Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 18, 1922, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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    '- 'tii-Vv
-v,v- vvVvVV-'-W.
" J )
?7M" '!' .v '-'V".v,- "l '
fcr,. '
s Ae Jge of Remance Dulled
by the Beginning of Maternal Leve?
A MIDDL12-AOK1) husband who is! mother of the (irnceiii. anil bea-tiiiR of
infatuated with n young plrl In the
motion -plot tire world declares that when
Ills wife had ii baby
the censed te In' rr
mnnlirnlly uttrae
tivn je lil'in. .Meth-
I'rhned "dulli'd tin I
romantic nice" of
What kind of n i
in Miami uns u i. ,
Mho le.t nlvprtlen I
for a woman In
cause she became
a liietliil-V What
kind of love did he
tet'I ler Iter.' n
i. i. ..it..i.... i
"". ""'"I i-niiiir, ,
HAUt'l.U i" iui.T
llvprv one hiiewi '
that theie are endlei varietle- of love, for it. without .icslectiiiK the cine el n I inie (. Imt. of ieuhc 1 realize I
Seini! .simple Minis experience only etr prei ions hnmim life ilml in its enrlj I ";!l"u",1 .KJ"'m! .,n'' mueh " HUci ,i
Llnd I., n' wheje lifetime. Uthers feel Ma.es ,e; he, ce.ptantl.. -""a VWl ZWV 1 1,
nunc ether l.ind : .Hid a few leiiipl'.cated And m ih- 1'iienli oil hu-l".nd i- M,,,..,
mtd liiiiiKluative individuals, run the icli Inis thai ni.iti-i nil i c a fee In re- I This ieci.i-.t m.iv svm foelh'.i, but
pliant of emotions .mil thrills, end fee! mniicc! I nevnrthcleni Id i c much foctler about
Unit t In liaM' touched the hcl'hts imdl , - . , " If I Vnew 1 was iltrht i:. It.
ilcpllis T1 "' reiiaiice he ncaiis i; .civ tucl A hand eim- I, .itber or lhT ei.K.mc
i:.iiiiintie Im,. ....ri.iiiilv s te ! iln. .
(ircil. It bus itiMiiied the poetry of
the world, and kIxcii us lln- 'mister
JiaiiitliiRs. Mm.;c end art lune been I
Jiem-Mii'il liy romantic and often
tlittMi.fi.il t.i.uii... V..I . .ii. nt In. iw
........t.ii .ftii.iii. ti.t. ....-.
mitre fjiu'ti birth te nmru'leus master
pieces. Uellcien uiMilrcd Itniihael and
nil of the sreatest painters, the world I
has ever known.
And shook
topless towers of
1 'lie way llie .eel eij'ressps it.
Molher low h.i In en cidelirated In
peels and e.Melted In all the d'p and
geed people who lime i ,itli::i'il its iiiar iiiar
eleus iiewer. It is sj nilieli.ed b the
Madeiuia. and Is as old as time. Way
back in ancient Keine, when a selfish,
frivolous lad) was failing en Cernelia.
Sl'V i, I,., :,T . , rii.t .offer '' s.''i,'l" ".' ";,t"- ""i1 "". r" unless In civilian cletl,.. i i. ,i up b.vause the himbmitl, a young broker "em "''"V' lnP n "' "K " " ' in , tmt prnlse from llutclil.is. nnd yet of the round pearl one.
I. Imc has cnn-cd terrible MitTer- that huimni lite is a p.cc.eus g,n. need ni.,ri0' uniform. There Is nothing ns net yet lintinciiill) en his feet, could :l pnl lMre Hnft of a firm or corperntoi , i(,p ,vln,a t.(1l.w ,,,,. , her at ,, ,
ing and dev.Mntlun. llel-n of Trev. net tret that for a briet sens,,,), she Keed as it and all n.y girl friends will net supply tlie hmirv his bride re- cvc" ll"R ' int w,""'ii ls ''"" l"J1' ' ' ,i. ,,,) ,, (1(. rehear' il. and cengr.itu- TliIAT was n few months
merely by being beautiful, is supposed eannet dress faOiiemihlj and act gaily. l the t.itnv. I euinsl. She hm venderful eiciiectatiens 1 ,0 'le h.pr ?- "' '""" '',,1"1 '",'...' b.ted her iiiieu nulling the part ever, X end of the summer.
.. have brought about a In. rriblc war in..nt iles m.i i.ritig solace in times , ,1nAen v eethe.-irt. who Is a ' of w hat a broker's wife should have In ,s wen. i erna .s who me.c r"" '-' ; Al im felt niOi-i! Kinti fill tlnin exiiUnnt. In the meantime Man
Between two nations. ei -nrrnw. r w wmi m im prnaiien. "......... -m.. ci in n te spend .New the manner of leine ami trimm ngs. ' " '""' ""' , . ': :" ' , , . ;,,. " . , ' , ...,.,,,, ,.,. ui, v.,!.i m,1v. "eii marred; le be spec fie,
...r,. , ., ,..., . ., ,,'''' -'"'I I'J - l"J-'il: I'-':- ,r.: L." '."' ;. V.. ''f. te'" .'V" "'"-i). a werM.iggl, 1 of mere than -tvV- i U,"",,i, 'Vn2 ,,r :f 'l,..it' . ' " 'll i ..... : . ':. .l' i ".r .; lu,v. ! ...KnKe.l tl.e night of the
f itti f 'l
j-6a&8fc .tss&d&jgic&.isil
Here are shown all kinds of delect.ihie tilings for the te. i Miim mules
of various styles, some very French with round Iecs .ni, lev I '-.
ethers with a strap te held them en; sport stockings m li'ue-aml-w h ie
checked silk and wool, or black-and-white, grai-and-b ue ,i- r.i -and-white
plaid wool; buckles, the delight of the woman Willi pretti Icel ;
buckles of white metal set with brilliants for u tongue s'ipper; iiuek'es
set with imitation topaz te go with a brown or bronze slipper.' Christ
mas would be merrier for the maid who received such gifts
By Ralph Walde Trine
Anther of "In Tune With the InAnltr."
It is net what the conditions may be
In a life, but hew a man meets what
ever conditions arise, that determines
vhcther he is a creature or a mnster
if circumstances, ttun determines
whether he has backbone and stamina,
and withal geed common sense in con
nection with bis life problem".
Cheerfulness, a determination always
te stand in tlie sunshine rather than in
the shudew, makes lite, with its knotty
problems, continually easier. It's tlie
"'oil of gladness" thnt hilps in doing
the work.
ii is productive uie ei tlie innuence
inal iiivdIii-iiiiiiiIi' n..n..i (. ... s.....
...ut. in,, -in M-inij 'siiiii iitnii .Mir
ives, nun. neips me irienil anil I lie
neighbor with his problems. It's a
rcat help for us sometimes te remem
l.er that the neighbor lias Ids problems
lilse. And then the neighbor around en
tlie next corner likewise, and i
Tn take a cheerful, uepeful, epti- '
Juistic, never-doMn-in-tlie-meutli, but
ceurage-nlways-up attitude of mind, Is
te tct in, nnd le keep in continual
iteration, subtle, silent forces that are
working along ihe lines we are going.
ml that open the way for us te arrive
They are the fin -s that are working i
for our continual geed if we are but
Min enough te reccgnie tliem and put
i t... ......
ll'l'llt uui. uii.-! IIIUUl
Thev are waiting alv.in. te be an-
proprleted by us if we have an under-
Handing sufficient te enable Us te ree-
i;;iiize linn appre prune un'in. n is
Ii part of mv religion te leek v ell after
the cheerfulness of life, and let the
isnize nnil appropriate them. It is
ismnls shift for tlieniselies,"
JUS!, Vu Public Ledger Cemiani
fly Helm 7)rct
The herd Instinct Is te crowd, te
t-lampcde, as any one wne his or'
Jlcd en a cattle ranch can test If:- The
I... 1 I.. n Hid cri t.(i nn cll Ii nu
rcrifd hew neldeni passengers try te
Inake room for another The herd In -
.tlnct crowds them all e the front of
ll car. leaving space In the back which
L...H LI llt ihf 1mAII twifriltd
L'UIIIH iUlU 111 Vi H UU.'H liLlfunri I
ICsen whe their tlestlnatieri Is thn '
Hl'ffi?.p!. .K""iE?wlLe?.,",,j;,l.l....V;
Bt'nately at tlm front, refusing te budge
Ml men Oilier te auew iaanKcra ie
cnUr or lli depart. A little courteous
ceinWtralliJji would nut only be uc
neiv. eui weuiii ui:iuuur u tunc
thought for the IndlMdunl !,,,,,, j . " -" ' ', " ""''botiem.
Among untrained liumaii beings tb.-se "''; "mi ei i ,..i,, 1 li. n I li,-i ,. m-..
lirute cliaracterUtlcs m.iv In- noted at -"I' iiiiilei'ililngs ni'.'litie. that um'd
ltnes. During the holiday shopping waul te sit up all jubIi and watch', nnd
easen. for Instance when elevators , .-ilk Mep-ius, ,,h. I j,,M ,..,, J(.Kin
!re8tnStCe0ySunn0 "nni'agile '"nSSrti tS' '" H (,ml '! ! nl",,t "' ,1,, nn
ftft.i.ne,i.ii0.lln,r ii, ."Vr 'K "', Ihnt inu'll want te ... ,1,.-,,, ,,,,
i, ceneernta.
hi'r mnculficcut icueln. Cernelia inlil
lii'r nrnis n round her two -eiu Mini sal 1, I
"These uii- mv d'v.i'li!" S!i" hud
twelve children', lull tlit'M' two be)
chanced tn become famous .Int.'MiiiMi ,
'""1 championed the tisl'N of tin- iirepli'.
Motherhood is net ulwa.it npprrc-
elated li.v men. howewr. TIip l'" of ,
pay. ilNvipittfd man. who vuint-i n
woman iiIii.m te lip ep;:.uill. gowned.,
ami reaily ter pnrl. ami werimy i
piiHtlini'x, sometime resents her pre-
occupation when u baby urthev. Often!
her health Ii e ir. and she W net nldc !
t 1 ,, tl... mad na.e he h.i Iiimmi I
ncciiyteiucil te. Smicij ccaes te in-
i,.r,,vi ,.i-. hecall-e die Inw fell -eliir
. . . . ..... ..
tninu deeper iiml mine mill limn UK"
'mere :i II te liiP.IMIIf. (!lll''t ii llll
rislit (ltr ilm li!le. Inn Aw lin" no tunc
limn irr nl mI in . e'.v mil"-, audi
the i enManl effeit le .ii tie and llatlerj
him. sunlj oil" uuiii't iliMmle In-'
fuel Mint mother! l has dulled il..s. ,
I he niitlnr .ln our."- her li.iln mil-'
lint li.r fin. mmimt.l ..ilittii.le Willi llie
nut l lie liu-'i.iiiil wiie lias ii, in uie
imiieinatien nun deliiile fielinj; l
with Ids wife down into tlie alley
It .s i rue th.it !fs -.I. ii'Min, s in il.i
llie mist, ike i f giii" hi:: i vc',- ami in
'dlffeieill le lli.'.r liii-b-.iel u ill' llisi
new ei it.n ; .,f inlil hellion !. Sni in.n..
1 1 1 1 sliniii .mil hi aie miiittr.n live in
lire's nnil Manner. I'ut this is imi
in ces..nry . and a well reuml"il wetnuii
I . , , ,
reiiiiirs her poise mid i harm, am! ,
lealies that she cm be u delightful I
eompaiiien and retain
a reiiiantn
eien while
she terest ter her liu-bund
ls a deieted mother.
Can Yen Tell?
Dy IC. J. ml .1. IF. P.eJmrr
What Causes a Min'se.'
e nave enen lieuiil el person- n"!
ellen lielllll 'if in
In the desert seeing b-feri iliem a lici"
tlful lake vliieh. v"ii im' ciipre"! 1
te (Uenc!l the r t'liist itli il life Ki-
ing water, sudden !is.u,.e,ir-. and
nothing liur the heat ladene.l sMmls
surrounds tli.-ui as before. At oilier
i lines n tlry is s,.(,n, liii-li. llkew'.s,.
ilis.'ippenr- when it I" approached. '"Ii.ii
Winked parties ha i perienef., i, e
same phenomena. A rescue ship v. ill
appear before them, bur when tiiei row
toward It. It niysterlnu' . disappears.
The lakes, citi"s and ii'scue iipN seen
under these eircui'istain es n-e entienl
illusions ., ile,,..., tc ....I.,,.,.-. .1 r
I eeis -ir, l in ' , "'l"'"'1-""M ",r
enjens. .me are .-uu e.l In llie ni of
I gill being repeated), hem In their pa.
-aue thieugh the nr '1'liere ,11- evernl
.tiiais m natural optical illu-.li.n-. -the
,., !... ... .. 1.1 I. i. i
niii.ike in ttiiMn jamsc:iies are simu i
ins i.-ii in nurni.ig s.inilt: the im,, ni..r
gnn.i. !n l.lcli inn .ir i line i.'l,. i, ..ns
it .bjeit iii.-nr in ihe s,lIMI. til.,. ,Mi
he aerial sp(.,.ti., ,,,- r,.t,.,.0. i.illMj..
ing te tlie air. Thee mirage. ,,,. ,1,,,.
origin in various atniesnlierie condi
tions. Th,.y iiiav Ik- uiiii t,, r.-fr.i. tmii
tlie cliiiiige fiein a stiniglit line, uii-h
i lay et light in- heat a mime
p.fslng through a -ihhuIi nfn
a luediuui of greater ,ens.e
1 hi n
' .llle
il an
-ingle ..iiier than '.'ii .legice.
ei le i -
ueeuens, in which mu ,,f ,.,.
ihruwn line!, in'.nr .Mikiiig .ui .in. . ,,
i 01 I
'nine, an, i niultinlie.i h th,. ,h.r, r. ,.
isltlesofatmesphi.ni l,im-. j
.... ,,r...,..".1.,,.,J "' 'lnt '""""""i l
uraj in het
' ,'1 "",",,, ',' """" ;'' ' n" " '' '"
- '" sii'1'" .","',,'""s l";;!".-a". e.i.l
I .: ". ' "-"" '"'", '"" a.pi u.in
111 their higher den 'I I,
i f , , r , "i-i" u.iu.
f ' V?1; '"'"'K"" in ,1,.. Ar.t,,- u .,
'"' id te be caused l.i il,.. , .,,,j, , ,.,
""""" iiiiting place in
in.! .!! n i ,
uie siirini
,. : '.'..ii
I I lie m ,i . ii mi,. ,.M , I .....
. i-i.t i le-e
i l llt-ri nil Illeil, i ail . . ,.
eeiKlen-ntlnll when 'l.i
moist .,i i
.iiiiieu in pnsMiijj mer
iil.e - of n .-
lomeirou Miy Dees l.'arkniss ('.m,,
Idrvnttircs With (t lrSt
T WANT te el! e i ,, ,,, , , ,
-1- I really de net kiiev ;. ,u ,,,
Kill IIIIO'U tias I ni
lOlllllI Like s ,. f ,(, ,!,,.,,
III! I. ill e llie hi alell ll.ii x, I
i il it i.
i rtainiy weith linding 'I
M. e
-i-iers nne npi-neil - ling-rie .1,
e.e. an I
I wished l cmil. I wr.ni i, ii
-"i in. , in, ii, ,,.,.,.,.
belle-., pininetei I,- !..-,,,, .,.
I'll (i i . me iiii.v ,j , ,,,.,,,
slwnis wauled." And i. ,
Wirt of
ii an is wmi ion . in , .,,.
bee.l ise il s v,, i,.,,,,,,,,,,,
I nu wt him linii.i.. .1,1... i
"lie ei' it
v p. i I
........-...-.ini-.s ,ii nui-.-,,.,
dg ng el In iihei.t i!. i ,,, ,,,,, ,f,rt
.i.. n.ii.n .-.ii-.ip, v , sl, il,,.r
le be weui wuli ilie dju-;, -,.-,.,, ,,. f
U a light blue ei,. si,.,,., . ,,i ,,'.
.,bnut ,ll0 ,,, jt( , '. ' . ,,"" '.
i . . ' """" ' I I I ' s ft 1
' it I In fl 11,1 II,,,., ,,. .. t
I "" 'drseir.
1 .. . . .
...,,.". ""P'V'L. "'.':!'. '"''' ''.'. "',,.,. .,. . pr.
Vu.Vn "WK.'Vr e"..n I." cr M,ln "''"
I (I .
A Cestlv Fad
..-a te1 a .1 r i- nt
rueusl, f',nmc "f l"i f'lfliienahll women of
,.rc0. I'arls are wearing wigs ilide f wx
ie for nnd ilvcr 'threw). TlJfytfn- arc r,f
I be bobbed ball- variety.
Please Tell Me
What te De
1,'ltfri te C'lVtlna'n rn'iimu mint
iurlffii uii one tie e llie mir'r entv.
re.rf inwf In nlw.cd villi thr urllrr
I'niiii tint utUIri $. 7'i iimiir tclfl tot
If ti)thtirrl i l.r ifr'lrr .f.ir.t net trhh
II. Cikiumif irll.n uiu! tfltfr. icrtttrn
e.i hnlh sUIrt nl the nirnir will net D
m" until. Ifrlln who lelii f.r.inil
c.Hirr,'. f 7iiff inn br i; ci i fit Ihe calumn
i" II iiirnr uitiJ: Ih r. , n. I'Tte oil Irtttri
(in- u.iu unlit ii mi utiselulclv nic.
Asks Gift Suggs&tlen
near ("nthi.i 1 am a student nt the
unlv, r'li. I .mi nlimte. n years old and
have iwn i;eirE villi a t;lrl my age
for tlie rust iIkI.i mentV. 1 liave seen
"."' ""Jnily eic u v.eek durliifr that
S"i' urunlly ei c u week
limp, se Mu fee v.e knew
each ether
ralr.v well
e.v C!itlh..iTi.4 im cemlnrr en anil I
til lit lnuu nu l i 1. il In c'lv.i nr I
am ,,t le".i n vli.it te Klve her.
Mime riven In..- . milv m nfli.n ilml
thai won't de. Meney ilecs net enter
"'" '"liir or : incline irame weuiii
a line Impi'ivennl tilft
Leves a Marine
,,...r,- ,,; .fi-t- ictitimr s Im
l,.i... ... ........ '' ... . . '.
ii.tf. ,i"i ii it it I iIiht en i im r.t si
wrlliii" '" Mm, llintucili tj C.ntbla.
ie ich u.ni nui mii-taK?3.
! O I.. VOU nili.i lime ie"t thn
wninc kind of Blr! If she enl wanted
in i".ii. uu vveuui net Ce out Willi eU
ila. r.itier than in im.tn.il.ite
Munis: m.iii Pi c!il!-n clothes ,
' I., why no. tulj I'vutlila'sl
join a nurcli wlier- you will at
c .is! inrvt .i nlec trlrl 'ie will he tireud
t tltltr lllllf. mi ltrh..'a .....l.lnn ..... ..I.
-.- ....... iitiL." lli'illlli: Mju ,l
t lie nidi in the world IJI-:VT Se "
Says They Aren't Given Square Deal
P. :ir Cynthia 1 would he much
fdi.i-. d II Mm would he si Mm! as te
mil these i w ncs In .our column, con cen con
eiTiiliig enllsteil .-ervlcu inn. I, as the
rest ,,f ii m-ve. i,,rn, n,Ii;. (1,at te
m.ijerit of tin. ii.epl,. of the I'. K. A.
ir. net cl Inc u ,t Hiiunri. deal.
lie, ,ni, tin- .iLr.ift.- soldier, F.iller
.mil marine are loekid en as under
.r lenders, did von ever cenliler
su.ile one lvis te 'lie the uniform
de "i s ilutj for I'ncle Sum. or i
'" I' S A. would be doing
he s ,i,K ,m Prance Is today" Most of '
lie s' eeis sycm te Oiitnp from th" women '
'HI l the who ll.le crnwn-ii'i sons. I
' 'i' 1 Henk !t ewr. they would realize
' .it v i. e ne: In the uti,nr-, . their
wn neil. Ii-, sons weu il liint tf. he
' dm eit Mayli. this will he a little
; ! fur e m I'edy ; It Is the irjih and
mi il kp hi it
U'hv net a few cernl words ler the
flterni Instead of th bad .nes, for we
ave te feres. ike .ur dear ones at home
ml pe through Mils mtllture u'Mnd for
a elar . d.r . v hll, our oretheis l:i
xlllan life can h- near I'.etil and ale
'raw thrlie our my.
If people de nut ncer and hiss at
Old !!or.' why slieu'd many de It
te th. uniform, ler It means tlie same
as Mild (JIe
"SOITl DOL'llir miki:
He Vill Net Support Her
! a" Ci 'i'I.i I am a n.arred woman
of thice years I am twent venrs of
age New I am 1 1 Win? with his people.
I have left him Mieral times hecaus" lie
tteuiu 1101 jiruperi.v supptx i ir.e ami u ii;e i
me .1 home. He claims he must slay
at his home, as his mother is n widow
md needs help
I reil'.e this rie'e and am perfectly
, n tent te Ma w-.t i lus mother, as I get
n'eng nlcly ltli le r and family. Hut
i no ii-i ii (in, uui an.t uere i sinj ai
. limit. .nl !,. ns much mm 1 ,.,,, iirnimil
I he lien .
I of coir.-', l,-i no menev of my own
land ii ust as": 1.1' liu-! and ler very
l.eimv th.'.t I n.ed. II makes geed
irenrv aid has t r little expem-es as
ie only pava en liear.i le re Uut he
iiends It all for h. nisei' en clears nnd
;ees with a cre.nl of singe fellows and
iliat I
ii.il i..tt.H lie t uviue i... cnj.i.f ui"
e. i, in- i. iiest r ..., ii.. iiim.ii'i t.-nt
tn.. ,.t trt itnr '111 ti ll.ilrt nv.in tn me
' ' '' - '-s - .....
...w. .a.. tr i .in tf,...-.. i e in, .ri-i. ...i
ii viii ., . ii--. -j .n .. ,u..iisi iiiitt:
he win net ma' up for several Uais,
ihleji m.ikes mi- verv miserable
New 1 want v-'ir cdvlce In what i
dieiilil de 1 nun li.ie a penny In my
no. ketlioelc When I need miv thing i
,tnd tt-Il him, he is he has no money
I4i. I I.,-... ,lirr. r,.tt,li -is tltitrn Id it.
i. mraii-i of M bidden In different
i.l.ics In ei" nom, which I come across
'h.ii el. .mi sr
Am I at l.bem le take some of the
ienev. ... I hae l.arelv enough te wear?
: n.-'( r hae any pleasure. I can never
' se (.ut bee nisi- 1 de net even h.iie n
. ar ii'.i-t of niv own AXAIOI !
Whv i t take a position? If your hu"
and wll in i Kle you money for clothes
lid little tie. ei.irv expenseH, you have
iikm te be Indt pendent In the matter
if lllOll"
?. Ihnuld Donald'en Tlbcilein
I'lireb and (iarden I'unilliire
If one is se feltunale as te lue In
lie cuuntiy one must realize, as our
lji';iih cousins de, that the out-of-i.
i.rs is n very ltal part of our living.
Mur sun is warmer than the -uu of
England, se that we may plan our
! i.i.-.e( with a sun-room I which uiiiv
!,.,i. n.t-iilii.. in flu. sunimerl. n le.-.-m
,,,. t Ii rngli-h terrace, where we may
It us much as possible. When hcreeiiei,
" -
... can have ns niaiiy meals out of
locus, or piuctlcfill out of deer i, as
I ...I .n... Il
weather liennlts.
The furniture should tie reei or
wir!,i" or twisted grass with s,)niP
ainti.l vned furniture I treated with a
lmlsli that is impervious te moisture),
,- ,, may be of wieught iron, also
'im , Y .huiild be, nlwiiis. a table for
. i,r,..fa"-i I breakfast out of doers. Is n
? Im. ch-en nr afternoon tea ;, 'hairs
,,,,, r,irlIlll .md comfortable; stands
,,. unXtl nnd fetn: little tables for
iiuga.ines ; elgnreite sunns; am
..,,sible. a wall fountain.
The awnings should
. ..... , ,
liarmnnlz.. .. Id.
' " e. ---- --.---,,
he house, anil may iip "i pi.un ejster-
hltr with green tliuiiuiugs or el some
,, strlne. The cushions en the .!e
,-hnirH and swinging couch should he
,,-.. ,-nor sugtestlve of the cel
"nr(lcn beyond,
I t ..V, ' '-- ,.- t!.I,. I. ....... J.... 1 I...
Ii .. Ii nl. I...I.1.. 1,1... i i. t !.'' ii iiiii-nitiH UIU lIllCIIIeiLI', liil-l'IY
Will III l in- it 111 1 I I .1 II L ...... .1..... 1 I... .Ill ,....1..II,'IIII11I'III' I'lllirill It inn ,,-i.n... .... ti.miiti.wi. limit it - - ,
i ciii in., ih.. !.,,- ... t. ....ii i. .'.'. i due te llie renin
' c v. I !
'"iHtTirrj? when finished, these sachets are uet
1 ". U. ii &:t&VlWiti """"e tlm" lhrPC' i,"m", Um' mnn' nt
t?f f liViW Jr' mi" cut heart shaped, these last nniti.si
.,'!" i WWAm&' l6t , measuring two by three inches in size.
. li."!ll'lll"i"l' The .nchnt Is made in the usual mnn-
lie 1
I Tomorrow "The Garden,"
A hat can be
a thing
of charm
without much
This one of
has nothing
but a ribbon
woven crown
in beige
and brown
with a loop
that streams
off the brim.
Yet it would be
hard te find
anything mere
or charming.
Should a Married
Deserves Nothing but Contempt
Te the lMlter of Weinan'n I'iikp -
V....- 1.. ...- I! I "l -
I ". ".' V .'" '.' ' '"." . "' .' " . "."' """ K" "
"n ls """"'.v. inilct'il. I nave in mlntl
' ":w iinuiiiiitti iiiniif jiini uriiitee
of sex literature of
I the 1 rem h s heid, x.ie ims new broken
1' tne lee!y Utile home he provided.
nt bast as "nod as she li.id before
ninrriace. and returned te her
r "job"
Ink of It !
her cnteer, she called it. Till
Tin re Is no mere noble career than
that of a geed wife and mother. 1 shall
except none, for II is tlie groundwork
of the Natien. Without geed wives and
geed met hem the ceuntrv will go te
the dejrs. What was It Inspired our
Women .Men De Net Care Te Marry
The one who takes him seriously.
The one he cannot kiss.
Or the one he can kiss tee easily.
The clever woman.
The silent woman.
The candid woman.
The independent woman.
The woman who never tries te under
stand him.
The woman who understands him en
tirely. And alas, the one he eventually does
J.i", by Pul'.c l.t&etr COMjiaiiy'
The Weman's Exchange
Te "Urte Jeune Fllle Curleuse"
I'm sure tli.it a small lamp, such as
you suggested, would b.i very much np -
predated by the person In question
. , . . , ,. . , ,,, in.. .,
Ml" COUld net llflp but like It
suggestions are a bceli of the kind you
i i new f.ii0 w like, a box of well-chosen
I ., ,. , -.,,, .,.i,in.
I stationery or a pair of silk stecking: .
a Nevel SUDOer
j0 the Editor of It'omen's Page'
- .... -rt,tw T fint nlinill te elve a
i Hear Madam I am nneui 10 g e a
r....-U ....ar nft.l trnill.l 11UA IO (fOW
1 wuisn .ttti-. ... ....-..- --- -- ---
i tvhat te ten'. Mllr-.
s. T.
, , . j- ....
This sort of supper Includes frank-
nninin rnm.
pickles, het rolls and coffee.
Concerning Art
Te the Vdlter of ll'omen'i Page:
Dear Mneam ivlnuiy leu
land address of person who w
I me Information concerning I
and method of Joining same.
near Madam Kindly tell me name
art clubs
GltACn B.
Ge te the Information bureau of the
it Alliance, 1K:3 Walnut street, ana
I am sure they will be able te tell you
.. hat you want te Itnew
Dressing Dells
u the Kditer of IVemnti's Page;
Dear Madam -- f'euld jeu possibly
help me In locating a shop where I
could dreFs dell.' 1 am an experienced
sewer and, ns 1 have a little girl of
school ace, I would llke te de the work
at home A WIDOW.
Could you net intere some shop
around jour neighborhood In selling
veur dressed (lolls for you or In placing
h card In their window advertising your
ability te de this kind of work?
The Weman's i:xchang, at 114 Seuth
cventeenth street, would sell these for
t .... tn.l 1 thev llllPll the work VOU
I ,,., -, t-nn -m.lrl tnlfe aAVe.nl llnlld
ihere I In pe you nre lucky.
Little Gifts
If jnu have n friend who ls keen
i bout having nil her personal things
nalnty, make her severnl small sachetn
urtilt of white linen and iinbreldered.
They nre just the thing te slip in
among one's handkei chiefs, lingerie
iileusfs, et
uer, i.l satin or inncta, in pnie eiue. ,
pink, yellow or green : and ever this!
i Lltn.iii.1 i.nritl.e.- (.ikn nf fine hnlld- !
, vrehlf linen or ercandle.
I On., must he ndi-et In laid embreld-l
ery te make a success of this, for that
is the main decoration some flower,
spray, or perhaps a small running
monogram. Around the edge a quarter
Inch wide edging of Valenciennes or
thread lace ls whipped by hand; real
hue should be used.
11 IH" 1'S till . IlllllWIWVt "VII
i .,, mcd,tlHen of lace may be bought
' i ' , in . but laid embroidery Is fur
If one depant embroider well, a
'" -" "
Handkerchief cases nre made in the
s-ime manner. Cases for baby's pillow
or for one's own bed, handkerchief
cases, and cases te held baby's dainty
i lethen may be made en the same plan
as that suggested for the small saciicis.
Want a New Bag?
The bugs jeu see! There are mere
if I fascinating ones around, puffy little
! shinies made of softest veleurs or fig
unsl stuff, lone beaded ones with colors
, ,,-., ..-,.,...., . ,.,.. .!
' Mijuihin'iy couieiueu. s sinnins i-um
1.... I..... I.. ..Il .....I ni........ nn.l l.nu n
design of cut-steel brads zigzagging Its
.way among the intricate figures, while
kn dainty fawn -colored cleur has for a
handle several nnrrew cords, willed Fe
dichl together by n tiny tassel en each
M"juMgMft'' k
fffr &r AKlHv
' ;)hh. , irfL.
7-. '" , A- f3Hrak
v jnr jfKKmKfe.
Weman Wert?
early M'ttlers te t-nrrHk-e nnd nnhle of-
lert was it net me noun women "
utrnve with them iiven mere strenil
eusly than they? I he 'rights, ei
women" sinks as a battle er of free-
where Is the man ledn who in stronger
(ban the Inllucuce of a fnsclnating
The high wages paid women tcdny.
with the eennspient independence and
luxury thus open te them, is under-
minim- the American limit'. Netlunz
but contempt should be recorded the
woman who deserts her home for the
pay envelope. Ne one can serve two
masters. Why ever get married?
Turban of Baby Lamb
Caught With a Jeweled Pin
Seme woman remarked the oilier day
that she always thought of a hat as she
ilid of a casserole. "It's such n line
way te use up the lettevers," she
Such a iewpeint de'es net nlwajs
j work out successfully, hut tlie fur bat
, is one cn.se where this woman's faith
may Ih-applied witli positive benefit. It
i is reany wenueriui new far some old
, remnants et lur will go in making a new
This autumn the fur turban and tlie
fur-trimmed hut hnve b en, perhaps, in
better standing than ever before.
nc illustrate ieua a ciiarining tur
nan of black b.ib.v Innili caught in front
l with it jeweled pin representing its only
.trimming in hievement. Such pins and
I...!...- ..- 1- .... ..i ' - . i
, unit i tn ...t.ii.'ii.-t in t in siii-i. lei nun
..,..,.,..., .,,... ..,'' J, V
i . -.-. .... ..u.. ......... ,..-
1 the fore.
Tilings You'll Leve te Make
Helly l'ln and Needle Cases for Your
Christmas Fnvers
Helly pin and needle cases are nice
for dinner favors. If the name of the
guest is embrebleied en the outside, It
will serve ns a plate card. Cut green I
lelt into the shape of a holly leaf. Cm
two or three pleies of white llannel the.
Mime shape but a trllle smaller. With
black silk stitch the center vein of the j
lop leaf. Overcast the edges of the I
leaves se thnt they de net fray. Itind I
(lie leaves together at the bottom with
silk or ribbon. Make a red silk ball .
filled with emery. Jein it te the lower I
end of the case KLOUA.
Stick In
When shopping for s.toct s.tect
nigs buy a whole carton of
Little Sun-Maid Raisins and
make two dozen kiddies
happy for $1.
24 five-cent packages of Im Im
cieua little fruitmeau at a
Chrhmuj Bargain Price!
Put one in each stocking. And
let little people hand them out t
little frirnds ai Christmas gifts.
New idea delightful.
Get them new at any store.
Little bright red boxes full of
little raisins both geed and
f$d fr you.
Sun -Maids
'Christmas Rffisins"
5c Everywjj.e
Had Your Iren 'illJj'f
The Reckless Age
.4fiie Feuler U a pelrd member
of the iieunpcr set who iliinks mm
u-eir mutle for her umitxemcvl. She
rntmitcs herself te Charley Tyne,
uu relt for the sake of beiitp eupaped
mid Inter when Uhmleii breaks the
eiifinyemcnt because of her flirtation
tilth Masen Leny, wyerlter. Mine t
aiteiimleil. She fiiuh herself actually
in lore with him, bill irirn she dis
covers that he. Is itslny her for copy
,in a novel he is deiny en thr ja:: am;
it ii a terrific blew te her yrntc.
When Mr. J'esler mcch irllh finan
cial wcrscs AHnc lccUlcs te de
something irlth her life, tihe pacs te
Matthew Uiitchlns, a bin producer,
and he pives her a ehaiue. At the
first irhcarsal of his play he hitmil
talcs her before the tntlrc cast and
for the first time in her life Aline
spirit is broken and she Ii humble.
The Opening
TN' TIIK weeks that followed.
threw liersel
self with utter abandon Inte
(tut itm.l f I.tllv Itn.-i. her ninrvpJeilH
lienllli nvnved n triiuil ll-vrf. for si''
thrlieden the hard work, and Ilntehiiis i
was never unite mi lnricites- toward her
as he diad been that hVt day.
When bin. ttri'ivped Ids iiicaninR. be
cen ciifettrit"i'il her. nnd gradually she;
lit-nn te iiini"ine the pari, mic Di'ltan
ile'iiliii: hiTHdf mere and mere into
l.ettv'.s peiMinnlitv. until one day when
'she 'had liiilshed' reliearsliic her blfi
..... . . !..
I i.ffiVIP. Illtlrh HIM sniil (1 1110(13.
"i. ..,., i tf.nl.- "
wyi luillll
Allnc drew a lout
breath. She felt
, ,,,,,,,,.. vni,,i
It seemed te her
. . ,, ,,,, .,..,. ,.fllinl...i se mttfli
wilt say that."
I l.nviula I'arcw looked at the gill out
j0f shrewd blue ejes. She wondered if
aIIiic were as iiiiiuceiil as i-he looked,
for Matthew Hutrhlns never worked
l vvitlt nny one as lie had with Aline
unless lie was practically sure ei ui"'h
uiudu u discovery.
Ten year.i uge Laviuia had been his
discovery, and she would go en playing
with him for years te come, for she
was only thirty -live. Hut Aline was
made of different material. After she
had served her novitiate with llutcblns
she would be able te play parts that te
l.avinia C'arew would be impossible.
Sin. Iiml mere lire, mere mission, while
J.avlnla'8 charm lay in her whimsical
appeal anil sue was wen uwuic m mi"
j fact.
aiiiic wns unconscious ei u ;it.i-t
scrutlny of the elder woman, and there
was something about her that made
l.avinia certain she was net feigning
..I ..-....' m.. .t i.i.t ii-. lmi " T.a-
I1U1I l. DU.1 t tllll. I" '
inia thought, making up her mind
suddenly. Hutch hud his own reasons
for picking en tlie girl during the first
days of reheaisal, perhaps he felt that
she had tee much tge, nnd if se, I'm
net going te spoil her by tluttery just
And se she said nothing mere, nnd
tlie rehearsals went en. l'acli duy
Aline felt surer of bf.'self. mere certain
of her ability te portray tlie part of
l.etty. She had grown te feel that she
was l.etty; sometimes she hud an uu
canny sensation of seeing the world
I through I.elty's eyes, nnd this was of
(eurse due te the fact that herimnginn herimnginn
tlen had been stimulated, and she had
i..n..Mii n ui.lutrdliin t.t lu-r i.u-ti tiersen-
j ,,tv
' (),i the night of the opening of "The
, t',.,,hi." Aline Niiirered no nsienv of
fnir. Dressed in her shabby stage
costume, she steed in the wings watch
ing tlie pluy with eager eyes. Out
I rout were her father nnd mother nnd
Phyllis and CJeerge. Ne one else knew
anything about her stage debut, for
this new Aline who hnd developed under
Matthew Hutchlim' careful training
had no desire te be known. Her name
had gene down en the ptegrani as
Alicia Frnwny and she had decided
against tlie use of her own name lest
j',,"j f the old crowd seek her out.
Just before it -was time for her
entrance, she had a qualm of mis
giving. Suppose her nerve should for
sake her. Suppose after all Matthew
llutchins bad done for her she were 10
hieak down in the part!
Hut a moment later when she wallfd
, out en the stngc she had forgotten nil
about herself. She was net Aline
' Pester, nor even the shadowy Alicia
, I'enwny. She was l.etty, just I.nty'.
i 'IV e pnrt gripped her, .md sh spoke her
I lines centldently in that leiely con
tralto voice of hers that Int. r was te
pieve no smill part of her enormous
(Tomorrow What the Ciilics Said.)
Mm M-il.le Walker Wjuhlncten may U
lireuslu eien innic premlnenily Inte tlm
public ee Uiirlnu the threaten.! Iinracli
men I tirecri'illngn. Cenmnnce IJrexel, .1 m'-
1 11 im 111,1c 1.1UOKI! lorreHPoniieni writui ,
fre.iuentlv of news of lnlen-Dt te women, of
n.illennl an.l laternatlunnl Inipert.ime, in
tli.j ti.lumna of the 1'iuLic I.ui.ukk "Maloi
It 1 li.iblt." Adv. I
The Gift That Pleases
Everyone All the
Our Hosiery Depart
ment Is Just Inside
the Doer
Oflering an unparalleled op
portunity te select your Lady's
own choice. Our hosiery has
the reputation for beauty, new
ness and quality that will
make your jjift doubly welcome.
Silk and Weel Hosiery
Style in Quality Footwear
1130 Chectnut Street
lit, Twelfth
The Way We Women Sacrifice
In Order te Please the Men We
n.-,.7f. it sn Mrtnv
1XIIY don't you wear that pearl
W pin. dear?" called mother, ns
Maude fussed about Kfttlns ready for
the ilaiiee.
Maude ftewnrd n little nnd tossed
her head iinpnllently.
"Oh, inetluT, I wish en wouldn't
nlwnys wnnt me te wear that thing. I
don't like it. and people don't wear
lliep pins nny mere, l'verybedy else
Is wearing dlnmnnd bars, and I leek se
silly and old-fashioned If I conic out
with this old round pearl thins en."
"It's a very lovely pin, Maude,"
reminded her mother, quietly. I don't
want you tn leek old-fashioned, but
your father pnve you that en your
birthday, and he likes te see you wear
ing It, nnd with that kind of n dress It
would be just rlht."
well. I nun 1 rare. retorted
Jlauile "I II wear it around the house
for daddy te see. hut I'm net Reltig te
!oe; like a frump at the dance."
And ke that nettled hat.
Maude uns one of these independent
yeuns iinue.s wiiesg eniy mw is ineir
own wish, whose wish In regard te np-
I pearance is Je be ns much like every
i ether young lady of their, acquaintance
. Mil tiriLCtllitn
" """"'.'
As usual, she went by her only lnw.
, get her own wish, asserted her inde
She were the diamond barpln instead
age, at the
dc has been
she became
dance, and
was mnrrled a comparatively short time
I afterward.
She came te a bridge party the ether
afternoon dressed, of course, in the
very latest a long, swinging skirt and
an overbleuse with n close-fitting band
around the hips.
Her silhouette leeks exactly like
every ewcr snneuctte at tne party.
Uut there was a difference in the de
tail of her costume, which was imme
diately noticed.
Where everybody else were n long
We have jut wfct you want Ik
i&i Christmas Gifts for Men d&
Woven Madras, $2, $3, $4
White Oxford ) neckband or cellar attached i2 R
M "nlleP"ln the belt
ffi English Broadcloth white or in colors $3 $4-50 $5
J9 Pure Silk beautiful patterns, wonderful values $7 $8 $8'50
g Gray Flannel a dandy thing for a young man 2S0 $5
This will make a great hit with Dad:
jfc Fine Woven Madras (Something Special) $3.85 ea., 3 for $8
And this with Mether:
SZ Ladies Hese wool or silk, exellent quality $2 $2-50 $3
5tt &
Marshall E. Smith & Bre.
724 Chestnut Street
fwAfv hDCflflh 4tww J m
1 1 11 1 Hi "y
Marmet Coati
Squirrel Leck Coats.
White Ccney Coats..
Natural Censy Coats .
Mnrmet Cecti
A Weman's
Choice of Gifts
Aik Vewr
li In )
wm all the eld-t
Our Independence of Theu,
Marry Would Be Consider
nt Tie Di.nV tln It k
I.AMt tn...1. I....1 -..
iui.iii .uumie ..an u miner smn 0n.,H
round in shape, nnd set with beautiw J
nine penris, 'y
Why, Maude!" cxclnlmed her tiiri i
ner, leaning across the table te SS" '
the pin. "What a perfectly sweet t & i
I never saw it before; did Jack f i. i
te you?" ""'t
"I never were it much," reniu.'
Maude, without savlnc !, .lM '
Jack didn't give It te me, but he Cj
it se that I've sort of get Inte th.
habit or wearing it. Yes, I think it", '
pretty. Dad gave it te me for my hlrtii '
GONK the only law, gene the Ind- '
pendcrit little toss of the lienil. eon.
the great wish te leek like cvcryCrT
else I '
All gene, and In their place enh tC'
desire te please "him." 7 ,hs
Hew often you see It!
The mere self-sufficient they tire b(.
fore marriage, the greater seems te It
their fall te complaisance afterward '
There's the girl who never wer' a
hair net, because she hated them
couldn't get them en right, wouldn't
keep them en, hnteil the feel of them
couldn't see the sense of them, an)-'
new, nu uiey no ih miisn your hill
down I
She used te get se excited about It
that her voice would rise screamlnilt
She's married new, and she. getglier "
hair shampooed and waved every two
One of the things she never falls te ,
buy when you go en n shopping teu,
with her Is a hair net, dark brown
straight, '.'Or no, I guess I'd better
hnve a dozen, I use them up se fait, de '
you? They tear se quickly!"
She wouldn't think of being without
one new because ber husband likes'
her in it. ,
OH, IT'S dreadful the vray we women'
sacrifice our independence nf
thought nnd action by marrying this;
opinionated men.
But we seem te consider It well wert!'
doing, If the number of us who de it 1. .
anything te judge by.
Sightly, Shapely and Sensible
Selected for Style & Service, give
Surpassing Satisfaction
with .ni. .tripe $3 $4
wearing shirt marketed ($3 f
A Small Depeiit
Will Reserve
Your Purchase
Give the Child a Fur Ceat
or Fur Set for Xmas !
Manufacturing direct and eliminating all
middleman's profit, means low prices for you.
Brown Ceney Sets. . .$4.50
Beaver Ccney Sets.. 8.50
Fawn Ceney Sets 9.50
White Ceney Sets ...10.50
Squirrel Ceney Sets. 12.50
Ne Xmas gift will give a woman gi eater pleasure
than furs, and if the fur coat or neckpiece bears
tlie label of a reliable furrier, her pleasure is that
much greater. Monsieur I'eibcr offers his services
and expert knowledge in the selection of furs for
Amas and guarantees satisfaction in quality and
prices. Lewer Prices This Year and a full assort
ment of stylish coats and neckpieces.
Ter the Christinas
Pieyeu need only
the crust and this
ltt-lb. jar of