jrtPWT3!ui miifgft ft 1 ':.l ". ,' 1t .,, .... . . . . ' ViWlJ.l Camden Five Gets Setback in Eastern Basketball League i a 'Hew I Made My Start in the , 1 Campaigning te Put GeW-l field, Nev., en Map, Tex Richard Became Pre-, meter in 1906 ! PAIRED NELSON-GANS By TEX ItTCKAHl) WtlTI.n In the Klendike .lurlnt; he Relil riiHli there, the latter imrt of 1905 rumeri came up te Al'iMsa about tllP lil-C'IVlTV of the prorieus metii m Nevn.ln. I hail liml i.nvrnl vear of t'if cold Hnnj), nil of liirh win net n .-Iich. nml it MA net take m enK te ileclile te fit " J! .tot back te Ced's,".' Sl-VHOi) for n return Mctiexern- MitntPT. as the "i" ' '' nt.t. Something or ether hup- lrospe'ten used te iy. Tr vn earlv 1m lPil'l t' -it I f niM iV" If in .i thrl -nij life town in N-v'i hi v hi.'1 bed T Il.ckNnl . , -i i ntmd tjebl- field. There wns a great niMt te Gold Geld field, nnd this mining rnuip expanded with every twentv-fmir hour. By the time I had pit if the trail Inte (leblfield thtre vas n 'e' of tnnnev fireund there. A'nv.' evn'e-ly 'n the town lni'l stniek "injs r' "' '"id i: get no that the natives wanted the werld-at-lnrge te knwu ab.uit Hold Held field. Be In Mareh of P"-'! ir w-i derided CiOldfleM would be placed en the map. no mutter what th cost A sort of Chamber of Cun-nerce was appointed nnd I wns c.'it out ti de nnuh-r. cared or wan'e.l jiit se Ien ih I ntccwded in iml'inR some sort of struiR struiR te let it be known that there was a Geldfleld in Nevada. I didn't liave. the least Uk, When I started out. hew I was relnc te put tteld'ield en the m.ip. After about a trcntli 1 found my Mlf In New erl ( it, preb.il!- for the purpose te cet an id.'-i. or Ideas, from the smart city fcilews. It wns May. Day after day and Bight nfTer night I Benemed ami snuif' ' the nl 1 e of various p.;Kn 'ty men, 1 ut riethlni; bic seemed t awn en m (.'n 1he twenty -eighth inn of that t.ier.'ti I happened into t!,.- Ma '-en S ; i u lrdcn nnd ther witnevf.'.J my fr-t ul Krtnr- mntch nf n,-r Imn.-tunM. , .v. -.... --. . -. . . Becomes Be-dng Fan I Jimmy Urltt and Terry MeGevern srerp oppenet.rg, and they battled away for ten furious rounds te no de-'sien. JjJ)enme a b xlnx fnn then nnd tliere 'Olcn the big dea broke 1 Whnt nbei.t real bic he'tlt n championship battle for Goldfield I Hetunnnc te the mining camp In ?Tevadn I mnde such a suR'jestlnn e my nssecintes. It met with their np- FOR HALLAHAN W Oolf Star Will Compete for Court Tennis Trophy at Racquet Club The pairinss have been v ' for ". nnnual leurnnrnctr for tie II.I'iI.t. nips te be run off a' the Itn 'tuet i '.i, heglnninR en December 2 'P.I3 will be n court tennis deuH.-s il'ie'Ie Trth n poed plnyer pnr'm 'ed t.y ..ne of lesser tklll and is n liand'"5p nff.ur Am. ns the cf.n'endi rs !- M.-: Mnr Mnr 1en, the l'enns liama S'ate . . f eh-rn-Jilen, who has a national p putntl. '. nn n links-man lie enlv took up emir' tennis this fall, but tins madu rajii 1 1 preRres.j. an, , ,f. IH jnirp.l with I Stanley W. Peirson. t'..- na'en.il f-qunsh rncipiets kinz th'v siieuld mak ir mere than InterestinR for n'l en"iers. In the first round, m-i f" " tb( -Mb, Ilebert KeNe Cajsatt and Ilen.f I'.!.. I svlll nii'it W. .1. Mt", '.inn and .lines J'etter. Tin-. ). ild he a miv "i'itkI lap match ii".l the bienks et tb r-jiit Ulght te decid.. the outcome. On th" ether first round ctr i.-r'" IVilwin Petter nnd IViwdnnd Kv.in ere due te ir.".'L lirnd Frnie and .! "Wnnnmaker. Jr. but Me ,itt"i- wi'' inOKt likely default and ft . " will h.i.' te collect .1 new partner in .In- l.i-l i.u laent. In the Kecend round en December .10, .fescph W. Wear, chairni'tn of t li-" Athletle Commlttee at the H-ice i. Club. Ii paired with Themas 1'vnns and It's a toss-up whether this eo'iihinatieii ' can nn-.e out Huss 11 TIi.'imt nnd W. H felweil. A. '. Wricllt nnd A. V. St Rennt meet V. II. Krumbhnnr and I" II JteRerb in the ether second round uat.h of the upper bia'ket In the lower ln.irket Mat Marter. nnd Stanley Pearson si; into -i...u against Pierce r.her, Jr., and ' M Hebertsen. It w.ll n..t he pr-.i'l. i' get any real line en the ultimnte win ner until the firt nnd K:end rounds have been completed. Jeck Seutar found tlie jtImur of three nccs en each game te Charlv , 'VllllaniB, the Rrltish challeni;r for his World's racjuct tit'e, whom he d l'eated In n sensational tiruf-h at th Tennis nnd Hacquet Clun, of Ne Yerk, ten dns uru, tee iinih wen f..i Jils uncrnm skill, and was neate-i fn ir utraUht Riitnes at Mentn"il, I'linitdH en Baturdn). in a speiinl mat h f.ir u purse nnd bide bet. The court w-ns i.nfnnuliar te Jeik, being of the r.nslish tjpe, nnd "e, in rennenuencu, Willinms felt mere at home. There Is a difference in the wn the balls come off the walls in the Ca nadian courts than in these 0f tj. lnlted States, and this proved mere ndvantiigeeiis te the Hriten than te i Wentnr. I The scores were 15-12, 17-KI. 1 .1 -1 li ' nnd lfi-n. All niin sis of the pi iv -.h..-Md t'lit geed as le i-. eck. miiIi-ss '."n.' m th,e ver te and pea .of i -. R.ime. cannot riw Williams m la j;e n h I'ldl- ' cup ns three aces and "t win eui i Fer lacliiiiR thiise three aces W.I liams would have, in all prebalu'. . wen one and lest three of tlie ri-uch aged And he might verv .silv hav dropped tin fourth uNe, for w.tl i t . Heral sun in. it of the neat e.ire nll.iu.d llflll, it ts hatdly likeh h. w m . 1, ne len able te put up such n eiiiii-i-ient lll'alld f i-ii'iiets ii;ii'-t the Mi.n' lilid hnfiliue; nttiii'k of tl" i'iiiih'. ..i 'Williams jilins Marr I!.. -il - ei C'Iiciire in tlie Win Citv i.i- -.i n i.y .l'.tVt'lliber J.'l, and m -t n ii. oi'RBnfat.-lie au;iii three ucca .Seutur allewSl" Wm. Anether (rapple between Seutar and ' MARSH 10 PLAY Boxing Game 99 Offers Dempsey $350,000 te Meet Jess Willard Portland, Ore., Dee. 10. W. U. Klepper, principal eirnw of the Portland Pnrlflc Const League Paselmll Club, tins telegraphed Jack Krnrns, manager for Jnck Demp ey, nn offer of $3S0,000 for u ten-pound boxing mntch for the lipavvwelght rhnmplenrhlp of the - .1. (.etwren Dcmpscy ami em .I.ird here July 4 next. Wlllnrd, who li here. Mild he vrns agreeable, t i the proposal. prevnl. "tin out nnd set n match go the limit '" I was InMnu'ted. The n v I..er I could think of were Me- f '.,,'..., or,.! Tlrlll Vll'IT'l'l (Mill Ulllll i With these men In mind I started out te make mv debut in the bexltg . we"hl. Hilt I fnlled. I offered a purv! ni"ii ii" 1 tne preposition leu mu. ii ie'ke I as if I wi re coins te be un Mirifasfu. as a promoter. i lint the boxing hup continued te I1117 in m Ivenuet, and I wouldn't ipil' I'he pipers weie writing a let ji!e"t a itintili betwieu .Iih (inns and ItattlliiR Nelsen. Th.it put tne in the Held for the (Sans. Nelsen contest, Iftil en outbidding nerj1 ether pro moter in the country. My nff.'r iii) tnrse of ST.2 0V for a ' ut te ;. ' ."' The out...e world win nsfeiinilcl What wns iteldtield! W ire wns i; '..''.e .!'. that su.h a un heard of i ini'aiitee. I Ruei'et'i'is! :n c.'ttlns the bout, se thnt I made i-n eiitrnnce in bexlnit ns' a promoter wtun i,an wen from et ""' "n -i fe'il in tn fn-tv-seend round .-. 'tni' r ... i " . ii..'itt-'. tad ere-j pi.t en the map. i nn riune iruni uu ..v. r m.rn.i te .i.m thnt tri..nii.rnhtn hurtle. summer for his hopeful Athletics. Hnm 't 'vit net until 1010 thnt I hnd my is coming Inte the leneue with the dls neu boxing venture when I stnRcil the ndvnntnRe of the llmellitht. It may Ji:Trln"-.iehnsiin Ix.ut at llene, Nev., ' , , . , . . . ., , . Ju f of tint -.ear. eertlre the mntch ' Jnr-z!p hlm bcfere h" CPt " peInK nnd et'v af'.'r a bill of SlOl.Oixi. ' eaue hlm te be reparded ns another ' "i Wi Inrd-.Murnn bout in New l'l?h-rrieid bundle of enmembert. lurk ill r.llti v. i the third rn-.test in wl i'1- I was iiitereHed, n id then cam the illaid-Di'tiipsev encounter at To Te To lei'e in llll. On Auetist 1. UlL'O. I ..ii an d the Malison P.-pinre I'mrden !. irtris t rid in .New lnrk, and thir 'e. i i'-hs later I bei.l the tirt deeisinn content in that cit jitter n lapsp of tw.nt '-en's. Tlie I 'eripcey-Canntler bmit In Jer- ... I-,... 1.,,,. O lO'll ...... ,l. l.l r'. '." ' -.' ' T " "u" u,c ul-' rch rexitiR .i"ai wnteli have handled. ever Slnce the Cians-Nelsen bout np np jjrextmatelv S(UK)0.0O0 luve been handled bv my ra-lilers. Sl.'ioe.iXto wis )tl(l te becrs and the re maimler was pocketed by b ase. elates and mjelf. 1'hil f7!n-rian ferat -nnn7e. vi!! f-! ; .. ! j 'if 3!Y PTAriT ;.V THE CO.Y- r-:u 'i.' ,r..'..,',n ,y.V. .T.hu.T'A!"''' '"'" n' . ;n. i.t. ift -Liii.. itl.ltvilli W "Iri-is. te he put en at St. I.enis .u 'nc Ci.rltma week. 1h i. '.nminj in t'le bnlan.e. theuch the Intent word from rl.e Missouri metropolis Indicates It will be stager!. sh racquets tenm compose. of players tne .Menen f'r cket 'l lb can put in the fl.-hl w)l jeurnev te M'.i.teliir. N. J . ei Jitriarv 13 te ;.. a return i.ini h with the racquet wi ' lers of thnt bure. Men'. 'n!r Invaded Merien Inst win ter nnd. theuch the Jersejincn lest ei v i ntch. thev wen nil henrts In .,.r sb p ar. .' r. 'f ., ipr,v'n irishlp and n frleu 1- n '. "-i r vli res lit in nnru.il s ..! tie t '(-inxli courts, tlie s ,.f! r'e riniiN courts was fe 1. '! V.bt H. Mills will nsnln hnve een- 1 ap.i1 .-l.n.-'.i. iif .I... n wn n ..n. .. .. ."..'. ' " fc.. .... ....''. livill-f i..r .1... mnl.t, r.,,1 V...O I, Arm n.a,,..l .l!ler. WnS pUri'!'l-V re'i'stired by the enptnin of the Mont Ment l ' u- team that nothing will lie ln.'klnR :-, .,i die entertnlnt'ient nnd .if the ' d i' 's p'eftrmi. - . . ' '- --'- nn'.!7ins that nn'.'.s they get ,.T. pert coaching, they will never he rnv tl r mere than doormat" for th"lr opponents, tlie Fqua-h phiyeiM of th W 'n.rir'en ''eutitr- f'luh, beatn six ri' .f wii'ii rnatelips by the Meri'-u Cri -let t'lub in in mter-ejty srnpple ..i. Saturday, are tr'inir te s.nre n.e e-Mi-rs of n pT'if. '.h'.iliel tutor A irecil rirefe! nil coach w innln. .i"e te ihnse just leurnlnR a dilficulf I .-a "ie !i. s. lunsli. f"r he will tnrt a I in "T alen the cerre't lines ,ti i.er.t I1..' f.rmir..' of bad lial.i n1 :. .' ii .h.--.I.'-. tn Ret ml of . u.-p ' c I - i en n. quiriil I..- Is I'M ii mere true ,u s. .-i-h t' i i ..l Ri.'.f, for th indiMir cune m li'-l .-',..urU in (.11 cen-c!' i i ! -,, I .re t .r iiistnnee, ia, fn.,M rk nt 1 t! R.I Pt . I uri w-u jusi uie.iH ru.n ,.ir I i June. '' "It RT .' ' ,' :" 'i i ' 'r. .-,. V "' T d Ml .'' a s tl '. te get In the i'.ut tii'j.e are I I i Sf. i ,h ,n O -ll ' a- i ,i:id p uc.. i"in a f" . chance 1-. M II - T. I. '., eir j., ,, t. ,. '1st as ii ., ., a ' ' ' '''.r t 'i v " p.-,.- I ' " I I." 11. f - 'i' 'i nnd je i ie p 1 III. i -elf rr. ) ;., i w.'i i'nhts le a -1 , DON WILBUR ELECTED HAVERFORD CAPTAIN Letter; Awarded for Toetliall and Seccir I' ' 'I 1 Wm,.,- ,.f Hav rf .id. Pi . .ofei'"! ip- , 'i ,-, .1 r iji.u. r m i n.-. r the ipe;! Uavei'erd f" t '. ' ) "i by 'hi? fe.'r'e. i '. f.r n .- I!i p rs v he rs'i ,vi d -I, 'H utid wh t"d ,'ir iiiiiiain w.re it i;. Men, '. W Il'icn, I'apta n H T Hrewn, W. It ,Ie,s, ,. J, .p,,,, t W Stnwhr '!.'.. II. f'.,mfert, 1. V. W lb ir. I. II , i -Inn 1. r Menrsi'iix-i-'. iJ. J. H.iielinrt, C. II Hhendes, N II. Stii.iis nrd M M Miler. In addition te ih" nwnrd of letter.". 11' ie I Mi I" V i- , .,, (.jej,, ,.- m- bi I -f l' .1 ni.. l.'tter- te el;;,.- ei . i liju i. .1. P 1! rt.e., T II .. .,' 'a t;i, Ii Hi.l II ,.,M. her. II I I i her It I.ei.Rstri th and It M '1 ll 'UlU. I.i.nstreth vin e'ecfed inptnin of the m. it te.iin n: i r. I. 1'razicr manager of the V.iZ', teim. A i up art an led the most e .ns. i u.tle' s im nib. r of the (..nit, foeihull. ri , wen bv (i. IJ. Kr . n form, i- fins .,p I Amdemy boy, and a c.up for the i'n ; I nt -e el tin I- f'enhllinU Will .IW'f.ll'd P 1' Ma' l' in, f .run rl; of ( e. . in, ii Psnn en Army Dexlng Schedule u III. N . ' u r i ilj. f He i nl .1 . td ,i t I, te It wuh nnneunsvU lu . i whi m '. '. ihe fnilewtn (tatfat Vei.ruarr 7 I'ti rny of JviiiiDhanin.. Knbruary II, Vilhuigvi; ilarvti 3. fua UUl EVENING PUBLIC Haverford Captain ne.NAi.n ii.nuit He Mas elected te pilot the 102.1 HuAcrfenl College foethiill eleven FANS WI 1 McConnell and Hale, Giant and Mack "Finds," Will Be Given Every Cliance McGRAW'S PLAN RIGHT OONNIH MACK hn9 nn expcnglve jeune centleman In Snrnmy Hnle nil pr!mel tip te plar third bnflt next ''i'.nie isn't the enH liinnaser te be in that t". Jawn MiC.raw, for in stance, lm.s yeutiR .Iimmy O'Cenncll. for whom he lnld out a fair slice of l he 1'nltnl States Mint en the mark. Jehn has announced a very sensible schern... lie nays that Jimmy O'Cenne'l will I... jibind in center field, and. bar rini i".iuries. will stay there for the S-, miner rosnnllesi of hew he plays. That Is de!tiR up the jeunRstcr with an e;trn wnd of confidence risrht from the tnr. If Jim makes a beet or fans In a i pinch he w.m't need te worry about the p..ssib lit f another man beinR in l.is ; ' k '...ii i "ct day. lie can Ret his bear- i i'irs s -tt ! l.wn. and if he liis the re "I- there Is no question but that he .i!l be able te de'Uer them before feieral ninntlis are cwiausteu. Mrfiraw's l.i-hsnn Me(5rnw lenrnel his lessen from the llsiistrens start of U .! Mnnpiard Tl.e R'nclms I'rer.. hnrin c-:up te the 1'!r lenR'O'd fe- a inc.. that was thin cen--bji red fabii' uis, nnd the notoriety went te his head for n lenp while he wns whaled from pillar te pest and didn't have n chance te chnlk up a winning nveniife Had Mcflraw yielded te a i'i -irr.intled -ihlic he would hae r.''i)" I Mnn'"'r. bai k from whence I e ci me nnd se lest one of tlie best. It tt-h.in lers of the decade II is Reini te hnnij en te Jimmy OT. "nell In tve same wnv nnd plve 1 im ert ibiiti'e t. make co..d. Doubt :, . . ! .. M clt, wl e is ns . aire, nn -. ' i t !". s . It mils r.i .lu ,.rer '.Mil, will r Mai 'I ' , r. ' i ' e 'l n rf j.illrer a' 1 lul. .Li', or. nn e the .ze of Saint'. y Iinle's d!R!t Sammy, wm'll remem- . t 1 bv Crui'iie r lL at :, a price retiert..: te i.e .S,i..hhi. Vew a let of erner's nre bustlnu Inte the ;i'ellRit wlili siatements pr. mm ..?' -v.tli very stre'iR accnt or the re'.'nri'i'ii; tl at veunR Rentleinnn pii.Meri'iilml value. II wiars a si 7 rIove, ind hi. '! Sin tv experts nre tee Miin'l f..r a mej-ir lea-.-ue ball player, fithe- nte tie ease i,i p.i'1 I.atice, ere ..f I. tl'e'i'rst e (fielders of hit. da nnd a." -i ration, vie. ha I sln.rt amis ar 1 f a'l 1. m. s 'I . v inn' eer the f.i tl, it r-el I'fe.ff.r. h was the IMdie C i bus of t j. I rr v enrs nre. had mi.lv whi-e hands. What of a? T'-ere nre ex. ej te.rs, of i .. jr , I t 'he enr.f.nl r ,n i that b.il. p,.ipin I'I -' I V"' ; tl'ec en 1 !..." ti t ' I 'iid ' I;.-.'. ;. . i'i" of tic Rr''it I ii. i ." .f mi tr, e--. In I i Ii 't i ' ii." -, t In t i." -i. ild v rap t'.i . ....I - i'.'pv a-., in! tae ball. Mntth i, Unl.'e', I"' Ye'iiiR Addle ,le?s- (li, , st, .Ii t'. ?rmt lii.'herti you car .'.im Ml., r I.- r.ds. A' I ! '.'.tie'ders ! 'A i . r ewr.my better et -han II . 'IV.. r. with his h'lt" ii' i- si" -i- !' .n) l.njele. -. nimeir.eer .leiiniiv iu.i'. who U '". fll-t I.ase ter tne Attn,-, , Mu, ,r- iign'' .J! lad rnth.r sum. ...I tl.! O.Ilt iniHll I.MIIIll !!!. 4 lHHHHHKt S A Sn LL WATCH MY AND SAM . ... ."..,.., """'" "mil. N llin.leil the (lisiellts il New iters threw i kept them pinT, ' .,..,., ... , ,., ru .,,.. ,,,!,, i. , 1 in hud condite.ii iii'ieh et (he t,... II as severely handicapped by i '" 'S larger paws. Pairs Handicap This is no prediction thnt Sam HVe v ., t make geed. Prem the re. or. I he ,-v.i ie in tlie pncllle Cen ! J.cvin m i, a; parent that lie is v i-.mess , ,-, ,.-,, ,-wr .n iui ....-- 1 ,!' p'a .r. l,t he is facing ,, . . , , nd l.eeb and npt-iln .Teftrie.. in tm. ,,i. Mid tint mm h mil t I.'Ii'i.it, ,isunr. e.ts, p,.i,c..., hns a eterin Il-i.ri 1!, '. tl !'l. Mho Mill he 1 in. I'1''"'1 1"""' A,!l1 ,n " -1 Tlllltet the .p.' .U" ..ml..- i. i.inl ,,..i..., IS I 'il tlStS, flllll I," CO I ' . I .. I . I.'...... . k .- ii..... ..in Ini.i-i. .nl l.tt'i . .. . .. ,ii. ., I. .... tf il,e i.ii.r...e. ,.u .. W, ! Kill I'.,e,.'wm and .Iininn WiNen ..,.' . il.e l.nsi.h.-ill eM.erts who Ln-.e w i"hei iiieen.ia play, can ne '.net, ns gr I ej tri.th. Marry has mere t'ju un even chimin te win tin- Jeb. it matters nothing te tlie f.inn of Philh who geta it m long ; he plays winning ball. The Icijal -.porters of bn-el 'ill in this village nn i.kij,. t .1 wl te uniehlmr tinl-i t di r ,n n. ti .n tl ,ii if th' ' see ,in. thing i; - . ' miv; i h'linpiei l ip ball en Im nl i ' ll.. 'I I ll.. 'lie Ull-listlles MOg II 1.1' I I-' till. Ray te Start Training for 1921 Olympic Games ( hlragn, D'"'. V - .Jsi" liny ,., runner, whose st.ipen i,,M f,,H11 n it. ur athletii i tela. Mit.N Inn. i. 1 p'ans te train for tlie i;iO (iMm'iic gam's. Tem P.-. trainer t i e I iiiven-i'." "f ' 'a . 'i 'iii- .. in 'ed ledli after ii ciiefi .,, , i i Km. Knv'h r iipp'ai-n . . h" aid, wil be uneT Ibi I'oleis of tbi II Inets Athletic Club. LEDGER PHILADtiLPHI A, TUESDAY.' COLLEGE COURT RACE WILL BE CLOSE ZAHN Dartmouth Basketball Coach Says Cernell, Princeton and Columbia Have Exceptional Teams, PENN IS TO BE FEARED Hy JOSEPH T. IjAIIKUM "miinriin all roe.I this yenr, nnd - thnt Is whnt linn me worried." Oorpe SCahn, Philadelphia!! nnd conch of the Dartmouth basketball team, said us he wns dlcussItiR the TntorcelloRlntp Unnketbnll I.encne. "Last yenr it wn n tlRht race nil the wny nnd this yenr It leeks morn e, with any team in the leiiRue lluble te come thieiiRli with the championship. I don't wnnt te appear pessimistic hut ( eniell, Prlncetet. nnd Columbia hnve etcoptlenal teamn. Dm't ferpet Penn. "Sure IMdie McNi.'hel has lest four i men, but what ibus tbet matter. He is one of the best il elopers of iilawr? In the ceuiitiv and wllii Alllp Me Wil liams te assist him will produce n team that will be In thcre llRhtliiR nil the time. "liretber IIIU up nt Princeton linn the Reeds nt this Hlnpe of the nice, u .e 'pie of weeks before the censer, opens, but th- remiilntnR fi-iuus In the league ni'ist net be neglected. Jee feRnrty Is siu.riR tiRht up at Yale and may spring the unexpected. The Cll tenm takes a trip ever the holidays that will plve the cell.'Re world Its first idea of what Yale Is ReinR te have thU year. " A 8 rOU Dartmouth. ,rr haren't " fceen, trerfct'm ripht ip nt Hart' errr ami the tenm ii ififl in the exprrinrntul ttnuf. I havn been trjilnp different vn n at punnN ami eeiifcr te get the mint evident com cem com bUuttien. In the firtt three garnet of the year tee u-eh, hut net ataintt the Kiwi of enrnjn ,tiun tie irptet in the league gmm . 5pert Doemln.-j "rnniS is ptilng te be a Kreat basket-J- ball ear. fp n Dartmouth the place is sold out for the season, nnd I undeistniid that the taiiii. situation ex ists every place else. It's n'l because every team is in the rice There Is no eutstnudlrur tenm wrh the jssihle ex ception of Princeton." A ulance nt the men fleeri-e Znhn !mq this eai- would lead the casual observer' t'eates continued their wonderful play play te believe that Dartmouth has the lni? en the home tloer. They have only "makings" of n grcnt quintet. Den been beaten once there this year anil Moere, the blend forward, who pla.ied' that by Trenten In the cleslnp minutes, 60 brilliantly against Penn last w Inter, ' , T , ,, 1b nimin nt bis old pest. Moere wnab ' ' "andlnip In the neiRliLorheoil of 10 pounds nnd Camden outplayed the home team in is as fast ns a sprinter. the beeend half, but the IiIr lead rolled His runnlnR mate nt fenvnrd Is none up by l.eu SuRnrrann .s assistants In ether than Timmie Cnl'cn, the 1 2- the initial uessien proved tee much of pound whirlwind nnd shooter par excel- a handicap, for when Cnmden retired lence. Cullen wns nmene the riiM Inn te their dressinR room they were en In scnrinR last ear. His work from ' the 'hlu-f end of an IS te 10 "(-core, the foul line makes him a dnn.'.reiis Play was fast from the outset, and jlnver in n piin'i when a r. .-it is I both tennis bhewed womb rf ill form needed. In the filial twentv minutes Camden At center aim has Huck I redman. I made 1(1 points te 11 for the Conies the ItendlnR HIrIi Scheel luminary of and nt one time wns enlv three points fve vears no nnd the stirt of l' '.t-e. n Uhu., t 2S te 2.r). freshmnn lomblnntien Inst enr. Treed- Camden lilnved better when SkeetB nun will be remembered mm the muiiir , WriRht relieved IMdle Dolln in the cinrt who pajed en the pliatiipienslnp tirntl half. The field goals honors were Pe'idin,' tenm that cnpti.ied the Penn cepp(1 )v the winners, !l te ,s 'JP Int. rchelastlcs went te Lawrence, Itipl.-y and' SiiRar- Mi ler. i.iieth.r former Itead.iiR boy. I ..,, ,u cl , ,, t ' , r Is one of the Ci id witu Midi r, for- , C, atesvill,.. wliile for Camden Steele nieilr of Asblliv Pill I; HlL'll 1111,1 II "'et - I v. ...i.. ' '.. V- .. . ' P ' '""'"'n hteele, .' " - --. - - eran lrem last .ar me inner. i ne e 1-.. .... !.. ..!... 'I'll a first named pliiwd with lrie.lman en the Pretzels title teim. Miller snw action nRiiin I'enn last yenr AI)1 te that lunula ci iterUng JA)'nji- i e 1' fiii'.''!!'!. ITiep, Vile U'if.-tn 'in.! ItiH I hiar-lt ami an iiiiu of the atrcnt)th nf Unit mouth ean he obtained. fietditrin l nt puard thii ym . J.nit uraien he jumped eentie duuna the elnmnn i;cii.i nnd thou id n tot of hill, lie ten? a iii .''.ir f the fentlnill f'em during Cic Imt rnien. I'hila d 'phiii rUnn tiiilds rin, tehe vij yindunted from I'mti'tl High. Ilfep Has I'.pellrure TTf.HP was a i'...ir fr two seasons. AJ- nnd mnv 'e I.-.' .n the first live r-1 before the open ..' : e same. Rat lins, of Clexe'l,' ' i'i.d end oil the Mii-ity football t... . t1 s fall. Thl is his first ear in In l-eih.ill and he has the stuff.' K.lwnt-i's Is n i -f ...t-fe ir Individu al vhe i bii'R i -"l al'ei-imtely nt . enter v Itb !'i-ei I'linn Tall ami lai ky IMw.'ii''- ' tn. id-il build for a punt mi". D ' ' "' ' I'le.'dman f.'..m the r'.'i ii '. .'.. I'dwaids wn nn all-sch..!ii . "it. r !'i Minnesota two j ears nge. The timt luu'iie fr idis for Dartmouth will test the mi tt!e of tin tc m. till r,i.,.nri' If. l.. llree.i will ytlll'tt III! ntr.i iii"t Prit ion '.'id fir the s. cend M'.i nn H will be brother nR.ilnsl l.r...l...i. In it... lint In IT- L'lltneh .,!., ,,i Dnrtmeuth hns ibfc'ited Mlddle i,,,,, Venvnb and St. Jehns by com ! ,, ... ,.,,,, .,,,,.,. , ,1,,, -,.tiPM. ,nst , s ..,, . , c. plain Cu'leti nnd his - . ' - . , . ,.,.,.! (lt- ferni(P ...ll,-,. ,, f)H M1 ,,,y ft ,,. Dill 'aim's enh problem at Prince- ten n what te de with the wealth of material lie has Al Wltttner, who pat en (h," ''"li'IM 7.i0''. '"' ,nl' man lest. Wnii'liin f.aines at center, i uii'i i. an-.i it-.i.i ii niiiii nun smi'ui ml t. tutes f.-e.n Ins. mr and it can i .J" rmdlly f-ei.'ii lb,, the .i'itrial for n i chin. .nletisbiri teai. i n theie, J"n Dwnng, tie former referee. I- ! seeul Itlg tVliilubln for a center I.ii-k WatH.ii, who plaed the pest lu-t enr and ex. eeiluigly well, s lest. How ever, with Strem, a freshman labt i j ear, and Mpiinghem, a wicriin, nt I fi.rwnriU, ntid PulleMi and It'dlly nr k gnat i , ( eluiuhia nn uu I'tceiuni uu h ... fur the bague nice, II war! OrUirr, the Cernell tutor. ' ,-i I - i .er.m nl . I n tap-off mill. P I i , In . . titer ui-t ' II'. si cured his1,;, ,, , j Pi,' ill ll) Julie. I he ii ui'ilnuer nil th" nam tiem 1!'-- In i.'it.ict and the 111 n ai.H should be bund from tins yiar. iy r.unti regart'i i olehoi: 7..X US' sayx, Joe i nl ling tight nl i nie Un timii Imi iu,t pliilinl te dote, li it n ill 'i t ,n la m lien m cr the h on en d'lii en ii Mi thruuilh Vcic Vwk P tire. Men ii. O'f ,1 '1 1.14 Dellf .i.vai. from tn ut.mltntrH r.n thlrt ynar's I mmail mill thu new nifn who will b vilabl Ui th UU. Panthers te Loce Ten t'ltislinii'li i i!i i.i-i .,11 'I ' I I " f I'lH I I s II ' I'I... : ' . ' . I I .. V I v t .1 , .i ll . l i. i. a' . . . upon i t y. jr tu rat1 tm Pam Will Net Play Navy Next Fall It hn been definitely nBcertnlnert thnt I'enn nnd the Navy will nel meet en the prldlrryi next frtll. The fehedulliiK of I'enn State nnd I'rlueeteti by Annrfpiilln muke'.s It linpoesililp for n contest with the Hed nnd Illue unlcns I'enn nttrces te piny r.t Annapolis. Thin will net be done. In pln.ee of the Middles It Is expected thnt either Lafayette, Dartmouth, Colgate or Urnwn will le pliecd en (he llflt. The hohedule tun.ers hnve It that Maryland, Sv nrthmere. Centre, I'enn State nnd Cernell nrn rcrtnltiliea, with the 1 eMdhllH.v of n WeHtcvn tenm com- iiif te Trnnklln 1'lelil. The Football f iiminittee will net meet until nftcr He lli-st of the yenr te ileclde en M s.-IkmIuIc nnd the new gridiron ennch. ADEN TEAM IS ATEN BY COATES Skoeters Get Rude Jelt in First Half of Eastern League Race RALLY IN THE SECOND HALF Hy "niM DAM.AS TIIH Camden bnsketball team has a rocky read te ilrst-linlf honors in the I'nstern Iencue race. The Skeeters received a sudden un expected setback lant nlfiht at Coates Ceates illle, when they were humbled by the Lincoln Highway nRRreuatien, ,12 te 20. The defeat puts the Seuth Jerseymen i just one and a half gatnrs In the renr of the Trenten Petters, nnd, even though they win tonienow's big gnme nt Cam dan, they will he still tralniiiR the enpi tnl citv qiiintrt. The setback wns n rude jolt te the ( nmden tenm and management. They bad Dimmed en n mire t-lrfnrv h.- !... 1 I l.UL UI1I1 lITP f'TlftHI 1 1(1 Ik I 'i.mtt. s..lf,..4 ...-, v.iuni- h I two and DlcRhnn three. nellier for Colonial 3 Colonial loe Cream advanced te the tlr-t dii'...ii in the Manufacturers' I.e.iRue I, ban. ling .Steel-IIeddle n i.ifi.v :t."i i.i II i rimming nt Yennh Hall. The "freirerj" weie vrJjipli-il with the less of r.eeral p!aers. but .Manager Mestelli-r was fortunate In hecuring I'.nhe Kletz te Jump center nnd his work was a I.u leit'ire of the game. In th- "tin r contest the Ovetbroel; C.iri.it !,.. I i.tit .National Metal fdge 22 te 1 'i,N cutit est was really the feuti.re Mans of the night nnd had Hie tans .n e.b'p tbroimheut. The eni.ic v:if el.,-" in all times and ill the ilrst petied t'e totals were dendlecked at I, V mid 1". i he period linulU ending Pi te 1 1 i t i or of Meial IMrc. "-'i' tiaiml until the middle "i" ,! ' " I'd half, when it twe-p.iliit.r h, r-h. i ..,.e. th,. enrpet milkers In '" ' " ,y 1" IV. A foul bv Metal filce cur, WW IJL 'im and thnt wns the ln,t ."-' rs. A Hensatiennl i...a I nmn ever his head while I' ' wen tlie 'irnnip fur Iker. I - ! t was followed In two ST. HENRY'S BIG GAME Meets C-iii-edrnl in Uptown Cage In Bisketnall Contest ".'- ' "S "'" l"'HR t '. 'ir I'.-i-kelhall team, villi, h i 'i ti 'v leii-e of i , m , ' it te Pete Kllpatiiik, -rt.'Si g line nf the season heiiii- llem. Piftli ami .. wiili Ciithedial. i 's niiinnged h Charlie H SIP ll pl'IM'1- ll, til I n -Ii in. hi g i Will! I ill..' p i . ill igher and I.ii ing-ten I f .1 ll. 1 I .., ..hut. iiini I'eugia. ne M', guanl.'l. I s i will have Callagher and (VNi I I f i inrds; ,Jny Smith, leiitM', ami .Mie in-, t-iininillnccr nnd Kllpn "nlnri "i'" nrh Uler 1 v n tnruier iij ri. i:, grnres. st. nenry j p. ter's 'iim ntglit and lest I the pcere of 2U te 121. I. Banket ball Statistics ;. i iv i, i . 7 i nntu'le. 0 0 . -I'M) Tm i fui ' A . ' i ..i.i .iiim-i 1 pi 7 . ,'10 It. lullr.v .3 11 '.'Ml .'J! I ' TI" v m.icH s.cin:iJL'i,n I i ten lit I'.imltn ... -.lUe .it Jiiii. r .' i ille ut Trenten. V v 'I el I t 11 ' I'Ai-n I'.KItS i.kadi i: V I. 1' i' i t Tin Wllhur w. r, ; i r.in Urn I j nv-hri.nU t 'it 1 .In. 1 l I'M II. . I I V i It I ..1 1 I I 7-.1 Oiln nt .K'S Kciir.'ii'i.i: O UIPi.ji v t i H VS 1'. 11 & 1) I'h:' ' rin anti.n- i. t:iii-i w w i, i a n r. 11 ' I . 0l Htl'll llwl 1 .'I J O l . . liny, T.. n J Ii I III 0 I.eli, lll. (I O'HI (I '10 Car su. .1 last ni'iiiT.s itnsirii.'i ie I '.. ie - f'.ietesvlllt., i t.. .,-... .feplilun ll." st i am J.iIiii du ti'i I i .'.. si, m iiu'ii 1 1 i i in it ' i - . i . i. I ..' .M. till I . ,ir, Sle.il Hi .1.1 ' i n h Aaku. Im i in III, I i ! ii u.. -Is ( - i. n i 1 .1 J! '. I tin 11 ' 1," I Val Q M .Kurd Ilravca, 31 (eitra'l . t.ertr.1 I !' r .Mh Wnr. ,v A.. 08, Hunry A. I ' Ut, Jcwch lieiu. 11 Qutlura, C. SO. v. i . 1 ).ll It let ll I ' I lie fill I lie l.re. fe.l s' ,. DECEMBER 19. 1922 rCfie DailjMevie Magazind: CONSTANCE BINNEY PPvl , tt -' --,vs V- ,-npWh Ypf ilWI ? -' tin We've miBscd the attractive personality of Constance, se It's welcome news te hear that she'fl coming back te the screen In "A Hill of Dlvorcemcnt," which was such a marked stage success last season. Miss BInncy has been In England for some time and mnde this picture there THE MOVIE FANS LETTERBOX Hy IIKNKY M. NEELY William Dmlne writes: "V, he was the man who played ns Knv McKay in 'The P.Iack Secret'? Alse the man who plncd us Mr. Vans In the same play? De actors get mere pav if thev takn two pnrts, such ns Clara Kimball Yeung did In 'Tlie Worldly Mndenna V I thought that picture as verv geed and would like te knew her next pic ture nnd mniPthing nteut her past. "Ah I I have found out ze great se cret (net the great i-ecret in Pearl Whlte's old serial). I have found out where they hnve movies en Sunday, ltemember, when Emonen said 8he went te the movies en Sunday? Well, I bave found the place and saw diaries Kay in 'A Tnllermade Man,' a geed comedy, nnd Pnthe News. What de ou think of that for a geed nights show? "I don't think this Is the place that Emonen menus becnuse she describes the place ns n pine wnere ""'" while this plnen Is a three-nter) hall where Amcricniis go. "Can you tell me Weelcy Ilnrry s next picture? Alse our opinion of 'On the HIrIi Sens'? .,,... "In the picture' Iler Night of Nights didn't King 15nsrget play the part et Prndley, Sr. .' "I am going te Fee V, alter 'einR 'Shadows.' and after I see that 1 will only ask you for Walters m :xt pi - litre, se en might as well tell me i new. Who Is plaui.R in fll Ceiues'? Can jeu tell me Kiclinni Ibirthelmess' ncxtj-leture.' ' (Vnn'vn cot me en "The IllncK -e' er,,f".11nver beard of It. Picture -tars usually plav two parts in n pic- , tun because they want te de It. It, doesn't mean any tnnre money for them, I but they welcome the opportunity thlt. ' gives them te uispiay uinr unnn "I'illty- , . Clara ICimlmll Yeung is making The Weman of ISrenze." Her role In this is the one which Margaret Anglin pln.Md with such marked .success en the'stnge. Clara wnp en the stage her self before she went into pictures. She i onus of a theatrical familv. and Sev ern I vears age played with the old Oi-phe'um Stock Company in Philadel phi i. Who could eer forget her in "Mv Oflieinl Wife." one nl her cnrlv Vilngrapli picture).? Wesley Harry's latest pi 'ture Is "I.lltle Heroes of the Stieel ' Plnli- aie under way te star him in "Little .lebnny .'ones" nnd "Ceer.-e Washing ton, dr.," two of (ieorge Cebnti's stage suecesues, L lie also inieiiii neuin David Cepperiield" with Wcle m Ii. i wn-i iiires ei i "i .1..- iuii .-.-.i-i sure did bold my interest, but what n hnii'il wind-up: That i-illv l.idn ipplne hlimi" and ibe iinnatunil eendiiet of I'MTjbncl in the picture .u'ter the et en land was etremelv disniipeinti'ig 'Hie slutiwreck scenen and the sei, .m. the work of Dorethy and .l.n 1. nml Mil. In 11 Lewis were line. That was Charles Ailing in "He, Mglit of Niitbts." Wiilt.r I.eng in in "lhe P.en.itifitl i, ml Ii.'itniied." itniiiug Marie pre pre e't. He K iilse te be in "The Little Chui-.'h Around the Cerner." "If Winter Coin's" bus jut bun completed, with Percy Mnrni' m .hi' ifie Purre-t in tin prim-. pal r..-- 'I he k'e.les were In'lde ill PllS'lltld ill til , i ...., pictured 1'' the nut i;..i,p,1 H,.ttlii.riies' nuiNl lei i lit re leas" i'J "Kur." In whi-h Duretb : lull iilne ei. IK. site hlm. Me Is new i r"'' K"ttini,' t-eimi colorful backgrnun.l f"r "T,,ft !,r,Bht ,Klin,v1' J"1"1' H(, li(,imri..H(terVii ! j. II. II., Washington, Ii. C., wrlleH j "I hate te add nil", thing: te the Heed of , ',"iili'iitlnoceiniiiciii,biit have ou noticie hew the bin I. of bin bead go m -tr'iii,lr I up fiem Ills cellar. Just like Ven Stle-brnn'-' Penicillin r what I.enil tui iaH about mat cliaiacteristic: i wouldn't ente te take a ehiitice en the Intuitu kmdlinesH of either of them Net thnt It iiiatteirf ns far as acting fees, of i out se. "What de ou think of Ann as a di di ecter for 'lien Ilur'? There's an es centinllv reltgieiiH appeal which I ,,in'i imagine hlm gating. CriflUh would gn,. it a religi"iii Hi'iitlinrnfnlltv which the pub1:.' would take te Ph lu-iut ns ih. real ibini; Teiiiiieur would g!e it at at piesphe'e and beauty. "llev Ingiaui htil dlsapiielnted me K-Milailv since 'The Cetl'iueriiu' pw- '.'-Oler.' Me leems te have a -pecnl tin J t- for Preiicb settings tlmt was tlie h. m part of 'Trilling Women' wh. h title, by thi' wuy, nearly kept me f, - ,i. it. Can ou Imaglnu a man with im internal hei.ierrhngi), even with n,, strongest will in thu world. 1 1 if..ru,.i tlti' feat, et p!i -leal ftr'ii th whiel I.iiaIs 'leiie did In i''-.ij.(.-iii.' N'i..rr. n'tid Mu i bn ra I.u Murr up and deun th. ,le 'al"-'' , , 1 ihei nti e"e .'ii i.'.. i P i , P' (IK I.I l-l.l "' I "'I ' "-' Hi I i-i uw w Kit t'.( v nre ile'i".' f. .,1 ju-n. lmillt "I ii,, iiui i'.. i , traerilliiiirlly tiictlesH, net te uy iu.arl. leea, In tbe handling of their lilayers. nwbablr t drui ou the mar - lien, lmillt "f in1,, but t'.. i ' ! 1 1 "T s ""w'" in 'I'' .ii.ii i 1.- .i j'fjp'BMjjjM- iii ' COMES BACK TO US ket new, be why worry nbeut their feel itiRS or reputations? "Don't you think the reviewers are jtiet talking when they say Clarence becomes Wnlly Held when he loses his specB? I thetiRht even his dinner clothes had a subtly professional leek, nnd that he kept up the nbsent-inlndcd earnestness of Clarence throughout." (Se did I but I never noticed the sjmpe of Iludy's neck. What nbeut it?) Immth.v Dalten Fun writes: "Saw Jnck Helt nnd Dorethy Dalten the ether cvcninR In 'On the High Seas,' nnd tlintiRbt It wns splendid, especially the kidnapping part. Hut first of all. I would like very much If ou would tell me who played the part of Dore thy's brother. He sure hed a winsome rnnlle. Would you mind giving me Dorethy Dnlten's addre&s? I really ad mire her." (Wlllinm Heyd plnyed Dorethy's brother ln "On the High Sens. Her address, enre nf f nmnus Players-Lnsky, Les Angeles.) Constance V. writes: "Although y0 didn't nnswrr my last letter, I'm , ,m(.k nRfln Thep(, ,invp ,)t(n ,te a f , ,In(, , ....,.., ,lmf .,- .,, j ,avp in, n ,.mi.P l0 w(. (I1it0 n few pictures, you knew, geed, bad and in- different. .. .T,(, FftP ,n ,h(, Vnf,, wn9 enp e the best. I think. The nctitiR was line. ' with but ene exception. That was Lew - ,, Sherman. Seme difference between ,,, uay ,, ,,, when ,)(, w)f) pi,lp(, ,,,,, pl)0t ln ,,, rm nm Ul(,,. I( ,.,., iellnPSH lls rnv(I ,,, 10, j,,u l;ew what they i-ny about cbm- mriwms nf .. David' wen the initial given by Photo- . play Mngarlne for the best liictu lrc of ueji, t lie fans doing the etlug. "Hut te go en about 'The Toce in the. Peg.' Lionel Jinrrvmern nnd the detectlve weie wonderful, but, Henry, raoTenvn The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which ia a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. ALHAMBRA u1- Tem?iim8 ALICE BRADY fn "ArJiJA A KflF IVTIQ APOLLO",?1;. ALICE LAKI. In i Mere te Be Pitied Than Scorned - inniiAnr l w I I 1'le.r. M'lciei t:, pa. -MMJIVIVXXC Alma Rubens nnd Lnw Cedy in "VAJ.IEV Or SI IT NT MEN" ACThR i. iLiuii . .in. ,i.n avu cW 1 WU M'IIMi: liAH.Y HERBERT RAWL1NSON In "COKriDKNCr. ' and jvAuncynii: BLUEBIRD "i"".:!.- ."fi LIONEL BARRYMORE 'i i r t- r r .i tuj- ren" colonial r"" j .;: T :,ff Wallace Reid nnd Agnes Ayres In 'Tt,AnFVCI KAIRMOUNT l,-ll ..V."'?. or.enor Mri,ietiD r .e- tien "BURNING SANDS" 'ifiTW 'sT '" "" ""'nv Hnruc JU III Jl. ma I im i; DAILY "Tt it f T-"i' A 1. 1 -ii Art i"' J la "THE SNOW-SHOE TRAIL" (.REATNORHlLKiN .vyM' GEORGE ARLISS in Tin' ta ' w 'i i ' "i n rmn" KATHERINE MacDONALD 'n THE ITAtlTH"' I.IAII ' IJBERTY",,Tr-'!iA,v;,r,?JlV,VAv: Wallace Reid nnd Bebe Daniels 111 ' VIC ' ' OI'IT t 1I?II7M'P iiui i I., m iiL'.r "in x-" v-i i . 'ir MI.Y GUY BATES POST In "Tt'I "Auft 'I Ii ! OVERBROOK r'" M'I:Mr,,:,'"" I.K'.'l .'l I.' I,n ' T'"euvri 'ON "LOVES Or PHARAOH" lJAl iVI ' ' "' ul i' v ' " i -mivi N ,ilHirf . im:r.'t KA'IHLRINE MacDONALD In.i'jjTR'; OT"'ll AN 'I'TON RF-"nKN'l: "5U""' "l i',"""v '''' ANi FA STEWART Ii ' HO i" ii" I'll irv ;iai TO i'ii'mu''W' j.-sT-h i .irAi . i v- i ri'Miii is ir ' GU GATES TOST 1 , ' i ' I, H LvVOV-" -.', ..;, iii.istit WEftLCY 13 ARK': ,,,r,. , , . , J33 MAKICEI ,"1 ;'A .li.l.'i'' HARRY CARFY ' ta "geed N and teue- cirTct?" the wrld d,d th" "ct Z "I ttnntv CIiiIpe V7Ij... .. If they would only give her , X,!? nichard Headrlck Is n ZJl C": Hehbc 1'etCM Is always geed, 'lu'lji ene of my faverltcn when I um !! ' nttenu me Hattirtiay matinees nnd tl,,. charged five cents admlgslen. l tu$L the first picture I saw him in .. called "The Unafraid' or something TTv that. Heuse Peters was the here .St lils brother the villain. "" "Me (lasten Glaus In new a dc, dyed wife stealer (In the pictured course). He takes his pntts well 'mS he sure wns hateful ln 'I Am the I nTJ "Yeu didn't tell us yet hSw Chccr-Up Day- for Wallv turneTl wf Come across, Henry. Ve want knew. 1 here were three sent from tM, house, nnd Inst Sunday I sent hlni , card congratulating him en his rCMT cry. Yep, I still love him and I didn't waver ln my heart or mind ene lltti! bit even when I saw Itodelph (grei. by Valentine chorus) I jfi,, JS Navnrre better than Rodelph (renMi chorus). l "Can you tell me what Mena nM Is doing new? I haven't seen her fe nearly a year I did like her. tee. And could you tell me the name of the tin. linlst ln 'Hew Vemcn Leve'?" (Wallace neld Is fighting for his 111 in a Hollywood sanatorium. Ills famllt say they helleve the struggle Is ever, but plnns for the immediate future Include nothing mere thnn te nurse him back te health and his place ln the motion, picture world. His health has been fnlllng for three years. Menn Lisa seems te have dropped out of sight. The violinist In "Hew Women Ijeti" calls himself ".Tacebclll." Yeu can make fog effects with rout camera If you will photograph threutb a piece of very fine, gauzy material,) WISSAHICKON IS BUSY "Speed Marvels" Arrange Hard Schedule at Heme and Away The Wlssahlcken Speed Mnrvcla, th Twenty-second Ward's star basketball outfit, new being managed by Owen 8. Y'ettng, Is airanglng games with the leading clubs te be played en the home lloer. On December 20 Wlssahlcken wOl tnke en the Hnltlmere five and Man nger Yeung hopes te arrange a trip, in, eluding games with Coaldale, Iteadini, Harrlsburg, Norristown and Trenten. Mnnngcr Yeung still hns Thursdaji in Jnnunry open with first-class tcami in Pennsylvania nnd New Jersey. Ad dress Owen S. Yeung, 5214 I'ulaikl avenue, or pnene victor Li) low be tween 0 and 7 P. M. any night. ItZzZZ&mZgmm Victer Bread" 6 leaf Buy this generous leaf for goodness and wholesome ness. You'll uee It ones then always. In all our Stores ir3T PH1TOPLATS lift The NIXON-NIRDLlNGERi IS THEATRES ! MX0'Vfl AMBASSADOR MZTJ' IRENE CASTLE In "NO TnESSPAS-SINO" BALTIMORE "VMiSK HOUSE PETERS ill "HUMAN HEARTS" RF1 IVTOMT c:d above makkbi AGNES AYRES la "BORDERLAND" PPDAR I0T CEDAH AVBNUI BETTY COMPSON In "THE nONDFD WOMAN" COLISEUM 4n,,kft,Sf.-aTJp?a ALICE BRADY In "ANNA ASCENDS" II i1Rn W'M' fT A (1IHAIII) AVt jeitiuw jiimhe June nn rrnntferd "I. REX DEA01I PHOrilirTION "THE IRON TRAIL" I FAHFR 413r LANCASTER ..V BEBE DANIELS In 'TINIC RODS" HP! IQ'P r.-'H ami i.eusr sriiiKi --'-"'-' vntH. i .in a a nn i;r c (113 tell BETTY COMPSON In "THE BONDED WO'tAN" NIXON t. I I AVI. m i m. I p kTM. . "l .. . nJ ' RICHARD DIX A OLOlilv root.' RIVOLI r.'T. M. U1M.I.1I HTH. 1 :n ,. ;i n r te it v MARY MILES MINTER ej'cqt'T,f nr jv. sHERwdeb""'-?, ,"i'".,'n,!, GUY BATES POST l "TOT; ma'iit' u rn 69fi-lST. ih'Mir41tyiyT ALICE BRADY In "MM a rr Tts ' nini-k V ll-v nT. t.u ..( I nifll I KA1J '""".V .""?. ?,r. Dorethy Dalten and Jack HeU In "ON THE HI0H DEAS" AT OTHER THLATRtS M'inF.RSOFM.P.T.O.A. CHRMANTOWN w ' a-iT?n,u.init ETHEL CLAYTON n ir I WERE QVfN ' r 13 A MT - OIHAHU AVIS. , L1IN 1 Slut. Tomer.i E' 'THieT0t6Fl?lEN i Ml