'fcW-y , W'PHRRRiW ,i '"' w L .i.I'J PBP'Ht rAIIMflfWli,t,7,v1' ;' 'FwJ '"- ".-"fltW tffim$W,X WKfE;Wr V,-?- Hifc T,.w.KeTri,,'wwv,Trff;,'i'Ii'-'i4.?fTi:-T'r ...cicr..'?B7irrfi'.-an?N" -"? -en'"ir'4A ;-' 2wY.wswii''"' v -f7-s - ' )'iV feVENING W&X& LEmEIPfflLADELPHlA; rrtJTESDAY, PEOEMBER -19, 1922 MT MANTELL (SIVES 'LEAR' TO OPEN ENGAGEMENT Shakespearean Star Seen in One of His .Greatest Reles at Bread 1 nread Helicrt B. Mantt-11 rlinqc te lifgln Ills nnnunl MKngenient e Shaken pwrcnn nml clnHcal repertoire Inst Bltht with "'' et llls sreatest cliarac terizntinti'4. thnt of the patriarchal nml termenteil I.rar. It hfti Ipoeii tills stnr s custom in re cent yearn te epe" hi" l"cnl engim': mnls with f-eine of the old MtimribyH. ,,,ch ns "Slnelictli" or "Ulcl.elleu." Km it 's t" '"' wondered whether the choice of "Lenr" does net mean t In t this tragedv hns achieved a higher place n the public'" nffcctieiiH. Certainly it oVervcs te de se. Whereas the po tency and skill of MantelPn rhnrnetcrl- tutietH f tliC lliane 01 uvmei, i.iuuii mid lliinnei in".'. "" Lir- of ether t-ntitrmpnrary actors, he wen te Miiestlen. he in nl.mr- in lua M-i.l portrayal of I.rar. Here be com V, nps a sreiit deilli of human H.vmpathy , nml stirrlns nml ninguuiriy eiiecme m or, trirral of the l'oel N well known for its lffinefs mid nireiiess of touch. A. -. Ilfidervr.n was the Kent, nml he made ,' (.ernes of his adversity rimeclally p uell-Ummti business of his Ininr.s limnnt ill the storks most rr-n Istlc. "' . ... La IiAii liAmi llai'Al Photoplays Elsewhere Srx.Vrp.V "When Knighthood Was In 1-lower," with I.yn Hardin, Marlen Davlcs. William Nerrln fnd Pedre de Cordoba. PAl.AOB-.-The Yeung Ilnjali," with Ilodeltih Valentine. IM1 'NMAIj "The lleautlfiil Mar," wlu Kntherlnu .McDonald. C'O.OAMA'-aareiiee," with Wal lace Held. ttlVOJH "Seuth of Suva," with w?Iity..MIIe Mlntcr. V4.BA'r HTNKKT "flood .Men and True," with Harry Carey. ORKAT XORTHHUX "The Man Who Played Oed," with Ocerna Arllaa. LOa,l.?T "T "TMn Bunded Wemati." with Hetty CempKcm. COljflfft.V "Alma Anccndu," with Alice Mrndy. .VAW.V AMUAHSAhftll "N, i.JjwmislnK'" with tlene rustle, IIKT.MOXT "Wunlcl Intnl." with Ajrnes Ayrer. f '''-- "The llended Weiunii," Willi ttpttv i ...,, ....... f'.WflO '-Thu (jeldc'n (.lift." Alice Lake. srM.V "On the Wish .Sens. Jack JIeU. LKA11KR "Pink CSed," with lJanlil. bixty-xixth htui:i:t nrmly In "Annn, A'ccndr " with with Belie Mice 'OUTCAST' OWES ALL TO ELSIE FERGUSON Star at Best in Film Version of Stage Success at the Stanley Stanley tempted the transposition of Hubert lleiipv D.ivles' "Outriit" from "im-ju te wreeii they were fnrtunnte in being nble te keep KNle I'VrjsitPen In her erlslnal lele of Milium. The result Ih that AHhs FeiTjnseH Imn i-airlcd te tin' film nil her superb nrllstrr. r'l her wixlftil, elti'ive luuuty nml .ill rlic sub their way te the F-creen within the Inst month In "llrethcrH I'nder the Hhlu," which has n Metropolitan hettliiR ItiRtend of the iiHiml Kyne ruitceil nml whole some West. This Is often delicious comedy, com cem com pnrnble only In "Dmiitereiis f'urvc Ahead," which, by the wii) . was ill leeted by K. .Miisen Hepper, Wlie wielded the mcj:itplieiic for "III ethers I'mlcr the Skin." It concerns iwe city workers, one n iiitiliiiKer uirlli- oilier u iiiimble shipping clei I; in it certain ellice, both of whom encounter the simie de- When the film-makers :il- inestlc problems In the shape of wives wne iien t carp new last or new hard they spend their husbands' money, Jlclenc Chndwlek and Clalie WliuKnr are the heroines, and they nre both charming nml ciipnble. I'nt O'.Miillcy nnd Xei'niaii Kerry nie the men in the ease, and Mae Ilufli bus n fairly itn itn lieitaut mill. This miintel simmus. umler Hoppers iliieclleiii ARTISTIC DANCERS SCORE AT KEITH'S Deris Humphrey's Girls Give Pleasing Interpretations Keith's Deris Humphrey and her graceful dancers. In n series of ill vertNemenls nnd nttrndlre dance Inter- There Is n bevy of pn-Uj Rlrls In this little, production us well n -everu snappy reincdiatis, who form u combi nation which brim; uratlfyiiiK lesiilts. The net Is Hiinipttieusly staffed. A )iiK review Is effeied by Stevens nml l.ovejey with geed lesult. and ether Kend nets include llasil nnd Allen In u recruiting comedy mid Dorethy Hoff Heff man in n timely offering. "The (ilorieus l'oel." with Jtlcliard Ulx, is I he lilm attriK'tleii, ami it leunds out an excellent show. William Penn Heward and Ress Vaudeville nutlietilles have long re-fAi-ilei! the net of Heward nnd lle'S. who nrevent the "Kwillltinli of th" titles of dress nnd nrtleus with which she imbued the role but the f-cejim in Itsrlf Is ereakv and dNieiuted. However, thanks te .Miss Fricm-eii's abilit.x, the llnal impiessleii Is nf bei net the plctuie. We fep her again, bedraggled nnd drag, stepping by n doorstep en a foggy, drlppln.t night te stun newspapers in the inm- u 'r pietnllnns, head the Keith's bill. Thesei Umije," ns one of ibe ery Im-i-I inuslenl li xptiKiillj nilWts lender dames of cfierlngs in this term of enler.aliiiiieiii. Miring, cmplee even te Ibe breezes '' he lill wwl by llin nj""'"."'' , , , i ., H , , mere tliau warrant tb.s iliiim. Thej which are ienhitlinlly pmlinjed. slmnlv ran nwav with Hie -hew. Aman- Mi'luilj and t'emedv nnd dnurpH and m m llilbert. .1 l'lillncli'lplila girl, and riiuglil llie siilrlt in which the slerj was written, and their werkTalrly spaikles are blended IMnn Wnllme Kliine) met waim up- tltrouglieut. lent. The sub-titles are ecel- Vlcterla That old singe thriller, "Deserted at tlieAltar." has followed in the footsteps of the ninny ether innr shoe, e sen Iier fever shty iiiunehliig ing uicbjilramas which have found their til" lord ellcre.1 lier hv Mlierwoeil 111 her . wnv te the n.reen this nnr. lis i.lnt ,, of tlertnui;; Moeily and! J--! J. iU, Vt I YU " " : iiiciin, while 11 special feature W(,r,. t10v,. nf Miimhi and (Jywiine, The' tierfermatiee lust niglit was gen ally excellent, (iu.v I.iiulsley s per- lehn A exnmler, wne uas em-n ur.,-.-ip 1 bv Mr. Mantel! In recent years into met ennnhle player, was the Kilgnr. "tirl Vauglian Peering pln.vcd Kdmund in iitit',1 songs loin epei n ami jazz In the .Alary I hi of tin- hill. th,e Women's Symphony Or chtr.i of riiilndelpbla, draws deserved a tilnitsn. Thej render both tile classics and sunn" f the pepulnr tunes, l(,t lll'nvilir millilllt flnltfrllt flit .T IV I no- loco encre, jiirr uj .- iitwueii hi ner, way te the screen tills jenr. lis plot ,...... .-.. apartment, while she tells her sad and must b" taken en fultli, as all laws of l.c.unn i the (onducler. I sordid Merr. AA e see her. garish and ' probability nnd plniislbilltv are badly j Jim McLaughlin nnd Illnnche Kvan' ,.0iiiedi'iu heads a big ami ciipnble com cem j nver-ilre.-sed, trying with tragic cflert frnctured from beginning te end. The give :i pleasing character .Miily of,, ,..,. , ., el -niulctil nflering. en- -... ..... . ' '" '"'id rne ievc in uus cuiuireu ami , line explains me "niic scene. which "Ainu, Ki.miev am I'rani'is Doegiin. 1 iiii..i 'mN TI.....H-.1." Theie Is a NtW eHUKtRT R f.isti.linusi .Sherwood. A e sue her fall-I consists of the inti;rrijileil marriage as they emeuuter life In a Xew Yerk tlai nf lemeilv ninning through this JAMES BARTON HEADS blackface ceniedj : Kris'.. I.e Ann nod l'ele, in acrobatic fun. Kui'cnc D'Hrh-n In 'Mehn Smith" is the photoplay nt nt tractien. Nixon's Grand Comedy 1'iank Ui(diarden, popular Mnglna Dancing Comedian Has New Antics at Chestnut Street '. Opera Heuse' I .. iiriMiM. 1-.. 1. Hi lien, uui .vic.ii.m. in u.i ii"i inn,- in- i. I.- niini . i.nst jm(p leneuiciii. nun 111111 "ererui ,.trn(.t which niises Its entertain- iiefnsing te let him help her, though , another woman with 11 baby In her tuneful m dedles willi the "ISewery jag-' ,,., ,ni,.,. The bill also includes micI. the alternative is n return te her hall- 1 arms comes up the church nisle nnd , time swing." 'clever features as Lewis I'arslev nu ....,,uul, .... ...,... 1 ivten-si in me lew iiiire iii"i; instrumental nrtist el uii'leulited alill- 1 1 It was rnther a coiitngeeus thing for ; Seme rather superior pantomimic net- presented bv Aidne and (Jerlie rails j,x . j)rH7n IJetter. who combines ncrn-' 1 Ibis star te de en the hci-een. Slie bad ing is contributed bv llcssie l.eve. Wil- is the turn in which Archie nml tlertie 1 ,'.,. ,i r,,,i,. . t,, Mmfcd n,i Harliarn citcb tee1. rhcfmtt GIaaI r.m II..... I- Hnrten, dancing favorite of inuslenl I'crR'";0" H M:lnm , ' ew n "'. comedy, mads nn auspicious re-entrj' , cI,Tn "W achievement.. into Philndelnhle nt 1, i, nt i,n The things they have done te the .. .t.i..-.il.ln tnvnt S1I...1.A.. ........., 11 . ... 1 . sliirv nre Inprihln in hnlinlrt Tl.n flnnl with reiisnii'ii"'"- ,.... .. , .,,.i.ui-iL iiiiiiierine contingent last . , " ..."- - -- ii tn tinmen, ueiii-in-ie ii niEiii. 1 1 la nntinu n.i ,. ,1.0.... ' "" V" V . ' . ...I 1 .... t. nl. ... . '" ,,", ...,.!..-,,.. Cerde'ln can no iiifiiw-i'i. "'.';""'' moiegue wen him encores and ef uniis'inl iinines nml " . v........ characterization of r and much mure littcil te this young ,,, ns (crflU n . .I.nn ,nv nf the , , . .. nrtr,r, pimvii """. " "... ,. , , """nu 811(1 OlIS (It acreUlltIC (hlllCillg te wenr ugly clothes, make up In a Hum Scott. Kuhill" Jensen. Ilnshy and unappealing style, stibincige Tennaiit and Wade Itclcler. Ilcst of her princess-like charm, and te de these all, however, is Tully Marsiiall. who things Is te court the dlsnleniuie of seems never te fail In the pinch, no tne rank and tile of mm tans. jis ' matter hew weak tlie piciure comes nt the end, when they cm- mil liaiig in the air by their (ertlc abe is nu nttlful rope, lierfermer. Kil l'rcslcr mill Illnnche Klaiss add a clever comedy touch wltlii nine new songs ami (lances. , I'enlta (iinmides Snaiiisli dancer. Urgent AW have en a number of jives vniue eleviv vtejis from the new occasions had reason te speak of the I-'iend i li'inl. and she is ably ns'isted deterioration In the acting el aiiiiii hi l.thcl Sough' Spanish violinist, ami Delly Wilsen, with n new line of com edy patter; Ab'.x Spatks nml eeinpnnj. in an erjginnl creation; Mellnda and' Dade, dancers, nnd Carsen and AVillnrd, ' comedy. "Meet the Docter. ' l Glebe Musical Sketch i AV1II Stanten, comedian, with a bis Stew ml. Her latesl lebicle. "Hese e' Miirinn Dale and Has'.el MclJulre. wliu superting cast, heads the bill with the' encores and his droll ' l)le.v a radio messnge nnd an aereplane the Sea," is uuriuestieiialily her .lowest .-in. !iH Oriental dance novelty, t Spurge ) presentation of "Sew and Then." u an intexicitrd c'.ub-' '" which the here rides through the Unci of achievement. It's the unpesM- Moere disperses comedy of the musical new musical sketch which combine us. Many of the I "Wit te nchieve the Inevitable hnppy hip tule of a beautiful maiden cast ,.uine.h variety, while Margaret Qulinby i Stanten's fun-making with peppv acrobatic (iancing he 'ending. 'I'lien. tee. they bnve tried ' n shore from a wreck. AMieu her teui- in,. Mmian (Seuld give him admirable I melodies and clever danciii". Twe cel - ether tales sue pinjs. ,imci ..... eireren were tainiliar te these who saw iinii-nearieuiy te whitewash ;uirlnin s I ''","'.; p"""""" "" ..'" "V. T i .isisiance who niuucs ii,m soiis.eriui reviews witn songs anil ii.nnee mid Amies Kllett Scott portrayed the , the comedian in "The Hese of Stain- character, and have only succeeded in ll 6erinl uiaelslrein in .New leik. lias ,,M.ifn,.. . Harry I'aull and Mary (ies .drew much applause. Hurt-Saxi Holts iwe unfaithful and ungrateful daught-; beul." creating doubt and perplexity in the I " cllese between a ather and w'Uj,, "The Ce-Weds. Iind fun in worth nie artists ,n s.ncop.iflen rrs of J.Mr, .. . e .,. the bill is a plpasing one. De Haven , "',""' t the audience. The subtitles. , '"JlK, T, hi"" ii.i ,:,,,.' ,!ll ,ri,,K ,,f "'" vlywds. while the Shef.el Uet ,-v i an mter The staging, while iiisiiii. 'J "' '" and Xc dnneers and singers- 1 lb- "' wl"','l mere were tar tee many, put , " ,"' . ,' ,, . ,.,;, is snd. Kit- K1, .., t t, , ,,, tnlning dnrktewn ...mpany. Halph ronrentlennl sihoel with which we lave ,,, H(,lll)eIi .,,,. n r,Mpp .t lhlt )( across t lie real meaning of the action. ",,',I,1' V- . nereii ( Vnita's h nil mid iii Nixon "Mistakes of 1922" AVhiteliea.rs monelogne .-.ci was highly fenneeled Shakespearean .product ec u.mlnls.-ent f the mul.-hnll days. ":l -v, '' IWJ' repetition and in a -'-n lilVi i" miul k Ven te overacting. Ku-ry one realizes that many mi.-, enjoyed, ami Kmnin Weppleir and Ida of the past, was generally satlstai ter. (speciniy tICr ,,(,.. Mlll- .Mulligan dubious sort et way. The fact that , en ' ..J u ,.ii,.1,. m,I il. mil, -titles lakes weie made during the last tear Da!-- 'Hew the evolution of opera and nnl .MUltlg.-in el Ihe West.-- .-simtwoeu nun iiin irienns were a little .., ,.,, tni-eienl cay.s Merrlan's Dogs i'hil linker, who styles himspK "the hit iishameil nf the crude and untutored i i .... ..l,i..l, i-eninins miich',,md Lev from a geed famll.i," with mm .Aliriam which, after all, was the basis , . ....,. A nninial ni' -b ' "'?' . M'' .. I nc.s.rdinn and a inonelogue thai help " tl iiumi - was never cle.irly . .,a',,t?,-;' ' "h 'l, ,V - ,, .f ". TnrllN iiid imifcii m uin I ing nnd tmporseiiatlnns. the last iinincd period et painful stolidity and niade ,, , Vi, rrme. crlniinal Is ii'nwd the-four-footed actors 1 he l "tenon ,vl,inlB deserved ir.plaus,-. MnI. of Sheruoed a man of real emotions and "" ', ene r TiVen in line tile R"rnfTrre5"ValenlrrmaVm!: "!"!", .!!""', . '.'T ' lm " ' "T i1"?? ''1 h" V l'Xt"llU. X nif tn""U - . . n-, I If... mixes Tfy Sen Junction hnie a tier. tO'llllll Ethel hi persons In nil wnlks of life. Tiiese ragtime in u novel nn. vthiir and nie touched en in light vein in the, Morten llinel are versaiile actors with . .! .1 l.ll! .. , . .. . ... ... . ii'iiiiine iiiiiiiciien. .Misiai.es m i-emeui . singing, muting imhi dan. ing. IH-'i:. at I ruction. "Mistakes i. inch is the feature attraction. Louise I'artcr giics a pla.ilet. l"-l "'.( s,-lljllll, Kill,: I., M U'L'l. rll IU 111. I, "HM I'111I1IK,- lllllll II.I' RI.IL'e ll 111' I..1... L.nn.. . i.il'fitl ,. litrrr. r.r songs ami nances ; i"x ......-,.....,,...,.,,,,,,,,.,,,, ,. , .... ,,..,,, .nu ,,"- ,; '', s, " ii'" ,r..T.;i" .' i'LT..... .! nresent 11 Skit called .t t IP I . " , , , r. . ... . "' """" I tie UUKIS neil Iinuii.l iiih.vi.s-iiiu n...i- I, ues i i a mi . i-iiiir I in,,,, ,.!, ,ih.,.i.,.. ,.,,.L...i ..i.iii... friend. f inrles Wei eslev .una ,,i,..,t. i i if.,-., ui,.. rlr.,.,.,... 'uw . ,,.D. .VA" ,.."'. .... . nre Hn.islii nnd I U..I in .l,..,,...v.. lent 11 alie her tinrt. ' ..... i n.. ...... !,., V .J. Per tuneful sslt. ' , , nevpltv act I'erd hm.T Cuedrhli. in lt.iutnr Iv.v,,,'u l,,taf ,.,.i.. ..i"... i.ii,',i,' Vivln riiilen. I-'rankic Miilill mid .'if I were Queen." with ,;!!mH"v Siitl, "1 r'1" ' UdieM. 'Km : r.leclrlc Heuse," was also en the hill. Wmien Cook linve excdlent leles. '.,,,,,' . ( hnpelle and limnetic, rue colercii en- and n funnier affair this sad-faced ' 1 '" l tiitainers with an unusual supply of comedian bus never bnd. He is given' ., , j rw Allegheny Comedy Laughter which seemed te flew In tales greeted the net of .Tee Lnnlgen tid ISe-'e llaney. who present n let of quick comedy with songs te fit. Much enthusiasm was nreused by the Hell FlRhters of the A. E. V. r'lttccnrii Regiment Hand, which rendered a pro gram embracing a great portion of the Md of music The Tritniesc Mln- ffered a number or novelties in pep: Jee lewle, a spirit ! comedian nnd tlic (Sregerys. jugglers. bi vi rile commission te wire a lc ise. nn.l moving stnirwajs, bnth'tuhs and cliairs, I Melodrama at Desmond Desmond A' tense and lntneti' med tnai comes into the dining room en nieieur.imn was ki. m.,-.,,. ...k - Broadway Bebby McLean ' train nnd billiard balls that slide ' bv Mae .Desm6ud and n;r me.-u Hebbv Alclein and his ceinimnv of "Ie,1S llie ! nre the amusing re- j 1'layers last n gni. nie pm " tnlente art's I, ml the 1 l J tie sul,s of his eff'r"'- Anether attrac- "mmen Clay" in which .Line iwU'rt,The 'e'n'g 'Ld -he organ recital given by Pie,,,, ..; Jch - ht n ftjw M-ars ,,,,,. U about the grace and skill of llebb.v ' ion : 1 ..n 1 ,t... ., .- i. , iicsn-rn lairn.i u.m .n-- -" "i " , McLean as a skating expert, who knows all the turns nml fiills and does them with n marked pcrtectlen. Di-mcrest Aliline An interesting tiie of plev ers go a long way towards making "The house, .".ml the denouement is nsn ',.- I in a dramatic trial scene li"t uii.iki- th:u Madame N In wlibh an ui.ev- ftn-ls offered a nuniDer or novelties in . ,Vniin,.,u ...... ,.....i,... .. :.i. Koreetlen I.nw." ul.ieli Is n i.i,.i,n.;.i. " eontieetlen with geed singing, and Hei- '"".' ."' ""'- " "" ' "''...." ,"" tleu i I 'nreline Abbett Stanley's novel l",l,l,Ml "' n-tumsh.ng twi-t is given den lirethers nnd Olrlle pleased in mi s ' V.,"' v" r . '" ." C.-d "A Modern Mt uienr " be li lutiw" ' '' plot. The author. I'leve Mm-aid. ..fferlng called "TwlsU and Turns " I'.X Z' &man In ami iXv.ble " ' ,l,t,,,s,,"'.:M net neglec. characle, diawln, ,,. hN rfB K.v-Ml Themas Meighan. in "The Man AVhe latter marries, and for while lives '.' nI" J.1?1''". Vl? ' V.' , . n r.irh pair In n Ixix if ilmlrnl Wern en's Hosiery Always an acceptable gift A complete stock, all beautiful quality. We suggest an early selection. Silk, plain S2.0& up Silk, clocked openwork or embroidered . . . .$3.00 up Silk-and-Weel $2.25 up All-Weel $ J. 75 up r C. ... rr-..mr....yvi A touch of summer almost en the ( t, vrl.oen, re nf Christmas j given in the ict ' ' rr'iiti"i hv "Ideal. n reinnrKanie Vfianu stummrr and diver. She pel was the lemure en I happily, but eventually his old bahits conquer him. Then comes hi death in () mf)St ,j8terleus muniier and evidenc, Alhambrn Billy La Var points te the wife, but n liappj selu- fw, s m .diigh Imresslble feats nnd.'r The latr (.-01.1.011 in tpinlnine 1 "." ' ' V ' . ' "' "","""' ,l,L Ulei. vl.er"X "pnenra t l.e n much headgear- ise.e among, the pictu.ef,r.e ''!' "' "' , ' "rtrJ?F right te dispose, of his child's rearing- as lie liked, even te the extent of will-1 lug it away 'from bis mother. ' Clee Kidgeiey. new seen but seldom , en the screen, plnj me role of the i'Ktlce le their parts. Miss Desmond bus an emotional tele mid her work is praise .vertbv. CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut it keine as en land. A series of swim- , effects shown in "the .Milliner Miep. wing contests for substantial prir.es is ' which tops the bill. It is prcsen el by Ifing conducted and boys of the neigh- I Hilly La nr and (einpmiy mid is chm-l; hnrhoed nis invited te compete. Jules ' full of Mibstnntial laughs-, as well as Bind;, a 1'lillndelplila boy. scored an 1 catchy inusic. Derpthj Richmond and mulmlln 1.1, I., n .nlmnlim Mmn,lv . COmiiniiy. ill "A0l!dlllg Hells, liCIlt whirl, tnelininii n hie nml flever ,.;is' laughter in motion and unfolded a geed Wife with sympathy and understanding Other "nrnl acts en the bill i-ie Wrril s,nl.v. Harren and Hurt, in (Oine.ly Jack Muihall is tee pleasant a chap nnrl CuIIph. eeine.lv mid sengs: Kile-, nonsense, fellow el 1 he pme set by th- ! fr tl iinattrnctive part he plays but snow, 111:11 itiiKci-. 11. i iiiei ,."'-. ' ".' ins lu-iius is aiiiiiiriiuic, .union r-ius is scored ill song jin-l comedy. "Annn his usual stern and composed ndf as Ascends." with Alice Hrady in the the elder brother and .111 old tilm triend. prlncipnl role. Is the photoplay a trnc- ' Alice Helllster, once n Kalem vampire. lien. It Is 11 tense story, true 10 iiie and holds interests from start te finish. Fer the Whole Family ni i..ee 111 "i in londen lirnlic. nn.l the Three I'.elments, who present unique gjmnastlc act. Orpheum Syncopation Novelty J. Rosamond Jehnsen heads a com cem Pnv which includes Peggy Helland Kleise llennctt, Kddie Ransom and wen Ahlii'v, presenting n number which does nice work in a bit. Alec B. Fran cis and AA'nltcr Law are also in thi cast. Keystone Deuble Bill V feature semewhnt out of. the erdl- J'JIt .Ulllf. , pri'SI'IlllllK U llllllllll-r IVIIiUO ' -" -. .,., , , ll...nA1.. SL ,, ! crammed with jazz and lively tunes. , new is "Missies In n Jim son ( nb. Th. program nl-e includes the Phiw-I "" k,'tIch Presented by Field MI Tour, with some unusual club Jug- , ?' Shelden, who leave no stm e un Sling; i:i,n Citv Four, up-te-dato I turned In their efforts te bring laughs effeiinrr: Alexander and Fields, witii rem the audience. Ihe Princeton Hve epciatic fav, .rues: Themas Jacksen mid nve mc nuugei iwi.. i.o.e Knrlten This seems te be something of nn old home week en the screens. In a fenture entitled "Till AVe Meet Again" we find little Mae Mnrsh. who is probably remi-mbeied best as the jeung lady whom Wnlter I.mg as (!us chased ever the 1II1T in "The Hirth et a Natien." returned utter a long ab- cempanv. 111 a clever one-act sKetch : I v' ,"l,"", ., Tiii rliia 1 sente te the screen. l.nnev HasKell. in a cemedv number. ',inRr.B''! "",""1 p r eeev are ipen I Her vehicle s one of ultra-thrllls and MltiHiua i tight-rope novelty, nnd Jee C. JFi'"'"'? Flsie AVhitP nth degrPP action, and there is little the film features. "Seul of n Man." te- in a ilancing moment " te t,fnj, n ,t ,-01. any of thp mom. Other with senip smaller pictures. " a tneZ' rherp nic als" ulp "sual I bers of the cast te. de any real acting, . , 11IIU IHUUI vrt, , "SOCIAL MAIDS" AT CASINO . CrfMne- ilperce Stene nnd Etta Pll lnl aie ibe feat ci e, players in "The hut Its entertainment value h high. rn,. lini'i-ilnn Mnrlnn Hntrs. is. tiicked Walten Reef Paul Whiteman t,y i1Pr villainous iinelp. thrown into an A feature very much out of the beaten ' intnne nsjlum hy nun aim escapes 01117 memner et a eanu 01 mi aie in- feat i'ic, n avers n "The !""'" ".' .'."."" Pe.nl Mai.H" and thev! hear I.P in.r'l'n.lt.th headed Uie program last nig 1 1 te liccume a 'H 1m tic I this enure show is 1, jm' will hp continued le.ilgh . I mil cooks. 1 , . 1. 1.1. .... . .. .,. . . !j...;... eni.i ... 1 .... e- . 1 1.... , v iiici 110 nnnearee 11 iiei...i mho hi- it nen sic i-p.i ies ineir ineiiiit.v larklin- reiii-i'h rind ti'ullin- tune-' famous dance orchestra trem the P.ilals (hcieines arc alwas notoriously slew The sp .,, 1 ilt, new nnd"nttiac-' R"J-le. New- A'erk. mid dispensed about discovering little things like thlsl tlvr and ihe samr- i.iu be'snid for the PnPular tunes that stnited the teet , she tries te leave, them, but Is finally cntumes, There is a lnrge .-lienis n-tnpping and the lips puckering. An- persuaded te accompany thm en a last hlrh can both sing nnd dance accept- 1 ether feature of the program whs the1 "trick." Of course, she eventually es. ' 'Mv.and the cast, outside of Stene and ' ,ciUn of f''", ""J1 Dunn, who had a j cspps from the evil-doers and marries. 1 series 01 iiiincin mm wui'i nnu unuii n pcrsenntue young secievj mn wne- might have been n hepelew snob, but wasn t Mlsi Pllhird, Includes such fnverifps ns j series of d I.lliiiir U'li.... ,1.. .!. ...,,., . eriinnnlity. 1, . ...ij.mu ir ,t ,,,, ,11,1111, . .--,.- .- -inric- tiart and Rose Duffin. soubrettes ; nmniv AVright. ceinedinn ; Hilly C.a C.a Jen. Dudley Farnsworth and Rill;. Trocadere'a New Shew Trnradere - Last night's nndience round much thnt wan pleasing and en- ' "Waning in "The High Rellers."! ivhleh opened a, week's engagement. rrie sne,-ni feature of tlip performance jvns the nppparnnee of Mile. Arneldia ' "J a ilauie sippaltj thnt wns both well 1 Prrerme,l and attractively staged. The JIS?" c''"', Wi" '"ended bv Jim Me.-iny. jnee ciiinrdian; lieiip (iarden. primal ttHwu.""0' 'l'hlck Pnrlln and MOiet w agner In n singing and dancing JPWialtj nnnnj Maclear wirh hit, fft'. 1 al Rerry. cenipillan, and Rnbe "heeler. s,,ubrptP. ' Travesties at Dumont's Jhiment's The iraveMy Piititlni ( .unii.lniighier." which mndp sudi 11 Jit last iveek, has been held ever, and c nuties of Pherlle Re.vden and etheis nZ '!.? eeuMilse,! last nights audi b7'ti '", l,r,,'"''" "I-" Includes I.e, b JhiL i-1".?"' "eleer pair of dnneerf: .. KelJ-1 """l" Thompson. Dave iTi,"1 lrUe u Ma- nl niehai.l I-rpi.L. ,a hl?lr- ""ll'lerl "Pearls." Rennie mniPtt Welch with some new ballads. Jack Donahue as Santa tlenT '.!lll!'?" fi'mu various instltu a riiJi'i H'ih "1,J i"1 ""K-rtnlned by Je ir ,l ""Vl"1 Sn"' rlns tonwr tenwr l).rfn?,IP"1"""' v'" ' me' matinee. lllr , nahue' 8tar of "Melly Dar Dar ferni.ni sla,t"1 t0 appear, nulte in 55S5naind without w disguising 2 U whiskers or red flannel, as their 2iay.best. Spec al featurea. annre- CJ e 1 the wawn, wUl be lnisrfcd iJJJHn the musical nvBbere and dlf Shows That Remain LYRIC "Htohsem Time," operetta based en Franz Schubert's love affair. CAnRtCK "Melly Darling." inus. cal comedy, featuring Jack Dona hue. lf.4..Yt7r--"Anns Christie." Bugene O'Neill drama, with Pauline Ierd. reRREST "Geed .Morning. Dearie," with AA'ltllam Kent. Harland Dixen. Oscar Hliaw. Louise (Jroedy and Ada Lewis. Fifth wceli A splendid cast supports Misa Marsh, but the only one who stands out is Walter Miller, as the leader of the creek band. Julia Pwajne Gorden, another old favorite. Norresn Keriy. J. Rarnev Sherry. OrIP Chadwlck, Martha Mansfield snd Tammany Yoking 1 bavp subordinate roles. Just why Miss . Mansfield Is se poorly treated In regard I te opportunities te art or shore hsr 1 igTeat beauty Is hard te say. j Arcadia- Quits the best of th' many Peter R. Kytip serles which have found NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY Sixth and Spring Garden Frem January 1st, 1923 will pay interest at 4 per annum ON SAVING FUND ACCOUNTS Capital $ 500,000.00 Surplus 2,500,000.00 EttabUtfud 1871 ' Heme Comfert !- Werk Lewer Fuel Bills Install AUTOMATIC HEAT CONTROL Comfortable heating- uniform tenipwtw without fussing with dampers and drafts warm rooms te dress and breakfast m en cold mornings that's a real gift! If you are one of the half million satisfied 'Minneapolis' users, you will appreciate what a wonderful gift it would be for a relative or friend. A lasting gift that carries a daily re minder of your thoughtfulness in providing comfort and saving work. In addition te its ether benefits, it saves 's te 'i in fuel. And you can pay ferit en convenient terras. Down Convenient Payments thti our Special Christmas Offer. Order your "Minneapolis" today. Installations will ha reada dur ing Christmas week or a thermostat will he delivered In an appropriate Christmas Package. Minneapolis Heat Regulator Ce., Philadelphia Branch 323 Rullctin Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. mmSF 'i ( f Ik sK JkV'( n2 ttftA V IHH OF COURSE SHE SMILES! Why net? She won't be "laid off" after the holidays and her work is pleasant, congenial, well paid. She's a Bell Telephone Operator. A few openings right new. Miss Stevenson, 1631 Arch St., 8:30 A. M. until 7 P. M. THE BGLL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNA. Swe Phene Spruce 8328 WUINN. 99 epmg Reductions Effective New $100200 Five-Passenger Touring Car $1275 Seven-Passenger Touring Car $1345 Sedan $2245 Brougham $1965 Spert Medel (fully equipped) $1895 Five-Passenger California Tep $1550 Seven-Passenger California Tep $1620 Spert Medel California Tep $2170 Freight and Tax Extra By Comparison The Greatest Automobile Value Ever Announced DISTRIBUTOR PIERPOINT MOTOR CO. 641-43 N. BROAD ST. Peplnr 3602 DEALER CUNNINGHAM MOTOR CO., 3325 CHESTNUT ST., W. Phila. Baring 8500 ! Heart of the Heattng Plant? !l!Ii1tll)lllltll!lllll!i iimili'iim .immmn mmm.i .1., 1 , " ' BniM,,B1IH ' " """wrau'iHHiwiiiiiin jiiiniiiniiiuiiiiiui' j PhiHii tn. itllli I lUiiM U)iilllO! llt'll!l?J!IIIU!01litiltl!Illilll.I!il):it'lill!l!a1!ll!l,iL,S'J READ THE WANT ADS IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION i 11 1. f . -.V ''.. -I f, .