" j-'iW waW-ms &r? vt: 'iW "A '('t'i'-'-.v&'rt,ffif!t Y7OF jV tt 3ft i at I, M i ' i rii .f i t- p U4W ,') Pi if M Jv. !: I'-tf i. & ir. rtr IAh if, i 4 8 EVimxO TUBLir LEDGBTl-PHnAPKrHIA;- WEDNESDAY," -BECEMBEK ' 20, 1022; NEW ENGL ANOERS DR. R. PENROSE HEADS ACADEMY OF SCIENCE PLAN BIG DINNER Governer Sproul Will Be Guest at Soclety's Annual Event in Bellevue-Stratford SENATOR MOSES TO SPEAK Ttlnnd aa (.MAllr Mmnlpfn ffir till m.luinl ilitw of the New Kn"liiml ' a. ..!..... f 1M).l.i1nMrt utii.'tl Will III ! nUf"'(l'"l liv fT.O or nmre of tlie cltvV nsitivn New Ktmlnt'iler" In the lMle-ruo.Mitfe-0 tinl'i-enm Sntiinlitv nislii Rpenuers of tintiennl reputation niivr Hayden Geological Medal Is Voted te Dr. Alfred Lacrelx, of Paris .Jehn Ciulwnlmler resigned from the presidency of the Armlemy of Nnturnl Srlenees nt thu nnmiiil ineetliiit Inst tilnht. He lini heltl tlmt office lnce HeafJ 11U8. Mr. Cntlwnlmlrr Mieeceileil the, lnte Mnimtel (5. Dixen, nfter n service I of tnnny yours im vice president nnd I veiincllur nml ns n tnemlwr of nutiier- itiiM rvtmtnli limi. I Tlie follewlne were eleeteil for tlie' I'eiuitii; veiir: PreMilent. lr. lUehnni A. !'. lVnrife, .lr. ; Ire pre-ddi-iit. l)rs. IMwin 1. LVnkllti nml Henry Skinner: riMerdlnij orretnry. Junier WEEKS TO DEVELOP I RAINING CAMPS A Hi-tin ; i'iirr'iMmilin n'eretnry. IT. l'erev Moere: trnnuriT. tlmnje Vnux. Jr., nml lilirarluti, Dr. Spmeer 'Putter. , , Tlie Ilnvilen Memerinl (!oeloi-n 'Mediil for I lie Jenr 1 1 CI wim nwnriliil i t . i t. ..-..I.Ij.t, ,r I Tut Leen ,SnBl nml tW wKl he n n...... f Srj:, " V'K """'1M1I - of National Association Appointed His Chief Civilian Aide ORGANIZATION IS APPROVED n Hfntcm of county nml leenl chairmen, thus completing In dclnll n nntlen-wlilc orgnnlzntien for recruiting In time of pence nml for such wider functions n might be requested by the Wnr Depart ment." In addition te the nppelntmcnt of Mr. Pike, n clvlllnn nlde te the Soere Seere tnry of War for ench rerps iron und eneh Htnte nnil for the District of Columbia Ih retitcniplntcd. All will lie selected en nominntlen of the Military Trnlriing CntntiM Aftsoeintien, approved by corps nren cemmnnderH. They will j mtvk iiiur-.iriir irrinn, iit-eruiiijc iw Secretory Weeks letter te Dr. Drinker, with thin reservation : "The Hecretnry rf Wnr reserves the right te nocept rexignntlens nnd with Iraw appointments whenever. Msr M tne i i her of inrj ulie nre prominent It, Ptiite n"t !itinn. If will Im. the fnrtT-.fmncl ntltl'M dinner of H" se' let v. whirl) wt fiKimled here In "1 when K V. Ul'ln- vi" elected IN ttr--t tireildent. A riven riven lien will tn-iveile the itinnrr. which will be-in nt 7 e'elm-k. The roeeptlen will fit-e Ti'nrn In the clever room of the Tlellevne. "... Ile-ldei the ri-.'nlnr memherhip ' the elii' ivltnthm te nttenil hnve been rent te t' mein,wn f the P"tm"v1 vnnli ''M'ie'v ( Vew Knu'nnd Women, n iiinr-tti orsardttitien founded en im lhir line. Siniitnr Moses n Snealter Arnene the HtM'nt'ers at tlie dinner v.i'1 he W. H. T. Kaunee. nresMenf "f Tlrewn University, who uill spenk e'i "Te'.-'n" tli" i u,i (n the N : (Jenrse II. Mcm. United Stntei sionnter fr -n New ITfimtinhlre, who will M'iik en "The Se'rlt of N"w Kr.ulnnd." n-d T. W Drer. profeper of eeiiiiiiif, rt Vnnder'-Pf T'ntv.Ts.-tv, v0,),..ii Tenn.. who wi'l tn'V en "The Nev KaBlnnd Aristocracy." .n eliihernte prneTnin of Instru mental and eeal music ha; l'"n nr Kinepd. Amnne th" nreminerit "icf. "tin i" jitiJ iii. iaiki.. i rt'-'K. ''"aer w MISSING FURS FOUND after nififerrltn' ivlfl, flu. nlitnf nli'tllnn nl.t.. Wiwlilnctnn. Dec. 2i. Uly A. 1 .) , nppearH thnt the nlde In uuestleti no Stcretnry Weeks nnneimeed tmlny the ' longer fuinilx the reiiuiremunts of the appointment of Charles n. l'lke. of l Petion for which he w.ih appeluted." "' I "M' '" l I I'nrtifl nrnn ritfiMiifttwInra will fnp. MiJltnr f ,.iui. ii:w..u ,,, nt,.i nin.tnni eatu,. iiiDii vuiv in r-j,,,, ,- nnil hi ti.411 iiriniri,- mice te the civilian aides, thus deli uitely interleeking the training camp military however, raveling ejpenses, Pliieace. president of the Training Camps Association, ns "chief civilian nlde te the Secretary of Wnr in connection with tin tnllnlng camp project mmilnuted'fer the pest by the a-secla- Servant Girl Arrested en Charge of, Jn n 1(,tr t0 I)r II(,nrv Si prliilcr, Theft Frem Employer honorary pnsldent of the training Aftir furs and clothing, i.ilm-d .y CIlIn.)(, n",(V.ntlen, Secretary Weeks ex- S'Jim. !! ."r" WnV ' ..?.:'" l''; Si; ,.Jr,l his nnnmva1 of suggestion 'c, ,nil., nt i. eten!ii, detectives j i,v ti. ns.KH'iatlen that it receive a' nrr-ted a Necre y.rvnt.t girl en s.is. ;f . ,, ,, wltll , War j fZ IWCr ncartmen, through the nmm.ntment of tilling the artlc'.s. Iti president ns aide te the Si-retiiry. A s(.:ir'h or tier rmims rrwnh'd thc "u. mllltarv training camps nsse- I nils,!,, fur- I. nenlh a mntirys- TV f , initl.emc.l," Mr. i ,;,,."": .,;:, :.l !T1' X.! s" ' I wJ.ek"mfrUuil Dr. Drinker, "te create ivretnrv of Wnr ntieiy interieemng tne traiiiint ip development of I h-Mii with the tievern.uenCs n ,, ' iHillcy. The civilian aides, h s. Ir. I'llce was wl, reccivc n snnries or tr After January 1st, 1923, Savings Fund Accounts will bear interest at the rate of 4 Guarantee Trust & Safe Deposit Ce 31C318-320 Chestnut St. HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1415 Chestnut St. Illllllllllllllllllllllll 9 Seuth 52d St. Bitfht Banquet ems Rivale Dances -Bancjueis Weddlnvfs-Lard Parhes V Maywssenci Estimates andM6nu3 9 Wittenhousetieiell Kts"wii IM..I..I . cee. ana nesmutL. Cuticura Sean AND OINTMENT - ' Clear the Skin 8Mp,Ofnjtnt.TaIem,Wtmrii- p,4 oerwii viwwri,eTvTIt,'P'aiJC.UtU.jy'l PEERLESS 7-pass. Touring; tight all ever; fine condition; excellent tires; divided front seat, $350. GIRARD AUTO CO. 2314 Chestnut St. 1 iCeLi tMw I'M&'.frHMp mmmti8m&$ wMlUtM Pmmmi imMLViil H Wver art mMiir wm' ihiii. A. J&fa&.a nrtmr1fit 6f flwUfftittflm iVlletfl. m Mr. Pnwnr'' Clnrke. who Is prellenf of the New "ln"lnn'' women'" or-ranln-tlen In hl State The society here hns a membcrshin of 370. Officers of Seclctv Lincoln Parthmerc, president of the imeletv will preside nt the dinner. II will introduce Arthur W. ficwpll. who Is president --!ec, nnd will take office the ""nt of he year. Other nfWrs of the seeietv are Chnr'es E. Ilrinlev. Oenree I. Merrl" nnd Eil'vnrd W. Mumfnnl, vice presi dents: Jernthnn M. Steere. treasurer: Samuel sJoeville. Jr.. who is In clinrce of nrrnnccnients for the dinner erp tarn: the Hev. Flevd W. Tomkins ehnpln'n. nnd Dr. Judsnn De T.nnd nhvslcinn. Dlreetern: Cvnis II. K Curtis. William D KnlTt. T.cwis Oil He. Hnrrr E. Smith. A'ha TV Jehnsen Ttcrnnr-' T. Converse Albert E. Snow- mnn Ttnrrv T. .Terilan. Lincoln K. Pnr hmore." Edcnr C. Folten, Cnlvln M. Smyth and Irn Vatislin. BOOK EXHIBIT PREPARED FOR OAK LANE CHILDREN Day Scheel Is Showing Publications Suitable for Little Ones A unique hook exhibit is being held nt the Oak Lane Country Day Scheel all this week, which will be of great aule te parents of children of school age. It Is nn outgrowth of the Parent-Teachers' meetings, nnd is the re Milt of two years' study and resenrch en the part of every member of the fnculty. About 100 hooks have been selected. They nre lent by Sesslcr's Heek Stere. These hnve been divided into nge grenpn. They nre net in any sense school books, but recreational books of adventure and Imagination, that cor relate in the best way with the chil dren's hchoel development and help them te increase their scope of knowl edge nnd appreciation. Keep Christmas with a KODAK The. Rift that help te make the. Christmas meiry; then keeps the picture .story of the merriment. riedait erjjf Greflex Camera AWMMpkli ttediki m tow m M JO BtewMlM u tow M H00 JOHN HAW0RTH COMPANY Eastman Kodak Ce. 1020 Chestnut Street IHgh-gradc Ucvelepmg t'Mthine i'ntnrpemrnt Albums Calendar Frames Stercoptteem r f . 5 ki r Chestnut Cerner Twelfth L rmBUiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiinniinniitnn s s B s B a E S 6 E A QrtJtTLEMAff'J "Hie Saddlers Belt is distinctive, made of the high- ju ii'jw est-grade English riding bridle $2.00 leather, one solid thickness, no stitch ing, wetter leatner cannot De naa. it is a belt for the man who discrimi nates in the choice of his apparel. A Complete Set of 3 Belts one of each color, black, tan and cordovan, suitable te wear in the different seasons. Nlfflr bexrd fr prriratatten ar peitwt. Hall eritf pnmwtir executed. MARTIN & MARTIN, Inc. 1713 Chattnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Makcri anil Importer ! EnftUh Huatlnt Stddltrr Londen f. 101 Ytmf Nr Y.rk Lfe GIFTS Chiffen Silk Hosiery 1.95 Regularly 2J95 Taken from regular stock nnd reduced. All perfect. Of Rold, silver, Riin mctnl, bronze and black. fill! liieiiL?lnri1 BSffldli'li till lce trimmed some hand mftcte. En velepc chemises, Night Gowns, Step ins, Sets, NcgHgees, etc 2.95 te 52.50 f.lrfvl5 n Chestnut Cerner Twelfth Envelope Chemises 2.95; Special Of heavy crepe de chine and radium, plain tailored and trimmed some with real lace motifs. Sweaters, 5.00 Values te 12M Of newest styles. Slip-ever and tux edo effects. In smart, nlain colors, navaje and checks. Corduroy Robes Special, 5.95 Breakfast coat and robe effects. Geed quality. In cherry, rose, purple, cepen. Fur Trimmed and Plain Coats Fsrstsrts up. ie ?5M 49 M Credit) Ne Exchange fib t. 6. b.'s The winter's most desirable style in straight line, bloused and draped. Of panvelaine, fashone, arabella and belivia. Most of them trimmed with beaver, wolf, caracul and opossum. Fur Reduction Sale Unrestricted Choice of Entire Stock 25 Off Reductions Made at Time of Purchase Exquisite Slippers for the Holiday AISLEY cloth silver brocade or cloth P designs. of silver. Regent pumps or new strap They've never been quite se pretty. m te r,v . , &( Stocks PrMit box Mi mill a htm i the fast hour Mopping An Debt quality, full fashioned black and colors, $1.95 3 pairs, special $5.50. Smartly designed sport 'stockings of silk and wool at $1.25 and $2.00. Chiffen Gun Metal and Novelties, $2.35 te $2.95. Boudoir Slippers QUILTED Satin in Black, Rese and Copen hagen Blue, $2.50. Boudoir Mules in Black Sateen, Silver Cleth and Chiffen, $4.00. Dorseys in Bl-ack Satin, Lavender trimmed, Brocades or en Rese Satin, $6J0. - Harpers '22s market Weflcver 1022 CHESTNUT SHOPS lirVj rA ALSO SOLD BY SrrawhrlrtBa & Clothier, Wm. H. Wnnamafcer. Wtn. Hepkins Ce., Hewkt-r A Unwrker. W liter '!. 3ckcr, Ofe. MamhHll. A. Q. Spalding & Rre. BUylecl: & Ulynn A.h lr "THE SADDLER'S BELV A Radcn (tmde mark) lumped en avery or cfee (i. X rV --y efiT-tT- J2 -wz m "v"'' Van Dusen and Stokes Ce. JEWELERS t 1123 CHESTNUT ST. Flexible Bracelets 1 1 . I w I e i I GREEN COLD CHASED SEC TIONS LOOSELY LINKED ALTERNATING CHASED SEC TIONS OF GREEN GOLD AND PLATINUM OVERLAY CHASED PLATINUM OVERLAY SECTIONS OF ODD PATTERNS GOLD WITH BLACK ENAM ELED STRIPING PLAIN AND WITH DIAMONDS GREEN GOLD OF CLOSE FLEX IBLE BLOCKS SOME OF PIERCED DESIGN SET WITH AMETHYSTS TOURMALINES SAPPHIRES DIAMONDS CHASED PLATINUM OVERLAY BLOCK EFFECT WITH NO STONES PLATINUM OVERLAY, PIERCED AND SOLID WITH DIAMONDS ND SAPPHIRES AND ALL DIA. MOND COMBINATION ENTIRELY OF PLATINUM WITH CONTINUOUS DIAMOND SEC TIONS OF PLATINUM WITH DIAMOND AND SAPPHIRES $11 '32- L& $22 '78 '55- '115 '50 '100- '375 '875'2500 '1000-'3200 GIFTS OF DIAMOND AND PLATINUM JEWELRY RINGS BAR PINS WRIST WATCHES LORGNETTES BROOCHES CUFF LINKS SCARF PINS DRESS SETS STUDS EVENING CHAINS y r u HUDSON ESSEX Prices Reduced $100 te $200 HUDSON ESSEX SPEEDSTER $1425 PHAETON-7 Pass . . 1475 COACH 1525 SEDAN 2095 TOURING $1045 CABRIOLET 1145 COACH 1145 FREIGHT AND WAR TAX EXTRA GOMERY SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. Sales Roem, 128-140 North Bread Service Station 2400-14 Market St. I -x-g ZZDp-L yiykiy,y tr' w