mr.yzTm abaaMMii Pffwf V , Organ and Christmas Carels 1 at ana u;au nnd nrnM lunrlU nt Noen Only One Cfjnstmas fHusic With the great organ playing, we sing Christmas carols in the Stere each morning at 9-o'clock and each afternoon at 5:15. They are very beautiful and im pressive. All who desire te de se are invited te parti cipate. We will keep them up until next Saturday. Announcement is made that the famous lecture, "Acres of Diamonds," scheduled for last Thursday evening, will be delivered by the Rev. Dr. Russell H. Conwell ever the Wanamaker Radie Broadcasting next Thursday evening at 7:30. If you have a radio receiving sel or if you have a friend who lm one, be prepared te "listen in" while the great orator aenjjg out his most netable effort, by means of the mysterious ether Nvavea, te the cars of a waiting audience that will, it is expected, number between 400,000 and 500,000 people. Remember! Next Thursday at 7:80 P. SI. Luxurious The natural furs include the froaty-leokins silver fexes: the 'led" furs' includ'e &$& imim mray. taupe, pointed, imim Mini, (Suciinil Fer That Weman Who Likes Pretty Blouses It would be a graceful and thoughtful act te cheese for her one of the attractive French beaded overbleuses in a eoler te N with her suit. They arc fnahiennblc nnd much f it.:. M'!..i..... WOrn Oy women una M1111.C1. (Third fwn ' i til"? w Women's Charming Gowns of Brocaded Velvet Chiffen rPIIE (material is at once rich and light in weight, se that it drapes gracefully, and ornaments itself. The gowns are all possessed of shallow necks, and little sleeves, and they are uneven round the feet ; also they are in dark set'1 colors gray, golden brown, silver and navy, besides black. Altogether they are admirably adapteil le afternoon, dinner and semi-evening uses. Price $85. (Flrjt 1 loer) Women Like Sports Coats That Are Different Se tune is a fine Christmas MRgcstien in the arrival of sunn neu and decidedly indUiduul 'perta cents trimmed with fur nd made from the finest im ported coatings. One is a beautiful shadow phiul with a curious waist line cape nieh suddenly turns into a wi.-K' lc6yt. will) tucked cutT. It has 'ugh standing cellar of gray (Tint! I Fine Silk Lingerie , Seme charming cress, tucked cnemises are of radium silk in "remu while and pink. Trice Villus of ciepu de chine iii eichid and piulc aie heii" 'titclu'd and feather stitcheil a'wl, priced S3. Nifhlgewn.-. of crepp d ""no art in eichid and pin J,1"' tiinnncd witli real It Mi. 1 Ice .SI0.7.". AH will l.obe.vnl. lllilril I Inn,') Beets or Puttees for the Weman Who Rides c iV'.K. "I .fiUreM of tan or blai. --iwn, uiUt will enable he u. I', 1 1 ",ll'a7 sin lld Wili a pair. v( 'I quinary shoe.-, for riding J'uiUB uoet'j en ilm Knirlisli tft straight It', bread low I !. L'iVlWMjV. vfvrsii V j . & SSi L r i y y- WANAMAKER'S Week Mere, But Fex Furs browns and beige; and the prices run from $2B for ft b,aek -' te ?750 for a superb silver fox, uncommonly dark. Fleer) In crepe de chine and crepe me teor, some with long sleeves nnd etheis with three-quarter sleeves. There arc even some that have cellars. In navy, brown, cocoa nun almond green. Trices, ?8..r)0, S10.50 nnd SIU.50. fleer) squirrel and is priced $le0. Anether in tan or gray with a black evnrplaid and trimmed with beaver or squirt cl. Price .S250. .Still another is of camel's hair with draped sleeve and a huge cape cellar and wide cutr of hener at ?27i". Hut each one is different and all aie se levclv, priced from $1150 te 275. lunr) Mere Than a Dezen Celers in Weel Canten Crepe at $2.25 One of the most popular mate tials for gifts. It is all-wool, nnd therefeie waim; yet light weight and soft, and of a beautiful crepe weave. Plenty of navy blues nnd biewns aie in the new shipments, which include mdre than a dozen ioIeib. All ."8 inches wide Hexcd if deiircd. (first Heur) heel. Tun or blnckalfskiu, $011 a pair. lleth hoots and puttees are fine ly made, und of the most do.iir de.iir do.iir alile quality. In both women's and girla ilzw. EYElMl .PUBitO ikEPPmriAPBXPHIA. ''BATBltPAY:' Stere Opens at 9 Beeks the Solution of Many Gift Problems The probability is a book is the best thing you can hit upon. And the Wanamaker Stere has practically every geed book published. Here are a few set down at randem: . ."The Fuppet Shew of Mmery," by Maurice Barlnr, IE. "Tlmethr Tnbby' Jenrnul," tllus- (rated, tl.GO. "Ferfrt neliaTleur," by Donald Ofdrn Stewart. $2. "SpftUln of the Tnrkt," by Zta Bey, 1.76. "Yellow ntitterfU," by Mary Ray mond Shlppcn Andrewi, 7 Be. (Main The Wrist Watch She Has Been Hoping for What better Christmas gift could phe have? There ii certainly nothing that a woman or girl with many social engagements would find mero useful than n geed wrist watch. Elgin nnd Waltham watches arc nlways safe investments. They have a world-wide repu tation back of them. There is nn excellent assortment of both makes and at mnny S rices. All are en ribbon racelets. Diamond and platinum caiei. 1480 te 9720. l'laln platinum cbim (til te til. 14-lct. old caiei, 9SS te It 15. Oeld-flUed caiei, (18 te f41. SlUer eases, $18 te 141. (Main Fleer) A Sale of 24,000 Handkerchiefs, Special 25c Each One of the largest importers of Irish linen handker chiefs is clearing out his stock. Every handkerchief is all-linen, a quality that ordinarily would sell for several times the price. All the handkerchiefs have some touch of color about them and are in new and desirable patterns. Irrespective of what they were formerly, they arc all marked 25c each or 2.75 a dozen. (West Aisle) Make It an All-Weel Gift a Pair of Blankets Heie are the two finest kinds at the pi ice in the country. One kind woven warp and fill ing of pure California wool, in white with borders in either pink, or blue, and with wide seisettc binding, size 7284 inches, all cut and bound seperate'y, price ?lfi a pair. (Sixth Pillows Seft and Beautiful $3 te $22.50 Never was there a home that had one pillow tee ninny, but there are many homes that have many pillows tee few. Cheese from a fine collection, including round, s.(iiuie, oblong and cylindrical shapes. In tnrTetn, $4 In ffi. In eleur, fS In M3 7.'.. ( I ifth t Breakfast Sets of Imported China Are Splendid Gifts An attractive variety of dec orations in plain colors, lustre effects, floral pattern, colored band types and two-tone designs. Inilhlililill M (for turn icr(in) nml Ulan npM for t. I'rlie from S ."ill for till Imllildiinl si'l up (e S.I.".. (Inmlli Ail Antique Desk Will Delight Seme One ntiiue.- lias a fine collection of which will give a loom a of inlerextiiiB M (hnP-JjJ "" charming old-time atmosphere, bureau desks, in wninut, maiien- any, cherry nnd maple, any one (Fifth A Linen Stere Abloom With Gifts I lNT.Ns!. nure flax Jin- ji ens, possess an inher ent K111 fiuaiity, which has been dignified by the uges. The importance of linen in the dus of ancient 1'U.vptian dynasties var ran'tH the assumption that even then it held a high, if net supreme, place as a valuable commodity. It is inteiesting te think of hew wonderfully the distinction has clung te this unique fabric thieugh all the succeeding centu ries. Fer that reason, if for no ether, linens should be chosen carefully. We aie showing beautiful selec tions in household linens of all desirable grades, in (Mmt '"'Whf w" J.D.TW ! . t.' I" T. WANAMAKER'S Everything Else Is "Emlle Cen Method at 4he rrr tr of Antomrgsillen," ll.ZS. "lAra and Xtlendihlp," by Jane Austen, $1.75. "J. PolndeUt, Colertd," by Irvin B. Cobb. 2. "Cenrae," y J. M. Barrle, hound la beards, 60a Fleer) Christmas Cards and Calendars More than a hundred feet of counter space is given ever te the Kay holiday cards that are always sure of a welcome, net te men tion the booklets and calendars. Prices range from ec, for r little card te ?4.G0 for a calendar. (Main Fleer) Signed Etchings by Notable Artists are picture gifts that can Ijo given with a surety of pleasing:. A lovely bit of old Pari3, the town hall of Arras, a picturesque street in Rouen, the Thames at Kten, and like subjects, signed by Siman, Cclas, Hal Hurst, Fcni Fcni mere and ether etchers, are priced from $30 up, all effectively framed. (Fifth Fleer) A finer kind at $18 a pair, woven warp and filling of Austra lian wool, the world's finest, in M7.e 72x8-1 inches, weight e1- lbs., in while with borders in either rose or blue, and binding rf satin, blankets of marvelous softness, Warmth and beauty. JHeiir) Ill bliKk ulln nlth ilnhrl trim ming. S8.SI) te bll.liO. ' Alse the companion pieces, Table Scarfs or Runners, in tiip-i-try, $.3.50 te SI 2.75. In velour and tapestry with metallic braid trimmings S:i.7.', te $12. lour) i.l-plei ten hrlt In ricrllent b b b oertmeiit Ht H te ST.V Coffee set, nml ilioeutnte net, ." re X40. It ii un uncqualcd selection. Italy, KiiKlaiul, Japan and the United States all contribute handsomely te the collection. Meer) rnceu neni ?oe te $.,uu. fleer) table cloths, napkins, tow els rnd decorative" piecce. The entire section is lich in gift groups, of which these nre merely a few: Madeira hand-ombreid-eied, hand-scalloped tea napkiiu of exquisite qual ity, $10 a dozen. Irish dinner napkins,, of -.plendid, rich- looking damnsk, m five handsome floral patterns, 25x25 inches, $10,75 a dozen. Towels, pure flax, huck aback weaves, damask border, size 22x38 inches. Guest towels, of pure linen cleverly hand scal loped and hand embroid ered by the painstakfng needlewerkcrs of the Ma deira Islands, ?2. I'leur) .V7i Stere Closes at 5:30 And Here's Start Early Is Freshest; and Ge Straight te Wanamaker s Where the Roominess, the Service, the Helpfulness Will Deuble the Value of Your Minutes OEEMS a natural enough te please Mufflers Are a Geed Suggestion Always useful, always in need, yet altogether Imper sonal. In either wool or silk there is nn unusually generous se lection of out-of-the-ordinary scarfs for men and women. The color combinations are little short of handsome, and ever se fashionable. Hese Has a Place en Every Christmas List Fer men Knglish nnd do mestic half hose in silk and wool; plain, ribbed and with clocks. Alse English golf hose, both fancy and plain designs. Fer women silk hose for sports or for evening wear. Alse wool hose in fancy and plain effects and a vaiiety of colors. Neckties With a Loek That Is Altogether Different Silks that aie the finest; patterns thnt are carefully selected. And with them u fine variety of the popular knit ties. Moter Robes That Came Frem England Just for Christmas The finest robes that are made: in colorings and patterns that are rarely seen. Alse plush robes, in the criMhed fur effects, and feet muffs te match. 'JtPlk Every Man and Bey Uses Beets Seme Tune Or Other Hubber beets for storms or spurting hours outdoors in the -iiiew or slush or lain. I'er meh the sheit beets are priced fl.'Jej knev beets, $r.'J."; thigh beet, .$0.2."). Olrtln At Christinas, Many Men Turn Their Eyes Toward Fur Cellars Naturally they mean the detachable kind that nap en in a minute when the wind blows cold and come oft" just as quickly when it is mild and fur would be a burden. De tachable cellars can be worn en ene overcoat all of the time or en two or three different coats. Imitation rl, $1,1, IH nml y!0 Sutrlii, Si.1. Ileal fr. SUA. Otter. .10 te SX.t, .lu-hii srul, H3. (Miiln Meer) nw& DEpEMBEIt - TO! JJ922 Plentiful at Wanamaker 's a Wise Thought ter the in the Morning When the THE LONDON SHOP place te select that gift a fastidious taste. Things for Men Or for Women JUST a few steps below the Main Fleer, en the Chestnut Street Gallery, there is a collection of unusual gifts that represents the best of England and America. And the service is quick and ceurte eus. A Fur Ceat for the Man or Weman Who Leves Outdoors Raccoon is first in favor, bijr, hairy, cozy raccoon coats that stand wear and weather. But there are also otter, beaver, muskrat and marmen, warm as can be and sturdily lined. In the Gelf and Tennis Shep There Are Gifts en All Sides And the sports man or the sports woman likes everything here. Tennis rackets, tenni. balls, net. Racket presses everything; that gees with the game. Fer golf there are the silver king golf balls as well as a dozen ether brands, golf bags, clubs and everything that the golfer likes te take en the round. Vir T3T v .i?2F-- w Bejs' storm beets 1.'." Or if net beets -urely aictie.- would be a thoughtful gift. Men'- !Muckle arches $2.7.); 4-buckle, .4.7."). HejV 4-buckle luetics ?t. The best rubeei s aie ill ." e"i'J styles at M.-IU the pair I'luiir) yWm Had Yeu Thought of Fine Fleer Lamps fei j, fts t . i r te vnis ' iv ins fi eui i)f veuih ' Tli" ,i i .- ,f md bran liremn m lomjiehitl .ii, v tli I '7f nr iner MlilshpH urn! n ju il t unit full heights, si.'i t.i Jini I am)) fli.iiU.v ts t ! 7f. i I'liurlli 1 lunr) A Geed Electric Teaster Is Werth Having .Hid ati weiutn hIie ;Hts eiu- fei i lulstiims will In" ilflmhlfil 111 nn.' of tlie meFi impre f(l toasters tlu rlltc nf lirpail .,m li, leverseil without ieikIiiiii: i l'rlceil ?8. With teat rnek, ii BO (l-'niirlli 1 1'r) r " ir:tt.vwmm vivnwwrf .. WANAMAKER'S that must be different, Fer the Motorist There's Ne End of Things te Give And the automobile section has the greatest M'leuien imaginable. There nre automobile lunch baskets, tires, spot lights, clocks, and any number of sundries as well as novelties for the car. Mi : 7C. .-41 Dad's Happiest Hours Are These in a Heuse Ceat .Uift a-sittin' m a tha r reading ei smoking, et reniping with the little felk1- no ttiattei bow the hours K'e a hou-e coat i the free est, most comfortable thir.c; te wear nt home. Wives and daughters by the M-ere are giing heuse tout's thii Christmas. .Meie hnntNenu ones th.-in evet Main I loer) j rl 3anta Claus 9 Jl pack is fuller tluin II ever. There are plenty of Toys. Yeu can buy without JL li V stint. But den 't delayfl v tee long. ntkrv H S (Seventh fleer) 'SKSJf ifl WEATHER Fair jiit aeeKer: Selection k'n, distinctive, and fine Handkerchiefs May Be Plain or Colorful Plain linen or the French tape handkerchiefs as well us the English silk ones in dis tinctive patterns and unusual shade.!. Most men have a de cided liking for them. Walking Sticks Alse Creps That Men and Women Carry With crooked or straight handle?; geld or silver mount ings and in a variety off weeds. Especially nice for women is the pimento weed stick with silver mountings.. Hiding crops are just as varied, while a little newer gift is the English sheeting or Restick. Sweaters of a Different Sert Fer men oft, comfort-' able sweaters and warm ones. Either the coat style or slip over models in camel hair, fami. gray, brown, biscuit, white and mixtures. Fer Women- Hand knit woolen sweaters in all the shade and patterns that are fashionable. Alse Hilk sweaters in plain or fancy weaes and many, ninny models. hi fni e of leth with the plM ins le showing en the lapels and vellai and cuffs K te $20. Rich -hU coats trimmed with con trasting cold, $25; silk mato mate 'i.isse coats, done in iorgeeun .)ll-eei figures S27.e0. Kwu cozier fei lying about re me wool lounging robes, in muay coleis and patterns, ?25 te $65. v :zA)fJifrnlfc- Wl - $' $v r. ?.i sft U! -; il ,;Ki tt S8I Vil (l'iriit Hfer) 1(i