Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 16, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Oil Man's Bride
yt''' vtvB"sM , fwrHHiMb) tiuimmMmmYwMmsmsmsmsmsmsmswi minmmmrwm
' ir
C l
BS. capital Will Be Thronged De-
M . 1 ipite $5000 Limit Put en Ex-
penditures for Ceremony
Simplicity will lie the order of Hip
day when Clifferd Plnchet 1h Inducted
, Inte office te succeed Cloverner William
O. Spreiil Tuesilny,, Janunry 30.
This simplicity, however, which uasi
i insisted upon iiy tup tiovrrner-eiect te
' mm. a....! .1...1 .1. ".......... .....l.t.
will net spend mere thnn $.'000 for
the Inaugural cereinenier, as ngulnst
.twice and mere thnn thnt sum in pn.t
Tears, will net prevent Hnrrisburg
I being thronged with tlslteis. Hetel
j. rooms nlrendt nrc as &carce as job htm-
ira art) ii-giun.
IMnn te Snve Expense
Plans for the ceremonies, no desired
by Mr. I'lnchet, nre In charge of Sen Sen
nter Frunk A. Smith, of Hnrrl-burg,
chairman of the Inaugural Committee.
He is assisted by Adjutunt Genernl
Bcary, who is in special cherge of the
inaugural pnnde. The parade proper
will be murshnled by Colonel 13. J.
j 8tnckpele, .Ir., eeinuinnder of the 104th
I Cavalry, n veteran of the World War
I who hnd chaw of troop dispositions
i at the time of the soft-coal strike in
J Southwestern Pennsylvania Inst -.prine.
Ai pert of the plan of savin? ex-
i nensc. only troops in or near uurris- :
burg will be called into service en the I
lay of the parade. The precession will i
bc'hcnded by a troop of Colonel Slack
pole's cavalry and the troop band from
J" attain .. l.lrtt. I J L,,r,,l 1.1 .I'll N? n I
IthtJl'tl ir,tinl ("!enril ns the ' invcrner's Own.'' I
I'i.ftn'h rr it. ...... ...u i. .1.. .!,,., ..,,.., ,.f II.,..'
.V'J ... II III II IIlL'ltl ..111 UI' 11' 111' Mllll-lll - 111 1,1',
Scouts and even of (iirl Scout. Te lend
a touch of "Main Street ' te the event,
the Harrisburg Fire Department will
also rumble alone te be reviewed by the
outgoing nnd incoming (iovernnrs. The
.7' ii nreinen ure uuv mese uiiji peiisiuni;
kij ij up their red hats and tire axe.
One section in the line of march will
be given ever te IlnrrNhurg school
children who, In return for parading,
will have n day off from their lessens.
Then, of course, there will be politi
cal marching club from Pitt'-burgh,
Schuylkill and ether counties, and two
from Philadelphia One of these will
be made up of four hundred representa
tives of the Ilcnublienn City Committee
under the leadership of Congressman
Varc nnd Harry A. Mackey. The ether
Philadelphia club will be led by Coun
cilman Rebert J. Patten.
Ulg Crowd Expected
The parade will fellow the netnnl
swearing in of the new Ooverner nt
neon en the plaza in front of the State
PlITitfnl. Thern Chin? .Tnuricn ,..,,
'. Meschzisker. of the Supreme teurt.
I tvill administer the enth of office. nn,l
, ! (' the new Ooverner will deliver his brief
1 riband simple inaugural address te the
? RSftmhln1 enefhllfira ntwl ... .tin ,,.,i".lt..
It i ei tne nense and .senate.
I?I .1.. . .i t . .
I .. vv . n
Mil . in ine nuernnen tae iieusp aim ."sen-
. 'at will convene and the upper Heuse
J ''will receive the new Coverner's np-
iL Ji- Tmlntnintu wlilel, -i1 nrnl,nM.. ..
' i . t rh!ite.dn !m t"e mtm,,e S H'-',1' unM ,,y ,h" VM"V l ,ll,, Ni-ht ,lftt'.r " ll( "' voh'es- eren' 'county, the Pine e'' prison wan much out of the
' H held a reception in the executive offices. nf,-,Vm,,r,lr;lU ,, .. , , -, ilnr the sa,-viePH that rnnS with nimim- Speaker. Of course, the Itei lb lean I ',T'"""0 for, h' ""''"''"K men that
A, Hotels nnd rooming house ln nr: Mr. F. C MrAlhKtpr was exhibitor fl ngul.irlty in his ears; never ceas- candidate will win. ' ' '" "' ,r'l1 knew what te think.
fy ' rlsburg ere preparing te take care of ' ,f '"'"' which wen two t h-sts , t i,,g, ,,..Ver changlng-tlr.st one, then Jehn F. Short, of Clearfield one of nrt, Vi'T'T tl","if,ll,,,i ,0 U"',w, if
I P .,' one of the bgg.'st inaugural crowds In ! 1 " . '''"8' "1"" ,al "l,ett '" N'" th. h"r,: . .. ! " 'I1 agents of the I)emZr,itV TtntM
II' T I the histnrv of tlie Cnnitnl Ylrn.nli. "" ' iniriie i-eweu did n ; name , l eniinittee, was in the div e,i,,.. """' '" "" neveny ei ine pr v lege,
til hllet thAo?ela.rrn oil. . , "I. "n-"" '"? " , '""'"l ! Cln.rlU Powell did It I" j Mr. Short explaine I, ".,. f"."," " '".0 W,N ' "" llroe,
I.Wr'' been sold out for some time back of '!'" '"" liri,w" -l",,M wM,, li'"'M"1 v T " "' "V'r ?'n,,V , , ., ! ''ri"1" l-8l-lnf..iH would act tegeiher in ,M'B,IV '" sl"S ""lu,ut cwn " r"I,ri-
iBiataH available room-. Seme of them I f '"' r,"",i""' "len; "": l'"T.,i;n've.l He neeame frenzied, they say He ; the State Capitel nnd that their poll " "T1' . , ,
ni Cure preparin- te take care of , .te be Vi Vie and Yeung Yeung Chi-i ., beat his held uga list the wall of lus'ueuld be constructive rather tha .. A'"0,'-' ''" fourteen wns a prisoner
! i 4f nciesX installing co " Lr or ! ' VMns who have ,,,, J ce II, , hj- c aw.M t the big iron bars that , stnirtlve. He said tin, I IN , 0 ,e' 'iT"' ' '"' ",H; "l" ,""i.!",,, '", lM,un"
lift 'ami in some of the rooms r blue r.bbens at th- IVkinge- ,.pe. ml j formed the deer, he curM'd nnd shriek- by tlie Pinchnt Admlnistrn le i w uld ' '".rr f".r. ,'i-1" a-, Tw" "thers were
liJ-I ft - L rooms. Semhiiin.it.iti. "d nnil raved, as the voices .honed in. I net li, on..e...,l ,i ! I... "... ""Eddie Bengali ami Harry Smith, both
tui m r, ,, " . !
Wife of British Officer Is Seriously !
In lured l
TMilnx Tlnn 111 t ..... . ,. !
mv. ...".., ...... ..,. 1. 1,-llM 'III1I1I ,nn. '
erai nir iieerse .inn n-tm ii-ir,.. i.
C. B.. general officer of the Southern
Command since l'.M I), was killed and
Lady Harper serious! iniurcd j,.tf.r
day when their motorcar sluddi-d Inte a
bank and overturned near Shelborne
They were pinned under the cr nnd
Sir Geerge's ckull wa frnctun-il. He
Bervcd In the Seuth African .ind World
Found en Leck Haven
After Night Aute Ride
Ii iiiii'.. ii.. ii ,, .. . '
LflCU IlUVeil, Pa., Dee 1(1. 1 Itv A.
ei uetn girls were iater disceveied mi
a street here, the perri j-i,., ,.
Buffered slight innriee uud being in a
6tunefied condition. '
The District Atterne.i is precfidim;
en the belief that the Harle.i gir! met I
her death before the automobile acci
dent occurred. 1
Blazing Vehicle Frightens Christ-
mat Shoppers at Ferry In Camden
An nute bus running from Camden
te Gloucester caught fire within a few
feet of the Camden ferrj station at
Market street short 1 before 11 oMeck
this morning and was damaged baillj .
The vehicle suddenly burst Inte flames
when close te a throng of Christinas
hoppers en their way te Philadelphia.
The fire started under the driver's
seat nnd spread rapidly. An engine
company responded and extinguished the
blaze with chemicals. The bus Is owned
by Frank Nntie.
NW Worshipful Master Is Elected
by Camden Ledge
Meri, than 1000 members of Trnnhle
Ldge, N. 117, F. and A. M , Cam
den, attended the annual banquet and
lectien of officers hist night.
Frank II. Clark was elected wor
shipful master of the ledge for the
coming year. Other officers elected
trcre: William K. Cox. Jr., senior
Warden! (leerge Klrkpntrick, junior
Warden: Wilbur Ii. Celes, treasurer,
nd E. Wilmer Cellins, secretnr, The
3B0W eraccrs were linnieifinteiy installed
Arthur Potterten, crund master of
tw Jersey,
Black's Bacheler Dinner
liecau ISInck, nineteen jenrs old,
ose eiiKngement te Miss .Alarguenlc
JBaIe was recently announced, will give
S Mrheler dinner te thirty friends at
' mm . mr t. fU..l-
10 iiuutiDEUvn aiiey ueuuiry vmu
W ;' ,i "v, I'V1,"' '",s ''"' iui8 , ,..,,,,., ,. -rrs itcMvic Mehr, wife of
Ml iSKtvli;Ugn1 '"iVarry Mnlir 'ami 1 search her 'when she'
IS I' T.n i ,J h wn 7l eaT-, "Mr the courtroom. AUe an .-
J , rtVA't i r.n, e ,.g IZA ZUu ay ,arcfiil wnvhJr 'TV lt"1!' "is-
I M 4 The Hurley girl with Kv . IVrri h,.,i V"'- " the authorities belie;., he N
.m I accompanied Capelle and Lee Kiel en ""M"'""' , t "us ur's -1'" r " '"'
MX en an automobile ride that was prln, ipnl v concerned keeping
lPi,r when their maeliiue sidew,ped a tl". ' '"I'' " M"11 1,"'s lnuiV f,""""' ,l"'!"' TO
Tja ., onene Dele east ,if in. ...iv Tk,. 1....1... I He Jurers eit .ieuni iien 111 n .00
;W W
- lv?IBBJBBVaBBVBV5f -'h -V-BbIbTU X $S Kfic BBWm7
b, bbbKIbbbbbbbbbLU Bmf bbb1, bbSI?w M
bVbbbbMbbVbVbbbVfHm (bbb 4-r bVbVI 'bVjLbVbV''
bbWbibYbWbMbWbYbWbWbbH !rBVBVB:WBBBfW7!iHH
bbbVbfVbk5bVbVbVbVM '''''IbbHJbWbWbWbWbWM VVVbhi
nKB i Bm bbHBIu IKbI
HHHHbWbVbVIbbbbb - "sEbbmwbbmbbmBmbbVbVI
The men who will decide the fate of Jin, Deris nrunrit anil her brother, Harry Melir, are shown loelrinj; ever the
heue In wlilrli "Honest .lelin" Jtruncn ns slain by Charles Powell. The cress iwlnts te the window through
whlrh the fatal shot was fired. The photograph nNe shows the de? Iirnticl which figures In the murder trial
125 Pets, With Pomeranians
and Pekingese in Majority,
Benched for Awards
Tlie Tuv Deg Club of Philadelphia I
held Kh aiimial nll-fy deg show at the
Hellenic-Stratford teihiv with 1-." doss
en exhibit, ineltidlng fortv-ene Pem-
eranmns and thirty-one Pekingese.
The judges are .leseph ltp'theriek,
I'nrlij. rii. reinernnlnns: Alva u.
iSeseiiberg. Brooklyn, N. Y.. Fnclish
te spaniels Japanese spaniels, York
shire terriers, maltese. toy black and
i tan terriers, Brussels griffons, Chimin-
ii'ias, Itnlnn grevheuinK iniseel -
lnneeiis; Mrs. Charles (J. West, Jr.
West bury. I.. T. Pekingese: W. Fred
Ferd, Philadelphia, toy xnd!es.
Tey Poodle Champien
Curled up into n round, fuzzy lull,
his pink skin gleaming and his while
curls snetless. was Mv Wonderful
P.iiildv. clmnipien toy poodle, belonging
te Mr. nnd Mrs. l. uariuianii -
Market street.
Nenrhv Were the sleek. pert-IoeKIIIR
blinds and tn- terrie-, snilling jnipni-
tie!v at the air. tlieir brown eyes soft'
' ",iil i.nt.iip
V. ..'
i Mik. Alfii'u.
Stevell. of Chitnut of an old man, and a little child. Daj j State Itepresentntlve WiKen r
s fiem h-r Mill Fnvm'by day, before he confessed, his wife ' Sarig. of Itfi-ks Ceuntv. will iir Id K
Vim Ch.in. which visltwl him. ii' Iiil- l.m. nf I.K hnlilns ' I... .1 !..,!.. " ...' will preli.ilil
' ...,,, ,' V
I'111- l,as three de.
I l,,,nl"',v i";''"'""!
I was ne er hentell
' . ...,.. ,,i r,..
ii.-. ii l"M'l'.' .
I . and nt Madisen Seiiare (iiirdens
The si.iiillrst deg in the (eillitrv
owned In Mrs. Ilarr; S. l'easier
, Si nth Cres'
stieet. was en eIniiitieii.
. ....
Wilghlng one pound .mil four nm .
I.irtle Pedie is a ihiimpien. as i-, little
Papitc. nine months old. Tliese dogs
ar' Mexcnn ( hihiinnuns
show in a five-peitu show for
.,. l
lie l emerauians. iiur inesi in no- ine-
wi'l l.c gneii. net for (liamplenhlilp
tlii.tiBli the "eints will (emit toward n
pertunee of the
for tlie relafivi
; in the show .
Brunen Case Jury
Re-enacts Murder
Cenliniifil from I'nue Onr
(ours", n flu. jur. He has b"en-keepni'5
awa from it, like every one else con- ,
neeted with tin prosecution nnd de- i
fene. and did nor een go te Mount
Helly. Parker is confident that 1."
' will get a conviction against both Mrs.
j ISrur.cn and Mehr.
uniers ia(. uceii given ler un- is,
.. . I ... I, ,,,-t ...irnfn
e clod; in a nig red tumoreus, ami 1
nrrhd at Biierside a half hour late,
T1...V riitiirlii.il lis llli ll'lll Cellie
I : 1 i r.. .1.. 1. n. . iiin.iiii 111 t ill !. ..!. .." ' " illiil'-U i 1u Mil niiti'ii nt.t. .w. 11.. ....... . .1
Before the left Mount Hull Detec- will refer m their sermons tomorrow te
the Parker, who worked up the cnsel.Iehn Wnuaimiki-r.
ruartd Jff". mfl, i'n ' ;'" - '' '" " ""'"
easmi for hushnmU jn IVimsi Ivani.i. nml hiireh leader will lie conducted
but there wasn't 111 New .Irrsev." 1 nder the nuspici ,( the .Salvation Army
Te Watch Jlrs. Mehr
lie did net make his remark, of
made n verbal attack en Ilnel Brum n.
daughter of the murdered num. when
she testified for the (.'ommenwcaltli.
The prosecution has dosed its 1 a-".
and next week the trial will probably
Supreme Court ,lutle Kallsch wants
10 bring the cne te a d"sr next week,
even If he has te held night session"
.Mehr en Stnnd Monday
llie (incuse 11ns aoe'it sixty wit
nesscM. It will fellow 1 he e. unpin of 1
the jiroseeution nnd put its most lin
pertnnt witnesses en the stand firs.
Hurry Mehr will take the stand en
Monday morning, but net before Walter
Keetvn, attorney for the defense, makes
Ins motion te have the indictments
against Mrs. Brtinen euashi'd.
"I will niuK tnis reuuest en the
ground thern Is no evidence te warrant 1 .Merchant Prince."
holding her," lie said today. "The bill. The I lev. Dr. James Itamsny Swain
of pauictihirs 1 barges conspiracy with, will deliver a Wennmnker memorial (
.Niehr te murder Brunin. Neither it sermon tomorrow morning in the Wood Weed
these has been proved." land Presbyterian Church. Ills theme.
The geneial belief here is thnt Mrs 1 will be "A Man's Religion and His
Bruneii has net been MifJidcntly In Business. ; a Tribute te Jehn Wann
plicated for a cmiwi tien. I maker."
Pixsecuter Kelsey, however, will' In St. James' Methodist Fpisoeinl
argue, nuieiig ether things, that the! Church, Olncj, tomorrow etenlng th"
bill of partlculnis should net bind the! Rev. Dr. Kdwnrd F. Randelph will (
court. preach en "Wiinaninker the Ureal "
If the effort te free Mrs. Ilninen I "The Passing of Jehn Wiinamaker"
falls, she will fellow Mehr en the wit- I will be the theme, of the Rev. II. Alferd
nt'HS stnnil. ine tentative ui range-
ment Is for Asslftnnt Prosecutor Rob Reb
ert Peacock te cress-examine Mehr
nud ter Prosecutor Kelsey te grill Mis.
(irisly .story Retailed
The townspeople here nre passing
from mouth te mouth a grim story of
hew Charles M. Powell, the act mil
Isluyer of the wealthy shewipan, came
te confess. 1 he tnle is as grim ns
any from the Chateau d'lf or from the
grim fortress nt Brest in France.
Net twenty-two miles from Philadel
phia Ftands the Mount Helly jail. He
dark are It cells for murderers, a match
Is required In them In bread daylight
before the eyes become accustomed te
their gloom.
High up In the cell walls nrc tiny
windows. The iron bars that close
these apertures nre ancient. The wnlls,
the floors nnd the steps are undent.
Se old is the place the feet of passing
prisoners have worn deep grooves In
the nged granite steps.
These liars in the windows fellow
the ancient form. They make n cres,
the ends bedded in the melid granite,
and nt this cres of iron the prison -
ers gaze as it is silhouetted against
the little dnylight that filters through
the massive walls. A cress of Iren
the symbol of their sorrow,
These walls reek with moisture as the
fires In the jail stoves go low. The
doers, two hundreds years old, are fit
te held wild beasts, ns well ns men
Huge leeks nre turned ny huge keys,
and n long bar of iron extends far be be
eml the deer itself, te enable the keep
eis te open the doers without danger
. 0f attack from the prisoners.
in wie center 01 enen iipnin ceil is n
great Iren ring, unused nev. Stene
walls, stone lloers, stone ceilings
e cry where.
In a lighter cell, for the untried,
' Mehr sits. In another cell is Mrs.
Bnincn, and in another Charlie Powell.
In his cell tndnj, Powell wearily held
I .jH nfnt jn ,js j'mds.
--m Ulll bl) u tedav." he
.Net se well. Mv head hurts.
T',., net se well.
"elces' Thnt Tortured
Powell claim!) he hears vekes voices
. ,i ,iuVi .....,.;.. i i.:: ii .
.... .i.e i. n.v ui'ui.ih.iii iiuu uikuth mill
( harlle Pewill did it! Clinrlle
Powell did It!' te cease out at dawn.
Fihausted he would fling himself
, ........ i.i ii.. ... i . .
'.i""' i" pmiei it. erenit ei nay, son-
euik- wnn reuet and then hegin te
dread the approach of night, with its
Then he confessed.
Many Churches Will Held Serv
ices Tomorrow in Memery
of Noted Merchant
'.''igi men
many denominations
tomorrow ewning In Memerial Audltm
1 11 in. Brii'id street ami Falrmeunt ne-
nie. Mr. Wnnnmnkcr's favorite
I'Wiitis, "Jesus, Lever of My Seul,"
'Jesus. Sa.ieur. Pilet Me" ami
, "Ninrer, My (ied, te Thee," will be
1 sung.
Lieutenant Colonel Arthur T.
'Brewer, who will preside, will read a
ti Unite te Mr. Wnnamfikerfrein Com
mander r.vangelui" Beeth.
j Colonel Uiclmrd L. Helz, of New
Yerk, will deliver the address. Singing
by Saltatien Army lassies and seiee
'ions bv the divisional staff band will
features of the musical program.
Other Pulpit Tributes
A sen Ice In memory of Jehn Wanii
maker will be. conducted tomorrow eve.
ning in Arch Street Methodist I'piscn-
pnl Church. The Ilev. Dr. J. I.. Crew-
tner w Hi snenii en
.jenn annmuKer
Heggs tomorrow evening 111 uie rrince- ,
ten FreMijtcrlnn t'nurcn.
The Rev. Dr. Samuel MeWllllams
will preach in Tiegn Methodist Fplsco Fplsce
pnl Church tomorrow etenlng 011 "Our
Merchant Prince Jehn Wanamaker."
In the F.mmiiniii'l Methodist Prot
estant Church. West Philadelphia, the
Rev. Dr. J. Frnnklln Hrynn will preach
en "Jehn Wennmnker's Orcatcst Suc
cess, 'l
graph, they ay. electrically Vive and V l1,";," ViVl . rs nTti... "C , r'"' ,'"'
JKI. repeating device that was his ru ,j ;,r ft? .
At ,'.'.wn. they sn wftH ,,, off "xni "'siu'tT'l,il ."''"'"T",'."
only ie he turned nt night. ! , l ' V,,,u 1 "prfi-.-iitiitive
His confession, ns repented pe,i the 'f ,'. f' ,W '" W"S "'" !'"! r"',(' ''""
wi.n.ss Man.l. is generally believed, .f '';" .,"v''rner' ""' ,,,, '-'"'innnn
i in- jui.i -'fiiii'u visieiy implessi'd.
Coverner-Eloct Sees Callers as
He Drafts Speech for N. Y.
Penna. Society Dinner
(Joverner-elect I'lnchet met a limited
number of callers in his elllce In the
Ileal l.'state Tract Building today as
lie was preparing his addiess te be de-
mcrcu at the annual dinner nt tin.
IWslvnnln Society of New Ve k 7.
New Yerk tnnichr.
inert- was n hint thnt the address
w-eiilil threw some light en the plans
et t he new Administration in re-pect
te the proposed reorganization of the
maeninery (,r i , sini.. ;...,, m..f
, .ur, I'liienet will be aceeiupanled en
1 1 the trip te New Yerk liv Colonel Di-
nil J. Dayid, who will be Lieutenant
wmcimu- in tlie I'lnchet A. minivtr-i.
I tien.
, Among these who conferred with the
(.oyerner-elect were Vernen Tim ler, of
Indiani County; Worthincten Scran -ten,
of .Scrnnten: State Senater-elect
I letcher Stltes. of Montgomery Ceuntv,
and Colonel Davis.
Frem New Yerk Mr. Pint hut will go
j te his home in Milferd, returning te
I this city en Tuesday.
,, .,' '"- " w!' "'mecrutlc caucus
i III Illirrisl uri ter SOlfn!...'
.."- -,.-...,
merely because they v;erc Hepublican
plans. " ed ideas." m:,led Mr.
Short, "will b,. backed bv the Demo Deme
crnts lies matter what their mhiiie,"
Democratic plnns in the Legislature
will be mapped out, as the ouaslen
arises, in a Democratic cat s f ilw.
An interesting point in thi.s connec
tion s th,!t while .Jehn F. Short will be
steering tlie Demecilltic legislative pre.
gram, Frank W. Short, hi- son. execu
tive sccretnrv te Kb hard W'eglein,
president of Council. v-j . function
ing in the same way with respect te
the legislative pi egfaiu of the Itepiibli
11.11 City Council of Philadelphia.
A Nevin Detrlch. of Mr Pinchot's
s (T. icturned te the dtv tedav fiem
1 tie meeting of the State (ira'uge in
Willimnspert. Detrb h reported that
the (ir.inse. of which Jehn A. McSpar
ran is Master, had gene en record ,-ih
lcadv and anxious te help th,. Pjnrhnt
administration te make a success. The
(Irange, hj the wa.t. renew ed its argu
ment in fa .-or of the linjiesHn f
tux en iivinufiicturing inlerestH. Mr.
Detrich altendcil the ('iningi' meeting
as the personal representative of Mr.
Piii'diet and presenied the hitter's
icpert en consertatien.
State Senater Charles W. Senes, of
r.tieimng County, Democratic leader
of the uppir heijsn, wh j ,(, (.llVi
Senater Senes, hating wmi i,i;, ,
Iteputilleiiii and Democratic noiuinatlena
In the ptimnries. is eligible for the
Republican Senate caucus, jr,. ,.0n
fernd with W. Harry Bnl,r, Hepub
bean Stale Cliaiiman. and William I'.
(iiillagher. chief cleik of the Senate.
St ite Itepiesentatlve tieerge II, Stew
art, .Ir., of Cuiuberland County, wns
another In the dtt. He miked ever
old limes with Stale lti piescntative
Benjamin "iohler, of Philadelphia, and
then left for the Peunsj Itanin dinner
in New Yerk.
Fpen their ictiirn from Washington
'from tin Vine dinner te Uovernor Uevernor Uoverner
1 elect I'lnchet. Congressman Vnrc,
1 Councilman ji,,1, ',,m Ciiuninghaiii,
City Ciniii in-ill Wntsiiu and Sennte.
I.Max- U. Leslie, of Pittsburgh, had a
1 private dinner of their own in the Bel
let ue. Thet discussed the attitude of
the Organization toward the new State
! Administration.
' Police Believe Camden Watchman
Fell Inte River
The hen.t of Jehn Sullivan, nigh:
watchman of the Ninth Atlantic ami
Western Steamship Company nt Pier
1 ill, feet of Yiiii street, who had been
missing since Sunda.t, was found limit -ing
111 the Delaware Biter near the
pier 1 his nun ning.
, Patrolmen Dickeisen and Niirileu, of
, the police beat Ashbildge, saw the body
ami lifted it out of the ttnler wltli
1 grappling hooks,
It was tnkiii te Hahnemann Hos
pital, where an examination was iiinile
for etldeiice of 11 struggle, but none
was found nud police lielieve the man
I iiei Mentally fell Inte the river. HuD
lr-in lived nt 415 Mount Vernen street,
CA ndcii.
Ex-Convict Testifies Before
Grand Jury Few Hours
After Release
A former convict, whose term In th"
county prison nt Helmcsburg ended nt
10 o'clock this morning, went te the
Ornnnil Jury room in City Hall this
t'flcrnoen te tell his experiences during
ten months of confinement there.
The (Jrand Jury, under special In
structions from Judge Audenrled, re
sumed IN investigation of conditions in
the Holmesburg prison. The probe was
ordered after the Kvk.nixh Prune
IjL'txirii disclosed hew inmates nre kept
in dark cells, forced te remain mute anil
punished with foodless de.s If they dls dls
ebej. Taken Frem Helmcsburg
Fourteen convicts hnd been brought
down from Ilelmesbiirg under heavy
guard nt the command of the (it-aiid
Jury when the volunteer witness ap
peared outside the hearing room. He
had been given $1 when he was freed
this morning and he spent part of thnt
te reach City Hull.
The former convict said he Is James
lewler. formerly of Seattle, who was
' sentenced by the late Judge 1'egers last
Jebruary for bigamy.
i nm net a criminal : I was never
In trouble before in my life." said
Fowler, the prison pnlier showing un
mistakably in his face. He said he lest
twenty-four pounds In weight during
the ten mouths.
"I was kept In solitary confinement
nlniest the entire time,'' lie went en.
Once I told a man in the cell next te
mine te step knocking en the wall. A
keeper overheard me nnd I was kept
without feed for twenty-four hours.
Feed I'nflt te Fat
"On another occasion, It wns cither
June ir or June 111, the mutton stew
served te us had vermin in it. When
I was leaving the prison this morning
I told Cnptnin Hesten, the warden, I
Was COlllir te fill. fllMiiut .lurv iimiI ,..11
the members what I knew.
"He asked me what I hnd te tell.
j T 'f'"1,,1, "' V, "l,,y """"' tn, ,bI!
tau. '".'.". He told me te go ahead
anil tell it."
lewler said word that convicts weie
te be brought before the Cruud Jury
today reached the prison jeslerday. It
was brought by u man just commit
ted, lliu news spread nil through the
prison, hu said.
Since the Evk.mne Pliii.ic I,kdei:ii
luesiiu puiiiisuing accounts of conditions
at the prison, the rules have been
"slight!) niedllled," he Mild further.
"The men nre new allowed te talk
te each ether occusienall)," he said.
Convicts Enjoy "Outing"
The prisoners were taken te the
Sheriff's cellniem en the seventh fleer
of City Hall. There It could he readilv
seen what a great "outing" the men
were linviug.
The Idea of being allowed te mingle
with each ether, te talk te their hearts'
content, te even rend, and en top of it
all te be premised a dinner such ns
serving eigni venrs Mr Helding up th
Susquehanna Building and l.enn Asne
ciatien. Anether ii Barney Banish,
well-known cbnriictrr in the criminal
world, and a be.t named C.elst still in
his teens.
Tin visit te City Hnll meant about
ten hours out of the prison for the
men. although they were held under
heavy guard all the time.
They were taken from the Sheriff's
cellroem in the seventh fleer te the
Uiaiid Jury room en the sixth fleer, te
tell the inside stm-v of their treatment
at Ilelmesbiirg, giving their actual
Will See Prison Beard Head
The taking of these piisencrs' testi
mony will be fellow id bv 11 session -lli
Dr. Jeseph 1 N. Rem... who is head of
the Prison Beard. Dr. Reeve has stated
that the rules m force at the prison
would net be changed and that thev
are lust what the prlsnnm-H needed. ' 1
After he has appeared bcfoie the'
firand Jure Warden Coeke will be
(ailed. He hns genera! supervision ever
Ix'th the Heliuesbuig Prison and Mnwi
niensing. Anethir ttltmss te be heard
is Cnptnin Wil jam Ili-stnn, assistant 1
superintendent and warden of Holmes Helmes
liurg. due of the questions which the Urnnil '
J irj ttlshis te ask Dr. Reeve nud War- I
den Coeke is why untiled prisoners get I
tin Mime treatment as temb-ted crimi
nals. 1
Fnder the law a man arrested for any '
crime is innocent in the eyes of the I
law until hi- guilt has been proved. I
Yet piiseners held for trial In the'
Count Prison, no matter bow- petty I
the offense alleged agninst them, hate.
it is sold, the same treatment aceeided
tli'iu ns ceiitieted offenders.
Men awaiting trli.l aie fed the same
fnre doled 011I te the convicted pris
oners, It Is niltl. lefiiseil permission in I
talk, denied the us., of tobacco, and .
pretcnted from seeing their families
an 1 frieiuK Thev may consult their '
nt'nrne.ts if they hne any, and may.
be visited nt sneeilhi) limes hj their
relatites I
Hely Trinity Presbyterian Church
Ceremony Tomorrow
Members of the Hely Trinltv Pits.
httrian Church of I.egnn, Flevinth,
Rockland and Mar-.-im streets, will hit
the enrm istuiie of their new editiee
at ,'t :!!0 sharp lom-iriew aflernoen. The
Rev. Dr. William Humeri Lewer, pas
tor, will tiflb-iate Miijnr Moere will
have a part in the program.
Dr Lewer will be assisted by the
Rev. Dr. Wlll'am Builtle Jennings, the
Rev. Dr. Jehn P. Laird, tlie Rev.
fir Richard Mon'geniery and the Rev.
Dr. William Peller Lee. The preees.
simi wi'l form en Mart Ine street. Tin
Cadet Ceips of id,, church will net
as guard of honor, followed by these
taking pari in the lereumnt, and then
the members of the elllcial beards of
the chinch
Delegates of Federation Discuss
Plnns te Extend Activities
Delcr-'.tes attending the second an
nual conference uf the Federation of
Cilthelli College Clubs, in session at
I'.TI'l Spruce street, the home of tlie
1'liivnsltv of Pennsjlviiuia Catholic
Club, tnihi held n business session and
disi ui-miI plans for extendlni; the scope
of club activities.
Tomertow the delegates will intend
mass In the Club chapel nt 5VT-J1 Spruce
street. - , ,1.
Mether of Mrs. Jehn Wana-
maker, Jr., Becomes Mrs.
James McVickar
Mrs. Rebert T. Dlssten, mother of
Mrs, Jehn Wiinamaker, Jr., wns mar
ried in Jersey City yesterday te James
McVickar, of New Yerk.
The ceremony wns performed by the
Ilev. August F. Bender, pastor of the
Second Reformed Church, with only his
liiiiiKiiier, Anna, nnd n Jersey city
friend of the pastor ns wiines-es.
lhc ages of trie bride and bridegroom
were given ns fertr-plsht nnd forty.
respectively. It was Mr. McVIcknr's
second mnrrliiKe, he having been di
vorced In 11115 from his first wife, for
merly Mies Daisy Kmersen, of Balti
more, a sister of Mrs. Raymond T.
Baker, who wns Mrs. Alfred O. Van
dcrbllt. Mr. McVickar in In the oil business
nnd is a member of several prominent
New Yerk clubs.
Wanted te Avoid "Fuss"
Mr. McVickar explained thnt secrecy
of the marriage wiih enlv te avoid
Inevitable gossip and "conversation,"
as he termed it, which would have been
caused by n wedding ceremony of the
sort usual in their social set.
"We are just two free, white Ameri
cans who wanted te get married with
the least fuss possible," Mr. McVickar
"1 met Mrs. Dlssten In June at a
dinner party given by 11 friend en Leng
Island. She went abroad shortly after
ward. I did net see her until her return
in October. Nene of my friends or of
hers knew we were engaged or were
even interested In each ether, Seme
tiiiU' nge I can't just sav when we
decided te be married. We took the
membcrsef our Immediate families info
our confidence, but no one elbc. Yeu
tuny be sure there Isn't the slightest
opposition en the part of any one te
our marriage."
Divorced HU First Wife
Mr. McVickar left bis office at neon
estcrday. After n hasty liinchten
alone he met Mrs. Dlssten and the
"couple went te Jersey City lu Mrs.
Dlssten's meter car. Ne one accom
panied them. Three dns nge the op ep op
plicatien for n license wns made and
the license wns Issued the day before
Mr. McVickar has four elder
brothers-. They nre F. S. J. Mc
Vickar. W. J.'. McVickar. Jehn A.
McVickar nnd Neel McVickar.
He was divorced from his first wife,
Mrs. Daisy Kmcrsen Herner McVickar,
In 1fl." after she had figured promi
nently ill n sensational divorce proceed -ing
brought by Mrs. Cera L. Hansen
against Mnjer J. Fletcher Hansen, of
Atlanta, (in. They were married in
Geerge Herace Lerlmer and Presi
dent Hlbben Twe of Judges
Washington. Dec. HI. (By A. IU
Karl (J. Pearson, scventeen-ear-eld
Washington High Scheel boy, has been
nwnrded the -innunl Harvey S. Fire
stone unitci-iity scholarship for the
best geed reads essay submitted bv high
school pupils throughout the I'nltisl
States and its territorial possesiens.
The scholarship, which provides
tuition and all reasonable expenses dur
ing four ears at any college or uni
versity selected by tin- winner, is valued
as net less) than J? 1000, Approximately
-."0.000 essays were submitted.
The national judges were Secretary
of Agriculture Wallace, Ueerge Herace
Lm-iuier, editor of the Snturdav Kve
tiing Pest, and Dr. Jehn Urier Hibben,
president of Princeton Fuitersity.
Deaths of a Day
Funeral of Union Baptist Church
Paster te Be Held Monday
The funeral of the Ilev. Dr. W. C.
Pail.s, pastor of the Fninn Ilaptist
Church, Fitztvater and Mnrtln streets,
who illeil suddenly ".veiincseay nignt
at the home of AVilliam T. Jacksen,
2011 Fitzwater street, will be held nt
the church Monday morning. Dr.
Parks, who was sixty-four years old
and was born In Davidsen County,
Tenn., was educated at the Reger
Wllllnms Fnlversity. Before Inking
charge of the Union Ilaptist Church
seventeen years age he was pastor of
churches In Tennessee nt Murfreesboro,
Shelliwille. Knewille and Chattanooga.
He formerly wns Held secretary of the
American Bnptist Heme Mission Society
in Tennessee nnd vice president and
later presidint of the National Baptist
j. A. Cauldwell
J A. Cauldwell, who resided here
until a year age, died buddenly of
heart disease jcMerdny in his apart
ment, 70 Fast ScteiK.t-setcnth sin-et.
New Yerk, He wns vice president of
Hcitnu. (irlscem & Ce., Inc. Mr.
Cauldwell was educated lit West Point,
but left there te enter business and
was eugngnl in Intcstment banking
since he lieeainc associated with Berten,
firlsiem & Ce. He became n member
of tin llrm and later vice president
ui "u its incorporation. He was a
member of the Racquet Club, of this
city. He leaves his wife, and n daugh
ter, Mis. Jehn Matthews Blynn, Jr.,
of this city.
Miss Anne Hobart Smith
Mlsi Anne Hobart Smith, late of
'JKHl De U-inccy place, died suddrnl
jesterday at Atlantic City. She ttas
slt-ene jeiirs oil. Miss Smith was
the daughter of the Inte Themas Dun
can Smith and n direct dcsciiidnnt of
the Rev. William Smith, first provost
of the University of Pennsylvania. She
was a sNler of the late William Ru Ru
eolph Smith, who died but September.
She was a member of St. James Prot Pret
lesiint Fplsinnal Church, Twenty-sue-!
elid and Walnut streets, and wns'iiciive
in wmi. connected with the Protestant
I F.pisi-epnl denomination, having been
1 assei iated with St. Manila's Heuse .m,l
oilier chnrlles. The funeral will be
at 'J0-!) Pine street Monday morning.
Mrs. Georgia A. Kendrlck
Werd lias been received here of t Ii 0
dentli of Mrs. (Jeergln Averill Ken.
ilrlck. at Cliften Springs, N. Y., en
Tluiisdat. She wns the widow of Dr.
Jiimes R.tland Kendnck. .Mrs, Ken-'
drlck. after In r liusbaud'i, death, was
elected te a Vassal- College pest, whlih
she held twenty-two years, ruslgulu--reccntl)
bemuse of adtiincliig .tears
She was noted for her reninrkable'aiili.'
tilde for dealing with girls. Jeb,,
Kendrlck, 11 nephew, is u publisher Iii
this city.
The cttmilflrit columns et the PrmSS
liHKOU'i Het ema of the beit hnrc.'l,,, lolle
found In Used Csra en paica 23. -Adv"
Bi , ipJ mBBBBBk
MMfjAJ33BHBSb'it Xv..'V.S!ujg
sTsTsTsTsTsTsTsrr ? '' jH!IbWbT"Jb
sVBBL V,' PSsfJrW ""sj
'-&& x
fiM& z Mil
ltlUlllMtl 1 1 'i'(I..Tnffil. iiWiiiiiinliil
Mrs. .Inmes ."McVichnrs wlie was,
before her marriage In Jersey City
yesterday. Mrs. William Dlssten,
widow of the sew manufacturer.
She is the mother of Mrs. Pauline
Wanamaker, wlfe of Jehn Wana
maker, Jr.
Lausanne Learns England
Won't Yield Claim te
Oil Territory
Bv Associated Press
tausannfe, Dec. 10. Great Britain's
memorandum te the Turks concerning
the Mesul oil territory, which was sent
in the name of Great Britain alone nnd
net in thnt of nil the Allies, it was
learned tedny, insists strongly upon the
British claim te Mesul. This vilayet
cannot be surrendered, lt is repre
sented, because lt forms 11 part of the
kingdom of Irak which, being a part
of Mesopotamia, is under British man
date. Tlie memorandum calls attention te
the fact that Mesul is en the Tigris
nnd controls the read te Bagdad nnd,
therefore, pos-sesscs strategic Impor
tance for the piotcctien or Bagdad.
Moreover, lt is set forth, Bagdad Is
dependent economically en the Mesul
ceuntr' and it Is unthinkable that
Mesul should be detached from Irak
and hnnded ever te the Turkish Gov
ernment. The Turkish representatives here
spent tire grenter part of last night in
going ever the Britisb document.
Ambassador Child, ns bend of the
American delegation te tlie Near East
conference, plnns te mnke n pretest
against the Turkish proposal te expel
the Greek Patriarch from Constanti
nople, nt this afternoon's meetings of
the sub-commission en minorities.
Drnfting of the treaty of Lausanne
new is in progress. The experts nre
working, however, en clauses that
involve no disputed points and although
the Hub-commlFsiens nre making rapid
progress, it seems impossible that any
complete document can even be Initialed
before Clirittmns. Rumors new nre in
circulation thnt January -1 has been
fixed 11s the tentative date for bigning
the pnet.
Any considerable vacation ever
Christmas seems unlikely, largely
because of Turkey's determination that
there shall be no lull in tlie conference
until definite terms of pence nre agreed
upon at least in principle, or until It
is clear that there can be no agree
ment. Ism,et Pasha has been insructed by
his Government net te permit any brcni:
in the conference until some definite
decision Is reached. Turkey has
'J.'O.OOO men under nrms nnd virtually
in the trenches. She docs net propose
te keep them in suspense unnecessarily
in order te allow European diplomats
te spend Christmas and New Year with
their families.
Five Members of Ballard Gang
Jailed After Fatal Clashes
Lexington. Ky Dec. 10. -(By A.
P.) Menifee County's moonshine war
hns ended today, after 11 week of cam
paigning in tlie hill country. Federal
prohibition infercemeiit forces emerged
tlcters, but net until three agents hnn
been slain in clashes with the outlaws.
Te balance their losses tlie Federal
men tedat counted Rebert Ballard, re
puted leader of the moenshiners, dead
hi- brother Charles, weundril and a
fugitive in the hills, and Jeff Ballard
miner, aim aiecn Jiniinni, brother of.
the slain lender, together with Jeseph
J 1 -in, William Fergtiben and Henrt 1
unfit, prisoners in jail here,
The Menifee County outbreak enil.-.l
csterdav in tlie same fashion it started!
a week age a spectacular gun battle I
when twenty nicked men surrounded
the Ballard cabin nnd captured it utter'
killing the gang leader and wetnidin '
his brother. " '
Members of Trade Mission te Bratll
Fair See Historic Spots
l'ite members of the .lupaiic-c trnde
mission te the Brazilian Centennial
tedav visited the hlsterli'iil . .!...
Interest In the city.
M. Kiitakiine, head of the delega delega
tien. Is one of the largest raw silk
producers of Japan. He expri".sed the
hope of returning te Pli!ladclph fnr
llll- fM-'lll-l l-llll'llllllll, HI,, pm v wjl
visit Furepe before returning te Jnpun.
Vy 'lf ;!." JF.-i
Will Probably Lie Dermant Un-
til March 4, Senate Lead-
ers Declare
" Washington, Dec. 10. c W
Croeker, chairman of the Liberal lie'
publican League of Ma-ssuchiisetfn t-,.2
filed with Vice President CoelidM"
contest en the election of Senater
Ledge. Mr. Croeker Issued a stntem nt
n mm rhnt Mr. T.ni1r . ".ni
nted by the people of Massachusetts ami
hat "fliifrrnnt irregularities" ecatrrc
in tne eiccuen.
The paperfj nre te be referred te tlie
Senate Privileges nnd Flectiens Ce ?
mittec, of which Senater Dillingham
of Vermont. Is chairman. It u ,,"
customary for the committee or thJ
benntc te take nctlen en election con
tests until the convening of the new
Congress which they effect, and Senate
lenders Indicated today that desni
request for Immcdlnte action the
unHl MnPrchC 4.dnB3 W0U,d 1Ic de
Iteperts that Vice President Coelldw
might make n preliminary reference of
his petition te Sennters Ledge nnd
Aalsh. in accordance with n ScnntS
custom, today led Mr. Croeker te send
Mr. CoeIIdge another pretest ngalnit
any such a move. He declared that the
Impropriety of referring his papers e
Sennter Ledge "was obvious.'
"Ah chairman of the Lihcrnl Itepub
llenn League of Massechusets," said
Mr. Croeker, "en orgnnizivUen that
represents ever 100.000 ncpuWican
voters in that State, I have com" te
Washington te Jny out the procedure
Led e 1,en,ng of our fi6ht t0 dlsledje
t v . chtt,,1enre , the validity of
Ledge s alleged re-election te the Sen
ate en ISevembcr 7, nnd therefore ob eb
Ject te his being seated for the term be
ginning Mnrch 4, 1023.
of fc(I7,157 Ledgo polled only 414,130:
the opposition, ns represented by the
JS tCoe?r nT" ,ether cnndldQtM, polled
3 r? i k$ee wns n minority can
didate by 41,807 votes.
n"Vi,at WQS J'0,'8'8 nctunl legal vote?
Ilmt is one of the questions yet te be
satisfactorily answered, a question that
can only be settled Unnlh- and conclus
ively by a senatorial Inquiry.
'-Ne two tabulations thus far mode
seem te agree. The original Associated
I ress nnd ether newspaper returns for
the State complete gave Ledge a mar
gin of only 1045 votes. Later press
cstimntes were appreciably higher.
"The recount obtained by our
League and by the Democratic candi
date, Colonel (Jnsten, gave Gasten n net
gain of ever 1400 votes, notwithstand netwithstand
ing the inclusion by the tabulators In
the Ledge vote of thousands of ballets
that were protested by our representa
tives and by representatives of candi
dates ether than Ledge.
"Flagrant irregularities in the con
duct of the election occurred nil ever
the btate nnd the result ns tabu
lated by the Ooverner nnd counsel ns
the basis for the issuance of n certificate
of election te Ledge is a result thut can
not be accepted or recognized ns repre
sentative of n legal or final result."
in behalf of William A. Oasten, who
wns the Democratic cnmTfdntc, and was
net n pnrtisnn move, but wns designed
te unseat the man who has accom
plished mere harm ns an ebstructer of
world peace nnd the natural expression
of liberal thought than any man since
"Mere thnn that," he continued,
the practices by which Ledgo has
malntnincd his power in Mnssnehus-etts
are as venal and menaiefiil ns any
thing that Piatt, Penrose or Quny ever
Mr. Croeker added that he realized
the Administration would fight te "re
tain its principal senatorial prep,"
hut he said Ledgo wus beaten nt home
and his "machine is u shattered
Chester Man Hit by Aute
Charles Cendrey, 305 Market street,
Chester, was btmck by an automobile
driven by Jehn Fltzpntrick, 1ST East
Kvergrceii avenue, Chestnut Hill, at
Fifteenth street nnd the Parkway last
night. Fitxpatrlck took him te Hahne
mann Hospital.
r.Jj.MONns. Huddenly, en JJec, 1.1. 1023.
JOHN, busliind of Kant Ilmn-ien i:i",men1,
of th-j liurllngten Apts , IBi'l Sprure l
llplathe unit friend are lnvltnl tn th
cervlce en Monday Hftemoen nt 2 o'clock
nt the Olltcr II. linlr Illdg.. 1820 Chestnut
ut Infrnipnt prlvnte,
CI.AI'JIANSON. On Jie. 15, 1012. Wll
LtAM, huibund or , Mrluni Oarhanien
h.rtlre en Metidny nfrernpen nt S o'clock nt
his Inte rsldonce. Maryland nta., AldM,
Del, Ce., 1'a. Iatermt.nt at hVrnttoed Ccme
tcv Krlemls may call Hundny rveiitnir
KEM.Y Suddenly. Dee IS. in2i'. EMtl.T
Klil.I.Y. ns'id OS nrij. KuiihtaI en Mondnt Mendnt
nt lO.IlO fiem Ollter It. Hair IJIdc . ISM
Ch'Ktnut t Interment Arllticmn emet'ry.
JiTU. widow of Yln.i-nt (."niiaeclii. llclatlvei
Hnd frl'nda Invlteil te funernl en huwUv
iiftorneon at 5 e'ltis-k from hsr inie rcl
di'iicn. .-)- IVnn liltd , liat r.ani letvni
Sertlc-ii nt the rcrntvoeil Cmetry mnuue
li-um nt II u'clm-U. Interment In the inause-
nii'-IIAUDHON. -- Dec. IS, vineiNM
widow of KamuM Jt Itli'luirdeen. funernl
wrtlwu. TueKday, 10 A Jt.. Ht (leerne'I
Protestant Kplscepul Church, lllit nnd lluzi'l
hi. rrlcnds inn v call Monday, 7 te I) 1. M
Ht her l.i te roiidnce (1031 Locum bt
UAHlU'ltEIt. Dec. IR. in:'2, C, A
ICAKIICIIKH, liuntiand of the Inte Ileiln
Kaeritur n?ed 01 jesri. Itelntliee anl
f i lend", nlpe menit.era et St. Jnhannls Kvaiv
Bi'llial Lutheran f'hurih nre invited te at
tend funei.il scrvlien Tuesihe, -.' I' M
residence. "JI07 N. Doter st. Interment
prltaie. riermun Lutheran ("rmetery ue
ninlni mnv l.c tleweil Monday eteiilrtt"
PI'AHSO.S'. Suddenly, I1e H. Vlli
I'Al'I. I . Kim of ihe Inte Jeseph T unn
Anul.) V riireu Itenialhe mat- lie leiwd
hi the reildince of Mrs. Snmuel M, Trf"
mAii. -4 l.i W I'rlm nt . Dirnutntuun fr"iji
1 1 ,0 A M in 1 30 I M. Mini 1). c, 11
Hurt Icen .tt Ciltnw Church. Manlielm trel
and rulnnl.l nvenue at !! I M
IIHAIIAK Hep IS, 111'.'-.', l-'KAN'K. hu,
Imnd of MarT Hrabak (ne Krnnk). I
(HI eira lUUllvea and frlmdii, ulnu mem
lulu of Nitlnnn.1 Slavonic Se.'lcly l' 3
of A . l-re lntd te attend funeral Tues.
7 an A. M . HMO N lllh at. Helenia lllah
r.Miu'.etii m.iaa ut St llcnr.-'n ('hurih tl A. 'I
Inurniiiit (Ireeniiinunt C.-metery,
Of superb color-tone and
unusually fine texture for
pearl necklaces of any desig
nated composition and im
portance. J KCaldwell & Get
Vj-X . M