Whj VW - , j.. f , y, -- "' TTWrTvT! v . , I I lb EVENING PtJBLIC LEDaER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY: DECEMBER 19. J922 M TOnK OPKN9 IAIT,T AT A. M Cl.OStH T, M. All These, Goods en Sale Tomorrow MA1L AND PHONE 011IJER9 FltXKD-MIA, WAI.NWT MftO-KBVHTONB, MAIN 4101 4KHU ;7-j" . .T-rrtai 3f IFTS OF ALL KINDS APLENTY Tempting Arrays That Offer a Thousand Suggestions. Yeu Can Cheese Here Mere Freely, Toe, Fer Prices Are lower and Se Yeu Can Really Afford Merel Alse See Page 28. Ivery Finish Goods & Perfumes Sale of Bandeaux! 50c & 75c HEOl I.AIt l VMI 1I..V1 Qt AMTIKS! Well made- neil flttlnc meti umt-uti ntIuei Hatlste, meh, hrecha, breriiletl anil nlrlnc or nl.i'ti -.t'lti brt. 1( vonie lth he-c "ipju't ifrn W hlte and nlnk ! Trn 3t tc 48 hoel. front or $2 te $6 Bandeaux & Brassieres, $1 te $3 I-Vil. of Initiate linen hrcxirhe I i i iiietl 'fltm "ripe 01 plain mm mil HHliornieU tiitnnixil -It s 4 te "4 1 It Itrntlier. Receil I K'iei W. B. Formu Band, $3fc$4 uell-eu briwalere anrt .1 eIhtj ili meil Blnlli rpe , hi ili srncil for aport apert aport einn lern loin nnrt for neffli Kr nr en Rlnp IHe Si"1 34. te of iMiOfiFUM BATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE iwertersraM -. .-.-- r n - w , rw n a nritl 4-tv i 4 n nrviwtn 4lfnrW CiVl X ULiLUW TKAUIiytx SMAOir rrtit Eiahth EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY j Mark I 1 gwwittj Riirremieni dainty, beautiful Qi at modest expemntur I In fa Toilet Scl, $12.98 fancy llniM boxes f Jewelry Silverware Cleck? an unequaled selection of exquisite gift pieces at unequaled savings! Women's $22 White Geld $ Wrist Watches, M-karat white Kld i'i new tenncau, octagon and square 1495 nle.-. lo-iewei innvt'iiu'nts. $20 Chest of Wm. Rogers & Sens Silver Tableware, $14.25 Set included p'x each medium knives with stainless tcl I bladet, ix forks. i- table j spoons, sis fea spoon"1, ene j butter knife and one ue;Hrj apoen. Colonial design, j Bright finish In block leth-1 erette ensa ! Women's & Misses' Finger Rings hir, ' $7.50 Rinizs fust quality stones mutation anicth;. 3t, iiiln n"d emerald in hand-made fe' d irn' I mountings $10 Rings, $5.98 limitation htencs finely cut ?m eNal shapes 14-karat mountings. $15 & $22.50 Rings $11.50 & $14.98 Genuine opal rings laige equal stene; M-karar mounting yapphir 14-karat $15.50 & $17 Mahogany Mantel Clocks, $10.98 & 511.50 $.98 $7.50 I 0 $12 Rings Real stones amethyst, unmet, ruby, sardenyx, opal nrd bleed atones. $15 te $25 Rings $9.98 te $14.98 Genu ne aquamarine in 14 karat mountings. Imported Necklaces, 98c 3000 brings; tassel and graduated styles In red, jade, lapus, jet combina tions, amethyst, rose, turquoise, etc. Many are daintily hand painted. Quadruple Plated Silverware j $9 Deuble Vegetable Dish, $6.50 lhread cdire, bnpl finih $22 Tea Set, $16.98 Te a pet, sugar bowl, poen nolder Mid eieam pitcher Chased de-icn; bujrht linih. $10 Water t $7.50 Pitcher. . I arj edire; bripht lini- ) I It Itretlir Klrpt F" rer fle-ath Pretty Holiday Coats for Girls $7- Stylish. Serviceable $10 te $15 Kinds ' 65 P- 4: , ierr- T i. ? 7r7 -r. 4 : 1 1 ' w . . . -.Ti rnn rw , i t j a i 1 1 i i i i Mill f i ! ' ! 'JyqvW tT 1. 1 Li rr "i Ctoieeut of a leading maktr' mat attrac tive med tit F'oletone, eli ur. cheviet and veldyne some Mth fur cellais, etheis in smart sports s'vlrs Si7e! 7 te 14. i $10 "Bestyette" Rainceiiit S Sets, $5.98 i I n ibbrlied ri iproef naterlal .n tn em J I Dirt" v, n ' .i' v mfn Mzm te 14 ! $6 "Bestyett" Raincapes, $3.98 H!u rubbr'r.1 ra reuf atn with si 'nd hoert S'tn 4 ' ' 4 $2 Middies, $1 ..enlaI .iap hiH or " " jil'er ca ir iffs b-itrt T" $8.50 Weel Frecks, $4.95 fTgt or erce rrbreldered In contrast'! ( I1X u- wool a e nn ' rB'.latten ." .is Slts " te 14 1 It ltrotlien SECOND FI.OOR Women's & Misses Coats BkHflkkvsj Jft Dicldedly Kmart and wen dar fully practical! A sale that offers fine 3ilei tien of diess aad sports models ll correctly cut and beautifully tai'ered Belivia, Vceur. Deublt- act Fabric and Mannlth CeaHni. Extra Special t $4.50 Plain and Satin Crepes $2.69 Vid? range e t beauti ful olers in Hunt and dark tKtcU. IJt nrethii - F1.00H, BOUTK KIPJ AH hainu fashion touches of difin" individuality. The Majority Havm Large Fur Cellar. J'hey an rithly and Viirm ly lined and in all tht new wanted ?hade. Sirs fe women ar.d miH.sp, Mt llrethfr. -i-re-Mj ylt)T $2.50 te $3 French Serge, $1,59 V fashionable i ele leaver, tan, wiru'. K i ijundy, dark brown, Pekin, cardinal, new elue, mess green, navy, midnight blue and black. Sponged and shrunk. 40 te B inches vide. $2 te 13.50 Crape Ar- mure & Trlcetine, $1.91 DrK brown, nvy, mia night blu and Mac 60 te (14 Ineha --Ida. It A 54.50 BeHyU, 12.69 Rie1 v9T8t nntih, all nw Haii 64-lnch. Lit Ilruthara FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH Yeu Can Cheese Slippers Quickly! i- -because there are thousands here every material, color, style and size, livery pair nicely rntt boxed, tee : Women's $1.50 te $2 Slippers i Weel Felt in oxford gray, llffht and dark blue, pink, rose, orchid, Itaupe and pretty two-tone efferts. Sizes H te 8 $2.50 Moccasins, $1.65 Natural-color leather, tiimmed with beads. Stitched padded soles. Sizes 3 te 8. Women's $2.60 and $3 Felt Juliets, $1.49 and $1.98 Plush or ribbon trimmed; turned enk poles and leather heels. Rese, oxford, brown, light blue, dark blue, wine, orchid and black. Sizes 8 te 8. Men's $6 and $7 High Shoes and $4 fiC Oxfords... iP't.OJ Genuine tan Russian calf ami ether choice leathers. The newest semi - brogues, f ' brogues and dress lasts. Women's $2 Satin Slippers, $1.49 Quli'cd Satin Inr."!?", i liremn rndderi sole Slllc tn'st pompons Rese. I' '. pink hlaclt and U ender. Siiew 3 te S Misses' & Children's $1.50 Slippers, 69c te 98c 1 ight and dnrk shades of felt. ( emfy, Puss - In - Beets and Princess Htyles. Sizes 0 te 2. Men's $2 te $3 Hyle Felt Slippers $ .48 te $-J .98 Special A (vfenl &,!.''. wine, dark lilue and lirmwi Ilcaw padded Deles and lull M;r..M C te 11. Misses' and Children's $3 & $3.50 Shoes, $1.15 c jir cut. lace style Oun i c ,u .-s. IT Child's 9 te misses' 8 Special Christmas Offer Inw Pounds of Bard Candy Candy is $1M Pan ttlone is worth 45c. .ilue both A f-,ii turn auart sauce nana in the let. Mail and phone orders can be filled only while the quantities last. Nene sent L. O. P. Lit Ureth-w rir.ST FLOOR AND SUBWAY French Kid Gloves 1 niniie and ever sewn: white an-l colors. A larc-e SDecial nurclMe: embroidered bnckn. '' ick, jWemen'i $3 Strap-vVrist Cape Glevcs,$1.95 tTuIl pique setvn; black, white and colors. Men's"$5 " Chlidrcn's $2 Mecha Gloves, V.-es, $1.49 $3.98 t'ppi. de. Tan, Qry, beaver, PXM. gray, brown One awn tlasp 35c te 39c Handkerchiefs, 25c Wemen's: - Impert-' M . Finc ed. Beautiful embreld- ed corner designs, brie with colored ber- Madeira effects and colored borders. burs and initial. heavy novelty J Actual $2. $2.50 and $3 Values! M - II - it! 1 Women's 2Bc Handkerchiefs, 16c Puic Irish linen; white and solid colors .vith bnautiful one comer embroidery de- Neatly hemstitched. Bex of six signs, i 85c. H Mtm'a $4 Caee Glares, $2.98 heamlens; lined; tan and brown. Men's 35c te 78c Handkerchiefs, 25c, 35c and 50c Pure Irish linen; plain or initial styles. Beys' 19c Handkerchiefs, 12Vc Attractive colored borders of tan, blua anil violet. Mt Brether lruufT iriAJun, buuhi Hat Trimmtd Free of Charge $4&$5Ready-te-WearHats9 Of Fine Quality Satin M .98 ' I w jm ?99k ''L-C A splendid purchase just in time for 'he holidays. They're in the smartest of stoics medium and email sizes and trimmed most effectively with flowers, fruits, fancy hackle, bows, ornaments, metal ribbons and puis verv one with the appearance of for greater worth. S2.98 Untrimmed Satin Hats j'ln and hair braid combination In tier rrlnjr medium and rninll shap.iv , . . , II M ..., .1 H !, JM ii,. I1t rehr FIRST FIOOR, NORTH Initial Pillow Cases Marked Specially Lew Pair 98c, $1.49 & $1.98 Of fine bleached muslin with daintiest embroideries and ini tials. Ne Mall or Phene Orders Filled. $2 & $2.50 Scalloped Pillow Cases, pair $1.59 & $1.79 Of standard make bleached muslin. Sices 45x80. - $5 k $9.0U scalloped iea Sets, $3.79 & $4.69 Of standard make bleached sheeting. One sheet and ttt pil low cases. Neatly boxed. lit Bithr Flrrt Kler, North pmMmm&r- -vM An Ideal Heme Gift I These Beautiful Mirrors $30 Valuesat Leas Than Half Price 1lM lM fe.,, zticniy nnienea irarnee m anuque geia, Drewn, ,WW,y!H VilitA fir OTAV nnlvnhwvma Unfa 44n.af r.l-e- , 8 f fflBHS. iff Hi Distinctive etylea In large variety oblong or I oval. Will leek well ever Bervlng tables and con- . ,..m.,..,.i.m.,tyr-rfi BOiea or en 8talrwaya. Lit Brether TOinD FLOOR Winsemn fashions for little beyn and girls everv group way below usual prlcas! Tots' Regulation Frecks That f $ 1 .98 Usually Sell Fer 3 Kine, heavy Lensda'e lean, with blue Pnliner linen cellars And cuffs. Braided and with broidered emblem -finished with smart siU t. Sizes 2 te 6. Same Medel in Palmer Linen, $2.88 Infants' $1.50 te $2.50 Short Dresses, $1 & $1.50 Dainty little bMHep or yoke ijlfs--le and " breidery trirrmeci sum h me 'e : vrs ' Tots' $3 te"$5".56 White Frecks, $2 te $3.93 Vint white Persian lwni veIIm nd ercmdle embroidered and BmecKed or trlmmiu witn laces nii i-atln rihben Slrm 2 te Infants' $5 te $7.80 70 White Coats, $3 te $5 'J oel chinchilla, with pocket and belt Wnrmly lined Slrts 1 te 3. Hate te match. SSa. .- 'T Little Beys' $2.30 Wash Suits, $1.79 Ollrar Tlrt medela In blua, tan, frten and sray PSS7 "leth with braided tailor oellara and cuffa, and embruldar4 ereblem HUe- S te $8 te $10 Silk Faille TRIMMED HATS $.98 & m Children's $8 Bath Robes, $3.49 Plain, Indian and Chlneaa pattema In llrht and dark oelorlnaa; tailored or satin facd Cord girdles, fllzea U Brethef a HBXJOND JTJOOa 'V tlilT Of Surpassing Beauty f,-f, '.aaint little peKO cikw, juuwuui i fiare-frent styles, medium sites and .' i mushrooms, as well as becoming tur- vbuns. Hats exquisite in their color- I Ings blues, tans, hennas all most at- ' tractlvelv embroidered in colors that contrast. . Fer the IHnUMna Touch te Your Evening Ce, tume, We Have a Beautiful Selection of Head Bands, Ornaments, Corsages at Lewest Prlves. Ut nrethera THIRD ULOOXl Mt Frf eaeSrunrh It-or "f e Tw Batl4nas,,t VtiJW;n.i4!H rtsrreu rlftnre I'rnmea, 40e Hand Mirror. SI.9S te 7.9 Tnra llrletle Hair Urualiea, 11.40 In (W.OH Irer- Flnleh Nail rile, 80e te 0a Puff Desee and Hair nerelvera, rnch, Sii.OH Ml Brether Plrnt Heer, fleuth Bradley's Perfumes, 50c te $1.85 MM-..I It adnata' Perfamea and Toilet Water, nne te an Mary Oarrten Vanity Caaa, 78t Onkley'a Thala Centpati. SI titirrlnln' Hue tie In Pais Perftime, 2.0S Oaerliiln' Champ Kljieef Perfume, 18.78 $4.98 j Women's $6.50 'Oxfords, reduced . . , icnuine tan RubsIb calf or grain i leather, patent colt, gray suede and tan ! suede combinations. Men's $4 te $6 Brown Kid RnmAet. $2.49 In 4dl 1 ined te the tee; turiud eul. soles, One-strap Pumps, tecin block satin, leather soles and rubber heels. Sizes 0 patent colt and black kid. te 11 Vlsn Twe-strap Pumps in black kid. Big & Little Beys' $3.50 te $5 Shoes Sizes 9 te 13 Mi, $2.95 Sizes 1 te 6, 13.98 Tan Russia calf. Welted oak elcs; rubber heels. Women's Lew Shoes Dress pumps, colonials and oxfords. Welted and turned Heles; leather and covered weed hcels. Patent colt, gun metal, plazcd kid and tan calf. Mt Briithere Flnit I'loer, North $3.95 Aluminum Perforated Pan Filled With Three 98c Unheard of Values in This Entire Stock of Finest Furs from Selernter & Zimmerman Famous Wholesale Furriers, Located at 151 West 25th Street, New Yerk The highly reputable furriers are dissolving partnership - and closed out their stock te us at an enormous price consessien! , n . I- H--t- I Civet Cat Coats $25 Values. 40-inch Length, S139.75 $275 Values, 45-inch Length, $175.00 i 4m w , m inm m. $125 Russian Marmet Coats W5 $100 Hay Seal CeatH. SG9.7B $150 French Scnl 5QC Capes, 45 Inch 0 ;isn N'ntiiral 1 Snn.75 Muskrat CentH. ., $997 $150 Hnecoen Trimmed Marmet Coats. $99.75 $200 American Opossum Coats., s119 s387 ,50 $500 Hudsen Seal Coats... . Full 45 inches long natural skunk trimmed. $600 Alnskn Seal- M1A skin Coats "v Handsomely trimmed with natural skunk. Genuine U. 8. Govern ment pelts. 1300 Dlack Caracul Cents French Seal Coats Natural Skunk Trimmed $210 Value, 40-in., $139.75 $225 Value, 45-in., $149.75 $250 Value, 45-in., $169.75 $275 Value, 45-ln., $189.75 $18975 $250 Marmlnk Coats, $189.75 (75 Scaline Coats, $49.75 $210 Seallne Cyate, $129.75 $375 Raccoon Coats, $295 $250 Muskrat Coats, $165 Northern Muskrat Coats $300 Values, 47-inch, 3185 $M0 Value, 40-Inch. 9165 Selected skins handsomely mark ed in stripe effect. $300 Caracul Jsxketa, $197.60 CbJUren'! Furs (6 White Ceney Seta, $3.76 $9 White Iceland 1 $.98 Fex Sets O $7 Varlaua Fur Sets, $J8 tit Btrathara IBCOND FLOOR mmW wwM w i I1 Truly Feminine Glfta tn a Leraly Selection trf Pretty New Mede Women's $3.75 Italian $61.98 SILK VESTS New Med 2 Handsome trealtty. breftlered. BeautrfuTly en Italian & Gleve Silk Etiratepa Chemise, $3.98 te $6.98 Exquisitely laced trimmed. Ex traordinary values. Women's $7 Extra-Size Pantalettes, $5.98 Heavy glove silk, double shirred cuff; ncweet colors. Women's $1 Vests, 78c Swiss ribbed silk UbIe; low nl- slrpvelem! hand tens. Women's Snort 1 $1.85 Stockings jana top Silk ribbed; black only. Children's Stockings, 25c, 29c Ot 30c Fer boys and girls. Ribbed cotton in black, white and cor dovan. Deuble tee and heels. Sizes 5 te 10V6. Women's Silk 1 $1 .78 Stockings I Full fashioned thread silk; I black and shoe shades. Women's $1.80 Silk-and-Weel Spert 7Qc Stockings I 1500 pairs. Twe tens! sport shades; also black. Mill runs. Children's Vests & Pants, 98c te $1.76 Fart wool; ribbed. Merode brand; unshrinkable. Women's Silk Stocking., $2.49 te $2.98 High grade; medium, chiffon and heavy weight Black, whits and colors. TM Brether First Fleer, Smith $1.50 te $2.50 Embroidered Flannel 98c,$1.49 & $1.98 Weel flannel, with beautiful silk embroid ered borders. $1 Eiderdown, 75c 27 inch; pink, blue, red, gray and cream. Ver secques. Lit Brathen First Fleer, Seuth Women's & Misses' Smart Dresses 25 $2.50 Costume Velveteen $1.59 Rich and beautiful; jet black that will make the smartest of eve ning or afternoon frocks. Lyens finish. I!4 Inch. I4t Brath.ra iMr-t Fleer. Seuth w-i : 1 All the prettiest new colors and variety te please every taatel Charmingly made of silk velvet, duvetyne, Pelret twill matelasse, taffeta, Canten crepe, crepe-back-satin and laces. Among the many styles you will find basque, ntraight-line or side draped models trimmed cleverly with large girdle orna ments or ether new notes large flowing or tiny puff sloevea also severely tai lored styles in Hurplice coat effects. Ut nreth-ra BBCTOND lrbOOK. $8 Weel Comforts .95 A Cambric in floral or Persian patterns, various colers: scroll stitched; pure lambs'-wool flllin?. Size 72x80. , Lit Ilrei.-FHl.ST FiOOB, NORTH Few gifts ere se prnctteal and yet se welcome $10 Weel Comforts, $698 Floral or Persian cambric centers; plain 9-Inoh sateen borders; pure lambswoel flfling; scroll stitching. In pink, blue, old rose and green. 72x80 inches. $8 Plaid Weel Blankets, pair, $8.80 Fer Wednesday On Stlrht oetton mixture Altroetive plnV. blua, tan and array broken slald. with allk mohair blndlns. Deuble-bed size iVtitt T ty "Nttwm ,n mf SrarrtMa' t $13 All-Weel Blankets, nair. $9.98 Pink, blue, mn and ray bloek plaldn: also whlta lambswoel with slight cotton mixture pink or blua berdera; Bilk ribbon hlndlnir 72x8ft Inchen $13 Satin-Finislt Bed Sets, $8.49 Heavy ralaul MniaclllfH imtierns, rut out 1.01 mm and aealleped o1ke fcfixOO iih-Iiim Helht. r thtew te niatrh $6.50 Sniin-Finish Spreads, $4.98 Marseilles ra't,ri!, I c, 11 . l . 1 n .eriu-i.H nml scnllepeil t tint a .h h0in Mt Urelhrm- FU18T FLOOR, NOIITf Tift-'" inm Real "Man" Gifts Thln$t fie ernjeyt ntlngl Complete with ellps I Mahogany & Mission 1 Sets, $3.98 te I With ch iu imd caidi . jt . r e- Nickel Ach Keceivers, ve With colored k1hn lltui b r: qR Mahegany-Finiah Humidors, 5o.e French Briar Pipes, $2.49 Hani rubber Bm . -. j. Mahogany-Finish Smoking Stands, $5.98 & $6.90 1 1 lp II lt l ' t 1 I 1 1'" ." n... Ailten & Lambert Fountain 1 cn $1.93 te $3.26 - Lit Urilli.r.-1'm-T I'tOOll. bOUTH rbak Poker $9.25 MT BHOTHERS; &