Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 19, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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(Representative Woodruff Satis
fied With War Fraud Suits.
"Situation Changed"
v, i. i ' r
Washington, De. I! Meintigs nn
iuii-fiflilm in ilmiftt iLir.i !-- .ilii'tn'.
tlcnerul Ifcl'iCh' II' ii.. , i miii. i I today
by the llnue .Itiu'i.n" C.iJii'nMlee nt
the point wheie th". wcm broken off,
8t Tlmr-dii hi the drnmntie with
drawn! from tlic prnecisltng nf Hcpro Hcpre
mntattve Keller. ..f Miune-.i.i. author
of the charge
Frem this point il. ..'ii,nuUce pro pre
......1 ,. ..,.,.!, , , ii.. I,., in i oil Its own
ildtlatlte. iilMing before il -iii'h wit- i
neMM a- ii could 1 mi without th
nid of Mi. Keller. l. i.f'-e.l l
nbev n subpoena i-ii"'l. i' w.i- "l"'liriMl.
With II View te I'btlUIIIIIU' Tl n'll In in the
Information en which lie bused his'
charges ninl the namcrt if i ei suns who i
euld testify leneeriung iln..i
As the hearings g" forward ii is the i
plan te hate n iib-cniiimiitee tnnke nn ,
investigation as t" what 'f il .n. if any.
should he taken in I'nniui turn with Mr.
Keller's refusal ti ebv the subpoena. ,
Chairman Velstead evpe. t.-.l te appoint
the sub commit tec tedai ..r tomorrow.
Heprescntntiie Woeilrifl. of Michi
gan, who has charged u 1.,1'uie bv the
Attorney General te pros, .ute u.11 fun..
cases, told the committee in te.lti . .
vesslen that elt.ee he made lus elurg.s
last April the situation lui.l liing"d.
"due te the fart t'..it the Attorney Cen
ral has started suit or taken the nee
ftntr aetlen te liegin proceedings 11
at lett't six of the eight or nine cases
1 mer.tiencl in my charges."
Suggesting that it would he unneces
sary te go Inte these cases, Mr. We. I
mft raid he had no desire 10 rai'muu
the Attorney General in tl . pro-ecut'.en
of the cases.
"If the committee g.vw into inyihlng
outside of the Keller charges. ' con
tinued Mr. Wnidruft. "I migl t Mibintr
some ether evident ."
Chairman Velstead n plied that he
assumed the committee was uutberii'C'l
Te Inquire only into the ihi. ge . con
tained in the specifications tiled hv Mr.
At the outset of hW ktnte-nenr. Mr.
Woodruff sold he had u i-'mu ' '
with the preparation of Mr. Keller
impcnchmei.t charges, and tint he a
present in response te an imitation ft
t'halnnnn Vel-tead tn leinl t . t un-
ralttee such assistance in In- 1011M.
Referred te by some inciniits .f the
committee a" n "wltnes.- " Mr. Wood
ruff denied .that he appeared in tint
Mr. Woodruff s.inl lie w.i- rpiesentcd
by counsel, H. T Scaife, ami n-h'd
that Department if .' .-rice mr" mr"
Mpendence relating te the "Wrghi
Mnrtin" cne be made "..i'nhlc . inm
fflf and counsel. II. s right t 1 have
counsel at the hearing was niit 'd.
hut the matter was undo :! uhi 11 be
withdrew te prepare nmre diia. II"
nid some charge he might present
-would b" of nn impeachable . ln"a.". r. ,
; Keprcsentative Jehnsen. .,f Seuth
Paheta, another witness, Miil be had
no part in 'he prepaintien ..' ibe Kel'er
.barges. He said his rharg'- ';rt April
rtKanling war f'auds we.e d.r cied
Milely at the War I'epartn t He a!sn
i-aid ther( h mI been 1 diem I . lui' g'
in the situation.
Compels Official te Cash Check by
Revolver Wrapped In Bandage
IO Angeles, Pep. 10 The Smith
western Mate lir.nl: 'm- pd 'i et
SI 0(X yesterdnv by .1 young man wi'h
his hand wrappel In a bandage nH
wnlked into the bank
He. presented a che. k for 1fiiie and
.s letter te H It I'.ri'idage. the
"Yeu are looking into the barrel rf
n revolver in thin bandage." said the
letter. "I want jeu te O.K th.s check ,
y te the iiaviug teller u Ifh me and
get the motif?. ."
Mr. IJniiidiiiT' 'iT'i i,e ilii,k ens'ied
"I want : u t. .;.i w ''. me." ' i
bandit tliei, , , Mi Unit-dage. n t t
they walked .1 ii ,. i ,'. v . ib'. spm
pacing three p., .. -i , t
hatting tin the .'01 .!'.-. ''i--
1 audit ief Imn
Dsminic Di Tillie Subdued Giant
Sheeting Up Neighborhood
fan..! i . li ... I I .' . .
'I t. -Il'lll . lnl I'll . M. ! Il i. ' .1
s'llnhied i. '.iii Villi e' ' .,
'il:: op il". in .(.! '..' I .ii id ..i s., ,,,),,,, ,i
f tid l.um'i lid -i ' - ' i'',rd.M i v
'Mirml, i 'iiiii.it nib d I "h't It. "! up
xIeuri .
1)1 Tilli. i, . v.. t ;r' ci-.i -sti'..ei,
aiiti n.i et-:. i i nf'li. .in s;. ,
mis., m,,. ..,,,' ' .,
I.- i di.-. I., i .., . '
,-i !! i I., i . i ' .. . pi..- ,i .'
VOII. Illil'i t I .1 ,' V . . s I,, I (. ,.
M.i.-ni . I i .n'l ..'i.iw v . ii I it .
ilOJ,e .illi.tln i t i ' I. . . e I einl.i -
" I .till Ii'.- - . ' t 'I' ., .ill ,ut
tile -'lllic Ii .11 I i ... in l.i l-tf 'l
m a i" ag" .iv .'.. ..ii ii. I mi i
t"l ' ' i ' ll Ii g -nigh--
I '. .1. I I
I. 'I 111,.. If .' ' M . ''l II while I 1
I iv. . i .' N.I I l' iMl
. H . I. ".I til .. . . . ,, .. .
t III 1 t 'I I I" - .'" ' 'I I l I ,, I
iMplllli d l i . . ' . . M I- II 'I I
Set elid ii"l I in' i . . in is
Civil War Soldiers. Widows and
Nurses Are Bee flted
Washing!! n. Ii. i l't (,''" I '
Veteran- e 1 1 .. I "n i' v , i.. . f
veterans and ( ' i r i-i i.i ' ,l
Will II I I'lH' I I I" I - I II . s , l .1 , . I
the (ieveriiiiieir i i "it ittiii, .. iii ,.scii
pVllKiUDS II- III' l-'-'l'l n' .ill .Igli'eli.i ),
reached In uuiert-i . 1 1 1 1 - liuis.im
J'lllflll bill
The b'll ' ist.iss.-il l r 1 1 Si.t't, r,
Mlinilll'l and h t J t . Hmisp ;,r the recent
hpeclal sib-mi. "-light il'Ri.ri ni i s I.. -
tWl't'll the ln I iillse I, i Ii ii , , .
premised .iii.l I he mill i i . t' i ,ti In'!
Scnaler i ir-iiiu. of Si ,i,iu n n
jieuiiM'tl tul. iv ihai hi h'lpetl in . litatii
final leitgir- itiiinl .i, "..ii ,ii, ,1 i!,,.
ll' sidelllllll Iglla'lllt l.eliti'i. I'jin mii.i-.
I'cnsln i- n' x.-i-riiis .in' .inn is,i
under tin in. .isiirc 'i ii, i S.",n ,, ,v"j .,
nun ih. will. iv-' nMi.ii.is ,, ,,, ,s:iu ,,
S.Vl ami iiiiisi-' pen-inn- fi'iiiu .s'ill in
Tetrazzlni te Open New Villa
I.uiiihm. lief l! Mm.. I, 'H-1
'l.'liai:ziiii will deparl ttidin lm Kri
1) llpltll ll"l II W, llll. Willi II litis .
I, eu I'eaiiili'iiil it i i I-l tit Sri.ili tl in il I
Sh" is planning in pi, l.,in I iieuii n'"'
In the p.'.'lMilHM I'M Mu mii. ai.tinnl
during ilie 'In istiiin b.i'ii1 ,
Anr. n iikimm; kii: iruirr rr.n '
llpj n.' r i . .ii ,i i . nit 14 ii j
tlk.'iiir unuet SHUatiem en I'ate 33 4ilv '
IsTe- .sWis s -mr .ijfiggSSa-isj -ST i 'V""TT
O' r W1kT wj-1i iririinTiiTii gnWWn7TI lii ilinlB ii 'TiWn Ii IliM MWM
! p17'1' stmIiMm- ' " ii'"ii T lll'l'irr L LW"T'l'MtHr ' ;,iHrM !
k k. i?U tuVft.UV , 1 t rt tMA ..- x t -. -s,-m.
t left is wba! is left of the barn
earl tnile .mil pratic.illy ihstre
Counties. In Inset Is tirerge IVters,
Governer-Elect te Ge Over
Dept. Estimates Again With
Citizens' Committee Head
nverner-clect Plncbet arrived
In '
he cltv from his Milferd home this
ifternoen te held several conferences en
the big preblema te be pelved in con
nectien with the new State Administra
tion. Mr Plnehet will probably remain in
Plii'adehdiia until Thursdav nr l'r!da.
He expects te confer with Dr. Civile i.
King, (hnirtnnu of the Citizens Com
mittee nn State I'manci's nn the budget
nnd the ncee.sit.i for further paring of
estimates already submitted bv depart
mental heads In the State capital.
Ttomas L. Mitten, president of the ,
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company,
it is understood en lugn authority, i
being considered bv the Heard of Judges
for appointment te the vuanc en the
Heard of Kduentinn, caused by the
death of Jehn YVatinmaker. Mr. MIt-
ten's name. ha been suggested b poten
tial pnlttlcal Interests as well as b
ethers. 1
A slmrr time age Mr. Mitten was
boomed for Mai r te mk,.,.,.i1 Majer
Moere. Mrs. Rudn'ph H'ankenburg
, one nf thes,. wlie uiged tb" P 15
T. 1 resident te consider running fur
Mat or Mr. Mitten nnswered dlplo dlple
'i aticiilly the suggestions by snjlng that
he wns tee busy with his own big job.
Governer Sproul Is pleased ever a set 1
if cngreseil and Illuminated resolutions
which was presented te Mm by the
I-icknwnnnn Moter Club nt the dinner
of the Peni'- vania Sec!e in New
Yerk mi S.itiirdi. night. 'I'lie-e te-nlu.
tlens expri-s nppm iiirtnn nf tiie 1'itv
i nine's wnrk inr gni d mail, surb n
the ivii' ;. 1 t'mi 'In I..H k.i wanna n ill.
in Nur Ii' .stei 1 l'i :i;is Ivania. Daniel
I; R, 1 . - 1.1 -nit in nf 'hi' el b . id
I'..',. .11. ! D'lMil .1 In .s tl," lleilli'. int
lievi rimr-i ! '. !- "m nt the prominent
Sen.iter Pepper Is Placed en List of
Fraternity's Honorary Members
Five men were 1 "eted te Ret 1 li.tpii! a
ig.Tin the lienei.iry sr!ielatit ffi
ternity of the Wharten Scheel of the
I'niveVsitv tf Pe'Misylvarin. at a meet
'V of 'he ktn'i'v lust i.i-,1 . The stu
.i"iits iipri. ilen.ia'i S. H'ttn.ger. 1'i.r
it Mather. .lr , Ciihin A. Mclud., fril.
hi II K.inUin ai'tl Wi'lMiii I. --Lilian
-tl nnter iicerge Whart'H' P-ppe- '-T.
'lege. i.. elected tn Mi . i'k r-hlp ir
w I!ta liaminn Sumi lniiinrar frn
rn.tv Tlie-i' ineii were e,M -ed 10
ilium 1 tn1 'nbersb p Theof'.ii. .' fir.it.-
st.t , '!.' illlVC'iir nf ' ' e 11 . .'! en'
1 1 CI e. siuan I lrrn k, '' pr"S'
tb nt 1 1 liriu'd 'nlle.'' . an I All" i- Hi ,
'''1 , pn-nleiit 01' 't At n... 1:
1 eiupan
T! . Punch II.. ' ' ;
-,, -" at a 1 ! ii g '' '
ai ! It . -1 ii tie.ir. - 1- gi '
I S'iriiii.cri "-'. .1.1. . iict..,; .. n
,., . '-piiiili ' in V II . p.i
J4. M I. 't i-i:. .''. . il
II nlli..il. '"." w-ri e in if. 11 .
11.1 1.1I -1 ""ii-
All .1 1 '. ' ' i.i-ci.d ; ;,b
1 . liniii . Ii.r. 1 been i-.im- eMng
'ast spring
The Iff Brtl' Cnrr.Pl'Mte "r.er ..bv
t., d:-c .-s th' b! I- nii'l e-tin.a'es f..r
. cn-ii" lis thit- hai !.., siiiimitti d
' i- tie . n.''er,ltlO' '1 1 ,. u I), ill,
I 'i.g'-' si .. , , 1 r. r, r 1 ' . si lirm
11 i 1" be h!d en IV d.n I 1 b
1 in 1 l'i
Tin 1 ' .1 i" 111 nf 1 he Ivj I!. 1 11 i'om i'em
,i. itui. ,- ..iwreii'e AI. (' Siii.th, -.'i
Whirtnn. .Ii'ne D 1 'en, r ten i" In
ehargi nf tl.i 11. ket dlstrihutlun
A'cerdlng te pre-er,t plun-, a senior
lass binil.enn will be lull) d'lting .Tan
u.ir, prebnblv tin week before the mid
ear 1 Nominations The I.iinehenn Com Cem
iiilttee mil ,e annniin. ed after the holi heli
d'ls Tb" Rhu.'r- 1 'bib ..f the Cnher-itv
! n'tl 1'- ' ' in: ..I tin 11 ir
10 Cnllegi" II. .1' mniglit Sfiernl mem-b.'l-s
uill gM li'.l.l Ii,' ''min tl.eh own
These pie la- will then be phi 1 be-
fei e t! rgia. itimi fid ,1 gi neral dls.
Cllsslnll III till II I II 111 Will fiijllin.
lining tin milling a nu it U pro pre
pn id te hale 11 much r of lull-known
nneis appear b-fnre the club ami give
. 'nig- fi-i'u tin ir luirk-
If llfln lent lllteri.i U stiu 11 bi
Mi lllbi r nl the 1 bib, 11 bunk of 1'enn
si, .,11 1,1 in im., -I'luti'd intireh tinin
pMillCtliis nf llielllluT-. 111. II be I ill Ii .
Uslicil at the 1 nd of the jeur.
nn ni N'T .mu? Tiinnr, nr.
1 un ! ihiin mli. n'ieij n uii. Help
Mul culutnna today en Pe 33, Adv.
mT-'lv aKT4wlss9BJBjplQKXJHpl9M6l' , ip?l- $IS K"" H HH2I
of the (Sulpli .Mills fielf Club, near Conslieluirltrii, llrrd bj burn burners
ed. It was one of lle bnnis llred tmla In Chester and Montgomery
the club professional, who led club emplnjes In :i slietgtin flglit against the
Physicians De Net Expect Serious
Consequences Frem Illness
Paris, Dee. 10. Sarah Henihardt's
fainting spell, which came at the close
of a reharsal yesterdaj afternoon, was
brought about by overwork, in the
opinion of her friends.
The (rrent actress had just returned
from n long and tiring tour of Italy,
but notwithstanding her seventy-eight
; ears, she plunged wholeheartedly lute
preparations for the presentation of
Saci.i fiuitri s new play "In Sujet
de ltenian." which was te have had its ,
rrmere last night
1n1ifimn I'.ernnnrir Tifisjinri ui mm.
fertnble night nnd her physician said
no serious cenpcn,uenecn "were expected
e fellow her fainting spell.
1 She will he obliged te rest several
, dns but it is considered certain she
will h" able te resume her work en the
stn"" -non.
1 When M. Oultry went te Mme.
' Rembardr'n house last evening she
'burst into tear- and exclaimed: "Oh,
my peer bej . te treat you in such .1
iwa, Hut this i the fii-t time thut
! tver happened te me."
' One nf the actreui's close friends,
who saw her late in the eveninc re
ported her as much Better.
0U Pee 1 nm quite well new
Mme. Hernhardt said. "Sly son frowns
1 and says I must take a long rest. But
never thnt. leu knew quite well that
.I-,..,. ...
real im-ima nriim lu hi,-.
.1, .1 .. . .1.. .1 .
ah nutters limn me iiienire were
. . . ...
taKen te tiie nctre-s s neuv, wmcii was
'etk-1 up. The te'ep'mne was dlscen-
llrtl',. MC (, ...' - t. .1.... .......t,-.. ,.w mm-
mereus Inquirer- 1
Marshal Pllsudskl Likely te Become
Candidate for Vacant Pest
Warviw. De.-. 10. i By A. P.)
The (Jevernmenr, In Its efforts te de
termine whether a plot exlstid for the
murder of President X&rutnwicz, is
continuing in etficr searches and ar
rests uniting the Nnti'UialNt-, and many
high efi.cer- -11111 idlici.ils ha.-e beep ar
yestirl ,,r disrn's-ed.
1'i'r mrilii ,n , nrei .lutintis 'gainst
1 - i d.snriii , - mi- In lug ' en in
i'. '..! and in 'be mining leglei-. Tin
''Uii' v ge'ieru'li is in inniirning f.ir tl"'
ite I'l-e-idetit, ami the I !ei i-rntnent
na- ordered nil ntlicers t wfar a crepe
irmb't for sl week-. All big publii
entertainment" have been Mispendeil ,p
lehpect. te the President's memory.
Paris. Dec. 1!'. tBy A P An
i, creasing pi"bnbility that Marshal
I' lsudfl.1. former chief of the FelIli
-tn'e will beieme a candidate fur the
presldenej of pnlund is reflected ii, din
'ii'clirs r'eci iM-d liy the Trench foreign
:Sce Tl." f nr-luil's intervention tu
neienr r prl-ils against the Natier.al--ts
after the assassination of the prcfl
i tit i -aid i.reatl.1 te haie 'Iniigth-
' .e. his position.
Marsha! Pil-idski. it 1 sai" could
bave ebiained a majority nf the mtes
m the national ns-enibly elei-ti..a at
ihlib Nnruteivicz was che-en, hm be
i(sire. such support as would pruent
i'e ..I po-uien saying he was i'.t can-
i'l 'te nf a single ptirtj or tie , hntce
, tic siiitiller factions.
Tragedy Enacted While Husband of
Victim Was Asleep In Nearby Roem
-un iitoiile. Te.. De. l'i t l'.
l , . .ni'l . I. .mi's ( '. II 1'itn gt. ii a
I . 1 e i tin 1'iebl Ar. ill'-n . .i.i ;
I im and Mi- Huby Kri i ., .,
lull ,-t illll. l, Weil' !"'l! I -l.nt tn
i,ji ii a hnli'l room bete led.n u hen
, nlicn hi nii npen the dner attei hearing
'lb- woman was in lied and appealed
i el.aiej.een killed while n-h-ep II int -
igii.ii'-' body was lying mi tl.e tlner
bi-ldn lln bed. with an aniiv nmher
ii.ll Police hcl'icie the la.ill s,t ih,.
iiiiinan then killed him-elf Tl,. vmii
. iii's liu-brtud nib ll-leep at ft tine
i a .min nc'irhi.
Would Have Colleagues Benefit
Frem Their Discoveries
Paris. Dee, 10. , i Itv A P. i
--The first Htib-committfe r' t,i.
League of Natien's intell" tu, i Ci.
nn ration Cominls-.en lugati H- mshu
..stenlai Prof. Henri l.nuis Kergsnii,
nf the I nivirslti of Pali' at i ii't-iulii i
i i the 1 n n-h Ai'iiih nn . pi b d
The illell--l"ll i entered put 1 1. Illn .
Ii mi tiie e.vli'ii-ietl el the ritfhis of
Mietiiists tn tl.M tlu in. ii b iililn le
share in l""lieils dcniil f'"iu ilie .ip .ip
pliiaheii of their ill-i mi m It ii.
epectisl the -itllllgs ih' thrie si,
1 eomiuisneiis aie holding in Pa 'is will
last until Hip i"1 "f the v -ek.
$12,000 N. Y. BANK ROBBERY
New erli, Dei. IH - l"bliers w ter
i'h. b"!d up Muriiet 'I illin.'",-. a nllei-n ,
' ,r tlic lire' 1'pni'ii NY inrul !uu:. m
Hioekhn, ae I eseapnl wall a bag .-aid
te iiintain Jtl'-'.UOO.
DO VOI' t I'
tin? nn in.
in. ntv Ol llieill
1 1 .Hi n 'he
Wan'rU columns tediij en wse 113 - .Idu
., nnifrixc rs
Judges rVlarK End OtbecretSyS-
tern Under Which Criminals
Were Freed
pfliiQcn mamv QPAwnM q
" !
I he first tiubllc hearing of a petition
for the parole nf n prisoner 'ollewlngi
p nrinminn i,r .111, (.. ...m.,.....'. ,,,,
pesnl te end the secret penile svstem
will take place today in Roem '-".HI. City
The tietitle'i which will be heard by
.ludgcf. Mnnaghan and fiorden is for the'
iciease (,t jarnes lirndlev. s..rviug a
sentence in the county prison for re-
I ceiving sfelui goods.
I The new plan, approved bv the p.eatd
I of Judges December 1. is the result of
1 the loose pamlc procedure in which
.ledges I're.uieiitly ruii-idend iipplli'a-
lU'tiH in ch.iinber and wiilieut due notice
, te the Di.stiict Attorney.
Cnder the law Judges of the Common
! Pleas and the Munieiiuil I'min. pin
ulcnse en parole any man thev wnteme
1 e the county prifen or Hen
of Cor-
tectum at any time thev see lit.
Many Criminals Released
The relea-e of many notorious crim-
1 . nt- i.nii-t' m iiiuii nninrieus crim- I
n..iu 1.... .1... . .. , .. .1
under the secret parole method
1 """f umiei 111c secret iiareie met ueu
i.... 1 '... ...; , 1
i'-iuk-u 111 wiue.-preau crillct-m et the
' l wme of the Judges win,
, --, 2 .. ..,.... ...,.,-
.....- tmiiuMiig semence upon criminals "."',.:. ;. i ,ljt.,i ts;nnn of (lnt MMIli , niilbuildlngs. The hntel, which was un
in open teurt, put them en parole wi'h- I "I' J',,fr,. r I SleriiT W llain I. ccupied. was ,,f frame construct inn and
nlty te present objections ," tlJe'lr ie- 1 'v ' 'T'rl"."'.'.,'"1 " J
The present procedure will insure the'
widest publicity te all parole hearings, i
In addition, prevision ni be made 1
wnereny nn pri-i'iur 111 the County
Prisfin nr Heuse of rnrrec Inn can have
an application for parole len-idircd
witneut retaining lawyers.
The phn is te have the prisoners pre.
sent their applications te the in-pectetH
of the institution, who will file them
with K. M. Hackney, chief probation
officer . An investlga ion lute the nier
menis will be made, and any expense
neiessary te tin cend ict of an lnves'i.
gatien or "tin subpenn.ng of witnesses
in t-ii-es where the ipplirants have no
funds will be borne by the four!-.
CJInsbiiig Case Bec.-vllml
The nw rule wl'l pri vent the release
nf criminals under misapprehension, as!
was done in the case of Iz.y filr.-i- " " , , .
burg, notorious drug p.sldler. .ludge Yale Man Favers Admission of Ref
i.'uiglev imreled liin-buri; upon the iec ' unees Frem Orient
emmendntinn et f.irinei' Judge Patter- j ... . . B t-. 1f. , . ,, ,
...n. who thei.Rhr (..nsburg wn nn ad- r "") ungten. Dee 1 0 (HJ..I '
diet and net a p.ddler. ; Ir. IKw.'.th lluiitiiigteti. et "in e. t dd
The mimic atilbiannn fee ( l.nsbure ' 'he 1 1. us." luimlgratien f emt, ittee tn-
was signed bi I,., brother. UeergeC.ins:11'"? "" '" "'TininViilin White
b,rg; who was Ulegc, , have' been j ' ;"' '. grade .".K
revoked ""' Pnrule was
until lie had netilie, bim
Trustees Accept General's Resigna
tion as Provest
Trustees of the i'niver.sitv of I'enn--i
uini.i, having accepted the reslgna
i, ..ii nf lieneral Leenard Weed lib pin-
t nf the Culveif.ity, aie today man
i g a list et eligible from which te
'.nii-e liis succesttfir.
The name of HerWt Hoeier lm
hem mentioned as one te whom th"
m: turn. In ether quartern it is be
lieud that Acting Provent Jobiah Pin
niman will new be elected. '
in accepting the resignation of Gen
eral Weed yeuterday, the trustees jg.
nered appeals nf alumni that lie be
glum an txtensien of leave until the
i li.br of the present M'hnel year. Dr. .1.
Nerman Henry, president of the (ien
1 1 il Alumni Sedety, and .ludge ,1.
Whitnker Thump-en appealed hefeii
tiie trustees and mi. ul the M'titii t
i' Penti frailu.iii s Dr. Henry said he
wis iirt'imred te go tu Manilla te clear
up the situation if the trustees would
delay taking action.
Swam Through Icy Water and
Made Repe Connection With Shere
S.iult -.Ie M.irle, Out.. Die IP
illy A Pi The whcless today tn'.i
l" tin- In rel-ui ili-pbi)ed In Mill
l mu. Iiieiinni abnard the lug I(elilil"e.
nit, r the icss,t, currying llilit.i-si
pi I'm, us, crashed unto tlic rocky -heies
nf l.ianl Island in Neithcin Lake
Mipiilev neaily a wick age,
Siinilay night, lour a.s ntler I lie
i ig bud grounded, Cew swam through
the Icy w liter le the shore with a mpc
and i iitibleil his siriiiiihd couipi.iilens
tn make thcii way te Ilie idaiid.
Tiie reliance sf i,el, n quarter of n
mile from sheie, but by Suiidn night
Ihe peuiidlng waves had driven Iht le
within M'venty-uvu yarim et sneure.
It wns then that (low volunteered te
reach the iclund
if ,1 t, '" i iS"1 - "& t0l:.ecn,se hey would be of higher aver
notify the ni-r. t Attorney s efhee. i .pn 'j,.,,," je llMlnl run of inimiBrants.
although he had written ,i letter, te '''Dr,",":.V LoVeJev. of Portland.'
, udge (inrden. at that time an Abstain lt v ,, .()l.,;Je,i iinieng the re- !
I In,1 tA,",rn,,J' '"r'l"B '""'' fugf-e .-amps, in the N"iir Hast si,,,.,,
would net ni t uimii a parole, uniillcatlen .. :. u .. .ii...., is.. invnn.,i tin.
Wardens of Beth Meyamensing
and Helmcsbtirg; Are Told
te Appear
Warden Coeke, who is in rlmree of
'both the Heliw'sdmrs pil'i'ii mid t be
Miniiinensiiig divisien: Warden ap
liln Hesten. lift is in charge m
Helineshuig. vere erdeled te lippiuf
befere the C.raml .Jury probing pii'ii
niiidlllens today.
It Is probable thai the firand Jury
will innke another lslt te the Helmes,
burg prlHim te inal.e n further inspec
tion of nlleged iendlli,s theie
The (iratid -I tn 3 nuule it" seienu rip
te Mexanicnslng 1'il-eu ?.cs,eid.iv with
in tl'e last ten dnjs.
The Ihinid of I'ri-en liispeclei's,
Which ha- ch.iii.1' el both llelincshurg
and Meyunieusing. nel in sped.tl mi- ,
ion jrstcnlnj and iIisiuh.mI pri-011 ic-
1 .,!.. ... ,l..,.,l liv Mr. .IfillTl .
I 1 ill 111- leri'iiii tiiti.i... .... -- ;''-
M. H:ill. lommlssiener et the Slain (
1 Welfare lleiiailnunt. ,
,, 1 ..m I... l.,r..i. t lie 1
l lie llisprrnus 1.111 ... ! f
iurer prebiihl tomenow.
It Is thought the iur.Miien had two
Meets in rnlml In their trips te I
..I." . , 1 , .
11. in- sun. t me . lis in ice in
'.. , 1 ..I... I., ,..li,!.i,iL .! ll.r.
urst uanu win no 1 r. ih.-.i- u, in-
old ceiint ptisuii parilileli'd these at
ti.i .1. 'II... i:i.int .lllrv lir.M
.lllllllll-suitll.. Il"
...,!,,... ji-i iii-igni iiil. cetiiiitiiitii tit
li'he hit: " 111-titiii ion ibieib viiiu
estinieiiv iiu'cred in i!.e l.i 1- week bj
convicts an I feiiner niiixtetfr. The
nt her obi niertis a tiitetiiinn that
I persons accused of niinc- and await-
ling trial an- net di-lmguis'ied lrein
it hew nl.v1.1l found guilty.
1 renoletjists iiiien nave peiuicu nut
I the fundamental of law which provides
'that a man -hull be en isldered inno
cent until proved guilty and, there-!
fore, thev say these merely under in
dictment slini'ild reicHe the treatment,
1 prepei ly tided 'v.i Innocent man, and,
1 net a 1 nnvii ted one. j
I The (irunil Jury is desirous of mak-1
iiug 11 lepeit in in. -iti.t. ..., i-nni
,,)t i. lacking in detail, and it iiiiuIp
1112 11 leperl 10 III'' i nun null, saai
a penrcning iiniinrj ji-m-hhh un '"ivr,r, a tnblet will lie unveiicii 1111s
the fend, privileges and exercise given nfternoen with appropriate ceremonies.
the prisoners in the inwntnwii inslitu- ,Vnny of these In prison will gather
I lien. liibtut te s-.p that, even though thdr
former fellow-convicts had once trans-
ROSIER WILL CASE HEARING , V'"1 "K"111 ".- i".,1,, ';,",1? -
1 ,- nreimrn xnn.vl.sniw"i the b.mm1 th- did.
TO BE RESUMED TODAY; The tuhlei. which is of bronze? was
provided lu the Hen id of !npecteis. It
Brether of Slain Man Will Testify
at Media i
Hearing of the Rosier mil case, in
which Mrs, Calheiine Rnsier t-eeks te
break the will nf her husband, mndc.
while be wns en an epciatlng table
in ,leffeinn Hospital, after having been
fntnllv shot bv her. will be resuimd
in Media tedn. when the defense te
the document will he heard.
In the will Oscar Rosier left his
e-tnte, amounting te about $00,000, te
his brutlin- Vrthur, win was chief wit
ness again-l Mrs. Rosier in the trial
at which Mie was acquitted of murder,
,iind his Min. Oscar, dr.
$3000 Offered for the capture et
I Hammer Murderess
1 . . ... t-... h. m.. i.
I . .,'os ,B""',,I . . .'. ' .. '. . -Vm'
i. Tlrtrt
Iis Angeles, wee,
,, , k . .1 f.,,. it,.
1 i.ni'iitiis ntiereii 101 nn
; ;;, "" i,i.iii:- tn.nniiee niurilere
' '"" ' ;,' ' ' fr, the I.es Angeles
itm I.ru Aticele.s r.xntiiiner,
Tiie exceptlennllv sm-ill feet of Clara .
Phillips inuv furnish a . me tint will re- j
suit in her capture, it di velnped ener- 1
day Mrs. Phillips w.i i ither b.nefoeted '
nr in her stocking feel when tdie es
caped That wu indicated uv her three I
pairs of shoes found in her eel' nnd the
distinctness of her footprints en the
reef of the building adjoining (he lull.
She wenr.s a size l'g slue, one of the
smallest manufactured. Deputy sheriffs,
believing the hammer -1ner may hn"
purchased shoes shortly after her es- i
cape, yesterday asked shoe store" In l.es '
Angeles and ' Southern California te j
check ever their snles and te icpe-t
all -al"- nf size 1'. 'hoes. i
, A'm(,ri,.m; (.,vl,rntien. He .favored th'.r
Hehitivis are the beneficiaries in
nil- prnlnted tndn. The teMtiteis and
i lie inl'ie nf f states left follew: mien
i m-t r..ii(j. P.i V.nt-1 Oxford -treet.
s.'i'iiin. ulivia S. Clngliern. 111'.' Pine
tieel, '.'." (II if I . Inventories nf .stnti.s
nf 'In- following were tiled: Ceorge II.
HartiiiiHi. .Ir , $1-1,1 M; Mnr V. K i
ii-. e.VtiHi . IMwtird W. Kuiipp.
.sll,ir,ii and Prank W. Wil-en,
Deaths of a Dau
Mrs. Leuis Seaber
Aiiieiiiin rment of the dealli nf Mrs.
Lieu- ."si.'ihf.p in I.hci peel, llngland,
last I'tid'n ! as ris'civul lierc yi sti iiln).
Mi- ! iber was the wife ! I, mils
'iibir l; i manager nf tin V W.
Aiei ., 1' . i ii-ing lli-m. and i tn i,nr
in -paper man in this iiti. Mie had
In. n ill im i ur,i! months, ami went
alii'i'i'l hi-i in inier In lsit her mother
m I. ii. rpi.i.1 Mr. Scalier went tu ling-
liile I in ( ii lubii , when lie war- lufurmed
that lus nife'b health wuh falling rap
ulh. II" was at her bedsldii when !ie
died Mr- Seaber i- Miniied b Ine
I. 'light' r-
Dr, James McNulty
Th. fui.eral of Dr. .laiues Mc.Nult),
il'n uii'il -iidileiih rrldai. will ,e held
' nnui ui iieii'iing liniii id- Iieuii , 'SiCi'i
l.l-l Nellis htlelt. Sell'lull lillllUm
ii. 1- ,il Ki
i elcbiated lu tlie Cliui'ih
ll' tin lluly
lll"lll will II
t inn ten
Nanie, nfter which Inter-
made in Hull Sepul, hie
Di" McNiilt,v was geminated from
Me,liMi-('lil Cuiege in I!'":', and had it
bilge piMiliie ill th" imilhest part of
Ilie , II i .
Colonel Duncan Campbell
I ei'diiii. Dec. 111. -The Tunes nn
i - i in. death of Culenel Duncan
i'iniibill, of Invernclll, iigcd eighty
itirn. Colonel Cniiipbell'ii eldest en
is Majer Duncan Ctimpbcll, who mar
ried Ethel, daughter of Jehn I. water
bun of Men iste will N J.
'nil !
If .-III II tiirii.-is. , i-v ....-..-.
DEOEjNfBER 19, 1922
Carnegie Line Grews
(nly rlilltl of liile Andrew Car-
iiegip, Who luW clven birth te it
son, it was nnneuured today
(Only Child of Irenmaster Gives i
I Birth te Second Offspring
New Yerk. Dec IP ( Hv A. I'.l-
" , ' ,, 1.,.
1 ue till 1 11 et ty gianu-en in ine uu-
Andiew Carnegie was auiiennced today.
The inelher in Mr-. Ueswell Miller,
,,nl. child of the irenmaster. She was
married te Mr. Miller, new an instruc-
,,r in Xew Yerk Cnlversity. en April
;!, 10111. when he was an ensign in
I'lnt blub of iu giaml-eii nf
,t, n,lVy. A dtuightir was born te
them in June. 10LH).
Honors at Eastern Penitentiary for
Service Nen
In honor of former inmates of the
T. . .. .... ..I.- ...l.ll- M
i.asrern 1 cuiieniiaiv, who wmc nn
1 parole served the mtintry In the World
bears the following
"Te the everlasting honor 'if these
inmates nf ih, laistern Penitentiary
who served in the Initcd States Army
and Navy during the World War."
Then fo'lews the numbers of the men
who answered the 1 all te arms. The
mines wete cnuii ii ler the reason that
the beard belli veil it would be unfail
te the men te lmc their iinnics per
iimnentb in the pii-nn. The list shows
1 hut P'l men answered the country's
call, and leeenls al-n show- that these
men cave u ii(t,,i account of themselves
in tiie sen ice.
Mayer .Moere, former Congressman
.1. Washington l.egue, K. .1. Cut tell,
ami ethers will speak.
Landing, N. J..
Lake Mnpatceng.
Tiie Mentieellu 11
Hetel Burns
v. -J.. Dec If!.
it Landing was
.Ii.lI 1 ... ,.,! f1.lk ,. . Itv fin. ultlnh
''"."'i t...- .. .... ...., .
is believed te b . i.i of incendiary I
origin. Fire- departments of three nenr
lt.v towns saved the garage and ether
iilhuildlngs. The hotel, which was un
Philadelphia, New Yerk and ether cities, who se
gracefully offered public tribute te the memory of
the late
Violinist and "Ideal Girl," Mil-.
dred Stene, Decide Net
te Marry
New Vnrli. Hec. 10. The eng.'ge
tnent of Mlsflui nimnn. violin virtuoso,
mid Mim Mildred Stene, his "Ideal
girl." Iiiih been broken. Twe months
age the riiiniince was formally 1111 1111
neutici'd. bringing te n close 11 period
in which It was reported that the mu
sician had been seeking the embodiment
nf IiIk ideal of womanhood.
Miss Stene appeared te till the bill
,itn one Hllghf Mtili. She was a
brunette. The violinist had declared his
! 'eat must he n blonde.
Itui if the- blind: behl.ul hair of Miss
Stniie had iluvthln'T tn de wiril tiie filll
uiv of the remiiiiL'e. nothing was said
Gift Jewels
gwtiFyt?ifte'Ti--.yjt.-f,Mi'",ii:-!rigt a mn-j
ffew Yerk Rtern
li East ilth Bt.
N ADDITION te direct personal acknowledg
ments already made te the great merchants of
Hen. Jehn Wanamaker
the officers and the personnel of the corporation of
Jehn Wanamaker Philadelphia
desire te make also this public announcement of
their deep and lasting appreciation. Especially
notable is the universally expressed wish that this
business shall go en upon the true course marked
out by its Founder, and new is a fitting time and
here a fitting place te give assurance that this wish
shall in every respect be fulfilled.
'it " h JIsh Stene's parentH . Sw
Mrs. A. P. Stene, who linve'ifife?
n fermnl statement snylnu- net'
"Mr. and Mre. A. F, Hln'ne n.
that the engaxement efXTr TtS!e
Mildred mm! MIhcIiu Kltnan 1 nfl lhlw
terminated." n lm bcn
Miss Nlza Kltnan. Rlter of the .1.
tttose, when indeed for an exnlnn.il r
add: "They had ., .llHH,rwft"!!!!
n week nKe ended their plans Ji "Lani
They have agreed that they hed J?1!'
ii mitdnke." y "n(1 "wde
The wedding was te inVe been l
.Tunc, then fi honeylneon te i:,imn '5
then bnek Iiome where EllnntvfiPeii,,
could nettle down te the te,",". bn?d
wife. , el a
"Tlint Is what 11 woman's n.
should be." Miss Stene S"V in",?
happy moment following h,.P i l,ln?
up. CelnmbiiM I)nv. ".'irPr ,Ltnil
should h" her htiMiandwiiri;'
cannot Imve careers." ' eln
Miss Stene and Mlsehn Klmn
t Lake Placid last Jul.. ,i.i nn "
of the Keniu of the violin te iiSimX
Polk also, n fiddler of note S$
brother-in-law of Miss Sten" T..M
Miss Stone admitted it was i," J'",
love nt first sight. n cas
"le I believe In that?" 9hc mV.
repeating a ouestlen put te her wA
net as a 1 rule, but you cannot tni
any rules te renl life. re'
Mlsi Stene is twenty-three MI..I..
Elmnn i-. thirty-one. C Mlschl
These who knew pre -.
cieus stones will recog
nize the superiority of
the jewels sold by this
establishment ; these
who de net may pur
chase with .equal con
fidence, secure in the
knowledge that this
house has offered none
but finest quality for
nearly a century.
HREWDNESS In buying vrelbtalleretl clethet
retta net only in choealng high quality
woolens nd becemlnir stvlei but of emwl
Impertnnce is the selection of the right tailor.
Rebert Stewart
1501 Walnut St.