Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 21, 1922, Night Extra, Page 23, Image 23

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' mJiirtittri. mtrn TTOTriTOP TmTT.ATlTCTPHTA. THURSDAY . DECEMBER 21 1922
li fc
'Silly 'Crazy,' 'Ignorant
-m jr 1 T li I j T t
Screen Stars Rush te Contra
dict Fenryhn Stanlaws, Who
sire dome iviua inings natr
Calls Him After Proving
Dared Tell Just Why They
Sister Actresses Just Right
, i ,
f mMi&d&rpjs jz?jmnii x&fe k
Are Net 'Perfect Types9
k WOMAN'S leeks arc sacred te her.
X Therefore, the usual fury of n woman scorned pales before the out-
tursts of a recognized beauty criticized.
The fact that the critic is a recognized artist of distinction, the
originator of a particular "girl" means nothing te the beauties of the film
Thousands of fans have told them, day after day, that their par
ticular style of beauty "is perfect."
But Pcnrhyn Stanlaws declares solemnly that none of the recognized
beauties of the silver screen is even approximately perfect pulchritudl pulchritudl
reusly speaking. And he uses names and points out flaws with the .valor
of mere man unafraid.
Hence arises from the mere or
Jess hallowed precincts of Holly
wood te the studies of New Yerk,
ret te forget a vivid contradiction
from Philadelphia, a pretest from
"beauty criticized."
And if the artistic curly locks
of Stanlaws arc net thoroughly
singed, it is because seme movie
beauty forget part of her vocabu
lary. Stanlaws is a bold man.
And he is a brave man.
Wen His First Fame
With "Stanlaws Girl"
Ycar.i age, the "Stanlaws Girl"
teas all the rage she enjoyed the
vogue formerly given te the "Gibsen
Girl." Girl after girl came from his
pen and smiled from the pages of
magazines. As nn illustrator he
von his greatest fame.
And his beauties were dressed in
the styles of twenty years nge. Vo
luminous skirts trailed along the
ground with perhaps the tip of a
sIke peeping out of the ruffles
waists vere slim and hairnets un
1 m n Great pompadours stuck
out e e- the forehead, while si low,
gir'ish knot rested in the nape of
the reek. The two cars steed out
li'.e ban lies. Hips were in f tyle,
no p- ;Hi cellars and jabots.
.' nrl all his girls walked at a
per- vs skin' their he-ids' many
inches i.i advance of their feet, and
the Millions of ruffles make one
thinl: if the job the laundresses of
thee days had, ironing them out.
Then, after his fame as nn nrtist
v,a. established, he went into the
nie'ies and became a noted ditccter.
He has had ample opportunity te see
and stu ly virtually all of the rec
ognized beauties of the silver screen.
Tin.' ether day he laid aside his
megaphone te take a rest and be
gan te think about some of these,
beauties. Nene of them, apparently,
met his full artistic approbation.
Just casually he picked out twenty
nnd told what he really thought
about their famed leeks.
Twenty Beauties With
Tiventu or Mere Flaws
rii-t oil, lu declares I'milinc Fred
erick's eyelids nre tee heavy.
Murie Provest's neck Is tee short.
llutli Reland hut) a moon face and ncr
lips nre tee large.
The (Ilsli sister" lime impel feet noses.
Lips tee lnr"e, also.
Hetty Wythe N muscle-bound in
the hips. Hhe lias liere nostril".
Phyllis Haver 1ms a face like a dia
mond with tee nuiiiy facets. It is over ever
modeled. Nerma Talmndgc has a bullions nec.
Nniiiieva's ejes ate tee Iiiirp for her
fnee, and her head Is tee bit;.
Mary PIcKferd shales the
blemish of tee huge a hend.
Pela Negri her fu.'e is tee
Lila I.ec'.s figure is stocky
face Ik tee tint.
Shirley Maxim's faulli
eyes and horse nesttlls.
Clnlre Windser's eyes me M't loe high
in her head.
Hebe Daniels' figure is Reed, but she
keeps her month open tee mm b.
Gleria Swanson'.s bend Is tee heavy
ler her body. 4ller nose Is retreusse.
Stanlaws Made Mark
With "Pretty Girls"
Stanlaws, the artist, whose real
nnme Is Adamsmi, is a Princeton
graduate and became noted Reme
years age as nn illustrator.
His "girls'" were of the llnfTv
ruffles type se popular before the
modern "flapper" was even thought
Later Stanlaws listened te the
"cnll of the movies" and seen be
came one of the noted directors of
the country.
Under his direction many of the
beauties be se sctcrely criticized
have made their bow te the movie
'Henlly it is tee
when the jeasen Nnzimevn is censid
ercd beautiful is en account of her
wonderful large eyes.
"Um, bum." she mused, as her fail
ings cntlght her eye. "I have n bin
tlnit Is heavy at the end; jaw
bones tee wide and chin tee prominent.
Well, new that is tee bad. As far a
I can see, I get the worst of nny of
them, but what cm I de about it?
"I don't think he knows what be is
talking about when lie finds fault with
fU'i'kd ' Vi!-4v Iff f v -
l i'ssfijK Hh &Wk&-
common I vj " v ; r-K'S'1.' " --X. n JM,CWS5HKhl-',-.J'"i Sr K-''"r $'sp ," v ' ': i
and her Aj :WT " -'' ""$&' " " Si
am deep.Pt & ;--' fy'.': -iuV , 5' '-AM2JKMsalOTJ. w ,- v :.i ' : '!,''- .r'v ; I.
fev Pauline Frederick and these "tee Iw'' ' x&t(Sk Nerma Talmndge and her (ac-
&&, henvv" eyelids vt ' ZtWM cording te Stanlaws) bulbous ";..
irS" rk ' vi ' -ft'itfm nose ""
Z- t-ii z. 'ftiate mouth and chin. - V SBS
; i 'UammM lum Ihuh mis u in!: nose Hint is - . ., xat,iX82i
v'' J& ;W
?:' ! limMmim ""ii emu tee immunent. if" " - i. .3PE?m
some of the ethers. ie maybe he lit
wrong nlieiit me. Here's hoping, "'nnil
she called ever her sheulder: "Any
bow . see if I enre "' j
Ruth's "Moen Face"
Doesn't Make Tier Angry
And Until Kelnnd. -he of the "moon
face" and the tee large lips, smiled
bro idh
"I gnevs I,.- i- ri'ht about my moon
f.ice I nlwiijs I, new it wns tee round,
Imt I de think t!i mini bus lest all hi?
i .eti'.es. Oh," she piped "wait untlj
I Hetty Comp'en sees tin-' Itettv Comp Cemp
' -en is iniisf'e Imnnd In tlie blp- She'll
i he nwing Iimiisiup nn.t one ning that
l.il.i I.ie i stnckx. ll is n piuk if rub
bi.h. !. S'mnlnws wants te nuiUe a
sens, iti. in i inn s that'" the sc of tllP
I whole thing."
I ;i 1 i f little Shirlev M:i"en Jnilig
nnntly jenMcd Mr Stanlaws. After
nit ., iu f t In.tn ..! l , if tl tlllt'n it
tii, ii i nn i.i'iii ii1 niiii. . r um '
for words, j (.j,,Unt,., u ,,w,r u,0 (elintrv that einj
Mary Pickford and the head the artut aays is "tee large"
Hetty Coinp'en's hips nre tee prom
inent and are lmicle-lmuml.
f t'enstance 'i'nlni.idge hns an innde innde
iinate mouth and chin.
Vieln Dunn 1ms n bis; nose that is
heavy at .he end ; Jawbones are tee wide
and chin tee piemincnt.
Mary Miles Minter is tee matronly
Lccause she carries herself btiffly.
He's Willing te Admit
"All Can't Be Perfect"
"If people would only understand,"
the brave artist hastily added, "that
there is no such thing ns 'perfect'
beauty, but that there is a very real
thing called 'attractiveness,' they would
understand why flaws hnve their par
ticular htatus. An pjebrew Is often
mere Impmtnnt than perfect fen ores.
A glint of na c.c is ahwes mere im
portant than a beautiful head, simply
because it means mere."
Heeently there htm been se much
criticism directed at movle stars that
It takes mere tlmn the usunl ripple te
stmt a w.iM' of ictert.
Hut Mr. .Stanlaws get bis answer
quickly and pointedly.
And the odd part of it is that vir
tually eery beauty admits that she
may possess seme it the Iluws pointed
out by the deft wlelder of brush and
irajen but her sister beauties?
Nuver !
Net while the lust Klleg light flick
ers. Hcauty scorned ictuses te teke up
Iter own erbal cudgels, but why should
she, when her sister artistes nre limp.
ng te the fine in her defense.
Hight in Philadelphia one of these
iltlelzed he ml and two ejelids sunpped
ugrlly ever two blue eyes.
"He's silly. He's crazy," came ns
.mrt of the ictert prompt.
One Heuutg Defends
Fame 'of the Others
And these sanie eyelids were "tee
heavy" te puss the critical Inspection
of the artist. They belonged te Pauline
hns "lmrsii ni.stitln
"That inui! doesn't een knew what
he is talking nlieiit,'' slip said slowly.
"And an; bow he i eutrnilli ts himself
all the time. See, be says down at the
end that perfeit features de net con
stitllte lienutv. jet be smjs all '1 rough
the arti'le that the iumiii we are no
perfect 1 j beautiful is Ix'cause some one
of our features is wrong, did um netlrV
that?" and with a positive little shake
of her head, glnmed ever the list.
"Huh." "he grunted indignantly-,
"I always thmuht lug pyes wpre ft
sign of beaut . and this man says tlnj
Nazime.i is all wrong bemuse her eyer
I me tee large fur her face. Isn't that
liitupid? Then leek here, he says aw
ful things about Viela Dann- and fhe
is the cutest looking thing I ever saw."
, A ll Sec Perfection
in Seme One Else
"That's delicious about Marv Pick
ford, isn't it? It bus two meanings
I would l.ke t. knew which one Mr.
Stanlaws jniant. II.s opinion may be
aitistic, but 1 ll -ay be is all wrong.
I don't tliink that the audience)
throughout the nuiiitry will agree with
him, either," and Mis Masen tossed
the paper aside with a short laugh.
And se it gees through the whole
gala of st i-s ismii,. (ms twinkle
at the thru-is ,.j' Mr St.m.nws, whlfi'
ethers Hash iiiilijiiantly .
Hut it is saf, te sav tbat even though
it is geiid iidwrti ment, it Is net very
much fun te lie aihortised an having
piiiunnent tiii or ilier Haws.
At il Mr M m'.iws. artist and benutv
reniK'isseiir, liad bet lie careful when
be wanders the sucets of I.ns Angeles,
l fur tb" be.iuties will get blm if be
doesn't w a teh out.
Ter I e who tampers with the ben ,t$
of a woman i- (bun m tiietbing da u:ei"-
en- nnd beauty is the most v.iliidl po8 pe8 po8
sessien et the i.unie ijueens and It )
of this that Mr. M .inlaws makes Hghit.
Pcnrhyn Stanlaws, who hns dared tell famous movie beauties
just what their flaws nre
"Really, this is a shriek," asserted
the statuesque Pauline, who, however,
did net deign te comment upon theje
famous eyelids. They were speaking
for themselves.
"I de net knew nil of these girls
mentioned, but I have seen them nil
at nrleus times. He says Hlla k.e
Is stocky and her fnee Ih tee flnU HeV
rrnzy. I.ila I.ee stocky I" she exclaimed
Indignantly, opening her blue eyes very
wide, henvv black lashes sweeping in
an upward curl. "He's nilly why,
Liln l.ee Is taller than 1 nm, nnd slim'
"What's this? Dear me, Nerma Tal
we did net all knew that Nerma had a
little turn of her nose!
"Mary Pickford what does he sny
about her? Oh, he iiys she Bhnres the
common blemish of tee lnrge a head.
New. just what does be mean by that?
If he menus that she is conceited, he's
all wrong. And I sny that anybody
that s'lys anything ngulnst Mary Pick
ford has te deal with nui first.
' Mary Pickford Is the sweetest, pret
tiest, most unaffected little girl In the
whole world. She Is uiiasjuiinhiK nnd
charming nnd n very geed friend. I Just
np Maiy," she finished, enthusiasti
cally. "She is a darling.
"And leek, at this near, dear, this
madge has a 'bulbous' ,,., a. th..b ,. ttTt. TTX
geed, but slie keeps her mouth open tee
ninth," and Mis, IVdcnck leaned back
in her chair and laughed.
"Constance Tnluindge has an inade
quate mouth nnd chin! He's crazy.
Why. Cennie 'lalmadge is perfectly
beautiful her face is exquisite. Ne
one can deny that," ("letting up slowly, I
Miss Frederick walked te the table, and
one immediately thought of the title '
j given her ' the aristocratic vamp."
"Really, they nre just like ordinary
I people, these movie stars," she said,
1 smiling her wide smile. "I rarely rend
I what people sn about me except
something nmusing like this. I like '
I tlltl. IllWI.IItl., tf .Hill A. .Tin ln..nl. 4 I '
' anything tint makes me laugh is splen
did." They might !s, only erdinnrv people
hnve a deal merp of privim than these
celebrities. Of course, privacy is the
one thing movie stars de net want
. can nnvlxidy picture a movie queen run
ning nwnv from a camera, for fear that
her picture would get in the papers?
I Net a chance.
The only time they run from n rnmrrn
is when the part thev are playing de.
tunnds that the take te their heels
and fly nnd in thnt case they knew
thnt the enmera will fellow them, no
matter hew fleet they are.
And that was enough te stnrt things
Out in Hollywood there was a feminine
chorus of denunciation and apprecia apprecia
tien denunciation of one mnn and ap
preciation of the beauties of the ethers
net themselves.
Vieln Dann, who frequently plays the '
part of a saucy country miss. mk.
ber voice in n pretest against Pen,-.,..,
"Of course, wp am net nl flnnleM,"
she admitted, though she added with'.i
toss of her bend, "but 1 think he picked
en ridiculous things, and some of them
nre incorrect. Fer instance, '.Mary
Miles Minter is tee matronly, because
she carries herself sillily.' nn.i t.
Minter is ns graceful and youthful as1
Kiln mn hn Anil lwif ...nH n 1 ..
1 m. """' "" mat
iNazimevn's ryes are tee large I
"- C jj i
i y a '' V- N & B053?!! I
mm Tm&msw . .
lmi .tj -'-&Hmm3Mr nP' l v ,
mm I SrW $M
VVX IHfllBI91H9HPFTim'1tlUk. xir rtK
ViH fBBMnfcmliiifyinff'agr if Wt
B BHBnKfl I f 1 -
rn Wm WBsl ' IMa i i
Kuth Reland and her "moon face" and ahe likea it if tlie ttrtL,i
' i
' i
sVi v i ,,Vij
.V, "Ti."..'JI