wsfpf -,."r Ww WX LfTfl' w;k i rJfV M V t rv 1 i M k F .- EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY,, DECEMBER 19, ,1922 - - - i r- III i - !! JIm I I III! 11 --...! By Sidney Smith THE GUMPS Surprise! Surprise! 7fe Subconscious Courtship t A modern woman' xtraerdinary oehemm te ketp tttitert from intirfer. ing With htr lit te told In thit fascinating nevel By BERTA RUCK 'Auther of "The Wrong Mr. Wright," "The Arrant ilever " tte. Copyright, ltt, Dedd, Uiad A Ce. mm&mZW. j ; I " s . ' "X f OH. I 60T N UHtKS- TT 4 Urift WAA. M" ? "V :. Wmfif , ic cmip. wH - llLllV s)R T - ; l JLr. .7.7 T H 0U) VV.ue )wc.t ), , v vcr. k co-ewe of tvts - w - 7)i. rJlA - in4 viJSzcM) ' yXW$-?m J Nev) fc, out or- erFKt - m mwxh. serrh . JlLV CtE Pill JWk Xe TeS- N ' V ? V GVT VHO m Ve W H- VLU Sfet NCO W K -M.M ' ,V ,L S P . '-, v ,. - f mite yIZs "KW 6" nh "-evrn -vMNt- -"y WHO'S WHO IN TIIK STORY VOVnit TJM'ltrXHTOXll charm veunj u Mew. tche has inherited , Lii'iif". H'trrhd by relatives am "A . .rin e iiiiriirf ftcr meneu l"i,uUe, who leant te marry her for it the derides te marry a 'husband for " "''" - mrf off "the harnics." "v. . ..-..j i. ......... friritf if"0 """" ,0 "'"" """. ;.'.n flier," fOiCUtt Off mc nurj.nJ, tfS'jeff OABUICIIABL, World War veteran, man of personality, tnriigiiicer who lias Invented a new mitt, tn fllllllHV iclicl (C OfflTM fe llma'a "strictly business" propesl- thROSKUMlY MjnADOWS. Clever's tttiin, a pirttti eirl of the pciied. JW. Mi:M08, aunt, who has Mritndrd Clever In adversity and is jkeuerrd with favors, . ,,, younger daughter, a $$' HOLT, big, poed-natmed cap, ythjiilbj in luvc with Heiemaiy, CIIAHTKH V 'I lie .Married HachcJers MxniXV," iiiKpiI Clever Unperson Unpersen W ullj. "ae ou going te de?" "I .1111 afraid I shall 'nave te go," lllil Ciiimlrlmrl In the voice of enj nt k ten pari. invvnrtiiy no tern nimscn, ''(.'lit It Hiort, flit 11 sueri. i tan i ptnn,l murli of tills." He turned lite life iiiiiM levvnru uic neuii:. "uii i"''i" "" "'" ,0IIVC Grcen itteft. ?" ,nL'k ,0 "''"c J"011 UHetI ,0 Jivei" "I Mippw "e, I mrnn, I shall leave Green Miri't. of reurse." "Ami what shall I what ought I te de?" i don't I suppose you will 4e a- jeu cheese, won't- eir?" he said qwYM. ainiuus te se. net te have te Vfli hoi- uiee anv leiiRer. net te see her faic. "Sni here for n hit, pcihapx, nd tlieii. "f coiirfe. ou iiavc your ?ip!e. Mr. Meadows is iiIwh.vh then'. our ieiisiix. It will se hark te what I was as fur as jeu're i enccrned cx fpt that "f ieui.-c eu're married." CleM-r" fine a win looked at his urited pielile wi u- entirely espies espies feiilf a me I he faces of tho.e who )no I'ie i uieh te epie. When Iiiimnn Inns- in 'iiUKht In the ?l'ip of lows iuilii nn ' them, their nn:il means DfnineiiiB a leni-hmeut. pietc-t or pjieal f.iil them like weapons which tm ii mil te he nf lath instead of Htcel. Did t'leer v,i-h for thlsV WaH it a Hi bhl u(f her mind that her show shew Jiiul.Mid had taken uialterH Inte his own b.iluN :uiil had cut the tangle? In U .i'Iiv", i . She was shul lie had hpeken eit. 1 tu it ua- at the -ame moment (liai -lie ii.ilied r-iiiiet IiiiiM eKe. She did ant him te go. (Juite unmis t.ikihlj her w i-h mis for him te btaj te m mine te uiy ether thiiiKS. V.wn as -he, all daed, realized this, lc siiiKi'. He said, quiekly and awk vanlh : "Yeu have done all and mere than 1 asked jeii for. I well, I wish I had nut net breuslit ou into all tl.Ii. " Hlie theiisht : "lie puts it that. he Vreu lit iiie in. That's tntlicr won wen (lcrl'i)l nf liim, when it was all my mr Ih -.lid. reeie haishly: "'With re Kttd te thi imine side of it. I'll write." What Ik meant te de was te ceml trr haik eveiy penny of the sum that remained te his credit at liin bank, thanks ti, he huge cheque 'paid In, in lYbiunij last, hy I'lphiiiRtene Hrethern. That was ipiite eh'iir te him: even In )h ion. rialdl" suppressed and t' what an I'lTni't ' He i winded : These luwjei" people IH ttiPe tinhew." tler liesiiuted : "Must the .' ' de ni mean?" "I mean -well! Your net being here -rerj inm-li need net leek like n cep rntluii? 1'ieple knew jeii are be busy. Be." Clewr siiRcested with a touch of rhlldisli sininlieitv which had already lurpri-fd him in a woman of her posi tion, "iinhih ueeil knew about all thin, really : nwi thev?" Ih' uiiie a short, grim latmh. He jlaiKi'd nl nut mid above them. IJverv '! n that sijiuue was patterned with JWihIuwn et siiiTeiinding houses. He liinil aih window ('jirmicliael seemed le Me i j C-. l!jer of people who t(lied, who speculated, wlie saw, who (eatlped, who guessed, who knew. "liven bndv will be bound te knew, ptwenllv," he assured her. "That can't he avoided, I am afiaid. Of course, there in ed net be any unpleas unpleas Itltness linple will gradually tumble Jj it that theie has Iks'II n mistake. Our getting married. I mean. I'lentv W lieiph- hnve made that mistake. " ".Nut quili' this kind of mistake," Clever leplieil absently. "However, that K our business, net theirs1." "Yes" He iiiiild net Huppres u ttOTemeiii nl impatience. "Out It short, t It shun," win lied the voice within Jilm, hut tfie voice within Clever cried, vVuit: Wait! Hen't Im lu Hitch n airrj. .Must jeu let it come te thin?" Inner storm whirled them round nnd Wiuiil. Hut the tenter of the tyelene ai this deadly HtillnehH. Only for one ZiiBtniu did u seem hh though, through 'hut Millui..., something would break, '"'i, with a little gesture new he tu him, nut her hand te her urs and he was lemlnded of that Wliir nltiTiKiu In Ulchmend I'ark. That tts the begiiiiilng. Here, nt the end, Hie made Unit sumo nrettv movement. nil there drifted oeresH 'te him that Mine scent that well-known scent that "HI HOW Hi liitlnrltr full nf naunntn H.iTI "rlhat, alluring. nerHlstent scrtit 01 httfOthrll.l- lillHei- rnln He U'nu T'Ulili nna Imin'u.l.w.a.hl. .,,,,, v,,r nun n-UIV.UIN It tlll'Illlll! In linr Iintli liniwlu mil. Iff liked. She. nil llm tin nf her come back te that this actuiillj- happened? Will he never come back te this Iieiipc?" And that curious Oalr within her mid. distinctly: "Never." He nevec. did house. In natuie's show-window of the Londen parks- the laecweik of bare blanches, with buds for knots- In the lace, gave ptace te the soft gauze carves et AptH green; that, in turn, went out of season before the rioting lose-ptnk of Londen's Mu.v. Hut still there was no further meeting of the two who had parted flu that afternoon of Match. The wetld-where-they-tnlk went en talking, nor did It forget the young Carmichaels. Ter Instance Scene I. Any Londen Club. Any Club Man te Any Other Club 'Man: I say, jeu knew- the great Cox, don't you? He's en te a bound line nt last. Ditte. Time he was: he's glittered plenty. Whnt'n the line? Ditte. Mast, for nil ships. Teleceplc, mngnctle, the best Idea yet. Ditte. His? Ditte. Ne; it's by a man called Car mlnhnel, whom he's backing: the Turkish prlben chap, very geed fel low, tee. Ditte. Well, this club wants members. Why don't you put him up? Ditte. Net en jour life! Net en Car mlchael's life, rather. He's the most unsociable beggar yet; loathes clubs: can't get him Inside one. Ditte. That's fiir.iij : hew did he get his maiit planted, then? Ditte. Oh, cherehcz la femme. His wife happens te be Klphlnstene Hrethers, you knew. The thing W te get the Mart, I suppose. She gave it te him. Voice. Heally ! Somehow 1 fancied he was n bachelor; hung out In gloomy little diggings In the Kusteu Uead all nlene and gnve himself up entirely te impievitig his inventions. Must he some one else I was thinking about Voice. Is the mast going all right, though? Voice. Huthcr. Loek out Ter it Scene 2. Any Weman's Drawing Iloem Between Hie Bridge Sets Gieen-tep tables, jirz chintz, much uselens litter In stiver, nercelain nnd enamel. Atinnspheic of M-ented clothes, ' fiice powder ai.d cut Powers. l'emlnine Voice. 1 thought you Mrs. ('nrmichael was mmlng? Ditte. Ne; bus.v. I told oil, didn't I, that -lie was Klphtnsiene Hrethers in public life? Ditte. Klphlnstene Brethers? We have always hud shares, jeu knew, but they say (deprecating hend-shaklng). Ditte. I would lather stick te horses or bridge! Just as wife nowadays Ditte. Well, net indiistilals (A laugh. The lad who has just redoubled in heaits W known te have come a cropper' In industrials.) Anether Feminine Voice (in slight alarm). I say, you haven't heard anything about KIpliliiKteues, have you? Ditte. Oh, my dear, should I be likely te? It is only that everything Is se shaky nt present ; most of us will be lu the workhouse before we can suy "Skilly." All I heard was Hostess (cutting uselutely In). Oh, ienic: Is this u meeting et sharehold ers or n bridge four? (Game resumed.) (During the i.vxt interval.) Feminine Voice I met Hebble Llewelyn the ether day. With Mrs. Carmichael by the way. Ditte H'm. Ditte Hew suddenly the Carmichaels gave up that Ciiecn street house! The people clime back unexpectedly from abroad, or something. H all suuiidcd rather curious. Where- is Mrs. Car michael new? Ditte Oil. lather amu-iiig. She's gene back te that i emii- show of hers with the aunt and the hundred cousins en Hichmend Hill Chorus of Several Voices What? Voice (impressively) Yes. Fran tically busy time nt the office is the excuse given out. It seemed early diiys for rifts in lutes, te me. Voice (eagerly) De you mean te say he Isn't there, tee? "' Ditte He, my dear, has gene back te living in u wine cellar or something in (lie Ihisten toad. Perfecting some sort of new wing for airplanes or something is the excuse given out there. Anyhow, he never gees near her. Ditte What? Hut they give a big theatre pnrty or something te the Al gernon Coxes Ditte Ah ! Ages nge. Since then (A shrug). Voice (incredulously) But she's se huely! Never gees, near her? They're never together? Voice of the lady with the inferma tien II the.v me, my dear, when?! .oiieuy Knows; ."Se its sate te say WET L mtm wy x-VaU. .-. S.Zt T &$ W J drT SOMEBODY'S ST ENOG Leaving the Bey Out of the Conversation By Hayward SSfrCTTHfrT' A LETT6R COMPLMUtu' -THAT & fiZZe BOX With ahuhree r7 AlOffr WJCAr DlHE&! AMOTHER PRqpF ': cA PlCKL5J?.uft LI6HT.HEADED SlACE te;TEKt6 ,"TeB: I TOLD HER TO fS e6TR0CTIOAiS OH THIS dOS, sTWsrtt.?sK AAAf-t ; '. J n'Rlstfrfl U 8 Patent Offlse HwiOTEf? SMTne.PT) OUH& LAOY WELL ) ICNLfAMTED ) I SAID I DOHT WA i T . .u. 3 ihfl Z, ' LEAHB MV SOU OUT f-f-feScPUkW ( YO) TOTALS A BOUT Wf KjOOf? UsS? TrT SPEA OF HIM WITH $l A ' STCr ni?i ?J XX jCnllfefe '"' Hl i x 9M. ' .: " iii-K... r rjmwwmM -i that wat r x - vmwMmu ' ? ? -TO " ..i.iO-- , i-iic. AAArsewT -rt r vila' iX VH v r v-',r"-",J. EmmWXaSmk, I .. , . ' ., " WMM m ' ' &&. Zo&jZFcette S "P- Ifim Tl. JTwmB ' "-:r--' WUl& r? Jr 7fs--i Ctmmckt, int. tw PuMIt IMttr C. sC s. .- ,e 0s- ?sS7 - ' . ' - r r- " i -- i The Youna Lady Acress the Way THE' BOSS TOOK AS AWFUL, AWFUL CIIAXCE -:- lly FOMAISE FOX , SCHOOLDAYS : -: -:- UunWlC. . . I I ! '.'.!.:... . j.'.j . j.:- , j .. . i I J .lid i '" . " 'jar. a imrrOf - z. . It The of p.ct Per w...,. get a vertr " ' iS) VV 3f '"iB. t-iTTt-e pfKtstHx Frem wa " v -. rs'-t eSS SeR T,s fATiCOJ.AR BIT op "mc-, S- Z ' Bk "S "feRK With THt BOSS' Vilfg. . . -5 ANY BOOTUt-MHS A GpHfiDlfirt AHCCt. fc, ' ) -I - "f 1 Dee5r4T eAWrt ft LvVnNC, Alc&, Srt Trtts OHP- v , g? . i The young lady across the way mi.v s the war has been ever for meie than four ears and 111 her opinion the time has come for the (levcrnment te grant espionage te the peer misguided men who were thrown into prison under the amnesty law. PETEYAn Experience Miles Frem Palm Beach ' ,i ...,, i i That Is what lh wet Id Mtiil. And as legards the main f.M-t. the vveild was jierfeetly right. Clever had returned te that the I'leNpect. en Itiehnieuil Hill. Once ' mere slie slept in tin bedroom that was like the inside of a yellow tulip. Once mere sue was supposed te own that supei-buthioem with the Ktruscau which she had never hud te herself : for once mere when she tried the deer she frequently found It locked and beard J the joyous giggle, of Oh. Clever, pet. ' .en deu't mind little Sandal sidling in here for u wallow?" Once mere her embroidery frame and her Times' Club novel were te be found among the ether i t..ltl. It...... 1.. !.... .1 1 Km.-.., .i..r. in iiiuv iiruniiiK room crowded with furniture of every reicn from that of Queen Anne te that of Ileal A Hen. mice mere sue took up the old Hfe; once mero tlieie was Teddy te he coached in table manners. Lnrnn. der, Itesemary nnd Kiindal te be seen tuieugu ns regaiited trects, amuse- inents anil pocket money; once meie xiPi l xetfeTrAA - PlTYTE Peea a..n. TT.,r fm r L ?f"Ol IT TTl trtC( OIU vvw r vVrvw .nv Swap Hap it PfJeTrv sept Je ifAl2"Tr(tS WlMTelt, KlMOER WASTv, NO VH 0I- AHVTHIMC -J -Ci.lHEVReTHE OWES VfHO SUFFefi." VReTty Bad wight fet?'CM Cukss rVE"t?E lUCKY vu Knock. Weed. I ' NeJhdepd-- mCrnTUlCVReTTBU "Fcp."lHf POORDHVII VE OUtfHTA 3t" IHAWKFUIC : By C. A. Voight tmV.-rJEig3 NAMAT VfEtfENeU "'1"1- Ss ''nmie, hail his name "Hurry." Hut I she went from Ulchmend te the cltv jj iniMiiieil iiuiitteifd; he took n ipiitki (but nowadays with a mere nuxied- ,P. iim tn her, hut nvvay horn her. fare): once meie there vvcie tramps II.. N,i,. "That's all, then. I i thiniigh Ham (late Inte Hichmend - ... iiuiiiiii. jeu. i ran. Harry 'ili.ill .miii gii diu'ctly,?" "I 1.1... II .,...., ..' . !.! i iiivR nun, hniil Ui ml hurl. "Coed-hv." tieud-hv," Ye ti... . -ii tki.i ,..,. , - -. ,ni. ns nut l KIIIIUI lOOIi- Vk at .r ,,gn 1P Ntrej,, i)ncj5 nt(, IT llOUSe. II., Mr.nk. tl. iM.tlv tarpeted, charmlngl appointed lied wni tint had been his for little or" than a month. He rang for I,, ' as "",l liuuh: Ihen svvlftl ICflll mil,,.. I.... 1....1 .. i iIm.. -".i".' "is ii hi id in-.- mm "I.IUll- Mi Imilii'l v...... .,i. ...1. i.. i .,!.. "iv.iv. nfn.i- nil I... ......i ,...1 netliilig te ,'ave. niiuldc. by the fountain with its ri.- 'i '"" ,,ev'' """ tile J-lsli. tliern r'(d up and down the girl ull in gray wut jur llm t.iint nt ui...ei.i..... ..ii,..,. fv?, B 'ier furs. Perhaps it was the !' J, br,w-0 that made her Indoor," ' but Bbe weu,d net B, t,mt '" W01'11 net come Salf .int th? Bnrrlcn. She gave him 1 ttt ..SF '" wu'c te get away. fa Vtin inriL?lnutes h ' was (Hreiuy crceu new flowed ibe fre.i. ' foliage of the oak that had been hlacklv ' ifm.-i wii mi' iim.-. 11U.JH uiai uar mlchael had proposed te her. e, no, It was siie, of course, who pro posed te him that .January kSundnv afternoon. Often she thought of it. Then, quite often, alie made herself forget.) Once meie new there were these i Hichmend Sunday afternoons tilling the Iieiih) with Mappers nnd glowing lads, and hiinging again te Clever iiiltc etten , uir iinu.ii i"i.i m iiui- mil -iiuifi mi- miieis: .Mr. rentana, .Mr. Oaks, Cap tain Clynes and Hebble hlevveljn. And Carmichael? What of his life? As it was in the beginning, se it urn, new resumed, and se, with certain dif fcienci's, it continued. He rose at 7 from liis little green WilleMlen camp ceuch: was Bhaved by 7:20. He bathed In the india-rubber bath from Mess Hrethers. He dressed in hla pre war tweed; he frowned a little ever his sodden breakfast kipper. (Mrs. Hates, with all her pelnta, was no cook.) He vent te his oOe. - -' ' ' i - " " ' ' ... ..... 1 f -Ut;HDi.e up I com:" WMWmm TS EVTUG PeTeV. rrT ''Jull', KrSM I icoteout y l TwE-cAts. n vr- Cflxr J iaikiwc aeutimat kcv .- J C . - " 'J. I f -wM "Vi. i C Ai. " ."3fc:V T " - Wf 1 VTAraiP I - IHrt --- VVCCH VIJ wJL aVNLl --0VVS , VJTlmi iaiiiiiiiiiiiW I I wn 1 It. IMC CC:Ki. i?1wOfSN CS?sXisXXCS?AQN i --1 jhmhm' aLa dsaiawv "-BiaaaaB-fc. m i i ?'7zmsjt&rr7'js? -a v twxvtv a .apk' i, mix rTTsrTfc? s Y y, ' vr ts&5Z5ZL v r- miMte.& m.t. -be fis i -& Jp va ' &j n ,&& nffii jm: 2 mMmm-iz m? I K C C a &3' t&&$ . &-CJ . ,v iVA'' MMns V filXMMY jriWsiF I vx WP"S - V .JSS my -i &m& i-& mmk ww rik w ;-x-t r i"Lwr m &f - fiatA wj mu.i. wwm nr, wu&'m. wf2j xzh --. ivr. 37 'ias- mmitEi& w w iw, imw WjLm &2 Mrr7?s&xsr famxr i je &&mk sf vj !j y mx i m Ffn wmmitmfaMm&& vn - YUAWtJWm. A I - -" "--- BJ7 I BSTOk CZTjCS t 'Z. R" V"WJ JflEaVBX-BPMHI A JTT" HaW3 '-5P,,'ttTOl -iWJSJfls7 Y. x ' w" I "w" kw2zzi l. YSt .lkm& v- , i . 7" . "" - -, '-f - rr-TTr i --T-aa - c u.jju -:, GASOLINE ALLEY Assembling the Necessities . - . d 1 ' : Jill Kin aw j HUM '1 m, ii i "u mm.ii9 Harii' -v W 1 i 1 Bi i r i . aamSfil' it um wiac Mis-ruenA ilWllifiU fT v A! TaaaaaaaaaaaaaVBHaVBHXls7&5sr-E mIllT Fi Ml J uehtS3p wTth SvSn rfrrs been a uM?VJ?Tn what the e.ckenS H V.. SSUA??,lRlSEy l 1 WHEN SHE SEES OS COMING M 7 r it 4,! SjW W JH . A..U ABOUT, M KS-V WE'RE "-W ' f' TKffiffiSjTMj Hh VOU h6nEV. AlT A Akl 1:07 "Tjji I conine. JX APr 7 v i fVz0 WHAs TO v- fPT K yEA- went she be (Ki B tee? .- -cass-- j " W') -JLJD " W LTtf N. SURPRISED THOUOHt y(-J IgMs V I T JL y JL fV I L VdA m. , r Pjl (M v show V-J. llrl ViiVHt1 -J if. ir I -:r'' A ( i 7 I . ) J. vc aaa iaaaaaaaaaaaaikw jg? y aB syC L v. 'X f I taSMBaV H lklaaaaaaaaaaaaam IfilldB ''""iti,... iiaaaaaaaaaaaaJ. vv 1 --. .... i TMaaaaaaaaaaW f fA a vv . , JkaaaaV aaal XI fjvf 1 c ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. -v -' V' ''"w h c-f"y JP " aBBBBBBBBBBtBBBBBij WggPKr rWAAAw BBBBBBmfn aBBBBBBBBBBW IT I 'wViW aaBBBBBBBBa laf II V J XZtH aaBBBBBBBBBBW III " ' iu--. "2fer "gee-sBp I .SSsSf i (9' I Isl :iI IM M taeuskti 7,Il It ml? Hti all 'CONTINUED TOlCOBJUm. . 1 S TT"" -J u" TZm 9 i WL & -e2! y -".,. , uLJi.'r-'W.xtV.-.,'