i.wl hju yrc Vl.T'.-Mi V H.;;w.'f A P ' 'w d' Wt3"-iiirt J"i"K . v;.i jju1 i 'n. Urt! HMH F&WSStf' tv'lfc V dr.?. i ''J(jH '.T"rt 7. W '7K Vi w '"' iiAl 'pjjg1? V Y ,. i 7 Welcome Announcement of Pro gressive Broadcasting Pro gram of Expansion COVER PINCHOT INAUGURAL "This Is WIP The Oitnbel Brethcriu Pciime Ledger Rfldle Bretttlcnstlng Irttlen!" Hundreds of theusnnds of radio inns witiln n rnditia of 000 miles hennl this inneunMtnent lust night. Tedny it Ii their nrineipnl topic of conversation. The decision te combine the forces of tb. (llnuVl nrethera' Station and the rurces of the Public Ledger and JJvesine I't'itLie liEDOER was made tre weeks ero, and the Intervening time Hj been filled with activity In mapping tut and nrrnnglng a program of expan expan eb that will make Station XIV the most progressive broadcasting station in the eeuntrr. The cnll letters will new stand for "Watch Its I'regrc"." The first big public event that has ben tied up for radio broadcasting Is the Inauguration of Governer PJnehet tt Hnrrlsburg January 10. This will he done by means of long dlstnnce land ulres, tthleh will be connected directly te the transmitting instrument in the station en the seventh fleer of the Giin bel Stere, and from there it will go out hr radio se that everybody In the city un hear it lth the simplest hind of crystal set. and cverjbedy In the State and neighboring States can hear It with the average audien bulb outfit. Will Describe Each Event There will be a member of the Pernie' Ledeit. staff in a special glass booth en the U'vlrwing stand, nnd he will de scribe erv eent as it tnhes nlnre la Harrisburg. just as the plays of a foot hill game arc broadcast. He will tell when each marching club from each vard is posing the stand and will "cut in" the microphone en the speak rs' stand se that the radio audience eon licnr the bands playing uml the creuds cheering. This microphone will also be "cut in" when the Governer tikes bis en tli. and the full ceremony illhe heaid ns uell as the speeches. This is something that has never been ttpmntcd hefern in radio, and the isrrjing of tntlie signals from such ' t distance witu land wires inveiveii problems the solution of which Las taxed the Ingenuity of engineers. Tl.c plan of co -operation as new outlined for Station WIP emhitues rery possible hind of "llsteners-ln." sjrith their varying tastes. There will he a judicious arrangement of popular and classical music; there will be wnny very attractive educational fea tures which will amount almost te a University Extension course, nnd there nil! be concerts by the best musical organizations thai it is possible te ebtaln. Concerts oil Program The splendid concert thnt was bm.ul east last Tuesday night by the Uni versity of Pennsylvania Glee Club was arranged bv this new combination, nnd the plan will be continued en January 9. flhen the University Punje Club will tlav; en Friday, the 12th. when the University Hand will play, and en the ICth, after the Governer'" Inaugura tion, when the University Orchestra Kill visit the r-tudie nnd give it concert. A special permanent transmitting in strument lias been Installed In the new fafe TAIglnn for the purpose of giving tegular Saturdnv nijrht dance nro nre irams, the mu-Ii- being broadcast through the ether just at it is pla.u-d In the TAigleii bv Charlie Keir and his erehrstlii. Sundnv will be devoted te leveis of the highest t'jc of sacied and classical musle. A tiansinlttlng set Ji being Installed in Hely Trinity Memerial fhapel. Twenty-second and Spruce i:rU, wheie Krnest Felix Petter, one of the best-known organists nnd choir directors of the city, will urmnge his MR lees with a snec-lal Ievv te thnir i fffectiiif.ss i radio. Tlie full sen- tool the ehapel will be broadcast en Sunday memilig. ' 1 le Itre.idea.st Chamber .Mum On Sunday afternoon, from 'J In -t Vleck, WIP will bioadeast n series 'l chamber music concerts by ene of the mnst famous organizations of the Hnd lu this section of the country. The full details of tills chamber music program will be announced inter. One ei! the most Interesting events te the gener.il public will take pluce en Janunrv !), when the Milltaiy Order, uterans uf Feieigu Wnis, held their nnual banquet in the bullieum of the Belleiue-Strutfeid. A transmitting Mt will be instulled there and the tpeeches and music will be sent out ever the radio beginning nt !l o'clock, after the Uini crslty Uanje Club conceit is sdeil. tne (.peakeis nl this banquet will be Ueneral .felm IVrshin-'. Vsi. ni I pecretary et tlie Mivv Tbeodeie Rooie Roeie wt, Jr.. Admiral Redman, who was in jetnmand nt thu North Sea fleet ''uriiig the war; Senater L. II. Hull, noted orator from LVlawaie and a Manlier of the Senate. Committee en ii KJl Aff,,,. nnd Ilcpivwntntive Jelm Jacob Rogers, wlie is ene of the oest eloquent members of the lower Next Tuesday ntternoen a eencert V.i JS S"eu I'y tl,, Hnhnemanii Cel- ; Z scHMrii ,aml the G'ec ciuii wiii ii v; "lr uuie, PMiV, ".,..' V ".', "cceinuer. -''. I no miii.v evennip. iin.n,ni.e tena.it Jeseph Kiefcr, will play a verv h a S,mi nndwi l introduced y a speech from Director Cortelveu. ttchnlMn!,lCr c"mbi1natl' the staff of m i nf.? ?evc,Pe l,y "'"'bel Rroth Rreth Rroth Ger wi 10 lnVBWentet .Tehn It. el th.' . ri,ltlnue te have charge i tl,e d? Trl"B 1)art ?C tl10 Motion. Slani i?dei,0,me,nt "erl ,l,1,l Program Cry MVCv"," "l1InceA in thellnnds of tmF ' SeiI-v the 1'uui.ie LneatR'u ft PP". "arry 11. Khrhar bc- "Vth Vln"",ani1.' f k,l,,d,f8 f0r hi8 . Mill VlblU,l.n0 St"rieH fll"' r011- na,,iulrSTifal,'0pu,'rfeatute THREE OVERCOME BY GAS Tmely Arrival of Wntchman Saves Family Frem Death taali1'niS,n,f f'T ? ,cnk ,u W 'k f'T1110 ,knth of Mnt- Minnie f,r' fort.v-feur.venrs, his wife. CJ'm 5 Urs' '!ml llft,'sl'tr. liar liar wmclels V narH wh, Vt0 i0"'l b) iVt'eTM .0"mouth btrct't' lllt "'Bin. rrniateiit0 Ve,"',. ,lp Kns ..der e w nV1,'1'0 n,p f0f fcT'l blocks. Weunanl ? CVCI"y hel.,sc. ,,1,(1 te' the (JeUlnS ll'cr" wn" u Ie:,u "' the main 'owed ' n,, .. l ,h? Kn,"l'r home, he de5.,.n" u,t.ry- Ue threw the wln C u' .V";.'1 caUfd u '-telen, who, Ui iL tl?',ul'"V,t0r' 5WW(leil In JUc.n tl V ,,he if,u,1M'- .Kwpleycs of STfans wen by leegerstatiwi WHERE SANTA WOULD BE APPRECIATED HHviHHIgLBlH BmHaSiZHRKBlHH SjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkitvS fliiJjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjHSSME. HKr 'k HHIBJIHs aHHRSFxKAH w;' BHj5RESSj)W'f i wKKKW' JKFtwmvQat I -: ii lai i:MKIBwr'' lM wwmKKKfirffrh f --1 IHllllllHBllllllllBlllllHaillHBllllllllllllllllllllllllBlllllllllB . C BlHaillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHVuAvvr-SBlllllllllllllllllllllHkBl 'Nv N jy ' v, v' Wnirr''-Tr"rjr"-"iiiii'iiiiir nr Mi Nalvatlen Army lassies lire shown te the peer families entitling them POLICEMAN KILLS Bey Gees te Aid of Blueceati When Prisoner Beats and j Kicks Him ! VICTIM NOT IDENTIFIED Jeieph di Angele. a seventeen -;i ear old boy, went te the uid of u patrolman who was being beaten and kicked by u Xegie last nighc and saed his life, while seveTHl men loel.ed en without tr.inj te interfere. A moment Inter the putieliiiaii went te the bey'M aid, and shot the thug twice through th back, killing him. The victim bun net been identified. The pntielinnn. Frank Kremveltur. is in St. Agnes' Hospital, badly cut uini bruised. Di Angele lives nt l.".3i Seuth Mult! street, with his mother. She praised his biavcty today. The hev himself, unconcerned with his exploit of lust night, had gene eaily te hW work in a shimnrd. "lie in n geed son," said the mother, "and it was just like him te de what he did. lie always lias taken geed care of me, and I knew he is net the kind of liey te see nnv one in trouble nnd net help him. Itut it makes me tremble te think what might have hap pened te him. Yet T would net bave had him held hark " Ivinmw'ltei' told the slim of the at tack in the hospital today, us he la en hid cot, bnndiiged but thankful that he escaped with his life. 'I had ben watching the man halt an hour," said Kinnweltei. "He was walking unci: nnd lerth en Itread stiect. ne"r. "nren. I Misecled he w.w 5c,tlnK rw,,d?it" l)l,aH '"i10,". !'0UM' ? l rnleA him. I took him te the natre1 be?. ftt 'tcpnth and AWiaiten IT- i i "nV. ."'""ff mxeut .1' I'L" anUJ 1MT n,et111bUP.0t n nt,n,'- 7 ,cn,' who. ,I.(""H "s,n;. n0 ",,,',ice telephone, he hit me ever the head." The patrolman had opened the box and was talking te the sergeant at the station house when the Negro made his attack. The bergtant heard the voice ut the ether end of the wile chungp te n groan, and thou u mutter of oaths from tlie prisoner. Sergeant Clinttam sent the motorcycle emergency crew te tlie box pest haste. Di Angele was letuming from a movie when he saw the men struggling in the street, ethers around them but apparently helpless or unwilling te interfere. The bev inn un and grasneil tlie Negro about the neck, pulling him. off Ivrenw titer. Tlie patielmau staggered up, draw ing his revilvcr as be did fc". As the Negro turned en (he boy he fired twice. Tlie man wns dead when the motercyclo llllad M'tlvtd CARDINAL AT CEREMONY Confers Tenaure en 22 Seminarians at St. Charles Borromee's Cardinal Dougherty conferred the tonsure in the chapel of St. Chailes Borromee's Seminary, Overbeek, this morning en twenty-two students from the St. Vincent's Seminary. German town, and St. Themas' Monastery, Villamna. The tensuie consists in shaving the hair from the top of the head in a cir cular shape about the size of a silver dollar. The practice has been observed since the Tenth Century In cases of stu dents preparing for the priesthood. The students from St. Vincent's Sem inary are Jeseph V. O'Drefccell, Jehn J. Reche, Oerald A. .Murnhy, Francia J. Rcilly, Edward J. Lynaugh, Edward P. Oillard, Jeseph A. Gatcly, Jehn J. Lynch, Antheny G. Kleffer, Jehn A. Flynn, Cyril IS. Meyer, Edward A. Sellman, Jehn F. Flaherty. Edward L. Lawlcr and Gerald F. Furlong. CRASH rHITSCOMMUTERS Gloucester Ferry Suspended Twe Weeks When Beats Collide Residents of Gloucester nnd fnrmer3 of the eutljiug diHtrlctH will be com pelled te travel te Camden te cress the Delaware for the next two weeks ns u result of the collision yesterday between the steamboat City of Wilmington and fcrrvbent 1 earless, The cinf.li injured the latter te badly that it will hnc te go into drydeck for repairs. The Feailess is the last of the Glou Gleu Glou cester Heel. The Dauntless, a hlster crnft, was destroyed by fire en Oc tober 1 SINGLE TAXERS ENTERTAIN Tlie County Committee of the Slngle Tux Party gae ir reception at 812 North liread street last night in honor of their candidates in the recent guber natorial election, Among the many addresses was one ny oelin w. Wlx, the R. ROBBERY SUSPECT ffshxM&4ji ' A s rt ,tvs1 .S"fc- -A Vv'.S 'wiii ii 'i T'luiiii r- l-i -rv..vmJ-. i." ' ', '.' r ' 'SslnfciL-lll' ''''''''' VSMk ' w.wmmw.iihiww ll','-w"'w1l,ittviMrt'wvcftarftJs&'8asg spreading Jey among children In the city's slums. They distributed cards te receive Christmas tes and baskets that will gladden the heart of the youngsters ARMY" CARRIES INTO CITY'S DARK ALLEYS Salvation Lassies Find Children of Slums Imbued With Holi day Spirit, hut Pathetically Wistful About "Santa."' They'll Get Baskets and Toys, Though j Ily PEGGY i Oui tiip was net one th.it will be written down in tne annals of history. i Perhaps it jeu, like we, had stepped i out of the busy radiance of the chop ping district into the slums of Phila delphia you would never have given us it second glnnce at all. Salvation Army workers, like the peer, aie plentiful. One of us was Majer Jennie Ward, head of the Set tlement Houet; of the Salvation Army at 230 Seuth Sixth stiect. The ether were the blue bonnet uml cloak as a brief experiment for n day. The. journey will never be pet down t in History, tnat is certain. Jiut "enie i . . .... . . .. liines things that never touch important printed pages at all last longer in the memory. Tlie little nameless faces that prw-sed at these window-panes of Gaskill street ind hoped "Suntn Claus" would net puss them by. Lewis, whose father had biekcn lus ies me menti is age ami ceum premise , ... .. . .. VI nothing, warming bis li'tle hands ever rtiejires of his own Christmas spirit. Katie, red-haired and biight-ejcd, wiling te buy her mother n pair .f cor cer sitsi for Chilstinns. Giovanni His mother had said warm steekings would be best! The main eliject of our tiip whs te distribute enrds which unen inesenta- Men at the mnin headquarters nf the Salvation Aimy ut liread btrett and ! i'Ulrmeunt tnenue will entitle their beareis te Cliristmiib baskets nnd toys. Reward in Lad's L'jcs Did jeu ever see a little boy's ejes suddenly shine like twin Christmas inndlcs? Then you can visualize some thing of tlie joy of doing this. It wns little Frank C.V eyes which flist shone like this. Te find his home it w.is necessary te turn into a ceurtway that turned darklv in itself, from Chtisti.ui street. High above between shabby buildings of Indefinite color there showed a ribbon of u sky. Many little homes lined this ceurtway. ltrlght pink and blue clothes, the only spots of color, spanned it en clothes lines. It is necessary te go te such a place te believe that anything like it exists in Philadelphia. Frank was alone when Majer Ward wiped her feet en the iope mat nnd knocked gently at the deer. The room us ee imrK nun ier :i moment l an llef U.tn n i.lllM tllAC. fit nil Tl.,. mnl,l snw hlin. tlieiiu-li. eer bv the Move, lie ..w- m . ,. ...... iuviv .,b .,.. a. l,v ....ij'ir saw her, tee, and bic the cheeriest, maiiliest "Hew de you deV" that ever had the geed fortune tit ceme from u nlne-j ear-old many times IiIh better. He knew her and loved her. Thnt wan easy te Hee. I decided nftcr that It was because .Majer Ward wiped her feet nnd knocked se thoughtfully nt these houses of the peer that she had established herself he firmly lu their confidence. Bey Coolis While Mether Weilts Frank explained that he was cooking his lunch because his mother wan away at work. He said he thought it was Beup. but Majer Ward, peering Inte the little eaucepan en the stove, dis covered he was going te hav beans. They were net for himself niene but for IiIh three brothers who would shortly be coming in from school, he said. Ne, papa waa no" longer here, he explained te his vibiteiu as he vigorously stiried. He had left mania. He lifted up his little pan te see that the tire waa still going. Reme families threw away after tbev hae iinlnhcd a meal, na many beans ns clung te the bottom nnd sides of that par.. He was nine, he volunteered. Didn't Majer Ward icmember? IHh face beamed nil ever when he knew she did. He had u wonderful mother, he thought. Wouldn't the ether lady, tee. like te ceme In nnd see the bedroom? Twe double beds were placed end te end cempletclv covering the fleer space of the room except for a tiny avenue at the side. Cevering them were huge feather beds innde of ticking. ".Tnmie HleepH here," he said, throw ing his little body ever the bed and pointing witli his linger te be sure we underste d, "Harry sleeps ever en that side nnd .vp'ji the middle." His hair was blend, lua eyes blue, and he worn n little sweater. He moved te the next bed "Mether sleeps up here nt the top nnd little Helen next te her, nnd then down nt the bottom Char lie he sleeps." Thern were pieces of lace curtain en the window, nnd although it wns almost dark in that tiny two-room home you could see that th Het had been scrubbed patiently clean. Bey of Nine Worldly Wise "Tlie rent's nine nnd n quarter," he volunteered. It seemed strange te bine Mm ! .....I 1,n, an .teiltiltelv llf-' tubdayj ' YULE CHEER . p LUKES he learned theie was te be u Chnstruas basket and a present for each one. "And for mother, tee?" he nskedJ ith n great deep breath that was net, after all, a sigh, he turned and stirred tiic benns again. He was looking at us as we said geed-bye. In his eyes wns the leek of one who had teuc-i ncm or me garment in nriMiiKix. l . i . i,. - raj-i au inn cniiuren caiiuu luviui.v u Majer Ward ns we hurried en. I wish I had the space te tell of this wonder ful woman with the blown eyes who loves these little ones ns her own. Fer twelve years she ministered te the shnbblnesB of small lives much like these in the slums of New Yerk, and new for n year and n half they have watched fnr her from the windows nf ilfvnri' btrects in Philadelphia. Sweet, reflnf, womanly, thirty years in all hai she given of her life te Salvation Army work only because she loves peenlc. The place we enme te next may be listed differently in the street directory but I shall always remember it as the lir.mA nf lemmn nn1 lnrien Mifli vlmm '- " -' ---. .. . the Sautn Clnus legend remains tierce- ly intnet In spite of enotmeus obstacles te Hs remaining se. Lnnee is seven. He sat in his union suit of indefinite wearing with his big brown cjes blaz ing. Next te him en the combined kitchen and living room table sat Gemma, nine. Sim wanted a sleepy dell. He wanted a subway train. Santa Clans would bring it for sure, if they both asked! Father of Mv Disabled - Gemma nnd Enrice's mamma ha sis children Their father, who, with bis shaggy hair, reminded one of the sunnv skies of Italy, stuck n pick in his hand three months age. It's only healing new. Thu mom was small, stufty. Out of the window jeu could see a wagen'a width and then your eyes were across the street. The whole stuffiness of the scene cried out for the warm, sweet smelling eatth nnd the free skies of their Italy. Mamma O looked nt Enrice's union 6uit. He must have stockings from this Santa Glaus, she made out iu broken English. Net a sub way train. We came nest te tlie little Lewis en with ii uirieun spirituality hia gray eyes as his father, wl e Vs had his broken leg en a chair for three months, explained there would he nn "i' ei u"i speiiK ai nil nut only looked pi,,i,,n ;i,. t9HHte h 'R "V a.?! .i.4icvWxja There ti-ne i " 'uuunni iw-iuu ii.nim .ii, ci nun, ii?."e ns 3 "PPyln loom allotted te the Naturalization little b.iby girl Bines tuete two mere rere four ether children. There Is one bev, sixteen years old, working. He mates a ra' pittance, lhe rent thnt uinistcr sweid of Damocles that hangs nlwaya ever the peer is eleven dollars This is only ene of the mnnv iiiti-Vi of the peer being visited by the Sah,'! tlen Army at this time. Mere flint. 700 Christmas baskets will be dlstr b" tited le need fumiliea. who will flSk te army headquarters from all ever the city en the Saturday before Christmas Each basket will contain a rWek"' coffee, corn or peus. condensed milk potatoes, celery, turnips, bread, onions' apples, oranges, ci ackers nn I ti1 Toys will be distributed te 1000 "hi?: The Lucaircthch family, the ninths of which wns murdered eighteen i.i r age Is te be taken care of ' i-L'","" II3 Isjl. Little Vlc..ri.10fih.1tKlS KIcknesB mero than . , DROP INMEASLESCASES Death. Frem That D,ie A0 8hew Decrease In Week In the week ending tedav !, a marked decline in the ,. .mh wn8. new measles cases rei"er ed ,S ii ?f decrease also in the number fU i1'? from the, disease. accSrdlng 2 tfc-" h" pert of the Uuieau tf Health in J5 tttk just past there were ' Jn &h2 deaths, of which thirty-thrce we? t' measles. In the previous T J- i T Vem were 010 death? ' anfthirty'-nhef re ere due te measles. 3 nneef them In the last week there were .ii new cases of measles reported whlfnin the week previous there were 'ie' showing n i ec ne of mero thnn .' fourth. There were Mw2t"eS5 ilcitl!; from pneumonia during the week. nb .,.. ....,i .i-J 11 eiQWH lllirpai. Ibllit. rf..VH.Br,'wJ:Jl. LUCP Ct k !. ... iiii.ru mom IS In n I r . naby carriage. Her last nffieini ,... 1...., '-".Hf. . ... . . been te threw her bottle t renVl X . '""'"" p Wi n, Ai!,n',,,- t.. "tffieS ei,luie ': tea8Sv "s?- vmrw! in,i0l - . Gpfclal dlumicb from aerii ISK!, ,k JJenary etlvllle.. Th wlfi Jliieh 7l,.YJ I'Liirin i.iivi..i. ifni-J "'-.ncn of tha WATCHMAN ROBBED AND TIED ON STREET V Three Bandits Attack and Bind Man of Sixty as He Steps Out of 'Mill Peer THIEF CHOKES WOMAN Four bandits bound William Galla gher, sixty years eld, night watchman at the Abbett. & Alien Hosiery Mills, Twenty-third street nnd Allegheny nvo nve nne, early this morning nnd left him lylnj en the sidcwnlk after taking his week's pay. The aged man chewed the rope and released himself. In another held-up In West Phila delphia, Mrs. Hnnnnh Rosenthal, pro prietress of a store nt .'5020 Market Street, was rhotreil Intn clleunn hr ' Negro while two Negro women searched through the store nnd selected two ex pensive coats for themselves. The held-un nf li nMi tentrhmnn occurred this morning at 2:30 o'clock. ' uaiingncr tciepnenea te tne pence el the Twenty-second street nnd Hunting Park avenue station as been ns he was able te release himself. Police fliers were sent te stations throughout the city but no trace of the robbers has been found. Pistol at His Head. "I was standing out in front of the mill te get a little fresh nir," Gallagher said this morning, "when the thieves onme down the street. They were nil young men nnd fairly well dressed. It it net unusual for people te pass nt ' unit nun r be x uiuujjm. numiug hi mem until one poked n pistol against my head and told me te keep quiet or he would sheet. "Anether one quickly bound my arms te mv sides with n niece of rope. I suppose tbev were nfrnld I might try te get my own pistol if my hands were free. Chewed Repe at Last "After I "was tied up, they went tiirnmrh mv iim-ketn nnd took in.v nay envelope. It contained .$125 that I had t get when I came te work last night. ' "I culled for help for a minute or two, but no one heard me. Then I .lnnhlitH nn ii s best I could and man-' ageu te gui my icum umu mii !".. y i . l . . i..lt, nxr. tlm inn ltin.t. ... . . ri 1" lXrml ,m wth and I mus : , 'linve chewed fifteen or twenty minutes i before It finally-came in two. Then I , went into uie lactery ami neuiiiu inc, better than T de, it is iciillj hers. My P"T)iiH is going te be n tough ChrM- lwifc "fls celiu Henaw itss she wen mas for me, with my Christmas money I th I'ennsjlviiniii mutest held bv tin; one. The robbery nt the store of Mrs. Rosenthal wus committed while many persons passed in front of the window- en aiaruet street, near i ercicui "The Necre man and two women Mmn ItiIa Mm ulfii'. i nil lie'-n n lnnlftll!?! nreund." Mru. Rosenthal mid this i morning. "I supposed they were cus tomers and went te wait en them. Cheked by 4killant 'Whnt'H this ce.it here worth?' inif of !. sr ii. i LUU nVUUH i'vi .... (ai.i ia -nitfi ni-ifjtji in itfiii'ttii ' around from bciilnd tlie counter te ex amine the price tag, and the Negie man grubbed inc. He put his big hand nvpp mv mOUth. "'. -" , , . , i " Ven,H.Jr-. l? nluKl' "V10'r,' ,ICPeieral month- and would enlv mIiI. 'or I'll choke ou te death "I Started te struggle te get fne, but he clamped his liand en my threat nnd swore, and I was se badly f lightened I came near fainting. "The women looked through the inck and picked out two of the finest pole coats I had. Then the man turned me loose and they ian out. "I was se weak 1 simply couldn't run after them, but when I levlved and get ever my scare I rnn te the telephone and called the police. 1 gave them n geed description of the people nnd 1 Untie they will be able te get them." Thieves entered the home of Mr. Mary It. Stake, at 2043 Green street, esterday, and stele jeuelty and silver ware worth 55"1 Other robberies re re peited te the police included the home of Mrs. Julia Slckcl. 4H17 Springfield avenue, jewelry worth S110. and the home of Dr. William Fields, 12:!t! Seutb i lirend stiect, clothing nnd jewelry tertn 51-17. POLICE BENEFIT BODY IS EJECTED Association Secretary Finds Furniture and Charter in City Hall Corridor i The I'elice Benelicini.N Av, Mtiuii n,lv Ur ' ' ' 10tfe- ""'""Vr111 'f lerm.;r I Ji,re M?"1?1,"' Il!,rr M," My.en, ,H t4,,l?y "iiUm lf ll0mVr 1,ca 1(l(lrtcrs,- ' L..r.M?. ';:.":" ,,th",,?fit!0',,Th,',,si Hull corridor Seme time ae he had reuelied fi letter from Themas W. Ciinninghnni, clerk of Quarter Sessions Court, who originally had granted the use of tlie room. sMjing that the nssocintien should at ate en or before December 10. Ne icnseii was given. Meis charged Hairy Haywood, clerk of the Naturalisatien Court, who occupies the adjoining room, with be Ine responsible for the ejection. "Hay wood was afraid I'd sen tee much," Mjer.s declared "That's wliv be hud mu put out." The ss?5tan then went te see Su perintendent Mills te Hud a new home for the association. Haywood denied thnt he bad planned the ejection. He said that the Nat uralization Court, has records In the room and needs its use. Myers was elected secietnry of the association ut a recent upheaval, and un entire new corps of eflicers wa6 selected. LEFT NEAR POLICE STATION Car Had Been Stelen December 1 When Parked en Sixteenth St. The automobile used by payroll ban dits who held up u runner of the First National Hank of Darby yesterday and escaped with $10,800 of 1-Vln & Ce., soap manufacturers, was found aban doned late last night at Sixty-fourth street und Woedlaaid avenue, a block from a police btatlen. Philadelphia police and State troopers in Pennsylvania and adjoining Stutes worked ou the case throughout last night, but no real clues te the identity of the bandits bave been found. The nutoiiiebilo used was stolen from J. O. Thllew, of Palmra, N. J.. Do De ccmber I from in front of 1013 North Sixteenth street. Mr. Thllew claimed the machine this morning. WILLIAM COWDERY Cattrer r.i nr. untky ricK I formerly 1611 8pm Mrrt Tteceptlenii. Dinners, Te.m. Delicious I hem-mil Plc. Telephone Sprues 74H i i '"- s i. nn i nil rnrrii ir i I I . pbeembeb 3.6M022 COUPLE LEARNING TO PL A Y ON $16,500 STRADIVARIUS Mr. .and Mrs. William Weed Kane, of West Philadelphia, Practice Four Hours a Day en Violin Made by Famous Master jHb "-' .SSW- Jw&K&&'te&MiP, pl , - r ;; - sSHIbbbbb i& WM. ...'.. . Jk';,, f"-'(lBBBBKf afififififSArAi,ftBB9lr''ilBBBBBBBBBV $' -r-A ' Jbbbt -jbbbMbbbbbIM A' I ' 'MaWflHBK im-. v . at vj mri " .. wy(5z?i?w; " !!& 1- -rnWte mam ;. ,- 'jssssBHjat . VBrTSBBBB'T'W &$ g.WeSjiPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBy 1 BBBBBBBlsPBKSg!". i Ja. bbbbbb1bKm&; m :uibbbbbV'.' ' MBmmmm"-' r BbbbbbI SB--M f lkl Sbbbbbb ibbbb9.''. - ' BBBBBBfBBBik.' m MPS mKKIKmHKUMmM&M ' BBMKslMRhMlHb .' s L Xn. v-vf v S'y Mr. and Mrs. William Weed Kane are tnkin.c violin lessens, ami the) are learning en this snr.r.OO instrument. Abevt) is shown Mrs. Kane Four bems a day de Mr and Mis. ininm Weed Kane of West Phil- "Iphia. practice en their Stradivari. "It's mine, I biippne." Mr. Kline said, "but clnce my wife plns i-e much State Federation of Musical Clubs Int jeur." Mr. Kane wns lning the pnvieUS bit of weed that te ordinal v eye? was a violin and nothing uioie but te trained acs, one of the wmbl's greatest ' treasures an eiiginui mriiumin. "I paid S10.."i00 for it, or l.-uher xny f ii f linn dlfl ' ' Alt liT ii tirt r nn u tml li i tn - ( U uJJe Kine it i0 me out ()C u c.,p.ir - skv but it im u verv Tiluahnnt aur- . --- . t . . . prise, I must admit "It is liiMiied ler Ml'v.OO in nn English concern a biancli of Lloyd-. I- took It te an iiiMirnnce company down I wil ,,,,tiii,i niicci .,,., ,.,-,, ii,, ,,v en Walnut stiecl and tne di, kered for insure it while in this teuiitii. fe 1 had te lesert te England. Theie they insured ' it for a small rate, and it is protected against risks anv where in the world. "The violin has several unusual j points about it. This jh the original scroll and thut is nitlfr odd, for 1 many hate been changed ince they were ', made. Then it is lu vpUndid eondi eendi .... . . i tien mere is scanviy n cruel; or a mar of any sort jeu cm vt that for RiitPennvSavMsBanh wA ZrBsJrdreJl. 1 i'wimviiwIVIi VJiVV'ajiarrtJccr Intern st i e rt f. Fer Sale Oak dining-room (able and chairs. (!220 De Lancey St. Shenvoed 0 152. Don't lie in the Dark Heuse Wired Complete $() With Swltchf ami J W Sritrni All Werk Guariutefd rSTIMATES 1'REE LERNER & KLEIN 310 M, HTK ST Pl.c), Cel. 1813 rvenln. y, lleadqnare,s ier Waterman's "Ideul" Fountain I'cns Wahl "Evcrshurp" Pens and Pencils l'ancy Furniture Christmas Cards Leather Goods De )'ou Chl'li'mciR Slieiinng ut UOSKIX 904-906 Chestnut Street FINE STATIONERS Of Interest te These Who IjOvc Horses .lust Frem Europe Bronze Horses Hunters Saddle Horses Correct in Every Detail Four Sizes Moderately Priced 1121 Chestnut Street 6CuUUy r 6N-S--' VAifAVl, jeuisel. ' and Mr. Kane trustfully handed eier the uiluable article for In spectien. "A Healthy bpeilniCJi" II is wlmt experts call n "healthy specimen,' and hns a great denl of weed, which is another technical term." he explained. "Then it has nil the ear-maiks of a Stiadivari In tlm ordinary lelin l (he D string is the weakest, whereas in it 'Strad' it is the best-. Ltetcn te the tone of this D. no matter hew high the note is.'' .-aid Mr Kane, playing U.W .A0u4V $mmm& i he radiance of The Polished Girdle Diamond will be mere fully appreciated by direct comparleon wltri ethe "r diamonds -sold GIFT SUCCESTIDNS OF SILVER FDRTHEHDME Al end, Cake," Sandwich, Frmt Candy Dishes and Basket Bread and Rell Traya Candlesticks Bacen Dishes Three-in -one Coffee Pets. Het Cake and Muffin Dishes Centerpieces and Flower Vases Casseroles Buffet Sets Water. Pitchers Vacuum Carafe3 Cafe L'Aiglen Bre,id below alnuc W I U. BL-. ()P1 ex SUNDAYS FOR LUNCHEON AND DINNER FROM NOHN I'XTll. XIXE P. M. i-Hu5ir ' k - . i Ami Capital 6k. OUlTilus 4.000,000 West End IfeusT Company Rryn,r.cr.nn.. .. -i--w i m.c.u.1 ! "v ,' 3, nt, ft nnrt n unrrft. tn11nw RAlind flllfd i 1 Vr the room, ..... ' "Then the scroll Is the leait hhw ' I bit out of true it was the style In i i these days '-'00 years age te Diake i everything the tiniest bit crooked. The Leaning Tower of Pisa Is nn cxarapi, See, this scroll is lower en ene aide. The chin rest used te be en the nipt sidethat caused n mark. Thin violin will fill the largest room it is called the 'Pingrle Htrad.' There is n label in it, but thnt docs net preve it is , ytf gcnulne Sirid. "' Mr. Knne aneww the label. ) Antonius Strndlvnrius Crrmenenala Kaclcbat Anne 1713 A peculiar little seal appears alter tne date, tne mam or airauivnn. "The norell is worn en one alflf. stewing tlie use the violin ban had, i Mr. Knne continued, "but the real teat of its age nnd authenticity is Its tone. 1 am net nn expert in violins, but I am net quite a novice, since I take every (hnnce I get te study them. ' History of Instrument Then Mr. Kane showed the "pedi gree" nf the violin . ,, It was made dining Stradivari s "golden period" nnd belonged for many years te u French amateur, en whose death it was void te MM. Hilvestre and Chanet. Subsequently the fiddle war wild te M. Pingrllle. On his death Wil Hum V Jiill & Sens. f Londen, ac quired It. Thnce it journeyed te New Yerk, whete It was purchased by Mr. Kane's father. ninrlten Alurph.v, the lending au thority en violins in Philadelphia. tcsf tilled te the genuineness of Mr. Kane s . 'fUrr.d." . tli , "It is one of the three genuine Htrad ivnri Weljns in Philadelphia nnd Is n beautiful instrument." lie said, "re mnrknblv well preened nnd possessing u wonderful tone. Stradivari made in nil some ))00 viflins. of which about l.'fl are known nnd registered. The Strads in Philadelphia are nineng the three finest in the world Mr Kane is icrtninh te be congratulated for be has ii treasure " MISS HUNTING PARK AVE." WILL BE CHOSEN TONIGHT One Hundred and Eight Girli In Popularity Contest With a community interest si fever bent lij rensen of the fact mere than ene hundred of its prettiest girls nr competing for the honor of being se lected queen, the North Philadelphia Popularity Contest which has been waged since December 3. will corue te nn wid tonight with tlie appearance of the contestants en the stage of the Ritz Theatre. Hunting P'irl: avenue above Sixth Btrcef. One hundred and eight girls were en tered for the contest, claimed te be the largest of its kind ever held in this citv. While most of the North Philadelphia contestants nre expected te b in the theatre tonight, when the judges will cheese the winner, who will be crowned 'Miss 1 Minting Park Avenue, tbev ' will all be present net Tuesday night ' -hen announcement will lie made of the mime of the -winner enlv bu thU Ekl:r. J J - . ..-... 11 , &OUTH - PENN' cyp . eits s r . SOUAPtE . I i 'k' -wlSv " M'J .V J : ' I & n Y.Wl m II ! IB 1. i j lv m w; ii ii ;i! - 'i ii A t ... "J t , . K '11 . V '-; i . :