Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 18, 1922, Night Extra, Page 21, Image 21

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&Mssm) " " sr
"i 'iTtTWfpa
asketball Defense Mere
Style of Teamwork Has Forced Coaches te Concentrate
en Protection of Geal National Indoor Game
Has Widespread Appeal
Willi is the ''' " a scrle of til'wle.i
irrittru hi i I'dirhi . Matbc and
Utmrr I). Mitchell, 'Ciirivh u.ii r.tliletlf
eilirrelnr rcsptctlvclu nt the I uivrmltu
of MtehtfjtiH, dialluy tcllh' basketball
in all phases of the spoil.
BASKK'riJAIJi Is Anicrlfii's nnllennl
Indoor pniiir. ' It linn tlie lOinu
lili"-!')!'! npiw1"' ln tl,B i'il"' ('nit
IIiiim'ImiII litis In tin' Htumm-r : llu hpei'Ih
II pins nllkt in tliclr ndniitaliillty for umc
iv nn 1.1ml of Rru.
'Today m-IweIi and i!n. preniiiK re
tilsjliiK liiihkptuull en tiut-of-ilner
inncM, te Hint tin b.'iiih' i in i:hu .ill
IhP jwir tlueiili. On tlie uliele, t lie
ami" Is ten Ntli'iiueilH In lii' suited for
Tlie rnpid spiTiid of Imskntluill In for fer
ciju feiuitrii". ninla-s It xnfe te (irt'ilii'l
tlmt tin' (pnit will in tliiie livienii! mi
jiitrrimtlemil Rniiii'. Already it lias liren
iminilnrlzi'tl In t'liinn, .Tupnn. tlie l'lill
iiiini'M and the A. II. ('. Millions of
.Snulli Aineiica.
rllll iraseiis for the ureal pnpulailtn
of basketball nrr apparent. Then
err found hi the simplieltu of the ritlrt.
triiVi allow the iiei'lee te understand
them qulehli). and in the niarness of thr
spectators in the plau'tiitf eeurt, no that
ivrrp mere of the players can he sent
and folleiccd.
Act Inn Fust
THi: notion Is fant ntid with tlie sror srer
lac oft en oeniins in flurries, tlieri' is
the rit'iiient of iiiirertiiint.v. Tlioe. rum rum
liined ltli the untold pnviliiiiir,i fur
Ixitli Individual ilii'.l and liul-lud toaui teaui
wnrfc. make fur n khiiip enm)irMiis nil
the peiitlnl thill held tlie iinlnnlscrs"
iiitcrcsl. Xaturally. tlie nunc qualities
weulil npjienl 1e tlie pluyer.
M'.ieh of tlie Mioress of tlie jntiie
ilciicnds upon tlie oflielnls (n ohnre.
Tlie falling of feuln in mniij easc.
rest. upon tlie referee's judgment, und
If h" Is (no striet nnd enllr tee innilj
the Kiinie Is apt te liei'ome '-low 11:111
Lecal Links Experts Plan te I
Enter Shere "Christmas
pOM'KTJS vim lisurr these dnysthat
J nl'iuit the only divots te lie hnd nre
Ou Xinas trees nre enrnestly reijuested
hy the I.inwoed Count rv Club, nenr
Atluiilie fit, te diverge from that
As previously announced n golf tour
nament will he held by Idnwoed en f)e
reiiilier IM. This year's tourney mvIII
differ slightly from the one held List
year in that, this time, the uffnir
vlll b- IS he'i lintidienn match n!n.
Rainst par. instend of strnicht medal
plHy. Tlie linksiueu think it ill be
n brtt"v X -icis if (hey plnv their four feur four
lemp best hall at the same time.
The entries are rr.iniiu; in these dnys.
Freil Knight, tnlenteil lnenl itelfer.
IipiiiIs the list, hut he will cot plenty of
competition in his class from CieorRe
HnlTner, I,ee ltnvle, Chnrles I)ewnln(t,
nnd ether Philndclphlu prespectlves.
There will be two classes, necerdlnR
te Dr. I. It. Beir, clinlrinan of the tour teur
Jjnment eommitteo there. Class A will
he enmpe'-ed of these with handicaps of
S or less nnd Class II, of these ever 18
strokes. It will he n trifle tonsil for
these above "(i strokes hnndicap, for
these experts will have te be satisfied
lth 30 strekts. That's ns IiIbIi ns the
tournament committee there will count.
Many seashore experts will piny in
the tourney. The list includes Tem
M'nettnn, "Krnie" Shnckleferd. "Cllf
I'hllllps, Chnrlcs 'NVIllInms. Dr. Heir,
Leu h (irpenberc, I, tonal aeheuer, Leuis
Itevpiitlinl, Jeseph Snellcnberg and
Ilnrelil Tlrnnil.
I'est entries will be nccepted, but
tuee plnnninp en the nffnir should
notify Dr. neir. nt 1207 1'ncifie nvo nve
'me, Atlnntic City, since no lnvltn
t oils will be sent the selfinp: public,
tliniiKh all nre woleeme.
I'liere will be prizes for the players
lie me the most up en par in each
"lif-s at the tournament. The method
of eiiterliiu is te stnte nnme, club,
handicap, preference of pnrtner und
finning time. Kntrles will be Ac
corded the pilvllege of the Linwoei'
course en Saturday, Deeember 211.
, Last year, it is said, there were
Wity entries and, moreover, tine
yenther. It was wen by Dr. Belr. nnd
i.euls Knmer wns runner-up. Henry
SleHwceney finished third.
The Linwood course Is said te be In
Mccllent shnpe, nnd with n couple of
Ty dnys seen the effiuinls expect the
course te be In prime, shape. The
elubhouse has been newly tlecernted nnd
nnisncd nt much expense.
Meet In Seml-Flnal te Barrett
Freedman Match
(ieoiRe (K. O.) Chnncy, Ilnltimere
jnockent nrtlst, realizing Hint he will
nave te de some Nhnrpshoetlng If he
popes te leente the chin of Alex Hart.
"We lightweight, hns ndepted novel
training methods for his Christmas Dny
Vul rc wit" ,,,e Pretege of Johnny
iilbniic. instead of punching nwny nt
n jow-nieving opponent, ('hnney is
ttlng his left into shape by trying it
0it en fast-nievlng targets,
. in his last battle Ilnrt showed thnt
e wns rently te meet the heuilliners of
in lightweight division by decisively
itpelntlng Johnny Dundee ever the
JKnt-rnunil reute at the Arena en
Thanksgiving Dny.
Chnney nnd Ilnrt will clnsh ln the
enil-finnl te the Hebby Unrrott-Snller
reedinan welterweight contest nt the
Jn,no ''rlhtmns nfternoen.
AU Stene, hard-hitting Murine, who
n8 stnrtcd n drive that lie hopes will
'irrjr him te a crack nt the light heavy
fsnt ohninplenshlp, will meet Chuck
Twe sluggers will vie for honors In
'He second tilt, which will bring to te
5,V,1 Jlmniy Hanlen, of Denver, and
hbUey Fitzgerald, of West Phlladcl-
t,Jf"l bantamweight rivals will set
., i 'lll(,btiii of bupremacy ln the
Willing number, when Benny Uass und
wirnuy Jlunuy Mcbnnje punches.
Holds Spert
Than Offense
iinlntoreMliis. while, en tlie ethor hnnd,
It he vmIJh tee few fouls, the p'ay nsll.v
becomes t.ie rei'jjli and teainMiik Is
Hindi) liiiioi'stble. 'I'lie expert rol'ercu
Is the olio te control the gumu at nil
" Tin Wen I bnnUelhnll plnyer is tell.
In tin ether kiiiiic Is heluhi "iieh n
helpful iliM't. While speed and itiviigtli
lire viiliiiiulr, I hey nre of little avnll
unlet loiiil.ltieil with nlilfllnecH. A slew
riinner. who is shifty, will doelop Inte
a baskethnll plajer mere easily than the
riiiiner who Is speedy lu the straight
uwny only.
T :.!.! trei'A" is teauind just as
mveh an in football n" baiehall. Yet
the trtnnirerl; it of a different nature,
lieinn mere impromptu; thill is, the
plops devtleji spontaneously as the yamc
ijecs en nnil the openings eceur.
I'rosress en Defense Itaplil
"pKCAl'SK of the style of toauiwerl.'
- that linsketlmll jiosesses, ennehes
Iiiivp procressed mere nipidly With the
defense tlinu with the offense. That i
why the tlve-tniin defonse, where every
one of tlie players of the teiini insists,
hns become mere popular with tlie
ninlerlty of teuchers.
Only when leaehes hnve heady nnd
oxperleneod players, who enn he al
lowed the iT"peiiilillltv, is the defense
loosened. The eoaehes are eeiistantly
nt work, .trlvliiK te mnke the ofleiise
mere dependent en their own Iden of
stiateiry. AilvnlieeK nlenc this line, how
ever, will net lie nt the snerlliee of the
individiiivl judcinent nnd iultiative of
the player, for although they may iiid
him in quiekly IneiitiiiR his toammntes,
thus niltliii? tn the .pped nnd doeeption
of the tonmwerk, yet there will nhvajs
lie the pevihillty of mere than one
eourse of notion, with the Individual
pin or forced te make n decision ns te
the proper move te make when the time
77ir nrrl article icill be en the diet
of basketball players.
Red and Blue Quintet Has Little
Difficulty in Downing
fTIIIK bnskeXbnll team scored its third
victory of the season in defeating
1'r.iniis. :i". (e 1). In n rnme thnt wns
close for the first twenty minutes of
piny but that developed into n runn
wnv the Inst hnlf. -
TI up-S'ate collegians failed te
garner a f Ingle doubledocker. Tiir
guai-ding of the Red and Blue wns se
dii-e diirlns tlie entire game thnt
1 rslnus had but few chnnees te try for
the basket nnd then only en long shots.
, Hip ontiie regular quintet counted
in the scoring column. Three times
Captain Al Veegellu enme ilewn tlw
deer nnd crashed the ball through the
nets. Leepold (iehlblntt Kneass and
( iirmack each counted a pair of twin
(jeldblntt again showed skill from the
foul linn with nine out of eleven. The
Inst gnme of the yenr will be plnved
flednesuXv night with Wellcsley Col
lege. Conch lCddle MeNichel expects
te held practice during the holidays
because four of the five regulars live in
tins city and Ciirmuck in Atlnntic
Dnnny McXiohel's freshmen quintet
scored up easy verdict ever Ceatesvllle
High lu the preliminary contest te the
varsity game.
The soccer team ended its season
.Saturday by defeating the Xavy, 2 te 1,
in n gnme that required three extra
periods. Partridge counted the goal that
mount victory from the 15-yard line
with n few minutes of the finnl extra
period still te piny.
Cnptnln Amelia, plnying his last
gnme for the Red and Blue, scored a
goal in the. lirst half which was tied
up by Miller In the beeend forty-five
minutes of play.
Schedules and Standing
of Basketball Leagues
w. t,. p.c. w. t,. p c
Trenten. 11! 1! ,8S7 rnalesV.. R (1 .svj
Atl. rity. 7 7 .300 Iieadlnc. 3 11 .211
TentKht Cnmctcn at Ceat09llla.
tVfdtimday Trenten at Cnmilen.
Tliursdiiy reateallle at Jasper.
iTldai JaiK)r at Atlantic City. Ceatea.
Ills ut Trenten.
I'. F.O.KI.O.K.T. A. a
Dunn. Trenten.... 108 44 20 an 18 14
Campbell, Camden. HiN ."Hi 48 en 21 it
Jleehan. Trenten.
Kerr. Camden....
Harlow. Trcnlen..
107 .a I
na juh J4
2l AS 24 14
II-' 70 tl It
iei :ki
100 H4
Kttele, Cnmden...
nv la ri
Ileckman. Atl. City M4 27 Se fS2
(llunce, Cnatcavllls. S.'l
-u H7 SI 17
Itlpley, Coateavllle, SI
SuBarman, Coate'e 77
23 8. 4(1
7 23 63 17
. yy-1- ijfj .... w. x p.c
Key. Tel., s x .tee colonial.. 2 2 .seu
M tH... .1 1 .7.10 Met. IMin 1 8 .sit
Wilbur.... 2 2 .000 Hteel lied. 1 3 It'.le
TenUht Colonial lea Cream va. Steel ired.
die. Overbroeli Cnrp't . Metal Edm
WmlneBday 11. 0. Wilbur vs. M, ft it
KcMitone Tnlephena v. P. 0, A II,
W. I P.C. WLpc
A. n. Ex.. a II l.OflO Let,. Vat.. 0 5 000
toekwood. 2 O 1.000 Key. Tel.. 0 1 lene
"ar. Sve.. 2 0 1.0UO Steel 11... 0 A oeS
W. I.. P.C Wrnn
Union.... 4 1 .SOU seth Pap,, 2 I an
Fall. Pre. 4 2 .800 Ollvet-C..' 1 ft ;?8?
la" Dutch. 4 a ,0i)7 Hethlehem 1 8 .inf
W. U. P.C. W. L. p r
Cochlan.. il JJ 1.0"0 Klrlln.. . . 8 8 .lioe
8t. Patrlcli 4 2 ,II7 Are. Ilyan 3 8 BOO
St Miila'y 4 2 .007 St, Jehn. 1 . ,1117
Ht. I.urt'c 8 8 .BOO flhanuhan 0 (I 000
flectien A
w, i p.c. w, i, ii e
Ut Christ 0 0 1.000 Erle M. E 8 888
Calvary.. 11 1 7B Hrethren. 8 7 .804
Ht. Ml'li. l a .Je'' St.PH.r'a 3 B 3h
N. McM.. 3 4 .421) 7th St.... t N Mj
Section U
W. I,. P.C. w. L. p.e
St. Sim.. 0 1 .1100 Cllney Pr. t 0 .888
7th St... 8 1 .8HII Eden 2 B 288
Hethel Ev r. 4 .BUB Calvary. 1 7 ,12s
Erie M. E 4 u ,40'i l.t Clirlit, S B .375
At a emeker et the Wayne Community
Club, William II. ltecap pointed out the
iieceiilly of fentewtna; Interfit In the iinnll
coy. Twe weeUJi1 later, Mr. ltecap enter
tained 30D mepibar, of the Junier Club with
narrative of hi (athletle experience. Wil
liam 11, necap la Mperta Kdlier et the,
Pimue iBPDia. MJm It a. Ua-Mt." 4,
Limeglare With Scholastic, Collegiate and League Season in
Competition Will Start en
Thursday, Dec. 28 Manu
facturers' Race Is Clese
Tills nppcnrs, te be nn off yenr for
foul shooters nnd innnv peer exhlbl-
llmicf liiivn lif.pi. 1iiriif.il In tit' itin nlnv
' ers from the blnek mark. ITp tit .Tnsper
In u recent I'.asterii league giimn the
Jewels caged something like seven out
of twenty-seven nnd ether Instances of
rniri'ed work have been quite common
The Houth Philadelphia Hebrew As
sociation, through its mannger, Hnrrr
J Passim, nnnouneos thnt n foul sheeting
. "ontest will be slnceil nt their hall,
! Seventh street and Snyder nvenue. lie-
"limine Tburnln.v. December 2.S. Un
like many ether .such contests this one
will be different In thnt there will be
no entrance fee nnd any player male
.' female can register.
It has been decided te have twenty
1 shooters tee the blnek murk each
I Thursday night, meaning ten mnle und
ion female tiMo-ers. Tiny will ouch be
given nine throws preceded by three
practice shots. It is planned te nwnrd
six prizes, three for either sex. and all
entries must be tiled with Harry Pns Pns
sen. -100 Seuth Klghth street, prier te
December 2S.
Pnssen hns nlse nrrnnced ninny
I games for the Seuth Plillndelpliln
I Hebrews. Tonight they piny nt
I Itrldgoten, meet the snine tenm here en
Thursdny and are nt Media en Krldny.
I Saturday they start en a trip ever
Christiuns nnil return nere ler i iiurs
dny, December 2.S. Nene of the three
teams that piny In the hnll nt Seventh
nu.l Snyder nvenue will be eligible In
the foul-sheeting contests.
Manufacturers' League
With reverses handed Parson, (Jott (Jett (Jott
Heb & Black and Keystone Telephone,
the complexion of the race in the Mnnu Mnnu
fncturers' League bus tnken en a dif
ferent complexion, nnd five of the eight
teams In the rnce new linvc n chance
for the first-hnlf pennnnt.
Keystone. P., O. & B. und M. &
II. nre in first place nt present with n
single defent. while Wilbur and Colo Celo Cole
nlni Ice ("renin hnve dropped tweenme-i.
Keystone appears te hne the best '
chance te cop the bunting, but should
the sporting goods boys win it leeks
like a four-cornered rnce for the flng.
In the girls' .section, Det Whitecnr's
Americnn Railway Express girls held
undisputed possession of fust plncc.
They meet a hard tenm en Wednesday,
when they clash tip ngninst Paddy Liv
ingstone's Car Service girls, and a de
feat looms likely.
Colonial Ice Cream hns a i hnnee te
move up into the lirst division by n
win ever Steel Heddle tonight. In the
ether gnme Ovorbrnelt Carpel meets
Metnl Edge, nnd the tie for Inst plnce
will be broken when they elush. On
Wednesday Wilbur meets Moskewitz &
Herbnch nnd Keystone opposes Pnssen,
Gottlieb &, Bind:.
Skectcrs Trail Pet I ers
The Cnmden Skeeters hnve u fine
ehnnce of breezing into first plnee in
the Eastern League during the week,
but even nt that the reign at the
top of the henp will probably only be
temporary. The Jersoymen travel te
Ceatesville tonight, and while the Lin
loin highway elnn bus been exception
ally successful nt home the Skccts arc
out te win.
Thev wn'nt te show the fans thnt '
ey nre better than even the Celts .
or retters anil nre piepired ler u prea:
finish. A victory tonight will place
them In a tie with Trenten nml then
will come the big test en Wednesday
with Trenten. On that ocensien stand
ing room in Armery will be nt n pre
mium and yet the last two weeks only a
handful turned out te witness a cham
pionship tenm.
The Camden owners, Dr. Helm nnd
former Sheriff Corsen, are net in the
least pleased with the treatment of the
fans and they nre net getting a square
ileal. The club has the lurgest over
head expense of nny in the circuit and
there should be at least enough fnns te
turn out nnd pnv expenses.
Jasper continues te hit the skids
and the Jewels will net have te travel
far te oust Bending from the cellar.
There Is no hope for the uptewncrs
this half nnd already the sign "wait
until the second half" has been ordered.
Beets and Saddle
The forty mares sent ever from the
French breeding farm of A. K, Macoin Macein
her were sold In New Yerk for $H0,
750, or nn average of $3518.75 each,
which is a tribute te the Interest in this
country In breeding. The bulk of the
let went te Kentucky breeders. Miss
Elizabeth Dangertli'lil purchased the
lurgest number, the top price paid by
her being ?0000 for Palestra, a daugh
ter of Prince Palatine and Adiinn. The
highest price paid at the sale was by
J. O. Krene, also of Kentucky, who
gave ?1 2.000 for Snndblust, a ten-year-old
daughter of Mnlntenen. Keer.e also
paid .$11,500 for War Leve, by Prince
Palatine. Edward Cebrinn, of Cali
fornia, was purchaser of some of the
best of tlie let, which were knocked
down at geed prices, the top being
11.100 for Scramble, a daughter of Lo Le Lo
Meller. Fermer Sennter Camden,
Samuel Illltlreth and A. II. Hancock
were among the unsuccessful bidders.
Jockey Eiwer has been ruled off for
the balance of the meeting at Jeffersen
Park. It was hoped Enser had reformed.
He Is one of' the best jockeys ln Amer
ica, and hns never been accused of dis
honesty in the saddle, but has let his
weakness agnlr. get the better of him.
The turf needs Eliser.
Many of the Eastern stables arc at
New Orleans this wir.tfr and the Cres
cent City li holding the center of In
terest in the turf world Just new.
Havana seems te have gene back some
what. The Oeldblatt-Whltney and the
Baker stables are tudlr missed at the
Cuban track. New Orleans has drown
from Havana some of Its best horses of
ether years.
Three Matches Will Be Held In
This City
There are three local schoolboy rage
tomes en for today. Catholic High
will officially open its season with the
College of Osteopathy as the opposi
tion. The Purple nnd Geld hnll at
Bread and Vine streets will be the
scene of the battle.
Fronkferd High, cellar occupants of
the Scholastic League, will take a
Journey te Hnvcrferd te meet the Main
Liners, As the home team was de
feated en Its lirst tlme out by West
Catholic High, n battle of defeated
teams Is. en ham).
Then there's a Junier High Scheel
League game betetvren Mitchell Scheel
und Helmes Scheel. This fray will be
Played at the latter't) hull.
i tl"',f.h,, , , . .r ... ,
Hf4 HiHBEiliaiiiiaiBBlVlliliHRrMi
a 1kkkkiBHBK7HlkiBSRlK4BMkBm
ifA " -''" jTTTTTTTTTTaTaTlHrr1Sf "-. miMIUCSBal9IHiBK
iH IHi - flHffli
kkWkkkBiB'--TOffXiJ LKjf HaV'KTaT'
The hashethnll team represent Ini; the Siiperintenilent of Cur Senile
Department of tlie Pennsylvania It:i!lre:til is playing a .snuppy pame In
the Philadelphia Girls' Kcnfftie. StamlliiK. left te rlslil Kililli llriKlit.
Kitty IamU, Klcaner ICyre. Knei'llni; Isabclle Islnger, Hetty Seliejikcl
Storm Calls Off Races
Today at New Orleans
New Orleani, I.a., Dee. IS.
Owing te n Btenn tlint tore up the
truck nt Jeffersen I'urk the eniil
Helieduleil for this nfternoen liu.s lieen
postponed until tomorrow. Ailvvisc
wenther eonditiens centiiiun today
no tlmt nn effort te Ret the track
into condition wns greatly hampered.
With no races scheduled en Mon
days nt Tin Juniia, or Havana, there
nre no Ills meets being held this
ii .i
Team Crippled for Game With Man
hattan College
When the Vlltanevn College quintet
encounters t!ir Mnnlinttnn Cnllepn fire.
of New Yerk, at Villunnva Tuesday
nlgltt. Uiptnin l.arl l.rny. ilimlnutlve
fer.Mird. will probably be out of
the line-up. fSrnv is suffering from a ,
8CVfre "'i1 w"l"n Is apt te confine him
le '" U,M V,r "" " "" ,
n trip te Lafayette College last Thurs- ,
day evening, but It wns net until yes-
.i i, , ,rit, i fn-it-i i iiir. iiiiiLTt?. .villi,; .ill
terdny that he was forced te take te i
hlB bed. ,
The less of Gray from the llne-nn
will be severely felt, ns the Metropoli
tan court dribblers nre a team of no
menu ability.
Manager Walsh is making negotia
tions for a game with the Crescent A.
C. Mnrch 7 nt Brooklyn.
Cernell Elects Pfann Captain
llliaes. S. Y Dtc. IN. Geencn n. I'fann
of Marien, Ohie, quarterback of th Cernell
varultv football team, liai bnen sleeted cap
tain of the eleven of 108. Pfann. who hag
been aisanlcfl the quarterback position en
several Atl-ATncrlcan football teams, has
played tlie position en the Cernell eleven for
two seasons, lla Ii a member of tha clas
of '24 at i 'ei neil m the Celter of Arts and
Tla Juana Entries for Tuesday
Kirst race, tlirce-rear-eltjs ana up, claim
Ini, purse $3(10. ti'i furlengs:
Vera Rita ..10T Miss Dunbar ...101
Harry Jludder ,109 'Yorkshire nil
Hilly Jee . let 'Jack I.cdl 104
flckle Fancy ..101 'Canvasback ....104
Marlen Fluke . .104 Flrewerth ....... 11"
Uee. Muclilbacli.lU4
Hecer.d race, all ates, elalmlnc
Herace Lerch . .112 'American Maid .101
Chroma 111! 'Skylark nil
Thrills 107 'Four Lf ... .107
Phyllis K. ... nil Treadwell loll
Cicely Kay 10'J Ualway ny
View . . ..103 latt n;;
Third race, threr.year-elds and up. claim
ing, purae ISOO. 1 mile:
Norford's Last. 105 'Veiled Colleen
Cave Man . ...110 'Irish nelna, .
llenecta ., . .110 'Tag Day
Jay Mac . . 100
Fourth race, all
1500. BU furleims
ages, claiming
Angela 103 Julv Fly ....
lied Man . 114 Hickory N'ut
Dr. Htevnsen lOu Tat Carter
Herder Ill Silent Sam .
Starry Hanner ..111
Fifth race, three-i ear-olds and up,
Ins, nurse I1U0O, il furlencs:
Dr. Jehnsen .112 'Ceca Cela
W'oedle Ment- 'Walter Dant
Kemery ..108 llreeru . .
-L,ltll9 Florence .100
Sixth race. threi"- ear-olds and up. claim
ing;, puree 1500, 1 mile nnd 70 yurdsi
Hanover's Topaz. US ' Anient e 108
r.ela nn
My Iaddla .
Wise Judge ,
Seventh race,
ItiOO, claiming,
Vermak . . .
Dehra ins
Dalwood lus
The Colleen Ben 10s
three-year-olds and up, purse
1 1-1U miles:
.,110 Vla 101
..110 Christie lleltcrs 101
,.ii uwmaiu iei
pprent-lce allowance claimed.
Havana Entries for Tuesday
First race.
lng, purse $7
Oray Uennet
Jennie C. . .
Forewarn . .
Moonlit Way
Vlrullla . .
Iweet Cookie
Happy Moments
Second rac. three. year-olds and up
lng, purse 1700, 5V furlengs:
lirtt 100 Kquater
Oeerae S 10 Tee the Mark
Harmenlqun 105 Bruce Dudley
Hush 107 MaeMurphr .
'i'"'. .E" "V .10 The Unqulrer
Third race, three-yjar-elda und up.
Inn htii.ii VTliA nil- wt mt . .... v-v
llebbed llutr . fOi! Ulna Caltha
HtarkBder 105 Orchid King
i;urt Hall . 1115 Myr Friend Put
1 ey 105 Melius ....
lng. purse
Hail Dleqe
54 furlongs." " '
t Advance ..... ,
.II'1 Knd Man
..i.u v urrency
, Sixth race. three-ear-eds and ud rlnim '
lng. purse 1700. 1 M0 miles: ' ,
"III Hunley
Fashion Qlrl
Thistle (JiMi)
iii "T " 1
Iheinas y
Mahen ...
King B
V rva naii
, 'AvPraiitd
. , '
of five
firm race, inree-year-elds and ud claim,
lng. purse 1700. 1 mlle and BO yardi
Kathleen K. . 100 Tend . ins
Vtf.i,: ;.;, ?,S I,lHeK Tu no
Proceeds of Billiard Tilt Will Ge
te Peer Children
Jeseph Mnyer, niannser of tl-p Iluil Iluil
en Itecrentlen Parlors, nnd former
amateur 1S-2 Imlk-linc billiard cham
pion, will meet Willie Heppe, world's
tltlcheldcr, In nn exhibition match
TluirKilny evcniiic at the Hudsen rooms.
The proceeds of the mntch will be te n
Santa Clnus fund, whicli will be turned
ever te city authorities te buy Christ
mas gifts for peer children.
A committee cen-lstiiiK of Reveral
men and women socially prominent,
will meet tomorrow uft"rnoen at the
Hudsen rooms te plan the nffnir.
At the conclusion of the billiard
mntch the Philadelphia .Spert.-. Writers
' lvill itIva TTntiiin n rlltirntn
Mill & - WH. H llllllll-l
Condition Somewhat Better
"'er i
Operation at Stetson Hospital
The condition of Herace Fegel.
former sports writer and president of
the Phillies, continues te slmu- ;..
prevement, nccerding te Dr. Jehn A.
i.eger. me regpi iiimiiy pnysieian. ,
I' iici u:ik Nirii'i.iM -iiii nnvii I .'ktici a, i
Thursdav and en Saturday was remei- j
oil te the Stetson Hospital, where an i
operation was performed. He is said i
te have come out of the operation
r-jiii'nuiiii,. mm ma I'oiiuiiieil at present
Is all that can be desired
1 ! 1 1 ,1 s:!
1 r r
j m i.rr r a t
k q? B v-m vj
Cacti H ClueU.Peabcify &Co.Inc.Trey.NX I
ttni 1- r . I
"illyAiyiAi IE
mm, r .)) e m, lhl
j-' y ' , " m "1L:?Js
ar el im
mML m& m
W ' r- j
'itntu.. !, rfj UMi irr-m
-...i sSr553 In quality and sat- 7&msm$
no! Wmmli hfRctien- A blend f V n cf'S5l'(5' I'
' : : lle Wl ill that'8 different -t8 Vf Shipping Beard
;;iS T&'llT?ade t0. pleaae iir'rM v"
claim- i TA.m. t er tU.I'- -S .
. 1 gg.Va52t. -" -,. -"-- S. -'2 ,
lis WW! mm
10s R.'W. Pfc"WpW" iX90
field mam mff. 1
jv.'rxy . -. fl-K rv.r
::; i , - Ter 5c W pliu. " mm Marshall
".iu-i for 5c ''Mm iMU WM 1 Be Straight
'"line ) rr
PeUjiUb ; -'-'-- . . .. 1
DECEMBER 18. 1922
Helders of P. R. R. Cage Title
Will Strive for Championship
of Eastern District
Superintendent of far Si-loe cirln
lire oiieo mere coming Inte the limelight
I In basketball, and from early indlon indlen
1 liens will again be n strong contender
for the championship of this district.
Helding the Pennsylvania Itailrenil title
and the only tenm te defeat the Daugh
ters of Columbus, the Car Hervtce live
is out for further honors.
When the Clroen Sex tenm found the
Philadelphia (llrls' I.enmie wns tint te
their liking, and divpped out, the Car
Service mnids stepped into tlie breach
and nssiiined the stnnding of the Oreen
Sex Fortunately, tne league had just
get under vwiy und the railroaders found
themselves in possession of one victory
and no defeats.
The railroad Indies played their first
game in the bngiie Inst Wednesday eve
ning nnd defeated Steel-Heddle, 117 te 0.
This leaves the live one game behind
the Ameriran Hallway Kxpr-ss team,
lenders of the circuit.
Spectators who jammed Yennh Hull
for the game last Wednesday were im
pressed bv the work of the Car Service
live. Ouick passes, splendid tonmwerk,
nnd nbec all excellent guarding fea
tured. Four games have been played in the
Knilread League and nil resulted in
easy victories for the titlehelders. Un
less soniethiii'X unforeseen occurs the
local maids seem ilstlned te go through
te the Eastern District Unllrnml title
In addition te holding their honors
in tlie Itailrenil League the sound, is
anxious te win the cup in the Oirli
League being conducted in conjunction
with the Manufacturers Lengue. The
ganie with the American Ituihwiv Fx
press tenm Wednesday night, will go a
long wny towards deciding this rnce.
Hetty Scheneliel, all around nthlete.
is one of the regulars en the team nnd
holds down n guard position. Miss
Schenkel is one of the best guards in
this section and a dend shot te the
basket as well us nn expert dribbler.
Plnving In the buck court with Miss
Schenkel Is Miss Eleaner Fyre. With
these two stiiis in tlie back court the
Car Service five is well able te held
its own with any girls team in the sec
tion. Charlette Walten. at center, is plny
ing an even better game than last year.
Capable of getting the tnp-eff en the
majority of opponents and being geed
at passing and dribbling this fair maid
makes an Ideal pivot player.
The forwards are two of the best In
the district nnd Miss Edith Bright was
the individual star of the recent game
with the Steel-IIeddle having six field
goals. Her running mate is Miss Kitty
Lcntz. The team is coached by Paddy
Livingstone and the team Is rapidly
learning the fine points necessary te
en..!. n(f flin rnilf-Tl mli'da nml ..!!, e
little mere work and a few mere games,
me (('inn mhhiiu uc un u imr wiiu mc
best in the country.
WM, Meet Menth Earlier
Usual In 1923
Washington. Pa.. Dee. IS. Wash
ingten nnd Jeffersen will meet Detroit
fnlversitv ln football next full, the rlm.
agreed upon in the contracts Just signed
being October "7. This is one month
Perm and Middies May
Net Meet Next Year
According te nn authoritative
source, the Cnlvcrsily of Pennsyl
vania mid the Naval Academy will
net meet en the gridiron next sea
son. As the Midshipmen arc al
lowed hut one game away from
home each year (hey will probably
be unable te come te Franklin
The Middies will play Penn State
en Ilenver Field next fall nnd
Princeton In Baltimore, which menus
thnt they have listed one away
from -home contest nnd u big gnme
for their own vicinity. It Is said
that cither Lnfajettn or Dartlneuth
will replace the Navy en the Bed
nnd Blue schedule. Centre College
hns virtually agreed te come te this
city In BJ2I, It is nlse said.
earlier than the game of Inst fall, when
the Michigan eleven wen by HO te 0.
Unwillingness te burden the Novem
ber schedule with tee many haul
games, pitt and West Virginia having
uliendy been scheduled for thnt month,
prompted tli clinnge te October.
The game will be played ln Detroit,
where the Presidents lime appeared for
two successive seasons and where the
game has become u fixture. In both
its performances there, Washington and
Jeffersen drew record throngs anil the
game is one of the most lucrative that
either tenm plays during the year.
A Brunswick "Baby Grand"
The Finest Christmas Qift of All
Seme gifts last a day and some a month. But a
Brunswick "Baby Grand" Billiard Table bringa
happiness te all the family Very day in the year
and through many years te come. Fer the mera
you play billiards the mere you want te play. It is
the fine old gentleman's game, developing self con
trol and a sense of fair play, strengthening hema
ties, making the (lying room the most attractive
place in the world te the young felkr What mera
ideal Christmas present could you give?
Beth Billiards and Pocket Billiards
en this table
In a few seconds yen adapt this table either te
Billiards or Pocket Billiards. There are many types
of Brunswick billiard tables, some priced as low as
S50. An interesting and instructive booklet, "Tha
Heme Magnet," furnished free upon request
ifanufaeturtri Sine ISIS
1002 Arch St., Phila.
MEGANTIC 20,000 tens disp.)
Specially constructed for cruising
Jan. 15, Feb. 17, Mar. 22
28 days of delight amid palm
crowned islands and en summer
seas, visiting 13 different coun
tries, Including Panama Cansl
and La Gualra, Seuth America.
Raiu $i)e upwardi
Ne paupefs nccesiai.
m tv
ew Yerk te
th America
New Reduced Rates
Fastest Tima
ZZZZZZ ?"" ?
2,2-,Ben H - .' w x
-nsscMcica . . . p ,
HrtnsjaUy tturtaftw
Jiaiwwn Steamahip Lines
w Waasr.- nm rs est.
Ne Delay
On West Coast Freight hhipprd
en our Lxpresa Freight SteamerH
direct from Philadelphia via
Panama Canal te
Les Angeles, San Francisce, Oak
land, Portland, Scuttle, Tucema.
S. S. Artigas (U.S.S.B.)..I)ec. 20
S. h. Lehigh (U.S.S.B.)..J(in. 0
Nerlh Atlantic & Western S. S. Ce.
UKsnt; V, s, HblpDlnK Beri
13G S. flburlli St., Philadelphia
Lembard Sife-W Mslu 3103-3
Full Swing
Will Play First Came of Season
With Pennsgreve Tomor
row Evening
Hndtlen Heights High Scheel wilt
again be represented by n basketball
j team. The squad, which nt the be
i ginning of the season consisted of fifty
i candidates, has been narrowed down'
! te twenty-one.
Coach Tlcc has been drilling the.
i squad daily. A few practice games;
1 that have been held bet ween dlffercnti
sections of the squad have indicated
l that the players are ready te go,
I "Snake" Norris is the only player
back from- last year's championship
I (iiiintet. Prominent candidates for tint
I forward berths nre "Bud" Hunt.
! Lewis, "Dutch" Stewart nnd Peter Peter
eon. ,
The schodule comprises n list of
eighteen games. The opening enooun eneoun enoeun
i ter, witli Pennsgreve High Scheel, wll
I be played nt home tomorrow night.
Ample time for sightseeing,
bhere excursions showing in
teresting, historic sights and
intimate life of the natives.
The ship is your hotel for the
entire cruise.
A 'jsfltTi-
white Star line sasssr
1319 Walnut Street, or local agent
Hed need Rate
Tour a
rOUR oppertua--L
itv te '
f; Seuth America" as
it should tie sttn.
Qraca I.lns Xears
euibraea Trjr point
or scsata trnl 00m
merclal lDUrsst. Put Put
senilly esndticttd or
lndtpsDdrat partlf
nrrangga. lUgultr
Hulling from Ntm
1 or through t h i
I'enama Canal, Direct
rail coeaocttons for
nil nlnta In nltl.
One 0' tht .
".m"? 3 S' Santa Luh'' ,De. "8
rtneft' tn 3- S. Santa Teresa.Jan.il
a'Li S' s- "" Ana... Jan. 23
iVrntr S. S. Santa ElUa .Feb. 8
Full particulars at taaal agtitts or
bUACIS LINK, 10 Haoersr flquars, K. V,
tnprratina V H Jievt. Hhtpsl
S S "ItEKHONltsON" ... ..,."".Dse no
Bcandlnsvlsn snd Oaltte Ports 1
M00RE and McCORMiCK, INcl
' KSrr?
m fl
ULffl'nTb 0MRLMlK,,.,l"
r-fs . , ...Wjffi&at,6iy.S,??