Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 20, 1922, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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i'V" vf-
if' TJ,
- 'fc f
20, 1922
Men and Women Leaders Pre
meting Rejuvenation Move
ment In State
vote for patrenncp
EnmnrnRpil '? t,",,r 'nf,rcai.''(l retire retire
wntntlen !n the Stnte LestHiiturc.
which ronvenea In tilcnninl ecraien next
-n, rvmnrrntle men nml women
leaders nre new r-ngnitr-il In promoting'
threiiRlmiit the Commenwcnltli n re
juvenation movement whleh nlim nt
maktnc their linrty n renl force In the
polities of IVnnsylvnnln.
In recent session the pnrty hns hnil
only n hnndful of lcRlstnters in Hnrri.s
burg. This time they will Imvc forty
one members of the Heuse nml six mora mera
fars of the Scnnte, nml the mnjerl y et
these enn be counted en te co-npernte
in the constructive movement which, has
ken lnurichcd under the nuspiccf) of
Austen B. McChIIeubIi, State chair
man, nnd Mrs. Clarence Itcnxhaw, the
tlce elifllrtnnn.
The plan which In belnR pushed and
vhich win Itrst mnpped out Iri n recent
meeting in IlnrrUbiir;? Is e rcpr.-ent
the constructive point of view of the
l)moerats se Impressively throuheul
the session of the LcgMnture Hint the
wr.y muy I'070 Stealer ''"I'1'1? of ,RUfic''!
In future local elections nnd in the 1021
i residential imnpnlsn. .,,:.,
' t .Mu i.nd It is nronescd that the
IX-mecrntlc delegation In the (iencrnl
jtaembly, e far an possible, shall net
tinltA.t lit 4ltM I
. ...-..... w., ........ ,a ... ..
Brace or the uepubllcnr. orgnnlzntlen.
Wntmtti Inmlitra nv. tin,liiliidv IiIiIai.
against these "twin evils."
Hits Trading Test
In tlin InntMintr.i nf Mr. Dnnatintv.
asseciates: "We wnnt te Match these
ltji representation. If we win our efflcp.i i
hi me pens nier.e, men we can lie a
rcei party nnu net n trailing pest,"
I llufl.ldlil. ,I.A hmml I.I I I . 1 am .. 1 l
uiet.im.'viiH mi; I'l'niuiuura ler wie
Democratic Pnrty, former Ambassador
.unrriH sawi: iiie uvkmxe ruiiue
T.lnnlrn mlltnrlnl tnrtnlt.1 fiittA.I
upon one of the most vltnl problems
In Pennsylvania polities, The great
truth is that Pennsylvania Iras suf
fered from the absence of the two
.party syrtem. We believe that with
the shifting "sentiment' new going en
In the country nt large, that l'cnnsyl-
tiiuiu n yi'iii,,:iui: m iiuuiu it, enter
upon one of the must brilliant chnptcrs
of Its history."
Affa If Mtlutintt tlin lrA 1. n t m h
....- ..- ,(; HV 11.111 ll,,
said that, although the party had lest
the State of Pennsylvania In the re
cent election, it nail "wen netnblc vic
teries an ever mc country .Airs, lien
shaw added that the "spirit of Demo
crats was undaunted" and that they
were making "rendy for future vic
tories." Mrs. Marie A. O'Connell, of the
Democratic State Committee t.nld "we
have nil pledged ourselves te heep up
the work we have begun until we have
a complete organization of renl Demo
crats." Philadelphia Democratic women, sup
porting Mr. Merris in his view of the
Kvi:nike 1'um.iu JjinxiKit editorial
and of the prospects for the pnrty, an-
iiuuiii'ru nun mi'. itiHim ut- ciinsinuiiy
artwork te build up a militant min
ority party as n step toward greater
us n unit in support ei mi sxi ieiiiu-
Jieu, no inr t.-.r whrftlieni ,"'A'l!i;'7i fi
he DrrHf.AAb or Wmjidleiiii'KVtlw'
Sir Om t ? 'ell'itr htleiist.i It' It
' fhc fiemecratlc delegation will tnt
In caucus from time te time throueh threueh throueh
eut the 6essien, ns the occasion arises,
for the purpose of agreeing en con
certed aetien. Further, the Democrats,
importance in the polities of city tint
State. They fiaid they would held fre
quent meetings aim invnp prominent
speakers. In this connection it was
learned that Miss Mary Archer, of
Heading, Democratic national commit-
tecwemnn, was arranging with the
Dcmecritlc National Committee te
unvivilv ,llet tficMlttiliml titi.l Infficmttii,
speakers for any Demecrntlc meetings.
Among the Philadelphia women who are
working in tiic interests et a mighty
Car In Which They Were Riding
Rammed by Anether en Parkway
Five men were injured when the auto
M M.l.lMt lin WApa tlfllnv wna ntrnrk
and overturned by Anether car en the i
l'nrkwny nt nc i;iiy nun gui-eu
early today. The Inlurcd were: Max
HnlmevlU, thirty-eight, of 3027 North
Eighteenth street; Maurice Pelar, thirty-eight,
of 1IHJ4 North Thirty-flrst
street; S. Sheycr, forty-one, of B321
North Mcrvine street; jesnun januew,
thirty-eight, of 1)25 Wyoming nvenuc,
nnd Solemon Leyner, thirty -seven, of
2535 Douglass street.
According te the police, the nnte was
driven by Max Soletnnn, of 4fM7 War-
. -fc..nfr tvhnti If tvn. .frulr titt n
inr driven by rnsquale Oibbcrte, of
810 Seuth unrien street, oeiomon was
net hurt.
The Injured were taken te Hahne
mann IJespItni.
, 9 i
Phllment Country Club Will Have
Annual Meeting Tonight
ment Country Club will he conducted nt
a meeting In the Mercantile Cla'
rooms. Ilmnd street above Master, thit.
evening. Kills A. Glmbel, president of
the club, has been reneminated nnd
will be elected again for the seventh
cnr in succession. The ether nominees
lire: Vice president, Ucnjnmln J. Was
herman; treasurer, my it. went?; secre
tary, .niltus . tvcyi; uirecier.s te serve
tlircc years, niuiivjr J. iuu, jny r.
chnmlicrg, Henry Streusc, Iley A.
Ileymann. .T. Soils-Cehen. Jr., Ixiuis
Wolf nnd Harry O. Sundbclm.
A dinner nt which will lie 200 mem
bers of the club will precede the meet
ing. Edward W. Ilek will be the guest
of honor.
1198 Chestnut St&
Cozy and attractive
with geed cooking.
Prices Quite Moderate
-j '
rEstey Service-!
is as Bupreme in I
Demecuic.' ii.e 3"n Eqwnnl G. ale-
n. ti ia In Plnnes. Players. Re-
producing Planea nnd Organs
.niftTruiruT rmMH ABBANOCD
SaaEstey Hall, 17th & Walnut
Victer Records
All Diiptayd en
Street fleer
Convenient nnd Ce
Demonstration I
Free Truck DeUv
Within 75
The "lovely Utile liluwyerl cr'ftium" nY
rii tht reclplfnt of Mark Twain's bnylioe
nff'cUern In i ei-faeM Ijdy who an'
llvrji In Hannibal, Me. The heroine of
"Tem Rnwvar" tl(s nf hrr lrlinn frlnrt.
n Hie MiKazlne Portion of lh Cundav Pel-
- " -! tf a lihlt " 4 if ii.
yr i
Comfortable I
i Parlors I
iUlea I
te sivc point te heir plans, will present
- ,n,iifintn for Sneaker. Kcnrecntntlvc
WiUnn Q. Sarig. of Uerks County.
n...KAnnfnflrA CMmrlivq Al. Hewell.
t Lantaster County, will probably be
chairman of the Democratic legislative
cnueus. As there is no chance that Mr.
ferlg will be chosen as Speaker, be
enuc of the overwhelming Itcpubllcnn
snnpert back of Iteprescntn i ive C. lay
Goodnough. of Cameren County, the
I'inehnt choice for Speaker, the Berks
County Dcme'-ratlc member will be the
Democratic noer icuuci u eum
c!fer the Demecrntlc point of view, rcr
jiwncnt hendquartcrs will alto be main
tained In HnrrJRburg.
Deme ratie leaders such as Reland
K Meirh', former Ambassador' te
il..n nnn tultli flip Rnlrlt of the I'lli-
terial published In lnht Monday's edition
mI the EvnstNO Public LnnciEit which
reinteil out that the "increase of Demo Deme
crntie members in the new Legislature
provides an obvious oppertur.l.'y for
revitalizing the minority party which
In thW State has 60 often failed te ex
fmplif' the check and balance theory
of government."
Aim fe Build Vp Party
It is the idea of the Democratic
.wi.ipri te make their party n real
inireiity party nnd en the basis of ll.nl.
nhie'i they hope te achieve In the
cemin-. -"winn of the I.egislnturc. build
up a inllitnt.t organization which inuy
fount mi vli-tery. Women leaders are
plavinj a brilliant part in this work.
Bueh of them ns Mrs. Kenshnw, the
Btnte vice chairman, declare that one
of their nbicts in the coming session
will hi te rid the party and the Stnte
of the "twin evils of bipartisanship
aul minority rcprcscntntlen."
By minority representation they
mean the svstcm by which the minority
imrtv has been mane te ucpenu en ine
Jtcpubll"nn Pnrty for appjintments.
This syNtcni In the past has led bi
partisan leaders te trade the Democratic
g" -
l.kxtahaliia hlkrll
M mWnj itaeaaw BaavaaanajaaHBa
Detaotratte City demtnlttea, dhtlMt-t
Ins the Evenwe Public LnnOEtt edi
torial, said that the local Democratic
. ..imfitlrt nnltr tinnrln1 A tiffin m.
ceurngement, such the increased
representation nt Harnsburg could sup
ply, te be put in a position te roll up
real returns.
It ,u mi fn nur tnomtiern nf Hnrrln.
burg," continued Chairman Lank, "te
mane geed anu merely mnne n genuine
appeal te the people of the State. If
our members in the Legislature will
net with force and chnrnctcr the party
j will be greatly benelitcd, nnd there-
I fore, of course, the Stnte will be bene-
,tcd. There is nothing the people like
I mere than real independence in their
nln.ttn.l runrnuntifntlvnil "
.aii..i . i.i.. ...... .... ,
State Chairman aicuuiieugirn npeeen
nt the recent gathering of Democratic
Legislators-elect In Hnrrisburg was in
close harmony with the spirit of the
Evi:ninii Puiilie LEDenn cdlterinl.
"The one big thing te my mind,"
snid the State chairman, "that the
Democratic legislators can de te build
up the Democratic I'arty nnu te mane
aaalvaBLB3 ajraf
The giving of thia labor-saving ap
pliance will make this holiday of
holidays, the most wonderful day
he ever experienced.
. F. Buchanan & Ce.
1715 Chestnut St.
Evenings for accommodation of
Our Customers
our party Eelld with the people of the
Ni-ntn in rn viirn iinv in nun uiiv mil
nn ininertniit issues as one solid block
lf1ittrtnnrtfi tiintnl-inru nt tllA T.PlilM
Inture ought te agree en n plan which
If carried out will give te the people
of the State honest, economical gov
ernment. There never was n time
since I have been n voter that th"
Democratic members of the Scnnte and
Heuse had n ehnnce te de se mucn ier
the people of Pennsylvania as they
have his time."
Additional Issue Is Over-Subscribed
Twenty-five Times
Trenten. Dec. 20. An nddltiennl
issue of $2,000,000 of series C A pel
x,in lirlilt'n nml tunnel linnils IsmiuiI hv
the Stnte was ever-subscribed twentv-
live times yesteni.ty. Tiie succcsstu
bidder was n New Yerk syndicate com
nosed of Dillen. Head & Ce.. Winthro
& Ce.. I'.nrr Brethers & Ce., and Keese
velt & Sen. The svi 'irntr. bid vn
102.007. a premium of $41,010.
Gertrude Athcrten, in The Literary Digest International
Review, writes about the new book by
"This book is charmingly written with all Miss Sinclair's
own personal sense of style. There is always the quality
of intellectuality in her work as well as moments of poign
ant feeling."
$2.00 at all bookstores or from
64-66 Fifth Avenue New Yerk
Your Piane
RE are displaying in our Art Warerooms a variety of beau-
tiful Matchless Cunningham Uprights, fianes. Urands
and Reproducing Pianos, ranging in price from $565.00
With our well-equipped service, we guarantee delivery,
before Christmas, of any instrument you may purchase.
11th and Chestnut Sts.
Open Evenings
(Factery: SOth and Parhtide Avenam)
W arm the Only Piane Manu
facturer in Penna. Fanxeat for
Selling from Factory te Heme
Christmas Music
ly tk Chorus
Te-morrow at 9:30 .A. M.
I The Heavens Arc Telling Haydn
II Rest, Weary1 Earth,
Arthur M. Goedhart
III While All Things Were in Quiet
Silence i,0'1?01", K,n,K
IV O Hely Babe A. C. Mackenzie
V Hnllelujnh Chorus .Handel
William S. Thunder nt the
Sohmer Grand Piane
Incidental Tableaux by Members
of the Stere Family
(Th abeve program will be breadcasted
through our Radie Station.)
1500 Pairs of Ingrain
Silk Stockings
Remarkable, $2.50
Fifteen hundred pairs of these greatly
favored Ingrain Silk Stocking, beautiful
studui liud gxoqlslte quality, with lnce
&hMi a Iflfia elactU in many different
ElMI IliiMflil ttH Mly IM Mii
Mr&iT Jr 73 itm tutu thit
make ft Stocking a thin et leauty, and
a highly desirable gift article.
The let includes black, tan, Cordovan
and ether wanted shades, in sizes 8V4 te
10, but te make sure of the Bize and
shade you want, come early 1500 pairs
of these Stockings at $2.50 a pair is an
event in ft season.
Firsts and seconds in the let, all greatly
under nrice. The seconds arc se slightly
irregulifc that we cannot find the imper
fections ourselves, and if perfect, they
would cost you double.
Straw bridge & Clothier Alle 4, Centra
Finest Bed Muslins
Fer Homemakers
And the engaged girl, preparing her
trousseau; tee, will be delighted with these
fine S. & C. Muslin Sheets and Pillow Cases.
Sterling Brand Muslin Pillow Cases,
hand-hemstitched, 45x38 inches, 95c each;
Sheets, 63x99 inches, $2.05, and 81x99
inches, $3.00 each.
Pillow Cases, with embroidered edges
$2.00 a pair.- ...... , .AU
Pillow Cases, beautifully trimmed with
lace, 45x36 inches 50c each.
Strawblldge & Clothier Aisles 12, Filbert fltreat
Blanket Bath Robes
A Special Greup
at $3.85
Beacon Blanket Bath
Robes, soft and warm, and
exceedingly pretty in their
many colorings. Trimmed
with satin ribbon as
sketched, and cord girdled
Special at $5j00
Such lovely Bath Robes
at this price you never
saw. Of Beacon blanket
cloth elaborately trimmed
with ribbon. Your choice
of pointed or shawl cellar
Morning Dresses of
Checked Gingham,
Leng-waisted and sashed, in vest effect,
with plain chambray celar. Lavender,
black, blue or brown checks from which
te cheese.
Third rioer, Filbert Street, Wet
Library Scarfs Make
Gifts for Everyone
Gifts that everyone sees and admires
constantly. Here in a great assortment
of designs and shades, of brocade damask,
tapestry, moquette vcleur, fibre silk and
ether wanted fabrics $2.50 te $13.50.
Red Cedar Chests Always Well
Received $22J75, $25 and $30
Especially well received when they come
from this Bterc. All are very strongly
made of beautifully grained, aromatic red
mountain cedar. Fitted with lock, key
nnd casters, they are dust- and damp
proof. Unusual at $22.75, $25.00 and
BtnwbrldfS 4 Clothier Third Fleer, Crati
Imported Embroidered
Cellars in Gift Bexes, 50c
Of fine ergandie and batiste, in white
nnd ecru, beautifully embroidered in sev
eral different patterns. Flat and Tuxedo
Imported Pure Silk
Scarfs $15.00 and $16.50
Our own direct importation. Black,
white, gray, nnvy blue. Many with white
stripes, some with two-color stripes.
Cellar-and-Cuff Sets,
Boxed, Special at 85c
Twe hundred sets of fine white and
ecru linene, with colored embroidered dots
and buttonhole-stitched edge.
t2gV-. Strawbrldf a Clothier Atala 11., Centra
Every Bey and Girl Wants Toys
Here's a Christmas Tey Stere
Full of the Best Toys and Dells
Santa Claus, tee, is in the Tey Stere, with a little book for every
boy and girl who comes te see him. And there are thousands of Toys
ready te select for the children in this Easy-to-Get-te Tey Stere. All kinds
. i tt .- X ilva.1 Bn4 ln4- itfnnr
te suit every need ana at every price, aasy te uuu ju&t wuui juu "uv
Lionel Electric Trains
at Special Prices
Train Sets that boys of all
ages like $6.25, $8.95, $14.50
and $20.75.
res' Electric Train
Sets, Special -$7.20
An Electric-type Locomo
tive, One Car, Track nnd a
Transformer, complete at
Weeden Trains, $3j00
Reduced mere than one
third and one-half. Gaily
pointed and Bturdily mndf-r
rMM0flpMf ffi70
fry totem) Ata
stylet wtli pUy rtetrds In
any size, special $8.75.
Dells, 14 te 30 inches
Under Price, $U0 te $5
Beautiful Dells, with the
curls, closing eyes nnd sweet
faces that every girl dreamy
of as her Christmas ueii.
These are wonderful, but a
delayed shipment is responsi
ble for the lowered prices
new $1.50 te f 5.00.
Dells' Beds, $2.50
White - enamel Bedsteads
inrrre pneuffh for 14-inch
Dells. Complete with mat
tress, reduced te $2.50.
DttlW f il Em BMi
L'l fcrtiikl
ready te let
HMted readr te lene-
60c and $1.5
Cooking Sets, Special
$1J00 and $2.00
Aluminum Cooking Sets,
nrncticnl size for little Jtirls.
4 pieces, $1.00; 8 pieces 82.
Quaint Teddy Bears
new $1.65 and $3.75
The dearest little faces!
Hew children will love them!
Magic Lanterns New
at Lewer Prices
Magic Lanterns, all with
glass slides, arc sharply re
duced new $1.00, $2.25
$3.50 and $6.00.
nf tialt Prtei
MltSluSt ttMal MddMd and
Dtiaiea reaay ier yuunuBiers
te ride new $6.90 te $13.l30.
fltriwbrldga A Clothier Basement, West
FOR the seven ages of man SHppers. Frem
Bootees for the baby, te "cemfys" for grandpas
fireside hours. Fer women dainty Boudoir
Slippers, Satin Mules, Chinese Slippers with all their riotous colorings,
fur-topped felt Slippers all kinds ler guts.
Elshth nnd FUbm Streeta
Try S. & C. Special
Housekeepers' Corsets
Don't forget your figure in the rush and
hurry of Holiday festivities. Make a pres
ent te yourself of one of these sturdy, well
fitting, symmetrical Corsets that are a3 well
known for comfort as for durability.
Medels here for all figures $1.50 te $8.00.
Brassieres in Gift Bexes
Ready te Give, 75c te $8.00
JtrawbrldBO ft Clelhlei Third Fleer, Market St. V.'aai
Warm Sweaters and
Leggings for Kiddies
Snug, warm Sweaters, $3.50 te $8.50.
Leather Leggings, $3.50 te $6.00. Cordu
roy Leggings at $2.50.
Straw bridge, ft Clothier Aisle a, Market Street
Brushed Weel Scarfs
$2.35 and $2.85
One hundred Brushed Weel Scarfs in
geed shades with border striped in con
trasting colors; all fringed. Twe sizes, for
women and children.
Htrawbrldge & Clothier, Able 11, Market Street
J 1 The finest of French Kid Gloves, all lengths ; shades,
I y(OIblack and white. Strap-wrist Street Gloves, Gaunt-V-f
flWJet3( ijne(j Qieve3f Metering Gloves, Washable Saxen
Fabric Gloves sold here exclusively in Philadelphia; Gloves of all kinds
for men, WOmen and Children . (jj. strawbrldgc & Clothier Aisles 12 and 13, Market Street
"Oh Yes! I'll Give Her
An Attractive Rug
And I'll get it at Strawbridge &
Clothier's, where I knew the assortment is
large and the prices are moderate."
AXMINSTER RUGS: 27x54 inches
4.25 te $5.75; 36x70 $6.75 te $9.75.
ROYAL WILTON RUGS: 27x54 inches
$9.00 te $9.75; 36x63 inches $15 te
inclies $13.00 te $14.00; 36x63 inches
$20.25 te $22.00.
10.6 feet $39.60 and $45.00; 9x12 feet
$42.50 and $47.50.
RUGS: 10.6x18 and 11.3x18 feet $210.00;
10.6x20 and 11.3x20 feet $230.00.
Strawbrldie ft Clothier Fourth Fleer, West
Handkerchiefs Yeu
Will Like te Give
Delightful cheesing among these up te
the last minute. Nothing lends itself te
variety like Handkerchiefs the time
honored gift.
Fer Women
Linen Handkerchiefs, made in Lurgan.
Initial neatly embroidered in corner 6 for
Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, hnnd-em-breidered
in Ireland, in dainty white or
colored effects 3 for $1.00.
Fer Men
Linen Handkerchiefs, woven cord bor
ders in white or colors 3 for $1.25.
Pyramid Handkerchiefs, white or col
ored borders 3 for $1.50.
Atile 0, Centre; and Aide IS, Market Street
Special Gift Bexes and many special values in the
Candy Stere, including five-pound boxes of Candy,
freshlv naeked in helidnv bnxpa nnrl .ifrrrnoHvelv
tied; creams, nut-tops, caramels, glace pineapple, nut-filled nougat the
most ueiicieus Kinua ?i.au.
SK - StrawbrMgi & Clothier Ilaiement
New Silk Blouses at
About Wholesale Prices
$7.50 $8J5 $10.00
The remainder of n purchase, in which
every Blouse is a beauty the most artistic
Blouses in many a day, and just in time for
theso who desire te give something unusual
for Christmas.
Crepe dc chine, crepe de chine combined
with dyed lace, crcpe de chine with metal
laces, brocaded velvets, vclvet-and-lace,
combinations of crepe de chine in contrast
ing colors and some Paisley crepe combina
tions. Levely new shades bobolink, bar
berry, muffin, navy blue and brown.
Strawbrldie ft Clothier Second Fleer, Centra
Hand-Made Blouses
Special at $2.00
Peter Pan Dimity Blouses, with the
dainty hand-needlework that always char
acterizes these hand-mnde Blouses seme
with the addition of Irish picot edging.
Alse Batiste Blouses in vest effect or with
the V-shape neck, at $2.00.
Special at $3.00
Hand-made Batiste Blouses in vest
effects, with very elaborate hand-work nnd
trimmed with wide filet lace. Alse Dimity
Blouses in Peter Pan nnd Tuxedo styles,
t'labernte with hand-work and fine lace edg-ingST-$3.00.
Btrawbrldge ft Clothier Second Fleer, Centre
The gift de luxe the enduring token of affection.
Pearl Bead Necklaces, Watches, Earrings, Brace
lets, Bead Chains, Combs, Cuff Links, Cigarette
Cases and Helders, and innumerable ether gift articles for all ages, in the
Jewelry Stere.
mrawbrldge ft Clothier Alale. 8, 0 and 10, Markttt Si,