fyTfBn!?:5 ' -J-.W M- I lw - V ivJ '" '(IVtfvv,. RU'.IV.VJiA yrw; If' - " '.V v r: 4 4 .rt 1; W M . i ; M: i i 1(1 ' -20 Kf&ffiw " 1 II KTfiK, TItt Mnn-ne AAirM-nel Rl I e 1 RyUs n ' " ' life I ' THREE FAVORITES IN ONE SCENE IP I x-2LE& A ill ' P1.. -laWlPsSaaaaaaaHiaaaaaaH $? & . ri - , 'ivviB BiMl:"K BaaaaBlllllllllllllllH ?- "'WH JbH"n.W4f:'!IB ii tMf aaaaaaaK&'&& &JL uKiyiiHBn M Hi1 1 i Ev&nk& vu -aaKfaL JaLaaaaaaRflasm. MSSBH ' I'M. u M !.T'M'SBHrlk,V .. :ebiHHiMllB a 'MasaH jtir vjj nr;QHBi'' ,, ('iHinyHMHLV1 MsaasaV mmm lm in i - BmmH.iHLHLH ? '! II if HHmma 17iKi. VcJKTHtfS . 'v - P" '-.. f 'VBUHIlllllllllllHHlllllllHaBWI $?','- VSilSAT " .iimHIBHI aBBW ?--'? J-SeJJm sr . " aaaaHiaalaalaVaajHBBlBjT; Hi IL MTV ..smMFf: , 'IMPfliBfl &': ru7. v iseEaB . fMMpr",jrLHLH j EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1922 Th fans haf recently ndlf tun iifuftn'r. Ullllf li-m- mm In fltii Mi!ri'jnr. l their INt of favorites. IIrr thry art- with Len Cbaticj In a srent from "All tin- UrciUierfc Were Vallnnt" wn dcaklfi(t of him? II. M. N.) 1 helleve one of his best bltn of nctlnic wen In 'Jean, the Weman. when the French Count Mas drunk nnd Jean wns bclnn Imrncd. If I remember correctly. Wnlly IteM wt.nt In this picture, but wns In every ether picture of the scries. Ills work In 'The Wemnn Ged Forget' (I think thnt wns UK name of It) wan certainly fine. Alse in 'The Illue L'tene,' another old picture. "Nowadays nn actor' or nctrcix Is mode a star simply because of his drawing nbl Ity. A really Brent actor Isn't one Jut because he doesn't play te the bnx efllre. It doesn't seem fair. itiut nUll what is te be done? I rnnlly (Mlcve, however, 75 per cent of our popular fnveritr-i really can net. but have no deHlrc te de se, as their box office Influence is better rn thev are. Mrnt of them have git en one or two geed performances, but that's all. Still It shows they have it in them. "But when nn ncter doesn't de his best for a geed many pictures he Unas, much te his sorrow, thai he can't seem te get back te his old acting. "Take Wnlly. Whether n person likes or dis'iki") him. you've get te ad mit he hns given some wonderful aet Ing te the screen. Ills work In the pholeplnH I lmp mentioned were hits of art. and his Tcter Ibbetson' was Milpiulld. Then he tnnde n few geed 'picture like 'The Chnrm Scheel.' Hut "I'eter' wns Mis last goeu pnrt. "Since then he hns seemed te !et himself go. He tried te catch himself In 'f'lnrenre.' nml succeeded te a Cer i tain extent, nor n"nrl te the extent h" would hnve dtslred, but just tne same In n xnrtnln nrtrnt. 'rillv still lias ' some geed acting 'eft in him, nnd with 'i pond picture, or rather a story, anil n pnml illrrvMiir lie llielllll Stage n ' 'comeback.' I'erhap hU illness will 'help him, nnd lie will en back with a 1 new vim. Trouble is he hn been com ing out in far tee many pictures. Fnns grnw tired e' i'clng nn ncter e often. "Nerma Tilinndtfc is mi favorite. ' Silici-J one nf the mevt beautiful -no-i tresM- en tfce screen. Wit she ft &fle of the few who eenib'tie leeks with net int.. Ilir 'Stnllln' Thrench' s-n mn- terplece. nnd 'The r.ternnl Tlamp' i nlse reed,, outside of the title. If It wasn't for herse f. however. 1t would hne been a bad picture. The costumes, THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTERBOX Bt I1F.NRT M NHEI.Y utterly disngnriline the desire of the public tu sec ItartheliiK'ss at his best." settings, acting, were all. there, but It certainly dragged seemed te lack point. There seemed te be no life, pep, te the picture. I heard many a bored eigh when I saw it, But out of It nil was Nerma herself! A girt en the top rung of the movie ladder today ! "Serry jeu didn't agree will" me about Valentine. "In closing I want te say that I en joy your column just as much If net mere than ever!" (Se de I. We can agw en that, at least nnd about Nerma.) PAIGE 5 -pass. Teuring: excel lent condition; paint like new; geed tires; $400. GIRARD AUTO CO. 2314 Chestnut St. tpJIUaBMilfl! "TXT twi qncinusua arU Viamenia he many unigu gitr8 that WG G.YG displaying', were selected te please . these who discriminate cfi2pm vmbmi t0 AnddtTMif) JEWELERS 1334-WIDENER BUILDING V jT V (I'll confers eiir letter has mc puzzlnl. If It's intended for Irony, it's :i materpii-ee. If ell i rieusK uienii , ... , . . " then I lenture the opinion that the Deedle nt-: "I m J'nli "I yr". brlnslni out tin- rnl art of the -"ren. future of the meii. is utterU hnpiles going te hnve lunrh with Ma Sheik.' "' $?$ nirir..-m.nt ever as !irt if oil are typi.nl 'of imivle . "... - , . ,. the sslnine ' retable Dan . audiences. T t'ie truth: is our but then, I'll forgive you. owing te the Iul er)r men. ,.,,. kp .Tr. ,(,tPr Ml:1, nf, J,,'lt? "'.J. Uk til tact I have nl-i K-n IbJelph ulen-H0le Dutd' will surely In. t!ie ireir- Fake of ni respect for ou, mij it is. tlnn In rvoren l""' ,N,t straw. An article in n r-rent net.) ..,.?. ,,.. M,e, "'" f f"l'lar fan tnisnrine (te ... "Ill tell yen all about It. A" h,h ,.Tery fnn f(l(l, M1M.rib0i n. It W(Uer c writ(,H. ,.Y(m c,.rtniI tandlnc an hour euflde nf ew lerK '' kee;, one up en th ln-ide life nf th strtuk the nail en the head when veii i leading theatre te s- 'Th Yeung Ba- tnp Intimated thnt Henry Klknir l published '(tenth .In m's" letter saying -.h (Mit.flTe ents standing rr-im i nn-vthlns ,mt " 'Kridthrlft. and 'Tnl'- that the stronger (V) sex de net admire Jan (el.-aty.llve cms staneins n t nU j,,,,,,. my pm, , nf(,nkif, H,h-S Br,.llt w. ni-iking. We don't ! lily) first presentation In " leric. t!,ls nlcgardllns. It would seem from Of the m.inv letters you publish in we finally managed te get front iits "Tel'able Iavld' that Mr. King's ,e whuh the riters r.i've ever itedv. in the erehMtra. We were nirely set- fbjert. in hi" cinema venture, are irnr- pretty marly every one is written by 'imit w- i-,-- !- r . I....T itefii. i 111 ""J i-' I"lll .1 IIIUII l.ll" en his .ets. nnd worse yet. allows he him. little for Harthelmev' clothe., thus "Speiklng of Itaymend Hntten (who lit tied watching one of thn rat sketches (that are an Insult te your Intelli gence), when some one in the balcony applauded loudly. Knewing it could net b In appre ciation of the comedy, a few etirleu turned their eyes te gate at the silly one, when suddenly the little old lady (about elity-fire) in front of m rose and waved the edge of a hlte shirt walit Wt. ralltnc wlldlv : 'It's my Rodelph! Bodelph Valentine '.' "Instantly the place was in an up- I tear. All were en their feet ; people In the back came running te the front far a better view, and then, way up in i the leges was Ma Sheik. He rme te the edge of the railing and smiled se , sweetly and bowed se gracleuly. The call for 'speech' went up. I "He finally fought his way te the Stage (with the aid of the officer" I, and eh, Henri, he's wonderful ! He eke with the most delicious tittle ac- ' cent, telling the people hew much he appreciated their enthusiasm; In the I future he would lend his humble efforts j te the better production of his pic tures. Oh, Henri, I could never write , It. Yeu have spoken with him. Yeu. knew the wonderful magnetic powers' (that yen nli have) that simply draw ?ou. The people went wild. Se we , eft him tii see and enjoy his own pic ture. I "Yeu knew, Henri, while I did net like 'The Yeung Itnjah' nor Wanda i Hawley, it showed that ltodelph can ' alto act In seclsl srenes. Ym knew what I mean. Seme silly person em e i said the costume mide him. But you Save te admit he was eplendid in the 'Varsity crew and as a college student. ' "-"When you see Ma Sheik give htm ' Biy very bet love, and ask him hew he i ever get out of that theatre. My Iniy ' friend nnd I steed one solid hour wait ing for him te come out. while my friends steed at the stage deer. The tain chaned us home. Ask him If he went through the celling. Thanks." "The Turning Werm" writes; "Can tot something be done te effect a thor ough heusecleanlng In the nrt of the) Inotlen picture? It seems outrageous i that certain predu era and directors should be allowed te continue in their Iconoclastic evil, while we pit hack and anxiously await the better tuid finer things which were premised for us saany months age. "Heme time age. Alia Naximevn dis evered a very premising young man, and gave him a chain e in "War Brideu." Sintv that time. Mr. Uiehurd BartbeliGKSN ban risen rapidly ustu !.l- capturvd the du'.termi' ueart of i-ver? tuui't cineuu patreu. i "Whi e Air Ujfthtlmi ss vas ut tiiu I belgbt of tun bniluncy. uud einiutirtOe' j sew bnarts each day, along caeuu u few i uirae ueit'siauie neDOci.ia'e, wiui Lie result that Mr. Dartuiluets tueayed te 4e Teruble Djvld,' lu which prfxluc prfxluc Oen, we u-ust nay, hu scored a miser- ' able failure. Wbvn we think buck and I draw up mind plcturisj of the hand- , some, charming IUrthlmees, arid then Sea him is the ullly mountain hey In Tet'able David, ' wearing these per fectly horrid clothes, we can warcely restrain a desire te liave our fingers 'encircling the neck of a tertain Henry Ktna. "If this Is enr premised manna, then it la far liettrr that we mntinue with the old order, se retly iherlshing utt answernl prayers for betterment, than te have our most premising young pari ' teinimlst thus maltreated. "Net satisfied with this atr.K-lty, ' reals of fire were heaped en our head In tbe ahape of 'Tlie Hend Hey.' We tindefsland, liewever. thnt Mr. Harlhel mess ret'rntly erganised his own com pany, and as this is, no doubt, a very costly and daring venture, it m.iy he that the coffers did nut contain enough te warrant the purchadng of any mere expensive tlething, such as was worn In bla wonderfully brilllaht' Senny,' In which we saw the tine artistry of' atarlhelinesa, "One thing In this picture which iui- I Mediately arrests the attention is his i suit with tbe four-button coat, whidi has net been worn by the college men I for fefer that they would leek loe much like SD old man. Ills hair, always well trtenied en the slue, lackrd the enes. irs hair pomade no familiur te n Whk ether young men of the screen, , SBSffsruieas or tnis, mi uair ioexh nicer pay !Mt or any'ettier actor. " f gts. s ffihilrrdfrlnh in !c Tt ,.vwr. Leadiixa Rua Heuse , Seven Floers Completely stocked with fleer coverings from every Rug Center of the World . Make your Christmas Gift a Rug a Present that is permanent and useful. HARDWICK&MAGEEGQ 1220 MARKET 5T t ""iV-,V,'vV-','V-"' saTsaTamTssTssTamtamTsatMTMtaavta MARKET STREET BEEF CO. 2 Day Special TODAY & TOMORROW c lb SIRLCIN RUMP ROUND STEAKS 20 All ROASTS OF BEEF 15 c lb Finest Lean Beef for Soup or Stewing, 4 lbs. for 25c Fresh-Ground Hamburg Steak, 2 lbs. for 25c City-Dressed Shoulders of Perk 15c lb. Pure Perk Sausage, Link or Straight. 15c lb. Finest Country Scrapple 3 lbs. for 25c Finest Selected Eggs in Cartons . . 35c dozen LOOK FOR OUR TURKEY Announcement In Tomorrow's Evening Papers MARKET STREET BEEF CO. 5221 -23-25 Market SI. 5937-39 Market St. Stores Will Be Open Thursday, Friday & Saturday Until 9:30 P. M. rnoTeri.Avn rnnTni'i.Ain r i rrm&Wsr Delicious The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. Jf riSlflC fflZ7&&. Caf S 'or A ti. m. f&the MlLmm 1 I ttr . . iiml ': W&SB&As.hm, Mt. ,': .i..: v svfi4WvytnBv v f ..r -VI. ikL Vr S&&BBL V J m. 5 it s i 4mmlBWt & iwi-. tt m 4u m.v (..a ntinw i mmmi uiiriHwvxiiAiu rrx jb ii .. r- a '- . n i i j i a r7 iiiiiiiiiii.'l 11111 bivi iiaiiA W JVkJOlCJ wr-'! -iiv"w isy rE i VW Victer Bread is made 02 the sarr.e na. , flu pure Ingredients and baked with the vQ ' j3M .inrnc painstaking care that you would tKn 7" tis in your own kitchen. tjL PHVicter C8 I ljjPBread " Q ; HT nun.i it.;., . Kl sTU - uiiiiurei uirivc en it irw Bread Ac $ i Cl-m ,. j, ,. - Leaf B' M b Our Matter Bakers' Masterpiece g I ifw Fer sole whrre you pep thl numeplatc en the windew: mtfj w rris7"-;j ij. ii Si ALHAMBRA WfF$ ALICE BRADY In "ANNA ASCENDS" Anni 1 r 52 TIIUMI'SO.S . ArULLU mahnw mi. MARGUERITE MARSH In -TACE TO FACE" tV.NCASThlt I'IKB. AltHMUKK. PA. ARDMORE CHARLES RAY In "A TAILOR-MAIIE MAN" AblUK vativp tiiiv HERBERT RAWLINSON 1. iTnvrtnEVCI" AND VAUDEVILLE BLUEBIRD UrelLtfZ'r;7x "THE BRAND" ti Malfffen Arrt. "ID i itiiI ' I' M COLONIAL "" Wallace Reid and Agnes Ayrea m ri.AiiENrr r 1 .. r irrt nn 1 rn'" 'r t ?"";URM G SAMPS" f5f ' Dorethy Dolten nd Jack iielt GREAT MRTHERhT W fiVAS! GEORGE ARLISS In "Tlir MAM WHO PLAYED OOO" funCDIM '"Til VI..St'T HTJI. KATHERINE MacDONALD In "THE DFAOT1FUL UMl". riDITD'rV nilOAP A rOLI'MHIA AV. Wallace Reid and Bbe Daniels In "NJCE PEOPLE" . OKltlN 1 MA1INKK lAII GRACE DARMOND In "THE FONO Of LIFE" SibVERBROOK M",,'m,VAAVr Alma Rubens and Lew Cedy In 'VAL'.EY JFJilLFNT MEN'1 rAM-kaw wnndfrftil.hla dark. Math tOU II Hi '. Mr'J"S' loektd In Itif.t "nlrturc. Tlic " patture waa a eetiHldtrnble htrp m sTm Mail ilYlJUJ PALM """ VjrWvrni-KT CONSTANCE TALMADGE nn JOHNNT HIKES 'In "THE BTUDIO pihL" , , I AillIM AttMCtlnnaunTII viuihtiiis ri"rrvt- MOlKtrr HT. Itelew JITH rn.v.iLii 1 111 m t n p. ANITA STEWART In "UOSE OF THE BJEA . AL I J r ri 1 iMiftrKi:s hit. BETTY BLYTHE . n W)W JVOMENLOVE'; aAVUl m 1 Mhlnlihl WESLEY BARRY lJl(irTXya 3 In "RAOS TO nU'HES': SW f I 333 MARKEtaTC mum? . HARRY CAREY 111 "000D MEN AMD TntlE" I he NIXON-NIKULINCtrt THEATRES .Nii.e.va u AMBASSALX)R '""WW IRENE CASTLE -i? "K0 TBESPA88IWO'; BALTIMORF S,5T . wihum BEBE DANIELS In "PINS GODS" belment, rzxwrj's: AGNES AYRES In "BORDERLAND" CEDAR C0T" CKDAII AVR.SU1 MARION DA VIES j jTHE YOUNO DIANA" COLISEUM ilMr,"i M-B0,h " TrfOMAS MEIGHAN ,y" LA 0TTTI.lt" JU?!B0 -KiNf t.T, 4 OatAhf AVU. '"iTlrt T mr nn tfvnn,tn. ti. NORMA TALMADGE i. "L0 Ts HEnfllPTIO'N" LEADER ilaT .IKCAStBR AVSi . 1 te : t tn 11 v. a. HELEN GIBSON ta "MTWE POINTS Of TOT LAW" LOCUST f:,i, ASD leeiHT arurrrs BETTY COMPSON ln "Tl'E PONDED WOMAN" NIXON "D Ar'D ,',A)'iK?T4a,Ta- RICHARD DIX ' "' In "A GLORIOUS TOOL" RIVOJ.I ,,D "'NKOM rra -; 'mjh'ie. u, MARY MILES MINTER ln 'SOPTH Or 8PTA" SHERWOOD m,5atu:!"kTp Mr. and Mrs. Carter DeHaven In "THE OIRL IN THE TAXI" 69THST.T""2T'rdW-I5' ALICE BRADY In "ANNA ASCENDS" STRAND """""S.'' ,Vf;f.i Dorethy Dalten and Jack Helt In "ON THE HIOK SEAS" A'J OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A. GERMANT0WNa,,a'tVv';"'i7u, ETHEL CLAYTON In "IF I WERE QUEEN" AlL.STn CAST III THE INNOCENT CHEATT 4 THE PHILADELPHIA SAVING FUND SOCIETY 700 WALNUT ST. West Philadelphia Office, 15 Se. 52nd St. Interest Rate te Depositors 4 FROM JANUARY 1, 1923 It t - dpmgitt tmA dlam an - . ... . - a um yasapa eperm TO MATCH THE fkdt The distinctive gift of the year is the new Wahl Pen. Distinctive, because its entire barrel is made of light, age-enduring geld or silver. It cannot crack, break or ex pand from body heat. It holds mere ink than the old-fashioned thick and brittle hard-rubber barrel pens. It cannot leak. Distinctive, because you can get Wahl Pens te match the engraved designs en the Eversharps you gave last Christmas. There are 90 styles of Wahl Pens. Every one who has an Eversharp wants a Wahl Pen; de pend en this absolutely. Loek ever your gift list, and give a Wahl Pen te every one who has an Eversharp. Because it is new this year, no one has a pen like it; it matches Eversharp. Selve all your gift problems with Wahl Pens and Eversharps. Give them singly, or in matched combina tions. Your dealer can supply velvet lined GIFT BOXES. Make your selection te-day. Made in U. S. A. by The Wahl Company, Chicago The Gifts of Perfect Writing WAHL PEN READ WANT AD VERS IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION. . til w 11 I' W i v nil ) 1 a Li. u?l' 41Ty -n- f.!.?, f- H ,,4s- J