mm y .:.! r'71 EVENING PUBLIC iiEDGER-PHILADELPtfLA:. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1922 31 a i& if w5 grading en curb ACTIVE IN SPOTS Market Generally Irregular. Durant Dreps Almest Half Point Mines Narrow cw Yerli, Dcr. 10. The curb mnrktt dcicleped nn lrrcfsulnr tone nfter the cpeiilnR. with trading felrly nctive In Hiet. Piirnnt ensctl off 3-8, while Thiblllrr Unilie una active nt nn upturn Ml-", "nx19 W1 rin1 1,h,1,P Meri I Improved pned factions. CitleK Smlcc wns up four points, i!il!e ltrltlfcli American Tobacco yielded slmrp finctlen. Standard Oil of New Yerk was down G-3 nnd Indiana a wmll frnttlen. The mining shares w.cre moderately gcthc within nnrrew limits. ISDUHTRIAIJ lllnti Lew IMAem Ceal JfC. JJC, .1 00 Ilrlt Am Tell coup. 20 4 SOj 10n Our Light l' 14 Thh I nnt Tan W I )00 i'e Cih Storm BOO Cuban Pem Hug HDD Dubllsr V A Ik. J00 Diirmit Met .Y. (i)0 rurant M of Ind inmlarriner Met .... Tti 7 ?! 18i 10 3H lOOOrlfnih n V. lien Haifa Wheel .... ??H ineirrru nn row cr.. loe snn Kupjx'nliMnMir pf.. 02 02 10" Mercer M VTC K00 Neir Fie Pub...... jnoeMMln Cerp .... 101 Philip Merrli ... jne rhn.nlx Hosiery.. WW Radie com lOaitndle pref loon Hnuth (" A I . . . . 1O0 rob rreducta.... 300 U H Distributing. 21A 2 1R 10 10 SB 1B, 10 10'' na 8 3e2 8S HTANDABD OII.8 30 Hurke8 P li .....89 10 Illlne a r I. .lnit BOO Inter ret . seu 100 nl irnnn xu :1 Prairie l'Ipe 816 ,.ai :: SSa ..1171 nfiii SI8 1000 H oil ci wi.. 100 s Oil Kan wl 20(1 S Oil K.V laeflR en lnl 11BH 100OH Ull N X WI .... 40 COO Vacuum Oil il ... 40H INDEPENDENT OILS 100 Ark Net Qas .... 8i iOOCarlb Hnl 84 10 Cltln Service ....174 lO&ntles ter U ctfs.. 17S 100 Celum I'ete 70e 700 Crce Sj n 2 000 Fensland 18 lr.oe (Juir ei Pa ...i.. r,ei 100 Llvlnten Pet . . 00 sort Lewrjr Oil ....L.. 1H 100 Lyem Pete 78e 1100 Mammoth 42S lOOMaraealbn Oil .... 104 1100 Merrltt oil , 04 m HOC loe mmioe en i via ioe Mountain Pred ... 17 100 Mutual Oil 11 1.00 New Mex Lind.... 34 101 New Yerk Oil .... 18 S00 Salt CTcelt rena... 10 1100 Halt Creek Pred... 20 SQl'Slmma Pet .... 12 10m Southern P A II.... fte 700 Seuth fitntea Oil.. 17 BOOK Texan O A L 82c 100 rurniar 14 tOOOW'eat States 22c MINING tOOO Belcher Ext de 1000 nix LedEO e JOOOniack Hawk 17c BOO Renten Ment Cena. 16e 1009 Candelarta Mln ... OOe 100 Tene Cep Mln .... 84 1000 Cerk Prev 18n fleo Creacen Oeld 24 1001 Dan Cena 70c 10000 Divide Uxt lle 50)0 Fertuna. 24c 1000 Oe dfleld Deep ,... De lOOOOeldneM Dev fle 100O Hard Shell 8e 1000 Hftrml'l D Be tOOHeeln Mining .... 8 801 Hill Tep Nev .... 1 101 Hews Round 24 100O Hull Capper fta 1000 Independent Lead , 8O0 100O National Tin Sn 400 New Dominion .... 24 110" Ohie Copper B80 300 Hay Hercules 14 tOO) Hex Cens 'if 500 Tonecali Ext . .. 34 S0)Tuolumne C0i 400 United Kaatern ... lit m OL'"rnnru crue ill1 eu unuy ueiu ,, 414 UONDfl 100O1 Am Llclit T 8a v.w.1004 7)C0 Anaconda fla . ...1014 40r0 Analj Am Oil 74 10SU. rOOOUeth Ml -l.'OS . .lOJH 1001 rn Nit rty eq 7e.HO lOOe Dit City Oa 0a..l01 M50"O nt cd fls wi ie;'i 0(0 runlun T U nub 7a Ofl'i 10'iMlr-ind Trun.: 04.10')4 leoeooif en r. . .. en'. Conn Ided Hub 7a tin lOOf K.nnece't .C 7a... 103 IOO) fjirlede On 7a... 1014 600) Vet Afme 7Hs.... 014 40C1Ohln Pener Ba II.. 004 J10OS uth f nllf Ed B . m 1000 Stand ONVTl -28 107 a' ) -un j j -i i fOrOMUft A Ce 7 boej i win ! Ce ss j"i -lan e N Y nHa.lOfm ai .10JH Ml 014 E'OUEIGX BONDS I fX Arcentlne 7 .... Pft7 0074 OO'jO M'slrri finf m ttaiZ nail iftf it tii,. i mi .. . . v27r UOCObwiM Gevt imn .10314 103 LOCAL MINING 8TOCK6 T0N0PAH STOCKS Hid .. .11 ... .OS .. .00 .. 05 . . in . . .en . .07 .. Ull . . 13 w.VA ...8 aih lle. , . Mn. flutlei "aeNnmnra . , . , ' resent t . illdaj ' IJlttali IMtnilen . nema ia er'h Star Jtcua i;u,n w.n.0.plh I ienlen eai hn I , "Ml i nepad DIUDE filOCKE MIltd IViM . . , , new HMchir ()! Jjjlcher i:tenen ,,. ,; fl4 rreuili i.uiIh . ... (4 Ojldy venilm, .. .10 im!u;dc" . ;-. ItM1"" '.!'4 Ifni. ?' .JlUir' k Mullen. i .01 (111 .70 lnnpnh Dulrln Jjnn ih Ilnfbren't" Mctpry DM 0 --rln Til. 1.1. . 02 .004 0' ft ' ' ' "l. l'l Vll 00 OOMJI'ICI.I) STOCKS boetii 04 1 eni 11 , ,11 1 ruction .01 rilP.OrKirtt filainendneld lllua .03 08 Wen, "ue "u" 5 '" II fen . '" II. 1.1 ' " ffi1,? ,'','"l"ii 'n.j hinr 'Te ?.t! H 11 ,'en ... . 07 no .. .. 02 ... 01 . . 04 .. . ni em, m . . . 1 .OT Wl.OVb no w07 Oil . .. .JO OB C'l'T II ) "Piurheu 1 H.srnu Amparo Arlr.inu l M,1 ' ' "leilenli Vf.ndelii t ii "11 t:t i JlSrVh Wtr Mil, a",.A"' ".u-' 08 .li ill -!cr .1." 'SK frS'.'." ... . .!.... .' vi ' ' .'iiuinff 11 .",'". -I .'lO ,011 " L Stock Dividend by Phlla. Finance Uei,r..i,',,Llttfl'Phl .''I"."" Company has lent 1.. . 'lunjieriv fluirtenrt nt 3 ier rtrt ', Vl.L "'yrrej "A" alecW. IK Jwr tenia ",l!.'i?-.l;r',r"'':r "' lt ana te ablii i.;.. ,,n "" l11" eninmen elnrK, pa. lH-ni.n,.l.V '. '" l" khelilera of rerer.l Wrr.n J? A aimlal illvMeiul of 4 8-i.l icclir, i r,.?1', !" lemmun atuck, alie vj " '" Clllllllll II lllec HYDRflULICI REPAIRS KflCHINERYl We are equipped te de the work at your, plant and save you the expense of lone tie-up. I'hniie n. laia ...i ,! .ii. ne4SPi SIR BASIL THOMSON TO SPEAK' AT THE FORUM TOMORROW .. i rermer riead of Scotland Yard te Olicuts Hta Experience! Who docs net fed the 'thrill of a "detective story"? Mere thnn ene will be told tomorrow nlfc-ht by Sir Basil Thomsen, renowned criminologist and former hend of the British Secret Service nnd of the Crlm InnI Investlgntlen Department of Scot land Yard, who will address Iho Phlln dclphla Forum In the Academy of Mu Blc. III. subject will be "My Mxperl encee at Scotland Yard." Sir Basil will prove the old adage about truth belnn stranger than Action. He will shed light en his experiences as a scientific Investigator of crime. Dur ing the war his work unearthed the activities of dangerous spies. Many of his ether experiences arc equally thilll Ing. Fer years Sir Basil was n power be hind the British pollce nltheugh his Identity in connection with many cabcs was never revealed. He was In fact n Sherlock Helmes nnd n Crnlg Kennedy, solving problems that perplexed many of the foremost criminal inestlgatern of Europe. The part he played per sonally in the solution of many nn in ternational ense will be told by Sir Basil who will be introduced bv Samuel P. Retun, District Attorney of Phila delphia. THEY'LL TALK ESPERANTO The annual festival of the rhilndel phla Esperante Society te commemo rate the birth of Dr. Ludevlc Zamcn Zamcn hef, will be held at the hotel Hanei cr tonight. Uoeitatlens in nii"'isli nnd lispernutn will be Rhen by Henry W. Hctxcl, Wnldemnr Snelise. Margaret A. Mnlsch, Henrietta Mnl.ich nnd Donnld 1'. Bennett. .There will also be several muttlcal selections. ir.M. SB I 20 tilt IS 1.. 38tf 100 01 7ft' IS II) ssv? 101) IV . 1BJ4 IBli 4 10W 104 ' 10J4 in'i H 8H 81 8 IK Hi?" tl en 8!" 88 13l( 204 20, 86 180,, 1174 1184 4S4 40 irmtiniinrmiimirtritiPuin iiiniir in imrninii iiniisiiiiriiiiiiiiiiini nnnitn wn s MS 42li Meli-n Vmivenlf 1 Drnennl 4 1174 1144 48 40 mane luuiecii a iiceur of a Membership in Our! ft ft 74 174 CHRISTMAS CLUB e 19 404 It is one that will ghe ou lasting satisfaction, nnd will show what remarkable re sults are produced by sys tematic saving. Easy weekly payments te suit all. Club New Open Pays out early next .Decem ber with interest at Four Per Cent We would like te have you "ft 76c I IN i 7Be 43 "Jt 04e 17 1D4 as 18 10 204 Oe 8?4 2:0 42 lft Sle 17 10', 84 IN 111 04 UK 0a 1114 and your friends with Open Monday Evenings Until 7 P. M. ieh4 ion n 1024 1024 034 034 WHOLESALERS 004 034 8.14 04 10V4 Bankers and investment houses are invited te use our service when desiring te buy or sell any Govern, meat Leans. "4 Natien-fViJe Metktt" COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Reecrva S itarn City Hall Square Ak .la .07 07 07 10 07 li 4 14 01 02 .0.' Il 01 12 .01 114 111 07 1)1 .11 .en la. 04 .nn, (1.1 11 Bills vs. Coupens YOUR bills come in month by month. Te meet the same you can receive your in. come month by month through the proper se. lectien of investments. We will be glad te make specific suggestions te meet your requirements. ii'. 01 .0". .04 .24 .07 .00 .11 .nil .01 .01 OT 01 ill .Oil .00 1 01 01) 114 3-' 1 50 I tW .03 ii u 117 Graham Roberts & Ce. T.nmbaril Investment Bends L Franklin Bank Building iDEf TH' TneM Hedrt U tia a 1 3c 50 2 a I no u g Open Monday Evenings 31 $ 2g I Until 7 P.M. i K.e lBc d . f ! I 24 24 E tWStw li ' 1. 1 i rClWTlL15nnn000nl M P 111 SURPLUS (EARNED) fig SIS ESS 1 II $2.250.600.00 J I 14 24 JS aaSJBasaaaaaaBa)BSBEaeaaaBaBBTg7 a c4 1 XfllSfatefaAJJ i 274 274 S 8Sfy stafaVpV55ir Q ioe; 100. I I 1084 jev' AritwrTrmn mi ti innnni n t niw n runi im iui 1 1 -ii i'i . ram rmnnS iejS tkh I 11 HU .-aaaa - iaaa 101 iei 1 1 102 10: 10B4 101 WfvWKfZx 004 004 M iTA M ej ue gB sr M IM 109 B f s tout 101 v gjkjA f J 04 044 J? '. no 004 E' rgtf -tV I I : A PBSWT! ISBSal sHsaSJiiK,Bl! I I "I Wrm:"-BfiSa!0 I B za:l IlilU'-l'inBn I JStgiagrerTJtl fi ipj IVe Own and Offer American Belt Cerp. 1st Mtge. 7s, 1937 IN mm. Htutu in n fuiiileit 'J'u in ruial I'likrul Iniumu tiu 1 li lil Price $100 F. P. Ristine & Ce. Widencr Building, Philadelphia Hew Verh ElUabetli. N. J, iltmbtr Kiw .lijffc niitl i'illuifelplKi, aiecfc Jt'eeSeape .f La1aLLHaBama.B? yBBav BE 'HHPI jB EQUIPMENT TRUST We. Offar Subject te Prier Sale Company Rat Atlantic Coast Line Railroad . . 6fc 'Baltimore A Ohie Railroad . . . $ Chicago, Milwaukee tt Sft Paul Railway 8 Chicago, Milwaukee e St. Paul Railway 65 Erie Railroad, Series "HH" ... 5 Erie Railroad, Series "HH" ... 5 Erie Railroad, Series "HH" . . . & Erie Railroad . . . . . 7 . 6Yi- Illinois Central Railroad .... 7 Kanawha & Michigan Railway . . 0 Louisville A Nashville Railroad . . 6 New Yerk Central Railroad . . . 6 New Yerk Central Railroad . . . 7tf New Yerk Central Lines . . . . B9 Pacific Fruit Express Ce 79c Pennsylvania Railroad . .( . . . 6 'Reading Company 4H St. St, Leuis-San Francisce Railway . . 6 Paul Railway 6 Seaboard Air Line Railway - Btf5t Seaboard Air Line Railway . . . BWi 'Seaboard Air Line Railway . . . 6 Southern Pacific Company . . . 7 Southern Railway ...... 6 Union Pacific Railroad .... 7 "Issued under the Philadelphia Plan tUtka JANNEY & 133-135 SOUTH FOURTH PHILADELPHIA Telephones, Lembard 4320 Main 4384 Diversified Offerings of Conservative Bends State Municipal Railroad Public Utility Industrial Foreign Gev't Te Yield About 4 te 7 The large variety of our offerings should enable private investors, trustees, banks and ether institu tions te select bends te conform with their respective requirements. Circular gladly furnished en request iRtiilmmitl &Ce, 1427 Walnut Street, Philadelphia New Yerk Baltimore Pittsburgh Washington lleuibera New Yerk. Fblladelpnl and Pittsburgh Stock Exehant.a DELAWARE RAILROAD MORLEY, WOOD & CO. 333 Chestnut St. prpgHfprn Member'. PWleaeipaie, fa. Niw erlt Med; lixchMiBe l'hllntlplnhla Meck Exchange neli, Lembard Keystone, Main - i erlhern Central Rwy. Cambria Iren Reliance Insurance ledia Title & Tiust WM. W. FOGARTY A Yeung Man I Is dsilreus cf beeemlns oenneeted tvltli a tank. Trait Compae7 or brekerase heuia as an advertlilns manager. Is familiar tilth financial ailvertltlng and belteiea he ceull get new biijlseit for ' the right sort of InstitutlMi. Addnii Bex D 702, ledger Office Lafayette Building 10 08 Main 81-53 HAROLD TEEN F 1 7 v?'. I (? owie.ep- fsn tlTTLC DOfeS PC.A FK3HT UJlTH t imeaii. rv n f i rtcvr n.. .1 I rlpTfee. BQiHtlM(j AAV PeVUfcCPUL eueerjTiLuflPTet2 Vwa. I Vl, C7WI I AAftMTftU Caseueces Te PWV i Hrr 0F0M vuemt Have Tq Buy TH BeiLUAMT Hfrrm-O- I ...... . .fCw s ' U.7.;jn in dkiuuwT DBflOP HWIMtt A - FrfiS7 iWf, THaM. I 5,Qt- f,Lp rVfc -y, J v K:y; ,firr- irm , -wr, illst ors CERTDFICATES and Chant In Price Maturity Jan. IB, 1934 Aug. 1, 1926 Jan. IB, 1920 Jan. IS, 1929-34 May 18-Nev. IB, 1926 May IB, 1929- Nev. IB, 1933 May 15, 1934. Nev. IS, 1935 Yield 8.40r B.00 S.60? S.BS'e S.60 5.80 8.78 8.1 or S.B0 8.30 6.38 8.20 8.00 5.20 8.38 4.90 5.18 5.28 8.50 6.70 8.78 8.10 5.40 8.10 Jan. Oct. Jan. Jan. Jan. April June June Jan. July Sept. July 1B, 1, IB, 16, IS, IB, 1, 1, IS, 1, 1, is, 1929 1927 1933-35 1931 1933-34 1923-33 1928-37 1930 1930-31 1924-27 192B 1928-35 Apt. IS.-Oct. 18. 192S April 18, 1926-27 June 1, 1923-27 June I, 1926-30 Jan. IS, 1928-33 June 1, 1926-27 CO. STREET Kansas City Joint Stock Land Bank of Kansas City, Me. Stock Present Rate 9 Dividends payable quar terly en the first day of January, April, July and October. Price en Application Complete drtaltt en request Chester RCoek&Co. 42 Broadway IWrfc rR. A. M. & Cea Bends Ranging in price from ofe te 6.65 return selected ter taietg end attractlvencf are Uitti in our December CireuUr Reed A. Morgan & Ce, Wtit end JYutf Blde., Phttm. Member of the Phils, flteek Etch, TeUphsas Iprnee fill i. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Cadbury EUIa tSL Haines Franklin Bank Bldg. rHt4tWa SkBumnt 0472 4886 Lawrence E. Brown & Ce. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1000 HEAL ESTATE TBUBT BLDO, invri.iiK.10 aim uiiju.i inrvnilllim and urtnr!ln j nta and ureparu Inreme Tit rteturni Bucvc &USPZCT. TriKT HOW ABoer A Mice. ptci.efi PeftRu. 0CrD5 f iDttfiep HtiNV llrVe OtUt ii f 1 imftnk t& j Qreenebaum 'Bends -100 Invest Your Funds at Q In These Bank Safeguarded Bends Reserve New for Immediate or January Delivery Dated January 1, 1023 $2,500000 Malaria, 2 te 10 Yeara Denominations $100 $000. $1,000 Discriminating investors are offered an exceptionally attractive Investment In these sound and profitable Bank Safeguarded Bends. Security comprises First Mortgage en land, 14-story Fireproof Building, in Chicago's finest North Side residential district; Equipment, Furnishings and Earnings. Estimated net annual income almost four times maximum yearly Interest charges. Personal guar antee by responsible individual and monthly deposits in advance with Greene baum Sens Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, assure prompt payment of prin cipal and interest. 4 Nermal Income Tax paid by borrowers. Approved and Recommended by the Oldest First Mortgage Banking Heme PRICE, PAR, TO NET ( TO INVESTORS Call, Write or Phene for Circular Ne. L-675 Greenebaum Sens InvPStmPirr CemHany Chicago Founded 1855 Philadelphia 408-215 S. Bread St. Phene Spruce 9336 SlYeatiVrevmSafeW Owurshipifthu Cmpanj Identical writh Orttntiaum Sim Bmnk end Teut Ctmfain Oldirt Banking Hunt In Chitam. Ftundid 1855 Cambintd Rtteurtti Ovfrff5.CC0,(XX Americanize Your Credits Credit Insurance, as issued by the American Company, i6 a bread service which brings te manufacturers and wholesalers the follow ing vital benefits: 1 It reduces the credit waste. 2 It affords an accurate basis for cotta. 3 It affords superior collection facilities. A It increases efficiency. 5 It promotes prosperity by stabilfelnr buifnea, 6 It distributes the burden of less and affords an independent reserve fund ever and above the capital employed. The American Credit-Indemnity Company has successfully rendered such 6crvice for the past thirty yeara. In that time we have net only paid ever eleven million dollars te our fiolicyhelders, but have prevented countless ewes as well. Let our local representatives tell you about our Policies, as well as help you with your particular credit problems. AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY CQ or NEW YORK J. F. MADDEN. patsieiNT Cndit Uivranct Exclusive!? W. J. Merphy, Mgr., Arthur Goldsmith, Gen'l Agt., Allan Eamshaw, Associate Gen'l Aa.. 10th & Chestnut Sts., Fhone rilbert 6503, Pliilndeiphin, Pa. Seiling the Seeds of - AS i Teue SevOie-SfAtTM, ITi 1 SHfii 6eT J I .PUrVC vt- I I OP- AY DtfAieiSr. Bex OrtV5H0UU Ha2eLt Be Acca HptWine PMK.5 eiJ HBCSHeP- PNGTtSOQS.T BEi-',jlsf I l f I i j s j I i Safe Since 1855 IV W First Mortgage Real Estate Investments Second by THE BELDEN Hetel and Land Northwest Cemer Lincoln Park West and Belden Ave Chicago Adjuring Lincoln Park and Overlooking Lake Michigan "' kU8E THIS OOt71,OrH''a' Greeaebsmm Setae tarreetment Company Suite 40S-21S Seerta Breed St. Philadelphia Pleees) eessd deecrfpttve circular en the Belden Hefe!BdUuet WaagfS) ... ..... ..... AsMTfjee. ... I,.,.. City. UW9 Security Salesmanship fne Profession lb the Successful Security Salesman the telling of securities is a most fatdnating profession. In obtaining the cenfidtnee of In vestors and in building up n clientele his most effective weapon is knowledge. Knowledge Sells Securities LacKlna knowledge you cannot eenvinet, and failure te convince means hit mIm. But the nsht kind et knowledge i, necec ssry-a mass of miscellaneous Information is worth little. Fer these who possess the right facts, tha opportunities are unlimited, and the rt wards are great. The Babaen System of Training in forest tnnts and Security Selling has been d. veleped te present these tacts which bruit Success In Selling Securities. This 9ystm of Training Is new used by scores of the most successful firms. Your request will bring you by return mail booklet "Security Salesmanship Uw iTOfeaaien. Ne charge or obligation. Simply Atk for BoehUt. 74M Babson Institute WtKlm'' Active Market 8 Jersey City. Hokekea ft Paiersec 4,, 1949 Atlanta Water, Elec. & Power S, 1943 Tayler Wsattoe Ir. & Steel 7lj, 1948 Georgia Ry & Electric Si, 1949-32 Buffalo & Lake Erie Trc. Si, 1936 Kentucky Trac. t Ter. 5i, 1951 Piltigrf Trae. Bendi All Uiun Abbotts Aid. Di. Cem. & Pfd. 9,!I'.Rw7' & L,'f1" 5 '950 li. Orlsans Pub. Str Si, 1952 Html. & B. Tep 3d Si, 1925 Union Utilititi 5i, 1944 Wilminttei Gai 5i, 1949 Crew le rick 81, 1931 Rolls Reree rrefsrrtd NEWHALL, GROSS & DIFFENDERFFER Utmter ,vv) YarU owl VhilaiUlfhxn HttuU Krchaneit RCAU KSTATE TRU8T BUDG. PHILADELPHIA Jealousy MeisiE. Superstitions A booklet which dispels many misunderstandings and sets forth the countless advantages of a Will Send ter m copy FRANKLIN TRUST CO. 15th St. Uclew Market iee. Masen City & Ft. Dedge 4st 1955 Me., Kansas & Texas Ry., all issues te Mtdalifet X. Surulua fall . - tJ.00O.W0 ! Wm.C.Orton&CeJ V m immmBamMBiMemmMemeawmM j " .s I 114 Wafl St, N. T. Tal.lIaamSSSt.Nli BTei4aaS iiekt,AM i'tt l rtt.MtiS , '