& SATURDAY! DECEMBER 16; -W& ' , . .. . . . .. v 1 r i m w w STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Hear the Chorus Sing :f at 9.30 Monday Morning I - IM H in II I rifWii TT ii.1i niJ in.f'M.i n milkam III M -ILLMI The Loveliest of Intimate -Gifts en the Third Fleer Negligees, French Beaded Blouses, French Lingerie and dainty Under garments from Perte Rice and the Philippines, as well as Demestic Under wear of fine cotton and of silk. Brassieres in gift boxes and luxuriously warm Bath Robes of corduroy, net forgetting festive Tea Aprons all these women delight te give each ether. IS ill fffnfinlmM i lira ill I 1 II I Mi U ffl ifi jjf If Always Acceptable Brassieres in Gift Bexes All styles for every type of figure from young girls te larger women. Elastic waist-line models, satin-striped or of plain satin, $1.50; of very heavy satin, $2.00. Neme Circlet Brassieres $1.00 te $5.00. Lingerie and Silk Brassieres, many handsomely tiimmcd 75c te $8.00. Many Will Receive Dainty Gift Aprons Crisp little White Tea Aprons of organ die, lawn and novelty cottons, some smartly trimmed 25c te $2.50. Dicbs Aprons as plain or ns gaily trim med ns one likes 95c te $G.50. Maids' Aprons 50c te $5.95. Gift Petticoats of Radium Silk, $3.85 In black or smart shades, each with two little radium silk rullles te give just the cenect amount of fullness $3.85. Incelette Petticoats, straight of line and piettily embroidered, are in black or lovely colorings $5.00. Petticoats of flowered cotton taffeta are practical gifts $1.50. Utnintirlilgi. A I'lutlilei Nrrnml Fleer, Wmt Vests and Step-in Drawers Sets at $2.00 that are charmingly gift like. Of batiste and novelty lingerie cottons in color, or in lovely plain shades hem stitched in taileied ef fect. Sets $2.00. Net ad sizes in each style. Corsets for Every Weman New Corsets te wear with new gowns for holiday parties. Many women aie pausing in the midst of ChriM mas shopping'te he fitted te correct Corsets. And they aie selecting dainty Brassierei in pretty boxes for gifts. These foromest -makes of Corsets here Our exclusive Jessica French Onsets, $12.00 te $28.50, American Corset.", S. & C. Kiienini fijint.niul.li.ifk.Ince. Neme. Smart Set. La Kcsista, V. B., Stylish Stout, Ben Ten, Royal Worcestei, American Lady, P.' N Practical Frent, Gossard front-lace, also II. & Wauls and Girdle. Prices $1.50 te $25.00. Misses' Corsets, ' mile, Hip Corsets and Cerslettcs. Prices $1.50 te $15.00. Brassieres $1.50 te $8.00. t-v-y Htruutirlilgu ft, t'Mlilei "ilnl Him. MurUct HUcet, wet I Many Exquisitely Beautiful Gifts in the French Salen Quilted Silk and Crepe de Chine Lounging Robes, beautiful colorings $15.00 te $22.50. Negligees of rare beauty, from a crisp Taffeta Breakfast Ceat at $15.00 te a gorgeous French Tea Gewn at $100.00. Frem Japan. Kimonos of rich brocaded silks or elaborately embroidered $12.00 te $150.00. French Hand-made Lingerie, $2.25 te $27.50. Philippine Hand-made Lingerie $2.25 and $3.95. Every Weman Lengs for Silk Underwear Beautiful in its silken daintiness and luxuriousness whether in the simpler mere tailored effects or elabo elabe lately trimmed with laces and ribbons. Shades of blue, orchid, flesh pink and honeydew are just as much in vogue as white. Envelope Chemises, of ciepe de thine or radium silk $2.95 te $7.50. Night Gowns, tailored or lace-trimmed $11.95 te $22.00. Bodices of satin or radium silk $1.00 te $S.00. Jersey Silk Vests $2.95 te $1.50. Radium or jersey silk Bleemers $2.95 te $5.01). Jessica Silk Petticoats $3.95.- Twe-piece Silk Pajamas $8.50 te $22.50. Vests and Step-in Drawers $5.00 te $10.00 a set. Boudoir Caps, every style imaginable 05c te $2.25, Corduroy Bath Robes Are Luxurious Gifts The model sketched, a remarkable value at $5.95, is warm and comfortable and su lovely in its velvety texture and rich col oring that -women will cheese it delight edly Hew much happier she who icccive3 it Christmas morning! In rose, Copen hagen blue, cherry and wistaiia shades $5.95. Same model, with dainty sece lining $7.95. OTHER CORDUROY HATH ROBES Medels en graceful lines or tailored Breakfast Coats $3.00 te $5.00. A model with convertible cellar and long sleeves, pocketed and girdled $(5.75. Corduroy Bath Robes sonie with Persian trim mings of Crepe Georgette j2tu. "v satin; ethers edged firjfft. w'tu moufflen and all fk-t-Ofc i beautifully lined $0.95 te $10.u0. WE2J.A DA f 4v - 0 I Radie Program, Station WFI Class B 400 Meters Organ Recital at 3:30 At 3:30 Sunday afternoon, preceding the chapel service, an organ recital at the home of one of our executives will be breadcasted through Station V F I. Afternoon Chapel Service 4 P. M. The Sunday afternoon chapel service, beginning nt 4 o'clock, will be conducted by the Rev. Elam J. Snyder, pastor Taber neiermeu ijiiurcn, iiiiiuuuivi"". The music of the services will be con tributed by the chorus choir of the church, consisting of 22 voices. Jehn Eavl Recgcr, choir director; Miss Irene M. Smith, organist. Sunday Evening Service Frem the Arch Street Presbyterian Church The service will be preceded by an organ recital, beginning at 7:30, by Alten K. Dougherty, organist and choir director. The service at the church will begin at 8 o'clock; Rev. Clarence Edward Macartney, D. D., minister. A Special Purchase of Fine bordered fur and Vil $U8,-.oe S250.00 !:" Other Fur Coats HUDSON SEAL COATS (dyed mu.sk rat) untnmmcd models, various lengtns $290.00 te $595.00. HUDSON SEAL COATS (dyed musk rat); beautifully trimmed with natural skunk, natural beaver or sray squirrci $290.00 te $073.00. RUSSIAN MARMOT COATS 10-inch length, handsome cellar and cutis of nat ural laccoen and Seuth American nutria $80.00 te $lti.".00. CIVET CAT COATS - bfautilullv marked skin.-, several model, trimmed and untrimmed $l-tr.00 te $223.00. Better Check up the Family's Gleve Needs That's one wise way of solving the gift problem satisfactorily. If you aie net sure of sizes and preferences send each one a Gleve Ccititkate, obtainable in the Gleve Stere. Gloves for Women IMPORTED STRAI'-WRIST GLOVES. black, white and the season's most wanted shades $4.50. WOMEN'S M Ol'SQ U E T A I It K GLOVES kidskin; in black, white and fashionable shades; twelve-button $5,00. WASHABLE FABRIC GLOVES, two-clasp in white, giay, beaver, mode and beige, all of duplex fabric of tim quality $1.00. TWO-CLASP KIDSKIN (JLOVES all French kid, everscain-scwn, Pari stitch backs; all desirable shades; aN black, white, black with white stitching and white with black htitchint,' $2.50. FINE FRENCH KID X3LOVES. twe-clnsn, pique-sewn; black, white and fashionable colors $3.00. FINE MOCHA GLOVES, one-clasp, embroidered backs; tfiay, reindeer, beaver, butternut and pearl fjray $3.25. STRAP-WRIST GLOVES ImperUd duplex fabric (double) ; white, med , brown, covert and Kray $1.50. TEN-BUTTON SAXON GLOVES in black, white, tan, Kray and ceveit -$2.50. FOWNES' FILOSETTE GLOVES in a wide assortment, plain or fanev embroidery, - eight-button length, $1.00 and $1.25; twelve - button length, $1.25 and $1.50; sixteen - button length, $l..Mi and $1.75. Beys' and Girls' CAPEKK1N GLOVES in a splendid assortment of tans, for boys and gin $1.50. LINED GLOVES-'ur boys and giils and misj-es; crpe, suede and mocha, one clasp style, wrist lined $1.05 te $j. WOOL GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS for boys, glvls anil mis'ci; plain anil fancy cll'ects 05c, $1.25 and $1.75. MliiubrllKe &. ( letliler Alktm 10 cnj K", llatLet Stieet ami Vtuttt mt PROGRAM FOR MONDAY a Cfjrtetmas; Cantata PROPHECY AND FULFILLMENT Written especially for the Christ mas concert by nenry nauiey. ELSIE LYONS COOK Seprano MARGUERITE CROWELL BARR, Contralto JOHN OWENS ..Tener William S. Thunder at the Sohmer Grand Piane Incidental Tableaux by Members of the Stere Family. The above pregnam will be breadcasted through our Radie Station Fer the Hearth Evenings about the open fire will be greatlv enhanced with a few useful and ornamental things, such as Andiron?, Fire Sets, Cape Ced Fire Lighters, Fend ers, etc. A wide choice of prices te please all gift-seekers. Mrabrll.e 4. Cletl.lcr-lVmrtl. fleer filbert hire. Raccoon Coats Has Arrived Just in Time Thev just came in about twenty-five el them, and we were fortunate te get that many. The vogue for Raccoon Coats has taken the country by storm and the supply is net equal te the great gift demand. One of the foremost furriers in the country has net a single Raccoon Ceat left in stock, se these constitute one of the biggest "finds" of the season Ter us. These are handsome Coats the marking is beautiful, and the way the pelts have been manipulated is wonderful. In lengths, from thirtv te forty-five inches, and in straight and effects. Kaccoen is a yuuuiiuj-iuuft.b for durability it is unsurpassed. Prices cVoer. nn saas nn jwwr.OO and S435.00. P'""' f" ' in Fashion's Faver DiieaiAY pnvv flOATS riulilv dved in the fashionable black; all attractively trimmed $125.00 te $2(53.00. NEARSEAL COATS (French ceney) attractive models,- beautifully made $165.00 te $285.00. SE ALINE COATS (Australian ceney), large chin cellar and turn-back cuff. $115.00 te SluO.00. NATURAL MUSKRAT COATS in various lengths S135.00 te $275.00. Trim med with contrasting furs S165.00 te $375.00. - StruHl.u.lKP A. Clethlci- m- .mil I'l... I. 1'ilbfit Mi.-.-t Weel Jersey Sports Coats at $6.00 - This is one of the most faered ml' hi tides and one of the best gift values e! the season. All of tine, firm jercy, with belt aid -ports pocket very geed looking with a plaited skirt or a plain plaid or strip,, i! -Lirt. And they are all the fashion, ten Other Sweaters Women Like Silk Sweaters $28.50 te $10.00; libit Silk. $10.00 te $15.00; wool, $0.00 t. " 12.00; hilk-and-woel, $15.00. Spencer Jackets, $2.00 and $2.50. i aidigan Jackets, with sleeves $3.50. ('ardigan Jackets, without sleevts, $2.5i) Sweaters for the Kiddies, Toe! Weel Sueateta, $3.50 te $8.50. Sweater Suits of Bruihed Weel at $12.50. Leathtr Leggings at $3.50, $5.00 and $0.00. Cor duroy Legging- at $2.50. tliintirMgp & rimlilri H' l Mall, t S le.. Women Always Need Fine Hand Bags Imported Velvet and Silk Bags in the in-west styles from Europe. A wonderful assortment of sizes and kinds in all the bc.it colors of the season. Prices $4.30 tu $50.00. Our own importation of beautiful headed Bags from Paris, Vienna and ether foreign markets. A host of choice style and patterns at prices ranging from $1.95 t 105.00. wtrialnMa" A Vlolh.er Aitle s uil V I'riiu Women's English Art Silk Scarfs at $6.00 Nothing prettier than one of these gav Scarfs .swung ever the girlish shoulder, K flutter in winUr's wind when skating ami ether winter sports start up tit earnest. And just as lovely new. folded inside the top coat with just a gay stripe or two (i-caping $0,00, Str.ilirlJi;i A. Uell.lci- Alule e, Mntkft htrctl A Gift for the Heme is a Gift te Everybody The gift that enhances the beauty or adds te the comfort of your home is shared bv every member of the family as well as every guest net alone at this Christmas time, but many, many Christmases hence. A veritable treasure house of such gifts will be found en the Third Fleer (Furniture, Art Needle Werk, Cedar Chests, Curtains and Draperies), and en the Fourth Fleer (Rugs, Lamps, China, Glassware, Art Wares, Pictures, Mirrors and Heusefurnishings). A few suggestions Junier Lamps, Unusual at $20 Junier Fleer Lamps and Bridge Lamps two of the most fnvnred kinds this season each a. enn fin !t-lu-t4- tVinrle at jiu.uu, vtjuiuui eiivv. , - Of carved weed, finished in geld witn black enamel or in silver with black enamel beautiful in shape and every detail of finish. The Junier Fleer Lamp is shown in the sketch. A Great Assortment of Shades of All Kinds Frem $8.00 te $2.1.00 VnrMinm Jllff Sets S . Serviceable Vacuum Sets fuiMied m . ' ;,.,.,. ntnl.- nuvnlp. blue, while and mahogany consist of Jug for keeping liquids r het or cold, matching tray and two gni'.si..-. Splendid ter tne sick room ami iur pvprvilav use S12.50 and $11.50, depending en the size. Vacuum tietties range in irit '.i" $1.50 for a half-pint size te $10.00 for a Stanley Unbreakable e.uart-si.e bottle. New Electric Steves for the Table, $12.50 Thi wonderful little Armstrong Elecfn' Table Steve will prove a wonderful gift te any housekeeper. Highly efficient. t satisfactorily toasts, boils, breib, fri' s. peaches and even bakes tastv toeil.. t oii. eii. plete, ready te use $12.50. Equipped with waffle-iron $10.00. Electric Percolators, $6.75 With one of these Percolators e.c -lent, hiiverv coffee can be quickly and easilv made at the table and served piping het. Of heay gauge aluminum, G-cun size, wuh cord and plug ready te ue SO. 75. Ml inlirlilk A. I i I i' i I '"in H. f Lustre Ware Vases ( heice Gift, pleasing in shape, beu.i- tiful in coloring (with a uelishrd surface that cliaimingly retlectt ih -un or lain.i light) $2.50 te S0.00. Cut Glass Gifts Aie gifts eery hostess will appieeiate. A prelusion of Baskets, Suirai ami i'im Set. Vinegar and Oil BettL'.-. Hewl-. Vase-, and Pitchers for her t ibk or .-.id. beard 2.50 te 15.00. Martha Washington Sewing Cabinets $21.50 e'e hardly been able te Keep tneu'. .. el tln--e quaint, convenient Sewing Cabins am! Ii.'im. only a few It it at, tin uriu Finished in mahogany, well mad. in tin. Colonial design, a wonderful gift t'ei tin. woman who -cws 11. 50 Smokers' Stands $5.50 Small, mipl, designed, nadil 1.011--.tiucted S.and of fumed oak, or inula: ,1 mahegan Equipped wuh match m holder. trlj- tray and 1 'ga. r -t .'i.l diawtr. Stand- 2") inche limb, top inchi , S5.50 Fibre Rockers $14.50 ny hemi-lady will delight in receiM-e.' one of tlie-e comferiable, roomy highba. I. uul-tibre Recl.tr.5 for Chiistma.- Si.engly made, witii spring-cubn .1 eat- with both baek and ti't tati'tuH. upheUured 111 .uie,i- ireteniu - $14.5' iiiiiiii Davenport Tables for Gifts $21.75 I'iciii cu below is an unusually aitu.etu. model, linisheii i mi'hegany. with a lop measuring IhxCO inches A me-i i .n euiei.' aiucln of uiinitutv and a most atieptable gift--$21.75 L-e a gnu eftilly designed model of the Italian Renai-aii. . period. Finished in mahogany, and solidly built t.i ici-vi- well le. .icais te leni". top measures 18l!li inches, a full length l.n import I'nee S21.75. -- -II l $21.75 Fine Vase Lamps $17.50 te $75.00 A raie gift, indeed, one in which the luxurious and the practical combine. Seme exquisite Chinese Porcelain Lamps, $17.50 te S-10.00; cloisenne up te $75.00. Many beautiful colors blues, greens, reds, yellows in mellow shaded tone" or interne, jewel colorings. Prices $17.50 te $75.00, without shades. Shades in Beautiful Variety, $13.00 te $.'te.OO Colored Glassware Gift-selecteis, with an eye for the especially eeauuiui anu uiu unusum, m exclaim in eengni ever uiu murveiuua Colored GIis3vr.re di-playcfl here, com petes, LandiesticKs, candy .iars. Ilaskets and many ether useful 2 pieces in beautiful solid and com binatien colors $1.00 te $40. Singing Canaries 810 These cunning songsters are Philadelphia-raised and thoroughly acclimated. Guaranteed singers $10.00 each. SThwI rl.Jv it 1 eihler ''nurtii Fleur -SI (it ' ." j'J usmm Spinet Desks $27.50 I'Muie tlu uliiaetiM', pi-actual Spinel i'" l in i iu- bem. and make up your mind te-' a t' at oii'feiK ; en I. new will leiene ei is ( liriatmus. i loin ou. 'uiiliull m.idi '.nn tip tl.at. ben i i-v'. '. lilt- Di'-a Jic appca tint of i I out tab i Opi 'led it i,tl,e.s a me-l de .ii i . . . -iiame wriuni' n -i.. lit rn: lii.ean . ten e ;tti'l i icl .- : (I the coiled -in- te til v it I I.. ,V III!,. Chair, $11.50 S2I.50 UJ ' 8.75 " X23 t .H . lW .f I'M J W.l L I m ll II JH A ia lb m i. r flf u K h.' If. ! i 6 fi! wi t LN i N A. sv :l- A V pSA1 4.