Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 19, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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Inrrtaslnr, cloudiness tonight, unset
itidMvc.lner Wednesday? lowest ten.
niratiirf llenlstit 25j waimer Wednesday.
TKMI'KRATfnil AT kacii neon
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rrniiliLi1 LUIL L JLLiLLlLii
kaTiTfSiTTgi ma I?'-' la I I I i )
V01. IX. NO. 80
Incendiaries in Limousine Battle
With Empleyes of Gulph
Mills Ceif CKib
$100,000 LOSS CAUSED
Firebugs Sheet Frem Behind
Hazards en Links Near Cen-
shohecken at Pursuera
Three Men in Closed Car Re
sponsible for' 36 Blazes in
Three Counties Recently
Klan Cress Linked
With Barn Burning
HtsirTrnts of Norriten Township,
near Norristown, today commented
nn tlie fACt tlint n great white Ku
Kline cress was burned In n ni'iil
opposite the St. Ignatius Heuse,
where a bntn wns destroyed by Are
lait night. The burning of the
crcs occurred two months age.
Themas J. Ftirley, biiperinteiulent
of the institution, nlse remtnented
en the burning of the crei! but
fiiid that no threats bad been re
ceived from the Ku Kim Klan.
Terehes were applied te five barns
In Chester and Montgomery Counties
hy ilrcbuK-- Inst night nni1 CM' t,1,a
mernlr.R. All were burned te the
Ereund at a total Iebs of approximately
$100,000. ,
At one barn thp incendlarlci were
discovered in the net of applying their
torch and engaged in a gun fight. They
Mcnpcd. Later In the night t''y wJre
Mtn te flee from another barn which
liad been fired, and State police arc of
tne opinion that all of the seven barns
were fired by them.
The flrH of the fires occurred nt
the Gulph Mills Gelf Club, near Con Cen Con
fhelmclten. At ,T o'clock this morning
the flrebiiRS completed their work. At
that hour two barns nt I'erklenvn Junc
tion ami East Norriten were In llames.
OltiT liains burned during night verf
t Wyndmoor and nt West Chester. At
the la ter place the barn of the State
Nermal Scheel was destroyed. Twe
faW alarm? turned In during the flreH
from naslerllle and I.nnsdnle ndded (e
th" excitement of Slnte police and liru
ratn. Battle en Gelf Llnltn
The first rlesn glitnne of the lire
lm:s. who have terrorized farmers of
t'licftrr. Montgomery and Del.iware
leunlleh , Iturnln? thirty-eight barns
cilice early in October, wuh had Inst
night at the Gulph Mills C.lf Club
I'jrn, They are two white men and n
Nczre. They travel In a llnuv.'.tdiic. (
Geerge l'l'terc, golf professional nt
he (liib; (ieecse Mnthis iitewurd. and
.lelin Tnylnr. edilv mnstcr. engaged in
a Kim tiTht u th the Ineenillnries, win
took fhe'ter bebhiil the bnurd nt th
Mvrmh fiiii'wtij mi th . (in ph MI'I golf
(ou-se niul he, back their purnuers
until their Vegvu cliaiiffeiir maneuvered j
Hie automobile Inte n poillen where
thpv ceiilil e.rape te it.
Mn I'ders, wife t,t ihe professional'
wayer. beard the fi-ebugh' mnohlne ,
jlrlre up m th,. barn and Informed her
iMMinnil. He hurried te the burn with
a s.ietgun be ImU purchased only ves
terday. As he npprenehed. three men rnme
down the lnddr from the hajleft. One
the Negro, jumped Inte the automobile
and dree eir without waiting for hi
wtnnanlen- Peters tire,! both bnrrcli
et lils shotgun at the elher two. They
ran toward the golf course,
MathN and Tnler heard the (shot.
AM JeliKd t,,. eha-e. I'.uth were armed
with pluels.
rirrlms Kscape Shet
They .saw the two men runnin"
acreM the course m(1 Hred t-everal fhels.
At the M'wiith fiiit-,a. the (irebug-
iM'e,!ln!,i "10 "'"""'fd. which is Borne Berne
what Mivllar te a lieneh. and rcturued
he fire f their pmi.iic-s. Meanwhile
the automobile had been drhen en n
rea, tle'e te the falrwaj mid Mopped,
ilit men e-eaped te it and mcd away in
tee dire, (ion ,,f Conhheliocken.
Less lij ,liP burning of the. gnlf club
Mrn is hl.irei! at SLMI.flllfl l.lt.nt,,nV
was rescued, but many valuable mew- !
"s and etl.er imp'ementu, used te kiep
twceuise in londitleii, were destroyed,
eng with a large quantity of expen- ,
c grass seed.
At Abington two men arrested earlj .
leMerday mei tdng are being held for.
invest gatien in connection with va-'
tS,tKi' "f h",'1i"K chlckpiiti. but Slate
Km,'0"''" y,piv "",v """ 1",( "
Jehn Horeff and Jack 5Jur. he'h of
m , 0I"J';, Magistrate William!.
'! then, in JJ2.-.00 ball each for -i
Cenllnnfd en Fain Mnetftn. Column Tour
An Ambassador
Writes a Nevel
Seme one once irmarfcrii that the
wl fiction icfj written ly iliplo iliple
Mat! lie that at it may, some
jcieu trrifrrf Aurc 6cn geed
aiiMinai, Onr of these U
Richard Washburn Child
Uilauatlnr at Heme und United
Story uQicinl elsencr at the
Mutannv CcmjtrcHvc, iche has
'The Vanishing Men'
j ueul of myitrrn nd romance.
II l''l fJlKOf in
avenhiB Public ledger
Kntcrrd at Second-Claes Matter at the Poitefllc at Philadelphia, Pa.
Under the. Act of March 8. 18T0
Elman Remance Ends
Mischa Etman's "Ideal slrl" lll
net he married te (lie violinist.
Their recent betrothal lui.t been
called off
Breker and Mendenhall Are
Freed of Five Remaining
The Commonwealth gave Fred T.
Chandler. Jr., and Earl Mendenhall,
bankrupt brokers, a Chvistmns gift to
day by freeing them from nil charges
pending against them.
The former partners In Chandler
Nrethers & Ce.. wheih failed for several
million dellais, had been tried twice
and acquitted. Four indictments charg
ing false pretense and ene alleging con cen
bplracy te cheat and defraud still hung
ever them.
Chandler and Mendenhall were In
Judge Davit)' court today when Assist
ant District Attorney Kelly moved for
none proving tue live indictments. The
motion was granted nt once.
This action. District Attorney Itetnn
explained litter, was taken 1jccuum the
private prosecutors liave'bten unwilling
te proceed and bccauBe the aceuittnls
were returned by juries uftur brief de
liberation. '
"Tills office feels that te prosecute
tliem further would be mere In the na
ture of persecution," said Mr. ltetun.
The District Attorney's office had re
garded the indictments or. which the
former partners iv(rc acquitted as the
strongest of theso returned against
The nua.ihing of the indictments de
lighted Mendenhnll's mother. Mrs. H.
A. Mfndenhall. with whom be is liv
il.g at -in 1(5 Chestnut street.
"I think Ged ha? been e geed te
my inn." she said. "I have been wor wer
lied almost te death, but new I am
'' -v beyond word'. He is all 1 have
Twe Nuns Among Injured When
Doylestown Man's Car Rama Pele
An attempt of Walter Heck, thirty
five ear- old. I'M Seuth Onk'nnd ave
nue. Dr. lestew it, te avoid striking a
..., .',, en the Kasteti Highway
nbeve Willow Greve last night resulted
in the Injur of seven persons riding In
Heck's automobile.
These injured with Beck when the
nineblne crashed Inte n telegraph pole
are Mr. Annie Heck, his wife; Wal
ter and Geerge Heck, Ids sons; Mary, a
iKhte' . and two nuns, Sister Del
Hesji and Slst"r Huberta.
The eecupai.ts of the car were w
trlnite.l by passersby and taken te the
Abington Hospital. Mrs. Heck nud her
daughter were cut and bruised. The
etheis were dl.chargrd after beluj
treated for miner cuts.
Jereey Weman's Bedy Found In
Read Net Far Frem Heme
Tlutler, N. J., Dec. 10. (Hy A. P.)
The body of Mrs. Mary Hurge, of
Hutler. wns found this morning lying
alongside a read about lfiUO feet from
her home. Her clothes were tern and
she had been beaten about the bead and
hud. Pe'lce bdleve the murder was
committed about 11 o'clock last night.
Clinrlcs Hurge. her husband. Is belne
held pending an Investigation. County
Detective Urennar.' and Prosecutor Mills
say Hurge had been constantly quar
reling for some time. Hurge, they said,
returned from work nt about the time
the murder is supposed t,e have been
committed. The authorities are net Bat'
li lied with hla stories, they say.
Snowbound at Utah Ranch Since
Friday, When Plane Fell In Blizzard
Salt Lake City. Dec. 10. (By A.'
P.) Air Mail Pilet Henry G. Boon Beon Boen
stra. missli.g since last Friday, when
he became lest in a blizzard en route te
Heck Springs, Wie., has been found
alive and well at the Rlgby ranch, four
miles southeast of where hla wrecked
plane was discovered yetcrtlay, accord
ing te advices received by air mail of
ficials here today.
lloeustra saiii he was unable te get
aw ii i..'... iiiu .bu, runi'ii ueeiiunn ui
!ie dp fcnew.
Tlie ranch lias no telephor.e service
.Hid lloeustra was awaiting better
. .th. l.ef.ii i-nltig te Coalville te
notify his superiors.
Th clifeilfl") celumna or the Rvenlnit Tub.
la Irf'Jiwr llvt rome e( th twit harnlm te
ba teuirl In UJ Can sd pa SJ, Udu.
vlLi i- " - aaB
i kkkkHSfSklt,.t ;kVV
HkkHMVrHK. j MtH
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wawawawal? -4 xllTFawawaV
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Inmates of Trenten Prison De
clare Brunen Slayer Acted 4fe
Though He Was Insane
Prosecutor Kelsey Scored by
Judge for Method of Cross Cress
Examining Widow
Charles M. Powell, confessed mur
derer of "Honest Jehn"' Brunen and
accuser of Harry C. Mhr and the lat
ter' sister, Mrs. Deris Brunen, acted
like au insann man when in his cell,
according te five convicts who testified
for the defense today In the Brunen
trial at Mount Helly.
The five men, all of them serving long
sentences, two of which are for mur
der, were brought under heavy guard
from Trenten today.. They had been
Inmates of the Mount Heliy jail with
Powell about the time be confessed te
having murdered Brunen at Itivcrslde
March 10 last.
The convicts testified that Powell fre
quently had "howled like :t deg," and
had cried out during night nfter night.
"Come and get me, Jehn Tinmen." and
"Don't beat me with that stick."
Premised Christinas With Italiy
A sixth convict, Jeseph L. Swatisen,
who is tervlng n term for robbery in
the Uahway Hcformntery, wuh brought
Inte court some time In. or and testi
fied Powell hud told him he wns prom prem
ised his trecdem for "sticking te bis
"One day," said Swanson, "while 1
wns in the jail at eunt Helly Powell
cume un smiling and wild, Tve get a
new babv bev.' I snid. 'Wouldn't ran
like te spend Christinas at home with
.our baby?' And he iinswcrul. 'Hills
Parker has told rr... that I will spend
Christmas home wi h my baby if I
don't break down and stick te my
Detective Parker, sitting inside the
bar of the court, shook his head In
vigorous dissent.
Other dofer.ee witnesses of the morn
ins testified that Jehn Brunen bud
many enemies, nnd that because of his
harshness. Hazel Brunen. his daugh
ter, expressed her relief at his death,
hlie was a Commonwealth witness lust
Mrs, Ilninen en Stand Twe Hours
The testimony of the convicts from
.Trenten followed the cress-examination
nt the hands of Jonathan Kelsey,
( eunty Prosecutor, of .Mrs. Brunch,
the murdered man's widow. She wns
en the stand about two hours -m all.
most of the time being spent Inte ves
terday afternoon In her dlnsit examina
tion. She was put en the stand for
cress-examination this morning when
court convened at 10 o'clock. Supreme
Court Justice Kallsch prenldlng with
Judge Wells.
Mrs. Brunen wns talin and collected
during the cress-examination. Yester
day ant! had broken down several times,
weeping bitterly. Today, however, she
sncis no tears. Justice Kalltch evinced
much displeasure with the manner of j
the cross-exnniinntien, and several I
times cume te the aid of tlie witness,
Mrs. Brunen's cross-exnminutlen
"Hew did Mr. Hrunen act when he
wns in a quarrelsome mood?" nskil '
t.-.i ,,Y . . ... , , ,. ....
Jiwn, said Mrs. Hrunen.
e said you worked thirteen .venrs
like n deg te cook for twenty. five
roughnecks, and the work made Hazel
ill. Is that right?" "Yes, and after
Continued en Pact. NInetrcn. Column One
Mevie Acter's Temperature Nearly
Nermal a no Pulse Dreps
Ixxi Angel w. Dec. 10. (Hy A. P.)
Reports available today from the san
atorium where Wallace Held, motion
picture neter. is suffering from e break
down, indl' ntcd an imprevemeut in bis
.condition. Reld's ph.vsicinns .-aid the
I actor's temperature was nenrly normal,
land that his pulse had dropped from
1.10 te 112. The.v ndded that Held was
able te take u little nourishment.
The physicians said Reld's decline
followed his abandonment of the use of
drugs and liquor, but the specific ail
ment wb
ment which threutcned his life was in-
The Methodist Preachers' Assecia
tien of Southern California planned te
ask the City Council today te appoint
n commission of men and women te
mnlcn n (herninrh investigation of thn
' use of habit-forming drugs in Les An
geles. It adopted n long resolution In whicli
It was stated: "It Is persistently
rumored that the names of some of the
i biggest producers nnd actors in Southern
! California are linked with his (Reld's)
l plight. These stories are either false
or true. The cinema ministry is either
Infested with an Immoral element that
threatens the Industry, geed morals and
decency In our city and Natien and
this city geed name, or else it has
been and Is being maligned and
slandered In en unthinkable manner."
The association asked tha appoint
ment of a commission with "power nnd
authority te summon witnesses, admin
ister eatlm nnd take evidence, te the
end thnt the truth may be known."
Carries Child Out of Burning Roem
After It Starts Flre
Mrs. Sadie Smith rescued her four-year-old
daughter Marv from flames
which started in the child's ci lb ni her
home at 1312 Seuth Fiehtcenth street
at 11 o'clock this morning.
The mother had gene into another
room, leaving her daughter playing in
ner crib tn a seconu-stery Dcurnem,
I when she wns attracted by the little I
, girl's screams. The child had been
nlnvlnir with matches and ignited her
crib. The mother inn into the room ,
ami carried the cnini newnsiuira. it .
was burned but net seriously.
Mrs, Smith siiinmnned firemen who
confined the tire te the bedroom, The
uannje fti slight.
.tir. rveisey. lie wiiinii tiritiK .mil iiei1"". "' ""'" "en-. w,-re iriurning le
Birthday Divorce
England's most beautiful fentllght
queen, rccelvcd n decree of dlvorce
from Captain Herbert Ittickina.stcr,
pole player, as a birthday present
ycstcrily her Uilrty-thlrd anni
versary. Statutory desertion nnd
misconduct were alleged and the
stilt was undefended
Lunch-Heur Crowds Sec Yeung
Weman's Sedan In Bad Mix-Up
A triple collision Involving a trolley
ear and two automobiles blocked t raffle
en Chestnut street below Fifteenth for
fifteen minutes tedtiy during thu lunch
hour period.
Ne one wns injured, although the
autos were badly damaged.
Miss I,dln Williamson, -ITU Pulaski
avenue, was moving her sedan from a
line of cars en the Seuth side of the
street te tlie tre ley track when a Reute
Ne. 13 car crashed against the rear of
the auto. One wheel was wrenched off
the meter, which was turned about and
collided with ii car owned by the Phil-
adelphia Hlectrlc Company, which wns
also at the curb
The electric cemnnnv enr nlse drnmied
a wtiecl
, B v .. . .- , , .
Efferts te move the sedan from the
ether car were unavailing. Then nunc
one ebtnined a jack from a nearby
building operation and pried the autos
Miss Williamson stuck te her pest
during the double crash nnd wns un
J. H. Moere Struck While Walking
With Wife, Who Escaped Injury
T TTmtnt'il Alrinrn vitI v- fiv eirj
old, of LaiiMlnlr. formerly count eved
with n Cermiintewn tile lnniiiif.ii lnrim
concern, was killed nt 11 o'clock last ,
night hy an automobile driven by New
ton Freed, of North Wales.
1 recti nrrive.i home i rid.iy from
State College for the Christmas lieli- I between State anil national authorities,
das. lie is n son of Mr. nnd Mrs. ! but toward less co-epeiatlon ; nt least,
Rhine H. Freed, of North Wales. His In these pails of tlie T'nlen where vlo vle
fatiicr is connected with the Philadel- lotions of the Velstead act uic most fre-
pliln .Mint, niul was formerly Register
ei wins in .Montgomery A-eunty
The necldent occurred near tlie Moere
home en the Lnnstlale speedway. The
State College boy helped carry the un- i
censrlnus form into the Moere house
anil then surrendered te the police. He
w-as held for n farther hearing Friday
en n charge or homicide.
Moere wns walklnk home with his
wife whom he had met near the Lnns-
' "! trolley station. She was net in- .
jurcd. ! reed and Mips Katherliie Sax- !
... ..t x..l, iv'mi.,. .. ..... , .
.Noun vtaics wnrii me uceiiient hap- 1 1,,.,, And nothing pnitii ular happen,
pencil, lieed says he was blinded by ' The pii.m who me haliltuiillv vio vie
hghts from a passing machine. 'biting the law laugh and the rcpie-
n rs. it'ir-rs mmmm I seittntives of wet States shrug their
William Mllask, Wife and Daugh
ter Rescued by Firemen
William Milnsk, his wife and four-year-old
daughter, of Hnddenfield, N.
J were rescued during a fire nt their
home en King's Highway this morning
by two firemen of the Iladden Volunteer
Milask, awakened by smoke shortly
before 4 o'clock, called his wife nml
1.1.1 nn.l :n,t ,r. 1 . .1 .1 1.n... .1 a, ' '
i-iiim ...... ...s.i .-. ....... w.ri.1 uran IIIC i
ni.i.ie. ,,. in.,- ,.,i,s-.i iiii.'K i)
flames as the fire spread along the hull
en the second fleer.
The firemen found them at the win
dow. Cautioning him net te jump,
the volunteers raised a ladder. They
took Mrs. Mllask and the child first,
carrying them te safety in their night
clntheH. Then Milask was n!.ti.i
ilnwn tliA lflftrlpr. !
'the nrst fleer or the building in .
. .. .. .... .-
wnicn .Mlinn liven was occupied bv
the Atlmere Tea Company. The entii'e
stock wns tlestrejed. The damage will
icach SS000.
Renewal ofCenflict " Results ,'l, jj&, 'TXltt
Deaths of Ten Persons nV dilSheratiens Nenr !lifhf n,id,MnK, ,,'", "B'r,j!!i
Turin. Dec. 10.-(Hy A. P.)Re- ! :"t C.nfee here will be presented , ,'"'" fl1", ttn1'1 ,lrl,"','i "f , h
nevved cenlllcts between the Fnsclstl te the Tml.s en Saturday. 'Mates resulting from le.ent leglsla
nn.l thf (ofnmenfRtK here hei.ii fn,nt, nv...n. '.. u..ukH.i., nf tl.r. ...nAA..n I tletl.
and the Communists here have resulted
n tnc Killing or ten persons including
i two of the Fnsclstl.
Recovery Frem 13 Perforations of
Intestines Surprises Surgeons
Oil City. Pa., Dec. 10 Thirteen
j ear-old Jehn Russell, who accidentally
shot himself en November 20, was dis
charged from n hospital today after
what scrgcens termed the most renin rk
able recovery from a major operation
recorded here,
The bullet struck Russell In ti.x
! abdomen, making thirteen perforations
in uis iniescincs.
San Francisce. Dec. 10. fllv a
Jnpan will be dry within a ' few
jears, declared David Starr Jerdan,
chancellor emeritus of Stanfenl l'.,i
M - rslty. who Just hns returned after
mree iiieiiins in aniu.ii
and mcf.1 every renulrement maJ i,I VI".' I
qaickly by cenuitlng th Apartment column
en is , du.
Present Situation Due te Lack
of Ce-operation With Fed
eral Authorities
Govorners Fail te Formulate
Program Four Moist States
MntT Cnrrrftiiunflrnr Kvrnlne Fnhlle I.tt!Krr
'epmlvht, 1011. Iv VubHc Leitwr Cemptmv
Washington, Dec. 10. The Gov
ernors' reiiferencu nt the Wbite Heuse
left prohibition enforcement exactly
where it wns before.
The Governors from dry States agreed
that the- law should be mere strictly
The Governors from wet States dis
sented. The four greatest wet State, New New
Yerk, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and
Illinois, were unrepresented.
se program was adopted. ,e rera-
,., wn8 suggested.
As many of the Governors who were
in sent jesterdny will go out of efflcn
1 ... II iv uii", il l.un iuuiLiiiii:i; ,n
Coventers will me lield in .lanuat
Piehiibly at that cenfeicncc the gieat
wet States will.be represented. Must
of them probably will fellow the line
,ilit. K,' flu. ttr ivi.t f !iiian,,t-u v.ia
,p.,in.. iii.,n. f Marvhii.,1. nnd Cox.
,.f !uu,.i,,.hu .iin..,,;,,,, fr. ii,
,, , , t 0 Veistead law UVnforce-
' ,,.f ., ,, . M , , i,rn,1Bilt
' "" "' ?" ', 1 'V u iK?.
"i vn ' ?, . i ,i .
r''"u t tv t
' f " , 'nw ' . , M: 'V" 't ,
Hilchle is under no ob.igatieu tt enforce
prohibition. If the liiiir truffle is te
. ....,.,
le slopped in Mar land it miti-t be
stepped by the rederal nutherities.
X. Y. May Repeal Enforcement Law
New this hituatlen may seen be du
ulicated in mine of Ihe ether "wet"
States. New Yeik piopeses te repeal
its enforcement law. The vote in the
Legislature en this question will prob
ably be close, but there is a possibility
of the repeal going through.
In that case the New Yerk Governer
will be under no obligation te prevent
the sale of liquor. And the immense
task of stepping the traffic will full
upon the Federal authorities.
A similar situation exists In New
Jersey, which hns just gene "wet" by i
in uumlsta!;al)le nialeril. M'verai
proposal,! are before the people of New
Jer-e.v for getting rlil of Ihe State en-
forcemeat law. One of them Is almost
certain te be adopted
Se it will be observed that the tend
ency Is net toward greater co-operation
Federal Government Powerless
Tlie i.et effect of recent ulteranccs
from the White llouie and of the Gov
crners' conference is te suggest that
the Federal Government is powerless f
enforce its own law. Never in the his
(0rj of tlm country has there been such .
a suggestion of governmental innhllll) i
te cope with the habits of the people.
liihtcad of law eiifetifiiieiit von have1
..... ....U t, the conscience of th,. iie.nile .
': .. " . " '.
iml i illsi tn tin Stfntit 1 !j i iii'in i (. fut
1'lie ditli. nlty of the situation is il-
' trated liaht here, within a stone's
(hrtivv t.f the conference which the
l'le-idcni was holding with the Gov
erners Washington is wetter niunj i
than il wa" n year a'e, in spite of
the fail If the rederal Government has
the power nnj where te enforce the dry
law it has it in the Natien's capital.
H hns detective prying into everj
body's business, for the war of sus
pe.ting secret enemies has net died out.
A geed man men de net feel sure
about letters and telephone cenversa
tiens, vet aiiMiue who Knows n beet.
1pku C "I'l
te the telephone, call
up and have liquor ilelivere.l nt lus
beuse mine quit hi anil mere easily
than he can h.iw a pair of shoes sent
from a shoe dealer te his home.
1'erh lp. we nie only passing through
a temperiirj phase as Governer Allen,
of K.m-.is. suggested and in n few
jear w hull he as dry and as happy
In our flivni'Ms as KmisiiH. Hut, per-
l.f.U 111.
law in its present strictness
till,"-, '
is bualung down
Tchltcherln Trips te Draw Fire
Frem U. S. Delegates at Lausanne
I-iusunne. He.-, in -(Bv A P.)
Tedaj s session of the conference
.lv di'sllnc with the question of the1
Straits was ndjeurneil nt 2 P. M. until I
tern .rrevv without an ngreement having
been reached. The Turkish delegates
were reneilitnry. but the Russians .
maintained nn attitude of opposition.
Lord Ciirzen nnneiiiiced that tomor
row's meeting must be the Inst.
Foreign Minister Tchitcherin, of
Russia, made an effort te draw fire
from the American delrgntlen. He nr.
gued thnt the American statement ns
te the attitude of the I'nited States en I
the question of the Straits should be I
interpret. 1 te mean that only warships
en crrnn . of mercj could go through j
tlu Ktrsits te the Hack Sen. Th
American representatives did net reply,
Surgeon Successful In Case of Sen
of Geerge V
liontleii. Hec 10. (Bj A. P.)
Prince Geerge, the King's youngest
""' i. 1.1 .,,lnv ' ""'""" "l'u" Ir
appendicitis edn .
T'U! opeietion was performed at the
lung i.uwuru iii uuapuai ier emcers.
PublUhed Daily Exempt flandty.
Copyright, 1022,
Mether Gives
te Save Accused Daughter
Sacrifice Unavailing, for Employer Has Girl
Bookkeeper Arrested After He Get Meney
Frem Mortgage, Counsel Charges
Magistrate Rcnshaw's court in Cen
tral Station yielded today the story of
a eovetity-year-eld mother who mort
gaged her home and gave her all that
her daughter might be saved being
brought te trial as a thief.
The daughter Is Anna McLeugblln.
thirty years old. She is chargcil with
having misappropriated funds aggre
gating $10,000 from the automobile
painting firm of Martin & Alexander,
i.110 Wct Clearfield street. She was
arrested yesterday In the little home at
1,142 Catherine- street, which no longer
belengs te her mother.
Says Boeldiceper Cenfcascd
At the preliminary hearing today Al
bert O. Alexander, head of tue automo
bile concern, testified that Miss Mc
Laughlin hnd been employed by hitn
In October, 1010, as a bookkeeper, and
th,at as a trusted cmplejn she bud
charge of the funds In his absence. He
explained that it wns in December,
1021, that he first su'pected her of
tampering with these funds.
He said that finally Miss McLaugh
lin owned up te her misappropriations
tirst putting them nt SI 700. and latei
owning up writing that the amount was
as blyh ns Sli.'SOO.
He added that he believed the stolen
funds would total $10,000.
It wns at this stage In the bearing
that "William T. Cenner, counsel for
the defendant, by menus of cress-examination
brought out the story of
Mrs, McLaughlin's self. sacrifice.
Mether Mortgaged Heme
"Didn't en s t this girl's old
mother, who is almost seventy years
old. a Ml get ?I282.S(1?"
Alexander admitted he hnd get this
amount but claimed It had come from
the girl an net from her mother.
- htl I till Hill I 'Fill 1111 HUM 1(11 I .
''Weren't jeu picent when this old
Five pait'ially destreyecT a partly completed eight-story stiel
fiame gninge niul nute show room under course of construction
en Brend street above Waster shortly after neon today.
LONDON, Dec. 10. Police feuncT a grenade bomb In nn ash.
cart at the rear of BucTtlnghnm Pnlace. It is a mystery hew the
bomb get there.
BUFFALO, Dec. 10. TTie steamer Thun-Ter Hay, which ran
ashore at Morgan's Pelat. near Pett Celbtvne, Out., last Thurs
day was reported today te be pounding Iieavily en the beach aad
in danger of banking i- The coast 3uard toel: off the ctew.
Auditor Genera! te Reintroduce.
Bill Smothered by Legisla
ture at Last Session
Rin CTftTC e a rcr; Monc MOW ,
.t u n i sjm! uuuniiut! mutrv i
Hi ft s'flj f errf tpeilrffKl
Harrihhurg, Dec 10. Auditor Gen
eral Lewis anntiuii. "d today his purpose
te have a 1.111 introduced at the com
ing session of the Legislature which
would enable him te .unlit the affairs
of the Wurkuitii i Insiiranie Fund.
There was n bill te that effect in
troduced at thn last -essien but was
This session such a measure will, he
believes, statu! a geed chance of being
enacted Inte- law .
In a prepared s'ltement en the sub
iect. the State Workmen' Insurance
Fund, and ins plan t.. obtain a higher
rate of interest en State deposits, Mr.
Lewis snid :
"The auditing powers of the Auditor
General, as Is veil 'itinvti, ar malnb
Hciiiic.i iij- ine .mi ei i-.ii
"rills act, although passed m.my I
jears age, is ver.v g.xl in mnnj re-
speets, but ns I have discovered in mv i
recent experience in the tiudli of the
State T.ensury and as evidence.l by
certain opinions of the Attorney Gen-
oval, it is limited ... its ;v d fails
.1.I1....1 I... il i . r . "
..ii. ...:.
"I am nt the present time nreparlng
Continued en Iie Nlnrtrrn Celiinin lite
Corener'. Return in 3terrett Case ,
Says Unknown Maljed It te Victim I
j- . . ... I
return te court In the case of William
W. Sterrett of De en, who k"l in
Hryn Mawr Hospital (t,,l.er SH ! from
poisoning. He did net held nn Inquest
uorencr Neville has just made his
nur iu ne.
The coroner sets forth that there
was no occasion te summon u jury
te Inquire into the cnus of death,
which, be says, he is tatisfled resulted
from nrsenlcnl poisoning caused by eat
ing enke sent tlireugh the mail by soma
one unknown te the authorities,
Mrs. Sterrett, who nlee ate some of
the cake, recevcied from the poison peison poisen
ing. Ter ClirUtinni ni Hi I l.iy
"r..a llcleu cranberry pi
jr Jelly roll. jrak thun trem
Eatuwr Cranktrr ! Adv.
flubwrlptlen Pr!r $ ft Tear by Halt.
by I'ublle Idr Company,
Little Heme
mother mortgaged her home te pay back
these funds?' ,. ..
This also was denied ns well ns the
accusation tlint he had been present
at the building and lean office during a
certain sale of shares by Mrs. Mc
Laughlin. ,
"Frem my knowledge of the caFe I
believe you and jour lawyer itre put
ting the screws en this girl mid trying
te get all you can out of her, Mr.
Carsen returned heatedly.
Miss McLaughlin haa refused te
mnke nnv .statements ns te what uses
she made of the thousands of dollars
she pilfered as bookkeeper. Utucr tuen
te say "I'm very sorry, Mr. Alex
ander, I've been taking money which
didn't belong te nn" sbe has net made
expiation according te her former em
ployer. ILilr Ali'&idy Silvered
During the preliminary hearing to
day she sat with rather an enigmatic
expression. She was well-dressed,
wcurlng a dark green, fur-cellarud coat
and a black feathered turban. Al
though she has the face of n young girl
her hair is silver.
It wns also brought out that 50(30
the amount paid te expert accountants
for going ever the books te discover the
total of Tier daughter's defalcations was
paid by Mrs. McLaughlin.
Amount of Theft Unknown
Because of the failure te have these
nccetiiituntH en hand te testify as te
tlie exact amount, the case tedav was
held ever for a further hearing Friday.
Mr. Alexander, who If was charged by
the defense, had made thrcntt, of pri-en
for the girl unless the sum was paid.
wa unable le teuty as te exact.
Miss McLaughlin
was 'i"hl under
..If ll-.HIlll,(.liH M no I ll
$1000 bail. This was furnished.
William Morrison, Gassed War
Veteran, Fails te Appear Be
fore Trial Commission
r i ntn
The effect of muitnrd cn overseas
was bhmed for the martial adventures
of William Morrison, n feet traffic
patrolman, accused of bigamv. He
foiled te ear for a hearing today
before the Siril Servile Cominlscien
Trial Reird und was dismissed from
the for.-
Jehn Torrlsen, 2110 Vmth College
merit e, the accused man's fnther
plend. 1 before the beird for lentencv
and said he believes Morrl-en has gene
te T. r into, Canada, where wife N...
gave an affidavit te the Atnei!-.,,, cun.
At -he elder Morrison's Ijemc new N
living wife Ne. .'!. who was .nr..l. V.
l V .1 I t .. tl" 4 .1 .
i . ..ui.s, ,i .Mcn.ilas street, fenn-rlv
a steneginpher in the Hiucau of Ileulth
She nn.l the patrolman were nnrrie.l
October "", "tairle.l
ccerdi7i.- tr, i, e ,i
tirt iHarriwl M..rv . .'" .,'n Mer,7''
rnm.lJi" in iite' . , . l V"""" '"
n 0"i ' "lM,''t ' !''." !'"". J':
Helen Hiuz.er ut Huffnle M,-p Mr
rlfuii Ne. 2 formerly lived with th.
patrolman at .-.-117 Webster street Sh.
went te Canada several months age
te visit br ill methr.
Mrs. Morrison Ne. 2 read in a news
paper of the blueceafs marriage te
Miss Cellins. Her deposition before
the Americnn consul was forwarded te
police officials here who ordered Mor
rison before the benul.
The elder Morrison said his en has
--.-...... tun iii in ii (i. 111 ii r i ii
""en quieriy ever since his return from
plated? ?r
fn'quentlj pace the fleer at his home
llllil Kntnnt linetj n.in,l ., I. i i
" ,::", ',"' ' '""" V. ",lM
. i "R t . Ie lI,s,,1t,' his son did no
"''n hew as doing when he con
tr'"-le(1 " t,,U',1 mTlBP.
mm r, mrr, r-.. "
uniuu uica rtturvi bURNS
Mildred Street Girl Was Scalded, by
Pet of Coffee
c 1,.PutAViiV1U,,er" ,l,reu J,,,,,K "''I- -VIS
Seuth Mi died street, dle.l this morn-
ing in the Methodist Hospital from
burns she received last Snturduj, when
"...." "V,0"1'11''1 l,' " I"t of coffee.
Ihe child was sevcrnly burned about
the face, iirius ami cl.i.st ,,1,.,.,
nit the breukfiiKt table with her mother.
I .ni Jlf'J'll u pot.ef c'eff ttem e table
I and It tell eter hsr.
Physician, Drawn te Cemetery
by Curiosity, Told of Horrer
He Witnessed
Dr. Shipman Says One Defend-
ant Shet Man After He
Was Down
Fermer Mayer of Herrin Tes
tifies About March of
Bleed-Mad Rioters
Herrin Defendant
Marries in Jail
! Bv n Staff Correnpenifent
Marlen. III., Dec. 10. In the
county jail here bi,t evening Pete
Ililler. one of the defendants In
the Herrin massacre trial, married
seventeen. yt.ai-eld Anna Campbell.
Ililler Is twenty-two. The cere
mony was performed by Squire
RtifiiR Neely, lawyer for tlie de
fense, asked the defendant. "Where
are you going te spend your honey
moon?" The prisoner and his as
sociates Inughed until the tears
rolled down their faces.
Sheriff Gulllgan wa. best man nnd
Mrs. Galligan bridesmaid. Remance
wus enhanced by a gay wedding sup
per nt the jail.
By a Staff Correspondent
of the Evening Public Ledger
.Marien, III., Dec. 10. "Hebtlle wit
nesses" number among the problems
thnt beset Stale's attorneys In their
prosecution of the fire defendant
charged with the murder of Heward
Heffman during the Lester strip mint
riots at Herrin last June.
During the closing moments of yes
terday's session, Ollle Greer took th
stand for the State. His father, R. O,
Greer, former Majer of Heriln, testi
fied earlitr In the day.
"I saw about twenty-five firmed men
lead fiftv unarmed non-union men from
the strip mine," said the father. "They
halted ut Crenshaw Cressing. I snw
Otis ( link tin. re with n Hlie; lie waved
it ever his head. He yelled like nn
Indian three or four times te nttract
the crowd, and then he cried : 'I've been
in this tight five jears. 1 believe in
putting a step te this. I believe in
taking these men out and kill 'cm and
step the hretil.' "
In ciet. examination the defense
asked ti.e fi.th'r nl.ctlu.r fit,., i. ,.,!.
callv said, "I nm f,U)ir 0f doing
''us I.ind of th'na
but the 'firmer
M.iver ii'iswer'ij i t.M.linlie-.IK "V,.
Intel when Gteer's son. V)lli,'.. took
ihe stand ier the S'litc be declared he
v. 'is nt the biiiuu place but didn't ec
I is father.
I s.,w them bring the prisoners
ftf'u the mine." said Ollle.
state's Mleriiej f)isapMiinleil
' I j...w Otis Hark there. He had n
kiiii. I hcst.1 Otis tav. 'This kind 0'
work eiicht te b -topped" He used
ihec voids nftti lie get Inte an argu
ment with another man. I don't re
h.einhci what Uic it l.r r man sMjd "
Stlfc's ttf.r:ie Dim , ..prvtCfl tir
witues- t,, .n-. mere than that. H
lulled about a bit. and thcr linallv
asked Gr-n. "Don't von reinembi r
Otis Clink -aviiig. "This breed ought
le be kil'ed'V"
"Ne." aiiswfif'd Greer, nn.l Snte'
lawjcrs cniiferic'i. Tl.n Dutr nsked
with iiiiini-' ik.-ible r.ifi-r
"Was jour memory sometime age
anv bent r or v e than it it new?"
Te which ll... witness replied c0ellv ;
"I guess it's ut geed ss it ever was."
And sine,, tl is vwnc-s jave senm
weight te flefente's contention tliat Ot.rt
Clink Instead of leinentlng the r(e'.
had done all tlu was bumaiilv pesnibl..
'i si p It. detente flid net 'take the
mtiblf t.) cie-s-cxamlne the witness
"State tn him ,,tl the st.inil, thev re
retpiinsilile for bun." cried U. p
Se. l.-r. nc ,.f tl law vers fee the de
fense, who ..biecred when Uutv ha I
v 1. ed Iiih lut in, it'erv
"Dil von se en ..iitfimebiles with
tugs ,t..i i th, mud mat .lav''" was the
etllr qii.-lh.n Mil t., I,,,.er bv the tie
t. n I), lens,, contends that the riot
er, wer t-'if-rnvvii folks and net
illiain-en t'.iuntv iiiiiitis And it tip-
pt'Illh tint Ll l llltn Ipilril deft unii'r
tOtiteiiif.il. becie.e '.is replv tt, tha
quest un wis ..iieid lmiisrs from
dilT. lent Mate-
Fights Docter's Kviilcnte
Mr eeber -pf it tbr belter p.'llt of
the al'tei neon M teiiij. ing te disercdl
the t'ftimeiiv of Dr it F Sliliiiuun.
bj far the st ..ngisi vvnuw ter thti
State thus far.
"I saw six men nt the Herrin City
fentlnuril nn rt Mnflwn. Celiinin Keren
This Is Coldest Day Recorded Hert
This Winter
The thermometer registered 17 de
greet nt 7 o'clet k this in 01 ning, and
thnt. according te the weather fore
caster. Is the coldest here thl, wlnter.
The closest te that figure was recorded
en December III, when the mercurr
hit 22
Don't nsk the Weather Mini nbeut
a white Christmas. "Well, mnjbe yen
and iiinjb no." be mi Id. "Can't tell
net yet. There's one storm werkln
this way from tlie Seuth and It may glv
us snow or it may be rain. There'a
another storm coming eustward from
Mentana. Same iliing as rcgurda that
The next couple of day are Ilka,
te be somewhat wanner,
Carellint Hetel, I'lnrhumt. N. I. flnn -
pani auiuhliw. aveil at.it iiuXert!l-33t
a r
Mli2jiLi.f.V.tl l.V. , fri i J . . -. V.t. ' -v'. . . .'..-! ! V"I.Sfy t . v;