Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 20, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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VQL. IX. NO. 84
Uuttlee Kaltach Hesitates Be
fore Denying Second Plea
of Weman's Counsel
Charges That Circus Man's
Widow Showed Her Geed
Actress en Witness Stand
' Hsrry 0. Mehr was branded "the
tauter mind" and "arch criminal" In
tie murder of "Honest Jehn" Bruncn
Ja the closing address of Assistant
Irojeeuter Rebert Peacock today nt the
trial of Mehr and his sister, Mrs. Deris
'jJrunen, for the crime.
The case, begun Monday a week age,
jrebably will be In the hands of the
Jury at Mount Helly, N. J., by
The assistant prosecutor did net spare
Mrs. Bruncn in his review of the crime
committed at Riverside the night of
March 10. He called her "the most
wonderful actress that ever sat en this
witness stand," and asserted her
"rears of experience en the circus let
were of great bene At te her as a wit
ness." He asserted that the tears she
ihed when telling her story of the
Berder "were net tears of love and
orrew for her husband, but tears of
Though Mr. Penceck handled Mrs.
Brunen without mercy, Supreme Court
Justice Kallsch, who with Judge Wells
Is trying the case, was en the point
of taking it away from the jury, se far
is Mrs. Brunen was concerned, and
though he refused Annlly te de this,
uld he "would take care of the matter
Id his charge.''
"AskedHew State Involved Her
Justice Kallsch aeemed much Im
pressed with the reasons given by Wal
ter Keown, attorney for the cfense, in
wring that the Indictment against
Mrs. Brunen be dropped en the ground
that the State had net cenected her
in any way with the crime.
Before he refused this motion the
Justice . required Jonathan Kelney,
county prosecutor, te state his reasons
for maintaining that the evidence had
Inrelvcd Mrs. Brunen. A similar mo
tion te free Mehr. en the same grounds
net with a lesn hcsltnnt refusal.
Mr. Peacock began his closing ad
dress a few minutes before 11 e clock
and was still speaking when a recess
vis taken for luncheon nt 12 :13.
The time schedule of nn automobile
trip last night, made from Cambridge
Butten, N. J., te Fifty-ninth and
JBpruce streets, Philadelphia, wns in
troduced as the final bit of evidence for
the defense.
The evidence was offered te prove that
Mehr could net have left UiverBlde,
N. J., en the night of the crime, nt
the time specified by Charles M. Powell,
elf-confessed murderer and the State's
chief witness, and have reached the of
fice of Dr. William C. T. Poulsen, at
8348 8pruce street, by R o'clock.
Powell swore thnt nfter lie had shot
Brenen he ran te Cnmbrldgc station,
where he said Harry Mehr wns wilting
for him in his small coupe, nnd rhat
they get away from the etntlen nt 7:25
e clock.
Mehr testified in his own defence that
he did nothing of the sort, nnd thnt
be was In the office of Dr. Pouleu nt
n o'clock, a statement which the phy
liclsn corroborated.
The defense desired te show that It
would net-be possible te go from Cam
bridge station te Fifty-ninth and Spruce
trcsts between 7:25 and 8 o'clock, nnd
te prove this Andrew Park, of Cam
flWi, an automobile ngent nnd expert,
took a car like Mehr s ever the same
route at the fastest itesblble speed.
Park's testimony showed thnt he
reached the doctor' house at 8:20
e'chek. though he went at breakneck!
specu nnu had unusually geed fortune
In making connections and aveldiug de
lays. Tells of Time Test
I'nrlt testlflnil "TTmler InafriK-tif.Il
from Mr. Keown I left nt 7:25 sharp,
Slid the rillltn erlprlerl tnn tt TMrerfnn.
Iurlingten pike, te Federal street, te
lwelfth street, te Cooper street, te
Delaware avenue, te Mnrket street en
tee Camden side of the ferry.
"I took with me Clarence Graham,
of Uivcrten. We arrived et the ferry
Jt 7:50. I drove et the rate of thirty
five milee nn hour, nnd I wouldn't
rare te drive any faster in that cur.
we passed everything en the reed and
We stepped nowhere. We were net
Weckcd at the ferry und were the first
car en the beat. It consumed five
nilnutes from the time we arrived ut
'be ferry until the bent left the slip.
It took slx'minutcH for the beat te cress
the river, and we arrived in Philadel
phia ut 8:01. We went right out Mar
ket street te Thirty-second, te Spruce,
te Sixtieth, taking the quickest route."
. . :..'re "'ere any traffic steps en the
trip?" asked Mr. Keown.
Only two, one at Bread Street Stu Stu
Wen, of a half minute only, nnd the
ether several squares west at the ex-
Sres office, where we wete blocked one
a f minute by a truck backing in.
e arrived nt Fifty-ninth nnd
Spruce strets at 8:20 o'clock. The total
running time was fifty-live minutes."
Walked It in Eleven Minutes
The Witness unn llhlfpft Tlnw Innv It
would take te get from the l'hiln
uelpnia ferry te 45 Cooper street. Cam
Qfn. He testified that his comnnnteu.
ursnsni, had covered this i
"filing en the return trip,
he said, left Philadelphia ei
"t and urrlvcd ut 8 :05, te!
urslism, had covered this distance by
lp. Graham,
en the 8:41
n ll nleiratt
Minutes for the trip. I watched him de
, and he made it at u moderate pace."
, Are j ou acquainted with Mr.
i?v" car?" Mr' Kcewn usked.
. i w' " mnB ns we'l as a new car.
1 ini0t "" fnst aH ,no car l usei1
night. Ne new car could go at the
p?cc I drove en a cold night like Inst
tre hi Mtbeut 'reclln8 I or having
, Mr. Peacock. creBs-cxnmining, asked:
.Uew old Is Mehr'H car?" "It wns
wuiht in November last."
Old Mehr bring bis car te you the
CenllnuH as .' Twentr-thrrr. Colutne One
h'VS.8iAr!,KXNl-A'"NTlc"t'lf.ST LINK.
JitW "l.0rlla. SihwIH" le Miami. Semi.
Wltklu ..ill-'.
1600 ChMtnut it.
Snlarad m Baeend-Clati MalUr at the Poitefflca at Philadelphia, Fa.
Under ttit Act of Mareh 8. 18T0 .
Slight Blaze In Presbyterian Insti
tution Grounds Extinguished
A Are at the Presbyterian Hospital,
Stnrtlna nt 0:20 o'clock thin mnrnln?.
was extinguished by watchmen before
patients in the institution knew there
was a blaze.
The Are started when a large piece
of canras being dried around a Arc by
workmen engaged in building an addi
tion te the hospital, caught lire. A
passerby saw the flames "hooting up
from the canvas and turned in nn
alarm. The Arc apparatus approached
the hospital quietly, however, and nene
of the patients web aroused.
Gloucester Farmers Believe
Pennsylvania Incendiaries
Are Responsible
Twe barns in Gloucester County, N
.T., were burned te the ground early to
day in fires believed te have been of in
cendiary origin. .
Farmers of the county believe the
firebugs who have terrorized farmers of
Delaware, Chester nnd Montgomery
Counties, in this State, may hove
crossed the Delaware River and been
responsible for the two fires and for
eight ether mypterlens barn blnrcS that
have occurred within the last two
The barns burned last night were In
the vicinity of Mnntun, two miles be
low Woodbury.
On the Bnkely farm, occupied by
Benjamin Terry, the barn wns dis
covered nblnze at 1:30 o'clock by a
motorist. Supposing It had been no
ticed by the Terrys, he continued en
his way te Mnntun nnd turned In nn
nlnrm. Firemen from Mnntun Heights
nnd Wenennh went te the scene.
When thev arrived thev found the
Terrys still asleep and the bnrn almost
completely destroyed. Twe horses nnd
n cow were burned, nleng with all farm
machinery mm crops.
Empty Barn Is Burned
The second Are occurred In nn nbnn nbnn
dened bnrn en the farm of Hcrmnn
Worthlneten, one mile from Mnntun,
en the Rarncsbore renn. It had net
been In use for mere thsn n year nnd
contained no crops or livestock. Be
cause of thnt fnct County Detective
Steelmnn end Deputy Sheriff Unrry
Ienp, who are investigating the fires,
believed the barn te have been fired by
Farmers of the county, nlnrmed by
the ten fires in nerns, hnve urged
County Prosecutor Jeseph Lnnngnn te
tnke action te capture the firebugs they
believe te be rcnonslble for the blazes
A commlttee of farmers from the Mnn
tun section called upon the County
State Aid Asked
The Phlindelphln Pecletv for Pro
moting Agriculture tedny forwarded te
floverner Sproul a request thnt he de
tail mere State police te Chester,
Delaware and Montgomery Counties
te capture the Incendiary gang which
has caused n $500,000 less te far
mers by mnny barn burnings.
The request is In the form of a res
olution, ndepted unanimously nt a
meeting of the society last night.
Speakers en the resolution pointed
out thnt while 125 Stnte troopers are
nlrendv nt work in the three counties.
burning of barns continues nnd the
Incendiaries even nnnenr te hove be- I
come bolder In their mtmtles. Four '
terror began almost three months age,
Majer C. M. Wllhclm. in charge of
Stnte police Investigating the fires,
said today he has obtained certain
evidence In connection with the Gulph
Mills Gelf Club fire of Monday nlgbt
which he believes will lead te important
Pnell Fire Brings Posses
The firebugs, fortified behind n hazard
nn the Gulph Mills Clifh golf course,
engaged In n pistol battle with club
empleyes when they were discovered
in the net of applying their torch at
that nam. it was the first or the
thirty-five bnrn fires at which an nc
tual glimpse of the Incendiaries was
hnd. nnd Geerge Peters, professional
golf player at the club, says he could
Identity two et tnem.
Mnjer Wllhelm tilse raid he hnd re
ceived valuable evidence at the fire
Centlnurd an Tate Twrntr-thrrc. Column Nix
Officials of Third-Class Cities Meet
In Hnrrlsburg
Harrisburg, Dec. 20. (Ry A. P.)
Mayers and city solicitors of third
class cities are discussing drafts of a
bill te rnrry out the previsions of the
new "Heme Rule" amendment of the
Constitution here today. The confer
ence is a continuation of that held
recently In Philadelphia, nnd Jhc plnn
is te agree upon a measure which will
epply te all cities and permit of the
measures of relief which figured in the
arguments for the amendment.
Details of several bills are under dis
cussion, one of the chief points being
nn ways nnd menns for holding of char
ter elections. Dntn showing experience
of ether States with constitutional pre
visions en, lecai ciiariers were pre
North Carolina Institution Leeks
Inte Roem Stilts
Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 20. (Dy A.
!.) Resignations of four Instructors
at North Curellnn State College of
Agriculture and Knglnccring here have
been rcquesiru ub a result ei enarges
that they made home brew in their
Dr. W. C. Rlddlck, president of the
Institution, In making this1 announce
ment today declined te give further de
tails except te confirm reports that the
action followed an investigation by
Haany dM, frlfnity fett. every afert.
Outdoor jpert. 'i.hi Carolina, rintburit.
N, C
barns were burned Monday night and. iiere is a cer siiemjBc. me miners vtoeuniu m ma requisi en nppennug
early yesterday morning, the lnrgest have refused te work Christmas week, , before the committee yesterday as a
number te go up in flames In n single I wen after taking the whole hunting . witness after he withdrawal of Rtp.
night since the Incendiary reign of I season off. and the water shortage adds lesentntive K el. ler, of Minnesota, from
Thousands of Families Facing
Empty Bins, With Little Pros
pect of Relief Over Holidays
Producers Assert City Is Re
ceiving Supply and Blame Is
Net Up te Them
Retail coal dealers are blaming the
operators for a shertnge In anthracite
thnt is causing suffering In many thou
sands of homes throughout the city.
Operators say the dcnleis are getting
their full quetn of 00 per cent of Inst
years' shipments. In fnct, they soy,
Philadelphia Is really getting mere than
Its shnre of coal shipped from the mines.
In the meantime, the consuming pub
lic is demanding coal te fill empty bins
nnd is net setting It.
Ceal yards of the city virtually are
empty of the domestic sizes of anthra
cite. This includes pea, nut, stove and
egg coal. The exceptions are largely
with the big dealers who mnnnged te
keep up sufficiently in their supply te
tnke care of emergency orders of tbelr
regular customers. '
"Oot nny coal?" Is the universal np
peal te dealers. And the reply In 110
per cent of the enses Is this: "We can
give you buckwheat. Haven't any
thing else." Many have soft coal and
borne have coke.
They say they can give no definite
word ns te when they will have any
large size coal te sell.
Emergencies Everywhere
The telephone wires nre leaded with
"emergency calls" te dealers, telling of
sickness, and ether troubles. But
dealers say they arc unable te relieve
the shortage because they can't get
the cenl.
While many of the denlers blame the
shortage here en the producers, Charles
K. Scull, secretary of the Phlindelphln
Ceal Exchange, a retail dealer's or
ganizer, says that Philadelphia is get
ting its full quota of CO per cent of
last year's supply.
In making a canvass c' the yards of
coal dealers requests for coal were an
swered in this wny :
Glenwood Tee and Ceal Company,
Park and Sedglcy avenues :
We hnve se many orders we win
never catch up. Little cenl Is coming
In and we cnirt get te the bottom of it
te find out the reason why. Seme blame
the railroads and some sny the oper eper oper
nters arc holding it up. It leeks te us
like thpy were sending it away te get
mere money elsewhere."
The question of mere money, put te
Kdgar C. Felten. chairman of the Fair
Practices Committee of the State Fuel
Commission, brings the reply that 00
per cent of the anthracite producers are
charging a price which the Cenl Com
mission has decided is fair, and the
price prevails, Mr. Felten explains,
whether the coal Is ablpped te Phila
delphia or Canada.
McAllister Ceal Cemnnny, Twenty
fifth nnd Reed streets: "We hnve noth
ing hut buckwheat and de net expect
any until January e
We understand ,
llinf PnnAfln ilnil Npw Rnfflnnrt nrfi
hldriinr aealnst each ether for coal and!
if Philadelphia gets it the dealers must J
"iu mere uinn ?m iu m mc uihici. i
"Call Again Next Week"
Klcbe & Ce., 1100 West Dauphin
street: "If ou are a regular customer
we might be nble te let you have 6eme
coal In a week."
Mannyunk Cenl Cempany: "Nothing
but buckwheat. The rest of the coal Is
going te Canada nnd ever the ocean for
higher prices."
As te the Canadian situation, the
operators, through the Anthracite Bu
reau of Information, say that Canndn
Contmeed ten rnxeTwrnty-thrre.CeliimiiSevm
Causes Arrest of Real Estate Man,
Who Denies the Seft Impeachment
Kiln Kessler, twenty jenrs old, em
ployed as a mnlil at the home of Ber
nard Cehen, n real estate dealer llvln-;
at Carpenter above yixty-flrst street,
tripped nnd fell ever n rug. Cehen
caught her, fearing she weuldvtrlke
the fleer and get hurt, and then, ac
cording te the girl, he kissed her.
The maid thought this was an excess
of gallantry. She swore out a warrant
for Cehen's nrrest nnd baled him be
fore Magistrate Kcullin.
According te the testimony, given nt
n hearing lust night, Cehen wns trying
te pacify his baby. But the baby was
obdurate uniLtinnlly he passed the in
fnnt ever te the mnld.
As the girl reatlud for it she tripped,
se she said. She didn't make it quite
clear whether olio dropped the baby or
net. She web quite sure, however,
nbeut the kins and said that Cehen held
her. , ,
Cehen mnde n general deninl of the
alleged offense. He was held In $1000
bail for a further hearing en Saturday
but was permitted te sign his own bail
Leaves Nete te Sister Saying "This
Is Easiest Way Out"
Leaving a note for his sister, in
which he said 'T am tired of living
nnd this is the easiest wny out of
it," Antheny Sehmelg. thirty-four
yenrs old, n boarder at 14JIS North
Fourth street, early today stuffed the
cracks of the doers und windows of
the kitchen and, lying en the fleer,
turned en the gas.
The kitchen deer opens op a rear
alley. On their way 'erk M,r,- and
Mrs. Adelf Fuerley, 1420 North Fourth
street, smelled gas. They aroused
Schracig's landlady, who found her
boarder dead In the kUcheri'
Ns holiday meal U cemplfte without eran-
k.t.T.. ' rf..K .elnr udJi Ijunulv In lh
tbi zaat te tbi tQea. Sptulfy Eatmer
rana. saav.
m fh. nimciiities tirosecuiien ei ins iinerucnmcnt ennrceu
Canadian Here and Overseas Service
GUM Marry Today at Hadden Heights
K7 '' i ,"
;', .' '"?,
Wedding bells will penl for a war-
time romance this nfternoen when i
Chnrlcs W. Harvey, v,he wen the Croix
de Oucrre and ether decoration ever- I
sens, marries Miss Helen Trnub. of
AThe marringe.will be performed nt 2
o'clock in St. Marv's Kplvepffl Church,
Hadden Heights. X. J., with the Hey.
Dr. Herace Buzby ePcln,tIn8;.T''lJi.burl1 c
rtita"Xhlh. membenrSefHthe
Philadelphia Symphony Orcheitrn.
Mr. Harvey whs a sergeant in ine0f
Hi. received the Hritls i It. H. U. anil
the French war cress with palm. The
bridegroom has been n wireless opera
tor nflent. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey v. Ill
make their home In Audubon.
Lansdowne Weman, Patient at
Hahnemann, Deranged by Illness
Miss Marlen Jacksen, fifty-four
venrs old. last of e prominent I.nns
dewne family, leaped te her death from
a fourth-story window of the Hahne
mann Hospital about 0 o'clock this
According te hespltnl nuthnritlcs,
Miss Jncksen, who hnd been a patient
for some time, was suffering from a
nervous dlsense, nnd hurled herself from
the window during a temporary de
rangement. Several passcrsby en Fifteenth street
saw the woman fall. They ran te her
aid and carried her into the hospital.
Phe died ten minutes Inter.
Miss Jacksen, whose home Is nt 22
Fnlrvlew avenue, I.nnsdewne, had been
In falling health for several yenrs. Sh"
had been trented bv mnny physlclnns
nnd hnd been at the hespltnl sinct.
December 11.
Woodruff Ordered te Bring Docu
mentary Evidence
Washington, Dec. 20. (By A. P.)
Unless Representative Woodruff, of
Michigan. U'fiH nrennred te lnv lipfnr.
the Heuse Judiciary Cemmlttte tednv . '
ns n result of examination of certain
Department of Justice documents, evi
dence of n nature te occasion further
hearings In connection with the 1m
penchment charges brought against At
torney General Dnughcrty. an earlv
wind-up of the proceedings nppenrcd
Onnertunltv te examine certain nn-
tiers in the department relating ie nl-
iiyu m iiuuun u nuniai jut
ugalnst the Attorney General. The pa
pers he desired te examine, he said. re.
laleu te tne " riguieinriin case."
New Yerk Judges Advise Mrs. Lau
meler te Sue in Missouri Court
New Yerk. Dec. 20. Supreme Court
Justice Mullnn today decided ngalnst
Mrs. Bird Sheemnker Laiimcier In her
suit te compel her husbnnd, Henry Hcr
mnn I.numeler, of St. Leuis te support
a child born te her four months after
she wns granted n illveree in July,
11110, In St. Leuis. I.numeler main
tained it hnd net been proved he was
the father of the child.
Judge Mullnn said the Missouri di
vorce was a binding adjudication that
Laumcler wns net the father of the
child. He added thnt If Mrs. Lnumeler
wished te compel her former husband
te pievlde for her child, she should take
action in Missouri courts.
Mussolini Has Plans for His Mili
tant Section
. Reme, Dec. 20. (By A. P.) Plans
for transforming the mllltnnt section
of the Fascist! Inte "the mllltln for
national safety" are In the hnnds of
Premier Mussolini nnd will be discussed
first by the Fascistl leaders and then
by the next leuneii or .Ministers. Ac
,..ii ... .!,... i,!,.,,., i, .. .,,... '
i'" " "'"? ;" ' "' .,i"
win ue iniicpemieui inmi, out will work
in unison VI th. with the police force.
nnd will be at the services of "Ged and
Only 70,000 men will be nllewed te
join at first. These will be chosen
from among the 1'iibcistl who huvc given
the best proofs of courage, self-sacrifice
and high moral quiilltles. The u Ul
cers will be nominated by royal decree.
Mether and New Arrival Carried
Frem Blare by Pittsburgh Firemen
Pittsburgh, Dec .20 Wblla the firsl
fleer of a frame, building here wns being
swept by fire yesterday, a child was horn
te Mrs. Peter Krnterlnski, en the gee
end fleer. The attending physiclun re
innlned with the mother.
Mrs. Krnterlnski and her baby were
carried out by firemen. The physician
followed. Nene suffered any serious In
jury. Ken Wti. Kti
. s.-i ".. ' . . ;
'-' ;'''-"&
' aBW 'iBW' ' ' ' " t'
Had Attempted te Arrest Men
Accused of Insulting Weman
en Street
Assailants, Believed te Be Fu
gitives Frem Justice, Wanted
in Wilkes-Barre
Knfctel Minnteh tn f.vnlne P11M' .kIit
Enstnn. Pn., Dee. 20. Tw. fugitives
from justice from Wllkes-Bnrre, who
Were liflllprl nn the streef licre bv n no-
,. . . . ... .,,, ,, Wl1p,i .i,
". -
""leer nt he approached them,
The policeman wns Rusli Stcnhllrc,
nssstnnt te the city detective. He wns
'" P"" clothe. Yesterday was his
thirty-fourth Mrthdny anniversary.
Other policemen, nttrnctcd by the
sound of the pistol shots, engaged in n
"velver battle with the bandit, but
they escnped. Later in the night one
tiem j0jln Buckley, nineteen years
The policeman who mnde the arrest
held his prisoner in front of him te
protect him from bullets sent in his
direction by the second man. v1iem
name, according te Buckley, is Walter
Molln. Fliers describing him hnve been
sent te police in all nearby cities and
Stenhlln wns about te question the
men when he met his death. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Jehn Iteddy, who were en their
nay te their home near the city limits
of I;asten, hail reported te him thnt
the bandits had approached them In a
lonely epet and insulted tne wemnn
with their remarks.
"What are you doing, looking for
trouble?" Mrs. Reddy's husband de
manded. "Don't get fresh with ns," one of
the bandits replied ns he drew his
pistol. "We arc strangers here look
ing for n geed time, and anybody thnt
Interferes will get his hend blown off."
An nppreaching automobile cnused
the men te leave. Mr. and Mrs. Rcddy
hailed the car and returned te the
city In it, fearing te proceed te their
home. On Seuth Third street they saw
Stenhlln and reported the incident te
A short time Inter ns the policeman
nnd the Rcdilyn were tnlking nt Third
street nnd Ferry nvenue, Mr. Rcddy
saw the men coining down Third street.
He pointed them out te the policeman
us they passed.
Stenhlfn called after them te wait
and started after them.
The policeman wns shot twice, both
bullets entering his hend. He was
rushed te the Easten Hespltnl, but died
n few minutes utter being admitted
Buckley, questioned nt City Hall,
iald both he and his companion were
fugitives from W Ilkes-Barre, where
they are wanted, he said, for rehberv
nnd aggravated assault and battery. A
large sum of money was found In his
The pellcemnn who arrested the
jeung bnndlt is Patrolman Mazzeo.
Karly this morning Molln wns seen en
the street again and wns chii'-ed bv
Policeman Keller. The bnndlt shot
et the pellcemnn several times and the
latter returned the fire.
Will Hays Visits Film Acter at
Hollywood Sanitarium
Les Angelm, Dec. 20. (By A. P.)
Improvement wns reported today In the
condition of Wnllacp Reld. motion. nlc."
tnrlum slated his temperature and
lesplrntien were nermnl nnd his pulse
new n ie iuu.
Will II. I lavs, hend of the motion.
picture Industry, yesterday visited him
and expressed tne nope thnt Held would
Ilnysmet Mrs. Reidnt the sanatorium
and iniiiiiipaiiieil her te the bedside of
her husbnud. Reid thanked Mr. Hays
the visit. !
.viii-r nu- iiiirnirn, wnicii msira nut
a minute or two, Mr. Hays remarked
that the pntlent looked much better
thnn reports had led him te expect.
Noted Actress Wishes te Resume
Paris. Dec. 20. Sarah Bernhnrdt
in henlth yester-
-v.....,, eciiiuiir ir
was se improved
In) that she wanted te return te the
theatre te take
thentrc te taKe up renenrsnis with Sacha
liuilry. whose play she intended te give
Monday. Her doctors have ceunsei...i
u few days' rest.
The noted artist was deluged with let
ters und telegrams expressing wishes
for her recovery.
Dublin. Dee. 20. (By A. P.l The
!i .,.. .1.. t. ., " . ""u "n '
unliieauen i.i ine insn railways in I
either one or two groups. Legislation
with this. object In view, will be Intro-I
Uuced in Parliament within six months.
An Ambassador
Writes a Nevel
Seme one once icmaiUd fhat the
lest fiction teas written hy tll,,le.
diiils Ue that at it may, tome
fiction writers have been geed
diplomats. One of these is
Richard Washburn Child
.Imousiiuder nt A'emc und United
States aQicial observer at the
Lausanne Cenftrtnve, tche has
"The Vanishing Men"
.1 novel of mystery and temance.
It will appear in
Evening Public Ledger
Publlihd Dally Except Sunday.
Cepyrliht, 1022. by
Herrin Men Told te Run;
Shet Down as They Fled
Survivor Testifies Wounded Victims of Meb
Were Brutally Killed Names One of
Defendants as Slayer
flj Associated Prtt
Marlen, III., Dec. 20. William.
Cnirns, (lie second survivor of the Ilei
rln riots te tctlfy nt the trlnl of live
men in coifncctlen with the fln.xlng of
twenty non-union workers, took the
witness stnnd tndny. Cairns, who fol
lowed Rebert Officer, the first survivor
te tnkc the stand, testified that lifter
the defenders of the inllic sun endured
under n white Hag. the prisoners were
marched out of the bit with their arms
nbevc their heads.
"After the march started some men
took me back te the mine te point out
where vc hnd kept our nrms. They
let me leek In my locker for some keep
sakes I prized highly and then we re
joined the mob without finding guns.
The witness then pointed out Otis
Clark ns one of two men he had seen
with C. K. McDowell, superintendent
of the mine, and thnt Clark had a gun
In bis hand.
Fired nt Fleeing Men
"Then we marched en nnd I heard
some one sheut:
" 'Hugh Willis Is coming.' The
witness continued. Willis Is nu efllclnl
of the miners' union. We marched en
till we came te a barbed fence with
four or live strands and some one
bheutcd: 'All men with guns line up te
the right' and some one else sheuted:
'New you fellows run' nnd the firing
"I tried te climb through the fence,
but fell with n lead of buckshot In
inv body. A rlffc bullet grazed my
scalp. While I wis ljlng there, I
saw n bleed-covered, wounded man
leaning nguinst a tree. A big man with
u gun came up nnd said te the wounded
mnn: 'Yeu great big can't we
kill you?' and fired Inte his bedj."
The witness then pointed te Peter
Hiller, one of the defendants, us the
man who fired the shot.
The County Commissioners announced, today thnt the pro
posed Victory Hall, te be erected en a plot bounded by Vine and
Weed and Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, will cost net less
thnn $16,000,000 provided all suggestions the CommissieneiS
have lecelvtd by various organizations are carried out. -'But we
nre net tfelng te let the building cost anything like that amount,"
dald the Commissioners. "We are going te keep the cost within
"WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. futile ellerts'were made ngnln
m the Scnnte today by supporters of the Administration shipping
bill te Tiring te a vote the question of wnether that measure
should rtu.a!a bti'eie the Senate or be displaced by the Nerris--f.jiiieulluial
tiuauciug: measure.
Twenty-two Empleyes at
Brooklyn Arrested en U. S.
B00TY W0RTH $woeoo
Ry Amec-iated Pr'ii
New Yerk, Dec. 20. Twenty-two
civilian emplejes nt the Broeklvn nnv
,n()e er(, rreMed today en indict
""" returned "cvcrnl months age b.v
a Federal Grand Jury, charging thnt
Government prepertv te the value of
than 91 .000.000 had been stolen
since the war. The arrests were made
iiy agents et me iiepnrimem ei .insure.
The Grand Jury indicated twenty
three men after its investigation of the
alleged wholesale thefts which the au
thorities said Included clothing, oil
nnd Other mnterials used at the navy
bae. The twenty-third man under
indictment wns net found at the naval
base today. The Investigation hns been
under way for months.
Vni't Intelligence officers undertook.
....... r-
te nni1 mlt 'he cn,"i, fnr , llls'r',P"
nncies between the Inventories and the
"ncK suppescu i ue " 'i i:
thieves were tee cunning for the regular
naval detective force, the members of
which were nppnieutly well known te
these who were doing the stealing.
William J. Burns, chief of the bureau
of Investigation of the Department of
Justice, then asked for help und order
ed Kdwnrd J. Breniinn, hend of the
bureau's New Yerk office, te assign
operatives. Brennan consulted Police
(,mn,lcolniier l.nrliiht nnd borrowed
:,. """": " " " nf-,iv Pm..u
n". m,,"-,i' '
lr,n,Ln?.r: ... ..,,....! ie-,t,i A.nt.
uH,;''and ijalph NaVarre and
Lieutennnt Trnlner men were put into
the warehouses as checkers, laborers,
watchmen nnd bookkeepers. These
detectives found themselves wntched
narrowly until they took advantage of
opportunities obvleusl) put in their wu.v
of stenllng smnll articles such as wrist
watches and murine glassts.
Net until they uctunlly concealed
these nrtlcles and pietended te steal
them were they able te get uny evidence
against the men new In custody. They
then lenrned that Government property
wns being stolen by the trucklnud, In
cluding grent boxes of clothing, paint
by the barrel, crates of glass and com
mercial alcohol by the gallon.
Instances were found In which vvnste
nnd snlvnged materials bought by con
tractors were substituted by new goods
or by ether merchandise, than that men
tinned in the centract: In ether cases
1 twice the quantity of actual salvaged
stuff centractu! for was delivered.
Whin Teu think nf Writing,
TUtak t WUlTINa, vAdv.
Bubierlptlen Price fl a Tear by MaU.
Publle IXIaer Company.
Herrin Orplutn Girl
Buffeted by Fate
Uu a Utaff Correspondent
Marlen. III.. Dec. 2(1. Fnte plnjs
n rclcntle'H game with sU-ycnr-eld
.luaiiltn Hudgliis, whose father', tiuy
HudgiiiR, wns one of the, three union
men killed nt the lAster strip mine
Inst .lime. Twe enrs before his
dentil, Junniln's mother died.
The miners' lcenl union buried
Hudglns nnd nrranged thnt his
widowed sister-in-law, Mrs. Arthur
Hudgins, tnke care of Jiinnltn. les
terdny she died nnd little Junnitn is
nlene ngnln, prodded nnd goaded
cruelly by clrcuinstnnccs she can
net understand.
"Then I saw another mnn fire a shot
Inte the body of Jehn Shoemaker, as
sistant superintendent of the mine, as
he lay wounded en hte ground, the
witness continued.
"Thrcu men with guns enmc up te
Shoemaker and ene bnld : 'Here s thnt
machine gunner' nnd put a gun te
his head, blew it off."
Cairns suld thnt n crowd hnd then
found he was alive und subjected him
te nil kinds of nbube for nn hour when
Sheriff Thnxten, of Williamson County,
came up with some ether men and re
moved hlra te a hospital. The witness
sold he wns one of the gunrds at the
Officer testified today in response te
questions by the defen-c that the mob
. ......I l.An i ii ..mil .1lirK,.H Inilnea
nt difTrcnt tims ns It marched toward
Herrin. He said he was shortsighted.
the nenrcst lie get te nnv of the lenders
Cnntlnnrd en fasti Twcntr-en. Column l'eur
Proponents Decide te Lay Aside
Proposed Amendment Until
After Holidays
"iincrm' cav rtDDniucMTC
By Anertatcd Prtn
Washington. Dec. 20. Heuse Re-
IHllllw.Mii l,.n,l..r! ,WI,1..,1 tn.lnv tr. ,irw,.
pone further, onsideratien of 'the Green SWI?.? e Mliglv'Sea
resolution for nn amendment te the men and severely be.ilen. Fer several
Constitution prohibiting issunnee of weeks Daniels was in a precarious
tax exempt securities, urged by Prcsi- ,0,'L,i'i.n" because of his nge.
.,. Tr , . ., .. , Neither Daniels nor Andrews was
dent Hnrding and Secretary Mellen, of nbIe , identify n lnBlP peren in
the Treasury. the mob. nor could they give any In-
After a conference of lenders it was formation in regard te Daniels'" son,
nnneunccd thnt further consideration of ' " "" .nni1 Richards,
the measure "would go ever until nfter i Daniels declared he recegnied Ar
the hellda.vs ' because of the absence of Kansas and Mississippi nutomebile II
n large number of Heuse membeis. ! cense tags.
Representntlve Garner. Teas, rank-I l c'lnnet tell a thing new ally
ing Democrat of the Wnvs and Means I "!0,re "mil I could the night of ths
Committee, who lis the fight ngninst kidnnpping. said Daniels, in discuss-
rne resolution, declared in n statement
thnt "it was licked." Mr Gamer nnd
these with him in the fight were in the
chamber prepnred te go en with It
when notified thnt the measure had been
put nside.
Debate had net been concluded when
the Heuse adjourned Inst night nnd
the resolution hnd the right of wav
again today. Republican leaders, it was
said, were disconcerted b.v the opposl epposl oppesl
tlon in their own ranks nnd opponents
had asserted that as the proposal need
ed n twe-thlrds vote It could net be put
Teledo Police Inquire Inte Depe Ring
Story and Examine Youth
Teledo. O.. Dec. 20. (Bv A. P 1
I eliee tedny nre holding Jehn Mnrn Mnrn
jlne, twenty-three, for examination,
iKitu ns te his sanity and his sterv
that he knows who murdered William
Desmond Ta.vler, motion-picture di
rector. In Hollywood, Oil., n venr age.
Mnrnzlne was arrested Inte v ester
day after he had entered a dwelling
house nnd asked te be hidden, declar
ing that he was nmrki'd for nssnssinn nssnssinn
tlen nnd was driven out of California
by members of n "dope ring" who
knew thnt he knew who killed Tnjler.
"Several members of n ,,, r,.
are responsible for Tayler's death,'
the prisoner told police. "Their agents
have followed me all the wav from
t'allfernln into Ohie nnd I am marked
for death," he asserted.
A suit case the pilsener enrried, wns
filled with women's apparel, which
Marazliie said he had used te disguise
himself te escape his pursuers.
Mystery Surrounds Next Mev
of Guardsmen Ordered Out
by Governer Parker
State Executive Determined te
Step Heeded Outrages At
tributed te Ku Klux
New Orleans. Dec. 20. Company O,
N'ntlennl Otinrd, of Menree, ordered
mobilized by Governer Jehn M. Parker
In a crusade against the Ku Klux Klan,
has arrived nt Mer Rouge, nnd pitched
camp, "according te n telephone dis
patch received here today.
The company includes sixty-eight
nrmed men, fully equipped. Although
tile troop movement Is known te be di
rected against the heeded klansmen,
the precise purpose of the mobilization
Iv. nM "et -VPt bec" revealed.
The guardsmen were moved en or er
clers which were Issued through the
Adjutant General's office nt Baten
Rouge, but Governer Parker Is bilent
en the next step te be taken.
Kidnapping Recalled
It generally uns believed the troepa
were sent te Morehouse I.nrll I,. e.
11PCf'en with the situation growing out
et tllu KliJnnpping last August by heeded
I ''p". supposedly members of the Ku
.... K.HIH ei nve .Mer iinugp citizens,
two of whom Mnjer Watt Daniels and
lliemas I letcher Richards still are
One report yesterdnv wns that the
soldiers would go te Bastrop te guard
the couitheui during nn open hearing
of the Mer Reu-:e kidnapping, said te
cmx n erUercd by Governer Parker.
Mill another wns that they would drag
fi Inke near Mer Rouge which is believed
by relatives of the missing men may
contain their bodies.
The Mer Rouge kidnapping case which
ter four months has baffled all of the
legal mnchinery of the Stnte of Louis
iana, enginnted. it is said, iih a result
of n feud between rival factions of
Morehouse parish.
Although the Ku Klux Klan organ! ergan! organ!
7ntIen of Louisiana. Arkansas and
.Mississippi have been charged with be
ing Involved in the mysterious disap
pearance of Majer Daniels nnd Rlch
nrds. mariv citizens of Northeast Lou
isiana believe thnt the case gees much
deeper than alleged Ku Klux animosity
nnd is mere or less rnclnl. rivalling In
nmnv respects the celebrated feuds of
the Cumberland mountains of Kentucky.
A.iiiireai:v Uliu l irgllUU.
Fight Brewing for Twenty-five Yeara
Although the feudal fight was said
te hove been brewing for n qunrter of
n century, involving some of the lend
ing families of Mprcheuse Parish, a
cllmnx was reached en August 24,
when J. L. Daniels, seventy jenrs old,
former prominent Mer Rouge mer
chant; Watt Daniels, his sen: Watt
Davenport, scion of a leading Leuisinna
family, and W. C. Andrews, n plnnter,
were kidnapped by forty or liftv masked
men en their wav from Bastrop te their
homes In Mpr Rouge.
A big highway celebration nnd fes
tival v.ns held nt Bastrop en August
-4, nnd thousands of people attended.
J he five victims of heeded riders at
tended the celebration, witnessed the
baseball game between Menree nnd Bas
trop and then s nrtcd home In the eve
ning in two automobiles. When they
vure midway between Bastrop and Mer
Rouge the heeded men nppeared en the
hU'hway nnd seized the five. Wntt
Davenport was released within nn
Searchers for twenty-four hours tried
te find the men who were kidnapped
and the day following the affair the
"r "","'"" ." ," ; ;v"""'"s unu their
way back te their homes ut Mer Rouge
i in n serleiiH uindltinn. Their sterlea
gnve but little information in regard
te the kidnapping.
Ter a while neither Daniels nor An.
I drPWS Would is(M1SS the Case, llllt tllPV
ing the case again vesterdnv.
Blindfolded and Beaten
"We vveie blindfolded and taken te
the weeds and beaten and inv son and
Kb hards were taken nwnv from us, nnd
we have net henid from them siine. I
Ie net l.udvv nnv of the men involved
iu the kidnapping, but thev looked lik
what we knew of i ln Kn Klux, us thny
had heeds and robes."
Following the kidnapping the Mnre Mnre
heuse Parish Grand Jiirv wn-i organ
ized at Itasttep and made a thorough
in"estlgntlen, but no indictments were
i et u rued
When district court ellicinls failed te
solve the ni) story. Governer Parker an
nounced his determination tn use all
the power of the Stnte In the case.
Governer Piukcr's investigation nnd
that of Attorney General Cece huva
been shrouded in much in) story and di
rected from the Stute capltul ut Baten
Ter the past three months there have
been detectives und ethei investigators
in Morehout parish, Interrogating
citizens and making searches for the
bodies of Richards and Daniels, which,
acierding te some peiseus, were be
llev ed te hnve been cast into u luke la
the vicinit) of Mer Rouge
Washington. Tec 20 In e state
ment ibsued Inst night Ir. W. H.
Hvans, Imperial wizard of the Ku Klux
Klan, virtually confirmed reports which
startled Washington early in the day,
te the effect that his real mtssleu in
visiting the capital Is te lay the
groundwork for un ambitious scheme
seeking ultimate control of national
Rumors had spread during the day
that Kvans hed even seen Preside
Hnrding nt the White. Heime, but thla
wns denied by the President nnd sut
sequeutly by Evans,
7 I