W- , rr- TO?7-wm nwr -ij. rV Pc ;!.' 'Si! WlE pr"'i sssssr .- f mnu "". i vpr iw i tsiy7M , v - - 1 i 1 rf i"fj fi-: .rr THE HOUSE By GEORGE GIBBS Auther of "Youth Triumphant" and Other Bucces$ Copyright, t9it, D, Apptcten A Ce. .i i., ri. tlm new rxncdl Ien worked out mid the day of hi. tailing betnme mew, dcflnUc. the hv m of land nnd witter which would Sfirnle Mm from Cherry took en .t mi lcnsnnt aspect. He Wiif quite "ni In ' 1 "ieiirU of hlnwlf ns a wr r n l-os'lble Imsband had never & Cherry's mind Mere than this. i. reflllzcd new that In her nmbltlen Sfnuwcil-ef which he had been mere J, li.s the Incentive he had erected a fermi'nWc barrier te any i-entlmentnl attachment. lint It had become mere difficult for .Mm te hnk t Cherry in term, of ?i,-.,ni .iPtnrhmcnt. and. whlle the Pf.rs" V. '. ;. ii fnr her in her con- pity tlmied misfortunes still kept him silent, was that vcrv ilty which drove him n lilt drc'sien te offer himself before he lu . ..i ..!... ,. nttnti flirt fliillffhi linn ii" "-.. -v ; ,. ... milcd. H'x mourns K" v1" "." "-" ' ...Ai, ii n offer would net have been nnwible a few tlinunnd dollars, with 'little chance of tanking meic these were imiiii.v i'"i"-"" , , tractive te offer te a girl who hud been brought up as Cherry had. He was a nine Riuriiiu ui me temerity of liis ineuRiiih a nine tee, at the per"intcnce et lis Metlem,' which, in spite of foredoomed ?., Mflll meed a declaration. Hut ift'er nil, It was he that would Mifier nnd, even in failure, he new felt Mire that It would niakif him a little Imp nlcr just te knew that Cherry, wns cer tain of the real nature of his devotion. Three days after his last visit te the Gsrtlevs, he wus" working In the base ment "of the American Museum of Natural History, unpacking some cnecs of specimens which had at last reached New Yerk the final fruitb of his last war-time -searches In Asln Miner. It was a part of his duty before he left in the ew expedition te see that these object- v. ere properly clnsslfin.1 and per iiiaticntlv placed in the museum. lh day was het, but he worked like n beaver, in his sh.rl sleeves, perspiring freely. arnie.1 with screw driver, nail pull ami hatchet, for lie had himself packed these ca e" iii the Rast nnd he did net dare te trust their unpacking te impious ImniN. His interest in the objects, as he drew them forth one by one from their straw, wan intense for eacii specimen had a history, each repre sented a definite adventure, n definite triumph. He had the joy of the painter cr sculptor in his completed master-iece.-, for this collection, as be knew. represented the end of enu period of his scientific life, and was, In fact, a splendid contribution te the knowledge of the world. ... , He straifihtenrd when the last cn-e mis opened te wipe the dust and mois ture from his brew und te lill and light his pine while he mixed absorbed at the orderly array of ancient utensils upon the wooden shelve. A voice nlieuat nt his Mde and a familiar laugh. "Helle. Kamcses." "Cherry ! What en earth 7 "They icnt me here from your efike. I've found you out tit last." "I'm delighted te ee you "I've conic te work," bhc announced. "But 1 thought J ou were te stay at WnUialln the rest of the week !" "Oh. I couldn't wait. I thought I might help with the cntaleRulnR." "Yeu can, of course, if you re quite mire jeit want te." "I de. At once. Ramesci. Tell me here te begin and I'll show you hew fhdeiit I mean te be." Snn?re laughed. "(loed! I haven't a doubt of you. Tomorrow jeu shnll LckIii. Fer the nnsi'iit J in iuitt content te spenu uu Leur just looking at you She Hushed with pleasure. "You're really glad te have me here?" "I think you knew thnt," he said quietl, "Yes. I think I de. But I don't mind your tellinij me." "If I told you bow glnd T was er well " he stepped suddenly. "I deu't think I'd better net just new." "II tn," said Cherry, quite com cem com re'edlj . He stele another (,'lance nt her. Youth hail triumphed. She was sound and well again mentally nnd physically. He lindn't seen her looking se handsome for mouths and she had n new poise ant the one of arrogance and self-sufficiency which had tlrst-Mmpres'.ed him, hut rather the quiet confidence and coin age of one who has found hcr-clf. She wns smiling half whimsicullj flhen she spoke again. "Yeu knew, Itame-es. I've hern n little worried about coming te work for Jen. J (.han't be worth at least at tirst what you're geinR te pay me. And, of ceiiise, I knew you've given me this job out of friendship " "There's no reason " he began. "Walt a moment. I don't sny thnt I can't make geed, I don't see why I fjn't if I'm willing te learn. And I mean te work hard te justify your faith In me. I'd de that anyhow. I've get te de thnt. Hecause It wns really you that kept me going kept me thinking Mrniglit. I can never repay you for vhnt jeu've done for nn never ex cept in muMnu fioed at the game." "eu've already done thnt." ( "Ne. Net M't," she said quietly. Hut I'm going te, And 1 don't wnnt you te show me nny favors, I don't nnt ou te be afraid of working me ten hard. I won't be a quitter. And 1 11 be happy If I win lie a real help te Teu. I'e already begun at stenog raphy, nnd I've nrmnged te attend reme night elas'ps " "Oh! Hnvn you?" She, nodded. "Yeu see, Itnmeses," rIic said quiet ly, "I want te make myself se neces jary te jeu that you won't employ nny nny bedv else " "There's no danger of that, Clerry. ret that danger. Hut there Is n dan ier. I'm afrnld " He linltcd, examining the bowl of his JitlnKulshed pipe, nnd then went en Jerkily "Oh, hang it nil. Clierrv ! I've get te tell jeu." His voice had sunk je n deep note nnd vibrated uncertain ly. "I've been wanting te tell ou for for a long time Cherry but I ns afraid It might make you un happy might make some difference In our friendship but it needn't. In a month or two I'll be going nway nnd II. I rnfc. nff ...I. .T. .. ., bad u-. , ;"? n:::r " '"", "t . -.-......v. v. .fc, iiuiij- uuii ri&cu They Fall in Leve Then Vanish! Think of thts situation a Icautl fill u-uMim tc10 inspires the affection of three different men tion myicrieimlj vanish. It is the plot of "The Vanishing Men' By Richard W. Child Head this thrillinu and romantic itery by the I'nlted States Am Am bassader te Italy, new serving at American official observer at the Lausanne Conference, Regln tomorrow. Evening Public Ledger OF MOHUN 'I I don't want yen te j;e, Ila- mescs," sue said and steed, her head bent nway from him. "! ; don't wnnt you te go, Itn meseH," she said. "P de you menn that you care?" Her bend turnrd tewnrd him nnd her lashes were moist. As he took lier hand she slowly rnlsed her head se thnt David could read her niiNwer in her eyes. "Cherry!" he whispered gently. "De you 7" Her head nodded decisively. "I de, Itnmeses, I I nlwnyn hnve I think." At the touch of his arm she stirred n little nnd then settled gently into his arms, her llpa te his. the miracle ac complished. And there, among the household gods of an nncient mce, they repeated the formula which is ns old as 'lime Itself. "Yeu fee, Itnmeses," .she snld Inter as they walked ever te the university, after that visit te jour looms jeu just had te marry me." lie laughed deligMedly. "I'm be ginning te believe that you knew that I was going te propose te you." "Exnctly," she said demureiv whim blcnl. "I came down fiem Wnlhnlla te eiler you the opportunity." "And you knew?" he asked. "Itamcscs, dear, would you have mc as much of n mummy us you?" There being no Impediment thnt either could discover had they wished te de se, Clierrv and David arranged te mnrry In .September. In her newlv found happiness she still found It in her heart te be resentful of her mother's marriage te Jehn Chichester, which wns performed very quietly In Ualtlmore less than two months after James Mehtiu's deuth. The Inevitable criticism of her baste wns based largely upon the sup- ! position that Alicia feared thnt she t migiit lese her Demi-Jehn. When thev returned te live nt Ileslyn Towers, until the town house wns opened, Cherrv did net accept the Invitation te visit them. I'crhnps some dny, when time had worn the edges from her sorrow nnd pity, she could forglve Alicia but net jet. The example set bv Cherry was tee much for 'Genie Annltnge, who drove down te the university with Wl.lv Itesslter in the flnrtley runabout nnd proclaimed herself blissfully hnppy. "Yeu see." she said confidentially te Cherry, "Ills Adam's apple doesn't wiggle nearly ns much ns it used te. It was just nervousness about me I think." Aunt Mary Sangree. who had taken n fancy te her nephew's fiancee, spoke her mind te Cherry nbeut everything under the sun with the grcntcst of freedom. Hut when Cherry, rather ruefully, brought the news of her mother's wedding te the Madisen ne nue house, she fairly outdid bcnclf in indignation. "I would net care tn offend veuv sensibilities, my dear child," she 'said In her crisp grenadier accents, "nnd I hope you'll pnrden me when I say thnt jour mother is the product of this new age which storms sn nticcuKsfnllv n n the bulwarks of respectability nn nge which contents Itself with tlm .t,..,i.,.iu ..e i i "...... " ' v """- , ' i'i"iirss wiuietit nnppiness itself which defies tradition nnd violates prec cdent ; which lives only In mnterlnllty iiiuu ignores me existence et the splr itual and Is denf te nil nnneals TKin these of the body. An nge, my ilenr, I of restlessness nnd discontent while lm ' Devil tinds mniiy Idle hands te de his muiiing. ji young girls go straight. lt' net because they are taught te tle se; If they go crooked It's just because they re frail creeturea whom no one could help. j The new conch 1b te succeed Jimmy "Yeu were very badly brought tip mv I D"ff'' who rUred at the c!eSe et thU dear. If your mother hnd cared' n'niMa80n' iiui-u ier your soul ns sue did for her own body, jeu would hnve had n better (hitnee. Rut then you prelmbly ...ii,,.. i i me r ,m:i. iiiviii. 1 non t enw jour mother her husband Jehn Chi- i-ucriiiT miH iiinuys a IlllStV DOV " l,e r. ..,, ..1 e . iV . j...- ...j.ji.u iiu 11 m-ceiui ami ex lien fin nre mil T cfinll !..' wedding breakfast In this house "and I shall ask the people thnt you theuld meet. Rut if you'll pardon the fancv of u captious nnd Irritated old Wie the Chlcheater family shall net be in vited." Cherry sat silent watching the gnarled old fingers as they moved with 11H.1CIUIC sn.11 in ncr emoreiilery. Hcr8 was the voice of an age long dead Ine whatever her own opinions Clw.r-', T. ' f Z,i .Vn.lMiV .1.. .1 it ' L'J rry WHS .w..u i .... .. mui tr3. NflnipnA-a ' II P.'.,S WCre used upon a rational . iuv?Hepny. At this moment the old lady's shorn eves caught the leek of abstraction li the eyes of her visitors. "There!" she said, "t m 1.1 fossil, David. Take this Klrl Inte the ! 'I wing room and make love te her. ." ".'.."" lu ""' ou nre net dis turbed." The Knd Helland Seeks U. 8. Coach lloelon. Dec. 2L-, Hellanil whiuh m n.it the preparation of It, athle ter V- lS.Vi fllvmnlnd In the h.nnrt. .. I I.... IT.. l" 1U-4 II. , Meanlx, un Olrnple veteran ami feVm"? luilder of the weria- record for the iie. yard liurd.e ,1U- New Haven 8ells Twe New IlArn, Conn,, Dee. 22. The N Hnvuii Knuterii I.i-ugue Cluli Iihh ield Htcr. I nc Btryker, pltcner. nnd Mmlv Hhev rhortntep. te the Wercemer club. The con! olderutlen wee net made known. HtnkJr we acqulrea by New Haven loot eprln from the Indlanopello club et the American Ame. elation. leniiing ncr iiunii patted Cherry gently hard games scheiluled for 011 ne Knee, -nut -airs well that ends . Monday. Tomorrow night, well. she went en. "I bellcve in 1 nnssera meet St. Francis 1 Mill, Cherry. David In Im-l.-v n.. n.,,.. tlmlr lunnn hnll nt Juck Hyder. of the lloeton Ce We ni1 iieV. ten A. A track tenme. ha. rrcelven la iJ nue.t from nthletle, enthui-la.u In 1 IteUan.i 10 name n man iu.i lined te act ceai-h fnJ tlmt country, llvdup r.V,.m..,iTi.jci.;,n,.''?f EVEIN WbLIOV Girls' Basketball Teams JEWELS BEATEN IN Coatesville Nobes Out Recon structed Jaspers en Shots by Lawrence and Clasce MORE CHANGES AT SHORE ny "niLV OAT.LAS THE Jasper Jewels dropped another game in the first hnlf rnce of the Enst-1 cm Hasketball hengue Inst night. The ' winner wns Centesvllle nnd the score 31 te 20. It wns the first victory of the scnen for Contcsvllle nw.ty from the home fleer. The visitors had n geed gallery te cheer them en, ns n number of friends of the visiting plnycrs were In the hnll. They were mistnken for n delegntlen of basketball enthusiasts nil the way from Coatesville." Manager Michael Itegcrs, ns usunl, had n different line-up. The change.? en this occasion were mere radical, however. During the evening three local lads nil performed nt forward in Chlckle l'assen. Minnin Calhoun nnd Ziddle Trautweln, "Inkle" Hegan wns at center and Dec Xewninn nnd Jlmmlc Hrewn nt gunrd. This team played real geed hnll nnd nt half time hnd n two-point ndvuntnge en their rlvnls with the figures nt 18 te 10. The score hud been close throughout nnd tied en live occnslens. Jnsper kept in the running right till within a few minutes of the close, when baskets-by Lawrence and (llnsce spelled detent for the Jewels. The game wns well played nnd many geed shots were nmdc by the both clubs. Jimmy Hrewn. with live nice shots, wan the'stnr f Jasper, while (Seerge Ohisce and Elmer Klpley, each' with four baskets, ex celled for Coatesville. Flayers Fer Atlantic City Atlnntlc City Iuib been the last of the Celtics. The New Yorkers have been getting $450 per game for playing thcre nnd the same amount for one gnine nwny each week. New the shore moguls wnnt Tem Ftircy te lop off $."j(I0 of this nmetint, nnd are waiting an answer. The answer will be no. In the meantime Atlantic City has been busy nnd signed a half dozen players te be in readiness te take the places of the Gethamites when the time for their next league game rolls around, which means that n whole let mere new fnces will be seen by this Tans ever the Enstem circuit. The new team contains several for mer well-known I'enn btars in Hill Graves nt center anil Emll Itespiwt nt ferwnrd; Geerge Oberhelzer, a for mer Atlantic City High player, has also been signed, together with Eddie Miller, Chnrley Teemer nnd Jehn Har vey. Miller plnyed before the mlvent of the Celts nnd the ethers nre Trenten boys. Sphas Halt Rurllngten The .Seuth l'hllndelpliiii Hebrews con tinue te pile up victories, and the down dewn down eowners ndded Hurliugten te the list Inst night In one of the best gnmes of the season. The match abounded with all kinds of bensitiennl shots, and the fans were en their teet time and again lifter the hcnsutlenal bnskets of both teams. The feature of the gnme wns the gpnl -sheeting of Ini Scbneldermnn nnd Eddie Gottlieb. This pair of athletes nre playing the het gnine of their ca reers. Gottlieb slewed up n trifle last j ear, but this sct-eii. despite nddltleual weight, is faster than ever, and Schnel dermnn is shoe ing belter than several j ears age, when he was the best In the American League. The score wns 1!!) te 1," in favor of the Sphns, who excelled in the final half, as the totals at half time were 11 te 8. Schneidermnn secured five genl from, the field und Gottlieb three. The winners made n total of ten bnske s te four for the lowers, Lettcrmun nnd Smith, with one genl in each hnlf, being the scorers for Hurliugten. DETROIT WANTSSCHULTZ Famous Michigan Star Offered Flat terlng Figure as Coach Detroit. Dec. 22. "Gcrmnnv" f-chiiltz, one of Michigan's most famous football men. is considering an offer (Mni th T'nlversltv of Detroit tn he. "-".,,--.- peme Its foetbnll conch Schultz was proffered n one-year con tract nt "a tlatterlng figure," It was nnneunccd at a meeting of the athletic heard He 1 one of the two Michigan men te he named by Walter Cnmp for his 'all - time All-Amerlcan sqund. He wan famous ns a center at .uiciiigiui. ami since resl Tulnne In estate bu igning ns niniciic director or i Inst spring, has been In the real iiislness here. TWO GAMES FOR NATIVITY Uptewnera Play at Heme en Beth Saturday and Monday The Nativity bnsketball team hns two Saturday and the uptown n a return Miller street nnd Allegheny nvenue On Monday. Nntlvlty playB Ascension in the first of n 6eries of thren gemes for the uptown basketball champion ship. These tenms ure rlvnls In nil sports, and exciting gnmes nre looked for. Terente Signs Geerge Mattel Terente. Dec 2S. aere MuUel. out- tleldcr of tlie i'IiIchke NhtlennU. hua hum lnea by the Terente ltuscbiill Club et th ititrrnatlenM I.eaKue. the niuimBenient nn- iininimr teiluv Basketball Statistics EASTKHN LEAOUE w. 1 V.C. . W. U P.C. Trenten. 12 "" ;onee-ie lle 7 B .4117 ....ill .27 .. a if ,2w Vmdin 12 jnii jueper.. All. City. T 7 .800 Heudln. T1IIH WEEK'S BCIIEDUMS Tenliht Ceiitevtlle et Trenten. LAST NKlHT-a RKSULTS . Kaetern l.cairue Coatesville. 81 i Jetrer. 26. North Philadelphia church larue rirrt Christian 14, lletbel. 07. Sphaa, 2ii, liurllnaten. Ill, Jewleh A. C , 23, Hllent Klve, IT, Orac A. A , 32, Snyder Avenue Methedlet Eplcepai. 21 financial .itm Penn Mutual, l"i nil. adnlphla Truiit. 18. West Philadelphia O. C, 87l Bt. Joeeph. of Ijincaeter. 00. Ht. l'etera, 21: P. O. A n.. IT. .' Bulllnu Hun", 48; Twentieth Ward. 31, . Phllndelnhin Ti-rmlnal Qlrle. 2tfi Kilde Ilatt-ry (llrla 21 . Huhiirhaii SuiiiIhv fichenl I,eitu l"rt MothetllHt i:rilw.eiinl 82 Ht. Jnmre 81, Uer Uer mnntenn llret en 81 St Paul 1(1 ,, Catholic league Ht. Malachy 2Bi Arch. hUhep Hjan 27- Ht. Patrick 111 Klrlln. 28. Y. M. ii. A.. 28. Urandela A. A., 14. T. fl II X. Jfi.. 441 tirandtle. Jrt. tl Woodland Ilaptietv BTt Ht nimonn'e. 8. Woodland ntMrve. 87l Tteaa A, C . CLOSING MINUTES LEDGER - PHILADELPHIAV FRIDAY, DECEMBER Detroit Would Play Gonzaga in New Yerk Spokane. Wash., Dee. 22. An nouncement e' receipt of nn offer from the University of Detroit for n foetbnll game with Gonzagn Uni versity next fall wns mnde here to te dny by Conch Charles Derals, of Gonzaga. According te Coach Derals the offer was from Charles Hruce; grnd grnd unte manager of the Detroit Institu tion, nnd suggested that the gntne be plnyed late in October nt the l'ole Grounds in New Yerk City. Derlns would net sny whether Gon Gen znga would nccep the offer, but sold he hnd wired Hruce for further Information. FRISCH WONT ACCEPT UNION PRESIDENCY Geerge Burns Said te Be Leading In Balloting New Yerk, Dec. 22. Frank Frleh. stnr Intlelder of the Glnnts. who lins been nemlnnted nleng with Geerge Hums, of the Ctnclnnntl Iteds, nnd Jack Feurnlcr, of the St. Leuis Cardl nnls, for presidency of the new Bnscbnll I'lnyers Union, will decline te nccept the office If he Is elected in the mnil balloting new going en, The announcement Is made by .Tames J. Tlerney, secretory of the Giants, who said Frlsch had explained that he feared that the use of his nume in con nection with the new union might lead te the impression thnt he wns dissat isfied with the New Yerk club. According te information from au thoritative sources, balloting among players se fur has given Hums the lead in hte race for the presidency. Other candidates for office, with the present lender In the balloting indi cated, includes the follewing: Vice president, Jake Daubert. Cin cinnati, leading; Arthur Fletcher. Philadelphia Nationals : Znch D. Wheat. Itroeklyu; recording secretary Fred Williams, Philadelphia Nationals lending; William L. Den It nnd Jehn L. Lnvnn, St. Leuis Nationals; finan cial secretnry. William II. .South .Seuth worth, Hosten Nationals; Dave Han croft, New Yerk NatlennK leading; James II. Johnsten, liroeklyn. The orgnnlzntlen no fur apparently has been confined te six National League clubs. Ne American League or Chicago and Pit sburgh National Lea-rue player appear en the official slate. Leaders In balloting for members of the executive bennl, composed of one representative of eacli of the sit Na tional League clubs involved, are said te be ns follews: CINCINNATI Eddie Itntish. HHOOKLYN Zach Wheat. NEW YORK Heinle (Ireh. ST. LOFIS William Deak. PHILADELPHIA Lee Meadows. HOSTON Henry Gowdy. BILL R0"PERGUEST AT GRIDIRON DINNER Principal Speaker at Dinner te Qer- mantewn Friends' Footballers W. W. Heper, member of the City Council and conch of the Princeton football team, was guest of honor at the annual football dinner of the Ger Ger ranntewn Friends' Scheel. Nearly a hundred football and soccer plnjers, with their fathers and the men mbmbers of the faculty, snt down te the dinner. Hefere the festivities stnrted it wa announced that K. Fischer, '24, a I guard, bad been elected captain of next venr's team, and that G. West, '21, fullback, had been chosen te lend the soccer team. Mark H. Hallls, who captains this year's gridiron warrior'". eeiiL-rntulated the new lenders, nil. I called en Mr. Hreininger, the German -town Friends' couch. Mr. Hreininger and Dr. C. II. Arndt. of Christ Church, who represented the fathers of the bejs, praised the team for its fine spirit. These speakers weie followed by Hill Heper. The Princeton mentor reviewed the Princeton seasaen, nnd explained the reason for its success. The Tigers started the season minus manj of their regulars, but their spirit and fight car ried them through. Dr. Habbit. who is en the Rugby Rules Committee with Walter Camp and Mr. Reper, then gave an address and showed the cup which is te be pre sented by Hawrrenl College te the winner in the Private Scheel' Soccer League for the next three jears. Mr. Stanley Ynrnall, principal of tic school, was next called en nnd be pre sented the members of the football team with sweaters which were given by an unknown donor. The vnrslty "G" wan nwarded te the membpre of ueth teams and the ceremonies were cempeleted. Eight feutl-nll men, Hnlis, White, Strnwbrldge, Ncuhnuscr, Hogue, Arndt, Weygnndt nnd Uoeuell, will graduate this yenr. nnd five soccer men, Strnw lirldge. tort, tians, iiisscti anil i-ieiu- ing, win ni5e icnvc. inn ine ouiieok for beUi teams next year 18 very bright. ATHLETES ARE REWARDED AT WILMINGTON HIGH Committee Holds Lively Session In Distributing Letters Wilmington, Del., Dec. 22. The Athletic Association of the Wilmington High Scheel awarded lettera te foot ball plnycrs nt n meeting which proved te be lively, ns some of the plajern recommended by Conch Ashton failed te receive the coveted letters, while ethers who had net been recommended were rewarded. The following playeiu were nwarded letters: Captain Stout, Ilnrde, Howe, Clewer, Fletcher. Linge, l'eilrlck. Key bold. Smith. Sweezy, Mllllkin. N. White, II White and Manager Cellins Ileates, Donehite nnd Alexnnder hnd been recommended by Conch Ahhten, but after n lengthy discussion the first wns dropped, while the latter two re ceived letters. Urates had only played one quarter this season, but had been suggested for n letter by the coach be cause of his hard plnying In the four years thnt he has been en the scrubs. "Nerm" White, representing the Vnrslty Club, brought up the question whether Cox, MncDoneugh nnd John John Jehn eon bheuld be awarded letters. All thrce players hnd participated In the required number of games, but had net been recommended by the conch. Mnc Mnc Mnc Doeough was nwarded hln letter, but the two were nosed out by ene dis senting vete. Yeu Aute Knew ( A radiator eheuld never be allowed iiui ii. iiwiiii trni. Hub eaoe eheuld be repacked with rreaee every elx months. Under no clrcumelancea eheuld a mtnerei oil be ueed ns a leather drasslnr. mm,r" It Is eeneldrrert advisable te waeh th. in terler of the tralnsmlaalen caie Wh JerS tene at least twice a season. .. The wtar Irrel In a steran battery should be maintained at least wswrhr if si SJS abeve tbe lattery plates. ""r,,r or l Enjoy Best fc WIN 3D STRAIGHTj Railroad Quintet Runs Up Score ' of 29 te 12 Against Exide Battery Girls LMiSS RUTHERFORD IS STAR Girts' lnl,etbnll teams nre springing up all ever the city, nnd nnether first clasn quartet is new forging te the front In tlm Philadelphia Terminal five. Al ready three games hnve been wen by tlu railrenil girls and they nre out for the pity championship. Last year Terminal had one of the best teams In the section and were n hard opponent for nny tentn. With four regulars back from last year and plenty of new material, th sqund premises te be ntueng the leaders before spring puts nn end te bnsketbnll. Little Ann Rutherford Is the tenm's stnr, nnd this smnll feminine plnjcr enacted a lending role in the triumph of her club Inst evening ever Exide Rat tcry, 2!i te 12. In fact, thirteen of the twenty-nine Terminal points were garnered bj MIsm Rutherford, and sev eral ether shot" of teatnmutes were pos slide only after accurate passes from this speedy little ferwnrd. Combining nn nblllty te dribble with n proficiency at cutting for the basket, this maid is dangerous nt nil times and It will tuke an expert guard te keep her from scoring. Exide wiin net nble t. i...... tti., .l,.t nn.l ..tit. .. lft1 ...n.. I ............. "?"'" """"- ;'"' jMieiivt" en.- iii ee one el ine u.st iui wards in the city. Miss Shan at Center A newcomer Is playing center in Miss Sharp, who is well known out at Darby High Scheel, and seems cut for an ideal pivot player. She has the needed reach te get the tap-off and knows enough basketball te play her position te per fection. Playing nt guard wns Miss Edith Casey, known In feminine basketball elides- ns a plnjcr 0f decided ability. She is new turning her attention te basketball and from her showing prom prem li.es te make the regulars hustle for a berth. The two regular guards from last year are Kutlierlue Hrewn nnd Louise Cox. but neither sturtcd the fray last night. Miss Hrewn get in the gnme when Anna Cook was forced te retire, due te a collision with one et the opposing players thnt served te knock her wind out, but she seemed te be suffering no ill effects from the blew after the game, nnd before the necident plnyed n fine gamp nt forward nleng with Miss Ann Rutherford. Wen Hard Opening Game Opening the season against Freight Trnflie, the Tnninal lassies had a tough battle te win. !) te 3, but in their sec ond game against American Itailway Express showed improvement nnd wen, n" te 1). This is net the same team that plajs for Aniericnn Railway In the Girls' League, although in the minds of the Terminnl rooters the team is 1 A 1 z$ -sarssr pys ! y CREWLEV8CK I M MOTOR OILS M I M and GASOLINE ! pLj make your car's work easier M' M 219 North Bre?cl Street I 22' lf)22 Season in History of Indoor Game Owen Has Chance for Harvard Recerd Cambridge, .Mass., Dec. 22 A new varsity record will be hung up nt Harvard next June, when Geerge Owen, of Newton, ends his college enrcer In possession of nine wmity "IPs" for prowess in football, busebnll n-' hockey, the nliimnl bulletin in need today. The iieut.nt previous npprench te this figure wns mnde by Geerge I Gardner, class of 1010, who wen three letters In track, two in hockey, one In bnseball nnd one in tennis. just as formidable n... the Manufacturers' League live. Last night wns the third irtery nnd gnmes nn' scheduled with Rookwood, Green Se: and the I laughters of e- IJH- J '.lllfell ll ' - ' ' v- I three teams arc strong he cllj i row n new held is fi- and the showing Itimhu. These contenders for tl bv the Columbus of the Terminal five against this array will serve te ghe a real idea of the ability of the squad Exide had little chance last night and nt half time the hcere was l'( te .". In the second half the Ti-niilnnl lassies tried te perfect t hi ir teamwork nl the expense of points and only the geed work of Mhs Nelan nnd u beautiful shot by Miss Peace enabled the Rattcry girls te get an additional sewn points. Exide is cenMdernMv improved ever it enrly senseti showing and should held Its own with tennis in its class. Georgia Grid Coach Resigns Allien, (hi,, Dt is lfi'rrmn .1 St--man, furmM riiH'rMly uf f'hcnitrt Hli.r una for Hi 'n t rhui it h.wt nmrh n' tlm LnlT"IIJ of (! nriiiH li i ritjn"(l from that iir.lftnn tn lvnine nwheMnlP pre fp'unr of t.j.icil riluiutiun us a ni'-mbi r j et the faculty. Wants Soccer Game for Christmas Th Hlmnr 1 C wi.uM IIke te nrrinK" n nirrr irntnrt for fhrlMTmi aftrrnnen n ' inn,.' jrhen.. IMi,r, sull.vnn. 11-lmeril 10.111, between anil S e' lei k r-inlulit Send a for Christmas Sg.OQ Every kind of an Xmas Plant CHARLES KENRY FOX "Tht Sign el tht R9i, 221 Scuth Bread St. "Th, Man; Flew Shep" I i 1 111 HOITII nitOAI) st l ' S4 1 CENTRAL HIGH ELECTS BILL FISCHER CAPTAINl u hi. l. wn,u i ,j,. in Twe, "Ides punting, ferwind passing, hitting Halfback New Leader In Twe,()i(i ,.jic ,)(,c1,,(,1iniy ,1II(1 fermnf n,., Sports, Football and Qaseball i terfcreiice, the new captain wns net Hill Fischer, Mar halfback of the . very busy. Fischer Is new the enntnin , ,,,... ' ,i ,i,i ii,n int ' of two sports foetbnll nnd baseball, Central High M'tad during the Inst L,., .,. pre Kvrn te CupUln Alisen, him been elected captain of the j.'sr.,eri Schrecder, Malmen, Hcretn,- licit loemiiii cii-n-ii. i This wns unanimously ngreed upon nt a dinner tenuereii in mc .uirrer uniii by F. Hclireeder, father of C aptnin 1 fiKHtl'1 Jg3?Bi5S ?t mr cxrJ&neTn ft ffrapsi it OUR STORES WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY Open tonight until 9 o'clock, and tomorrow night until 10 o'clock, te better serve you. tM j. JTJ tit Uh May your Christmas day be bubbling ever with geed cheer and merriment nnd may Santa Claus bring things te make you happy. This list of delicious, fresh-killed poultry and etlier meats will provide you with the best euarjtv meats at nricea te M suit your Christmas pocketbook. Cfjri&tmas eultrp In AH Our Meat Markets Fresh-Killed jsh-KilIed rm a Fancy 1 OTKCyS HiiuJ-V. -Mewing Chickens - 35" beit-iweateu Ducklinns 32" lb (If It's Quality GENUINE SiS Rib Roast Whole Cut Chuck m Ben.l. Pet KOaSt lb Lean Soup Beef Lean Bellinir .. 1 ib 8 OC i jk.ef " 1 c ivcr aarrifire Cudahy's Puritan Skin Hams lb 20c strillKi : Slices of Ham " 40c :Dult (We guarantee 10 minces te every pound) Citv-Dressed lb Perk ?9 Shoulders ULt New Made Kreut 21 Schreedcr, nt the Adelphla Hetel last night. . . , Fischer wns the one real star durlntf nn uimiicccHMfiil (Vtitritl scnsen. I3u iiuntzingcr, urr, inr.ar, .ucipcrr, ; IjIIIKi jniler, Hhnlitn, Mebermnn, Ed- f vuir,iHi I.ulmwitJ!, .IiiceIimiII, W18SOW, Xnelmrln. Mntttsnw nnd Mutineer Itiinn. t$ 3-$?j lb Jtir,Vi heastmg Chickens lb 40 fancy ratteu Geese 28' lb we havr it) t99 NATIVE BEEF 20 14c lb , Beef )lc for 18 lb Ul Beef Tca quality for price) " ! Little Pi lb l0cS Ung22 i "t j These prices effectlre In all our nK I l'hil:i. nnd Camden Meat Mnrlmi. 47 m Fft 'm ( ( I I ' f '