n 5 J,-1 lv ,J nTTtinnmmA tarwTYKrTOan A V ' nTCfTRMBRR 20. 1922 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGElt-PHILADELPHiA, WEDNESDAY, ' DECEMBER 20, 1922 -.t? t : - J Most Popular Girl But Catherine Spingler, Who Wen Popularity Contest, Likes Hatrdressing, Toe WILL BE CROWNED JAN ' ' J ? VfiilOO MflDTU Dlill Jl miaeiiuiMiniiui. MAY ENTER MOVIES fm vv 'iyffimB fB, i SjiiMVTB-' H. '-.Y jtei.-.f&iy4..-fxM..l.VM.4. f i 1 I'hiinueipinn, naving beiu itv'fi'V'tVl n n nepuinrity contest. e,;' '.r'ra iv'r OxV-'J cment wis mnde in the fjiV&tsfljJft 111 I Lllll.lia.Sk lUin fllV.aUW WXs'.X ."1 "- WW?WAHM mnrm.- HM'drMwcT or mivle nctrces which shall It he? Thnt Is the question which rt(i(n.vcnr-el(l Catherine- Shlnglcr, gf 4210 North Dnrien street, cannot w elde. rntherlne lnt night wns officially muds known its the most popular girl In North 84,370 votes The . iiuuunc pi. Thentrc and nuiu Bir i. . ,, . weeks," she chnttercd nwny nt her home today, "find It was n let of fun. I'vn only been In Philadelphia Btemlily for th last three enrs and have been liv g out hire mere than a year. But ! I knew an awful le of people and I asked all of them te buy votes or tick- n&velTftnuarv 2. I'll get n Inte It for that. I just wanted te e what it was lll:e werkinc in a con test. And fine iephimi "r Biiuii, u..u bed head, running her flnms threuga her hnlr te make t mere fluffy. "I II lOVe lO PW HI iUC uiwive -! j HT4 '" i innaiir -- -- - - NMWW ' r 'fl 1 " i CATHARINE SHINOLER 4210 North Darlen street, who is te be crou-ned Miss North l'hlla uc'.phla, following her election as "qucin" In a content conducted by the Kits '.Vheatre, Sixth street mid Hunting Psrfc avenue i N0H01 OPERA TOU haVC tO (I0 MUCH lUimy iuihbb. xmw- evcr." Hhc added with a careless nwecp of her hand. "I may go In for them Rut I'll love te ue n nair HOUSE FIRE-SWEP T .Vkn ilrtV dresser, tee. Don't knew which I iir wn?it the most, but sunnnc I'd better finish fichoel before I think of Mhat I'll de Inter en." Catherine gees te the McCIurc Scheel at Sixth and Huntington Park avenue, -i 60,000 TONS IN BLAST .Twelve 'Ten TNT Charge Mevea Reck Ledge vor River Dam ' Yalilma, Wash., Dee. 20. A twelve twelve ten charge of TXT was set off jestcrduy at the Government construc tion camp at Rlmreck, AVnli., heaving a huge ledge of rock, estimated te weigh CO.000 teiiB, into the Tieton River. The rock inter will be piled against the core wall of the Rlmreck I)am, te be the largcnt carth-llllcil dam in the United States. It cost $57,000 te prepare the blast. NICARAGUAN INQUIRf IS URGED IN SENATE Oldest Amusement Establish ment in That City Do3treyed Early This Morning ENTIRE BLOCK MENACED Norri'tewn, Dee. 20. The Grand Opera Heuse, the eldest amusement establishment here, wnB destroyed hy me this morning. The flames, thought te have been caused by crossed elec tric wires, started in the top of the building at 12:30 o'clock and illu minated the sky ever the entire city. At first It was, feared the whole block en Main street In which the theatre utands the principal business Bectien of the elty would be swept hy tun names. Kapid work bv firemen, ' however, confined the blaze te the one building, and nfter nn hnur the fire! appeared te be under control. The Grand Opera Heuse was a three three steTy structure, the front of which was occupied by ledge rooms. Motion picture exhibitions were given In the auditorium. Twe weeks age a slight fire stnrted In the theatre when a motion-picture film exploded In the projection bes. Alleged Connection of N. Y. Flrm3 With Chamorro Regime Mentioned Washington, Dec. 20. An Investlsa- I tien ey the Senate Foreign Relation-. The Court has granted n divorce te Committee te ascertain "the true state Mary P. Trimmer, of Cynwvd, from of affairs" in Nicaragua, the facts con- Seward W. Trimmer, who new resides wiling American occupation of that re- In Les Angeles. Calif., en the ereund pu ilie in lull), wliv American lercci of cruel and barbarous treatment. They Mill uie, quartered there and' 'the con- were married in Syracuse, N. Y.. In nectien between certain New lerk com- U)18 and three days. Inter Trimmer mabhIa 1 l...iihii t1 tliA I'linntiiUhn flni .. . & a tat " .. rmrcinl heitsec nnd the Chamorro Clan Government e Nicaragua." wna pro pre pro peied in a resolution introduced yester day by Senater Ladd, Republican, of North Dakota. Reference was made in the measure te t evolutions adopted nt a mass meeting in Mnnagua, which, it wa mid. licensed Dr. Maxime II. Zepeda, a Xienraguan delcsnte te the Central American conference new In session In nns ent te a military camp. His wife lestineii no was in a guardhouse when his company went evcrswiH, Trimmer point? evpr later. On his return they lived together until July, 11)20, when the wife said she had te leave en ac count of his treatment, testifying that he never worked, living en his mother's income nnd his chief amusement was beating his wife without cause. The wue ucciared n ah n nliAHu ...III. 1.. Washington, of heiiie "n tiaiter te his mntlier-in.lnw worn ...nCf .in1-,. i.- teuiitry" and "u warrior of Wall Street latter always defending her. and 'that! bankers against the legitimate interests Trimmer was also cruel te Ills mother. , la his country. en one occasion becoming nngrv nt her Tunr-i- wi-.n m n . r. . . .. ab,out,n eci transaction and made her THREE-YEAR-OLD BOY BADLY tc,Pn a cancellation of an engage- DITTCM DV A OTDAV nnr !nellt .Hne ,.m'1 t,1(lt day for some cel- ; wi i i ui u i n y i nn I uuu icge aiumni committee work Animal Files at Chester Child and , ,A ,wn,r,rnnt "J" uecn lssed by Mag- -r- ui w iiuiic i uune mr me arrest or llarry Tears His Face Crethc-rs. of Royersford, charged with Chester, Dec. 20. Police have been violation of the meter vehicle law in ordered te sheet upon sight n strav deg ""t stepping for aid after striking a which attacked and severely bit a tiirce- pedestrian. It is alleged his car hit I year-old hey yesterday when lie steneed Jehn Frnntz en Ridce Dike bn Kiimlnv upon the front perch of his home Wth ccnlng. Crethers peralbts it is a case nis mother. ' of mistaken identitv. The hey Is the sort of Mrs. William ' Leng, of 72(1 West Third street. The Mr. nnd Mrs. Reuben Redebaugh of tieg wiih en the perch when Mrs. Leng Center Square, will celebrate their six- rneunted the steps from the sidewalk, ticth wedding anniversary en Christmas hading her son by the hand. The with a family gathering. Ueth are well animal leaped at the child, knocked him and active, the former aged eighty- down nnd hit his face. The mother 'our nnd the wife eighty-two. They lifted her son from the perch, but the havt hail nine children, sir of whom os : again attacked him, injuring him are living: Irvln, of Philadelphia J Mrs. Dniiiy liefere It could lie driven away. Edward Kemerle, Geriuantewn ; Mrs. I he boy was cairicd te the office of Dr. Wllmer Jehnsen. Hnrrlsbnrg: Mrs. Allicrt L. Ussctt, who had te take sev- Jehn Rockett, Edge Hill, and R. N. ral stitches te cloi,e the vnrioue Rodehaugh, Center Square. They have wOunuu. eizhtecn crnndehllrlren niul p!i1i nrnni. - r,. .-..... ...... ...,. i M..(.. icranuciiiidrcn. They were married in CHRISTMAS-EVE TALKS w liitemnrsh Tewnshln. Mm, TlnU i 1. 1.. : i.i " --, ------ ta nr- r-i .... , , vnujn a luuiuen uame was mary is, TO BE FLASHED BY RADIO zcarfess. FAIRIES EXIST, DOYLE SAYS New Devlce Will Reproduce Voices of Coelldge, Dcnby and Weeks . Washington, Dec. 20. Vice Prosl Presl Prosl eont roelidge, Secretary Weeks ami weerctary Denhy. it was announced " night, will deliver radio addresses te 9 American public Clirlstmas Eve, acn their voices, reproduced by the iHiiuipnoteplionc, n new electrical mid j"'"iuKiniiue Cites Letter of Ten-Year-Old Girl te' Substantiate Claim Londen, Dec. 20. Sir Arthur Cennn Deylo jesterd.iy renewed the con troversy which he started two years age when he stated that fairies had PiAtli0 '".li"1; "!!, " ""tliV,; leen Photographed in a Yorkshire vll Jiencral Electric Company ut Schenec- lagc. He uays he has corroborate ai'i ' iYt . 'evidence which removes all doubt about dreds'r B ' ,,"L :.C" 'iVX 'l"1: W. previous statements. easting station, It Is declared their Twe "" nEO. he nld, fairies had vmces win be heard as clearly as though been pliotegrnpuou by two girls, ten Itrmm'n "W ,Hfec,!r Intet,1,,e '"I l,n(1 6ix,ee enra W. nd 't is new S k00p,M1CUntn1fv,:vI "lH '"eu8ht l0 ," "ttentlen that Z f trJil J?:',() l M- en a wvc lengtl veunitcr of the two. seen nfi. lut v iiiw iiii'iiirii i NO CLUE TO MINT ROBBERY Denver Police Unable te Trace Bandits' Automobile Denver. Dec. 20. (Hy A. P.) a racing down an endless number of uppescil dues without result, Denver police, nearly forty-eight hours after the robbery of $200,000 from Federal Jtescrve Hunk empleyes, Mill lack In In In rorniatlen ns te the identity of the rob When the bandit machine sped away "Iter the robbery nnd the fatal shoot sheot shoet "ig of Charles Linten, Federnl Rebcrve ""ink guard, In front of the Denver Mint, It dlBappenrcd completely. MORE KEPHART CHARGES T.free New Informatiens te Be Brought Against Him ilarrlsburg. Dec. 20. The Attorney pho.egraplm were taken, wrote a netu r u llttL frlehd In Seuth Africa, sajlng" "Kisie nnn l nave Deen seeing fairfn. lately. We even obtained photegraniiu them, l wonder why we did net tee of I suppose it ft General's ..Department' baa nrennred "iree additional Informatiens against Harmen M. Kephnrt, formerly State treasurer, charging him with mlsde i a2?r.,n offlce- The Information will i llled seen because the statute of limitations will expire early In 1D1SI. i up original information which re them In Seuth Africa was tee het." Sir Arthur bases his corroboration en the argument that a child of ten woule net attempt te decehe n friend in such a manner. i THIEVES PufyCTvTiN FIRE Weman, Beaten and Robbed, Thrown Inte Pile of Blazing Newspapers Cleveland, Dec. 20. (Hy a P.) ' Twe robbers today bound, gagged and bndly bent Mrs. hlennere S&nchaly, and then, after tier repeated assertion that ifW in cash nnd n check for $110 was all the nmiuy she had In the house and her refusal te tell of n secret hiding place of her money, tied a stocking cap nbeut her face and threw hrr into a pile of blitzing newspapers, from which she was rescued by fire men. Mrn. Hnnchaly's clothing was scorched ami she was almost suffocated from smoKe. the rehhers escaped. Endlcett P. Rroelillno, Man,. Saltenstall Dec. 20. Endi- S m. Mrt Kephart being held for eett P. HMtenstnll, District Attorney of wurt and In bis indictment ret inlsde- Mlddlefcx Count, died suddenly nt hi- jneaner cover the period from October home In the Chestnut II III section here December, 10a0, and the three nw hist nUht. Tin DUtrlct Attctrnev hml ffiSLkS. J"5!lary' February and been 111 five weiks, bul tihysIelaiiH wild wph, 1021. They are similar te the death was due te an untspwud attack erlftaal Informatiens. ' , of phlebitis, Jein the great throng of happy Christmas shoppers who come from all parts of the city te share in the wonderful savings at the Kensington Sheps. Though the demand has been heavy, fresh stocks arrive daily at these wide-awake shops. With only three P7 l t r. .. -II .Ml r. I a.t. ...- J. .J.nJ!J lCtm b aavlnni tVinf -will mere shopping aays leir, you win sun nna inuunnuu. 'i"Mm b" ..B -.. ..... astound you. Shep and Save in Kensington THE COUPON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE, means your carfare is FREE. iUCurbj) $reg. extenb tiie Station'& &tttti& te tfjctr fjesit of tuntemtvi anb friettbg tettf) bt&t hjtfiijcK for a $nppj anb Presper eujf Mete car. ffltuvbp Ptasi. Jf rent anb erU Streets :e f0 en PURCHASING AGENTS' ORDERS ACCEPTED ' BERG BROS. Cor. Frent & Dauphin Sts. OVERCOATS and SUITS Sensible and Serviceable Gifts Mr. Berg's Guar antee Goei With Everv Purchase 15 N . E $20 Men's Overcoats g In Grays and Browni. Belted Stylet. nv t nsf t si.au mens Overcoats Heavy All Weel, Plaid Back. In Raglan and Ulster. Art- $. men s Overcoats Durable Plaid Back Fabrics. In the Newest Medels Beys' Clethes for Christmas $8.50 Beys' Twe. Pants Suits, Over coats, Mackinaws .00 $1 Q.75 OA .75 $15 Beys' All-Weel Mackinaws and Overcoats $0.95 $4.95 $12 Beys 2 Pr. Pants Suits, Over- coats, Mackinaws $79S OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS I Cewt te tht HJJT YOUR OPPORTUNITY It ruu iT.nt te Imy tax tllrert from jn incierj, you muii eeme te n re. terjr te l fuctnry tn1cf. Yeu cnnet ipi rnrtury imrrs- in renin Hern pav- n MkIi tentu In it rfl.ill district. VTIItem. Axmlniten, Velvet, Had I3rutM. Extrnllnary Quality nl Pttisni, In anr ill. r BiRgest Uarftnin in Town t VELVETS & AXMINSTERS fluent Quality 11x13 $21.50, $27.50 up 8.3x10.6 $2000, $25,0 $13r,e, $19.5e $1 9.00, $1 e.oe 27x54, $2.60 up 7.0x9 6.9 'up Glffnntic Sale nf Finest Seamless Wiltens 9x15 $97.50 9x12, $70.00, $57.50 & $53.50 8.3x10.6, $67.50, $55 & $49.50 6x9 ...$43.50 7.6x9 $40.00 AtX AKK PERFKOT GOODS Fins CirpMi. 9le, S1,S5, 11.60 up r it. Kuri, Runnera. Carpta br the Yard a.34. tl nd 80 Inchea wld-. all (Tatlci. mm aiptr, and Orl'ant above Cambria St. Routs 8 or A te OambrU nt. . erYfankferd "L" te (lemtrast Bt. Sta. and walk en anuart taat te Jaap.f ni. an -m" uss1 SL laotery. "i 3980 M. Opn , . w Frl.. Until Athxt i4h P. . Mall .Ordsra TllTH. f Ant Dllvnf. , Ak.k v... M. Qua flftt. nnd LASTING GIFT Fine Polychrome Boudoir Lamps Special at $2-39 All Celers A complete Bteck of Lamps of all descriptions te choeso from. We also carry a full line of Xmas Tre LlthtlnR Outfits. Fleer Lamps, Table Lamps anil ether electrical appliances. Let tislU out jour home for Xinn. Wlrtu. M ,i a, lrltnf, INDEPENDENT Gas & Electric Fixture Ce. 2227-29 N. Frent St. Get Off at Dauphin St. Station WARREN R. GREENIG & CO. HIGH-GRADE PIANOS , AND PLAYERS BOLD OH EASY TERMS 3129-31 Kensington Ave. rh-Oarnlfd'lTuIc'wuicall gL-ggi FrankeL en the FrankferdL" Station StepDauphin Street La Mede Sponsors the Ceat of Caracul Lamb trimmed with MINK COLLAR AND CUFFS $89.75 Werth Twice This Price 40 inches long. Skins beauti fully rnntched. Finished with heavy silk cord. A RARE BARGAIN Ceet will be tent ter your inspection, if you desire. Phene, Columbia 0676, or icrite us. Open Monday, Friday, 'Saturday Evenings. SPECIALISTS IN BCiYS" CLOTHES ii 4LbdL- Ar3L c A Tn2 DIAMOND C S. E. COR. frent: DAUPHIN St ' BOYS' SUITS Frent Dauphin St PhUadelphia -Pa. 0'COATS & MACKINAWS 6.00 ALL-WOOL CHINCHILLA Inlo coats brltpJ all around' muff tmrketa and plrattd backs 3.95 8.75 BOYS' TWO PANTS SUITS Overcoats nnd mncklnaw.t In rart. eua blanket nlild and solid ciders. i C.95 10.50 BOYS OVERCOATS Twe-nnnta nulta nf t a n e y ehetlefci, trrrrda nnd liem spun In licrrln bone wcaTe . .. models HAND-TAILORED BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS Of pure worsted, in all the newest shades Sizes up te 18 years. .75 a 1 O.SO te 12 iOPEN EVERY EVENING n aw art v . S ,.. m '9 iS g I and I i HHSfflBKS MP. FOX 1412-14 GERMANTOWN AVE 2826-28 FRANKFORD AVE MAKE THIS A FURNITURE XMAS! Give Her a Lasting Gift Fer beauty and usefulness noth ing surpasses a dining-room suite. We have a large assort ment of complete suites te please every taste at prices te fit any purse. $110.00 Upward. I liaUHBl --g- , -JtJj CPU KJIll I Only Ons Bleck East of Somerset St. "L" Station y&s&&&&gpmM8 e The Leading Department Stere Uptown Open Every Evening Until Xmas FRONT AND SUSQUEHANNA AVE. One Bleck Seuth of Dauphin St. Station en the New "L" &7&5SYn Si? tjftj'jr! jJZj&IJaV Vi- 5 S TAVe aiun DA Vlf SsN S 1 v 1 7 ""- nnuiv New ter the Last DIG WEEK, Cema hop in the finnit Tey Htnrr uivtewn. Tii rumplrte flner dftelfd te Tcya. AUTOS, COASTERS, DESKS, SLEDS, DOLLS, GAMES In fact. tfrythlrlB frm Kahtn Claua' workshop. I OUR RADIO DEPARTMENT UuSllM0" ,"Lf "V'1. " tra ftVm in SJ5.He.it l'l.ci.es. Specl.l t tniy ,1,73 t0 W0 lMui 8pe Women's Kid Gloves Boxed for Xmas Gifts Why net? A nice pair of kid Gloves. Yeu couldn't give any thing mere practical and something that will be appreciated. These regular $1.G0 values come in Black. White and Cordovan with silk - embroidered backs. ! A Beautiful Pair of Blanketsc-s rA High-grade White Weel Blankets, 66x80 inches L .OH Pink and Blue borders with silk binding te match. Usual $7.00 value. mW AN IDEAL GIFT FOR THE HOME $10 Satin Bed Set $e SH ndseme Satin Spread .with .callemrl Mlrrr. nnrt C WV ft COMPI.RTH HtOCK OF SUPPLIES ANn TiTi- nn..a . .... .nn Our. ltailln L'ipctU are nt Tour . rTcj at nil time, te 'i.ele teu 1 loin uti.iv tux ra-ftiiE EVEBYWHEBE Hat. k- I nadls l'reblrms. OELIVEBY MADE EVEBYWHEHE HOFFMAN CYCLE CO., 3010 Ken.lngten Avenue "M tyenlnes Oarfleld 0161 Kedaks r,i Spcrtinf Osd f?jwwwwwwwwwxwr Handsome Satin Spread .with .callemrl Mlrrr. nnrt cut corners. Bolster Threw te match. Majfnificent ftfl.ertment of pntterns te choeso from. Strictly a Holiday Special. 8 wmwit UCLAilUnS-STDal PTaWTJT. 1 g I JM J I llaViuiivn aSXZB0BS KCNSIKOI BBBk.Pa w'T.sV M07 m ON AVK 1 PhIm, . BERG BROS. Largest Women's Stere in Kensington 234246 N. FRONT ST. WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT Spert Ceat $Q.75 Value $17.50 All colors and siren. Fur-Trim'd Ceat $1 0.75 Uleck, brown and navy O $25 Canten Crepe Drenei 1 r All tlies all colors O 920 Canten Crepe $1 A .75 Dresses lvr All sizes all colors $25 Tricetine Suits $fy00 CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Pole Coats $C.98 Swagger Style Sliea 8 te 14 Special: Bath Robes $1 .98 CorJiirey Besceu Cleth Sizes 6 te Bi. 14 .75 Carlten Astrakhan Coats andTam. . . Children's Dresses $O.I8 aUiip Geed variety for Xmns gifts. S.rtniin 4fnia' Oritrs Atttptti Open Evsry Ercnlnv Till Xmai JOHND.ENRIGHT Want 1 te Shew Yeu ADIAM0NDRING vaUU at IMt vA tf paay taa Fine Quality Specially Priced JOHN D. ENRIGHT 3020 KENSINGTON AVE. Any Article Retervd SriarlS&ilaOpen Every Evening Until XmasSiJg OI-T Saved en any fur Kir mtnt tieuutit . here " FUR COATS A Specialty Every garmeri' Is absolutely guaranteed. M. DAVIDSON "The Largtit Furrier in Keniingten" 2424 N. FRONT ST. Yerk St. Station en the "I," All Neufs the Ta M time m H te select BI your Victrela B B for Xmas I JmJ) BUY AT lUL DRESSES FOR EVERY OCCASION at prices you want te pay. "All that the nam implies" 2540-42 Kensington Ave. Midr ' miMdfflwfc ERTELT'S 2135 North Frent Street ami 111; s TiMrini BUY DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY ?;:s$9.00 VlrcluU (lertnahlev In ua.er Tnre Feld Hne colors Oenutn. llcnt Oxford Hpert 8w eater. M lb. In. N ee I 0I1 Of her ami l.mVTPT k rd Weel fr SJ smm ib. Sample Upen Requeet WM. H. LEES' SONS 2426 N. Hancock St. Kensington 0734 i3iij flGasurwvk Cl S. ""arc1" J. ROVINS FURRIER 2221 N. FRONT ST. Get off at YORK ST., w.lk eutli V -j:r-.-j-t-.nr.-.-j-.ijv-ift,). .1 . 1 "- an I - THIS COUPON If prearnted ut tl.r tin.,, of nurriina of mrrrlinnrlle iiiiii.uiitli.K te SI. (Ill r V?2rJu'n.t"lr W tu k '"AH TlCKIST tTeEE CAR ' l TSTSnMaWSsaaaJSi A a m a..... yist . 1 V, ,'A'i(.ii1 Y -Li " m w " m m mw m w AASjaV i.Vj. iJtOJVffc a I I6K.KT r Tr--"