wxasn "'iwm ii'MAN" 1 a .'137 i rftKt'v,.t.;Tmj,.';tTij,r'.j ih ". ,v.-rr k m r l&3m?FW W."l V i "i : -.1 a' rT, mtotea : mma wDmjwmmjaMxwui,' gAflraPAV peebmbbr m tm is ...ft te mi. -' th. f - ,!Uk A. ;i."t-,;u .J' fcMO"-' - 2- , JSi m M nL i Li,fsa "WffTe1 V immvMimm mtrnmrnmrn DIRECTION STANLEY COMPANY OF AMERIC4a MOVIEGRAMS OF THE WEEK stars appearing en local screens next week gftfe Fergusen and Buster Kcatefi Head Stanley Bill Next - HINBTBBNTU MAMCKTr 11 A. M. TO 11:10 F. H. PAnAUOONT P1UTUUH ) h Wem Lfer I'm cw eig neuses nevtew of Year's Acting 1922 Hener Rell SEVEN new pictures will appear at downtown film thtatrea nut wk, and the trnge thing about thpm will be the cntlra abiwc of atrani and .Mile settings In far- n way lands. The locales e all svn photoplays will bt S familiar lt et ,m own country, rnest of them "Just around ths rnr." Elle Fergusen's appearance In "OutcaBt" at the Stanley Theatra Is Hibsblr tlie inesi, inicresuni leuiure or 5: ..kiMMl such success en the stage Em., wiwtrle Heuse," will ahare the bill. ' J.UC .--- - ' TIIEBII nre, when one cornea te think of It, pitifully few accomplished feminine Mara en the silvered screen ,tirs whose experience and ability en title them te "i "f distinction. A few of the finer stnge artistes have Jade hrlef excursions, but lmve appar ently been dlMieuraged from repented Jfferts. Margaret Illlngten, Edith Wynne Miitthlben, Kthcl Hnrrymnre these ami n number of ethers mude a few pictured and then returned te the itflatG l0Hy Frederick was ene of the icren's rcul notables, but even she has deserted the l'hllm I'linnti for the foot lights and will be seen here shortly In a etuge thriller. Marjorle Hembcuu, Jane Cowl, Margaret Anglln, Mrs. FlJke and a half len ethers, of the Hfhest tV ftccr clear of Hollywood, If of whlcl! leaves the field clear for the honle of pretty young dells ad vanced t" f"i'' by the movies. T Th. Mcentlena Inrlude that ever- - - ..1 ...H1kHnililllttlnW lla ?,V."uv7.r,,m TelmadKC. and the beau nun lei'uiuuiu-unih Sil awl Hi-ce'iipllHhwl Miss KeruUHOii. (Ill I " , nrndnlllv 111! lllffh II d of a.hlcvcinent befere the camera STany nctrer,s we have. Her first A IMIIIT lllin WIUUUI'IJ M a-n- F" "'"...." i,;: marked lv such I n nnillDIU DULLLcn .- ...-- aer cuii- """ ,. i.rriw. iiiw nf ""'-," '"-"""V ."'" 'toe: ana "O'ou "O'eu ;T..m'.'.r ",,."" Hen e."K"Peterir' ' . .", the World, rinil'H Heuse. iVnilli'lilfl." mid "Tlie lbbetsen Illne of Jennie dishing. It li sincerely te be honed that she innaiaiui. & ii n---- . ntinni'u iii lUvide her tit line between itace and screen se that both may have the benefit of her mellowed an.) ripened it. She Played the re of Irien te Hubert llenry DavleV "Outcast" en Se stoge and wen by it her first great Salle, se it la entirely Just and cmtl bble that she should perpetuate that Saractcr en the screen. A curious juxtaposition of names ts found In Miss Fergusen's support ng nit In "Outcast." The three leading male roles nre played by David Powel , Wlliani David and William Powell which, ns you see, reduced te its lowest tirms, menns two Davids, two U llliama and two Powells. APICTUKH based en the injustice wrought by an nnteduted and obso lete statute ii "The Forgotten Law which la the Aldlne fenture next week. Milten Sills, who tnught Hchoel befere he became a screen star, Clee Rldgley, who came into prominence opposite Wallace Held In the old days, and Jack Mulhall, just chosen as Nerma Talmndge's next lending man, are the three leading'pluycrs. Mae Mara.li, once n Orlffith star, rc rarns from domesticity te the screen In "Till We Meet Again" en the Karlton screen. It concerns a frail llttle herolne who entrusts her life. honor und happiness te a band of croeki. Martha Mansfield does some barefoot dancing I" this film which has In its cast such screen celebrities as Nerman Kerry, Walter Miller, Julia 8ane (Snrden, Tamany Yeung and J. Barney Sherry. Peter B. Kyne (who seems te be letting immensely popular for film pur poses), la the author of "Brethers Under the Skin," n domestic comedy at the Arcadia which cmplejs Claire Windser, Ilelcne Chadwlck, Nerman Kerry, Pat O'Mallcy and Mae Busch. E. Masen Hepper, who made that domestic screen classic, "Dangerous OurTe Ahead," directed. "Deserted at the Altar," the old "ten, twent' thirf " thriller of the itane la en the Victeria screen with a east that Includes Tully Marshall, lies ia Leve, Barbara Tcnuant, Eululie Jensen and William Scott. The Itcgent has "Hese of the Sea," a new story of sentiment with Anita Stewart in which her husband Is her leading man. The Capitel will ofer-"Jehn Smith," Euitene O'Brien's latest feature. When Knighthood Was In 'Flower" continues at the Stanten, "The Yeung IUjah" is at the Palace, and "Shad ows that unusually interesting version of the prize story, "Clilng, Ching Chinaman" will be seen at Fay's. Wfl PROMISED last week a brief '" survey of svreeti aetinu during the calendar year, which it t'cry shortly te oreio te u close, se Afre tec go. In order net te make any intentional but Jnorlunale emissions, memory teas mttfiti by an exhaustive study of tee Jl'. TN PEIUIAPS thrce or four ceeei during the last year the screen hai Men the kind of acting that warms the heart nnd thrills the mind, but the best te the art of pantomime seeniB generally te have evaded the film players. Cer tain it It that few players have had rnere than one striking chnracterlr.a chnracterlr.a en. Arllss, with "Disraeli," "The tullng Passion" nnd "The Man Who ilayed Cled," ts an exception ; Richard Barthclmess. with "Tel'able David," Senny" and "The Bend Bey," is nn nn ether! Nerma Talmadge, with "Stnllln' Through" and "The Eternal Flame," U a third. t The iar has marked the dccllne and ;U of a number of premlting coiners of past years. Agnes Ayres fas fallen freia mediocrity in "The Lane lhat Had Ne Turning" te pest- 'e lnferinrltv In "Tlie Or,l..ii1 " UeuRkt mid Paid Fer" and "Clar jnce. Censtance Tilmadge, excciit ,r,Pnn clcyr piece of feeling In "Pelly et the lellies," has drifted into sleven "nesa ami luumierlsiim In "Weman's fmiC? , I"'1 J"rhe I'rlmltlve Lever," nd fa led te fit snugly into the nlmond nlmend Jfd Mine Tey. Um liC,nj!0U n star of Btnrs In the tln dujs In such pictures us "The B ? Rliclless." "Tlie f'nllA and "The Great Divide." him ,V.TV "' lltllA e,! Mlt V . . "v tinit ' '""'"en .MclKlian also suf incelM;,i'!m ubn".llnnM? vehirlea from the leSni"'!. rl ri,,lue lhere w,'8" e the K8u" ,S ""." ""Bl'ter," but he held tad "if v 'V( u B ' l'll"ic CltUcu" r,." V.u ij-'Hpve It, It's Se." emn?-fiv,m,l?U Ym,I,B ,,Bl1 n 'enr of wmparatlve silence suddenly broken by Manm0M VL .th0 Blorle.us "Untcr ui m- iv.hich B,,Q ,,0H J,,8t B'v" danr. ,1 M,,lrray 'ins continued te unvsn n??, ''"Klldeil White Way of hei'.n?.if,t,!r;1,H,y' J"1 Helt raised Kvn.'u .' '''I "PPeurant'e in I'cte mfit k '??.' h0 I,ur" of 1'", ehln. l .hla 5tl"'r l'lt-'tures have been B.& T?1(1? ,of 'llwuragement. eemm.l P?'illeJB .h,ns ,,ce Htrlvlng In a ii ..0(.it,.!, BClc Pantomime, nnd Wtn.."rtlall,y ."fccssful in "Hinged ' ftSSL'".! N,w People." Bettr opsen, if tet a rather colerleaa Lady BUITAPAil l dM.Vu '"l,"lr '" wait pictures than aeteriern UmI nptlnK ability. Certain it fcn..'.1 h,T .!ini" ""' the Dc- in It 1 l prn Unnnn" miwln xne weea. tiiis is the play In which Duster Kesten, In his latest comedy, Twelve Best Film Portrayals of Year Oeerge Arils?, "The Man Who Played Oed." Hlchard Ilarthelmcss, "Tel'able David." Nerma Talmadge, "The Eten.al llame." Kmll Jannlngs, "All for a Weman." Jehn Ilurrymere, "Sherlock Helmes." Wallace Held, "Clarence." Thcodero lloberts, "Hall the Weman." Raymond Hatten. "Ebb Tide." Theodere KoslefT, "Lene That Has Ne Turning." Clara Kimball Yeung, "Enter Modame." Emil Jannlngs, "Leves of Pharaoh. " Hureld Lloyd, "Grandma's Bey." Babble In "The Llttle Minister," has been burdened by weak pictures. DODOU'H VALENTINO hat shown t.i. ?r'u1UU nothing te justify the cull that has arisen around htm, llli uicuiiur in -uioea and Sand" And it moments, but suffered by comparison with the mere subtle Otis Skinner in rnn ..i.. .... STlr. .75.. i.4.?K ? K?!"0 ami tei a storm has been raised by the announcement that an immensely wpener and mero intelligent French ?c'2m ',, ". 1hffrd) hat been engaged te fill Valentine' shoes. rnwe old favorites have come into their own again Henry Walthall by bis magnificent work In "One Clear Call," nnd Heuse Peters by his sln sln sln core and iutelllgcut work In "The Storm." and "Hiimnn Hnrt." Tlnr. ethy Dalten has developed a new leaie of life, and by her buoyant and vitul personality has revivified n number of rather sketchy adventure yarns. Wallace Reid has had borne of the weakest comedies and some of the best displayed during the ycur, but In all he has shown hlmself n real artist, and a splendid farceur. His "Clarence'' anil "Dictator" are among the year's high spots in a comedy line, Leis Wilsen showed much premise In "Miss Lulu Bett," and slightly less in "Manslaughter" ; Llla Lee has by sincere and sympathetic acting given the lie te her critics. A regrettable feature of the year has been the comparative inactivity of se fine an actor as Elliet Dexter, the permitting of Mente Blue te sink Inte insignificant pictures after his Denten, und the utter and com plete collapse of Gleria Swanson. The character men. such ns Theo Theo eore Roberts, Fawcett and Hatten as usual, have carried off most of the real acting honors, and they have been given gallant nssistanre by the few big stace people who have made pictures. Jehn Barrjihere, in many ways the finest pntitemlmlst nf the screen, gave us the lulmltable "Letus Eater" and the pleasant "Sherlock Helmes"; his brother Lionel was superb in two such thrillers of small' artistic value as "Boomerang Bill" and "The Face in the Feg" ; Oeerge Arllss has been men tioned already ; Will Rogers hed one fine plece of work in "One Ulorleus Day" (we have net yet seen his "Headless Horseman") and Tyrene Power was magnificent as the blind cobbler In "Footfalls." Guy Bates Pest, though, was something of a dis appointment in "The Mesfjucradcr." On tlm whele we may divide the act ing forces of the screen Inte a definite number of groups; the character poe. pie, the visitors from the stage, for eign artists and the regular movie stars and starettes. The last-named class contains the smallest percentage of excellence. TIIE most premising new faeet en the screen during the year, together utth these icha have made the biggest strides feneara inciune Claudn Clllllnrwjter Theodere Konlerr Jatrlce Jey rialre Wlnilaer Jarquellnn !.Offan h anion Nnvurre Malcom Mcdrener llebcrt Aftnew Shannen Day J.nurtnce what Vlrnlnl Valll lSnitut Terrene Marie Pravatt !iarrlen Ferd Helens Chudwlclc Maurice riynn w R WILIj Hat here an honor roll of film actlnir. and from It cheese a few of the very best, which will be found in a box somewhere en the page : nnr ArlUa. "Iliar&ell " Ralph I.ewlt, "The Ciijurln Power." .Tehn Ilnrrymure "Lntue Enter." Thoodero Koaleff, "I.unj That Had Ne Turnlnfft" Hlchard Harthelmen. "Terable Davja." Theednre Heberta "The Old HeraeBtead," Ven airehelm. "Foellh Wives." Tyronn Vnv.iT, "Foetfalle." 1.nA rinvrl.1nn ''Hunil l'rOVlner.' Thcodero lloberts. "If Yeu Believe It It's Nerma Tulmadire. "ntjjn.il riMTie." Tully Marshall. "Toe Much ITuntneia." Tiara K. Yeunr. "Knter Madame." Walter Jm, "The Dictator." Emll Jannlnr. "JJanten." Jehn Harnrmere. "flhrleelc Helmes." Theodere Huberts. "Hall the Weman." Lionel Harrymere, "Iloemerans mil." Hareld Lloyd, "Orandma'e Hey." Hlchard Burthelmen,, "Ilond Her." Hamen Nnvarre. "The Prisoner of Zend." Wallace Hld. "Clarence " IJmll Jennlnii. , "Levea of Pharaoh." Milten Hllle ,TSkln Iieep." Haymond Hatten. "JChh Tide." l.yn Hardin, "Win ICnlahthoed We In llewer." Erneet Terrence, "Blnred YIn." Mente lllue. "Orphan! of the fiterm " Nerma Talmailite. "amiim- inreuan,- Ocorse ArllBa, "The Mun I'laycd , .. a oil il " lltchard Uarthelmese, "flennr.' East Side 8klt at Keith's The Kast Slde of New Yerk has probably produced as many vaudeville artists as any section of this country. It la tlie types of the East Hide that Jim McLeughlln and Ulanche Evans brought te vaujleville In a llttle charac ter sketch, which will be seen at Keith's next week. Jim McLeughlln lived In n tenement district. Ills mother had four children nnd Jimmy was ene of the mainstays of the am lly. He went en the stage nt an early age, but it was sumo time befere he achieved success. He snw much that was humorous nmenff the residents et the tenemeiits and thought if some of the tynes could be put en the stage they would please. Ills little sketch was written for him by Den Ityan, Burten Helme Travelogue "Knst of Suaa" la the title of the travelogue which Burten Helmes pro pre hPiited last night at the Academy of Music ns the last of his season of photo-stories of travel In this city. This was n comprehensive nnd compact, personally conducted Journey through India, Ilurma, Ceylon, Hlam, the Malay states and ethers of the colorful coun tries of the East. Mr. Helmes' colored views nnd motion pictures made thlq travelogue u realtstle substitute for a personal visit. "East of Sues" wlU t presented aala. tali atterwga. Psj ,Mfcs7, p'ri'JtTS.fV n ii jggggMgJs t i L9Jfmwt ii .tW-'-'Wmf w'M mgM'Xlllf -?&& :: I w4wl HhiuUmEmm K M l x u Mil ': -, A-Jm w :::::A iHLMKJg1 JO WL- Ai xJtm' I'M M tmLWAyiitttWtttmtWttW .mmm Ff7t mMtlLi' ztttttttm. ''-'iLff'! '-:i Jlmk.:mmtfkm 2S i3fitWtWttttttt -yrm.en LmmLLLw forgotten. 'Hlie rrfeU5Cn in. tn from "OUTCAST STANLEY1 PALACE. HWikiii i inTiiaJwMKJKJUlBBIlWBMEHBBMlLUi BMWMMKiMS WMMMI 13KIU s n- .i J M Claire.",ar3aeJr , Waa 'Maarah. BPOTHEW5 UNDER TILU WtMEET THE SKIN" e ACAIK C, ARCADIA KARUTON Guide te Photoplays for the Week te Come New Photoplays STANLEY "Outcast," plcturlzatlen et Hubert Henry Davles play, with Klole Fergusen In role which she played en tha stage, supported by Pavld Powell and William David : albe, "The Wectrle Heuse," with Dus ter Kcaten, und 1'letre Yen, organist. ALDINV "The Forgotten Iaw," dra dra matle photepluy from the novel of Careline Stanley, with a east headed by Milten Sills, Jack Mulhall and Clee Itldgely. KARLTON "Till W Meet Again." marklne Mas Marfh's return te the screen in a dramuilc iniiiance. Mar tha Mansfield, Nerman Kurry, Walter Miller and Julia H. Uorden are also In the cast. ARCADIA "Brethers Under the Skin." Peter 11. Kyne story, with Helune Chadwlck. Claire Windser, Mae Busch. Nerman Kerry, Pat O'Malley and ethers. VICTORIA "Deserted nt the Altar," screen version, of old stage melo mele melo drnmutle success, with Heaala I.evc, Tully Marshall and Barbara Tennant REOENT "nose of the Sea." roman tic film, with Anita Stewart In the leading rela and Rudelph Cameren as the here. CAPITOL "Jehn Smith," latent star ring vehicle for Eugene O'Brien, who la supported by Mary Astnr. Preleusly Itevlewed STANTON "When Knighthood Was In Flower," romantic story from the Charlea Majer nevel, with I-n Hard ing, Marlen Davles, William Nerrls und Pedro de Cordoba. PALACE "The Yeung llajah." plcturl plcturl satlen of "Ames Judd." by J. A. Mitchell, with Itodelph Valentine as tha star. IMPERIAL Meililay, Tuesday and Wednesday, "The Beautiful War," with Katharine McDunald ; Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "Her Mad Bur gain," with Anita Stewart. COLONIAL Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, "Clarence." with Wnllaca Reld; Thursday, Friday and Satur day, "'On tha High Suas," with Doro Dero Dore thy Dalten and Jack Helt. RIVOIJ Monday. Tuesday and Wed nesday. "Seuth of Suva," with Mary Miles Mlntcr: Thursday, Friday and Saturday. "The Miracle Man," with Themas Melghan. UARKET STREET Monday. Tues day and Wednesday, "(loed Men and True," with Hairy Carey: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "Kindred of the Dust," with Miriam Cooper. QREAT NORTHERN Monday, tues- .NEXT WEEK. ZIMMERMAN THEATRES" &- PttlBtNTINa 0. F. KEITH VAUDIVIUE BM3M2 et. A CkeltM. Take DeHy. LIS and IM J. Rosamond Jehnsen re MEALY OF CO IK AND JOHNSON ANI HIS INIMITABLE FIVE OOerlm Tetlr Utut DmMM Neeetty fHE ELM CITY FOUR UT-TO.DATC VAUDIVILLC 0FFSNINS YHtMAs JacKsem k ci. "ONCE A TIHSF" THE DRA1ILIAN W0NDES mUrlDEa FOUR LONEY HASKELL THAT SASCAL CLUB JU00LIHQ AUXANDER & FIELDS THE 0PESATI0 8TAS AND'" WILLIAM NI8H photodrama THE SOUL OF MAR" IITH AMD LEHIOH. Dally, 7 . 7 Fields & Shelden "MISS S I IS OF A HANSOM CAS" Kill IROS, ELSIE WHITE "cipyts ami" CT pFFEHT. (- COOPER t LAOEY -mavmi unytNTS OF DAHOINa PRINCETON FIVE MIRTHFUL MUSIC MAKERS -ANP Twe unrin r- "la tha Days f luffaU IIU" OHAr. IS-'THE SRINK 6F ITERNfTY" tHtJrifX A6 TO A FINISH" mtmi TLr11r iiiaarvahall Maa;MilesMin.lr Tn.ata. Jiiev7art "DtSERTED AT THE. SOU ALTtR VICTORIA i C3ca.e -J arac-a-. SMITH CAPITOU. Photoplays te be Seen On Lecal Screens Soen December 3S "Olher Twist," with Jackle Coogan, Stanley. "Trifling Women," Bex Ingram picture, Aldlne. "Demestic llelatlens," with Kath- crlne McDonald, Arcadli "The Impossible Mrs. Bcllew," with Gleria Swanson, PuUee. "Uaet Is Wtst," with Censtance Talmadge, Palace. "A Blind Bargain," with Ixin Chaney, Victeria. day nnd Wednesday, "The Mun Who Played Ged," with Geerge Arllss ; Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "Without Compromise," with William Farnum. LOCUHT Monday, Tuesday and Wed- nusauy, "Tiie uenaea woman," with Betty Cvmpwn : Thursday, Friday and Satuiday "If Yeu Believe It, It's Se," with Themas lelghan, COLISEUM Monday and Tuesday, "Anna Ascends," with Alice Biady; Wednesday, "Manslaughter," with Themas Melghan ; Thursday and Fri A PHILADELPHIA PjJKx je tkm mrrm s.s.s.BiHsSvr pls.s.s.h i r. iggm .. M7W & "f:ggiigggffgggv - uu. rggg 1 1 kmML aHBL lfc,i'Jv--vv'IBPW--- -' J nreMiggggjggjuMflcT -ftjy ..E JOHN vsuxamiitWA CHESTNUT STREET Nt. Wk A HOLIDAY SEASON BILL OF VAUDEVILLE CLASSICS! A DANCE IliaL rilOM Till! I.OI.DlIN WUS1' DORIS HUMPHREY'S DANCERS Present A SERIES OF DIVERTISSEMENTS A lIBMITIITUh AND OUIHINAI, CI A-H1C IIAM'I) I'ltODt'CTION SPECIAL COMEDY, SONG AND DANCE FEATURES I OERTHUDK MAIIY JIM BLANCHE MOODV&DUNCAN MLAUGHLIN EVANS "Ol'UnA & JAZZ INCOHPOnATBn" HPKOIAL PIUI.A. PEATl'KB PRESSLER ED GEORGE MOORE WITH MARCSAHET QI'INIIY AND MA1HOX flOt'U PEP1TA GRANAD0S & CO. BPAN1NH (IIIIE.NTI, NOVKI.TV AESOP'S FABLES-PATHF. NEWS TOPICS OF THE DAY Extra. Added Attraction 1 AND Extra Added Attraction t TUB MIJHIOAI, KVKNT Or THE hUASON! WOMEN'S SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OF PHILADELPHIA J. W. F. LEMAN, Conductor 60 YAI.ENTHD MI'HICIANa IN A BPEriAI. HOMniY HKAHOK PnOGHAM a Bhewt Dallr. 3 A 11 1'. M. l'fl.n, Mat., $1.60. Tax Inchidcil. Nmll nn Hale lln 3 SHOWS CHRISTMAS DAY 3 liSO. 4,80 ANI) 8 1 M, RI.'.VIH ON KAI.H DIIOKMIIEIl 18 BROAD STREET THE CHILDREN'S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL TWO ftea" DECEMBER 28-29 THE PEEHLE88 JUVEKILE Thursday Alt.. Dee.28.it 2.1 5 TU Mirthful ndd.rrr Eitrtrtittnik SNOW WHITE AHTJ THE BEVEK DWAHM SKF.fi5ertwX5H0K 50l 1 - - - v v nui,uuH i t rr int lunni vuheeuiiB PLAYS FOR CHILDREN UY CHILDREN TICKETS K(V Tfk 1 1 MOW OM M ATI BOX ,--..- www mi, OF DUvV ROSE OF THE SEA" BIVOM REGENT FAY'S euetN day, "The Bended Weman," Betty rempsnn : Saturday, I.enu Hand," with Heet Gibsen. with "The NIXliN'H A Mil. I K.1 Annii Mnndnv. Tuusday and Wuduesday, "Ne Tres- paHsliig," with Bene Custle ; Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, "Without Compromise." with William Farnum. J UELMONT Monday, Tuesday and i Wednesday, "Birrderl.ind," with Agnes Ajrua; Thursday, Friday and Satur-, tlnv. "The Sheik," with Itodelph Val Val entieo. CEUAll Monday and Tuesday, "The Unlulfil Weman." with Iiettv Cemri- ' seu; Wednesday und Thursday. "The Yeung Diana," with Marlen Daie; Filday, "Wolf Law," with Frank Maye; Saturday, "Bread Dallght," with Leis Wilsen. JUMUO Monday, "The Gelden Gift." with Alii u Lake; Tuesday, "The Iren Trail"; Wednesday, "Lee's Redemp tion," with Nerma Talmadge; Thurs day, "Th Four Horsemen Friday, "Ilcr Night et Nights"; Saturday, "Fifty Candlei." STRAND Monday, Tuesday and Wed neMday. "On tha High Seas," with Jack Helt; Thursday, Friday und Saturday, "Anna Ascends," with Alice Bi ady. LEAlUill Monday and Tuesday, "Pink Gods," with Belie Daniels; Wednes day nnd Thursday, "Nine Points of the Law," with Helen Gibsen; Friday und Saturday, "Leves of Pharaoh." SIXlY-NlNTlt STREET Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Alice Brady In "Anna Ascends" ; Thursday, Frlddy nnd Saturday, "Slim Shoulders," with Irt.ne Castle, INSTITUTION ' BELOW 18TH STREET "ON A I.lTn.K Hini! BTUEEr' & KLAISS- tl DLAN0HE IVELY I'U "IS A lirn.K Or' THIS AM) A I.UTI.U OP THAT" U.rry- PAULI & G0SS -Mary "'llir. t'O-WK.DS" ARCHER & GERTIE FALLS "a n:v H.uii) KNecKa" :nv A rvfic llutei. Mi' ,SJliti. 30e te Week In A.huiice. l'linne ruucri ajua, THEATRE HOLIDAY EVENT EXTKAVAQANZA COMPANY Friday Aft., Dee. 29, at 2.15 The repultr Jlrr BptetacU Sleeping Beauty peuiii -ncini jun na xroue CI7I7 2H5 MONOAnuN. ballet wv uttlUK VV THEATRE t ' ' -at. ttem&iHtiit&vtttwME 7iMSttm V $ T AN TO N II.30- L30 - 3.30 - MARIO DAVIE COSUOrOLlTAN CIIEATION KNIGHTHOW FLONVE-R IS THE MOST SGNHATIOSAL HIT PIIILAUELl'UIA HAS HECOKI1EO IN HECENT YEAUS SpV NEXT 3aupine V IOJ! CT CHESTNUT 'V'SJ Z II.AH.' 'II.ISHMAOT.k 42r-OTTEIN FU A Metre I Picture WITH A Distinguished Ceat Tncluiing MILTON SILLS JACK MULHALL ALEC FRANCIS CLEORIDGELY VICTORIA NINTH AND JIAItKKT , fl A M TO 11 IB ! M. I MONDAY-THH FAMOUS STAOE hUrt'ESS DESERTED AT THE ALTAR Betste Leve ' Tully Manhall , Barbara Tennant Wade Boteler iTomer.fcVdaW Extra Pf"nance CROSSKEYS flOTH AND MKKKKT 1 5 7AN D 9 VI' VI I l.lv CHAMPION LADY FANCY SWIMMER THE b'AMOUH 'ACROBATIC DIVER OF THE WOULD IDEAL l Tha world' most perfectly formed woman In her mlr mlr rernl 11 Amateur illvlng anrt buimmliiK centnsta for beB and girls nlRhtlj hiH-.hil Vrl. Mat. I 'Ii.ti" 1U e ve lecture and pliyalc.il e iltuie tall; ALHAMBRA V.TII AND MO".!"?, s in ft wn and e 1' M MONDAY, TUESDAY. WEDNESDA MUSIO BONOS SANCINO BILLY LAVAR & CO. IN "THE MARRIAOE SHOP" ALICE BRADY IN PAUAMOr.N'T VICTt'nE "ANNA ASCENDS" BlI.Ti UHANOtll TIUIIU4DAV .im m . M ... Mr fi I W w W2-mefmnmtwmm i 'i'-vt '' i I'lsjswjjg! YI3 IIMV iff v FMefyerffusen "Outcast in MUSICAL FEATURE OP RARE DlPOR-TANCE PIETRO YON FMuct BUSTER KEATON EiibTmcleusE 16 and- Haaritet. 5.30 -7.30 -9.30 ff-- . v' V IM PARAMOUNT PICTUBi: LAW Kt 'rir r li eja ' r , :i vm ' m i-wi ARCADIA lOni AND CIIKSTNUT NEXT WEEK I'ETEU II. KYNn PTOHY "BROTHERS UNDER THE SKIN" CWIIIE WINDSOIl A NOIIMAN KErtnY CAPITOL 8TH AND MARKET IHCXT WEEK EUGENE O'BRIEN, "JOHN SMITH" COLONIAL WALLACE HEID AONES AYnEa MAY MeAVOY Otn A fhlten ATt. NEXT WEEK CLARENCE GREAT NORTHERN IIROAD & EIIIE Mnn . Tun. and Wd. GEORGE ARUSS "Tha Hun "Who Flajad Odd" IMPERIAL 001 II A WALNUT MO.V. TLfcS. A WED Katherine MacDonald "BEAUTITnL LIAR" rnntlnunti. 11 A. U Mil r Muviinuiii Qtinll tl Minimum I'rlff. NEXT WKEIv Will Stanten & Company Mimlctl Ci.innlr. "New A Thtn ' 9 LOUISE CARTER & CO. Cemdjr l'Uylft. 'TAITIl" WOPPLER & DAVIS Ol'EIlA AND IIAOTIME VeraBurt,Saxi HoltswerthCo 80N0S AND DANTES RALPH WHITEHEAD bONf.S ANI) STOniEH ARTHUR & MORTON HAVEL In th Cemedr. "HUITH" Sheftel Revue Pnrktewn Krrensdrra In "Celebration Dy in Tenaetiea" BOB MILLIKEN THE Nl'TTY ciur PAUL & PAULINE A COMEDY ODUITY lr(w)i I 1JUNIPER-Iy I V AND 7 I XMARKEfy w COUUKNC1NQ MONDAY i 1 ." ' 't'y. J?ymmZWt . SBWlS. I .vstt ,f3k 'ism,;'-v A'f i XM :-rrm, vjt.jmm Tegt' im. i , .- im 1 rr -,.- wpm.v, t i kfWfim mWm; mrtwtV sf&Rys' A "i . ' . ttwmmmmmmmtwttwmttmmmmmtmmmmtWmmJ 7jarlten lUtOAD AND ("HUSIM T 10 A. M. TO II IA V M 'NEXT WHBK WILLIAM CHIHSTY CAHANMJ I'ltODl CTIO.V TILLWE MccT Again AN EXCEPTIONAL CAHT MAE MARSH NORMAN KERRY MARTHA MANSFIELD JULIA SWAYNE CORDON J. BARNEY SHERRY PALACE 12TH AM) MARKET in A M TO II ! ! (. MONDAY A l'.VKAMOl NT 1'ICTI'IUS VALENTINO IN The Yeung Rajah CA1T INCLUDLS Wanda Hawiey TWO I'01'tr.AH ST.XII8 OI TIIU Wl IIT.f-v iv I reNritAsn.sd' holes ALLEGHENY riu.NKPeui) ASH Ut.LiilIENV T in 7 i.mj ii M'XT WfCK Beys Who Covered 21 Themielvet With Glory I HELL FIGHTERS 20 of Jim Europe's (elected mueiciani A I'AUAMOINT I'llTI'KH THOMAS MEIGHAN In THE MAN WHO SAW TOMORROW WWIWM BROADWaYI HUOAI) AV1I NNVDEIt AT (1 .10 T NI) l 1 J MONDAY, TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY WORLD FAMOUS ICE BKATEK Bebby McLean AND COMPANY In an EtlilMtlnu nf U 1 1 1 n. rrac THOMAS MEIGHAN IN . I'AIIAMOUNT IMCTUnH The Man Who Saw Tomorrow MIU, CUANUKO 'tWMVXMtXt t C t I f lmJThe ISih ff f t Infentry m m - uana the -a m ,i Itil if II : i .' i U- ii : ' !! i ' )' i it H r, 0 j ii f"' I i4 JT U-.