IJINMtUt1K .Vj V " v ' . fc Vy, ; tTTiTT!FT i ' '"S" '-'- 1 ,U,77T"WJWi 1vvv,l,M ?T' VvTTRPSreMV'' " A'' s v ywfv MWBIWr-"TT- . l1-.,,!...! vWUb A X I. . ftX-J V, V t " !' c " ' ' V '. ' f 10 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA? SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1922 R f i; i PUBLIC LEDGER , MAGAZINE SECTION MAGAZINE SECTION VepvrigU, lOgt, hv tt Publle T.tAtitr Company Philadelphia, Sunday Morning, December 24, 1922 ww.i'tV "' II 10'MC IMS i ffil'KM . tfifii .U f ROT A Magazine Crowded With Special Timely Features Santa's Own Reindeer New Stalked as Big GameChas. W. Duke The "Pelai Bear." a giant uper-eruiser of the air, is being titled out by a number of wealthy Nimreds ter a trip from New Jersey te the Arctic Circle. Up there, where Santa Claus rears his herds of Teddy Bears, Mary's Little Lambs and ether Yuletide pets, and where he parks his spare reindeer, these men propose te hunt the rapidly disappearing fur-bearing; animals of the North. A Hand-Made Niagara Here at Heme Irving 5. Sayford Vade thoughtful by the increasing recurrence of coal strikes, Pennsylvanians arc giving attention te freeing themselves from their dependency upon the whims of labor or the autocracy of capital. I'p m the heart of the greatest manufacturing region in the coun try, plans are in progress ; ehain the Clarien River te the work of providing power for v-euntle-"' induMrie. The Dishpan That Nearly Killed a Battleship CreWMayme Ober Peak The battleship laptam sent him word that there were eme sick men en beard, but that morning would be time enough te iit the ship. But the symptoms sounded se suspicious hat he went te the ship nt once. He found six men ill four with yellow fever two died within twenty-four hours. Outside the cook's quarters he found a dishpan of water that was almost a soup of uiggletails of Stegemyia. Read this absorbing story of the life-work x Dr. H. R. Carter, Assistant Surgeon (icneral-at-Large of the U. S. Public Health Service. The Bargain Counter New a Course in Business College Jehn Coeke Brigham The clerk who waited en ycu when veu ei" buying that eleventh-hour Christmas pres nt yesterday mav have been entitled te write M. Sc R. after his or her name. If there was a wearer of a degree behind the counter, could you have detected it? Ne, because the Scheel of Retailing se thorough!;, train- it.- .students that you will net detect even the -lightest trace of superciliousness Yes. New Yerk University has such a school, attended by regular empleye5 of New Yerk -tore-;, who are paid for the time they are at school. Leve Islandby Owen Oliver Tlv " ailed it ( u-taw.n islam! at lb-' the four couple, who were shipwrecked there, but en tn second ( hriimas Da' the twi unanimously te change the name. A new set ting for a Christmas su.ry. Ruth. Remance and Reality By Corinne Rockwell Swain Pasteur, Giver of Man's Greatest Earthly Gift by One of 'Pasteur's Pupils Twe days after Xmas there will be fittingly celebrated the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Leuis Pasteur. It is te this man that the medical world ewes much of its present-day ability te combat disease. The man who discovered germs and gave us our first real defense against death may truthfully be said te have given "man's greatest earthly gift." With Mark Twain's First Boyhood Sweetheart Sarah L. Lockwood An interesting interview, replete with reminiscence, with the s;ect little gray-haired woman in Hannibal, Mb., who modestly admits that she was the Becky Thatcher of "Tem Sawyer." Her boy friend, later the great novelist, must have l'ctained a very clear im pression of her youthful charm; in fact, she admits that four young men left Hannibal, each with the determination that when fortune had smiled they would ietura for her. ) The "Third Degree NOW for Ghosts-f-Carel Bird Psychologists are setting all kinds of traps for the spirit that seeks le communicate with earth. Did you ever hear of a "volemeter" or "will heard"? Or did you ever read of a sthenemeler. or psychic strength meter? This article tells you about the scientific instru ments used in the new laboratory tests of "spirits" that walk. The Man Yeu Never Netice the Bank Detective Frank Kelly Fifty-one years as an ellicer of the law clear! entitles one te writing as an authority en the importance of an individual seldom seen but always present the bank detective. Here is a story that gees back te stage-coach days, tells of opium-smuggling, bank-robberies, counterfeiting but it is net romance; it is a recital of facts. Page of Humer A CLntm.i- -ei of sta-faring uk-, lighthouses, youth romance and -tern reality. Follies of the Passing Shew Leuis TIanlen. The True Santa Clau Hemer Balmy. Het News from Oatman, Ariz Rebert S. Deman. Page of Science Rene Bach Rebuilding Ancient Carthage for a Medem Winter Resort. Producing Mussels by Inoculation. THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS PERMEATES THE ENTIRE MAGAZINE SECTION-ALL-STAR CAST OF COMIC CHARACTERS IN SPECIAL XMAS PERFORMANCE EIGHT PAGES OF INTERESTING PICTURES IN SEPIA-TONED ROTOGRAVURE .4 these features are in addition te a complete NEWSpaper, filled with latest News, Sports, Chronicles and Business Data. Order Your Copy Today from Your Newsdealer SUNDAY PUB LI C OF PHILADELPHIA CYIU'S 11. K. CURTIS, Publisher LEDGER ' II II . II II ' ! II i k