$F'' " 0 te' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER SM PHffilftELPHIA:'; WEDNESDAY,- DECEMBER-' 20:r 1922 . '. i R'sX '. A s vi 'A' ' ilF'rTf-";-'";'; ?'Vr -rrrn'--T :T?fwcj;rrJ ?.; -if n'-' ' v :u? IPj v v.v;! u?'. " tw in f ' ','L -,''') "!.'!,' v i.1, ii,' ,;",,'i, ?-H t ? , vj" ' '"'-lii' ti '-", tfi-aisiLlv V,i-jv,': ii -'?! bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI -t 'i ! t': I ' J i v' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbR ' bbbbbbbH 'SPPaBBBKBBB? tjObbiJ w& Hf ' &B Klilfi ,'a. ,?: - 4 4'4J x'B ' (nil t.J' .T u) .s ....." L u.T'i t.-J -. 5 '' J S aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl i .bbbbbbbMUV. . --aci . , . v. - '.-. esranH m i i i' 4 ?ikffl a. j f.is II ti 1 "K, mm $ v.' S ' f .1 -""?.Sv"- ' tvirnmr- ': W& -"Afys.xy "V x. -; lc C"" tccij'lill BR-R-RR-R-RRR! EVERYBODY SHIVERED YESTERDAY, the coldest recorded here this winter. In Lwm t Square the curving jets of the big fountain froze te an icy gurgle. The fountain is pictured en the left making a gallant struggle against the bitter cold which was gradually freezing its vitals. Engineer Ed Murphy is shown en the right lending his aid by keeping the pipes open SISTERS ACCUSED OF SHOP LIFTING. Miss Mary Geldflne and Mm. Florence Bensen held under $,600 bail COMMENDED FOB BRAVERY the second time in year, Patrelmti Domenic Di Tillie. subduer-ef giant who had run amuck, is pictured receiving congratulations of Director Cortelyou, at City Hall yesterday AS THE WHISTLE BLEW. Haverford and Media High Schools clashed at basketball yesterday. ; The camera caught the rival centers springing for the toss-up A DISPLAY OF THE WORK PRODUCED by pupils of the Pennsylvania Museum and Scheel of Industrial Art, at Bread and Pine streets, is attracting favorable attention. Dr. Samuel H. Woodhouse is pictured en the left examining furniture made by some of the students. Mrs. Randall is shown en the right of ingeniously constructed dell house, designed by Miss Florence Cenner IRISH PRIVY COUNCILORS SWORN IN. Themas Waring, W. H. Lyens and Captain Charles C. Craig, M. P.. brother of Sir James Craig, photographed upon arrival at the Irish offices in Londen lP4B Km I: ';- 154'bvIsmP VbV4 v'? vt!!'r?' ;"?; 1!W s wi "A'si iMM ' Jkfl ,v v " ' 1 .- .s,!-m s '- a tm?.- , aLwwm T, n nap yag Si?ay .Vi3 i s-'- ,ffi&1 '''IHIIb f yTAui -V.S fv. ;?..: ' "-a ?; UW.v . I ' s iMIlp' " i . '?M ' !SrJ:9BBKnBP 1 ',.&sffia2sr kl v a JiMft vriwuay r: mm aSaH iBfi aBiBi SipiW' RL HW c; vvBr.'1'' i'.tyirri rt"fWJ i" H'-'3ssSH '.rgrtayS,y - ' mmilllllllHKtW!Mki- "".'? ' il r imIMM S","J5' 'll-' ;i &W&! 'BBBBBBBBBBHaaaK -1 MH aBBBBaW-' " - '", 4teaiLlaBBBBBBBBBBBBaPHHItla5 aaaaaaaaaaa'''H:lKaaaKll iHIIIIIIHlllllllllllHPHiJ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk. 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaRPKXIA'vi- $VVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ?? ?HOilLGI,RLS.IN..,AMA..TEUR DRAMATICS. The Misses Esther Kravcttas and Frederica Brooks as Arthur'' and 1'Madam Mulligan," respectively, are shown en the left, Is "Sans Famille" playlet, given by pupil of the Philadelphia High Scheel for Girls. Miss Agnes Hendersen, as "Vitalis," is pictured en the right. T& fair Thespians perform very creditably MOVIE FANS enabled te see films with depth, instead of fiat as heretofore, through "Teleview." Laurens Hammend is shown with his invention t MHaaBat ' ' h-s'k 'i '.. i ,; XZ AK ) anaaHaKV ' Hi "-','- 'A; ! .aaVaaaHHVJL. " ' -'J- ' ' ?f '-'-j aBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBtV 'tU ' s'kX K : 1 H s 4k ''sV' iaaBBal'j ' 'z c-tlrflB iBBBBBaBBBK VX. aBaBBBBBBB Haaatti & arBBBBBaW '. BaaBBM bbbbbbbbbbbbbbV JMbbbbbbbbbI BbL ' i '"''f:? BBBBBBBBHaBBBEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM BBBBBBBBBBbW i 'h-1 ' BBBBBBBBBaBaBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal BBBBBBBBBBBBBW V' .aaaaaaBBBBBaaaBBawapi PaaaaaaaaBaaaawlaV J '? BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnBaBBBBBBBBBal aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVvVBHjBBBBBBBaBB BBBBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBt'D'BF' IBBBBBbB alBBr?MHHi':-a,:.'"-BB bbbbbbbbbW ''t?rR,S;.'- mH BBBBBBBBBBWaBBBKsV&SIVtV !" BBBBBBBBBBr'"iBBBBK&BB W' H BBBBBHBBBB? ' BBBBP Bk'' '' '' BBBBBBBBBM bbbbbV ' 'Bbbb'' fc "NhbbbbbbbH bbTebbbT V?'BBBByi;-',''a"aF? ' jbbbbbbbbI BBBBBrarT-v aiBlK'AJ,BrBr 'V 'lflflflB fltBT'' v'tflBiMaaV I V '-'flflH bbbbV 'vr5rBB(v1Ss bbbbbbT WiBnP -V i1 "JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPV & V-BBBBBI 1bW:''bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1j1H HK'Jn tM f BBBBBBBBBBBBBBPiflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBliBBBBBBBBBBBt SaBBCyBBBBBMLll-V BBBViflBBBBBBi WlfXpm, X ,HHr yitpA elKi BbbbB HTr ' x ' -r' '? vafafflffli m " vL ' JWL M '-i 'I i ''SbBbbVv' ;? l-mtsB bW. ir wBrVr'';'BHl Mv VbIbIIIbbW ''J'JbB BflBBiKiflH ' MflHaBfeL jB5BBW ' BflalflBlflKVV'Wfli BHkr jH NEW COSTA RICAN DELEGATES ARRIVE. Fermer President Alfrede Gonzalez and J. Rafael Oreamune, who will be new Minister te U. S. WILLIAM B.EMBRY in charge Commercial Attache office in Chile. MV SK, ?' ' YZvvr'W-AWW', ' '-n i Iik. 1 ".T 4A .O j .' w 'i jaBBaBaBaBBk. 'i.;!!,:.;!':,"-.'.'".! j jSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb. - V J" " fc A VJ r - j. jt .- , V ,fMm raBflflflflflflflflflflfll V ! '' " ' '-'." tzxSm u'h Btt PbbbV- '' i f ''&' 9 tt ; :-.;.. :b j syi BB '-''' BBBBlflflH?4BtT39flU '"aBWA. 'flBfaflBBBBBBT J " -i3p3W BV ???''.' A BBBBfBBBBH'iaBMLVlHBiH bI j-KvJ BbbbbbB iftlv ' IfilHllfliS bbbbbbbbbCWbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI BBBBBBBBkh JBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl 1HE DELUGE of Christmas packages descending en empleyes of the Parcel Pest offices give them all they can handle te get them properly delivered in time for the happy day HARRIET HAMMOND, plaintiff in $118,500 damage suit. A bomb explosion shattered bathing beauty's nerves THE DUKE OF LEINSTER arrives te accept ocean race challenge MRS. J. E. KISPERT receives divorce from husband tired of look ing at her face ALL IN THE FAMILY. -Basketball team composed of six Pryer sisters shows wonderful teamwork J. FRANK COPELAND, head of the Interior Decorating Depart ment of the Scheel of Industrial Art COLONEL JOSEPH H. THOMP SON receiving Congressional Medal of Hener from Majer Charles H. Mulr PBBBBbBBBbBMbBBbBKSbBbI iHBWBCWjBBBBBBBBBBEBBBBBBBBBf MPJJBBBBBbBAIBIBbBWbbBS "W Mv frVFtfVtyitewSSk tit irSJrBefKKrSSKKFO mnx bbbbP (SHhA M j'? i V. iBtKIBBBBBBBBf BBi MMaiBaaaBBBBBBBMMMaaBaBSHBBMaianniBBBBiBMMinMiBinBaHiHHMBlaaiHMiHVWiaMai .:":-- mBHIBhBI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVjHBlPBBBBfBBBVBBVBt ,,"xS?2alBBBBBBBB"fl'BBfiBBBBT' ''' BBbTbBBBBBBBbI bBVbbbbIbbbbI '' bbbUbbbbbbbB BflBfPHflBKllBBBBBBlH , " BBBBBBBBbH mbHbbIMbbB ' ' t BBBBBflBBBVtHlBBBBBBBBl bbbbbbbbHbH V J-bbbBbbW"'' bbbbbbbbbbbbI BBSflBiBHH BBBBBBHHBBBBBBiBBBfll ' ' OBBBBBBBBBBBB bbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbUbbbI .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI FIHBefilBH Bll bbbbbbbbbbbbbbH '"' bbbbbbbbbB bbbbbbbbbbbH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH mmsM HJ99I X S JBBBBBBHkBBBBBB' S V j BBBBT J9 'J- kBBBBBBBBBBBBBH fll BBBBB JVBB V FTBLrBBBVfli' I1 (-i 'i'v BWulBlf) j r; "' ; ! i jjlfij.':;'iiap..'' IV " wLmbbbbR' ) s V;- aKflllfattwlKl A ' ' 'f' Tbt I ' Aar v ' MiVt y f iSlJBBTaKBBVBVflBBVaiflBBvUai1 W'WWHbTbWWI'''' ' 'VBflBBBBBSt wMfnitiimtitil IBBOBBBBlHBBHBBirTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB rBl KJ $fftV( v J y' rJKMWBta BBBBBBIBBIflBM?y 1 CAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? ''v X tfflllBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVRKBBBBBBB 1 bbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB S BRlSSHBBBBflflsHlBBBlHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB - 'f''"l nVBBBBBBBBBBBBaflJBBBBBBBCBlSvBlBBBBBBB 'l MpVSbbbbbbbBIuBBbbbbbbHEbb a ""vi 'V;fMiiaM: tL'&,?'4r9?-r V,5 - ''i'' 'hJkaBBBBBBHBBBBBBlBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBl ANOTHER LOT OF CHRISTMAS TREES ARRIVE, making a total of 207 car loads from Maine und Canadian weeds. They are new selling at from (30 cents te $1,25 each when bought wholesale AGED MRS. McLOUGHLIN sacrificed this home in vain te save her daughter Anna, accused of misappropriating em ployer's funds SPIFFY PARISIAN SPORT COAT worn liv Miss Madeleine Bayard,' of Philadelphia, en Atlantic . City'a boardwalk COMPETITORS OF SANTA CLAUS, Anna 'Weinberger and Jennie Resenstein with arms full .of Christmas stockings for peer, children aSPinSshYLTE2G in this once popular Contributed by E. Siy? 1 , phetegrapha Philadelphia event. Above It ai raitmeunt farK in r send us your eld-Philadelpw - v) 1' - Mi ( AyMa ,v.;fj.' (ff .-vV ityT-'''W LS-S4ti-1 . lUI. l $, KKL ;;, f,.,V 'i"., ,ijVV.