nsac -i-r amnies 1WW-'V 'STJi'TI Twwmm j w!&mmMm !s! W j w 'fiffY i-, "'" : t ' y-?? rwsK $?' t!l 'i I 0 J f - I ,' S x-1 " VTHf? WEATHER t .' -:--. : EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER NIGHT .ml nturli teMer tdnlihtt tern. VMf&l? ;7iilne lL"eul in "'term ny tainc Tuesday Increasing ciennmess. i . ' 1; iVOL. IX. NO. 82 Entered ax Bccnnd.ciiiM MMter t llm ponlefflre t Philadelphia. Pa. I Undar tbi Act et March 8, llfi PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1922 fubllihtd Ballr Ert Sunday, Bulnerlptlen Prlea It Taar bf 1UU. Copyright 1021, by Public Uslfr Ceirpanr. PRICE TWO CENT3 M OVERCOME GAS ARE SAVED fBY GIRL AND MAN n - A . (ibers Rush te Aid of Seutli ft Seventh Street Families' Overcome ln.Bed3 er gives alarm BEFORE HE COLLAPSES HS . Effjilng Main Blamed for Fumes Ifrfiat Seeped Inte Three Ad- joining Houses rt.mii persons, members n three hmllifj vere found in Mirleim rtages eC.sphyxiatlen nt 0:20 o'clock this aiming nnd rrecuwi irem incur - Hid llOHSCS wneil Dnmuci rjmwuuuii, twtktncd. Ills rentes hulf clogged, mus temf strength enough (e stngger te u Jindew of bis home at 201 B Seuth' Sev flih'rtreet and theut for help. He then een'ipced. 'm.k ia weened into Silverman's house Ld these of his neighbors at 2015 nnd S17; Seuth Seventh street from n taken main. 'These overcome by gas anil tOKcn 10 Ht MethedKt Hospital are: 'Bamufl Silverman, fifty-two years EM, 2613 Seuth Seventh street, 'jirs. Sarah Silverman, thlrty-five ttjn old. jBerllia Silverman, twelve years em. Bessie Silverman, eighteen yrnrs old. 'Abraham Marks, fifty years old, 2015 Seeth Seventh ttrcet. fjMrs. Anna Marlis, thirty-five years Harry Marks, sixteen years old. Qfrtrude Marks, eight years old. . . vDeru Marks, twelve yenrs old. ilinils Itliner. forty-five years old, (Sir Seuth Seventh htrect. Mn. Anna Ititner, thirty -five years Id. Girl Rescues Three Sarah Llcbcrinnn, a nineteen-year-rtil etrl. who lives nt 200:: Seuth Pkunth street, was passing the Silver mn house when slit" was startled by be elderly man's scream. She looked upward in time te fee Wliverman col cel Upe and drop en the window bill, half In nud hulf out, and apparently Id danger of tumbling te the street. Unaware of the nature of the trouble slthln. Miss T.Ieherman called te Harry ttsWebbias, who lives nt 2004 Seuth ebVcrrnth street, just us he was leaving til house, ami together they battered nt'the Silverman deer, innunged te get it open, and both rushed into the louenous ntmespheie. Miss I.icbcrmnu then went into tlie Mirks home next deer and rescued mm- semi-conscious children, stag-le-ring with ouch one te the street, and :ftn n breath of fresh air. threw i sbawl nbeut her nose and mouth, nd valiantly returned te search for mers. r Uad Ne Thought of Heroism , Any one would have denp It." Mim Wins Divorce 14S. - J ,MW ? Wrn&-rt&m ?SakVMkaKaJKHr IM-HUlVlalaM IMIOUK ASBURY Klgliteeii-jeur-eld bride of Charles T. Asbury. of Oak Innc, who ob tained a divorce today. They re maliicd married only twenty-four ' hours, oho said MRS. LOUlsTTiCHENOR AGAIN GETS DIVORCE Second Time Decree Is Granted. Married Twe Years Age Among the divorces granted today by the Common Pleas Court Xe. 5, was one te Louise 1). Tichenor, from Ralph W. Tichenor. That is the second divorce the couple have obtained. Their first nmrringc took place In this city nbeut two years age, and they were diterccd In Wash ington, D. C, about n .rear later. Until the reinarriaijc, Mrs. Tichenor lived et 4-120 Pine strec. A illrerci was granted by Common Pleas Court Xe. fi te Phoebe C. Asbury from Charles A. Asbury. Mrs. Asbury appeared in the news about n year age by announcing tbnt tne niiewunce her husband gave her JUDGE DENIES PLEA TO TAKE BRUNEN CASE FROM JURY Slain Man's Widow Net Con nected With Crime by Testi mony, Defense Contends -- - QUESTION FOR JURORS TO DECIDE, COURT RULES Mehr, en Stand in Own De fense, Presents Alibi for Day of Murder Supreme Court Justice Kallsrh, sit ting nt jreunt Helly. X. ,T today re fused te free Mrs. Deris Itruncn of the murder of her husband. "Honest" Tebn Prunen, te plea te take her case from the jury. Mrs. Kronen nnd her brother. Harry C. Mehr, then began their defense. Walter Keown, ntterney for the de fendants, contended that none of the testimony in the Commonwealth's case, presented during last week, connected the woman with the murder of her husband March 10 nt his home at Riv erside. X. .T. Justice Knlisch ruled against this plea, en the ground that, while there might net be sufficient evidence te con nect the wemnr. with the murder, t this was a question for the jury and net the Court te decide. Mehr 'was the first witness In his own defenbe. He madp a" sweeping and detailed denial of all the Common wealth' principal allegations against him nnd offered nn alihl censlstliur of a, recital of persons nnd places he lind ' visited during the evening. The only ,.,,-. unexpected bit of testimony h( gave WINE was tbnt Charles Powell, who con- ! f ItClL.riil lir tit ti nlnH nt til iintn n.l Atiittw tsa ' ! M 11 V, ItMIIUV I 41 Mil )!( Ill tiwiit nr May Wed King's Sen iaaaP;:-?;:ai, '?'$. IbHF! y''IbbHb1' 'Y ' &' .'V?'fj''(" bbbS&ilS l 'V?.$4ttaF49'.BBBBBBBBaal &te&w&"&JK'3Mr&S&mm U LADY KLIZAHKTII IJOWKS liYON Daughter of Karl of Strathmere, whotie ctigagcment te the Duke of Yerk, second non of KlnsMlferge, Is expected soeii te be anneuncetl, despite the fact that tlie King Is said te linvc desired that the be trothal he deferred. The rumor of the engagement wns first given cir culation a year age NIGHT LIFE SCORED GIRL DIESJ LAKE Bridgeton, N. J., Starts War en Roadhouses After Finding of Emma Garrison's Bedy SAID TO FLOW DENVER BANDITS 3 STEAL 11,000 IN GOLD AT U.S. MINT Sheet Federal Reserve Guard and Seize Meney Being Leaded en Truck ESCAPE IN AUTOMOBILE AMID RAIN OF BULLETS Robbers Open Fire With High- Powered Rifles as Soen as They Appear Wallace Reid Near Death, at Hollywood Sanatorium was tee small, nnd ilmf ulu fnk enm polled te go en the stige ns n chorus j ',s instigator, had told him next day (,... j .11111.U if 111c ,1,-iiv.ii-iii -J , 1 -'.- .' ..., ciii-t,i. vn- ciLiiiitf. .it ,,iiiv Kmiiin (inrilsen, sevinlccn years old. of Magueliu incline. Rrldgoten, X. .1.. M... 4.1 1 il. 1 t.. f rr.ln.la ..,.!.... ...1.11. .....! .1... .mi. J1MJIIIJ JS UIC llUllglllCr 01 HOW- ...,i n OTUII, nuiL-ll llllfllfll llli,..n l.,l I,,,.,, ..el,...-,! .v 1,,,.. ,l.,wta nl P.. flll. nf !,e,. I... KfCrillll WPek nf llie trill. I.Pirnii i.lll, .1 , " " "M ute" fUUUeU l).V II'. p.tlCIIIS . ."..-, fc .' . j,i,,,ttvr,. II, 1,11,, , . . ---- - "- ...v. ....... ...r..... ,.,., 1 1 1 T.111..' I.,. ,. - ciupcn iu r-ihieii wiiu uie son et a wealthy manufacturer, of Valley read, Oak Lane. They seimrated twenty four hours later. truck"grazesgirl, crashes into bank Driver's Helper Hurt Trying te Avert Collision With Wagen A. motertruck, turned shnrnlv te avoid n wagon at S o'clock this morn- in; brief nresentntlen of nddltlennl ivi- . for bpeuding Saturday night nt nn denee by the Commonwealth, .ftmutliuii ' Kast Yinelnnd rondhetisp, was found Kelsey. County Prosecutor, explained ' rlcnd In a lake nt Uridgclen ycstciVmy that there were a few points which Ins .,f.nP had emitted and asked tierinlssien te i '".... 00"' .... effer them new. which was granted. luc apparent Hiiu-idc has aieusul Hie j.uiK 1 un.n , iiMiiii.v iivirviivr, wn ,,7, ......- - -. then put en the stand te explain that '.'?. . 1,;,i1,h',Jre J,",J ,,ft,I!c"? lla1' '''" he lind seen a bloody fifty dollar ),i Ufeeter of Pitblk-Snfe.j Tjler. t;t that mentioned by ether witnesses. city nnneuneed today he will tineke detective, with a dollar bill handed ' L0,!!iJ' nf" b,at,: "' hl . "'J'. ,,"Ia,k'1 him by Keown. illustrated te the Imv'., 1,,T S'n , was relcaseil I ilil.'iy tiem where the spots were. Justice Kallseh i ."" suiuucrianii i euiny jail niiei-sexv islceil it Ik; were sure they were hjoed spots, and the detective replied in thy 1112 a tblrts -da.v foiitemv for dlser derly conduct. Police fay that en Sat urday ahe and I.cena Curtniii, tif een 1 nfTirmn ritn Tn nnuirn mmtliAii i s. srazea a young woman nnd crasheii 1, rr"i."'. ; "VV" "'.''";,"'' ' ivears old. et iti iifptnn. !iri'.qii!?i n into the deer of the People's Rank. Sev- " 'j ."I ";;, ",, 'V' '":,,, ," ,, ' ,,,,,'.,. "'"tins with two yeun-,- men at ail Kast enth and Wolf streets, hurllns the I ..J, n L x"Jni Jf 1 ' .'. , I Vinsliind roadUeuw. driver's he Der te the Kfreer. imiiiicii na'l pianne I te t.ile lis wire l Kmi,!,, rim ni,i Iulw. m in n',.1,,,,1. Frank Comeir. 321 Peinhertnn 'sn. . NCW. ,1.er,.; P w? r t,l"' con identify , jPstcr,lIlv merniinr ....,! un ,nn,n.,l Jf TlSrenilffrS n. nlB1jS'. ml the girl w"!.? .- -.4iiii iiLii-rii .i-iiri mu. the helper, fell en his shoulder and side nnu was nurt reverely. Oertruiie Fen nel, twenty-five years old, "17 Merev street, who wns walking north In Sev enth street, was slightly bruised. The truck was moving west In Mojn Mejn mcnslng uvenue. Tiie wagon, driven by Moe Fex. 2533 Seuth Marshall struct. wnu triilni. nnt1i I., Cn..n..,l. ....... ..-.. p.-... ........ ... .n.vmu siiuci. ,lll.... i. r... .- ... ....... ...i... ".i ... ." . -. " Aieyamcnstng avenue intersects nt I J, r , , "".i , unhwer, iuhet cai went in e a rcsia.irant at nt pe it also nnd the bank building 1 , r"ei-s.iid angrily e Justice Kiilixeli i.l :-0 e ) k .cstcrdaj. leaving Kmiaa vlvlr i , "' ,i ln,tM wr? ,0 p " I'eli my the three girls mad" plans Parker down en the number of woman's f0P another party at llaht Vlneland footprints, lie had seen outside the win- Inst night. The .eunt,cr girls met two huh iiiniiiKll nniru WHS lliru 1110 snot thnt killed liitinen. "He linsn't in young men. hut Cumin wns uniibl.' te obtain an escort. The man and the that Gas Street Lamp in Flames Te add te thn confusion the tenkin? Ill Mcaped up the line of a street lamp, iuilni an explosion and sheeting Mines a hundred feet Inte the air. Fire Mpeg responded te an alarm nnd aural tn thft rnnfltnlnn nf thn nnlffli- bcrhbed. The United Gas Imnrevement Cem- Pny tent an emereencv crew te the etas and workmen began digging te 'eeite tbe break in the main. (ML HURLED FROM CAR WHEN IT STRIKES BANK Mldtllne Lake In Heanltal With Pictured Skull and Other Injuries Mflrfelinn T nlrA .. . .1.1 5S?. fterU Bensnll street, wns hurt irfiti t st n'Sut when a motorcar S.LWch $0 ,vns riding crashed into n Mnk at Mill Creck read near State tBe eu,ng woman's skull was frae- .i.ai"L. ht'.r ,fnce nnd ,,edy cut tflil the Mewerlnl II0B" ue run itns or i. t,(. n.0,i1' ,--7 Itoberougli avenue, the i.KrefAl10 c.nr "nH stcd with MIsn m i. fr"?Al"n?n' . tWrty-nve drhrlni. wicMien street, was iiuf.WnJ 'P."10, pelIcc' Desmond WOs i, 2"m wlth the renl '",(l swerved "It maellilin nrnmwl n .1 - - .... Mil a mieed Mini the ..an iff n. ..i lXCeut ' '",0 "l0 bnnU, ,,,,r"nail'3 ih?"kifr "'i'.1 I,)cs,ne,,(1 surremjOred te liW i T " 1,0"c', nnd, were re 'W in their own recexn sahce. EXPLOSION RIPS WALL DURING F STREET FIRE 'ht Motertrucks, Seven Touring vn uamaged In Garage Blaze Elplif .w.,... i.. I tlri .. r "tKS ,nn." Mven tour- .r.r W'cre ilnmnirl (I. I.. ... , ... hich wrecked n'and Wldln. nt n '" ,u . -tery brick E.nisi.nt ' a,:,, Athntlc streets. .bxplndine cnxn l" .!.. i ...-'-... Ma riill u'iiii: a "I'i'v'i uwuy imrt with ii L ii0 flrc.mi were struggling ?rlJ1,L.1;,n.z.(J whlrii began nt 5:1.1 Ti., "'"" 011;nei or two hours. the truck dnmnireil the ihim. nmi u.. teply te liis question, then CNnlnined ened surrounding brickwork. tlmt l,lrl'e "'ere tlnee or four imprints lnc ami boiler room Is i , the m .111 ', owns the bulldhfg tie flre liepini .. . Art) been 11 In hn '.. T.J , in'1"0,"" eycrhfutiNl boiler ws was eatluiatcd at $10,000. TkBE"KVM? ri mu, TO AUGUSTA. HA. balCi" .'f-Vsnderbllt Held enrna l.n HCVK fffirjw nwi'JfiVft. Adv. BRITISH TROOPS BID FAREWELL TO ERIN i Much Geed Will Shown as Tricolor Supplants Union Jack Dublin, Dec. 18. (Ily A. P.) The Union Jack and the authority It sym bolized in Ireland for se many years had gene bnek te Britain today with the last of the British soldiers occu pying the Dublin urea, and in its place ever the military pests of this city featcd the tricolor of the Irish Free atate. Thn departure of the King's garrison nnd the intnllatien of the Free State troops wcre accomplished with a remark able display of fraternity and geed will, Sunday crowds, cheering enthusiasti cally, watched the British military mnrch te the decks with flags Hying. Richard Mulcahy, Minister of Defense in the Free State Government, saluted the British colors as they came down for the last time. , YOUNG PHILA. DANCER KILLED BY TAXI IN N. Y. Mrs. Jeannette Hughes, 1808 Seuth Bread Street, Victim of Speeder Mrs. Jeanettellughes, nineteen years old, of Philadelphia, wns struck and killed lnbtantly by u tnxicab In New Yerk early this morning. The young woman, who roomed lit 1808 Seuth Bread street, had geno te New Yerk In search of a position ns u dancer, accompanied by her mother. She was crossing Third nvenue, nt Nineteenth street, 'when the machine hit her. It was running nt forty miles mi hour nnd did net step, thn police re port. At the Seuth Bread street heuse today It was said that the young woman anil her mother went te New Yerk Novem ber 25. i of n wemnn's shoe. lfifimsnMl,TXn thn.S-.nfT-'.? faces n triangle. Th, Iranar of ? Mr. Keown Insisted, en a definite outside II -- .wv aauu I . . . , .. . -. . I inn t IiIl miAHtimi tliAi, n, nlnl.,n,1 ueu.jiewn, apparently surprised that X one should consider her a heroine. Way, when I heard that man scream loreuih the window and then tumble in a heap, I just had te go te set what the trouble was. I was se minted I never thnntrht nf nv ilemrnp lie smell of gas inside was sickening, i ii neipca te nave my mouth and mj covered, and the little headache wit came after a few moments in the HOUSO auleklv left- me nhen T .. breath of the fresh air outdoors." Bejs Find Bedy When die ethers left the rentnuinnl. v........ t.n.i .i:c.n.A.....i .. 1 1. ... l T- i . i ii . .iii.iiu nnu uinuiijiruivu. .Ill Iiuur IIIICV. Mi. Keown then began his argument , Uiissell Jehnsen, heii of Mayer Samuel for the dismissal of the ind ctmcuts r .T,,i,i,nn nr ii,.i,ii .i rr.i,.. ngaliiht Mrs. Brunen. , Themas, high s-.-hoel hejs. were stroll- mg along the Unceway, a stream tha' attracts hundreds of canoeists in the aummer. .Tehusiiu and Tiiemns saw a girl s body in the water and Munitiened police. The body wns taken te the meigue nnd iiientined as taut et iMiimn linrrlun. Police lntei gut In touch with l.tena Reasons for Motion Mr. Keown said in moving te free Mis. Brunen: "I make this mellnu willi the realiza tion that iu the event of denial, it will net affect the status of the defendnut, Mrs. Deris Brunen. I hasp my con tentien en the following lenseus Hu ljocleled Prcis Denver, Dec. 18. Thtee bandits to te day shot nnd probably fatally wounded Willlnm Havener, n Federal Rcserve Bank guard, nnd escaped with nbeut !?200,000 In geld which was being leaded onto a Federal Reserve truck In fient of the Denver Mint. The funds were bclnsj transferred from the mint te the local Federal Resen e Bank. The robbers seized the geld nnd sprang into a large automobile. An their car sped nway armed Government guards inside the Mint building fired from the windows at the robbers. The entire Denver police force quickly wns called Inte action In an effort te apprehend the robbers. The robbery occurred at 10:40 o'clock, a few minutes after the Gov ernment empleyes had begun te lend the cold Inte the Federal Reserve truck. While the leading was in progress an automobile drew up in front of the Mint building. Three mnsked robbers sprang from it. Before the Government employee knew what had happened the handits opened lire from nigh-powered j lilies. I Ilavener fell at the first fui!iade. The Government empleyes returned the lire, but the robbers ncted nuickly, sprang te the motertruck, grabbed the hags of geld and escaped. While the robbery was going en. according te wit nesses, a second automobile touring car. leaded with mnsked men armed with shotguns nnd rifles steed twenty feet from the bandit car, apparently ready te give aid should the timidity need npslstunce. KELLER'S DEFIANCE BEFORE COMMITTEE Heuse Investigators te Determine Course te Be Pursued ' Washington, l)e. IS. (By A. P.) The Heuse Judiciary Committee te day appointed a sub-iemmlttee te In vestigate what action, If any, should be taken in connection with the refusal of Tteprek'ntnTrveTICeller". of Minne-o,it-te testify before the committee as te the Information en which lie- based his Im peachment charges against Atterucj Genernl Dnughcrty. The decision te refer the micstfnn in a snb-commiltee was readied after nn ' hour and a half of discus-dm in exec utive session. A motion alie w.i adeptcil that the committee proceHed tomorrow te take further testimony ' under the specifications filed by Mr. I Keller. Renresentntlves Woodruff nf Michigan, and Jehnsen, of Seuth Da kota, have been asked te testify and Chairman Velstead indicated tlmt n number of officials of the Department i of Justice also would be called. THEATRE MAN IS SHOT;. POLICE HOLD HIS WIFE Film Star's Health Re Re Re oerted Undermined V... mr .- j. m uy iv urcviiuts uiiw &$ Liquor Complete Exhaustion or Influenza Cause of His Critical Condition Bi Asuetlilrd Preai i M AiiRclrs. Dec.1 IS. Wallace Reid, motion-picture 'tar, is en the verge of death and for several days bns net been expected te live, according te Mrs. Wallace Reid (Dorethy Daven port) In nn interview today in the Les Angeles Examiner, given nt a Hollywood sanatorium lust night. One of the physicians, according te tbe Examiner, corroborated Mrs. Iteld'n statements, saying: "Mr. Reid lias been near death for the last five or six days. His teinpet teinpet nture has repeatedly readied 103 and his pulse l.'IO. His heart action is ir regular nnd weak. He has fainted en nn average of three times daily and has lest seventy pounds in weicht. Labora tory findings nt the pic-ent time indi cate lie Is suffering cither from u con dition of complete exhaustion or from influenza. "A reinfectien of influenza is possible .it any time and could cause his death. This is net anticipated by attending physicians, but it is being considered. Brave About Death "He thought he would die the ether night," said Mrs. Reid. "He was se '.HWz "' yy KtJsbIbw' Mm?kk7iMi ify BbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbTv ! i ;' " '. - ft VT JTBalalBW BalBlBBlBWr r. a' i . S:f- . -a rivv s,-, vv4b1bb1H m '; iif W i s ' WttHttl' i .'ilasVr'j B:.iBFi Wxf'v fit JiBBlW': TiJiBlBBKJ ? v ... mr's. jKSBM WKhjV '? 'H 'l -mm' 'sbIbIV?XI SB jt' k;y '; ' : !" ' ,, - aBasV3H W0mSmMk IubWbV v sLIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbMbIbIbIV' iiKaBBHlBli i tlJiBBB' INJURED HERhIH SURVIVOR TELLS OF DEATH SCENE Nen-Union Miner Who Was Left te Die Reappears as if Frem Crave UNDER CLOSE GUARD AS HE IS CALLED AS WITNESS Dan O'Reurke One of Six Men Who Were Bound Together With Ropes PRESENT DIRECT EVIDENCE WALLACE KEII) live for Billy and Betty and me." refer ring te their son nnd adopted daughter. The physicians, describing the ucter's illness, according te the Examiner, said: "His nrescnt illness has no cennec- Uien with ever-indulgence in alcohol or narcotics, although such indulgences lmve undoubtedly undermined his strength and system in months gene by." Mrs. Reid. in describinc his condition just before the present breakdown, said I thnt he wept and said : " "Hew did I happen te let myself State Attempts te Prove De fendants Fired Shots Dur ing Massacre By a Staff Correspondent of the Evening Public Ledger Marien, III., Dec. IS. Like n ghost mming back te haunt the mortals he blamed for his restless plight. Dan O'Reurke appeared today te testify against the five defendant en trial in tiic first of the. Hen in massacre cases. His nppearanca here tinrlr lienrv i . .. . iCiiard caused a sensation nnd the prose brave nbeut It, peer boy. Fer three i , i,,."",1'1!,, " '" J.Vi ,nJ ' PU,Ien - "ady te call him te the wit. nights be had expected te die. He isn't , ' h 1dn t I lmve stepped long 0 lt when I . afraid te die. but he wants se much te I Continued en Puce Ktuhlefn. eluuin Six . trjnI re.m(, , LAST-MINUTE NEWS EARTHQUAKE IN WEST INDIES RECORDED CAMBRIDGE, MASS., Dec. 18. A slight earthquake, ap parently centered In or near the "West Indies, was recorded nt the HarvardCellege seismographic station today. GRAIN SHIPMENT SPEEDED AT BLACK SEA PORTS MOSCOW, Dec. 18. Dispatches, from Black Sea ports indi cate that extensive preparations for the exportation of grain are in progress. At Noverossitll the iron works are preparing four teen ships and at Odessa the restoration of elevators is being rushed. The disatches estimated that 3,000,000 poeds of grain are ready for exportation at Odessa and mere than a million at Noveros&isk. NORTHEAS TWINS U. S .MARKING TIME BETTER SERVICE ON EUROPEAN ISSUE 'First, tlmt the indictment charges: ! fi.. C'urlin and learned of the all-night (if- i 'And both Mehr and Mrs, Brunen planned, alde'd and abetted in the mur der of Jehn Brunen. willfully, felo niously nnd with m.illce aforethought.' i rrem a careful rewew or the testi meny, I am absolutely renviuced that there was nothing presented that war rants the retention of Mrs. Ilninen en this charge. Te pioe this statement, I urn willing te specify any reference, no matter hew slight, tlmt was ninde concerning .nrs, nrunen (lurinp testimony of the State's witnesses. "The Stnte bus spoken of her pics, ence nt tbe home at the time of the murder. That was her lawful abode nnd only I elates te the pursuit of her dally vocation. It has net been proved, as stnted iu the Indictment, thnt she deliberately planned nided or abetted in thn murder of her hiibnnd." Mr. Keown then tcvlewed the testi mony against Mis Brunen. He said: "Dr. Stewnit Maul said that Mrs. FIND 60 QUARTS OF WINE IN WRECKED AUTOMOBILE Accetding te Director Tyler, Jacob Rldgeway in Serious Condition P. R. T. te Restore Reute 39 i With Occupation of Ruhr Tem Following Family Brawl ' anri r:,,uc,,0 i ;,, ,. :i ..-..! .i!..:.x i , . T, i i "' wjnkiv. 1.111V ivi uuiuiny vi;i itiii. nuiiiiiniiLrii- .incoe miigeway, pinprictnr of n m""-v ".0cn.i"K l'ict'' theatre at Fifth and Reute 1 8 tien Is Proceeding filewlv ..... trial resumed. O'Reuike. one of the men who were shot during the f.ital riots lest June. was left Ijing en n reaif, supposed te be djiiiff. But today he returned, as if fiem the grave, te tell his story. lie still bears the mniks from tbe wound thnt he received. Tie was one of a half dez:n men who, it has been testified ., i,., . .i !a ' " aw "llt ill. IIIT Hernn cemetery after the iecriiu mob , hnd marched them threuKli TIcrrlH. Tin n,r.n "i..:: '1. """;RK. l" " '" "-ii irisc erenthlti!; when seen and another told of nttempting te Rive n drink of water te the Ihins Jictims and of being ordered te lear by one of the prisoners. O'neurke One of Victims The State alleges thnt one of the msn nni'fif-I!4 ,I'"t ,iim waP 0,nurkc. ami another was Heward Heffman, for whose murder the fire ,lfnn.l,, ..... j Jitiw en trial Heffman ifimi twldavs ....w in me nespuni. hut OTteurke rc rc (evercd from his wounds. Xedflr Grnrre X'elann n r.,... -i his wife first took the stand. Thet live near fVcnshnws Cressinr. The vaw a rprtien of the mob leading pris oners along the hicliwnr. They savr I one of these prisoners full. .The nrk , cners were nl out iwe mllcrt from ;hf -trip mine. They had ben forced tl I lirt that d'etance. t'. K. McDowell, sunerintcndeiit of. the strin nunc. who. the defense will try te show, was hiettcht into William. son County hv the Southern Illinois (enl (empany te break up the strike, was the man who fell. UP W:,H enc: "" "' "" uillTIf CllililSICU, J Saw ,-i0O Armed .Meil M.y. NV!.ei, testified she saw th .,d,,"r!'iwmi ,,ntNl by- 'i00 nr!""1 " .ml McDowell wounded en the face. young pcibens in Bridgeton frequent it Rockland sttects. js in a seiieus cun- rondheuso and n dniice hall in Fast Oltlnn in the Jewish Hospital, shot yinelnnd. 'lie loadheuse is en the through the head. His wife. M. line ,dl itling ( umberlnnd and Atlantic Flnreme Ridgewnv. thirtv-five ui s i counties. Dnmcs me held in the hall nld U nn.l...- n-reLi .i.r,;.i .. :i. ',i... every night, including Sunday, it isi shentiin.. ' When ti i t taken te the hospital SUBWAY CRUSH COMPLAINT, THOROUGH SURVEY URGED j---, nm.mup nien;; en his wooden le. nn. punched him in the bid: nnd two men led hmi away from the crowd down the read." she testified, "j leatil shots from the dlrei-tlen in whhj, ,W Dinvell had b. en I-d." The .(itn.ss liil Mrs. Otis flnrL- ..if! ..r '.. ,t"l-l "I 1I1IC III alleged. Authorities Defied There nie said te he iiiimeinni iH1j the j and seciet wine picsses In the section near inc leunty Jim, leung men and glrlc frequenting the tenitery are known te have obtained wine and ether iutexl. cants freely. Slv months nje the authorities at Bridgeton adopted dance-hnll icgulii tiens that were Intended te prceul young girls fiem freiiucntlng such places without escorts nnd tit late hours. The roedhoiise and dame hnll near the ceuntv line ate outside the Bridgeton jurisdiction. holler .eiviee en t Iiiich affecting Ridgewnv told nhvsicinm he shut him. the northeast, which had been alteied self accidentally while cleaning a re-' or discontinued wbcii llie I'mukferd velver, but under inicstlenliiT b De- ' "L" began eperntiiig, wn ordered re- teitlvc Reeies he icvrnlei information i stored tedny. offer live oath next month Naval Hospital, League Island, Ad dress en Driver's License Sixty quarts of wine were found in a touring car driven by William Mc Phall, Mantua avenue nenr Thirty sixth street, nfter his machine ctaehed nun a iriu-K near .iiicera, ,, , m.. cording te Slate police. ' Several of Mel'liaH's ribs were bruktn iu tlie collision, which occurred Sat urday night. Police say his drhcr's li- j cense gave his address as the Fnited Stntcs NnvHl Hesptal nt League Islnnd The Injured man wns gltcn medical! treatment at the Stale pollen bnrrnelii ' at Haiiinioiiten. lln wns released tndn In fplOOO bail by Justice of the I'eac'e , llurdlck. HIROHITO NOW HAS CATARRH1 Teklo. Dec. IS. (By A. P.) -The Prince Regent, llirnlille, liis iececred iii'iii in- .xw. , ii.iiii hi mi ii-Mi'ri. imh new is HlifTeiin;- from an attack of bron chial, cntnnh, uccerdlng (e nil an nouncement by the department et Pe imperial nottscneia." r Continued en race Ulclitrm. Column Une MAN,SH0T TWICE," IS FOUND IN STREET "Happy Jack Williams" Refuses te Name His Assailant Harry William. Known ns ''Happy Jack" Williams, was found Ut a con dition bordering en collapse by Samuel Ruben, 1521 Weed ttreet, nenr Seventh nnd Callowhill streets, early this morn ing. Ruben saw Williams stagger and lushed up and held him as be was about te fall te the sidewalk. Williams muttered that he hail been hit by mi niitrituehUc. ttnhen hnlte.l n unssiiiL' I meter and bad the man taken te Roec- elt Hospital. At the hospital physicians found Williams suffering fiem two serious bullet wounds in his hack. He refused te say who his assailants were. He gave his address as Franklin street above Vine. GREEK SHIP CALLS AID But Foreign Tongue Puzzles Crew of American Vessel Bosten. Dec. 1S. (By A. P.) Radie messages received today snid the Greek steamship Melpo, bound for this pert from Immingham, with In need of assistance, with her steering gear dis abled. The iue.sagc,s came from the steamship rteerge Washington which was in communicniieu wnn tlm ship. that led le the arrest of his wife today The sheeting eceuncd Saturday morning. Ae cording te the police c'f I he Branehtewn station, Mr. anil Mrs. Rldgeway quarreled in their home nt .".'11 IJuucnnne avenue, cailv thnt nmrn. I lug. The wife, they say, obtained tlie weapon and followed her husband Inte the hall, where she shot him. The bullet pierced his bend beneath the right eje. Then, the police say. she icpented her act and summoned a physician liv ing in the neighborhood. At n hearing before Magistrate I.iu dcll teelaj. Mis. Rldgeway admitted quarreling with her husband but denied she had shot him. She was held iu $100(1 ball for a further bearing Decem ber -', CHRISTMAS TURKEYS DROP Wholesale Prices at Hatfield and Langhorne 48 te 58 Cents Turkejs for Christmas hreuclit The anreiiiicenieiii w:m made Her position wns gi en as nbeut 1200, sligbth lower prices wholesale today miles cat et Si. Jehns, N. !'. T.nii.i- rhnu the nriies ceniinniiilcil lmm,ll,.il.. the (lenige Washington reported thnt ! before Thanksgiving (it Hatfield anil the Melpo wns broadcasting messages in I I.nngheine. tbe (ireek tongue which no one en tbei At Ilntfield today the prices mii"ed Deg Dies in Flames After Saving Family Cleveland. Dec. 18.-Ill- A. P.) Puppy, just a mongrel deg, Is dead 'ufter Ids balks hud mvecj his muster, nilhliess and their eight-mouth-old daughter. Puppy, meused by smoke early today, harked initjl Air, and .Mrs. Autliun) tirniuiu wcie iiwnl.ened and until he saw them safe In the home of a neighbor Then he dashed back into the hnute and wan trapped Iu the Humes, Washington could decipher. Copenhagen, Dec. IS. (Bv A. P ) ,T1i" . i)n,'!Nl' Ht-.""Mhip 'I.ituniili'i, which left ew erk December tl for Danzig nnd I.ibau with crge and pas sengers, is reported aground en Born Bern holm Island in tlie Baltic Sea. 15-DEGREE TEMPERATURE BOOKED FOR TOMORROW Clear and Much Celder Forecast An nounced by Weather Bureau The temperature will drop te nbeul lit degrees liy tomerriiw morning, the fiem -IS te ,"S cvnts acceriliiiL- m ihe cpuillty of tlie live birds while at I.nng I.nng berne thev (est fiem SO te TiS cents. In the face of these wholesale prices, two retailers in Dojlestewn said they will supply turkejs te their entire Christmas trndc at net mere than r5 cents n pound dressed. The gobblers are fresli-Ullleii fiem nearby States, they said. WOMAN VICTIM0F GAS : Mrs. Mathilda Hof Found Dead, With Brekei Fixture Near .Mrs. Mathilda Hof. sixty. fmn. !..,.., local Weather Bureau forecast edti "M- -' 'est "nScl't street, ' was ns a cold wine warning was sent niit found dead from gas Iu her room rnrlj for Peniisjlinnla. New Yerk and tln- " morning by her daughter, Mis. Philadelphia Rnnnl Tia-mi edicinls te the Ruhr a remmiiicc repri'-enui"; r ii.cns ni uici .:.,. i,i ,, 'Pliirlv.llni., '.,l .i 1, i.l iin,lnun.l '" "" iipninst the Oinrlnimi r nf Itimti. IV. "" '""0 in r By CMNTOX W. t.H.BKBT lan fiirfv.ieiiilrnt Kinilnr t'ulille l.nlcer topinedf. !); hi Vub' r l.rdatr Ce Wasliinjleu. Dec is by I prospect of the l'ren h ec upatien . - " -., i ni" "" 'cciiveci men. wns in the nieb. .ir. .oi-en clec'nred nbeut thii.r nienibcTs of th" mob carried guns. Me md .McDowell we.i iianlly able te wnKc i.'it. i -no member f r.ie ine!i siruc;; !ii,.i with p,. eia Clark. IP M1 ,,. Oscar Ilewnnl v In. .,11! i, ...' i ,.."' .- HI. the I ;hefi. He saw Clfl.'.c and llew'nrd In k ' "MP, t llllt -HK 111 f in ..net npiMienil .-ncrteii for t,e wJI-w .W"!!""1 ,i!1 1,l ltci"nrel found . the AdmiinMrniiem t lkin , . umls llit. W"!l l"" UnUft llie F.utepc i.i i,t i.itteu. A .iiuniber of Stnte'a iviiM...-. ,.. . which fermerh ran in Lehigh avenue Tlie enlj suggestion one biirs is tlmt WC(,k were net entirely satisfactory ti and Menipliix stieet t e Stnte and the surpriii,B change nnu tne iiiieii- this rennin i.-c.,. ,. .... . . . --.! Ulltfll- llllill J 'llllllll !! iiiukiiicc ei iieuie ..; v iiica i eiiiiecieu i,ue f..,i , , . ' "." "'. "i III east one of them lin,t Richmond nnd the I'mi mount Pail, sec r"n" lwi fl11 nhn.it . en.lith.i,. shen lise te rumors f t' id?,, ' tien. abroad. This bisection ,s u-ieffi, ml' '"deed, these , 1JH Jin,.iell j " T-'mn Reute r, IMendc.l "" tee much weight should net heal-''' "tumor fueterj." RiimerH flv , W. C. ITiinbnr and Ralph T Senior. , Uuh,c '" '' , , i "";" a" !"" ''i, n week r se Be. vice piesidents of the P R. T . received ' ,. '"J1 S1W" ".? "", tcpeuts that , . 0l", t,'ll", hev farmers of the leuntr the committee anil Inter is--ied this ', , ! ' r ' ex''",ls "'" s"01' '" dete in.ine '''v" svretlv erganised te "set" .,.,.... J"f-t what (icrmuni ran mn 'Pi,..t.. niiners who nre .-i hi i, I, ,.,,.... ...r.. "In lieu et the sen Ice Reute Ne, IS formerly gave te the uertbeih -eetlen. P. It. T. propose', as fellow V,f 1 UU fllliii. renresoiitntl.ne ui 1.1 .."... i , 1,.. ,..:n ..... ..i..:,V.. "' "I'l'carn . ' . 4 ' annuel un OS llM.lltri , v ' I'linvni IIMIIIUilllOll. reports go se tar as l siif-uet tlllt ' farmer witnesses. in the dispute between the i'ren Anether rumor is tlmt a brother of u. T. propose, us toiiewi: , ,.'.., "" ul' ","" "" i renen nmi , ;",'' i nun a hretlier i "Tn Aliernti, lir.nl,, l '.-. Ii-r.ni tt.e 'erillllllS IIS te U lint t 10 reilll. II I innu ne OI the State H WllllCSSOM iv, iu .....II - .......... - - t tiii- t ,,,,,1.1 i... :.. ... ,... i ., -: .':" "iii- " or. uiin uie ether nicht. Tlie point of beginning, i.ehicli avenue and Memphia stveet, en Muuphls te Nen Is, le Susquehnnnn avenue, te tiirard ave nue, te Second, te Third, te RIiut, te Second, te Mlfllln. te Mowiniensing nvenue, te Third, te (liiard ,ienue, te N'erris. te Tlieniiisnn. te Ycuk. teCednr te Lehigh avenue, te Memphis, point ', et lieginning. Reute Ne. .".!) does lt:n!i "With reference te the service for merly given by Reute Ne. .".! te the northeast section, P. R. T. in opuses as fellows : "Te operate Reute .'!') beginning nt Thirty-third and Dauphin siteet-, en Dauphin te Frent, te KcuMiiKtnu nve nue, te Cumberland, le llh hnieuil, te Huntingdon, te Ceral, te Su-nueliimnn nvenue, te Twentj'-llrst, te Yerk, te Thirty-third, te Dauphin, point of be ginning. , "These change will bei nine effective ins seen after the first of the ear as it iiKiire sueiiid no. The (icimans mere asked that we shcml tha-l onie have I nrewiers resemble ciuh ether deselv Mtt- , , ., . . -- - 'U'l IHIBl"l. .1 t) . i ..ii T ' , IIIIIII'I Ivl .lllll til Ii it... ... I. !.... I . trnters en .1,1., , V . .. "..'.. "'".'I,,-.. I i...' ... " '"" " u 'i 'it 1 1 1 ii i. iiur i no i ,i iu i "' ".ii' i i'ii i . New Knchind States The prediction for tonight ,, (..., and much colder. There will be in. 'creasing cleudinrsH I orrew, followed bv snow In tbe afternoon or nk-hi 1 M...l.....,t.. H.....I. ...I...I.. niMII, ..i.MUiiin iiinuni i.i iiiniin ere e.xpcclrd w When Teil ihlnh el Wrltlas, TblnU ut WHIT I N1 A4v. ere I town, jeuterdny, but rain speilcd'the sport, f. Ice thick enough le bear rkaters i.ev.' d Klinwoed Park Luke, near Xurrls. i:!i7iibeth Mucart). Mrs. Hof, who had been suffering from lieart trouble, wns found with the gas fixture Ijing beside her upon the Iiuur, nnd It Is supposed that she wns overcome b an attack when she leached up te nun off ih" gas mid fell, draggln the IKture with hoi. It' lf.S A INIjll .M.TOMOIIII.1", VOU wnt, juu'll find ft en rare 2T.--.tdr, nil .siKII, SO nil' MS In I. ii,.i, ,. I.... . i. . .i ,, , "'i"'in mi'm , i in the 1.,'cnch me vvillitnr that the rep,. ' liens mnlil.i... . I.. ... i.i i .' . . i ...... , . , ,,, ,. nppre.ii icd in his weiv. Am. of nn , ,.,.i... .1. AdinlnistiMiien were iisked' Iu Mil .euutr.e.s invelv.sl (.,,,,., ns lmvUe no pesMibillly exists of is ,,,, s0 Ne frank sintemeut of tl. situation an be innile which ,cs net disclose tl.. fact that even this Mignctinu e,' in nqullj bv c.-.pertH is eni.v one of il,n ini.unier.ible guesses that uie fleatin, about here tnrted h.v the ellhial an an neuncetne.it ilmt "the A.lmlni.natlen I" doing nil It can." Lean Remark Misinterpreted nJlM "i,",1z," M,'n'll,fi """ I'nvp been ' published about what the ri.it,., States, Is going te de In Km,..,.. ii i..., .,',. ' sei.n.N in IhesWihi ,r: will he possible for the cniupanj te ar- 'he uugiiarded tetiiurk of a Cabinet, nlii range." 'er, who 1ms nothing te de with f..c I'lln KHIIMllllllu, ll.lll.l.,.l Tl.l.l..L II.... eiZll rellllllllW lll.r. 1... "'' , ..- , ... ,,,,,. I., , , ,,,,,,,,, ., ti- inn ' , , - - ""i mi niiei I at iniitii hlsen, Uie Rev. Mntthew Hand, i he '""" ' Id1- rcumik hn.s been mlsiniec Rev. .1. A. Piigh. Jehn Tut He. A. M. f'reted and exasgeniteil out of nil . ... Sin, I, I ,... . t. .. .... a . . '""" " " '-c ma 01 tne temper e eiiilmini en I'-se'riu.. l3luIiinI1J FAMILY FLEES FIRE Smoke Gives Alarm of Blaze at 674 North Maya Gtreet ! SmoKe fro,,, jL n.: ,n , ,,01) f Hevvnid Lllis. In I North Mays slreet i.irli tii.iav. i wakened i;iu fro, sound sleep. Juunliig out of bed. hi leiiiul th Heur en lire, the fl.tiu.n mv. ing In en I'emmutiiiutcil from u heater iu the cellar. i lie called his wife and two children ami l.uined th-in into the street clad 1 in their night ele liin.t . lie then turned In nu ahum The iiuinngc was about Mell. SOVIET DISMISSES CONSULS Representatives of France and Tan Other Countries te Quit Vladivostok Wnldren. Philip Sterling, a State Rep. Portion te its significance. t'Osnnlntlle ! t'nllliii im.n VV i. In, ,,i,.l II llie .1 II 111 111 IKt l-n I Im, ,n. I ,i Hetiiel nnd Themns M. Rhe ihnii- r?"'M' by the false hopes ,ised nbreml ' Vladivostok. iVe. LS. - (P,v A IM '" ,,, U,,!'r .''""Pf,?" W1,'s etnliiK ever Tl'e Soviet fSeverniuent of VladlVinitek Mayer Moere tedaj teceived a fmnial ! , " ,".wu", UlJ billions te save l'.'iirepe. i which recently took ever the ndmlnls.' cemplant signed by I'.T. .eidents of ' H '"' enl Itself , unne. (),, 'j.c , I ration of the city nnd surreiindlnc tl..V.;l.l;i....i r ir,.'"i ".'"... one side is the I, , . ' l" '' .,. '" '"0 ' . V r I. .. " ' .. "":.-?"rr' un0'"C ... ... ,n , ,. .'-.'hnill null i ., ni . I -'-. ...,n ii I liehc IWO ' Ji "M'liiii en nil' ITIIIIOria. IIAR Sansom streets protesting iigniiiM ever- '", ', 0,1,i"ulM' And en thn ether there I erdeied the consul of France and ten crowded cendll Ions in the Market street iN. H"' luck of frankness of the Slate ' nther countries, te close their censulatii. Miliwaj -elevated, DePiirlment. . mid leive within a week. " Mayer Moere turniH itm ni'eteci ,.i,... I'll te this memei.t nil n.,.i i ! te City Trniislt Director Twining nnd i w'c,,rI rrn, the State Departnient is ti ordered he make an InvesilL-ni Inn ' . L. :. IS " I C vn,,a M rate w.htwB. cun), - .Nn ur' helldur g 1(1 tn the n.tfls cted fruit tnnU dillVleS loll, biuci and dsiMrts. it,? " ii M M s 4 3 'A', 1 m f "' "-" J-W."JB.-iy.m.IMat . '.Vn,lli .ti.r&iii)um.M .1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers