fi ".te".. ."Miw.a'TBmnmmmmBii BSftI7 wA7,rcrcimy'f t '" " VT" rvjrf v " : ,.' ' I' ' EVENING f PtTtelO LEDttEH-PHlLADPHIAr' WEDNESDAY, DEOEMBEll 20, 1924 f J "'I WTffi"?? 4KWMJMiM..'M l " ' '? w nrffan and Christmas Carels u at 9 and 5:15 ChtmM Bd OrM 'QnnrUtl at Nen Even the Frem the writings of The Founder Christmas Memery The Christmas spirit is ringing the deer bell of every heart, as a signal that it is the time te play the "Just be Glad" game of Pollyanna, who began te play it as a little child and played it through the years of beautiful womanhood without ever growing old. There is truly such a thing as keeping the,heart nnwrinkled. It is by being hopeful, cheerful, kindly, reverent and thankful. The small boy who described memory as "the thing you forget with" was only a small boy. A full-grown man knows hew te remember and whom te remember. Signed' jfftSr -A tajffSaEgF?" w f a. Silks Are a Glorious Gift AND they are se particularly lovely this Christmas. Rich velvets in evening shades dainty new foulards and printed crepes and radiums and the beautiful black silk and satin crepes these are going into gift boxes faster than any ether kinds. Ne better place te cheese them. (Ilrt Christmas Stockings Are Going te Be Filled With Wanamaker Stockings The Quaintest Taffeta Frecks Come for Yeung nnHERE'S something JL mere than a hint in the Early Victorian fashions whicli they se plainly represent. It is a strong indication of the tendency for Spring. Straight, tight little bodices with round necks, often finished with a bolster roll and perhaps a chemisette of net or lace. The skirts are bouffant, (Second Women's Dance Frecks Charming and Inexpensive ONLY $33 te $40, but the daintiest things imaginable with love ly pastel colorings and picturesque styles. Seme are of soft satin, some of chiffon and silver cloth, ethers of radium (I'lrat These Who Are Going Seuth After Christmas will find a valuable service in the Women's Custom Tailoring md Dressmaking Bureau. New designs for gowns, wraps and sports apparel, and the most fnbhienablc materials for later Winter wear under southern (Nrtend Give Her a Silk Gverbleuse Preferably te match her tai lored Miit, though many women turn a separate skirt into a gev.'n by topping it with one of these pretty hip-length blouses. A particularly geed collection (Third Pink Satin Corsets Dainty and Gift-Like Mui.v Mimien lllui te kIve Uivm t'i oilier umncn bucaunn tliey tue ahweti i much nnprei'luteu. in the jfi,0(j i,. itu are uirea rmiii . ene (i KlrllQ ut ?3 and two vvlut line enrels t J4 cadi. (Third Fleer) The Daintiest Slippers, $2.75 te $15 MILTED satin slip 1 pers with soft padded " soles or leather soles imd low heels, $2.7r. ' Kimene colors and black. Quilted satin mules and d'Orsay slippers, with leather soles and satin covered low French hcels, (rirnl WANAMAKER'S Bustle and Hustle of the QMJfmmfc. Meer) Women with innings, narrow velvet ribbon or wide puttings with cerding3. And, te complete the picture, for they de leek like a picture, there is a basket of gay fruit or flowers with long ribbon btreamcrs. In black, Paris brown or navy taf feta for young women of 14, 16 and 18 years, $55 and $08. l'loer) and Canten cicpe, and they all have the most delightful fluffy skirts and bodices and flying draperies. Lets of people are buy ing them for Christmas gifts. rioer) skies, arc ready for inspection and choice. The same moderate prices pre vail that have helped te make the Custom Tailoring Bureau famous. Dresses te measure, including materials and making, from $26 upward. Fleer) of braided and embroidered crepe de chine ovcrbleuscs in suit col orings blues, black, brown and cocoa at $10.85 te $18.50. Leng or short sleeves, and high or cellarlcss necks. Fleer) Corduroy for Negligees, $1 a Yard Surprli.l:iff hew many jiuople aiu kivltiu several ynnli) of lovely colored orilurej h ier iiCKllKec-makliiir. All the bright and dellcate shades, u a well as dark colors. SC Inches wide. (Flrt Fleer) Satin Boudoir $4 and $4.25. Kimene colors and black. Eur-topped qui 1 ted satin Juliets, leather sole and covered heel, $5. Pink, blue, black. Satin, brocade and hand-embroidered mules in black nnd varied colors, $9 te $10. rioer) Store Opens at 9 ) Boudoir Silver Suggests Geed Gifts I! F the set is only just .gifts are the brush, comb and mirror, if one doesn't want te buy the entire set at once. Later the smaller pieces may be added. The great variety of beautiful patterns, means prices that everybody likes. Hair Brushes ..$12.50 te $29 Mirrors $17 te $38 Combs $5 te (8 Cleth Brushes. . . . 9.50 te $22 Hat Brushes $4 te $16 (Main Fleer) A Nete Frem the Oriental Stere Just received A string of oval aqua-marine beads at $50. , Anether, somewhat longer, of rese quartz with crystal roundels, $38.50. A string of lovely pink tour malines at $285. Many ether exquisite personal ernamenls of jade, lapis, topaz, coral are te be seen in the cases. (Main Fleer) Barometers Everybody talks about the weather wet or dry, het or cold; and a barometer gives one some basis te go upon. Prices in the Optical Goods Stere are $7.50 te $50. Thermometers, 50c te $23. (Main Gallery) NOWHERE in the world is there such variety thousands of kinds and net a wanted one emitted. And nowhere are there better stockings, for the best are gathered from the four corners of the earth. Fer men, women and children it's a veritable hosier feast, and what wonderful gifts they are! Stockings for Women Half Hese and Gelf Stock Stock Stock Cotten, 40c te $3.00 a pair. -,0 Weel, from $1.25 with a little ,ngs Ier iien cotton mixed in, te tine British Cotten, 25c te $3.30 a pair. bpert wool hose at $15.00 a pair. Weel, 50c with a little cotton Stockings for Children Cotten, 25c te $2.00 a pair. Weel, 75c with a little cotton mixed in. te $5.00 for line all wool. Silk, 90c te $3.30 a pair. These Special lets will afford quick cheesing and save money. Fer Women $1.00 black, white and colored, cotton top silk stockings, slightly imperfect. $1.50 black, white and colored silk stockings, silk te the top, slightly imperfect, $1.75 black and colored silk stockings, silk te the top, perfect goods. Fer Children 75c for beautiful silk socks. (rirat Fleer) Little Beys' Rubber Storm Beets Special at $2.50 A well-known make of high rubber storm beet, fastening above the knee. In dull finish, like grown-up beets. - Sizes 11 te 13 only at this special price. (Flrit Fleer) w 1,jf3BBBflBriB T?ATHER'S big strong hands, Mether's dear F and gentle ones, the dimpled hands of child hood, the hands that are dearest te you in all the. world, the hands that serve you best whatever else you give them, be sure te Give Them Gloves Warm gloves for driving and street, line gloves for dress wear the best of every kind is here. Priced $1 te $16.50 a pair for men's or women's; (Main A Versatile Electric Steve Cooks Griddle Cakes or Waffles in fact, it will even cook a chop, peach an egg or toast a piece of bread, if properly consulted. It's the best electric stove we knew nbeut. $10.50. A 0-rent cift for bachelor girl and for all households. Other Geed titer Geed Electrical iiins: Teattei'i. ' t l'rceltur, 10 te VMMtater wti. IM.60 te M1.S0 Oliinn dlilie". Sile" le Stewi, S1.20 ' . drills, i3.e i" . t fourth Give Mether a Canary for Christmas Mothers are se hard te buy for, for they always say they don't want anything. But a golden feathered songster from the llara Mountains may be the very thing that will please most. $4.75. A wonderful assortment of bird cages, tee, (Fourth rioer) WANAMAKER'S starting, the usual TON'T forget, as the JLM Ume shortens, that books are almost always a safe choice, for any body from three years old te ninety, (Main Fleer) Semething: Warm . for the Baby Baby Buntings act as both coat and cap. In soft warm eiderdown they are priced $5. In silk, wool lined, $6, $7 and $S. Quilts for crib or bassinet, in cotton and wool, covered with silk, sateen and satin, $3.75 te $12.75. Cozy wrappers from Japan in quilted silk, $4.75 te $7.60. (Third rioer) mixed in, te $8.50 a pair for fine all wool. Silk, 60c te $10.00 a pair. Weel golf stockings, $2.50 te $12.00 a pair. Half Hese for Men Three lets of splendid silk half hose in black, white and colors; slightly imperfect 50c, 75c and $1.00 a pair. $1.15 for English ribbed arti ficial sllk-nnd-woel half hose, per fect goods. $1.25 for plain and dropped stitch sllk-and-woel, silk clocked, half hose, perfect goods. (Muln Fleer) 76c te $3.50 for children's. N. B. Women's and chil dren's luxurious all-fur gloves, new $4 te $45 a pair. l'loer) CurUnc Iren, I3.7S te $.;ii Kmerilen heater, 85. ia Keating paila, 10 Hair drjrem, I4.50 rreielnt Ireue, SS.75 te ; se 1 iniutnn, one te 97.90 Fleer) Several Yards of Checked Suiting makes a nice gift for the school girl who needs a dress, or the young woman who wants a smart skirt te wear with sweaters. Pretty plaids and checks in blues, greens, browns and ether tones. ,. HKh9lg!,t wee,1? smooth llnish, 38 inches wide, and $1,50 the yard. jf (rir.t l'loer) Stere Last Week Finds and Comfortable The Christmas Piane May Yet Be Chesen AND you may still be sure of having it in your home for Christmas morning. But the hours are lessening, and It is net wise te delay. It may cost anywhere between $385 and $3500, according te the make and model you cheese. One thing you may be sure of. Yeu will never regret your choice if it is one of these splendid instruments The Chickering The Lindeman The Schemacker The Haines Brethers The Emersen The Marshall & Wendell or the Celebrated Knabe- There are no better pianos anywhere, whether in upright, grand or player form. As for The Marvelous Ampice it is the acknowledged king of reproducing pianos, the preferred instrument of famous musicians. Convenient terms and immediate deliver' en all. . (Second l'loer) Candlesticks and Bridge Lamps Candlesticks are of solid and imitation mahogany, of brass, pottery and glnss, and may be had for 45c te $G0 each. Bridge lamps are of brass, (Fourth Music Gifts That Will Be Appreciated The American Heme Music Album is a collection of Ihe world's best piano pieces and songs. Bound in green cloth, it is priced $5. The Masterpieces of piano music, cloth bound, $2. Heart Songs are in a red-bound volume, $0, while another edition, in green cloth, $2. (Second Fleer) Fashionable Handbags te Every Weman's Taste SMART leather hand bags which best an swer for shopping and women w h e commute every day. Large roomy handbags that held almost enough for an overnight visit. Pretty duvetyn, silk (Main Candy Toys 40c a Pound Clear red and yellow all kinds of toys! Seme needs must go into the stocking, and there always must be candy toys at Christmas! Many Special Bexes for Christmas and jars, gay red favors and in teresting candy holders abound in the Candy Store. At $3.50 there is a three-pound box (a pretty red nnd white round box) or chocolates, cara mels and asserted crisp candies, tied with a full rosette of ribbon. (Down Htalra Stere) A Dinner Set Is a Real Family Gift CHOOSE here from unsur passed selections, includ ing many groups of de sirable sets at special prices. 106-piece sets of fine Ameri can semi-china in handsome border decorations at $35. Imported china dinner sets of 10b' pieces in lhe beautif'tl new decorutieiis, specially priced $50. Imported china dinner sets of 106 pieces in coin-geld dec orations with coin-geld han dles. $75. Finest French china dinner sets from Limoges, in two beautiful border decorutiens with geld edges and matt coin coin geld handles, one-third less than prevailing value at $185. A wonderful display of fine imported service plates in hundreds of hnndsemc and exquisite decorations at S3,r te $300 a dozen. (Fourth l'loer) Closes at 5:30 weed and composition, finished in geld, silver, black and poly chrome, $17.50 te $200 each. Shades, $17.50 te $100. Fleer) and velvet bags for cell ing and the matinee. They are all here in hundreds of dlfFerent styles, mero than ever bc bc bc fore at Christmas, nnd the prices are mero moderate than for many years, ?5 te $18. rioer) The Best Vacuum Cleaners Made Are Right Here you can examine the best standard makes, com pare them side by side and determine which is best suited te your needs. A geed vacuum cleaner net only cleans carpets and rugs, but is perfect for renovating upholstered furniture, Winter draperies, sofa cushions, mattresses, pillows, etc. Without doubt an electric vacuum cleaner is the greatest single saver of household labor that has been invented. Royal electric vacuum cleaners, $55. n King electric suction cleaners. (Fourth . I'.'.'iL'i.ri.tL-'.' SKsaiVfiasrisiw rsa u-;ir- .. '- i-""- - Kjflfc J " Vfl-MiW "-2C, Sj f v-m JstSfStSsS"' .'I ' e LAKa A Cape Colony Weel-Blanket With Warmest Wishes FOR seasenablcness and service, what could be u better gift for a home? Eche answere, what ? Cape Colony wool is u long, strong, warm staple, and these blankets are of pure Cape Colony wool, warp and weft. They are constructed en the best principle known (SUth TkM ANY a lovely vase is turned into an electric lamp by J-rl. simply using one of these cleverly contrived adapters. Fer a two-light vase lamp, $4.50. Fer a candlestick, $150. i . (Fourth Ttoe) WANAMAKER'S Cheesing Plentiful at Wanamaker's "The Mere the Merrier" Applies te Bracelets Some pretty sterling silver bracelets for girls have just come in te make most welceme gifts. The tops are engraved nnd there are various sizes, $1.J5, $1.75 and $2 each. (Mnin Fleer) fy AY BERRY candles, - a pair in a holly box, only 20c. (Fourth Fleer) Plenty of Fine Umbrellas All sorts of handles, all the popular colors ana at prices running from $7.50 te 125. These, of course, are the prices of the Hner slllcn: thera Is a tjoed collection of umbrellas for a Hute IB $5. (Main Fleer) Thousands of Ties Came Beld, colorful college striped, regimental stripes, thinner stripes clear down te thi hairlines are side by side with all-ever effects unu small figure;. (Main Everyone Who Sports Outdoors Knows the Comfert of Rubber Beets Especially men and boys and surely they will welcome them among their Christmas boxes. Especially the big, comfort able wearable kind that come from Wanamaker's. Men's beets short, ?4.25: (Mala Givable Shirts That Are Wearable, Toe Every out-and-out business man would cheese woven madras bhirts for day-after-day wear. They might be striped nnd they might have lets of color in them, or they might be rather plain but above all they will be of (Main Men's Brushed Beaver Hats Are Going Inte Christmas Bexes Much in demand as gifts, for the brushed beaver is a hat ex traordinary for the man whose liking leans toward unusual thing. They are made of the undyed (Main Here Superb Junier, $57.50. Cadillac Special. $50. m" j had Ter rh ai hmall additional cost. Fleer) sUF5 in blanket weaving, the warp thread and the weft thread being of the sumo weight, se that ene blanket weighs nlmest as iiuich k un ordinary pair, but costs much less $10 each. Sire, 72x84 inches, sold in Philadelphia enlv at Wanamaker's. In white and in several plaid designs. l'loer) WEATHER Increasing Cloudiness "Seventh Fleer" said the elevator operator. "Toys!" , Exclaimed the Children WHAT glee in their tones! They were te see the great Wanamaker Tey Stere they were te talk te Santa, himself! What happiness! The grown-ups were mere concerned with the necessarily hurried last minute selection of toys. Would the assortment be depleted, would they be able te find what they wanted? The answer te that is that new supplies will be coming in up te the very Christmas Saturday all Wanamaker quality, with Wanamaker service. New Christmas Just in Time Celers galore, patterns galore Christmas tics every en, through and threuch. Priced $1. Other givable ties arc here at 05 cents, 81.50, $2 $2.50 and en up te $3.50. Fleer) knee, $5.25; thigh. $6.23. Beys' beets, $4.25. If net beets, surely storm arctics are a gift thought. Men's enc-buckli arctics, $2.75; four-buckle. $4.15. Beys' four feur bucklc arctics, $4. rioer) geed woven madras, cut ever the Wanamaker full form te make then) free and comfortable, and the colors will be fast. Priced $2, $2.50 and $3 each and half a dozen can be put in a Christmas be:; in a jiffy. Fleer) natural fur in three tints, ob tained by taking the fur from different parts of the animal. Snmrt-loeking light-color hats, mere than ever in demand because of the fashion for light ulsters. rnce $ie. Fleer) Bureau Scarfs h rfn In three i lze.-i rer bureaus, liessijK tabic.". bIJe tables iuid chlf chlf lenlcrs. w niftv haw tlifin entirely of (; or with cotton rentprs and lace rlmrnlru;, Ptj(vn 50c upwards in 'be Whltn Heeds Pter.'. (llrnt l'loer) Gift Rugs All the Way Frem Hamadan OMENTAL ruts possess a gilt-like quality peculiar te themsclc;. The) are net mere token". tluv are things of real alue, and they can be real treasures. "Of the thousands of weaves from al the rur lands of the East wiiich combine te make this Oriental IJug Stere a place of marvelous color and peculiar beauty, every ene is n gift of real worth. If you want te give some semo somo bedy a magnificent Saruk or an exquisite Kermanshah the cheice is truly beautiful. Hut If you hinc in mind something of a less costly kind, there are small piece? in won wen derful selection, the newest ar rivals being Hamadans, geed, serviceable pieces in various irombinatiens of blue, red, ecru und suit green tones. Sizes are approximately 2.0x1.0 te 3x3 ft., und prices are moderate, $22, $23 nnd $tt. Oaicntii rioer) 4L i.'H-H ,A .