' 'S VTv ! .i i ' . t r' A?v- pm - i &Y.l.l. A . -- D"j &SI' ' THE WEATHER 4i,ly cloudy tonight, Sunday ana J&t J Mondays llttKchtnge n em- Eiturei moderate south te west wmus. '".rnATIlBM AT EACH HOUR r T " ' IT VOL. IX. NO. 87 - Square Bounded by Fifteenth and Sixteenth, Spruce and Pine Streets Roped Off by Police TOURAINE APARTMENTS INCLOSED BY CORDON Mere Than 4000 Persons Ex- amined for Proof of Vaccination Nenrly 1000 persons, including many who belong te prominent Philadelphia families, were vaccinated today in TUre bounded by' Fifteenth and Sixteenth, and Spruce and Pine streets, following discovery of n case of viru lent smallpox in the block. TriiMn imlf nn hour after the cane was reported te the authorities, police roped off the entire block, nnd, as a deuble precaution, a cordon of eighty police, under Captain James Carlin and 'Lieutenant Wagner, of the Twelfth and Ilnc streets station, steed guard be tween 3 A. M. nnd 7 A. M., nnd al lowed no one either te leave or enter the area. The inspection wns completed seen after 10 o'clock. Vaccination Proof Demanded rrerrhnrtv In the block, whether of S high or low degree, had te show proof of successful vaccination, or undergo treatment. This was done cither by the city physicians or by medical men summoned by families under the quar antine. The Teurninc Apnrtmcnts at 1520 Spruce street, with its many well well Knew n residents, was one of the places affected. This is hew little Bayard Chandler, three-and-a-half-ycar-eld son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy M. Chandler, received the (.ere arm he will have ever Christ mis. The banker's son had ver been vaccinated, se before Mrs. Chandler could leave her upartmcnt in the Tou Teu ralne the family physician had te be mmniAniirl in innncnlntc the boy. Mr. Chandler, n banker, wns in New erk. Themas E. Mitten, president of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, who has nn npnrtmcnt In the Teurninc, was also nway. Nene of the em em peoyes in the trani.lt offices en the top fleer of the apartment house were vac cifinted, en nil could show marks. Other prominent persons who hnvc apartments in -the Teurnine nre Dr. I). Itemiin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry . Ilutterwertli, Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph II. Ilagedern, Alcxunder McCnll nnd Jehn 8. Latin. It made no difference te Licutennnt Wagner who the person was, be he street cleaner or banker, social leader or merchant, (.talesman or politician. Thnt person, If he resides within the prescribed area, bad te produce a cer tificate from his physician, or show evi dence of vaccination te the medical in spectors before he could leave. Many Pass Muster The family of Congressman Geerge X. KdinemK which lives In the Tou Teu lainc, passed muster, nnd did net hne te undergo vncclnntlen again. The Con gressman nnd Mis. Kdmends waited until the quarantine had been lifted, then hurried out te attend te some belated Christmas affairs. Clinrlcs J. Cehen, high In the coun sels of the Chamber of Commerce, nlse passed muster, nnd wns net held tin for 'ry long. State Senater Samuel W. Salus and Mrs. Snlus, also residents in the Touraine, were nlse held up for a short time. Neither bad te be vac cinated, however, and off they .bur lied, ns seen ns the qunrautine hud bcen lifted. Tli" entire household of Themas Itldgwny, 1.VJ."i l'lne street, were vne- mated. Dr. S. W. Moerhend, 1JW5 Vine street, and J. C. Vnnllern. IMS 1'lrie stieet, were only slightly inoon ineon inoen tcnlenccd by the quumutlnc s it wns litled early enough te permit them te int for business us tiHiinl. ,At 7 o'clock a corps of forty physi cians urrlved in the quarantined area and under supervision of Dr. Andrew Cairns, medical inspector of the llii remi of Health, began ucelnnting cery man, woman and cliMil who hnd net nl leady lieeu vaccinated. Neaity lOllt) persons loslde in the square. Dr. Cairns estimated tluu fully 1000 of that num ber had never been incclniitcd. Disease in Virulent Ferm The man responsible for the quaran tine is Jehn Pinckney, a Negro, of JU0 Seuth I licks street, who lias been in the employ of Jehn T. Pens, a contractor. Aeieidhig te Dr. Calms, Pinckney has been mi fieri nj; fiem a most virulent form of smallpox since December M, and the fact that his case was se lute in being discovered makes the situation nn tne mere dangerous. "However," Mild Dr. Cairn, "we can assure the people of Philadelphia that there will lie no epidemic. Fer the last twenty-live years we have been lighting this disease, and in Unit time there has never been a real epidemic lu the city. "We de net propose te allow any-, thing of the sort te happen new. We JUll therefore see te It that no one iving In the quarantined areu leuves it until vaccinated." Dr. CalrtiH said Plnckuey's case Is directly tiaceable te" a Negro workman who came recently te Philadelphia from southern State. That werkiunn took a. room In West Philadelphia mid developed symptoms of smallpox. While In that condition lie is said te have visited Pinckney and communicated the contagion along te him, In the same hoiiHe with Pinckney live several of his relatives. All of these have been rc rc need te n hospital for observation, - 264 IRISH RELEASED Mount Jey Prisoners Swear Alie glance te Free State Dublin. Dee. 'J.'t Mtv A. IM Tun died mul sixty-four Mepuhlienns. Iield Mii-ener ii .Mount Jey Prison, were re- leafed today. Inuln"'nirt I :i deelara- Hi .,f .," .. ,.,.,, , ,l(l .',.,, Htatc. l'eur of these released were women. !. YOU WANT A JOIl" Tiir.nrc Ann PltntV nf tltm nili-rtl.A. Winted celunmu tedy en pn St. ASv - in .me Help ft FASHIONABLE AREA UNDER QUARANTINE DUE TO SMALLPOX i - EVENING Entertd Hecend-CUtm Matter at th Poiteffle at Phlladtlphta, Pa. Undr tha Act of Marth Is 17B , BURNED AT ARCTIC BAL iijaiiaiaiaiBaBBaBBBHifliliBBBBBH H aaVi'raaaaH BBBBBBHBBalwifBBBB VT 4 ' yBBD BBBBMfir f BBBBBBBBBBBH Pf VbHI bbbbbwTbbbbH r;.-:'.',, ; bbWbbbbbbbI BK4fBJB . ,:- ' v .. :a -:' iBBBBfBBH PM. -:: jy, ; ? Jm. :,' mrfi;:l BBBBHHiy $a-;W- & ?&'' X' Wk aW!,V';BBBBBBBBHBil ,t'itfBBBUBVPT!BBBH BT 5 aBBBBBBBBBBBBBl ;'' .SMmIb 'S iBBBB P Z 'BBBBBBBHIQBBBBBBm ' 4 ' BBBMB1bBbH .BBbH W'-ii' bbbBbbH y,'.KHf iatBtatB W ?, ' bbbbbbbbHbbbbbbI'' '' v bIbHVbbbI .11'BB2;'V,'HbB fi ?', 'BBBBBBBBrBjBHHalBBBF'''' ! alPB yMBBBBBBeBBBBm''BRBBBBlBBBBa ;'' ' jBBBBBBaafW ' iKSBk ,'Vf' '' " H rfeB' :' UfyWmtm,ChKv IHaB BM "f".- BBBBBK '',;'. !,'!'. K, ' SbV '' 'X ' BJlT?iBBBT bWT' aBBBBBHa. ' anSBHBBaBaV. bHl ' Jr bbbI .- yBBn 'VBbUl ''i"MlBfciBBalBBBB.. .BaBk IBBHBtJBWB Hftkr,,' JBBiH ?"::'bbbKv''JbH BBBBBBbIHb'' -R7BBmBBBBBFBBBK'' JBBBBBH '''BW BBBBBBBBBBB. " s Bb1bBBHHBBBBBV. v' BBBBBbI KI BBBBBBBBBHbs. '' JaBV'S'flBBKBBBBBBB'aBBBBBB " S BBBBBBBBBHBHaHrvSBBBBBBBBBBr ''"" BBBBBBK r me aBBBBBBBBBBBttiBBBBBBBBBBV V. ' aBBBBBW'SA' bWIbIv' ' "bbbw - BBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBrrvBBBBaBaa ' iaBBBaBiBaBaBaBaBaBf '''aaBaBaRalBBBBan Miss Isauelle Vauglian (full-length picture), in costume she were at ball of Fine Arts Academy students Inst night, and which caught lire. Miss Vaughan, however, was only slightly Injured. At top Is Miss Helen Walker, whose dress also took Arc, and at. bottom Is Mrs. Nlez Livingston Delaney, also a victim et fire mishap. The accidents caused brief thrills, hut when It was hnewn their hurts were net serious, the jollity was resumed SPIRIT OF YULETIDE El Happiness and Cheer Planned for Peer and Suffering in Hemes or Institutions CAROL SINGING REVIVED The early plcturi.ntiens of St. Nicholas show the old gentleman with out the flowing whlU- whiskers he wears en Market street. Evidently they were added by the later-day artists as giving a touch of still greater kindliness te the old face. Preparations for Christmas Day in the city this year have been going along quictlyvfer weeks, nnd the fruits of the lnber anil Keneresity of kindly and i .i i .., ...111 i,f f,tli sympathetic hearts will burst feitl te- dny and tomorrow and Monday with a joyous crasli of sufficient force te in still linnniuexs into the "e::!w or all. I'he nrennratieiis for iey-giving in .... -j.... ... Philiidelnhiit have been upon Midi a twmeiffi individual, ' n.. ftinitl, muni he ftverloeked. The offerings of the fortunate te tin les. fortunate will be ceneieus nnd lnrgelv in the nature et useful thing" clothing, feed little comforts thnt make living brighter. Of course, for the children yet te tender of nge that plnv sceniH te be the all-lmpertnnt thliig. there will he stockings of toys and the little knic-knacks and gee eaws that hrlng joy te the juvenile heart. Organiatlens Are Active Charitable organizations te n largi extent nre assuming the task of search ing out the needy and distributing the wares fe: he ever-burdened Santa Clau. Secial service workers have given themselves ever te the efforts In preparation ter me ", i ii.-.,.-selves with the joy born of taking hap piness te ethers. Manv Individuals have taken it upon themselves te stenl out bllently from the comforts of happiness of their own homes te share with ethers who might otherwise have te de without. In the hospitals throughout the city thousands et Individuals and organiza tions, with the happiness of pntleuU and nurses nt henrt, have combined te prepare a Christmas celebration second te none. , A glance nt the brief little notices thnt have been sent out ghe some Indi cation of the vnstnesH of (lie prepara tions in this corner, ns well ns In ethers nil completed in time every one waiting for the great moment when the strltiRS te the cornucopias may be un loosed that Lady I.eunliful may pour forth her gifts. Majority "Shopped Early" Probably never before have the Christmas preparations been carried out with se much foresight as in tiis year. The crowds In the stores today are hardly greater than these of normal times. Te these who accept conditions without wondering way, u migni seem that Christmas this year would he thin and spnn-e. but the business of the sea son exceeds nil past records by far. The slogan of "De our Christinas Shopping F.iirly." which has been sung for years, has ut last borne its fruit and preparations seem te have been com plete in 'every quarter days In advnnce of the usual schedule. Unusual Christmas celebrations will be held lu every quarter, nnd an ancient custom, that of carol sinning, will be revived Kundey night In all the beauty and splendor and plctiircsquonesH of old. In many quarters of the city little creups nnd big groups will gather te sing prnlse te the Christ whose birth is Continued en I'uite Three. Column Twe BISHOP BARS ISADORA Classic Dancer Presented Frem Church ADeearance veH, Verli. Dec. 2.'t, Uly A. V.) , iiihiie wmium T. Manning intervened recently te prevent Isadora Duncan, classic dnirer, fnnu appealing ut the Kplscepnl Church of St. Murks en the llewery, it notice te Episcopal publi cations from the bishop's office today revealed. RIPS NT! CITY DREXEL HILL WANTS NO SALOONS THERE Women Organize Committee te Oppose Granting of Twe Applications in Section KEEP OUT, IS COMMAND The nenceful Christians spirit of Drexel Hill hns been jarred into indig :;"n by the application for two sa loon licenses. Werd of this notion spread through out that quiet, conservative community today nnd there wan a tlng'e of gloom in the Merry Christinas greeting passed among the residents. Added spark was given te the indig , nation of the citizens by the fact that to-1'he present community center is te be 1 of ()f t)ip - ,,ri,v,,llBi of course, tliut the application is grunt ed. A report that two residents of t tic - ... . . Place mul applied ter miioeii hcchm-x readied tlie urexei mil i emuiiinii) Club which held a meetluK last night in the community center headquarters, otherwise known as Weber's llnll. A meeting wns called for the pur pose of dihciD-slug action in the matter, but before it get under wny W. Clur enee Dcvee, u real estate dealer, inter rupted the proceedings with a notice that took all the spirit out of the gathering. (.asp of Astonishment Mr. Dcvee handed the following no tice te Charles Wngncr, sccretnry of the club. "This will sene te notify you that Annie P. Cenalinn, of tills place, has purchased the premises where you are holding this meeting and Is desirous of possession of I lie same at the cenclu sien or tlie present meeting. A unanimous gasp went throughout the hall when the notice had ben read. Murmurs of indignation quickly fol lowed. Many of these present said It was the purpose of tint purchaser te turn the community center building into saloon, as she had made npplicntlen for ii license in tlie Media court. As another resident had also mnde application, a resolution was quickly adopted embracing both cases. The resolution follews: "It is the sense of this club that It stand unalter ably opposed te grunting licenses for two saloons nt Drexel Hill." Committee te Fight Move The resolution was presented by Mr. Wagner. Plans, for sending a delega tion te Media when the applications for the licenses aie heard te voice tlte opposition of the community were dis cussed anil the following committee was appointed te make further urruugciueuts for the light : Fred J. (Jeurley, Charles J. Duke. Arthur S. (Jnrrett. William II. Hewlnnd and Frank H. Tayler. Since Drexel Hill hns been estab lished efforts have been niude' te keep It u purely lesldcntiiil community, nud encroachments of business" have been btuhberuly fought. Iteceutly It was learned that four business men had bought properties in which they pro posed te open stores, That news bieu'ght keen disappointment. New that two saloons are contemplated well, indienntieu is no name for It. "It sim ply mustn't happen" is the way the residents feel about it. Mrs. Ceiiahan has nothing te say. NOTRE DAME FIRE CAUSED BY LEAK JN GAS MAIN Quebec Officials Find Altar Candles Started Blaze Quebec. Dec iSJ. (lly A. P.) Authorities seeking tint nuisu of the fire which yesterday destroyed the million-dollar Notre Dame Church, today turned ft inn the theory of incendiarism te another. Fire department efllciuls learned that last Thursday there was a leak lu a gas main nutMile the church. The fumes became mi dense thnt em em peoyes in a store nearby were sent home, TIIR JOIl YOI1 ARK LOOKINfl TOR. MAY be found lu th i'IP Wirnltd columns , en sag il. AiVt 1 PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1922 GIRLS IN FLAMING COSTUMES THRILL ART BALL THRONG Filmy Dresses Take Fire While Hundreds Dance in Revel at Academy DASH THROUGH DANCERS . IN A FRENZIED RUSH j Nene of Three Injured Seriously "and Mishaps Fail te Mar Jollity Felly nnd beauty vied In n snewlnnd J of swirling rainbow colors nt the Arctic ball of the students of the Pennsylvania I Academy of the Fine Arts Inst night. Snow mnldens swayed In arms of Har- j leqtiin levers. Remance caneu. elry held sway. It was n, carnivnt et life and color. Tnte the midst Of the ga.vct.v there suddenly stalked tragedy. Girls race in filmy dresses that were made of flames. "Get that woman," some one cried. Out in the refreshment room where Mrs. Inez Livingston Delnney's cos tume hnd taken fire from a cigarette there wns confusion. Slie rnn ten feet through the crowd n living ell of flume. With the clothes burned com pletely off the upper pnrt of her body she sank, n crushed white heap, en n nlte of scenery In the property room. They hore her upstairs, n doctor In n clown suit-Dr. AVilllnm Hart, nnd e. nure who n little while before hnd been dancing as Pierrette. Pete lieyle, who, In his French -Canadian costume, hail convulsed the spectators In one of the stunts a few moments before, ran out for n first-aid kit. 'With Mrs. Delaney. and burned slightly by the same chance live ashes, was Miss Isabclle Vaughan. The Rirls, both blend nnd very pretty, both were Arctic .costumes of buoyant white oil cloth skirts nnd flimsy bodices. Tragedy Stalks Again The dramatic moment of the nnr wly averted tiagedy cams jut after llu. Hrst two numbers en the stunt pre gram had been given. In nn endeavor te draw the attention of the crowd from the excitement ether stunts were new huriledly put en. Then, as the spirit of the crowd gradually mounted, the danc ing was in full swing ngain. There cnnic tl.nt tun.l. folk- 11101110111- of the .futuris tic Paul .lone's. The northern lights pluj d .fuutnstlcally en the, meny-iiial--inr- i-mi-il. Mii-Ie sounded. Hie.. snake-danced this way nnd tiat ami then the dance suusiueii te a wniiz. While the strains of the violin wer" filling in the nnrrewly ncrtcd tragedy plavcd its second visit of the evening. This time, though, no one en the dance fleer knew. Miss Helen Walker's orange tunc dress shot up in flames. Walter Jos Jes eph, lately home from France, tore the drei-H trem Her. iiiuh imrning ins own i hands. A lighted match held carelessly , near caused this second burning which! was the mere serious of the two. Miss I Walker was lu the locker corridor with n few ethers. She was cnugrtt between i iwn heni'licH when her dress took firu and it wns hard te reach her. Dr. I.een FeldiTuniu and Dr. (Ireen uttended her. , She was taken nt once te the Hahtn-; renn Hospital. Mr. . Jeseph walked! there mid had his hands dressed. He 11....U ... .-.tins t'.rpxii Mtreet. Win. lilm I went O. .1. Tatter, of fl' Washington Square, whose hands also were burned i-r ,ii ...-" , . . .- .-,..-... In briishlnir out the flames Miss Wnlker, wdiese home is !!MU Xeitli Thirty-second street. Is a com mercial artist. She was burned about the legs and body. Her Injury was tlie most serious of the three, although none of the burns was pronounced danger ous. Feels Kike Sunburn Mrs. Delaney made light of her experience this morning ut her studio 5-4 Walnut street. "The burns were net severe," slit said; "In fact. It feels like a bad case Continued en I'nce rout. Column lltu PAYMASTFR SI AIN tH I lllrie I UM gurlin, BANDITS GET $20,000 Christmas Payroll for Pennsylvania' 1"!"1'"1 1"i.11' J0 T KlJ'V ''""! ' ' wrapped in flames in the center or Miners Stelen i Uread street and a coal -hungry pepn- Pittsburgh, Dee, li.'l. (lly A. P.) Ilnce stepping stnrk in its tracks nud Ress Dennis, paymaster for the Pitts, i mourning ut the sight. burgh Ceal Cempnny, wns ineitnlh wounded and SIM. 000 stelen by masked bandits en a lonely read ten miles south of this city today. The robbers escaped. Dennis.died while being taken te a hos pital. Dennis was riding en a motercM'le in front of an automobile which car ried tlie Christmas. pnvreM ler the Harrison mine ut Hcmlliug and wn guarded by company clerks. As they drove through n hollow in the hills two masked men stepped into the read ami without warning emptied their shelguns nt Dennis, who wns knocked off his machine. They were quickly joined b four ether masked men who opened (lie en the uiltomehllo, diimngiug the steer ing gear. They drove the clerks from the car. and while one seized the money, otlieis were busy wrecking the mechanism of the pay car and the moterendc. Due ei tne uaiiiiiiN neiiccu unit Dennis, ulm was bleeding from n dozen hucksliei wounds, wns trying te drnw his piMel The bandit rolled him ever and tired his shotgun into Dennis' back. Almest Immediately nn nutoniehile cnnic tearing down the read, and stop step plpg, picked up the bnndltH ami the money and drove rapidly away. niir CVOUAkler nnwti ONE EXCHANGE OPEN 1 rciuiuiiuiuirt inineiiieiii. Commercial, With Chicago Beard of ''''", population nf the drool; capital Trarie Delnn Bimln... t-.j ' i(i M,lu' '" ,,, '" " l'igllly uerMlllS pitch Trade, Doing Business Today wilh miu of the prominent pjirtlei. 'Ihn j. oinnierclul r.xehnngn of this 1 pants in the Inte reiolutieu loin lug the city and the Chicago Ueiird of Trade cenntiy. we 10 about the only ptiucipnl markets1 The movement. It is staled, is net et the country rcuinlnlng open today t gainst King Ceorge, who cniittuucs in I usiness en nil the ether stock ex-, popular finer, but against the military, thiinges nnd noininedlty innrkets wasi - suspended until Tuesday morning. Malta is the cable siatien tlrst re- r . . lceiIng cnble dlispatelies direct from ""rhPVi.XT A,i,iKU AWTOMOHll.K? ! Athens te outside points and is In n ruiX i!i3,Mic.o,.rne"f K bV'.l hS,ln:,rin,Ven l well 'ad vised concerning te b found in Ud Cri en pVeSi,I5fdJ!' developments at the Greek enpltnl. itten by Camel W ' -. u4aBBSBBBaM .BBBBBBBBBbHbbV. '. C3 iiHHHBaHBaBaBaHBaBV' 9 iBBTaaftv' ''r?tt ','' '3BaTaaTaaTaaf iBBaRjWfi n'f BBBBH 'BBaBaw- 'W?7s- MBBBBBaBal LBMMBBBaBaB 'bHb '- '' '.flBBBaKaHaaK BBBbB' '''BBBBVaaBBBBan iBaTBaTBaTBaTBaTBaTBaTBwaHRBKaaTBaYBBTBaM BaBBBBBBBaBKBaHBnBaBEBaBu BBBBBaBaBBBKBBHSaBHBaBaVI BaHBHI..HH bbbbbbbbbbHSEbIbbKjbbbbWbHbbbbbbbbK fVCe ' - -' MISS ELKANOU 1IOAKDMAN A fenner Phllndclphln model nnd actress, who. physicians rear, may lese her right nnn as the result of being bitten by a camel whlle en gaged in producing a moving pic ture nt Indle, Calif., yesterday PHILADELPHIA ACTRESS VICTIM OF CAMEL'S TEETH Miss Eleaner Beardman, Fermer Medel, May Lese Arm as Result Afiuu I'lnnnnr Itenrilmnn . nrtress nnd former Philadelphia model, was bitten I '" ...v....... . severely by u camel at Indle, Calif., a vesteniav. Miss Peardman is leading kttMwiZA&fxii& 'si woman of a moving picture company Iielcif Ileverly I'.ewden. daughter eC ...i !, .m.l -nu l.ninL. used in tl.'.Mrs. .Tunc llewdcu. the midnight mar- production. Phjsiclans fear the less of her right arm. Miss Ilenrdmnn, n native of Phila delphia, left this city nbeiit two jenrs nun te ee en tlie stace. She lii-t an pen red in "A Viry (Jeed Yeung Man." Recently she took up screen weik nnd several months age wns reported engag ed te Charlie Chaplin. Miss Itenrdnuiii is well Known among Philadelphia artists, having posed for F. X. (ledwlu when he made the fairy tale series for the Puiimc I.RIkikr. and she 1ms posed ler most et the I'liiln -dolphin artists. She is well known also in a series of advertising pictures ns the girl en skis, nud lu ether familial poses. Mi.-. G. W. Henrdiiian. mother of Miss neardman. of 11)17 lhiring street, said that she hail reoeiwil word from her daughter, concerning the accident, but did net knew hew seriously Mis Iteardmiin was injured. 'WHITE CHRISTMAS' OFF Weather Forecaster Can Premise Only Few Snow Flurries A Mtinw flurry nl neon brought je nnd hope In .euthfiil hearts, hut only a smile and a negative shake of tin horn! from the went her forecaster. A "while Christmas" is extreme); improbable, though net impossible, ac cording te the weather experl. Temperatures .ire tee high for the snow te be lnsting. The lowest today wn.s Il.'t nt 7 o'clock. It was ",S at It and one degree lower nt neon. It is expected te hover between thnt and -Hi for tin; ict of the afternoon, and tomorrow's and Monday's tem pi riiturcN are likely te duplicate thew of today . RECOVER $1000 LOOT Police Arrest Fermer Servant charged With Robbing Employer , f. , , ,,. letluug iilued nt niore than fsliHlli. ' v,'"'1' detectives say wns vtlrn from, Seuth Pliiliulelpliiit lioiiies. wns recev I nfi.it imi'K' in flnv win. Il imMri .if tlm , , . !. ..l Fifteenth street and Snyder avenue station arrested Sadie Craig, a Negress, liiiiK at l":t."i Uedmau stiee. She was arrested en complaint of l.euis 1 iiiKel, et I'nssnjiiiil; avenue l near Thlrh-enth street, who employed her'lhree weeks nge as a meid. While no nibers of the family were nwav yes- , terday. he said, she took "Oienil fur. emits nnd ether articles of clothing and disnppeaied. Henry Crawford, a Negro, living nt (lie Hedman street house, wns nK,i ,ir icstcd. They will have a hearing today. COAL ON TRUCK CATCHES 1 FIRE AS WATCHERS MOURN - ButiNeble Werk of Firemen Saves Most of It Imagine the spectacle of' n truck ll occurred iust before neon today at llread and Huntingdon streets at liread and Huntingdon streets, nnd noble work" was tin; verdict awarded the men of lire l.ngine ( einpany Ne. eO for their eftert te sine the fuel. The tlliek was one of the licet of the .1. A. Hun is Ceal Company. HKHt Dia mond street. It was en its way te iliude tlie two tens of fuel bet ween four families when it bncktlred. and spec lalm-s who liave been slihcrlng in heat- , e liouses moaned and groaned. Heys 1 limbed up en tlie wheels nud attempted tn lill their hats. A woman with a market basket said te tlie s ranger beside her: "I wish I could lill my inaiket basket. I need the coal mere than 1 need feed." I The truck was badly damaged, but most of the fuel was sned. COUNTER-REVOLUTION FEARED AT ATHENS Agitation Reported Against Mill- tary King Geerge In Faver 1 Malta, Dec 211.- (Uy A. P.)- In- loriiiiuieii jusi received acre itein n lelialile source in Athens is te the if- feet that trouble is brewing there with "'''' ,,mt teiwiu is inewiiig mere will , unmistakable signs of a big counter MUM J. Redman M. Wister Suicide by Gas; Had Lest en Stocks Recent Business Re verses Believed Re sponsible for Act of Member of Old Phil adelphia Family, Cousin of Novelist Bedy Discovered by Friend Who Had Dined With Him Last Night and Says He Was Depressed Iledinnn Mifflin Wister, member of ,. 1.l lMiilnilplnliln fnmllv. wns found dead at !t o'clock this morning in n ' ul" . gns-imru iimiuuum ! ' ..,,.., 1.-.1 . f n fr.itnrnilV beuse nt 0-i,".n, Woodland nvenue. - t He wns clad In his pajamas and wns lying fnee downward en the fleer. An electric light was turned en and ens was flowing from nn open jet. Deputy Corener Blum says Mr. Wister committed suicide. Mr. Wister was depressed last night nnd told n friend he had sustained financial reverses recently. He was ' employed by n meter snles ngeny. but . linu net reperteu ler uu.j .or muic ...... . . , ...... r .1 week. The jeiing men dined together last I.Mt April he eloped te Klkten witlnlght mid "?! i the frnten, ty house rlage creating a mild scif-ntien in Philadelphia society. Police and relatives this were trying te locate Mr, afternoon Winter's LAST-MINUTE NEWS 'SOCCER Westmoreland 3 Hissey 0 Cohecksinl. 1 1 4 0 0 0 1 MAYOR ORDER ARBUCKLE BAN CONTINUED Mayer Moere today instiucted Director of Public Safety Coxtelyeu te continue the present ban prohibiting the showing- el Ro&cee ("Fatty") Arbuckle motion plctuics at any of the Phila delphia theatres. Director Coiteiyou said that the Mayer's 01-dei-b, which were telephoned ficm Washington, where he is bpcuding the Ctrlstmns holidays, would be carried out. NEW INFUSED IN PLANS FOR FAIR Advisory Executive Committee Just Appointed Will Press for Quick Action T. TRIGG AT HEAD The newly nppelircd Adiery F ecullve Committee tnteniK "lnfil-lng new life" into the Sosqiii-CiMitennlnl movement. I. A. (.nnliel. one el the committee. .....i .Mr- ,!"," " """ "f fT "J" pointed te tlie i Miniiultee yes'etilny by Colonel Frankll.i D'eiler. who pre- sided at a iliiei ters meeting nelloviie-Striilfe'd The etlie in lliej mem- liers of the committee arc I'ruet Trigg, ehiiiimun. Jules Mn-thnum and Diuid A. l.iidlain. A II Mi member will be chosen Intel Mr. Ulmbel took e'cnsi.iu te erlilei7e, tlie lunctlil of members of commit , ;,pl1e!iit.-il mouths age. ,.,.,. , i ..i t .1 ' ,"' ,l,"ll,," wl,h "m"v of ,1'" com miltces appointed picwmisly , Mr. tlinibil said, "is hat they hae inactive Main of tin ir members spent loe mui-li tunc mi acatieni. been who Iiiim- neon appointed 10 Hie Ad- ' "' "' persons who nun nl- vlser, I'MsMithe Couimltieo. inlcinl. u'1,",1," '" "I"1'" "wn the bodies, witii'the en -operation of 'lie lie.ird and1, The inquest probably will ,,, held friends el ibe f.iir. In iiial.e Hie Sesipn-' ll11" l,1s aftoriieoii, a uling te ad- Centeiinuil in l!-! a s, vs. Mr. ",,,M "' cned here from Dr Freii. l'.il Trigg. Mr. MiKtbnum and Mr. I.udlam 'ersen, Morelieuso ii-ihIi loiener, who are capable men and. I am sine, will retniheil today te Unstrep. sere etiielenilj." A special I tuiin, currying two mm. ,, ,, ,,, I panics of National Ouiir I lu s .m. Dls.usses Dcflnile Plan dered out ycterday b .he nllmini The i-eiiuniil ueiubers held llielr ' gonernl te uii'.'ment the Menree ceiu- secniul uieeiiiig since their iipiieiiitmeut pnny new en duty lu tliis parish nr. today 111 the Itellewio-Sttatferd nulirlxed lu Kastmp today and the null- IIISCIISSIMI II lll'lllilie OIIO I IICJ lllieilll IO for action en seveial programs out lined by the ( euiniittees en Plan and Scope, en Finance and en Ways and Means. 1 10 neriiiiiueiii i.m-.oihe 1 1111111111100 ii ! ;. 1. .. has been hampered In Its work by the absence of in.nn of its members, nud the periiiiilieut riu.ni.e Committee ,h Ciiiitlnnril nn '.: I uiir. C11I1111111 SK Monday bdnu Christmas, he Ereniily Public Lcdyer will net be published en that day. fellow. 'I heir lu-st meeting was held house squaie. The baggage . ur nnd h'c f'"' ' nristmas dinner, hut otherwise late yostenl.n iif'ernoen liiuiieiliiili Ij inboeso weie IemiIciI witli niacliltie guns ' ''"' '',,y ""' '"' "''' ""' "ther since leiriiwing the iMiard inectiug. Mr. 1 rifles and tield eqiilpnieiit. "' she wns taken III. Tligg said then' "There is nothing te The special started out fiem New' '''" l"',, " ""',' '''"'er. the Whit report yet. ou must gne us time te Orleans last night witli Machine (Inn ' Heuse hns Vulellde wreatliK in the win get organized. 1 Company D nud picked up Infnntrv ! dews, and there will be a profusion of The ceuiliiillie will lie lespensible 1 Ceuip.tnj A lit Alexandria flowers F' JftSggag MM. KODMAN M. WISTEIt wife, who is snid te be in Atlantic City i.i. i ,!... A lii,ulniKi neiii mint- 1MIII llfl II1UMI'-.. . "..-. ---,--- , .,,1,1 Mr Wister nnd his wife mux.t.d severnl weeks nge. Mether New in Europe Ip w()H n M)1 et Mrs. Iledinnn Uvister. 11100 Locust street, who is new traveling abroad nnd is mid te be In Heme fethe Jhri.t r,imerc, ,,nd n qeusln of Owen Wister, , ti1P neVelist. I Herbert T. Kdwnrds. a senior in the Wharten Scheel. I Diversity ei i ran "l.wns -. ' ' , ZC v , . mernlne nlmiit 1 o'clock this mernine. Mr Kdwnrds occupied a room en the third fleer and Mr. Wister's room was en tlie second fleer. During the conversation before they retired, according te Mr, Fdwurds. his Continued nn I'acr I'eer. Cnliinin Tour SCORES Kensington 1 Happy Hellew 0 Whitehall Commens. 0 0 1 0 0 VIC1I IDENTIFIED Louisiana Troops, Armed With Rifles, Guard Twe Bodies Recovered Frem Lake MORE STATE GUARDS ARRIVE Mer Konge. I .a.. Dei LM The w M'ebu n, d'l.l mutilated iNidiiw uf two men teen.i',l esterd.iy 111 Lake I.ll Feiin lie li Stale t reups, hidieied te be .biif of Win t D.iunls Mini Tlmmiii. Uii'haiiN, lni ilisappeiireil nfter being kidnapped l imiisImmI nml wlnte-ielieil Klaiisinen, tel:i were iiewed b KJchnrd-' widow .1 fnl her of Wail, and I.. Daniels, ngnl ere et lel.itne. , r. 1 and ft lends I Identification or -it ie.ist Watt D.miels is complete, .lecerding te authorities, 1 because of ihe minals '. . I." found ,, ,ni, .,. , , ,, Daniels is said te h.-nc worn nt tlie time lie wns spirited nwn . Tlie bodies me lying in the Mnemc 'Ijllinlrt it I. mi.. t . detiicliuieni ! " """' mci .ne cuiirifil i 11 of Momoe Nnlnmal linanls. F t Waft,- 'fcVBBBBBBBBBHHByBB "' f BaHLaKaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaH ? bbbbJKMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI H LBBaMBataaMBaBaBaBaBaHl cJBVaaBBBBBBHaaBaBaBaBaV PbbHbbbYI 'BBBBaBaBaBaBaBai aHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaH I If K KLUX KLAN i:ie ' ". """ n; iirineii with iiutiiuuitii We. 'Jfl''-. and were instructed b Ciipinin 'i' 1 . 1 , . llllj I11C11 M I I'llIM lalllll Oil till Attorney (ieuernl A V Coe two eminent pathologists of New leniiB accompanied tin. troen" I'll. .11 1... ......!. ..1 . and .... ; 1 ".""'oil 1 '" 1.111101 111 iiiisirep tlie At- 1 iiirncy lienera sef .lii -. .... .1. date for tin. open hearing in ceunec tlmi Willi the kiduapplug mse Tin. Atteiney (i nil had n . enVereii'.. with Judge Fred M. Odem, of the Nitth .iiiuicuii i null, nud ihc .lute r,,,. il. Iii'iillug, which will he before Judge iidi.in. w.is lived at thn I time It was loperliil heie Hint the anests of sewial men IioIIem-iI te lime been ringleader of the August wliilo-ieliod mob will he made leilm. Ulllipl - AKK OV I.OOIilMl Hill IIT.I.P I'KR.1 linim eii. ery imrHini uu want In urii-ef. H,lne unaer Rltuatluni en otxe at Adv. NIGHT EXTRA: PRICE TWO CENTS DEFENDANTS GET Shots Fired Outside Courthouse te Mark Arrival of' Holidays BULLETS WILL PUT OUT ' TREE LIGHTS ON JANUARY 1' Trial Recesses for Mere Than Week Killing of Union Man Narrated Bl a Staff Correspondent of the Eveninu Public Ledger .Marien, III.. Dec ''::. Chrlstninn spirit touched the Ilerrin massacre trial today . J lie live (lefenilnnts nre teunz gifts from sympathetic friends. One of them. Pert (.race. Is proud of n new watch, chain nnd fob. Shots nre heard in ' the streets which Is Williamson County's peculiar way of celebrating the approach of ' holiday. Among the spectators nre new faces, these of farmers and their fnnx-. illes who have come a long wny en "a double mission te de their Christninii shopping nnd te witness part of tli trial. Over nt the hltchbnek. behind the town, stnnd their rigs and horses, In the biting cold, resigned te n dny of It. Outside In the court square is giant evergreen with a splutter of col ored electric lights. Felks here suy that New ears la tlie dny when reveler break the tree lights with expertly di rected bullets. rm I'd Crenshaw, former union miner, who testified yesterday that he saw Jerdie Hendersen shot by armed guards the day before the rioting, admitted to day en crox-xiiuiinntien thnt Jerdfe may have had a gun? "I wasn't sure,'', explained Crenshaw. Creushnw said that some armed men collected around his house, one-half; mlle from the mine, "about n hundred: of them," en the afternoon of June -l.; Velley Fired Frem .Mine " "Ilullets nil at once came from the mine. Tlie men ut my house dropped' down. Then they get up nnd enmc into', my house. 1 heard sheeting but I did' net see any sheeting from the men out side my house." "What arc you being paid for testi fy ingV" was the parting shot of Otis, F. Cilenn. who conducted the closs cless closs examinatieii. "I den t knew, said Crenshnw. The nearest approach te ti disturb ance during the trial occurred today; when CJeerge Daiigbnr. eighty years old? who is quite deaf, had a tilt with Clenn. Uangbnr answered direct question by the defence amiably, but he snorted ut State's tirst query. I den t want te lie cress-quci- ' I liKli,, I ..rll.ll llld ..lit ,M(I,I I.......... ...v.. .... j Ne, you don't want te answer nny quesotiens but the defense's, de yeu'i" 1 sneered (ilenn. I "Ne." snapped the aged witness, 1 and ti'lenn excused him. 1 The old mini lestilied thnt two nrmed guards from the mine enme into Ills yard the day before the rioting and asked for water. He gave thein u drink, The guards, he said, showed their guns g liiu. eiild stand off .'00 men with that ' Daugbar testified that olio of guards said, and the ether waft repotted te lune .iihled, "New, old HERRIN MURDER CHRISTMAS GIFTS man, if you'd have refused us that water, you'd have been the lirst one we'd have plugged." Dniighar said lie complained about the guards te Sheriff Thaxton. "I was afraid of my life," lie said. Adjourn I'util January '2 The 00111 1 adjourned the trial to te ihn in tlie forenoon until Jiiiiuary '-'. Judge Ilarlwell apologized te the jury for their long detention This adjournment is going te be hard en you fellows, and I'm sorry for thill." said the Judge The last witness ledm was Oscar Cnnllnurd en I'.icr l'eur. Column Mil FIRE DAMAGES PIER Blaze Is Confined te Small Section , of Oregon Avenue Structure Meie thnn three hours' effort by fire men wns required te extinguish 11 hlur.A this morning at the Oregon incline piers of the Philadelphia Tidewater Termi nal. The fire, however, was confided te a fiitnpnrativeU .iniill section ami tli less was slight. Discovered In a watchman at (1 A. M. tlie blaze was found te be raging in a idle of burlap bags stored en the third deck of the pier NO TREE AT WHITE HOUSE Christmas Will Lack Celer Owing te Mrs. Harding's Illness Washington, De 'J.! 1 IU A P ) Christiifis ai the Willie Heuse will lad. much of the iimiiiI spirit of timet gene by because of Mrs. Iluidiiig s III- lies". There will be no house guests it ml no Christmas Iiee Nellliei tlie President nor Mrs Harding has made nny holi day plans She may come deuiiKtain 111 nor wiiceiienir nun jiri'suie tile tR. !! Richard Washburn Chila A MiufMtiiiinr nl I'lmtv utnl ( wileil filntm nffiriiil uliitmri at Ihn hnuKtmnv Cuiilnrmr, tin u'rifnt "The Vanishing Men" A until uf mulrri mitt ruinunce. vrnlri liifi nbnut Ihr nluiiKjf ill, npiirurmii'i' uf the levrta uf i luniilifiit irummi, llcylnt leilnt. I'utic U. Evening Public Ledger ' ! il ur: t. 1 i,i I "1 7 sf i. V . siHs.,-(.is: k.-.'tV,Mr'.ei, i-WJiilr'CLj. A;..-..-i .'tfllriyl' ' Mi t . .Ji TltiAWtiUQi 8
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