fPIPlR WWw; -' rtfif'P "r I irUIW7.ttii v 4 iFHS ,w feli'ltW effxiffi , y-. 5, --(,t aj 'A' V ' r' mj& ett I' Al EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1922 .v WINTKft WICHOBTW. WINTKIt BB1QBTH. n-INTKB RKHOItTfl.. jyiirrnw Biiservr WIWTK . nor tft'KiVf.M. v. IVIXTHl ItKROBTM WISTBB HKBOKTM WlNTKlt nrHOHTW HOT HrttlVOM. ICt'HTIH. 1'LOBIHA bt. rKTKituBtnn. vi.a. EUHTIfl. lWIRIIlA "rTni'nv ii'niNH. riA. TARI'OX 4ruiviH. vt.. mam -L?x7-?t? JWr 41 It' m&TL i fc s r -Hi HT. I'KTRRHBt'Rn. FI.A. ' ., - - ' jf&V&nCe of tke SeutiC; WHERE perpetual spitngtime jests at wuuer. L,ovcuest locations most perfect climate In all Fleridn. Continuous sunshine ana bnimy breezes, uvcryuunfr te attract the winter resident. Splendid Gelf Course Country Club Fishing Hunting Metering bathing Beating Menl Hvlnc conditions. Splendid schools. Churches of all denominations. Convenient, wcllrSteckcd and reasonable stores. Net an invalid rortert, but climatic conditions bene ficial for many anccuens. Come This Year You'll Come Always Situated in a network of lovely bayous. Lake Butler, clese te the city, affords charm- inpr beatlnjr and picnicing. Gulf of Mexico but a short distance by water. Delightful liver ecencry; the Anclele River skirts the city itself. Fer Full Information, LM of Addrfriti, etc.. etc.. itWte te CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Tarpen Springs Flerida Splendid Hotels Terpen inn Stratford Hetel The Tavern The Ferns Meres Hetel Plenty of poed beaid Inn houses, modem, lurnhhtd apait,nents and bimon'eit's Heme. "kc toetns i'i Mvu.t aw rui ls. " wffijiw- liver ecencry; the Anclele River skirts the mmSmfSvt w aataatate-i RMKEsbS. ijjHPfe' i& A- IBaaaiinaaBaaKBakV IBiUIHBHKF!W.MI 'I sr.nntNe. fi.a. sramiNn. yrj.. V THE WONDER SPOT OF FLORIDA AMONG the orange groves en the ridge at Lake Jacksen is Sebring, with its dry, bracing air and health water. . Private golf course at the deer, with all ether out-deer sports which the sunshine permits you te enjoy every day. ttenilwerttj Leitat RFRDiKin. pinemav k T 8 vaatHni ""' .-alMfM.'yr aal "Pi riiiV wr-vaav- i aaw a BBBEKJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBBBBaaiKAaBBBBBBBBBBBBU DAVID F. TUTTLC. Utef rrweb f B1UARCU?? tOOGB eorew cmeT' IHttMAN SOJUARB HOOtt hcadway 7k rrurr WnrVAKT. AMTOIICAH PLAN XATI3 S( te w IX" L 1 I II LJr N VAW ' Vh'e- Sunshine City I nnr1 vnnr winter in this land of sunshine and flowers erangea and palms gorgeous days and wonderful nights with the beautiful Gulf of Mexico en one side and picturesque Tampa Bay en the ether. Mere the sun shine overhead 360 days every year. In eleven years the 6un has failed te shine only 63 days. Here the sunshine is in people's hearts and you find friendliness everywhere. An alluring city for rest and pleasure. The one place in Flerida where all recreation are enjoyed out - of - doers. Comfortable benches along the main streets for these who love te rest in the sunshine or hade. In beautiful Williame Park, under huge moss mess hung oaks, are card and checker tables, queit lanes, reque courts and comfortable seats for visitors. At a little dis tance the Royal Scotch Highlanders give daily concerts. Golfing, bathing, beating, fishing, trap-sheeting, tennis. St. Petersburg cares well for its guests, offering them accom modations in a wide range or prices and appointments. Write for booklets en the City, or en Sports and Rtatatiens. Any information en tejutst. Addrtss F. A. Lawrence, Chamber of Commerce St. Petersburg, Fla. I I WEST VAI.M nicArn WF.1T VAtM BEACH "Flerida without t'alm Hradi ii like Fnmet withaat Pari" WEST PALM BEACH, U. S. A. EL VERANO HOTEL On DM I Ikr lAKlBTH Ncweat, Kinrat, Fireproof Ifelrl t the Hat Cijtst. Europa:i plin. L'niu HOTEL SALT AIR U'icht Meat modern y mu dd1 httl en m- V'.et (Aljt ! TtiKs1 lili-L- . T.l. U'-.iL t tw::'" .-rr.' ..' ;."r .""rw- '. i.i wiiitniiii, Burruunuru uv ireuirai irkr tfini j cur tBble w 111 p!inn t.e mnt latlflfeuii: Relf, ocean tathlnsr, sulUiitr. lhlnr. ne.i nil ttlrctkin nearly; dellet.tful erll tme. P"1- STIIAAT MA AS. tlAMtll II In rultk. .ttnfuv rrtnm r.Tr.t- r ' HOTEL PALMS OvArlnftlclntf Full !A.'v.lI rt J7. V.,.- . " T . -w.w.... wppeuie i;uy i-niitj l.et mvl re a nirpnen in eaen roem: Air.rii pir cay; write for Uoeltlat jti I). . HINIOK. Me Capacity 101). 7mM WEST PALM BEACH ON Tilt! LAKE FONT ee'd aUr nii'l Hw'i'ni In trery pnrtttula'. Ulnlnir room en fourth 'rican plan H"01"'- t!ter. Orehmtm Kern. Willi nj with .1 -.ree'tli" . V" btb nd n tu'm Send f Iweklet. Med.rtt rm iiirfii ufc-jr i T iivitj Lake Court Apartments Royal Palm Hetel 91 baclieler and hotel apartment! with every modern convenience Reef garden ami dinini: room. WI1KK FOIL BOOKLET "THK IIOIJ,ANn "four riftnr of RaIM Cointetl" On 'lie I,lc front KnYSTONC HOTEL Annruan Man, W. 8. JO; 5rri1ayli: !!.&, ManaiTT lllliuaiti nk'iaji. Sarepean plan. Mr. O Jl. niUCOS. Pr... " TIIII.M.. Nw. Madam, Abasluldr Flranroef. Ilverr room V7it!i pnate bat). I'emcnlent te Ocean) Hethtny, Oelfin und sn.-la! uct'.Uty of tht Uen(lie. Amtricjn crturepejn. Opeuallyetr. On Lul.eleH Aer.ie. THE NEW JEFFERSON HOTEL in tht iiert of tlie rlty; jrepkn plan only. wm. y. sAUTen, ltep. UOTKI. POINHKTTIA I i.rnpean plan, t'-' .'id tin. Kjrtltent itatiirant. JA1ICS OKKSHWBU,. OKK8H Dlili II' iirua mrri ue., 0 Dlllt II'lrtmaT. evinn inn IIUIll-litnM, hynptin tla. I .1 U'KSHXVH.I.K. FT.. J.trKHONVtl.T.lt. flJi. uuu, kuumuiiiuiimu ? ia? .. BHa. ." yvwr mtM'.fi .i MlMfaJrtSSe. AJ,A? 3 PiliSMlir S J! 'Ml a ffTftSflu S.il Lii "s ra&t'W .SffiESnESJBi (jyjg jtfjr !Sr -x Ii j UM" j,-... "I OM2& i.:t't ; S'a : T oi:enoj; r..vAse:c. v'rtjjy room with private bath Euiepean Plan JACKSONVILLE, FLA. i: ?u VHfriVi im m ? i iTirfrrrri rri wmrn-nni nnrmTi TirrrHWf, "The Right Spot in the Sunshine City" HOTEL DETROIT ST. PETERSBURG, FLA. 26 HOURS FROM ZERO TO THE HOTEL DETROIT 200 ROOMS ISO BATHS EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE 3s hours rneu Philadelphia FRANK F. PULVER, Owner IIHIUnttilinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllll CHATEAU LIZOTTE I GEORGE LIZOTTE, Proprietor EUROPEAN PLAN 253 Second Avenue North j St. Petersburg, Fla. fttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiui? S Bath and Tcltplient S in Every Roem Atlantic Hetel JACKSONVILLE, PLA. Location one block from Potefllce. Business centei. Het und cold runniiiR witter in every room. Steam heat in every room. Garage, hpecial rates by tin. week. R iites 51.ne and $2.00. CORNER HAY AND HOGAN E. FRANK PEARCE, Proprietor. NORTHERN HOTEL 821 AV. Adams St. Jacksom Hie, Fla. Three Blecko Frem Station All Modern Conveniences RATES $1.00 wite Detachable BalL Ttt $1.50 with Private Balk J Pauoe H l-REEDMAU, Prep Hetel Windser, .tt he;...-. Jacksc mville,Fla. J. U, ICanauh, JIanaer, HOTEL SEMINOLE JaekirnvUtt, fit i in iwVi I,,"lfnSu-,ru,;t iut 1 " lH f fM tht cltr. Beat eiery ay. . SU UK w.. ... f..Vl,. Royal Palms Hetel MRS. R. P. DECKARD, Preprietreii Rata Reaienailt All Medtm Cenvinltnctt AMERICAN AND EUBOPEAK PLAN 2r West Duval St. Opposite. Wtndaer Httal, JacktenTtlle. Iia, 9BaBaBBaviE!3tHSiajpS' HUNTINGTON HOTEL ST. PETERSBURG. TLA. A modern hotel In the "''''J'llii'1!!;! ieetlen, In th wlliit of ?' "run" nnd arini trult (tnne. eerl-KlnK Traim Il.r.CulVl.lii ii t.'N thf.w of ' all outdoor u(K)Vt, ehepv thenteri unit rliuivlie. QOLr, TENNIS, 8WIMMIN0. PISKINO, nHnertil!! Sttuiaremert J. LEE BARNEB.rrep. Paul B. Batnii.Mrr. I I GOTHAM HOTEL ET. PETEBBBUIia, FLA. ",l Heik of I)istnctieii" EVKOPLAH PLAN Near Center of Town Alt eutalde room with het und cold run ning water, with or without prlrat. batli. Iruam haul Uav M.a.JI. V a. . ft Itatts ou appltoatleti, 31. O. COOK. Prep. NKW IVKNA. rj: Alba Court Inn Washington St. New Smyrna, Fla. American plan: model n. lletnl for jHseplu of icflneiticnt. dolt ami wurf battiliic .tliln 7 inlnuteti of lietl. Huntlnit und llelil:ir. L Otriieralilp .Uiiujeiiitnt T, .). TOLTV, I'rep. IIHAIIKNTOWN. H.A, HOTEL FLORIDIAN BRADENTOWN, FLA. EUROPEAN PLAN Coel, rmtflile tecim nil Kith Tniiiitni; inter One tleck fimu H, A. I.. Hutleii, Hire. Meik fiem llent t.niHlltiz. Crfetinu In connection, Jlntl'; rateii, ll'rUtf for Info) matlen S. BURGIS, Proprietor Palm Tree Inn St. Petersburg, Fla. "Fer These Who Desire a Cultured Heme Atmosphere" Kxeellent C'nlaliie Near Center of City A Aniuaeinenta Write for lnforreatloD Mrs. Leretta Seifer MANHATTAN HOTEL rt...bur., Itcaa. rate. JIM. ReAutlful tteOTSi.wVtflcttai home mniet.i cleua. comfort.! joed feed, latute! r.TtKKN revK srniNnH. i-r. t KfiaBBBBBBHS, . .u k aBBaaaBVBJxw HOTEL JACKSON JaakaesTlIU, Fla. initial. SI lalai Comfert "Without ISxtraVagancf Chlldi IWatuurant Center of amuiemeit Git. I. Hilavlt. Mr, HOTEL JACKONVILW.FIA, 4 v U Cra lclnn.n. f team heal ft. I .T TkTTIIT ""'"rpawt i reuia. i:ie. i Ai.nr.hi IV I, ..r.Jr.Wl,W, arar. J niii.ANi)0. ri.. THE TREM0NT oblameo, rxeaiDA lleimlikc, l-irce "If t'wis! Ii.autlful lue. tleu In tiepluil aiirruiiiiitlnca; larcc urthea. Capacity l-J.i, rurupraii I'lnn K rlny uv: irui'rlran ulnn t'l U u. w, T, Plircen, Mir. I)AT(IA iii:aii. VI.. DAYTONA BEACH HOTEL ?f.1i Ycnn.ip f,." -'rll' fnet I ch, niiu'rx. ,L't,'Hie I' J i. I I i S vt,4ar. Aiucilv.! tl-" (j.r.y. 1 4 New St. Elme Hetel Green Cove Springs FLORIDA .Nw and meacrn, new 0tn, DO rooms. SO j)rlat6 tititlis, talopneno and het nr.d cold -umitnjr writer In ull roenw. Mterun heat. 200 feet of lucid Dlazzu overleoKlng; Rt. Jehifi Hlver. 30 mllea from JRCksonvllle Hummer Itcsert Bay Vy Hetel Jnniestewn. It. I. Same tnanaBe ment. KAMNEST I.. CAN WELL, Mnt.r r:? Feurtair( Irji Eusiis. Flerida II. E. B1SSELL, Manager RANDWICK A. BISSELL, Abutting Flerida 1ms no rival and Eustis no equal in the glories of a semi-tropical winter. Its genial warmth and sunshine insure beau tiful weather and unlimited pleasure both indoors and out. Fountain Inn, epeninc January 15th, offers a creator variety of advantages te the tourist, at conservative rates, than any ether hotel in the State. Absolutely Fireproof Electrically Lighted Klectric Elevater.t . Iioems and Bnth light und airy Substantially and neatly furnished Spacious Terrace and Promenade Balcony Comfortable Lounging Reems Ladies' deception Roem Writing Roem Uninuely attractive Dining Roem Gelf Metering Fishing juuiur lieatmu and ull ether Outdoor Sports Take advantage of this opportunity. Write for reservations today. 5- - - ltgB"V 1 5 ars NEW BMYIINA. PLA. NEW SMYRNA. FLA. RIO VISTA HOTEL "Pride of the Ea$t Coast" NEW SMYRNA, FLA. Adjoining Dul. Highway and Indian Xlver 0ROKESTBA DANCfNO OOLriNO OABAGE Our Own Northern Culflne apt Service Accommodates ISO. Terr.ia Rtriklnaly Moderate MATLIN FRISBIE HOTEL CO., Prep. Alls THE PINES, Adirondack Mti,. Lake Placid. N. Y HKVHKKFZK. FI.A. BKAI1RKK7.K. IX A. LaVaafe ''& ?aaEMalaBffga3aWJjW?91w KBTBV''rVBjTw iyWHVa&alBaaSaWBlBV UaaW aBkmUlUBlHBBlfVUBBWlBBBBBKV U J " J ebMBv. U SbWVVbTS UBBBBaaVJBaff )& aaaaaaaaBaaaaVrCSaafHaaaaaMt! tlU . 11 TTWrfl WrVg- " - f V B jpHSaHRItlVHffCcHpVC PR f7yJKhJalPJafagaaiaaBaaaBaWaJatarBtW H lj37aalMllKlaaaiBaaal i ,l i r OPEN MOT. IB TO VAT 1 THE GENEVA SEARr!ZE' J Deltahtfullr located be. tween the Hallfat River ana ocean. uemellke. Near aelf course. lXOHinA FIX)RIDA r ysszi f your nerves need u "brushing up," -you are convalescing from a re cent illness, -you desire a respite from confin ing city life or for any ether rea son you feel the need of a change, W 'AS (fttfrffl t& fKgg TBRT HKWAI.I.. irt.A SUNRISE INN ft!SJS"ii A .wederh. homelike Beuf.11" NeMli'ern Cul.lne, Klc.ll.nt flaUlne, iieturrul5 elf. i'er tuferniatlen. 4.fieM"M"u,lUb m - rp-.niM 4myt Sftsx,V?;.'!t yert.&iwaii. vu. vt i r fm flMtew HPIIERE'S peace and contentment in A this mugtc, sunkisded land of balmy days and glorious, starry nights, nothing te de but rest and play and experience the thrill of returning health and vigor. GOLF, TENNIS, SBRF-BATHIHQ, FISHING SAILING, MOTORING, HORSE-IACK RIDING St. Augustine. Alcasar New Open St. Augustine.. Pence de Leen Jan. 4 Orntend- ) r. , on-the-Helifax 0rmentl J""- 5 I'nlm lJcach Reyul Peinuana Jnn. 15 Palm Beach. . . . Breakers Dec. 20 ml Royal Palm Jan. t Key West Cnsa Marina Dec. 30 Lene Key I SF.1' ., i I'hhing tamp Jan. 1 Natt&au, ) , . Bahamn Ulands nl'al Mcterla Dcc.28 Alt, llOTfM ernaTU ON TlU- AMKKICAV PLAN lhreua.1t Tullniau tralna fren, ,e Verl d're t te all Put SSSMrVT.VA.'rf1 " K",W: '"" Im Ihreush throws I?l7 V,!" ? .""',' """"' tt,ul rm., .ihtraertlena l'LOUIDAKAST COAST (FLA.GLKU SYSTEM) !4,':u,.':mteu cKMitALemaa . X.ill,i.n i. ipa ,e. m ' .4yL fc?S3-'iK?" b-U f - Snarlclincr sunshine and invigorating atmosphere inaKC winter cwys giuu giuu eus at Virginia Het Springs 2500 feet up in the AHegha nics, where expanse of hills and valleys holds special beauty for the eye. Twe famous golf courses with Summer greens the winter thru. Horseback ramblings ever the mountains. And at The HOMESTEAD a hospitable welcome', luxurious comfort and genial social life. The celebrated Thermal Bath Establishment offers hydro therapeutic treatment under competent medical direction for rheumatism, gout and ner vous disorders or as a help te successful rest. l'"' vH r.' ' -"-s V a.1 Je. Ta kill I "MM C7 SbbbWi m ' le HOMESTEAD Chritfn S.Andersen, Resident M4r. Het Springs Virginia ASIIKVII.I.i:, N. c. Attl V. VI I.T.K. v. r, . Land Ok The Sky 1eS7merica& JzHI-tiectrJReseri Winter Teurlat Haadnuartera of the Southern Appalachian; Eaatern America's Climax in Alti tude, Scenic Grandeur nod Jnrigeratiug Climate J I laden atrac f reat, recrei 11 You'll rtmrkltna-aunakrinc of "War DeTm Seuth In DlTle"wlth Ita mane- atmeaDher makK Aihevtllc the ideal PMit in all America for Dkaaure. recreation, home. aii'lt tt tteklt tA tfaath" with ttie. werderftit fereat-Araed mountain and Talleya. the 1'iacan National rer-U and Came 1'ruerre, and our p ved reaaa make aeina them or metur a real cream uuneome, the ret paved county south ; 64 peaku ewr CO' ft. hmbeuta. 1 we lneie aii-ciirz veir ceure ex nv ABiierute tftintry t;iue ami ma Blltmote Fereat Country CluK The slope of Surwt Mountain, with tU riew nf "Pieaah and the Kat" te the West, liai a lore all iu own. 1-kM raJlMW TTn.V m (7bV Haaer, Crave Park laa. Battery Park. Laafrea, kwaBHaH-.wr.a7. jv.nrae a .met, Illeatratetl booklet bout this Aeiiclcrl.i.J In the iieart or tn Ulna Kidae" rer acatlena. boetei. bu.ln.aa, llreiuick. aarlculturtf. erenamins -na the netei anj uearuinz neuae nai yeura zer wa aaatn. rHIURFDnarnUUFC'rFr.l.tFkJtws. viirviiuuivi bvmiiii.nvLS SacraUry ASHEVILLE.N.C: l - at SK aBBfl w mum 1 ' .-aaJMrWiV T idia Earrfy Raerratiems Suggested Jlaner dlbcmudi? ParK A "pertectly charming" English Inn in the glorious, out-of-deer Land of the Sky. Real Southern hospitality, home like informality, perfect service, concen cencen trated comfort. An "all the year" resort for pleasure and sport exclusively. Herse back ndtng. rtnest of meter reads. ThrougbSlerpingCurSerrKeDdityfremNevYcTk Perfect Gelf in a Perfect Climate Twe li-heU etmtutTht Athrrillt. and tht Sv BUtmert Ferett Country Cluhl ALBERT H. MALONE, Manager 3n cmrrtca eti nQtlh.5ixn Famous ercrfn'Acjnf e3attryA r- Park,Ketl ASHEVILLE.N.C IDEALLY situated en a eemmandinR prominence orerleottmg AsheviIIe, L.nd et the bky. Fascinating mountain views, including Mount Pucih and the Pisgah Nanenal Ferest. Winter rate new in effect. Accommodations for 400 guest. Twe spertv ia-hele golf courses Tennis courts-Saddle horses Meuntuin climbinc Excellent Moter Henda Concerts Dancing i he prevailing winter climate is temperate and invigorating extrtmw of brat and cold are never experienced. Enjoyable surroundings. Large public room with huge open fire pwcea and attractiv! furnishings. Sleeping chambers, single or en suite, with or without private baths. Wholesome cuuune. Eaten ive perches and verandas. WILBUR DEVENDORF, Mgr. "aatr 'MII'. H. C. IIAKI.KHTON. H r, THE PARKVIEW INN OPEN AX.L THE Y'All A comfortable nnd ilfli'Khtful hotel, con ducted with an earnest deM te plcaan nnd te satisfy. Excellent jrelf, nole, hnntlnir i r,,.. rntes nre sane and teusenable. L nder new management. Write kr,iiev?fflARfsrnu" or MRS- s. OPEN NOW THE KIRKWOOD Camd:n Seuth CsroHea i - 1 n BVin I BBBBB BBBBI BBBU UL U, ,'Ji. . eWMaBBaVarl salL . -0 aafa -1 . f- V "". ' I n aaaaaaaaaaaaW W " aaaVJ iVii 1 fig Vll,l MMKillinn CMAKI.RHTON, H I , 1 !'c."','' '. '""""'"I "Ml I Only ler'v T;fl""k""'' "'" '""' "J Wr fllr Ter), al j(0)4j . - Auiviiiix1j!uc, ; AiteryPSTKitetel MIA Dainw rbMM .77".'.'-Mn.i.CJ 1 tfi 1 V Ml'iwi hcahtj ..liH,w il.i.JiUk.'ri r - irjw(iJni, TVrn laij.'e 1 ,.,' vr T"Pwpwri .. " ' 4 , a I AAekl f rnzxvitp n'iitj;ct iiS'U.- . ii ijnH.(...i;i-uiJI Vi tJ7src-sl , J . .lni , , ..,, w www ifif-v WTrar-utf nZ.'i'Jl4tri . lsT.fT"-.. 1 i V; vr fl ' ' . r " 1 ajBB -- tt akaaaaakaBBmi . r 1 --v &"' I ' 'I'll KIT " ,-tt" - . vaaavasaaj .1 ...".. 8.uik.v