Wt-jplvii f'W W& W3 : " EVJSJNINtt PUBLIC LEDGEK PHILADELPHIA; WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1022' WIKTRR KESOnTSL INTER nKsnnTH MINTRIl ltKHOKTS. wivrra; nKsent.1 WIFE SUES PASTOR; M4M,4, ilf AAM, J50LL CAGES, AS MAN RIDER BLUSHES MIAMI. KI.A MIAMj.riA. n.. VII Wll, FI.A. MIAMI V-Wsb!lin.- -A '' I - f 28 . ' a-- ajSSajSSStl SfS0LiLaaaaaaW .tSkVeV-ajBa. ajJBJSjsJ2 F .aj ksTew Bl h f 'fit I Si' ail Ml lien ill fail $ ;4r i rJrfi (.". ' m T3 k IV fa Ifti A 8 ,t i llmt 1 mm NAMES122W0MEN Charges Providence Spiritualist With Exercising Hypnotic P Power ' Trelley Passenger Relieved of Embarrassment After )Y eman Gives Him Tip te "Stand Trick Package en Its Feet" It vviis tluit eti' lunir in (lie after after neon when tlic cats nrv enlv comfort ahlj creuded nnd these who ride In them inrrv jini'lingi") en) the last week lirlore I'lirNtmnr. llie dittniiletl itentiemnn in tlm rftl-n. ninde tlu ro'iliiletno te her trU-nd-i, who hud t'ome threv.'h l!rt. "I limp m hc'int set en ft iir of Iho-'e Mliiperq Hint (old up nnd fit nice in ii Kiilt ease." she continued, as the two made their Uich-bv-Inch . way 'It .QH Al I PftCQ UC IC C.nilPI lvvhe were it :w fedora li it. inlsht havr in ttn uhhlin- eiewd of Inst-mlnute hcen a Imnkir, i t.illrend efln'l.tl er'liuycin "Thv'll he se nice for her trip - - mvvjer who 1011111 utnirii te je nome in in tnc Prfim.m nii'l mi tic muni. .en, 1 o'clock. wlim (frurisc nml 1 vent te f lileiige The jiiukAKc which rested i n hi it ua i,t n'l I could le te " knee in he jrhitxid thre-iKh h.s ulaf ti,p ,.,,..,, hnpter'n veuc had nt tin vnlii, piipcr did net viti much I I1i1,ll0li 1)mi1l.nU . Her mi- ure fix. d concern him. It wn- blem; in shape, ..'Pin ). , ,l'lllimiHl. "if Hint inn'' iltllirr uilllvv nnner. 1 with the ilnv's- new nml liml it tucked rrevldfiice, It. 1., V-f L'O - I'revi Senee FWripty wns thrown into a pntuc TMterdny when counsel fur Mr. Mi'i nte Entlchenrt. a1ie i Milnj tit Ilev "Dt. Adelpii H. l'linlfheatt fe- divorce, filed n bill of p.irticulnrs nntnliu T--iremen. Mr, Ilnslehertrt ilitrsf-s 1 l.u-lii tl, he Is "pastor" of the fh.ireh of the Divine Science, l.ar, u ftreru hv(neti power which he U9s va the women who come te him for "I'ivinc hcnlini.' " The church ii aid te he of n Hpirit ualNtic leaning. Mm. Knglehrirt brt-f !. i.it en charges of extreme ente'tj uti.' her lius bnnd'H npsoeiiitien with ethir ue-nen She chnrpes he belt her rnd tl rw :iri -un objects nt her l'njlelienrt vim In tnci'dij iwlli t'n Federal nuthe-itlf-i in Is'!-, vl.in hs "temple" liprc 'Miw rald'il. Duriiij tli war he win eimmiued te tin Internment camp, mil upon hN return resumed his practict of 'divin ity." It wni tlun that he "..irrl.'d Mmnif Colwell, daughter of a p-e:mnent "o.l "e.l ticlan. She wa ei.l ateti Suildei v i v oer ntul i- mid tle" luiiinu d' ticier fii if "Semelhin ' ' uiti rn n tram. Til!. ' th h'li-mw c'.op c'.ep 1 ei nh hud J'i' w -rked lier win 'n ..vfulK threjeh tb" rivuMns der DOMINO CLUB PLAYERS " " "ZZ" ' TO GIVE "READY MONEY" BOSTON MEN INTERCEDE r-UK ULUHT Uf I nt acwa Would Tew Old Ship Frem Seattle and Keep Her Afloat -attic. W.nh De. 20- M'. A I Mi-meric ..f the p ' iep di ff tic clipper ship 'r.i stirr.n,' t'i le'iitts if li'i-t n "hipp.ni; men i have hreup' . alij .'. .i 'tin of c"Ot itien for the fnnwu old s,U-itf-risKvr '.lerv of tl." Se.'s, ihip iiueen '! tin- Amcric.i". umr'.iAnt nutine. and lmhUr of cores .,i e.iliiii!? records m eierj ecima r.mdfiuned t- tin funeral pyre tl." crper ar.d ir-'ii in 1 nr (Me rnan a s, the Si l'uet ilkv mid wrapped in whit" ,. ,,ret'ti,,,t doerMop thiiiR ever en thai t wat only after he Jlni". hed ,,,,,. ,1(, xeu ,.110U ,, v.yll, I de ilfl . !. -t nt.i.1 lillit If fltlll'illl . . believe that majhe And thus it will "tiif te ptts that1 tVu'ln Hertie will have te wear l.u" shoes nil the war te Cleveland or cUe oeiiMiilt the nltiuinne en Imw ti iimke n ' pilr of fnldinc illpperi e-it "f a tui inch lien (lower bix'nl designed te keep ' the 4wltiKlii'r deer epcti I Mac of the l'uiet Clir.-tnius tree I that x. ill Meiiin In the lit.i'n uletlde .in m-i ni: a"'"'''" !' ! thnt one trhedaled te he en dteplaj nil thretu?li the chnstma-i' feofeti In tlu tiurserv el l lie Municipal Ciiiiit. Twentj-rtwt and Ha'" s'reets. It will l iiniply decorated with lights and tliiel. nml will bear piiti for beji nml clrls of all ngesi whe'e fortune" of life have brought them within th" .iiirl .iiirl dutien f tin court The fetn'ties hine lien planned and provided tot bv the oinplmes of the different hrnnebex of the court. They invite little chil dren iiiei" happil.v pl'ieid than then charges ti n..ilte any small contrih'itien t' ia choe-v tn MiM Doretli) It. nniisli, Municipal Court. Twentv firu .inn Itace streets. Heath in tie nni-M t ea 111 h im'lrimt that l.e iaie an absent "inimled turn te the bundle It Mild AI-A-.M A in luiiei. i.umls takahle tone ' Covered with unbair.'.sini tit 'tie dignified gtritlui ,iti hurriedly turned the bundle the "tin r wn. It Nlid M-A-M-A tiiiui matter what be did with i i II ivtreme nmuscinent of dt'ier p.i-- iiiiet - .t kept "Mnmn I ''I"1! 'i witr'in ieamii iu. huvi ti l.iip tl thvlr fc. h II 'i l.ecti t irnliu It A ur-Tind. li.it' wlint make- it vvnrk. Upen which the distillled geutlt miin did in he v,.is told Ami then, te prove many thins abi ut tne C.msttni" lirn. he l.niKhed i; the geed jeki en himself. llellit 'UTI ".s" 'ODD AND EVEN" TO DECIDE RELIGION OF N. Y. WAIFS Comedy for Benefit cf Memerial Chapel Fund at Episcopal Academy The fourteenth nnn",il p'.iy I r ta Domine Club, cf t!i. 1 piwnpal Arad my, will he jire'er.ted temnrri v co ning in the ballroom if the IUlbiuc IUlbiuc Btrntferd. wlun "Heady Mnn v .! be given for tl'" benfttt ! th pro pre pro feved chattel te 1h eretled as a memo rial te the flttein acadi nv Uivj who died dtirins tin- World W.i- The players v.'ic, a m etli r prod e e tjens, have L en ialied b its i . A Blesflng, Jr., .riiludi Jehn Teep vhi will take the part of St-pnen liaird. Alfred CMhelmer as Sldm v Mitihell. ltiehnnl It. Itungjrt". i WMIIam Stuart, Jamei lilllit.gli i ns ierge Cooper. David McMulilti is Din .Moere, Jack Sharp ns Sumni- Ilo'hrjek, Wil liam II. Hardt as Jume Morgan Craig Miicklc as Jaeks.ni Ives, I.awren e Soheff an Mr T.vler. IVt.r ltljnn n Mrs. Tvler. Jerry leucHifim as Ida Tyler, Cnlvin Hathawaj us Marsnre Fl'lett. Ilcnrj Dillaid a la tte Unr Unr den, Klchard Angu- as Hi ,1,1 . Jein Meckrldge as I'all. liiehird !'. Tavler a I'ell, Andnvr II Yeing as (.'ap'uln We..t, Jehn S. Sephfiisi-ii ns llii":i llii":i mer.d, Ahhten T. (ieill-:. as (v'iinn and Stanley C. Glasgow as l'hnn It Wasn't Fair te the Bey It is isttld that Mr. YViNnn r"i.veu a tcleTrnm vnt from St I.nuis te "Th Man te Whom Huiiunitv Is Mm" In debttsl." Think v.har n time tlmt ties, hengcr bev had miming from Whit" Heuse te Capitel, trem cabinet meiuleri te ministers, from amhiisulnrs te can didates for pustmasterships until at lest in sheer desperation r" slippe, It under the deer of W W.'s hi. inl and (coeted away before 1c could lie called back. Washington 1'est for fe- hull. th as she is atT- tieimtil' Known u i'.c throiii'heu' the pert" t veil Sea-, wis bein; tewcii ii"" " Seui 1 te be beached je-ierdav when a flegnim was i-ceivcn i.'im He tmi a-.ung a repnevi. Tl,rt r,nfteii men p. ai .lid shit) 'n l!oten te wns in be- heuljv It.isnm liaibT a tn 'ii the n; her n ii'id itiii'ir her la , n tiiuniimeiii 10 u Am-nriiti satlln.' Miip " ", ' ", limti"' ln-f- r t'i- eiiete.ibment "f V ' fiit.r bit lcs t .-imt! tiani'-s -it meter f.irr, .i-i irr- sTMnti!?!ir III "il V hit inslH.tid .' t..3v,.l ,.,! tier hi I te la vui" u- s.ii as when she sh.l down tl." wa tntv t.hri'1 jniii age Zekc's Tranelatien I.m r.abi.nigten was ir.s'n.i i o e tiiw servnir ii. his dutiis. ud'.i ig "New. Zek . wl.tn I ri'ig lur ..e'l. 5'' naet in"ve. ti '? hain -xl' '''li what will vju hi'vc ' A few he'iis alterwird, having ix t-t m te s minion hip 'ij- csteti.1 Old-Fashioned Names Picked Foundlings ' New erll, Dec 'Ji Twenty ,,ed e d-f.iKiiiened names are ready te be p. lined ,m the iirst let of nbindetied bib'rs that the citv autberitiw vvitl tur-i ( r te the New erk Vutierj and Chilu's Ibrpitnl. This i a I'lete'taiit institution ami -eeeivid .ibe'it enc'hali or tii vinr i rep of deserted iufiiHts lef le- Vat I it Kim kerbecker te mi" ii place ia heiin . 'J he iniieuti'enieut raade je'erd.u bv .1. hn H. Uevvnrd, superiutendeiu of the Wi-t JsiNt -first Strtel Nur-eiv. hi i tl.it tie religion of the bibc - di- nit-1 li their number. Kven , i ier hubiis nr adjudged te be l'reti sran'-" 1 and no 1 tunntit r babies Ci.tl.Vi .. wh ic the religion el the parents is net indicated V INTKK JtKMIRi TWIl'V. I"I. 4 u. Wl IS NOT NEEDED Outdoor Life at Miami is one glorious round of wholesome, pleasurable activity ARTHUR PRYOR'S FAMOUS BAND I eiinrti twice ilnll In llelftl Tnlni t'nrlt. llreembfir le Arrll CLI.MAl'1' MlaiW '- the jou'.hrrmet Clly en th tnalnlird of the United Statu. The (lulf Stream, iiaeilne inreuiji ire nerma uireiu. n narreweu nppcjlta Mlarri. wrara It It but 45 mllei tn Ihe Uehana Islindi. Thete two ffalur.. at acoeunlable fur MUrnl halna the met cauabla cllmala In the ver!c Avoraea lempcralur:, 75 4. SL'Rl"' BATIIlNfi Yeu may batlie Jally. In comfort, In lh beautiful clear, blua-nrreii waters or the Atianiic, overeTinn ij- an wuuer. PISIIIXfJ tl. im'.. la i hi- r-iarv araunH Miami, ae thla la the center ( Ihe tit fKhlne n"Jr'4 '" the world Tarpen, Gallflth, Tuna, Amberjack Baneflth, Kirn Htn. and himdr(ij of ether varletlet. AC11TI1S ft Mlam i IM yvcht.man'j i aradit, the ancherape being a ene the Bay Share of Ule,v Day In front of the Royal Palm Park. The Inland watcrt far cruitlrg and flihira in thli vicinity are the mevt plcturelque In America. COLI' Sl Llnki. within a radlui of fle rnllri, have wonderful treplual ur- reundlnns and eenret be surjned TLNNiS Ten murlcieal ceuiti In the plrk of condition; prlvate court! In many of Ire Ulcl (jreunde. AVIATION Miami haj been the center nf Aviation ilnce 19H the Afte inarlna, tna Curlm and the sere Limited cnmpanlet operate the tti,tlenv Air voyages te Palm Eeach, H.-vana or Bimlnl In up-te-date Flying Beati. POLO A most popular paitlme at lh Miami Beach Pole rield, where mary of the test pUyrtu In the country contest during the wlnter season. AUTOMOBII.INti 600 mites of fine rockeated, olt-turfaeed readi adja cent te Miami. Terminus of Dixie Highway, Tamlaml Trail and the alx most prominent National Hlehwnys. SIGHT SEEING TIUl'S te Oran0 and Tropical Fruit Greves, Super Planta.lei i In Cverelades and te Flerida Keys. OVER 1(1 MILLION DOLLARS worth of New Hettli, Apartment Houses cud Cottages built during past two years. 4L POLAND MIAMI MOTOR BOAT REGATTA Mnreli .'Inl te JOtli incliiislve 7," HOTELS with accommodations ta meet every liemnnd. 130 APARTMENT HOl'SKri with locution?, furnishint'., and prices te btitisfy nil. r.000 rURNISHEl) COlTACiES te rent; pmnUi ilwellliiBs, iflemint; houses, etc Throte ejf the fvar el a bitter v inter and join the unilinp throng. Write for handsome Booklet with full information MIAMI CHABIDCIt OK COM.MIJRCIJ. MIAMI, I'LA. iVJ f WnTVMT Part en 41 beautiful ceurt: or .1 m jm. Vi Patching Jloierifi, fjennis 9ishiti Gelf Pole Surf- Ba1hin u u w, ,-il aji " i:' C(e KJOUrt partmentv A home wherein there is the real pleasure of llvlni the love of the beautiful the en joyment of genuine comfort the spirit of contentment the joy of pcucc. This beautiful fireproof builillnp; contains fcovetity-threo complete tuid thoroughly modern furnished apartments. Centrally located, within two short blocks of shopping district, also Royal Pnlm Pnrk. Every mom in the entire building has an eutsida expeime, ctenm heat, het wntcr, elevator service, telephone nnd jnniter and maid -et vice. We can truthfully sny thnt th Clyde Court in, without nn exception, one of the finest apartment buildings te be found in the entire south. Write for booklet nnd rates, state hew many you nesuc accommodation ler. Ofie Sailors Bvos.Ce. Miami, 9ferida. 66 S. E. Second Hit. wTrai itn.ert nr m the m rvim, b's b e Jtv "lied With tlie ' ille vmg B Al- I ii-. wi.nf i ih 'Oil v j' m t,ew ' St 1 euis 'lines I". UINTKIt KI'IJIIIT , I ( " -Si :f " Wk & 'mz:rZjKbBKr .wW?i' JH1J' n ."i " ""'' '""' """"" - Ti -- mmrx v -"""O-S- -2jZ n ma 'j E ii.J'Hviriarai '7fifcVr m if T1 aV sO . TTP T T T V Cl f T Hn n X r I If K,VDA OUUinLlim KL3UKI0 AUGUSrA CIKULCSTON SL'3IMF.H ILLH SWANN4H 5 Through mat Trains , Daily J I r f r l v i- .. - I H""' ' J Hi l-l I li- l I " 1 1 iw . 1 ,i u-l' I I rlll I'l n , a- ft ! I ,1 si,. u 1 -i 'm.I Hi -.1. 1 M..I. 1 .liilt I t IV, I'm i. li.ls.vM -i-i'V d6BI M 'l.rn iji I I Washlntteii 1 i; I'M m i lvf ". 'i . VM " 1". vt iu.v 1 cnario-eiii at i . avi jj-vii us if l' go I'M I . ,i, levam -B-.vgT!!gvl I Savannab iihuaVi i ei'M f, iM ,i j; wi .mi I -ttr laJreSsfiS-1 Auau.t. if, no vu i -.'. vm I rSwJ'V 1 J'W"ntll' . te I'M v i"r nei"vi mavi -,, 1 if,KiVevVj i 1 vi-uimiuii i u .svi s r, wt Ti-, am inii'vi -H 1 1 ..4i?ti .7fwyravv-n L 1 Miami II '.e AVt 11 .e a M u lil A.VI 11 00 I'M tu 'ill I -c--- y-'FiJiwJvJIV 4 1 K West I'l AV i-0 1'.M ! ;VT'tjjic Hmm r, no I'M eHBE Zwr.lJy', a 1 ' 8 r i W . t--H WMMvV 1 Ortmi T ' I'M 111 wt 'I'M ( (W-Ve----P!r fai ia. T-AH..U in.ii i.i, ,.... 4SHfltaffaffftTffaffaffa S"vaffari"irc. taBaB'ij a ?n". v u n ." .v i Ti'M-ii .&P'Bemt-tm WSmtL i2AllvfaKiarjni. HL Bt. ret-riiiiMi- ,i i -,j.)aM - hi ! i e3B arltP!!j7riv Pr IVinfer TeBnit Tukett at ruiuctd Fartt neic en Sate i9s-R '3n3!nWJ, ' alaumi itop-evrrt. Rt turn limit Jan IS, 192 J 7ViB .TWnH1 ' IW . ATlAWTJPPnACTJmrB. ifW lb X Mil MIV I II I .- I I lltjr i--BBrBMjl N 1rr2mairi 1 ,rl '"TV VI, Villi UVII.iieWl -sIM--li ffTP"MlpK" ?y "' T,n "'" r" "sl sHH ' -l " A -7 . 1 -------lw-llS'lT t----elkl-------- A WVCLT ela-iWiiJH3&---V " '''"" jTsfaTsT-tfWalli Cejdl ' BHBuK!W&TX3zxlSjm ',' , c-lgn ffr-H ' !H iW --safia'3 Y -- -r"V tr-b ar -"m m Jam & Vterilwi?ra' aaaaaaaF. afi v tn.. ...., -nAAi.iB. .TeAnr-Ar mmn ffaal PJisreFaH ,. V4r"aaTw .-- ""i tT ets ' Ktjrriat.uus anil All Infumtles Addrma t IL SnH (OS t t "ftS a-----Pr-el i eiies-nut bt. rhiua.h.hi. i, H ESftxSr', i t S-HaSt J R- sP IcIrpbOL I.et-jst liij m I'iTTi-! is ' aWiil tf 9smB ssK li iwwrir.'-'gEgg! 1MI' I l,.. .MIVM1 in: VOI II, V Miami ur.yi ii i-1 Qorne te amp a Hillsborough County. Fleride A paradis of outdoor plcjsure ier the winter tourist a laud of premise te the home seeker. Fverv summer sport it enievec here at its beat, al' "v inter fiihuitt, hnatinrf, huthiii)i huntinii, meter- tnjj, et( two 1-helc courses, jiratv rlreens , di"nc- injj, open-air cerccrts, community sitifts . 'Hie balmv climate (vers riip'J mJric.illuriil and ind'i-tnal prelJres. The rich soil is made e-tremelv productive, with little effort. Important railroad center pert for ocean aud const- vise shipping. Heiutilu! home, cicllcnt vchoeU, modern civic improvements. uu would like te live here. Hill'bo'eugh Count) invite' 'en. tl fit, ftr infvrnatttn or J hutiltl J far letrittt 2. ti ' J, tn AtrUlti,. 'I AM PA BO AIM) OF TRADE !-'i; I.iira.vette Street Tampa, I lerid.i t'bllttiit-liibU emtf lllv L,i list sirir Vffi P I 8 uiu.iKoei' covsrincrie.N ' h Tampa Bay ,,? u Tmi .. West Coast of Flerida Mirnrlbr Jtlni fur Juiu-rj sperbil fur All Ammi Twe Eighteen-Hele Gelf Courses Ideal Climate, Beating. Fishing, Tennis, Motor Meter ing, Hunting with Instructors, or Guides. OI'K.N .1 . S ' AtANs Mr f, Ti in Kler.Ja - IllVTIlN . WYTONI lOiv tKe FLORIDA HAST COAST "r"c'7, Jreihwi ArV-s-Ai''H, t.e nr,lrV I - I T $s f? L'pll mmiSilsSSmMm&s Jm Us ' WVL aaaaaaVatlMHltall(a "-1 """ 'jii!''"''ii ' iErw j 1lty,Kl?, iiis? t,t m r lf-taaii-n Li,, '-"t T .IV ' "" ' R Wt i;Va I I L'.llil.l'l1 ' i I'llllllllllll-i 1 1 :l . r ir-8ftl MIAMI, FLORIDA The fastest growing City in the seuthenst. Real estate value nie climbing rapidly in Jlinmi and vicinity. I have THIRTY THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND for sale in a solid body at $16.00 an acre. Leng terms if desired. FIVE THOUSAND ACRES AT $20 PER ACRE ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN ACRES-clesc te Miami, front frent ing the ocean and bay. Would make a high-class subdivision and is. a splendid investment. I have ethers and invite coiic&pendencc. WILLIAM I. PHILLIPS Realtor 211 E. Flagler Street. Miami, Flerida Ivm...v-iviu ii.ir.-i In tbi lte.il Tfitatc Uusmes m I'jerlfla he FLAMINGO ill HW in i Hi ' anin--- aniii f n 1 a m Miami 5 ca clt.FLe ri da. vii.iiiu i h.inibur Itcfcrrnce: 01 Commerce or any XJank In Miami, Flerida f:3' ffftjrrrOTnJ ""-" "'lW9K5WtW Has V,cetirrarttj Flerida' FoTznuest k'e) L HeIkJ. Fireproof- ?6e Roeuui ctct jith.itxth . . v?e c ; us Dec envb cv- 29 th . 2-le -Getf" 3 thing Tcnnis -Fishiiij JUiusunlhj iiUracdVefittiiialiiU biaijalbivs . C.S.lvROM ,Hriiii;ci' l u' Wslv1 H I m&m6&. v il .4 1 fS?" Os ?wr tUi-K! - vv. .' -TT , rzv t ii r3H8T siilffiQ it 5:? V- ?!? 4i tSffi ." IMZ .-, ..i-a-i. mmcJtnWMm&h P. jt?ri -mr -aae -,-.- -ti.. - . TT""M 1 " itij- &K .Mt. r. i'all' ' i1 , , jl t ''. LriLrr.fflttSW2Sv '.U i rti J! 'r 'Zf, Ti i -"" . . . . ; Jh IS .tf-VL.-s "f - -"-- -v-" . .-- -T--iy3, LUTA3 ( he TXTnAf 1-jrVT12T MlBEACI I -- uCN lwilV.Vwl 1 JLV J. i.JL FLORIDA:- laO0VTv"- r, -w .. ... . ,.r. Situated in the Heart et America s Winter fiaygreuna !i1 res v son I- 11 in c ml i) mi 1 in linn f Ocean ) It 1 hli.l 1 1, tii a il ,, , nc 1 ) I) VI ION V , m,J , ,),. 0,. .J W.mil.l llalllax Miter. Ilurdint ih- linr.1 V. .rlum. 1 itkla. and llnatiaf, wll m nrl nod neil valvr U.lliiul PKIMI.EGI OP IHRLi: COLI fill IW.s t-eml, limit-, I rr -ii.usl .-.uriii, ,u il,, I'.l MI.OY.M. CASI.MI. I1.il crelral oeil Irsu eblrli I. H- lh- Smis !'(! Ileulr-ard in all ditrcllaas. lern' Ins m -.i;.nt a ,i i , nt .j 'r'-' r 1 tlit felidw ue hotels - ,M VVill.r,, c (,abll Iw Jlin Is 0 srl'n lri ftviit I . A ciriei r I'r nf ft V erif a 3?0 Adlreii'lrfcU aS llaii.iitun 70 lime1 tlur.li.ni iO ten.ll.urst 10 Tut il.ustr&ua Isekl.". u mineral tnforn.atien ratardiur Diyter.i. addlMis Sept. O. CHA-BEK Or COKMCRCt. DAYT0MA. FLA '! m "?( j"" 'Pf-tfmri -1- tJ. mBSBm . -dkM&tfm u HE location et the LINCOLN HOTEL en Miami Beach ih ideal. Directly opposite the troll' links and tennis courts. Twe blocks irem the pole field, and the same distance from the Casine and the ocean lrent walk. The LINCOLN afl'erds a quiet, exclusive place of resi dence for the.se who are in quest of relax atien, sport and varied social diverhiens. Oiff! from Drcimbvr J I until Ma, l-t BERNHARD LUNDIJKRCi. Mgr. r;lAe,v5fl 71 -vtfj-F?irv TWrt PHl fit HOTEL HALCYON Miami's Most Beautiful' Held Amtrivnn PliT only. Opens December 15th Rates $8 per day and up II. A. IIAMtll.I.. .Miiuncer 1 nn.'h ni J'.i!.inil Hprlngs. Mam III.Mt is. ni'c.V., l'roprlelur 4 &jS&m , i-Jr-lwMayy-iy m$. m x. w jR.msb HOTEL TA-MIAMI MIAMI, FLORIDA Open All Year Comfeit Luxury Convenience Central Location .Miami's newest hotel. Highest type of hotel construction. All outside rooms, elevator, steam hent, private baths, roeniB single or en smite. Rates nnd information en request. THE MOST PERFECTLY VENTI1-ATED H0TELi1PS0UTH" Tti. i? WZiM IBlTn. .-.nl'ir'' ' -. ';;' VI" c IS ...! it I Biff i-aTBli ... K irJ-.LS !' S' ,,t,Ka" I ' t rm4Wn5M V, MIAMI.. J'I.A MIVMI. ri.A l&&afttiVZ Vlll'rtlp; TN rh, land nf Palms and f WQKWXZS ( hT. H1I SUM:. ll.A hT IKilrttiM. ll.A i&etcl jaiijamdra S. A I XT A I G l S'i IX E, FLO R U W.H.BOM-R Managvr A Modern Homelike Hetel in the Oldest City .in the United tt4--- "3,"-i'-'r t m . fill I -n I'lan Directly Opposite thu Main Entrance of thr Fameui Tence de Leen J. THE LAST WORD in Comfert, ( am enienre ami Hump Atmeapherilht Sew ARROYO GARDENS APARTMENTS Fer Which Reservation rc Vew Being Made I s (,. i villi Uu mm' l. hit t.i i i . d j.urif ids .moo 1'henen, i'utle, Itue. rd'n, OtiaTVii' i' w..rs Um iaIhi ni J'oel, Club Dlnlni; Hall unil (ir.um'fi fJievi Thlrti tl i panti.nts it en te riven roetna each i. Hi t'.ith nnfl -evernl iilnt-V iri ,ua it t lin'h nrt nv alliihlu Within vvalKlei illb'i nee t ' t il xi ie si i,i, ( evivKiii niess NHWHI.IUJ IN' TML ,-'J Till M IIWIl Till! I't IIMC Till. OPI'OIt Tl VITV TO S-I'LItr KIM.lt 'lit MOJtl. CUSVI Nil. N'T APAUTMKNTS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC REALTY, LIMITED Julian A. Arroyo. Prcs.. at the ARROYO GARDENS APARTMENTS Seuth Bltlcewead Aveuu eud tta Uuk Strerl Dtemm O, rierifjn i-Ha-- '' M'wVNVseK E uflf -. uv Xs j1!" isstiTT-.ytlgiiW- ' ' ' 'ft;".i'" ,lJr'HWSaTKjiaf'!f A WINTER HOTEL DeLUXE iiieMimiMaimrS. On the Palm-Fringed Shere of BEAUTIFUL BISCAYNE BAY Dedicated te the Comfert and Pleasure et a Superior Clientci FUe-eroef, New Under Cosutntciien. Opana about Jan. 1 . h-err Recreation. Unsarpassed Ceif. Bealisc. Bathtai, H.T.0U.tTewtCucti7. 8W.40t!iSt.,T.LLarieUia Jf TV!?? TvKtfifJCL rfiLfl HaIaTTilJ fifJ trr, 2Hl f ' ri' - nr, i i nit, i i .i rr-. ' .i;i .- - .-.:"..': w MMiMam I'lienea m rooms with eutude service. Mevatcr. I ".ceptieiial Cituine. beautiful Bay Biscayne. TENNIS-BOATING ItVnil.NG MSIIG Nrivlydeceratedand refurnuhed. Quiet, cenvrment location. II. II. RUSE, Manager VII Wll lllLV II. I'l-v. MIWII, II.V. iWnt"tlf' TWKWti Tl im m ,-J?'3 J -JJ.IL GLASGOW APARTMENTS OCEAN DRIVE & 6TH ST. , , , MIAMI DEACH, FtA. ,... Ilirettlj- uu lti uciaa. Eurr ""Vr" Imnreveuient. 1'mir aud flre rixVOi arr rnrut". rcr pvrtlriiUT J'l'! P. n OXftfjajWt WILUAMS APARTMENTS 151 N. E. fitli St.. Minn, I I.Mu lluli (U aimrliianu. CentnilW leuti-il. One btnrk jreyi liar. The niui four rueiui will) prlvam 1-8 Hi ."uiu. Write for Information. Mri, H, , WliiiL,.,. ON WATERFRONT OF BAY OF BISCAYNE HOTEL ESMERALDA MIAMI, FLORIDA Fireproof European Each Roem With Bath E. W. CRITTENDEN, MGR. IMiilim Itenni In t (inncitleii turna; tuJiirJLRl iiV SmSpl ' ---ILElf r'" w Ti iteWmwu (I i t ri MIAMI, rLA, Absolutely Fireproof AMERICAN l'LAN Miami'a iincst and mett modern hotel. Accoiii Acceiii Accoiii luedalioDH for 250 cuettt. Oprn . HOTEL SAVOY MIAMI, FLORIDA i uitnil Qulet Comreiiahle With ei Without Private Wi'' llates, Jt'.Oti IVr Day en" vv ?lrs X ' L"m"A ,, .. -