I rfJ , -f q I, 't'-Vi1")!' ,V " iSTOe'1 tm yiwyj" iKw Vy-' " i ' r ' '., ( ' " i 30 EVEXTXG TUBLIC LEDGER PHIL ADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 3022 l IW m m u f ! ft . ill ,'f L it li:' ' r.' Bit' W GOSSIP OF THE STREET Uncommon Sense : ' hv High cw . iimr Itj .IOII.N UKKH "I'lrar. The wero built chcnplr nml I ' e titer liml te lip built In n liurrj-. .. rptinriC Is nnl.v n hrlrf tlmp nllelpil te man en flip nirlli. I till lbi lime i P' KKIIAl'S h tlilr.1 nf iIip Inber in tli.. ht. if Hum .luin'i lumpen wlipn slip nn'jn'nt te de wlint lie lini le iji wpII. -.. - v. . W-.H.1 W unnerp.,,, v Inl.nr. I- ' il."-is.i..l n.il.;s fnj, ,l,nre. , Vc Tl I '"n'Xr" If I p ru'lics tH-lk, of l,f... 1,,, ,1,, f ,U...i.e..t. n IV-Ihmim half of Urn .,,P, .,1k.,, nrc ; - ; -;J 1 .5.1 ...n Imrrle-lv .J? , ftX'' .0 I In. IM "be scrti.se of i PMw.-t..l . hill r iK.t .. tni..l .pe,,.,,., ,, ,,lx .l..t... ,.ui. '"" '" '""Ih1 ... tbpin in! TeaxcM tb" Cbl tCt Z 1 I b'rn riiiluitinMii ripihid. t'ii(. wi tin. .in iiouiicfineiit of tbp Imbue iif inn. of tb InrRcst brel.i r.i"p utul beii'l hi'iir nijj,,,,, tln Seiithwxt iind tin- etbi'r vii v rrductinn of t!ii' di ub tul rate en tJti'iit btferi" it mil lip uilii"! ieniipi'd And tin- trnvin I lb .1 mnt iH'nplc- imtiilil. tin' liuirM - trfu hn'ii in I. n-i t a ,..' .-. ' 'u J n nas:pr.ittil (etiilitbin "NewspaiuT rrni' . .tin n Imm ' reform! "iviiitl t ' ib- 1 ti tit' I amount et '1111 he 1 - it u" 11 tlip inrrlv' " m Iiiilm l!i ;. 1' in tl 1 ir liiM-'nii I. ii i ' It quite IiI.hIi tli it 1 1 1 fi w 'ill n Iiiim 1 piui I'ui-ilir lilx m.i.i ,.'i . i-imp-in uiuii nuimu n I'.' -'ii'. ' - tnbir.iiK lnii-, iliilii tin 11' 11 ii iimeiim ! i'iuriHt mi ilnir ' ', "A nw ri roii-niiulile pliti .tin tlip merti 1 of tln bmul 111111l.it i'f ' .' Inst t ik i the t.n '. pointed e. by piui ntiPtMr t '.at prlce nt ienu hap bei-n 11-111.: tt!met wit' mt r torni.tieti i:ii-p .luh. VCl. irniiili.- wlrit li 1- ' iii'i.i!il Ni'ti Ml 1 ! il I' 1 11 .I'm Of tin .1 'l ' III 1 111 li I - " 11 1 HI in ,h iii - 1 1 ' ii ii 'i . u'sinl 11,1. .i . 1 t 1 1 '1' 1 it u'i. i. it 11. ii n.il Mi' . hi n .1 1. net. 1 11 titi nli 1 ru" i -liuiilii be iio iie iio perm miti .. 1 it it ' Mndits anil the ute be An pleinint of tin- pr"fiiN.eunl ppp' ttbiturM .111' 1 in' In 1 lii. !eii mi 1 rub-t 111tl.1I fnrw 1 I -w 11 . 111 'li Hint r slinri'- iti 1 11 11 t' 11 nli i' . 1 in mitu -1 1 n ' .1 ii 1- ti t'lH-i n nuiii Imiiri 1 1 i in "' 1 n'1'1 1 ) r ".1 ppllll.'l' .! t' I .1 I 111 til K'.til a!.. iiui i-iiu .l'titj 11 et.n.t t.nr bptvif tlii' .1 1 irn - Tiii " ; show this i'ir -j coin j te le en 1 Kr'.itei v.il. imii cii-r befi r at. ' the .tutomebib itnlntr 1- cone ' hnM hm liintn. u m 1IC 1 fi'li -baker lias bifii pi k'd it i th" lea itr Cotten I'lintins; "In tbp 'ic'i f ji '.-ii' jip "P"-- It h ililln 1 Ir te . turn tin ' in-.;' peiiilirinii et tbe 1 utnti ii.'Mtr 11 Fprin.', " is I. iiuli.v fn". .1. -. vteni'i,' tl.' potteii .t i.itieii, lnjr v niaj le pirdeiHMl f .r lmlul.'itu 11. n trespei t, it' only fur vnjejtnint i the rli.'inje "Uurdeneil nitli ibbt f-em tv n li--astreiw eiiMeti. thi Southern inrtiiir Itlmut ttnicU 01 ipdit and witb u 'li-it;,- but bis i-tl,. 1 wiiMwl thi. t.i-l, of Kieupnu 'ii' ,i.4i . He jriipuii 1 ns main ium's ni .i,it..ii a i 1. 1 -renuh pessilib . Inn l'i.i l.lei.ie in tei'M'iH I with 1 I'm ihi.n nun-. wIih held i'ewii the an 1 plaiiti-.l witlen m.i m.i cennble lieimdM "Wi.itlur '1 furn er' liepe nil I desp.ilr. m.i In- iii'ilitiiil w it li 'n-ekin.' the len ibilnii. and lir-i. 1111: up jirn ns thi' tinii' fur pluntnu appre iclu'd. Altbeiish bountiful 'niiti-r r'untnll hi hi elunis ),.(.n the pnier of th' W.-.I eni farmer, for e.k Iih u'et tm tun. li of n u'i e I thiin:. It tin. till aha.. 1 i.i -tinueiiMh In 'I mis iini 1 1! il ..u t .1 fixe months up 1 tin smiiiil , , 1 .Tutu, li i'mii.' h ni.h , uj. . 1. .1 p. tinii. t.i 1 1 tn .. tn pi-, 11 it tin ., , 1 1 , 1 pur into the irreiin.l "l'luttnllx the 'iuii- !,Mt siiffi ri I te lesser litem. ... 1 l,ni plm,, t,,r bis aerene Mere iImhi'iiI. ,111 tl. total an 11 -i e! ! . . . I tlnmii' 1 . W per i.nt jrmtir tl in the p.i. year. Ceppir statl.thal I'i'sltleii The st iti.ii il 1 . -1 1 11 ,.f nu't.ll is tr .! . nil, estitn it, d 11 ti 1 - 1 ,. 1 1 ,, per the 1 ni - 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 11' j r s no mere llm 1 .,1 11 nun nun , , vbn h 1 InllllliU J.'i llllll Mill) peinds i. refined end 7" ihiii nun peinds I hs'i 1 This is little ti ii tli in 1 lie Hiili s s 1 . plj et lelined. is . iisiiiuptiun 1 1, nieiith is likl te n 1 eh nenrh 2i.ii . 000 (11.11 pounds Sum. lilltlieriln s '1 li nr there s 1 ter et f 1. n.e-sllulii' ,f , IhIIiu,. . fl 111 tin' bin nit: in Mi 1 t fi ' weel,-" As a nut r et fi tl,. ndinnie m fUOl I'lells s U 1 . , , s, I l., ,J H I I Ssf . tnui in tin il mi. int. Iiit mi ui no ()f si.lli ieti' pi 1,1011 01 te .1 si. iinv niiMctj in the tn.le .inn iisi the deal ers. It i juunterl t with tli" hull pii Reason tippre lelim.' the imiintfm turir ceiisiiiiH rs in I1 tn i' 1 ma ii-ii i ni " initut tiKin: in' this will heip tle in out et tlie 1 epp 1 innkit for 11 tune lit bust IIiiWimi it is liilieiei hllrl fiftei tin tnui of tin- Kin, wlnn iin I taking h i ben. leinpletid, the li.ii lllit will be 11 sin ni et. 1 1110-t -at s. fill ten m ule Iftllif Mi.isiins tut I iniipe Nen 1 U nil 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 trlets ii inti dilii 11 1 . si,i 1. tien in i in 1 . -. .1 1 1- !' t ir 1 relit f , tun. in ml in. I 'ni 1-1 1 ml ds tltSh 111 I'lllepl 111 hi. I .tl.t . eiinlri.'s Tin re was ,1 ...... I di il et disi'ii--iiui ifi tn the mill, 1111. et the Micitesteil mensuii- en bit-unss rmnlil Inns tm era 1 1 tliioiiH'heui thi weld. TIiem who tool, it blend 11 v et tue plus JiectlM' lilnf l.li.lsliliM Win iellle, T 1 1 ll tl. l llilpitn- sin li 11 111,1 111111 flelll an iitfieetiH nt In lie slim... ceuiitiii" te hilp tin-,, in iiiiesiti there mi- in" ' --ui 1 1 In 11 'inland for i.iw 11111t1r1.il nit. I -emi-llni-dii d piediuls in this i . hi 1 11 1 , width uiiist lirbt fellil tUe Illlsls nl llhlllstl inl tit tn I -tll'H ill et In 1 hi etleliH Ce)iper htm'kM weie looked en tis beiiiK ill the best pesl.lntt te flllllisli 11 respouse te this epi'Lii'i1 deuiiind. l. titiuteH w 1 u- utiiile alieut iibility et Kotue of thei-p te hew prulitN 011 pin pin pin iluotieu lit pnsint inMt It wim 11 inutlcr of Kelienil iiudetKl indiiiB hi n -ever, n fiutber uilMitne will be n.itile in the prkc et t upper iiietul, und Hint new utriiiiKenieiitH iimi closer reuuieiii between xurleiiN gtetipH of copper ennv pnnles rt'diK'e epprntiiiz cnt. , 'rinjTJJAUi.il. in litter fiiiluip tis one of Its iiiluib- nMII 1 mi that is Imri 11 .11 v lini'dit 1 1 :i tl t . ' ,,VM', '" ' lr I .... I'. I........I Is nixer re- r0K,rW. , !'.:"."'." '.;' ... '.'.. ':"!... !'.V.. ''."'r' """" Popularity Winners Named Tonleht .f the li ub tul rate en tlient . TJASTIJ and liim de net s .ei c 1, ,,,. ,, . .... ,lt M ....., .rp wtnuer.M in the North riiil.i.lel- Kerlhern priferinl fieiu .t 7 ten e tier1 XX ae-ee. tine puttiifs die idle tnui m .he limv 1 it nt life it is usually pIK.i I'npulniit.v t'enteft will be tin cent bails. The-e two untileris.nt de- "- -lt t i.iii about ihninr tinihinc. ten lute 1 . le.in it npiin when the neiinreil tuul;lit b) the beiitd of judges, mcstie penl ireppe.l out JiiMt when nil ""t w,en be does wnrl. Ins he bn le test eni. - ni.1 the lime spent en It ' einpnspd of Arthur l.tidfeif, cbnlunnti. hands weie bpsinnins te e UkIu et u if be dei-n t wnnt t.i statxel. he mi- in tl.. in -1 1 weisp tluin wanted. IMwnrd Api nnd ('ImrlPH Stprllne. from better Kurepeun situit.eii. 'niulliteh e.riiim t.i hum. s.i tint ,e Win 11 . fnieftthets huilt houses the Mage of the lilt theatre. Iltintins Seiitinient ilh. the ie.lu.ti..n et tle'i'un "n through' and be.-tn te bun the Inn! p. m et tune, nnd the houses l'.irl. nxeiuip nnd hivtli htrepf. Great Northern prif.-m-l dnnletil did iir'im I'm 1. I -,,11 stimdlin;. unless - ; , ... the most il imiis. . "n'x 1 t.w d.MsiUn It 1- "ih I m t' .' I'm ,..., ,.,!,.. ... , lie w U of process AVlueupi -VSnS"'. , I Itnest pnsline iissui nip wn mi.M 01 l'.'il .' 1 in Hill. 1 ir e Mi , .'ii 1 ,,, in, t.i i!m 1 Lnilins their efforts te cruite still me.a tlm intuit 1 tun: nt tin "t.rient i-.iti ' r 11 ii-ii.i. , 1 ,, , 1111 h 11- s hint tednx i-rnirnt for thi Uirlstnum helMii. Ymi Th.?ein,,un V'ts,.,.,! , .',.1..,'. 7 p., 1 1 s, , , ,,, ,,.,' .,, K. ,,. . , Z,X i&WSX?'-.,'"!,. 'n,, ie.it ill ,1 ( -in 1 ivi'i ii, Mann ' ' I ' s , , ,n 1 1 1 ,, i s 1 1,1 nn iM.ini mem s hih1ii riiui. li.ix.eii .nai.e ji a iiuuit of tli s e.ir the di. pit. .is difnti'd t! fpiartelK ib blend nnd inlnpt.d the (teini-anniuil dutib ml peiteil In .lun thej de aired 1 enii-aMiuiil diMilend nt 3'2 per tent liuiktii? ' per tint pi. id t'aM yc.it (5re.it Nertherns , tiling from milreil nj 'iti ist, 1'ij.j will aii aii pieMinitp 1 T itHt i. nnt wlili-n tn teie't of ;. Jim 11 hi in 11 be dul 11 ted lenMtiir M1I.111.1 ,1 . '" per 1 1 nt ..n the SL HI. 117 l."n t . '. Tli s irp1u. With lilt ether 111 nines of l InlllMU. in.ikeM aim nt .iviili'le ter divi.ii id Mil .'li.tmu or 1 in p( r .'nit u'i -t.i. 1, le I'.i-'l riiilr.nl net ti.is nlm t Sl.'i ikhi.iiih) 1 nd nx.it il tries. V,.,-,ii . 000. le.lMll.. M, l.ln.lliHI, or -.10 1" 1 Ptlt 1 ' s-n, I, 1! It nil ,1 1 mint of 1 .1 l." . ti i . I11 lliH iiij'en 1 t n'h l 11 le s sjl in Hi mil . l'i . lle n' inli 1 -. ) .t . , I' 1 ' itid 1. 1 fc-e m 1 ' in I" 1 - .r mi 1'. 1 Tills Ml - 1 1 I 1 il 1 in Its . nmeli nmri . , 1 t I ' v r 1 lm 1 I operitieiiM 11 1 trm.i . tiii-r Uu. un than was the ,11 IP. I. il We Recommend Fer Investment- Yielding about Gretil rei1iicrn Railway Company iiuic Ij 1 .s "' 1 I'l. 1. d. A. iluc i0, 'IT" Chicago & Wester.. Indiana Railroad Company v. en, lnl ru! M I, . !.(..!! Hend. due lf52 Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company r r Lun .ni 1 ki 1. Mi. J'-.tiiK Li. .hi, l'el Leuisviilc Gas and r,!cctric Company j. .- J'.i 'nl. A. ilui- 1V52 Ml. ii Northern States Pener Cemnanv (Minnesota) I-ir-t .ti J K M-s,'.- 5' Ui.tuN. iluc l'l .Tene. & Lauhiin Steel Corporation umul i' i "' i.'i'r ' s; ik The Brie "i;ii .eei (miwii . 1 111 M. -s. " I U'I" ill s 1 "I-' Gulf Oil Corporation of Pennsylvania l;-sit 3'i Ii "tun 1 n l'l P. .ii'l. dm l''.v American l.epubiict Corporation ir.Hil 11 - ' h t'1tt '1 nl 1 ' tul. dm lr.i," 'City of Phihidelphia 51 ' J'miiki. 1 x V 71 City of Terente Harber j. -n; 1"53 5.S6 3.77 5.G19e 3.59 5.()(9e .409e :.se 5.30 7.11 4.10 5.25 nliri-,l L'.r;upt fruiii nil lcdtu.1 Ixcet.w y'c.Yes "( 'jijcr tin u' "i7i sub'hit le prier sale and change in price Detailed intornuitien uill be furnished en request. Guaranty Company of New Yerk Main Office: Guaranty Trust Company Building 140 Broadway, New Yerk 421 Chestnut Street Philadelphia - is&tMunsua. "tmjs STEELE SDEA ?. Of '. cart S VICE varus. rJ . .-J F ujSLajfL Fer mere than half a century we have concentrated upon the development of The Steele Idea of Industrial Construction. The success of our methods is attested te by hundreds of firms that employ us as their building counsel. If you contemplate the erec tion of an industrial establishment or a commercial building we invite you te investigate our construction methods. ("W ESTABLISHED 1864 ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS--CONSTRUCTORS PHILADELPHIA AND TORONTO , New Issue $8,000,000 Carolina, Clinchfield and Ohie Railway First and .Consolidated Mortgage 30-Year 6 Geld Bends - SERIES "A" Dated December IS, 1922 Interest payable June 15 and December 15 Due December 15, 1952 Redeemable in whole or in part en any interest date en or before December 15, 1937, at 107VS and interest, the premium decreasing Vt of 1 each year thereafter until maturity. Interest te be payable without deduction for any Federal Income Tax up te 2 per annum which the Company or the Trustee may be required te withheld. Pennsylvania four mill tax refundable. Coupon Bends in the denominations of $100, $500 and $1,000. Bends in the denominations of $1,000 registerable as te principal or fully registerable. Total Authorized Issue, $50,000,000. .Te be Presently Issued, Series "A" $9,500,000. THE EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE Fer information regarding 0u issue of Bends, rve refer te a letter dated Dec. 16, 1922, of Mr. N. S. Meldrum, President, some of the items of which he has briefly summarized as follews: PURPOSE: Te retire $8,000,000 indebtedness te the United States Government (bearing 6rt interest). SECURITY: Te be secured in the opinion of counsel, by (a) First mortgage or first lien en 84.68 miles, comprising the Elkhorn Extension, constructed at a cost of about $6,000,000; (b) Second mortgage or second lien eri 234.06 miles additional, subject te net exceeding $15,000,000 First Mortgage Bends, of which $13,950,000 ar"e new outstanding; (c) General lien en 7.5 miles, subject te $195,000 outstanding underly ing Bends and the lien of the Company's First Mortgage Bends making a total of 276.24 miles covered. Prevision is made in the First and Consolidated Mortgage te refund all underlying Bends (including $1,055,000 in the Treasury), the underlying mortgages new being closed. ' JUNIOR INVESTMENT: The outstanding junior securities represent an actual invest ment in excess of $30,000,000, an amount equal te 33 times the present $8,000,000 First and Consolidated Mortgage Bends. EARNINGS : The condensed income account since January 1, 1920, compares as follews: nr I.iii'i il t,',i IiKem" Intcre-t ( lnrt;i" Nrt Inrnm ercr n i I in i. fnr I'lmiici' iti lljtil l ImnM Dec. 31, 1920 $2,799,991 $1,914,767 $ 885,224 Dec. 31, 1921 2.608,545 1,622,117 986,428 Oct. 31, 1922 2,119,577 1,583,953 1,535,594 The gross income available for interest charges, etc.. for the twelve months ended Octebci 31, 1922. was a'-out twice the above interest charges. Present annual fixed interest charpes. after giving effect tq the issue of these $8,000 000 Sends amount :c S1.548.7"0 Tr- aeve interest charges for the twcl-c months ended Octebs' 3.. 1922, show ar. actual decrease of $316,33G. as compared with 1920. e GROWTH f earnings " .'.lustrated by 7creasc in total operating revenues from $2,515,650 ir. 1912 te $7.5eS,73J :or 12 nienthi ending October 31, 1922 and by increase in net income in the same period from $528,807 te $1,535,594 The ten -year record shpws fixed charges earned in eafh year by n substantial margin and in addit en the accumulation of profit and less surplus of several million dollars. Total oper ating revenue ;r. 1921 was at the rate of $25,600 per mile, indicating a high traffic density. PROPERTY The Company speratc- j thoroughly modern ra'lway from Elkhorn City. Ky., through the coalfields of seulhucsterr. Virgin a across eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina tc Spartanbuig S C. Connections are made with Chesapeake & Ohie, Norfolk 5t Western. Southern Railway Seaboard Air Line and Atlantic Coast Line Systems. Including branches and trackage rights the total mileage operated is approximately ' 300 miles. It is a highly important cea! carrying read, about 55 of the operating revenue durtnt the past two years being derived from coal It also forms a most direct and service at'e gateway between the Centra) West and Southeastern territory for miscellaneous traffic ff i' eipecfec' that application iv:.'.' be mace tc list' these Bends en the New Yerk Stock Exchange Interim fecetpts et lemperars bends will e. flehverab'. ir the first instance All offerings arc made "when, as and if issued" and received by u. nc ubject tc approval 3' counsel and subjee : authorization by the Interstate Commerce Commission. Price 96V2 and interest, yielding 6.25 BLAIR & CO., Inc. LADENBURG, TKALMANN & CO. SPENCER TRASK & CO. REDMOND & CO. CASSATT & CO. A. G. BECKER & CO. The statements pu-acnted above, while net guaranteed, are obtained from sources which we believe te be lcliable In view of the popular interest in Standard Oil of Indiana we have prepared a special letter covering the record and prospects of thU com pany with latest develop ments and analysis of financial condition. Ask for copy a Nete: Reports en this and any ethrr active New Yerk Curb fxchange stock will be sent free en request. CtU, phtnttr writ! Tenes &. Baker Jvlemfceri Netv yerk Curb Exchange Dlrt PrlT.te Wlr'ei" NtvYetk Chlciie Doner PblltiUlpbli FHIIADELPHI A OFFICE Wldener Building I'D I I 1 1 I Safety TrtM.hn... U "LOCUK47JO BALTIMORE OFFICE Bmcnen Hetel Tckpkme . PWuS431 The East St Leuis & Suburban Ce. loci-jieiaMi wee anf net tccctved neuce e4 the eiier rccenUy mad te purchase the Medu A this company iheuld kamdiately corarnooi cerarnooi corarneoi wte with m. E.W.CUrk&C Backed by a Reputation I In 40 years, thousands of investors have bought hundreds of millions of dollars of Straus Bends. In no case has any bond holder ever lest one dollar of principal or interest or been de layed one day in the payment of either. Today, with trust in this record, our greatest asaet, thousands of bend buyers are investing their surplus funds through us. We underwrite and offer for sale the highest class first mortgage bends secured by prop erties in the leading American cities. The yield is the highest consistent with safety, 6 and 6V4. We would be pleased te send yen a booklet describing these sound bends, in $1000, $500 and $100 denominations. Write for "BOOKLET 917-L" S. W. STRAUS Sc CO. CIAOIIMIBD Itm . OrflCKO IN TJIIRTT CITIES 1617 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. INCORrORATTD TelepheneSpruce 0387 40 YEARS WITHOUT LOSS TO ANY INVESTOR 1 1922 S. W. S. & Ce. piiiii.T'nf.vfsr i.rfirvf MnTifi. TaaafcKg.sU iriitii-n iin imi-nuy ?- - r