . '! CI','K letr. tu
Ar.ha nt.j n. i i.t c ' NetK ng tee rrtj
-in 1 Unnthrt nu in (Uamma vimnl ,
mcanlne K tjh iha 'f are suitable mniPi
I for a fratrrnit
Expert and Impert
Te thr irfiler of the K rsuie PvbUa 1 'date. .
i ll.'-is. i ifurm me If e na.e annul
pilbItratle"s n tile fvrm of nnciztres dfll
n; with etru .. and Impert ind 'iMr tne
snine nie te ebtn.n" I I thank iu
lante r N J , lie. ember 1' '9..
The MVikh Txrert Hull-tlti r Phl!.ue1
phln the l.iimt metl-in It duet-i . th
I.Trfers .ill Importers HeteM tb- 1 x
pert rsews und the Imp' rters i.uhje ,t 1 of
Ne erk -nd th" I'xrurt ltererd.-- e'
Hn? n-j Mix all dea.1 rlth the nil '(,
Why Called a "Deadhead"
Te the rditer e' the Elf no PuMlc l.tdg'r:
ir T'leiMie tell mi whv rereen who ob
tains a frw rifa te i theatre or em aim
liar rlaee of amii"mr' c- illrslen Is sem
tims railed - l'i lhea I
nT r TM
rhiU'IelpbU P'peniuer 10 10J."
The -erds la.l mad are n l!'r
translation of the I.atn phraa "rnput mor mer
tunm " -hleh v.aa inu h used b the n'd
phemlsts te den.te thr real luum of rt-em
. 1 whn ll trei- nltlle matters hn 1 -i
n )In'e t)e rxfrnsslen l fKtlr'itne
lived of nmthtnv em Hhlch all that ren
dere-1 It ahidhe hie ben taken ii Sre.
tatert who de nut r te net aliiab fr m
a reenua atandpelnt
; Poems, Songs Desired
"Christmas Time"
Te th' Fditer et the Eenig Pub i' I 'is"
sir I'e le1nc lines are aiihmtitM t
People s reruni
li J Dyfci A M
i hrUtmjs time has ntm aaatn
The iherl6st d e of dss n for men.
J. r Miinen and for ihlltren, tee
n ' r'
the bexstifti of the zfte
eh It does or gee te t-'t
toietlH tirAlll rf I 11
That It te ihla werl I of pauru ard uei
The rhrlst hlld aei age h.ia reine
r siller the ari. ear In that nleh'
This ii d ea-th relle In a eheerler light
That hnahtena and warms the h.arte of al
! Oh. relelec' fe rh'littnii has reme ores
fh-latnei IKI:
ralrten .s J
"Silent Night"
Te fne Fd 'or et the iiii-v0 Publir L'deer
S r Pl-aM rr nt In tre. People n 1 rrurn
hovprnt-e. tlm .nmri nu Ms fnther ntnl
The Ilttle Ileo I)aLs slept lightly nnd awakened early. Leng before
daylight Hely and Pel)- nere out of bed and all ever DoeUlo bright lights
began te twinkle and shine nut brightly from little windows.
Soen there was n gieat rustling nnd stlirlng and cheer) greetings of
"Mcrr) Christni.is" iiuild he heard and cries of delight ns little Doe Dads
rushed te llrepl.ires anil found well -filled stockings.
M) what :i Ihrlstmas it w.is! Net ;i single empty stocking lu Dni)llle!
Iteiilis mill games, te) trains and drums, candy nud nuts, sled-, nnd skates,
popguns, i.i) guns, airplanes, wool) sheep nnd tcdih bears Old fs.iuta had
left nreiind (lie (Ireplaies of the llltle Dim D.uN.
The sun Is just new ht ginning te show In the K.isteni shy and alread)
the stretts nre nlle with little Doe D.ids. Old Sleepy Sam knew what te
expert en Clirlstm.us nierniiig. and xcry. xery early he xas abroad. He was
sure he could pick up a few odd pennies this d.i). His kilted potato cart
he lurked up against a house en the teiurr and promptly went te sleep.
Ked het potatoes weie smoking en top.
See Ihe Utile (hap in the window nhexe? Santa Clans evidently left
111 in a harpoon gun. 'Ihe liltle rasral has disrewinl Klcepy's baked polatees
f I lir " A. I i I t MM tll
i i - hi i 1 it'ji t m nt th
1 or inn tl r l of Hi. ti'.iuiif'
-I nrt N Kh" in '1 i I Ilk.
riiil,ic l hi i 1 1 i i lli l -'. 1''-'-
i: i:s r sn.ii i
I! Vr u. I.iul-T
i i! n.uli hi i it.! t
VI .9 rilm ell I- ! t cli'
Jl mm sm Vligm Mnr in.'
Hill Infart . inndr m I mill
-l.. 111 hul'ill r-ear.
- p 111 ll'.ent; ;CI"
-iiii I i
ll li inn
J l!
iji.i 1
S'l-i t n :h' I ih t Kl"
Mienl erd uuul. t u li.' i
1, 1,1 . tteitm I-i.l I h' - Tl i f
lleitt tll hist, fins A'.lelllll
i iil.i the mi lur l I n
i 1 nsi the M i 'J" Is burn
' ient tilBht I e!, nisht
Srii e tied lee n tiur. lisrt t
Hid nit, h-iinu frtim Th hnl tnie
With the dawn if rein m n trn,
.l'su Iir.l v lb birth
Jesi, I.ri nt Ti I rt'i
"The Night Before Christmas'
In th' ' d tvr f i'e 7 i nil ; f'i H(r Ledger;
j. - " r i i i'l'i"- lie" 1'n tnil'h
! i I kn 1 unlisl the i in '' hlrh
tie f wts 'ir-e r i I"rl
Ta a the t Ui l U fe-e i hrietmss e
hi !lirnu,ri the house
N'e a, rr itui i win t.-rinif lit eien a
im uae '
We tit. t' is . tr-ertiinlty ie than "u for
ih. VneiK .i ' teasur e d " f-em
tending the Teur s V.irum " as t.'I as th
Are in tin S jnda run" I.itrmrr
P."ddelrh'H I'epee her 1. J12I
The i"lrd te'tn arrears en the feature
lu 'I e r.u mmi J'liiii" ' rI '" " ""
"Christmas Eve Adventure'
Tn the fijifer et th' i ntlna I die'
s r Ktn 11 p-lnt tli
r h-ist i as l'i Adventure
trfii 111 entr'ei
' t i'i net r
v er her tV -
Mil er hut II "tana ir is
tlmi In a niiei r lit -tan
( iree
de tl ahe-n ef 7.j Her ."
Wl-nn l the ce-.d le.ple i"e fir' "P
BtranKe Mlru happened te tn
Mene the nlkht before f'hrletnn.
Aa I aat bv the glewli r tire
w-.tphirr th spirits as the, rm. ate
Danville. Ps Deremher 1 I'i.'C
"Christmas In the Olden Time"
Te the l ditnr of thi rimlnu 'uV' Ledger-
f-ir I am alail te ii newer in. ijuery anent
the anbrt i "Oin rentnlninc tl llnce.
On I'hrU'mts 1 e the bel ere run;
On hintin-n I.i tht miss was eiine
Th t .em U net e r
3lr Walter -cjtt 'I h II
'ee.'r le the Sejltlsh bin
'lent, helre- h
ieur In the f 1
ul liK.V timi:
t born ear
I beer
r'S if old
r,grmj hu 1 re a
ininn bscK aaln
I Wlltrl
K.i li at" I .s d em d tl
The 'I!. t.tne I' I feel
n I ill .Mi hrl tiae
i Iiv.d hn ll h irni il
An 1 h'eiietllt b I'h' II"
With all li n In. spit
rrreetr .n iIi.Ieuj rtte
f)av h.n r te the I I nlKht
nn i-hrleti iai l,i tin- telle vvnr r ire
. en I'hrlsttini l.ie tit ni-iH vv-ia ns
fliat rualit al m f ell tlie m ur
i i-'aw the teWl rri-it thi rhall res-
Th damii'l dunn ti hr klrtle ehem
THE DOO DADS Christmas Day in Doeville
111. hill s rlrnncil with liellv Krn
IVirth te tint nd illil inn imn cn
I'e kiithpr In 'li mistletoe
I nirliinil w m M rs 1 nalincl hrn
oil I'lirlstinis hreuulit his pnrts ii.h i
Ti.iis t'hrlamns hreich 1 Uie itilKluie,'l
Tns i'h-lstniis tcld the nc-tlst ul".
i hrielnias inmbel oft reuhl cheer
Ihe roer man's heart threuim hlf the jeir.
1'rem ' One Theumnl Poems for rhll
dren '
"Gathering Up the Shells"
Te the f dtter et tl e ,! riiitie Public Ledger
r I rend i tnui li ileaai.re the oil
't;. an I peeir s rh t ijijiek- rrequenll In
th' T'siph a Pe hi nn 1 tl ntiK 5011 for re.
linir reiny Tb bint memeiit-a I am In
rt. slut- 01 e whl 1 I h-.i" net seen In cur
rrliiinns hut nlilrh I used tj alnit In my
KlrlhO'Hl ilij Perhaps ou will print It In
the Pi'op'e s Feium, and It nia ple.isi ether
l'erum fans bpde nuse.f
Mil-. TANNY J. S.
Philadelphia. December I 11133.
athi:p.ivi". LPiiiu iiiv:L,i.s
I tisndiT-d teda b Ihe t-enehnre,
The winds pn 1 the uuwa wre low.
I rd I tlimnrl.i of in. dja that are pone
Mini I
Mdn I 11 ifiit. no
( h thni" mre Ihe hmriist ds of all
Se- a caie nor a aorre v 1M wn Ktieir,
A a pliiM d en the w hlte pebbled ssnd.
I Maud
flatherlnn up the, fbeii. from the ahere
Mi' don't yu remeniber the eav, Maud,
The lant time tse wandered en the ahore.
Chir hearts were au happj .mil kav, Maud,
Ter jiiu irntnla'd te le mine einrmere,
Then th tin In ihev -iere whiter than
And the lirlehr m iere leteller than
And th. heii-s r.re tut tinnienta te us.
Oath'ilni; up 1h abe'ls from the shore.
lilt nun u. are irtnnlr In rears, Maud.
uur I ea a e pj allvered ntid Kray.
Tet th" 'i th.' m made en the shore
M .11 1
Are fre. ti ir our inenierlea ledi
Tl-ere sriu u a rharin In th a briKht shells.
Anl th. h und of thi Mill wnti'i rear.
They prlni: ba i tie lass that no spent.
I Maud
Gathering up the ahells f-em the sheta.
OathetUR up tie shells from tfe aeaahere,
it.th.rliR up the ahi lla from th-i shore
Mi t.. ae ere the happiest ia of all.
riafher riic up the shells from the shore,
"Girl With Blue Velvet Band"
pe-eril teiid'ra of the 1'eople Torum
hae aelteii fni a aenif varienaly entitled
Tre. illrl M Ith the lllue elet Hand
Tli Hint- Velvet Hn(I ' etc
thfl I1eeple h I'yiutr rellei tlun
'r. nl r'in tutrly It
It Ih ll it In
Te the Vd tt nt tl m 't enwie J'iiI, lc Ledger!
Sir- I In lean In ri. null Um j em "Jut "
vt.icli I b-ll.v;. i0 l,. tin. .im ier,ueate,l
Iho I'eei'le n 1 nrutn mnn lima aKO
,t,.y ' ' '
If I I' Cr.-telle. Jr
A 11. ii ifaiA Im frimk war iha lanH
in ihe form if a tlr.ia of the Jarrl.nt liaml.
anil It Is likely lie and his little friends xrlll have a great feast, nnd when
old Sleepy wakes up he will have no wares te sell. Loek at Rely with his
Christmas paint box and brushes.
Hely Is nn artist and after he finishes Sleepy Sam's face, he intends te
paint for him a really for sure leg and feet and then no one in Doeville will
knew who It is. It may be that erven Old Sleepy will fall te recognize him
self. That would he n joke after Itel)'s own mlschlexeus little heart.
See that fine sled nud the sleigh bells that .Santa left for Poly.. There
Is net n prouder hey lu Doexllle than Poly. This was Just what he wanted
and in a (rite lie had harnessed Old (Jrewler and was hating a due ride.
The two little fellows with a Jack in the box are Inning a geed laugh
at the expense of Old Mr. (ireurli nnd the two Ilttle fellows above, with the
drum nud the horn, hae Old Docter Sawbones almost forgetting that It is
Christmas Day.
Mr. Crew came II) lug through the air the Ilttle Doe Dad in the window
sent his airplane scooting after him and new Mr. Crew will surely fly right
into Mr. Themas Cat who is watching it all from the reef of Docter Saw
hones' home. Then what?
Miu etir Christmas he as men)- as was that of the Ilttle Doe Dads.
Wlille tlie ilelln
t p nbee
an harmonious
The Heur is n-hlrl in Ih.s netrv il-ice;
'i ami i Kl.l In llm closest embrm e
V In n ilnnce of this Kind la n hnlj dln dln
Eler' Will, what of It?
Is this mux!
feu aj
the, drummer bops
I mad.
I It should drIe
us nwnr, Ha ae awfully
1 bad
1 Tlie iiiuslrhns can't llay and their tempo
I Ih snd
ltllt We Iee It'
"Old Timer" Requests Twe Songs
Te tin I ditnr of the i.'i ruiiia I'uhtlc Ledger:
sir Will ig'i pltiif" tubll'h the old senn
I ct titled "tlriiuilfathir s lln'"' dne line
, inns. "In n trninlXntlier'a las married
m 11 thev weie tteaih
Alse 'Carrie I .." one line of which li
"Hew lumpy I 1 Im wlili my rhirmlrs Car
rie i.pe ' OLD TIMr.r..
Trenten T. J Dei ember Is, 111-'.'.
Cnn e rea er sunpb the desired senca?
Sixteen Arrested In Cafe Raid
I Thliteen nn 11 nnd Ihue women weie
liuie-Ud In iiiiltie of the Tenth nnd
I Huttiiiniiiitil -treits 'tatlen early today
I in n raid en 11 cafe en Hnce street neat
I Tenth. 'I he men qiul women wcru cele.
Iiratlnu ( lirisimas e.uly, nnd became
ten boisterous.
iftcr-Dinner Tricks
Nn. 3.-1L' The ralllnB Tumbler
Tlin performer keens teyinc with n
tiiinhlir uuul h RCtB It quite nenr tin
I nlK" of Hip tuhlu. He IS llt-filli'S"' el
uurniiiK- nml suilufnly the nin falW
fimii the mlile. Conbtprnntleii rhmiKCS
tn phi pi 1i.ii, heMCcr, when lir picks up
Ihe tiiinhlir ami hIiewh It te be uiiln
juinl I'mit.re tlip trick ever n pillow until
jeu lin-w ihe Utinck. The tumbler must
In , ,JV , t f g thnt u stri);CS
.in i i. " uu. t.'i 1 i li
""' " ' r rwnl oil. IBPU 1" IB. ) It
I tnut be ptihiil rnrrfully te the nice of
thn table until it just barely everbal
ances ItHPlf
enrigh'. ten bj PubUc Ledger Cem
the Eleventh-Heur Rush
I n
j "FIG.'i
By Arch Dale
..- . t-m
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Redenbaugh,
of Center Square, te Celebrate
Mr. and Mrs. Iteuben ltetlenbaiii;!),
of Center Squiiic, will celebrate the
sixtieth niinirrs(ity of their weddinc
tomorrow. Hclutne-. and friends will
be entertained by the couple iliirlnt; the
afternoon, in honor of the unusual
lieth enjoy splendid health consid
ering their aihnticcd years.
Photoplay Guide Week of Dec. 25 te Dec. 30, Subject te Change
showing of
ALHAMBRA 12Tn2.tBM70,ITp. .
if Wealej Tlirry In Rng te Mleliea
T -alcy Hurry 111 Rg te Klrhea
V Wcale; nivrry In Ksga te ltlilir
T Tern Mix In lle nnil I)re
V Turn Mlt tn lta anil Hurt
S. Tem Mix In Ie nnil Hare
M l.en fhanej In Sli.idewa
T l.en Chnnry In Sliadeua
W laa. furwoeil's Mnn 1 rnm Hell Illrer
T Jas I'urvvoeij'M Sinn rrem llrll'i. Hhrr
r All-atnr e-iHt In 8haltereil IiIiiU
.- All-star eaat ill Hlmtlerwl lileN
furvvoe.,1'5 Mm, 1 mm lie I Hirer
AnrvMtrvnr lancasthii pike,
M liiiue linrmenil In Tlir.Seni! of lire
T A I'.irnm.iunt picture. Ahein All Law
W- Anita Mevvart In ller Mini lv.irr.lu
T William iti lil In Tlie l.hiiat llrr iker
l', nllnie Held tn Tlie lilumt llrenkcr
H Klllett Dcxter In (Irund lurieuv
M. William rarnum In Moen i ne Jiilley
T William rarnum In Sloenaliln nllev
W. William rarnum in .Mnenalilne Anllry
T - l.en I'haniv In t-lindewa
r. l.en ctianiy tn hlimlewa
t Um C'hanej In Shuileiva
Dl ItrDIDH Drea9 Buiuatinrn
DL.UL.D1KLJ Continuous 1' imtll 11
.l-i..n. rvitrlen tn .Tellll Htntttl
T Heu Felers In llunmn Hearts
W.- Heuee I'etera In lliimnn Heart
T.- lleuim J'el.im In lliiinan Hearts
I' Wall.ne llc'il In Tim (ihent llreuker
,s Wallace lull In Hie Oheat llrealier
V -Iverma 'r-iliiisilce In Tlie Klirnul I lame
8 -Nerma lalmadn. in Tlie Blern.l 1 lame
! FAIRMOUNT S?,.?l!S,8Ajia
W l.en luney In Muuleiv
T-I.en thaney in Minuiin . , ...
r. n...n Meet., in Iivi. Ih An AVTtlll I nine
h. Jane Nuvuk 111 Iho Snonalieo 'irull
M Len f'lmney in Shadows)
T l.en Chnnev In Shadowy
W Hetty lllnhe in Hew Women Jra
T -Hatty Illyttie In Hew Metnen Ixite
lZSll"yt c"at in Wlldneaa of Jeuth
H. All-atar caat In Wlldneaa of euth
Ilread Ht. at Erie
t an 7 ft II P M,
IMrt.KlAL, M,u. 2 10' Urns. 7 4 0
M. Jelmny lllnas tn Hur-rira lllnt
T Johnny Hlnea In Hurp-l'lrti Flint
W, Johnny Hlnea In Stire-llre. l'ilnt
T. MarJerl Daw In rrWJe of I'lilemar
j-;MarJerl Daw In lTlile of J'aliimar
B Marlorle Davr In l'rlde of I'ulemar
I tArWliUf. J
i T W. Ian rarnuin.' W SSSl ifflSZ ffi T "" ' inW ' ' Mm l ..,-..
colonial ,fsf m l-sziS SF ! SSS 5h4"
M -Nurnii Tal.nailae It. The Klenml 1 l,e ' ' ' ' ' -rj n "!: 1!.'" . B.-Vv"lTlain rVrmm'.nin W lliheut 'temSrU
MiilinaHisi 111 I Il rirrillll I 111 IT. f " -v. ( vajiri, n 1 U11F.V ' --- -- - -
...,-. irnlmMitirn ln Tile r ternal linn.. v
T Nerma TalmaiUe In The Kternal 1 lume T Wallace Uelil In ( infrnee
;.. v.m. ipuimitiitfii in The l.ternal rin... i. i.i.. .....' il i"rrnra
S SK SlSSR IS tRS BSK! R ' -Vffn" S Iff CrV &
' Z. rn.im.i.i.A In rrhn l.leptiel 11.. ih
N.eUriIIIV uv,fcw ... -"- ......, . iuiuc I
LIBER I Y ",,UASA,TI'f,T,,,AV- QTR ANin Ce,,a,eWn Ave. arTTe' CUlITRWHOn ?'W &
But Haynes Would Omit Brimming
Cup of Ancient Lere
Washington, Dec. 23. (By A. I)
"Be of geed cheer" was Prohibition
Commissioner Ilnynes' Christmas mes mes
sage today te "friends of the Eight
eenth Amendment," In which he de
clared the success attained in prohibi
tion enforcement gave "every reason for
hopefulness, gratification nud congrat
ulations." , , ...
"De net be deceived nor dismayed,"
said air. IlaMies. "by a nation-wide
program of misrepresentation, consti
tuting, as It does, the most pretentious,
most pernicious propaganda te under
mine enforcement sfnee the enactment
of the amendment.
"Admitting, of course, that thcre nre
violations of the Velstead act -unfortunately,
by some who held themselves
above the law the fact cannot and
will net be conscientiously denied thnt
the last xear lias been marked with
rapid strides tewnrd the same degree of
enforcement of this lnw us obtains In
respect te nil ether lnws. none of which
Is enforced 100 per cent."
A fourtecn-yeaT-old boy, unable te
tell his nnme or where he lives, was
found early today by Camden police
wandering about the Knlghn Point
ferrj house. Cnmdcn. The boy was
wearlng two coats, knickers, a white
shirt and blnck tie. Pelice believe he
mny have escnped from a home for
feeble-minded children.
Heth Hunt
CTPAVPR'S 07 ChMtaut .BtTMt
S 1 KA I CJ O xi,, Btt Baitnett 8eMl
position! murantKd: ntr cow; ilty or nipt.
PhlU. BiuIbcm OeUi. 1110 Hukit te.
wiiiTK mtf.rnun hi'rixeh. va.
Greenbrier. White Hulphur Hprlnst.
XX'Intur dnyii urn nlorleuti
18-hole Oolf. Flshlns. Swlmmtaf Peel. Ererr
Roem with nath. J K NKtJOS. Msr.
XVrlte "nerlda Kant teimt." LMSBth Ave..
New Yerk. fn- booklet nnd hntpl llt.
AYTON.-nKrn. rt.
Drefid Tern fce world's finest buch.
Medem. Cutslne iineicelled. Rstes S3 BO te
$0 per dy. American plnn.
Weat Indtea. Central and Seuth America
United Fruit Company
Patenter Trade Dept. i IT Battery riace. N. T.
Frem New Yerk. Jan. 22, 1923
rirL- the
reasonable rites
BAK libit IUUKS LU.. ZOO Se. 13th 5t Phi a. V
The following tlieatrc3 obtain their pictures through the
company 01 America, wnicli is a guarantee of early f tJiSlf
the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your V'wSZlf'i
locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America.
Wefirflnn.t it. AOA t.
nr tVfethy Dalten In On Hie lllsh Sena
r Dorethv; Daiten In On the lllr.li Sens)
i A; Ice llrailv In Annn Awenilt
,V r.".09 "rady In Anna Aaiend
l . llbe Daniels In I'lnk Inula
i H. Hebe Daniels In l'lnk I.iiiIh
I ,
i. -i. .ticihrail 111 Vlilll -llm Seir Tnmnrrnvr
T -IV K rt 7. ' i'' WSKiT:
1 tln.nll.i. -..... .. .. .. .
Dorethy Jialien In On the lllali tn
ii......!... i..- . n .. j:.:' ..
.'U..,i, UIIIIWI1 III III! Tllff lllffll ..!
r-lL.IV! vnnnivi c.ti
.,,,'l.1.lB', neM ln v'fe l'enple
.'.. llicn Ilel.l In M. Veepl
7-V. len sl"" I" skn Ir'n
I'. Milten Sllla In Skfn Deri.
.. Dorethy Dalten In On tlie Illah Seas
.. , " A P- M.
nf--i0,1,1'"" J'nore In ArTlnltlea
I i.'. Ce".rn Moere In Alfliilllra
I . i ti Meet, Moero In VfTlnltlra
7, 0''" "ero In Affinities
1 L rllc"n Meera In Afrniltles
s lern Moero In 1'nn neil
iirxi-'iys AT Tl'MiKHOf'KKV T
M. nirhard nirthelmeas In The llenil nev
W llehe Daniels in l'lnk tiiiiln
Tn ,e Daniels In l'lnk (.efl,
I - I rljellla Dean ln I'niler The Vlata
" - Priscllla Dean lu Under Twe l'lur.
,'. "T..Jf'ChB1? In Mini Mini saw Tomorrow S Star rut In I'rlile of I'aleuinr
ur VUI BAM te Mldnlrt
' l ...VVMili.. -.... ...... . .. ' T 1t0h tlnntnl. In fi.lnff.,1 ttliiva 1
Tm Mj n M. te HUB P. u. M-'h"
T Tem illx tn ll,. nn.i i in.
i rSf ? FK""I r'
W Turn M'x In Im nml it,,..
me '
m viei ii.n. i.. ii,. i:.ri.:r.f' "AII.T
i-i r f -T Hit vctt- Bb'
K, Irons Castle In Htlin Hheuld.r
B. Irene Castle n Slim Should,
GRANT e:2ainAnDAVEi. iTiv
M. Itoaelnh v.in.in ...V.A.T,N.1' ' PA"'Y
69TH ST. Tbatr' Wi "W Tarralnal
I-. Iliilie Daniel. In Hhb,.I t
H. Ilelsi Daniels In Mined Mini
yrtSTKH mmnw
f Sjj?..
."' !
X Atlantic .
Doubly delightful during ihe HefcAJ
at rttett Hetel of tat appeal-tS, cn. 17
HelUty Happineit.Gayetrand Henk?Jl
nii.nniiuv.IIT.NJ. j-
Dlraeljr an the Ocean Fraai'
Tb Amtrlean Plan Hetel par-tzctlW
of th. AUtntle rout. 9WW
Kelt Oarat m WALTEB BCTit
tal prepertr Owner and UuSi
I nntinentnl ?..? , .SB". H
.w.....M. ..,. V" " neon
U. WAKStl ntlsFA1"""- ,
Hetel BeSCObcl "rntuikT are. nr. I
..l . . Open oil tup
TTeeair. .lciepnenn 117. A. t 'J
LA rtlAKNE U?1"?a"i.t Pr?
with running water, til BO with tJri".'i.
ffl'Sh t-..snB J
new viatien '""!" .up, luifi
IVlAKLTW'-- f" -'Hrie I'lnceTFjS
' " I'l'i". I'huni; Lemlianl .? f"
Westminster &?.&',,, " i
eaini, run, fiiw, a. v. KDI'P. Own. A I
Mnnntiuui c. a, new and a
tkrawbeut. Fameua (or excellent
arian cuiain. nun parlera. crUli
llarda. erehaatra. dancin. al
Phena Lakanoed 8S1. New 7erk effleTi
PhMia B.tiiiul.. im.
mw u.uuv.vr U4
77i Id tal Winter Retort
Open until Maj 1. IMreMly cn the Kirk.
Arreminndntea 400. drill ltoem. TnJ
Bwlmmlne- Peel. Oolf, Tennle. Yachtlna i?
,..-.i - I m,.;Ai-,,"
ireciien oil, a. J.WOR00EE CO.
addreti, Prineeia Bermuda: aneetai
llearlied tv
ateamera of Furnem Dnrnj.
T.tna nnd nnvnl Mall Rtenm
rarket Ce
rinnimer- Hetel Aanlnwall. lenm Km
ajT St. Charlaa PI. near BeardwiU.V
llr modeled. Run. watar. Prlr. k.ul
1 lLewn. mtt. EoheenthalarWlrtiTv."
' Round the World
, . Anurei the utbfactlen that accompanies experienced, cateful
CJrillSC mansiement with equal comfort! at leweit costs. Fuut
months of luxurious traveling with the meat steamer "tmprtss
of France" ipeclatly reserved for the parry, nates 91000 upward vacancies
from $1500 including hotels, guides, drives, fees. -.
Frem San Francisce, Feb. 10, 1923
-i. Offers a 65 day voyage which has become a classic, as we ahe
VrUlSC most for the money. Mammoth steamer "Empress of Scotland"
fetmetly"Keletln Augutte Victeria," specially reserved for the
part), LEAVES ON FEBRUARY 3d. Bates $600 upward (vacancies from
$900. Includes hotels, guides, drives, fees. Stop-ever privileges in Europe a
pleasing feature with both cruises. Send far our precrams theyarefne.
cl day cruise. $600 upward, Including shore excuniens.
,. rvi.u,. Leave June 27 by specially chartered White btar Liner
mmer i-ruiac Ballc fe m tenJ $eme Athen,, Spain v i.it. ,PCcislly
tured. UnlveraltvExtenslen and ether geed tout! te Eutepe un&r escort.
FRANK C. CLARK, Times Bldg., N.Y.
MXON'S a nn a cc a rnn r,r.th&BalLU
( rtllDaOOrtLUlii5.7il)Ptll
M. Special production, Mini v. Real
J. flicclnl production, Mnn ta. Ileast
..J Special prndiiitlim. Mini i. lltasl
Mlnr mat In I'rlile of I'nlntniir
rimr i iPt In I'rlile of riilenmr i
J.r".V.lr.lnm I'oeper In Itlntlrnl of the Dart
I Miriam foener In klmlrril nf Ihe Hail
iJ - T. MelBh'in III Man Mho San Tomemre
". I. Mfirhutt In li..i It h,. iBi.t, T.mivnff
;' JJr. mill Mrs Tin llaira M v l.iltlj-FrfeatB
S. Mr ami M.- D Haven. Mj l.ndy ftteiM
V nobe Daniels. In Mncril Mints
T.Ilehn Daniel, In Mnueil Mlnt-s
V 'Itehn riMlllAl. In .tn.t VI In.
I T Owen Moero In Iivn I nn Awful Thlafi
Owen Jloero In T.ove Is un nful Thlaf
B. Owen .Moero In l.eie la an Awful TkW
llV-ri I 10 nml 3. 7anJ0P.K
M. Owen Moero In T-ire Is an Anful Tklsl
T Owen Moero In l.OTr 1 an Anful TaW
W. William Firnum Wllheut romDremliS
T William rarnum Milium! CouiiiremlH
i . Heuse reiera In milium Hearts
H, Housu I'etera In Hiinmu Ileiirti
T! llWRfs I'UONT RT AND niiiAnD 1";
jviiiuv liimlie innr, mi i-rera
.i i.. . ..... ti. Tin iniu In thuwm
' 11' e fri.t In km ll' 1 hrfltJll
T. "Nerma Tnlmndcn In hinllln' Thwei"
r Dorethy TJnlten In The Irrn i lll
t .mjiiiie. iitiiiinsih" in ' :' -L.
me , tl. -Wallare Ilel.l In 'llie dliest Ilrrai
l-tjr-vi.u.ix en te r.. II 10 te ll r.
M T. Meluhan, Man he Man Tomorra
T-T Melitlian, Man M Im saw 'em""'
VT. T. Meluliiin, .Man Mho Saw X'l'SSr'
T fieeiKe Mferil' I'todurllen. M JH?
r. Cleerae Melferd'i I'roduelton 1 ih TW
S. Oeerte Melferd a l'roiluellon, t.Ub Il
LULUDl Mats. Din I- Ki nTJUH :
M Bpeclal rroductlen. Man vs. fleaal
T. Snoelal production, Man ts IJeast
W, Hpcelal production, Min M. Ileasl
T Hpeclal production. Man . Iljasl
V, Special production. Man is. Ilea"
H, Special production, Man a Ileal!
NIXON "DANr,eJ,,a:n'dS0TSP.l.
t.-8hlrlry Masen tn The Nrw 'ff1
r Khtrley Mnnen In 'II'; -New l'"',1
sit i.ii., .inur,n n iim Sin Tea cow
T. William Ilusaell In The t rufcJdfrj
V, William Ituimell ill im, iii "","'"
H William Husaell In Ihe trusadrri
- . .. . ...m.ff Oifl
1 SO b 8! 6 te 11 P.!
M. Hpeclal production. Man TS. Ileaal
T. Hpeclal production. . vj-.j
l w. spetiai preuuv. uuii, ; "v;r,
T. Hpeilsl production, Mull '".""f'
1 i Hneelal production. Man ' !''?'.
3 Hpeclal production .Man te. 1'rav
I' T Melshati in Ilia win Han Held 'I . Wallace He d 1 (larrnr iTlrii I'mle In hllm Shoulders
us Jfcia:." is sis U is ssssi I d? ft tixz: I HS msss is Ba.: in
' '" A '' u. - ..i ..,. M