Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 16, 1922, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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    'I'V !
Vi '""fjkr'.W1'
TT't ' ftW'rA'P'M!!
lira 3
1 seVil.
W t
s J 19 a
IH 5
lr ;in
Theatrical Billboard
for the Coming Week
New Attractions
9R0AD Rebert )i. Mantel In Shakes-
iwuiiu n""ni
"Klchelleu" ; Trldey evcnimr. -.Mar-beth"
: Saturday matinee. "Mff n
of Venice"; Saturday evening, "Julius
Shows That Ifcmaln
LYRIC "Blessem Time." op"$!,Vi
based en Franr. Schubert's .love BMr
and emplejIiiB his melodies Ninth
BARRICK "Mellv Darling." musical
mmedv. featuring the a-rlle. ega
SSit flenihue: fourth and last week.
wirvnr 'Anna Clirlrtle" llusene
W61urdTamaneaf the waterfront, with
raullne Lord. Third week
rORREBT "Gced MernlnB, Dearie'
ne niaa!,doemD UU;
aSEr.ute f Oroedy and Ada Lew I
Fifth week.
Bw?ByrepTlarXn. neiedra
.iuiiuj ,i;d"i . . - .,r
s ?. Dm..ni "v. ill, t" Vwerinnl-
favur.tes excellent
At 15. r Keith'
" hill also Women s --;-
K' S."" .! Ulanclw KUJ?1.
enn dances and musl.:.
Tim M
Lauchltn and Blanche
Uvans. erlR
int eftcrlng. On ft " ',
favorite. In; chatter.'seiiBj Mid J'"8- It,
SrUand 'oCUeratle "meUdtc, Harr"
l' a oere. niu"" Vv".
i"",. -:", K,v;.. 'n m -ThH co
Weds.", tengi anapMter : . J e.Bl"
Granaaes, i-icncii uiim-c. -. --..
vtd.l .X.nirlp. Snanln vieniiHi
and !
Marian Dnli and lUtel
dancer'', and ethe-s
McU'iire I
Miulert Unit
A bill e' ctars headed b-. .iain-s l
B(.rtcm, dancer and corn, dan , tii i jjeme
ei nis ;"'""-,"".- ...,,, a,,,iK
- . .....,...-. nr.fl. i.
riill liakcr
the eau le ir"iu u ; -.:?.
Charles de Haven and I'rcd Mce
inuslcal ceired star.-. In a topical
and lini ' t 'nations h.ill ,JMU1S,
??medlennc Je Te-Me I hpelle and
etlnettfl fnd man etheri in i pe-
clal bill
Oi.OBff Will Stanten eemedia n a.
Bne musical bKetch, Ne and Ihen
tilth a hlK, suppertlnR cast era
Tli.rl.KnTi MQUSWUI u. rf -
nearean repcrcoire-
r?-in- T.nr" Tuesday- evening
"Hamlet": Wednesday matinee. As
Teil Like It"; Wednesday even nR,
"Julius Caesar" Thursday evening.
VWen entVrtV'ner, m" c Jlerful
teMew Ilalph Whitehead monelcg-,a"l
?"W" - . Ifl ,. , . ,. , f t ... ,, . , . .,.
"Evolution of opera and Hastlme ,r,eieri.k ns npprei.rhc I bv notion- !V" T"1 c S' "V?1 ",: ' ' "Ilf"r.I";l
neVritJ Arthui and Mertun Havti ,,,,.,. producers w-.th alluring oft " ,!,"'Ure s"" " rancisce at that time
rernfdv.nBinB.-ilJire-nd 'arclnB.'Jn,, 'forthwith JVir-J her -ent eV- ' ' aM .", ",wl1 ,,Il!lt weu,d .h,a,r,llv J?
Leuis. Caiter Kitl-nui- uttre m legitimate sta. Her ' '"' !"" a "erw night Manil"
plajlet 'vi.ws tn t. ..fi,rr 1 i,. .. hv our present rating of population
JlWHH.M--.-1W1 Ft.J.r. cf ih.,, hu' 'vJSlTXtX Ctupn, would engagP leading h,atncal
A. E. r Fifteenth Kemei.t I la ..a. h J, t h bl:tcesfMl f.-ktureV n" " '? In.0rm VI ,,hem-. bilt in,th,J
with a bis muMcal act v., head I y . ljiiia i .,,, rh m,nn he tlppnded largely en their
the bill . also. "Man Who. ; Saw len.u i-,..?" . . .'V"? .. t?"8-..- I,rll r.ati.p talent Mr Marien lins ,iie ted
low," with Themas. Melgh.in t llm I'"1" Audret he Weman in , ,. ,,,,,, , of n gn,nt In.)Ilv ,,,,..
feature. MeClelUn.1 and U,n t. ,-. : Hip Slay; MarkM ,- h , t,n, ,l0 , b;.(,n
Ve'a ilK frtr-ll IdS' nda Cl'Znt.nn1" ' ' "' r
i"' -.,u- nr.i s..nu IT mrei"' u -""iiuu.i.i hp luir. had little i hnn-p te .et S.mip
MlnstreU. burnt cork cntut tamers n
. laiinrntn effeilnir. Gorden liretli-
us and Girlie, cemed arie offer
lug In 'T.-tsts and Turns," :un and
BROA.DTV.iy MenJa TueJJhv and
Wednesdav Bebrn McLean, s.( iting
vnert and a. cemimm J trained
srtlsts. In an u-.u.ul and noel
ferlns. Thema3 Meignan in
.Man no ew 'u;u"'j", """
.. . ntn...rnii n tit r e i. .
hltu fea.-
ture; Ijemcrest anu n niiaiui ,
iltv bltx or artistic jiuu-eine
tt'fLf.r.l.1f Pfi.V.V
MjiiJnt Tues..la'
and Wednesda. ("!eere Iirjw.iid i u
Kitty Iless, in in uo'uiieu "' uic
Banjo," singlnic and muslp.'l nee.iU
111m feature is 'Jehn Smith with
SSaW.ee-KIA tffi !
"nf "F"."""',"'.""'!
facenct, U0i5, Le an and i'te, coin-
eOv, acrobatic dancing ami cenieuv
steps, ThursdRv, Krlday and Ssatu!
day. big bill
JLLHAUBRA B.1U ll ai .fme.lia'i
and company "f f ierlles in ' The
Millinery Shep, n usic n Irth and
dancing. v "I be tne featuie Mendaj
Tnftc .itirt W.Tlne.sflfl, I'llrn f..-
.... . .. .. ,i.. ..i... i n..
T7H.t. alar. FturrttVl. PLLmnnl I P
a eomee! . inginK a in nat cine s-m
1 Wedding BeUs"
irtlstle nersen'-e
nni.,r.. I'limfih sinitnc t ilklliir rnl
dancing Thurda lilda bt-i a'-,
urdav .empleta (.hane of 1
.V.VO.N Mistakes f IS:. n ww'
rep.w with l) i't will Ik- head
1) c iat will In- head.
lln.. .ii-vt t epi: teterQ .inrt Ln.ini
and Lewell. In "- Matrimonial l'r , find v.TU?e,' ..'' C" "."!:..'.. :' a dim- " Chuage -ngagerueiit ."""'..I'"!? ".V"Ba"' -'-autuully played ' I , .,!: ie the Christum ' "-' '"1"'- w " '" ""uer- '""' f-r ff'""' llTftf! IlTiTm ,7a"
ThSSda " FrlSav "and Saturua "b tr .n tl.'e C& in miicK.u .emedv" when Ne oeuer had the xeung star made her jiurStraw.h'skv , ,., three .Tana,,- ! n,"1' '" i""' "JZ !,f,L',r.,!b!,.H?ll.,,,u,llar,,mi' "'' Vn',wh 01"'il1 "n,le.., ' I ATLANTIC CITY.N. J. i The Ideal Winl
bill of features and r.un jlie ws.s feJit.Pti Mjrs old in Mennn (U-" uppen'nn. . tinin Miss Wlutfnrtl ec,. poems went eren bejend lle'ngp in ,, ', , i. ,' ,, , V.Vnls In ..ther wei.K ulJ,uuV"-, , , . UlrtMlr nntheOeran lVunt 1 PRlPairFSS
., , ., T1, hrt, imrmlim, tt.ul. she M1I1L' III ...l,,,,n., 1 1 V t l.,tt l.i.l llmt r.ilmtr kwl cl,r,,ilr,,. l.r ,.. 1. I.. .h ,. i anil lust-knew II LINUS, ill HUH I WOIll-.. A H)nl,. ,ail ,ai f,em 1 , . . ,.,-,..... I riXlllAwEOO
CROSS AM',1- luc.i leiuiDic.. . ,,'". ....!. .u. V " r ".:.;.:"'.-,..... " " "'. .'"?. "'" "- t ipm. iaiels relir. sent the leelingH et me , ,,f r.,.,r , , ti,,e :..... ..'.'" ' "i .c . 17 '"r. ., 5
woman swimmer and acr .h.uic J.r imis ujiwi aim -n-i. .. ".;"'" in- wnen i w i- i m ctin-.n mi. Kiliiiiit teius ami unriLitei I;ph when I ;:.,,i ... i1(im the a. tunl testiities ,,, ,, ' V, ' ivi ,-1 c '.', l " i . . n "aaAiit't wvt K K K M I
in a: number of thrllimit stunts., also, rr.mled ...or Europe , i lie- lighter T,. (;ji,c. ! rl ' . ras-e had Its height u-ed nt the sumo time All of the ces" ' 0 v ' . , i". , U' I,K,"f, l:wrl .Plr.;?-!; or and y.gM i D LR 1VI U
kmatiur dtvtr. and wltr.m ns ui- n.uW vmi.s of Lei n-. Mrau- Lee ,, a ,jllMl ., f.m,.rtr,.niuetit ,..f Mine C.authier 1,1 mtle . eher-nl I ! ,,, , u ; ftfJ wen inten I. ti '''',' f- , ""' wa;,.":"'I---t ''J "-. 1.,t,,.i,--i.5 ''" 'l' I"',1'.T
tpsts for prl.es , aurteund nB :. ; Fall and ,, i;.,rep.aii .r.lm t w f .,.,,, . Ule Wl, , M.nluir." wa meledi and d-p, nde.l for tl., Jffel ! '.,. I1"1 ul'a1' ,lu lK i"XFn'l'li u b?. w "ncli in "' -hnstmaH u.nt.,.,., . ' "TTl Jl!3-T T. ZT " aVrtSlnltaJ" wi VSif -inn.
cnangeu en '""7J;. ' ' "; U.-.ei Ihinen .-, .nunus w.i- ,, stntrd 'n t ns . emiti. Themas W upon the blending of the ehv nd th. ' Vi.i.. ' .,. n.t.,.l. ,.,.11 ln .v....... ..-,.-., ....... ei ins che 111 MHIIUVT UIITLVB nil., tl.n. f L. A. TW
day, Tuesda.and Ve!nes.ia' 1 , ,,,.i i,p.u, Lf , ,,iir,ud and bieughMier ,,,, ,. s ,,., ter. e'e, ted Mis n ,W i,, Thli I ,.,i ... . ' c.. I . ' '""1 c."r" ""'-V ".'".. Vn""'. ntl. wan net euginal v.i h P.a.h. but ULrlllUlll lllll E.L C.W a.Ur...., Prlncaa. B.
c uaes Juiesi uiacn nr.u ru.ny.un n. , .0,.,.trl for the ' l'rtm ess 'I'ra- u , ,,,, , , ',.r.,a, ,i r,i, J... .it . ... V r V "" . '".. i however, deal entiieiv witu ine urn. V11H a ,UI1D eM , js , v , ---. P.i.e,i m .itmifiv i,r t
eemerfv. fengi" and dances. W.ud and VV- ibesaeJin 1 is verk te- Jmu V- pre-, n. the (.ihsuu .small nuiiilM-t of instiumentb t for nil .m,i the clicUmstuiu es et the Nnlnilj . simph harinenltd bv the gen i insh-r ' K -t--W.a .. . .W u Dh .M I LI - an-l K.-al Matt lMin
Cullen. corned", evk JU ""V hN.b In V.i M Simi.l. (" fn , , , ,, "Clc hh M,"lI"lr "" yn- They nre net hjinnc dlfterlng fiem ()ther fnmuuH -atels are . i en ,S- Ktt,,:,ir. ..'WW rTn'.lVr. S"","r "eUl """
r5littW..n? "iVnel, B?.dee "Inee it" eu . w.'i " into va.ldeM'V .U'-"" "."' "V" " "' ,"f R J1'?1 ,,"M'r- ' lf. l '""' ! JIC-. hv ,!iese in the freer stjle of the winds siteh an "Geed King W. iicesla- " , """ , w" h'" ?J.' ''", TmiTT"
kit, ,-On Londen br-uge. .nice itv ei ih n. ni.u tl hildien nltiMtu w.th !.' r iPlds, the mi "icul Mimdait h nl tud.iv. wim nor i . i,..i. ...... J .c ...et,..t. .... i .!-.... n .. n - .-.i..i...., .. .'."! I it nimur ratu Mun K. D.ir.il I 'lei'li
... nn n.,UII ,,n.r r.M ,-u 11,1 ,...l'tOirP
l.IU.'.' -' ...-T. IJ.W1, UU
Alien, in i.i-ci uiuns- .wjikjii unui
tff.ltie In .1 nmelt mil tiitrnthc .
Heffman, lr t i.lea-u.i- offering IVi-,
ture fllm Is Tne Ule 10 is Foel " w ith
Richard I)
.V7.Y0.va OF t)Fidr.n Ri. n'd-er
ringing cenvd an an! his cenipan.
In a nevi 1 crneii, ami m g iredu'-
tten. 'Stais Tte'erd l, -i T'erslej.
instrumental ariibt . ne'e nette,i,
gninstlcs ard tumedv billed ts
"'he man who wrestle with himself'
Ben Marks and Dnllv Wilsen tom tem
dv patter Alex Spares nnd om em
rany in i'i Pi.K'tsl crcat'en .Mehndi
and Dadt dsn.ers .Jarsen and wil
Mid, enme'h 'Meet the fmetm ' ,
umial bcreen fca'ures
KKYSTOyy Big deunie lull win
Fields and Shelden, In ' Miber.es . f
Hnreem ' ib' , Prin'eteu Fi e
"mlithful music makers , also King
Brethers, thrills, la' f,oeper and
Mayme Laej. "dancing moments ,
r.lsle White, "four-leaf .'eer girl
two ehnutern of "In the Dais of li if if
fale Hill." film rcrlal
QRPIIKUM I Hosamend Jehnsen nn 1
company whl'h liieludes IVgt-j He -land,
KlMsa Bennett, IMcJie Hansom
Leen Abbey and ethers, Fncepat"l
offering, all' Phundell 1'eur lu .
Juggling; Kim Clt Four up-te-d.i '
offering; Themfis .In. kcen and ifjin. .
pany. In ene-tut h'Kt teh , Meiiantle. '
and Fields, operatic stars, f.enev n.
kell "That lU'enl', Jliachiii, Br.-1
rllian wonder tightrepe nevelt. film
fenture "The Seul f a .Man,' w it.1 I
big cast, and smaller illme
FAY'S Merrlan s Dogs, in an unusual
nnd novel animal act, Is headliner of '
hill also, Criterion Four, realists,
with coined en the side, Ldn i
Charles, prima denna. In songs nnd
dances, Trl and Harvey Speck In a
aim, "At the Junction' ; Klrby, Qulnn
and Anger, tuneful skit "On a atieet
Cerner," und ethers, lllm feature le
"If I Were Queen," with IHhel dai-i
ten, '
WALTOX ROOr Special featurti Moti
day nnd Tucrda night Is upnenrume
of rul Whltcnian, hliiiHelf with hit
famous erchestru from the Palms
Iteyule .Vew Vmk The er.tie.stta
will also Rise u concert tomerro.v
night between 6.30 and S.10 e . lock.
Anether fenture next week will be
Acres and Dunn, In un up-to-dute and
novel offering
0ASINO "Secial Maids," Stene nnd
ftttlat-vt Kiit-liutin nniiiinllnn nihil
.- itfcair('$toue and Etta l'lllurd' as.utic
xtaiurau piajcra, nnu a company mat.
Wjteit tiecf
Includes Kllner Wllscm, Marie Hart.
J?eif ituffln, Sammy Wright and
2IWCADIRO - ' High ncllcrs." with
Mil" Ameldia hi speil fealured
danscusc, and cast that Includes
lm Mcani. Ocne ".Tirdru. Chick Tor Ter
lln. Violet Wasrner lUbe Wlieclcr and
DIWOZTS Manslaughter Is chief
traventv, with Charlle Jtevden nnd
ether also, Lenb and Hurn',
dince-. ituii TCdl TIapp Thomp
son ami ethers. In n bkl', "Pearls', '
and uiher
Pauline Frederick's Career
JMullne KlvderiPK. slnr nf spreen nnil.
tot;p who Ins returned te the drama.
n1 who nil appear nt thp Adelphla
Cnrlstmis Va. m "Thp 'iiltv One,"
was born In llosten and educated In
nriMitc kcIioe'h of t'lat city She madp
her firsi proffslenjl appearance ns n
wnqpr in the Uosten Miisip Hall. Then,
after n brief ngaKement with th lleger
i.rntliPi-4 in flip Hegcr llrethers in
Hurvnnl," Miss TriiliTl.-k was neon In
I ,i' 1'i-lm.ws f,f Kensiniften. ' with
JamP5 ,- ioner(, Attenvar.l nhe
mlnp.1 1 e T'i.,!.u .l .v i ... . 1 ,'h
Hniinnr ... v ii '''V-" "', ,lh'- l'lajl boy parts and ceraedv roes.
Happened in Nnrdlund Her lir-.t n,h..r n.rtn! ..... fn i
Irnmutli' niinearancn was with "The
I ltt!e (.re I..i(h " Slip iipxr tlwl
"Thp Girl in WJutP " nnd Hip follow
ing siniiti w.is Trancis Wilsen's jpaditig
lidv in "When Knights Were Held
Hpi big opportunity anne with William
(.Jillftie in "Sansum." and her iirt
slniTing piiture was In The Fourth
LMate. .Miss JVnlerlcL retirPd from
'thp ".tage for two e.iy.in. lcturning in
in..n...rab V h.Ip of XuIp.Kh m Me.p
II Itrethren ' It ns Mierth after
Honors for Actress Here
l.mmip NiulK". playing in ' I'.Voem
Lime nt the I.tr.i,
bus been selrcted ,
tr. cnir t!.. tu.l!,. .!.. t ..Ml...," lr.'
-w m. t.-ttu IUJI" t (UiKil Hi
n cerupui v te b" ergunli."' te tour the
West win'., tii.' original J!les.,m
Timr ' .mpiin is apptaring lure. Ilr
fmiiilv is pntiteh mu-icnl and preles
ll.-r uiethei r-elma ticla
Keiiipuei. was a Wcll-Unewn giun'i
Mantell's Big Repertoire
V ir.iig tb- thr.e weeks' engagMi.if
!! ''.ip P.rcail Street Tneatie f llebei
15 Man'e'i and Genewee Ilimp'r the
I--"! ll'
' ,..,.;...,; , I,.. Uieheheii '
IIJI UI. IJ,"!'1 '" " ' -.
Ifblnl, r
.Men liant "l f"i '
tjihelh. ' ' Maelieth As eii i.nvi
It." Uemen and Juliet. ' "Leuis
I, ' luluH '.t'Sji Kins Ltui
mid ' Iti. hnr.1 111 '' ,
Kii.j I.i'ir . ill bn the opening bill. '
'I.ip I..nr ( Mantel! lb .m el 1'
i strenz' i
drawn ' naiacierH mi ..i- ..
I llfl -Mlhl I I ll HI tJ t
wl 1 Hi.i ' id' "ii
On Tuesdin Mi Mantell will hpik ur -h
inrreu aid Burt. Hamlet. As IL.snlind in . leu i... i...
l.eser 1 r nt.l'it " irneii at Wc-lntsdnv matine. . Mi'
n .....,. I,w -i r.il.. that IS .'pldlUM
nii ,.,, , ,,, h.-r and MnnteM ll!u
laciiiM- "n Weilne-du (eliing ill
' ii,ii ti.-..ir Mnlittll nla Br..f s
.,,.. ,..,i i,.r , i,.. (hat week s reper-
'J he en
, I ... Cl r,L.r.ir.. ,d
lllll . i-.n... - ,",,,...,,.. , ,., !.,.
lilPllt'llPll Wll'lll It'
"' " . i..i,r ..ffi.pln
the T hurcla Tllgllt Oil. rill
' Macbeth is t l". I"', ' ' Vf'
nu'hl and nt the SliUirdi.J in. Unee Mi
Mantell will appear n Slnloek in 1 .n-
I.-nhntir of Venice On 8ti.rdav
t.ennu lulius ' a.a n " r -
be placed Ft dnv
Casine Has "Secial Malda"
nree teiiP nnd Ltta Pillar
ai -
.ming te ine . ai.in. ...
Vlni.N '' starting next Mnndaj in itmee
le'p Hurtig made Stene and Piilard
., . .T-l... C- ..
lui turn and tlif Miinnniii tip h
hem ptnbeilu-hid with in tcdier nnd
costumes A "heui" whwli nn -ing
iml .lamp "I'd a fU cempnnv of prut
tipi's, itu 1 id '.g Flmer Wilsen, prim i
deiiiin Mine linn nnd Hese Dumu,
mnibr "ps 'inni i Wrigl.' . lieimnn
ceinedian . Ilil.v (ill-tun D 1'llev 1- nriih
worth and UilU Hnfcer
v, ii .Mllltl s .jer.iiiin in ill.-
WWsT Te 0.CT r,e.
?l la-g-ltl Cn VAAAf. '
siav.ri.c.rsi r-Ldi'i- r--"
UWT lb r26T THE
-T. K taTi i aCvsO Vl.AL
VVb4dv u v .--; n -w .-
XS2 TTA.'NT' l "f--
'M -'v - f , . - -s- . . r
Casine" SHERV'S REVEW'Merr3 Nine
Acllftfl a Family Trait
Tames Tlarten. late star of "The
Uese of Statnbeul" and hrndlincr at
the Chestnut Street Opcrn Heuse next
week, received his trnlninu In reper
tory, in which, for nearly fifteen years,
he played nil sorts of parts lending
man, Juvenile nnd low cernedlan. liar liar
ten comes of nn old theabricnl family.
HN crandfatber was nn actor and In
father, besides being for many years tU
mannfrer of the Frent Street Theatre,
Baltimore, was n perfermeir in vaude
ville. Jnmes ltarten made his first np
x'niancp en the stage when he was four
jears old with his fnther nt the Btick
lngliam Theatre, Louisville, Ky. The
child actor sang "Three Old Sports
I'rem Oklahoma." n song which Willie
Cellier gave vith succci in "The Cltr
Directory." When he was eight year's
old he .ii featured with his mother at
the fatnutw Heward Athenaeum. In
Unsten. the act being billed ns Clnrn
and .Turnes llarlen. After four ears
nt ttlioel he ielned the Jehnsen reper-
I lurv ennip.iny, u tert-twenty-tbirtv or-
I .n.i.n,l.. ......:.. W. L.....t. .. ...1.1 t
""'"""' "...in. mu euuwi. in which
th-n b'lileiq'ip'and legitimate.
Marlen Frem Far West
Ufeigc Mm ion. who p!as in Kugcne
e.S..lli "Anna Chri'tie ' at the
Walnu was born in San Tiancisce
some titty j ears age. His father, an
ugnnaut." went te Califemia by
waj of Cape Hern, n wanderer who
bad reiniPrl through munv lands and
tpeki- f-ewn or eight languages.
Mr Marien wa.s brought up m the
e"es that haM' been hinged
bv ijpeigp Mnrien ate
I'he Mtriy
iilews. t.er. wi'inan.
The PriiiPe
and the
V'ai- find
et, "Srt" . ,M,'""" ,N
" "ie UM i.l -icuigc ..MC
uiu-K.il i einedie9.
Was Gibsen Girl Mimic
MuteK Annabel, e Wlmfei. leiu
ivlited from the siage. went te
Helm lluteji in "Te the l.adlc,
in., miew an. at n it-lie.UMil zm"-
a tke-..n of Mi-s Wluftenl and her
wall '1 lie bmli crin wus spp.'ihh In-
uiii.it lU.I 'ii thp Fields entertainment
Trocadere'6 New Shew
i. .i psi..i nnd musical .emniv n-
I,. .1 'lln Huh Hellers ' is scheduled
in eptji a' the Troi'ideie Thintte n. vt
Mende i ! . a wrek's showing. Mile
Art.i.ldi.i .i daticer, is one of the fen
i ires w.th tb's . eiupanj There will
he si u .hI (esttlliies nnd acnery for
thi-, d irn'e a. i
'Hie management has als, aild.d a
hill of mus. al eemedy nnd nudeville
Tin- piiinipnl p!aeis are Jim Mean
n,ve lemedian Gene Garden p-nnn
ur.un.i tiecugp Chick Hnilin an J 'ie
let Wagner dtuiuz and (lancing spe
(irltles. Iann Mitclenr. with lm
-p iMi and English mip. ialtv Cal
l'rrn iniiieilmn, Babe Wbeebi mi-
UI'i niiu -,ii.'-i
"Common Clay" at Desmond
Common Clay," in which Jane Cowl I
t-ierpil a supcess, will be presented b
Mm Desmond and Her Plaiers nr tliu '
Desmond Theatie nett week ' Cem- .
men i Hi lias a Miinewnui pneiiuar
Inst'iry. The well -known neter Jehn
Craig, who had a Fteek tempani nt the
old Castle S.piare Theatre in Uosten,
etietirngeil new jiluywntirs te bring
Inii their wires for preiiin lien. A mm
tl. munv plajs wunilllltetl was fin., hv
ii stiident if Harvard teiuge, i ipvp-,
Kinknid. which was predtued under ttic
title uf "Common Cluy J in part of
the heroine is paid te be well adapted
'i, Mi,s I)esmend'H talents and tin" lieie
iv ill be pla.ved by Frank Fwlder. while
nil the favorites of the ergiinizatmn
havn cengpiilnl roles.
I ...
mae-TrHi'u, make
Of- N PCrieUT
ei tne tii
Eva Gauthler the 8olelt In Seme
Very Up-te-date Sengi
the rrtoertAM
La Conr des Lr DMimt
Twe llebrtiw meled'a IVavel
Srmpheny tn II fl&t ..Chuien
Twe ttnncr.rlnii itanc.. . .Hrnhnu
Twe I!ln4u reenn Delacs
h.a (inuthlcr.
Thr Japanese pema . . . Strawlnsky
r!vn (lluthler
Dances from 'I'rinca Iger" BoreClns
Modernism in both mild nnd virulent
forms was the essence of the program
of the Philadelphia Orchestra nt yes
terday's concert In the Academy of
Music. The concert began with a
repetition of Debussrv's "I,a Cour des
Lys," which was given for the first
time in this city at the opening concert
of the present season The composi
tion for home reason was net se well re
ceived by the nudicnre ns nt the first
concert, 'although it was better plnyetl
yesterday, the p.'ifennance of the
woodwind", whkh benr the brunt of
the work, being supeib in tetip quality,
intonation and peifcctien of pitch.
These gieat sole sections were played
with the doubled woodwinds nnd ths
effect was extremely artistic.
The Chnusien nvinphenT, which is
well known in Philadelphia, was first
plaed heic In lfM!) bv Atphnnse Cath
erine as guest conductor Mr. Stokow Stekow Stokew
ski gnvp a vigorous reading of the
work, which created the bear impres
sion of nny time thill it has been per
formed heie and Fcemed te lese the
ledieusnesw that has heretofore char
acterized it. As played yesterdn . it
ih one of the best of the French sym
phonies, although if clearl s-hews the
inlluence of Franck and it has the
.ingulnr coin, idenee of having one
phrase in the rlt.nle nole for note with a
phrase liem the "New World" kjiii kjiii
phen of l)oral.. The ether orchestral
tiumbeis were two Hungarian dances of
Hralnng, ninth were ery Mictpf-'ful.
utnl the dance fiem Joredine's "Prince
Thus fa; the modernism wjs of the
grateful or teleiahle kind. It was when
the soleil Mra'. I!vn (Snuthiir miii,
that the ether kind of modernism be
t'ltnie nppaienl. She Is evidently a me-t
iip-te-dalc jeung artist us was evi
dence.l by her .esliime as well as ny
thp -eius which clip elected te niiig'.
TIip titst were two Hebrew nipiuihes of
Km "!. medeni bejend the nwpr nt
net ds te describe. On htr Hfend np
praraii'e bhe wtng two cnmiieitiuns
pt.n mete ladicul, two Hindu Ming"
ij Deluge, a pupil of ltutel who lus
gene bis master nor one, but half a j
ueen better. The tirct of tlKe hud i
beautiful. The inn be se cenxldeied
tome dm. but net new Mine. Gauthier
aug lliem well nnd hi r ability te bhu
in the r.cj mind siuh a mass of dis dis
senant tone shpeai.s well for her feel
ing for pitch
' lien' v-rlr f en i.
. estn th - p- arit e
ru't.errtM ri t e
torie "Ice Pasraraalln
' ' th Philadelphia
w i I reimtHt of t. c
I ( nrlM-mi" or i.
' In C miner. lnith
' v naeii anil tin, era
of rt II of "Die
Udlltjrte ' lit Waani h Ihleuh Tlilbaufl.
Mr lints', s tr "elui" 1.1- . lie will i,la v the
..inish s.mphen- cf 1 i m unl n concarie
i ll m'ri i of Jlftch
l"',re He) "' '
i t,enp e aeliitst
I i l'hllliiirmii!j
at the Aead.nn
I ane i&i.rerei ,
t a . aie. will
a l tie aer-ei it eencei 1 of
S cit iiiiorre-v pxitilrs
u- 1 . pin the Slogan
V.reii,t.r oelt will
i .. tiiunnire nv"'
aii- iiiu ivui pini?
1 Paraillae " nrl.i fro-n "I." Kt rlcalne ' nnd
Hecendita utnenls' from ' Tescii " Mr.
PtMet. m v II e mfiii t ttie nntiDUra n
1 ..' ih i t-n a i i. .i n r-ttute thi n r
nnd fc,(,-"e from llje" ' ulte In I p aler
ih.. iniliiatien te tin Dance" bv Weber
Weirunrtu! th- e rtne te Ml Tera ael
l)t.re ' an I thu ' iJapii'lcc u I.mmgnel ' W
I'.i-ni'k) Kerciknw-
M In t r i W'.i a, . . .
Ik- i i "UmI .t thu -M.'tlj,.i
He ve n m time, during Janu.ir
oijiie wl'l
'.ltd ii Opera
' if cnter.d' p' the bath )f
-1, a trait . hr.'nari concert
wi I i c-ive-i in the Grand Court of
U'l.aat .. Phllr,.lMl, V.1 .infn nn Tliesdd,
i nlrir Tier. nt. i in tvlili the Or mil Court
iijun n-,( tl Phlld.lelphla Orcheatrs under
'le,l,u. NioevisH 'ih ael.i ertranlata will
he Marsd l.np-e eruanl.t et Notre Dame
"1 i il. pan l J Ct.arl'
.,1. un-in-uu
l -...ar.. ....,..,
'h,,r.ri,V5 DB nbt i!n.ib. up-m apn'lcnilen nt
ie in.n nuuau
I Wanamckei rtui
tha I'hllndclphU
lh annual 'hilstmas peiferman. e of,
lUnn lei h :iluh will b glvin at His
aim of Mi .c en Dee-mhcr 'J. at S 13
p C .he Cheral hucl-tv The coteliits I
Mil te I'ii in Itevell "onrnne Kllrnlieth
Heed I.a'te, ilte Ileyal I' MaeLellan, tenor, i
d-il Henri Sceit bam. Membera et tre ,
. -
- &f35
a 'ucu
. ..-..-
y-y, iit vv 'ii y? v jE
-s rtrmin ritit n? - -, .
MW . , ,, H. ' vm " ''!' ' -I
IF THE plana formulated by the
Philadelphia Music League te
through, the city trill eee thli year a
city-wide attempt te place the Christ
mas carol in the position where it be
longs. The custom of tinging Christmas
carols has never obtained te any extent
In this country, although for centuriea
it has been done, although In different
styles, In England, Germany, Italv and
Each of these countries has Its own
Christmas songs, of which the French
and the British may be properly said
te be carele in the sense in which we
recegnlee the word. While the Oerman
Christmas Benge are net a whit less
beautiful nor less filled with religious
sentiment than the carols of the two
ether nations mentioned, they are mere
in the line of part songs, although
"Hely Night," perhaps the most lovely
of all the Christmas carols and cer
tainly one of the eldest, Is undeniably
German In origin.
Just hew the citizens of Philadelphia
will take te this caroling that is, te
wl at extent thev will actively particl particl
rnte in It will be interesting te tote.
The enrel is essentially a part song,
and most of the finest of them are con
trapuntal In composition, n form of
vocalism in which the elsh and the
Germans excel, but which hae never
been particularly, noticeable among
American mass Hinging, where prcttT
nearly every one sings the melody with
a few ambitious aeuls "vamping" en
the tenor and bass pert"-
THE known history of the Christmas
carol dntes back te the thirteenth
centhry nnd the name came from the
French (where the catel is supposed te
have originated) nnd originally dig
nified a dauce as well as a song, exact
ly ns did the word ballad. In the
case of the cnrelr the weid mennt a
certain kind of a dance in n ring and
the dance gnve the name te ihe song
by which It wns nccetnimnled.
Originally there weie carols for var
ious seasons, but the Christmas carol
in the only one which has survived, and
in modern unagc it may lm denned ns
a song commemorating the Christmas
sensen In reference te one or mere of
the nspects of Yuletide. Certain of
the enrlv carols regtud the season os a
time of feasting and mirth while ether.
Berne of the best, nie sung In commem
oration of the Nutivit. In a great
manv of the caiels of widclv weparnted
datefe. some one or men of the main
circumstances of tl en-eii PPcr "s
the main subject of the ernes. Thus
the subject matter of "Hed Heijt le
Merrv, Gentlemen" i the temm.t is in
the right place) "Helv Night" nnd
"The 'riist NepI." electing one from
each of the best known of the Hritish,
Gemini! and French turels, is wldel
The eldest known nuel exists in the
Vei man -French language in n manu--.rript
of the thirteenth centuiv. bill
the Chiistiuus caiel did net develop
from setiiips puieb lellgieus; in
neitheru Kuiepc espe. lull . the ctl ctl
tbinlien of the bit tU of Chilsl w
grafted upon a gie.it holiday time which
hud Millie religious eiguituanie in tin
ds of paganism, and this I'll u dis
till, t impre-sien upon all Chiistmns.
tiHtnms of later cenluiK- including the
..... ..i ... .t. ..r ,,L. .lblv eriuinufeil in ltti.t.,,. nlti i. .i. M .cv WM jM JR M -
'lull. Ii.lgan line i;a uu..ii ui ."-, , , " , , '""'"jiiiii in.' . m 7 aVEa'f i Pr r. " !.
.lllll r,.,. ..n.....vn v,. .....i..,.. i ii iiraau .ivitfi, u iiuiiiiiuii;) J.lllIilHn 1 -
iuiinv ei inem tn-ni wiin ii.ei:i tpnai i meietiv. no ii win op fccen t lint if
incidents teniK.'ted with the birth and j Philadelphia wants te de some Christ
the eaily life of the Hnwntir. This up mas caroling 'this year theie ic plenty
plies te innm of the Itusslan carols I of the finiHt nmleriiil lighi r hand,
such us "The Gruj l.iiiub," "Clin :'ll Is easier (.. gel. heweier, tlmn te
When a Child" nnd ethers which, ui- sing well.
Phitnleli i a irrhztra v Ml rlay and llen-v
Rtrden 'i nut.J. , 111 conduct
Mii Puliv ii nier, iOtinU.. .i be ihe
SOiOlBt t in timt leicelt-uf tie lerentlv
eiam'.M ju n I. le Orctieatn. All's 'i n i e,
will rt-nJer n mrdl Julln aelna. 'Ihe cor cer
i:t will bn .mil en the evening of ihir.
da j J n in sr. In the audlturlam uf '.!. i
Lui er M.ru.i High bchoel.
'nie r inn! 'ecl'Al ut l-ilefla llrlllp vi"
be dun un ,s.iiuniij afternoon Jan ui v u
In ihe Aiadinn cf .Mimic.
,Tlm Hnle-dlii-sen-Penlia Ttle .omsejfl
of i'.,eri-i.. y 11 . iilaniat. I 1..11I. Hlitilen
lellnlst. enl MlrliHl Penhn. rellUt will
pi.iv fnr ihe 'i embers of the 1 number Mu-da
Aa.e 'dtinii tnln uftrriioen at -I e'i Iik'. lr
the bullrnem uf the Hlleiie-btra'fer'l 'Ihe
prenrraiji reiiMMM of the Ueetheen 'Jito in
K flit, up TO Ne j; the lllu In V Miner
bv Iliitt ar 1 ll oral." Tlie 111 I' miner
op 01
11i rj Ai' becleiv, of Phi'idile ptlli,
n which 11 Aludndar Mettl.ewa Ij director,
hn ftimnunceu li .,.cetid annual tenie.t tu
In hlil In t'K Arailemy of Sln!c en lhura
an, "irnnj ai
il IJ On this eccd.'en the
i. ir. ih r-ni-iiih
Msrn llca the Ungual!
i, n i
, . Y -
! "
"Tin Ilii'Mrten Vllj reuntn- .lull
Muale aaociatlen glvea the Inst cence-i of
the ,er, of , ., lhB c,,i,heu"n tomerrov
afternoon j , u decl. The artlatr taUUiit
, i .--..' ""'..'"'".i..ei'i ' ".?'"
t-n i'ii A'l'.iin puine. iiarr, cirinuiun
i vuiin. nii.i ,.,,.,, . .t.-ft. n.i .-(-lln
i" ' .en. Muinian ih givirg a seiiaa or
'rhur.Ja . en.ni- preceillng each epcia
..... ... . .,a .. i.i.. m i ri,.t,.,,v "ii tut
Vm Lvnf r'rtnk In th fldnUlif nr Vi'eist
rhe.hr "ia,.,;,','r"r,.fn"c,.!',!c'errt?e,rh.,
trtir 111 'nij-l rStl nl Cimcrin Whit
are given e ., morning untM the 21th
rne Mcn'ea.ehn Society erganUed in
Te Have Is One Thing Te Held Is Anether
DECEMBER Uffl 1922''
though the musical harmonUatiens
which we knew are by modern com
posers, are traditional in words anJ
many of them in melody also.
It is prebable that the Christmas
carol had its origin in the mystery or
miracle playa of the twelfth nnd thir
teenth ccnturiesrthe great religious nnd
popular entertainments of the Middle
Ages. Frem that time en te the nine
teenth century the number grew, al
though the custom of popularly singing
them waned in the last hundred years
or se, ,
IT WOULD be a fine thing for Phila
delphia te take tin thiB fine old cus
tom, provided the singers were willing
te work sufficiently hard te de justice
te the music, which is net nhvays easy
te sing.
Many of the carols of the fifteenth
century have all the characteristics of
folk song and preserve seme curious
legends. In England during the six
teenth and seventeenth centuries carol
singing flourished and tome of the great
est poets of the day, Milten and Den
Jonsen among them, wrote seme beau
tiful Christmas poems which were used
as carols, seme te traditional melodies
and ethers te tunes composed especially
for the words.
The first published collection of enrels
was made In England in 1CJ1. and If
centnined the famous "Hear's Tlead
Carel," which is still sung nt Oxford
University en the bringing in of the
bear's head. Needless te say, this verv
old carol is one of these which might
be classed ns "scculnr."
The composers nnd the authors of
the words of the carols are lest in
antiquity in most cases. "Hely Night"
has frequently been ascribed te Martin
Luther, but the eentetiMis of expert
opinion is that it Is much elder than his
time nnd that it Is one of the eldest of
Germen folk songs In existence. It i
believed te hate come down te us in
nlmest, it net exactly, its original me
lodic form.
THE carol. "Ged HeM. Ve -Merry,
Gentlemen," is English nnd dates
back te the beginning of the ncvctiteentli
centuty. Originallv this was sung in
strict polyphony, with the melody in the
tenor part, os wns the custom of songs
of that day. Modern fan-iiiptlens
of It. however, have placed the melody
in the upper, instead of the third uiice.
Anether exquisite caiel. "Iinw Nigh.
Immanttel." Is French in origin nnd Is
one of the eldest pieces of coherent
music in existence. P.eth the words
nnd the music anledutc any of the
ether caiels. It is net ei. well known
in this (.euutrv, but is one of the finest
of them nil. The music i a traditional
French melody fiem at leant the thir
teenth tenturj, iiltliuui;! of ceuit- tb"
harmonization which we knew has been
modernized. It was in an old Fiench
inlsHal and the original manuscript is
still preserved in the National Library
of Lisben, probably being brought lretii
France into Portugal by the Inlliience
et the Council of Teledo or some ether
Important chinch body.
The weras of this ..and me m imsM
100 je.us eldei th.ui lln- lmifli . t
biing taken from the .MJ.aiabic lire
;:uj ei me lwi-imi eiitiu, ;,l(i ,. ;
generalh belieud that the" wim.. fiem
the liturgy of the e.ul Chiisitans nt
Teledo. Spain, whete the Me.ntiluu
iSicvian was feiimilulcd.
rpilL' 1 teniM )i...e a.iullu.i .t'. lim. j
J- cm id "The Fn-( Neel." wliKh i- ,
ll iiaiiiii.iii.il rirucii II1P10UI llllll mob-
It' OP Is diving enceit te IIia leni,..
hlHlieiug Heme for the ,lti I i,-i su,,,,
enin Mejer K'nleln 101111 s m,i
.tieu ii nt, and Jacob iX.se' celliit ,
the i 1 1 i a I s and His . one. ri r ilr.,t , ,i."
autplLta of the Phlladtlphla Sliiu l.,JK,
Tie tlflll free Hun'lar a fieri. no-,
t tlieMadeiii) if thu rir Ai n ,
glv-ri Ddi-embrr 17 nl .1 ,, -In ' ', i.
1 1
, -rem win be 'teV-la l'.im MrUlnni. ,n
P -i ,. letitla HidcUIT, Haiiiit ,nj i'
llm a lniit e.r rtalllal n
4'f- ciiiaiikuii .CiJIl
'I i e ifftu'Ai mentltlr mp tnnx r,r
Se'tltmrnt MusJc i-rhent vl be het.i ut, s ,,"
Uk utmut,n ut 3 30 cMnti nt. J ,Vlt
tif fli rinli'la.. uM DttHu ., . J"
emltt.a thifi nienth. Hl '
'Ien will held metlnr t. ( i -j-.i
J.ltiif at 1'rcnier Hell, nt 7 V) eVl 1 m
pJMI'h'J aenga
' "111 UIKI.Ur)S 111-J IinIH
tn i,nt
iiiirimt w i.......
-rt it un uui" m i.inirn te .vnin l j ,il ,r .
II. inch, V lllll, I, n-,1 hnir,lcf ...i", ."H
Hen- le l.taten te M... " . u, " '
Iiene Hubbard cellist, will pla- '"
I) llrniliik i:?ennan did lr h ,,,
, ""L"" '. ", "X",'' ' .;,?,;'"',"" """," "
I arrvaterj or Jtiisic, anneunce a imc ,,i . n
rr, l( d,anreil tudntu ei M. n.lni . .
.. ." .,'. m,iihi, Mi.,iiig ruern
. i mM,i,i rM,.i . .,,, ,, i
I peil rw 'l ,"'' 'll be giver.
"" ! or the c ., nMloiief S, '"h.?r.,i,y r)0"1"
j "".' irtc0.I 1 1 i ,VrZ.. Wa-C 1"",t'
;.,ir.. ti,.;, .('; .'.'.. ":"
-'.-.i".. .; ' v ... " '"i" huh or (
a, ,,. lb- ,,,,.. v,,, .v . .. ... ..nii, ,;.r. w m
Prideilp I'oelt violinist, and V lrcnt
hirplM. will plav
with the organ 'Invncdtlen
iiih ru ni m
a?,7oel '" Ueladeffre """'" U"" ""
rh Vhllaiip.rthln. Mnnlr lAcIiam riiii-i-
.nliri3'J .1. "dni:,'" ,. hela,?n
. .,!, n Phvi hnlr)u f MuhImI Ini-enee.
I Rlj,'..?",., r,h, hn.x" rneetii!g. U tJIZIuI.
, i ember Jrt It A, M . at llm Settlement
' Stusle S-hoel
,ll ii.uiim.ii.il ririirn IIIPIOUI lllll timl,. a'V " ) - m S
l Bv tlereld Denaldien Ebtrlttn
The Dining Iloeni
ou will remember that, in our chat
yesterday, we decided that, since the
dining room erlcncd Inte the living room
It would be best te paper and paint
both rooms alike. This gives an ap
pearance of added size. A mahogany
dining suite in Queen Anne would
harmonize with the colors we have
chosen for the living room and with its
graceful lines and simple shell decora
tion would fit well into the modern
npnrtmcnt. Pictured. Is a sample of
Queen Anne china closet.
Te carry out our idea of unity, we
must use net glass curtains in this
room, nnd for ever-drnpery we enn find
a cietenne of blue with n touch of
mulberry te tone In with the colors in
the living room. In place of a single
toned carpet, we will de well te put
one with n design1 (cheesing something
In mulbciry and blue, for u self-toned
cornet in a dining loom needs constant
Ah sire plns sui n n large pnrt in
an apartment, it will probably be well
te have the side shields of a gaurc that
will tone in with our buff wnll paper
and will make tbein leek ns incon
spicuous ns possible. The shades for
the chandelier could nlse be made of
the same reuzp, pleated Instead of
plain, as for thp side shields.
Cewnght, list, h'j I'ablie I.tdetr Vemtanv
T'remlntnt .lu',ater are tnlklnic of tlie
.Mldril nlU9 of lken taught t- the u
of rl.tures In effect thitt I" vhat the won
derful cnll-ctirn of picture? In the ltote
Kl.iMire Section mlitlit be "lalil te be aceoni aceeni
DlUhln An exiltmte. feature of the Min
duf rem i' Lki-ikU iliiue II a llublt '
iTl.iNTH'iiriTV.ny, J.
X Atlantic Cvvr
-Doubly delightful during the Helida)i.
i1 rtiail twirl if r arr .fpralthnruttr of
HetiJjy fliippiutii, CJti)rly and He$pitalif.
Ut'ChirUs PI near Betrilw&lV. K"
ir.e.lr.fl. Run Wiitar. Prir. btthi
Ten 00. Mrflc winter ntci Nvv
5n Hint. Bchetnthtl&WirtiThitftef
, Continental
Alna;i rp.u, alwafi
rarty term n.eilrnr
Wilt . theat.
Weatminster .fce'ttnckv ir "urar br.tU
TrcBIIIUIlSlCI i;i, tntur (u Mir.t. Prlt.
baths naitfr. A V KOI')' nun A 1'rep.
I 4 P.1ARNF lleTtilnau at ITiaa" T.
Lrt liinrvl-C, vt'la'er rate. eiMt. I8
Kill, ncnlnt at.r. ' tin nl"i nrlvata bat.
"W Cianen lleaj.JwalV.S K. Hinlf.r"
i.Ki:tvnei). n. .i.
lAKI.WOOIl. -N. .1. ." t ai I mudtri
thruughunt l'aiiinii) te icel.en' lluu-
KHI .11 cul"ln. Su i t,ii!era kl. 1, b'l
Hard' err..i(.p;r8 ilane.i-c I'OOkla .
1'he'r I h ,ni,ei 8M N's 7n-l e.Tlca. 'J3JII
llrenrlnay l'nere Sr iu Irr f.'.'y.'.
i'iiihiii i sr j ii r
WV. r "Mnrlilu I'd, Cms.," mj r.m Ave"
Ne VerK fe. I mil,"! nl ilt t,
m iin
aaaff."aB " 4u) aHsallllllllVieiallllllH
r- '-;f.u....i ' mtmMJ
1 i "iTiiTTrriiririrTiiMi
.. ATJt-
. S
Vacation Days in BERMUDA
A ascinnting holiday at small cert
Eip,ht te nineteen-day tours by fart nnd comfortable twin-tcrew steamers
aihnG from New Verlc every Wednesday and Saturday.
Inclusive fare covering first' clata en steamer, hotel accommodation, car
nege drives, local aiglit-.ee.nj;, etc. Jij liPi
noeMtli and full information from
-':'.) beuth Urend St. (below Walnut St.), Philadelphia
Tel. Spruce "82D-8B31
Dermiula Office: HAMILTON, West Church- Street
Thw Round the World
f-, , iii4tei t'-e utlifectlen that eccernpinlei eapenenced.canful
VrillSC f nfment unh equal cerr'mti at leseit cetn re ir
, ,, ii enthi rluriricei traveling with the i.eal imr 'Tmpteu
?' ,t,1.' ,,Pc""'.vrciervnIfer the rtt''. Uatei JliXO iipwarJ (vacenclee
Irem SI5J0J tnjMlnf, hetelr guides, drlvee, feel
from Netv erk, Jan. ::. 1913 Tren San ftanclice, Feb. 10, 1923
Offets.a 65 day veyeje
...en ier ine money.
ratty, I EAVES (
1001. In luiles I,
"f'W.uw milllUAKY JU.
In lllll. l.r...1. w, .1.1.. a.l..
e....','inT,,,lv"r:,s"tln Augune V'l terie," pllly reserved for the
'. t -.'.., liu.,, Ulllll, 111,, HIUir,,vci pilVlir".?! ill w.w,v -
piestini team's with both cruises. ArrJoreurproirami hnartlm
Mediterranean ( daycrulte. VC0 upward, Including snore excursions.
Summer Cruise '"vet June 27 ly specially cliartetej White "-ur lln"
, i ,, , , . Baltic .5,884 tens, Reme, Athens, f-peln visits ipeclsllr
tesruted. CJnlvertlry.Eitenilen and ether geed tours te Eutepe under ettert.
tessenable rstes,
FRANK C. CLARK, Times Bldg., N.Y.
, umwiiil I iuunj
- .
Cm Yeu Tell?
1V R- J. and A. W. Beimttj
Whether 'Light Has Weight! S
Te get at the anewer te this euaa.
tlen, it 1 necessary for us te vmfi
stand thoroughly what light Is. Tj.tfV
a wave in the ether, nnd centalnT .
particles of matter. Ether, as we kne '
is very mucn ugnter man air, Is u u
te pervade all space, and te InGltra .
the suns and planets. Light, thcrcferi
does net have nny weight. '
When men had studied light that,
eughly, they came te the cencluaia.
that it must have the power of pressm
which from the standpoint of reiulia'
would amount te the Mine thin a
having weight. They reasoned that i!
you had a perfect balance, and let ma
light shine down en one of the iMm
that side should go down under t?a
pressure of light. In the first xttri
ments along this line thev fallen
show this. But by continuous exDt
ments It wns finally proved that Kl
light did exert n sufficient presser. !
cnuse I be scales te go down, ar4 I,
effect, this is the seme as having wcitdt
This quality, however, has been feundu
be a common property of rays of vati
eus kinds. Including heat, and a
trmpAfneA fin nrtf arutnt a! t. . . .
but ns the power of radiating pren'ri'
Light travels nt the rate of 102004
miles a second through our ntmesDh'rM
and 102,000 miles a recend through i
vacuum. When we speak of n raj a
light, we mean the smallest portion ef
light which we can recegnise. A bet
of light Is n group of parallel ran
while a pencil of light is a body of rin
which come from or move toward i
point. A radiant point Is that from
which diverging rays of light tire emit,
Monday What Cattscs a Mirage
Children In Twe Plays
The Peerless Juvenile Extrnva-aMi:
Company will be ecen in its third an.
nual Christmas festival at the Bread
Street Theatre for two performance
during Christmas week en the after
noens of December US and 20, present
ing the extravagnn-.a, "Snow White,
en December. US, nnd "Slcepl-t
Beauty" en December 20. Among th
features of these productions present!
by n cempnny of child actors are the
dnnre of the Dutch dells, thp naraiU
of the toy soldiers and the IIungaTTsi'J
l,11r.t M
"Scandals" Coming Soen
Geerge White will present the latest
edition of his "Scandals" nt the Fer.
rest for en engagement of two weeia.
commencing Christmas night. In add!
tlen te Paul Whlteman'a Palais lteral
Orchestra, the list of cnt.rtnlners will
include W. C. Fields, Hlehard Held,
Charles Wllkens, the Argentine Dane,
ers, Olive Vaughn, the Temple Quar
tet. Mjra Cullen, Peggy Delnn, Edni,
May lteed, Sally Leng. Peggy Jenea,
Mnrien Courtney, Marie Adams and
Geerge White.
1'ORT MVEIll. n..
.l FLORIDA'SMOSTiiTTD4r.TlOF.nF:n-rr?a
Hetel Royal Palm
The Garden Spot
of the'West Coast'
Open Jan, 6tU te April 10th
s i'ile tielf Cmirae, tinna (.reem,
A nililliiff. Ifeistliack Rlillng, lcnr.lt,
1 Iihlng anil Hunting. Swimming I'oel.
Nj-muhenT Drclutttn.
Every Heom with PriTaU Bath
.T. T.. vrr.snv .
eggs zZT-J
Bread -trend" face werli'a flnctt bfici,
Uwlern. r.il'ln lmaxcclled. uatea X3.se
er Resort
en the llitl'er,
K..1111 lllti
Vurlitlnr. ttc.
mult; all oeeti
nrnf- ll'tmuil
1'iliket l'n
Lmiei, Mill
Round-thc-Werld Cruise
Jan. 9 from New Yeilc; Jan. 21 frcm Sae
hraneisce. S S. "Resolute" foreign teiis
try. 125-Day ceiiitirehensite World Cruise.
bpice available from $2,000 upuain
Seuth America Cruise
Including West Indies
Super b new S.S. "Reliance" foreign reu
Ii) from New Yerk Feb. J. Ideal 4S-diT
("inise. Includes Kle de Janeiro, Santes,
Bahia. La Guaira, Havana, Panama, Trim
dad, Barbados, Martinique, Virpn Islands,
Mediterranean Cruise
Famous S S, "Rotterdam" from New Yerk
Feb. 10. Ideal Cruise-ship. Generous shore
tups. Fascinating eiduslve features.
ttr Bultut till, uriliir (rrM'M
Raymond & 'Whilcemb Ce.
I3JK Ui.liml St. Tel Mirme H66S
West ludle". Central and Huutt. America
United Fruit Company .
Paat.ngerTramePept,- 17 llatl.rj l'lare. S'.T
i i
mhlcli hi) become a clmlc, at we all',
Manimern iteemer i-mrren et aceinup
Hates ieW urwatd Ivs.anfles Irem
... C.- ... ..!.. . I f. l...nr
Se. 13tk St.. Phil..