mzwwmsm rymmMmmm wrp ff i'-r Jil . i i ' EVENING PUBLIC) LEDGER PHILADELPHIA: SATURDAY; DECEMBER 16: 1922 J.X , I ft Wrir' ;n lrfrs, Wilsen Tells 0f Christmas Cookies IPmranl Jumbles and Bits of ' if. ... Tht Alnln neuauivsiMoe - ......" Use of Chocolate, Ginger or Chopped Fruit By ams. M. A. WILSON ..-elit. lttt. by Mrs. it, . Wlbea, All IF IOU Pfc te tnke a trip te York Yerk York fMre. Knpland, at tills spasen. you Jnlil find tlie busy lieuwivlfe risht up Mthe cvM In btiKtle and turmoil of Ltilnz nml hnklnB for the holidays that Vrc liWlnff. !1S il were ,ll9t nreun', thc $,"'. old recipes which arc still de lirious today : Cinnamon Stars Whip thc uhltcx of three cgps until ,ifrr BtlfT, then beat In one mid one lull cups of granulated sugar, take nt the i.enter nnd use a spoon and add anted rind of one lemon, One-half pound of almonds, grated in slmand prater, One-hall run sifted hread crumbs, One tahiespnnn of cinnamon, Three-quaitcrs cup of flour, icith tnt teaspoon of baking pettder sifted in the flour. Turn en well-floured beard and roll tut, a"1' p,lt w',n H,ar-fhape cutter. fff carefully with cither n epntuln or jfikc turner le a well-Rrenscd nnd ileiircl I"111 ""' ''a'0 '" f,',v Oen fr jiriie minutes. Nete the pun or f-heet for thf-e lit t le cakes must be groaned xtrj liberally. Sand Tarts PInre In mKing beul One cup of Imtter mil cream until 'Ike cueet frrMi butter; tow mll Twe cups of powdered sugar and cream ngnin ; new add One large egg and tha ieI, nf twi gt, One teaspoon of lemon flavoring, W One tahlesnoen of lemon iuicc. Orated rind of one-half lemon, Thee cups of sifted flour. Werk te cnioeth dough nnd chill en he ice for four hours; overnight is letter. Then roll out ene-qunrter Inch ihlck. cut with the fancy cookie cutters. Pnisli the tepi of the cookies with lilghtly beaten white of egg and cover ith granulated sugar, dust with cinna mon, and plnce n piece of split almond n the center, plnce en the baking thet nnd bake in moderate 'even for twelve .einutcs. Jumbles Place in mixing bowl One cup of butter nnd beat te cream ; new add Three cups of breicn sugai . and cream well, then add Tncc tchetc eggs Adding one egg at n tlme and bentlns hi nch egg well: new add Scten cutis of flour, 'Jhrei teaspoons of baking peicder, One teaspoon of cinnamon, One tiaipnen of ginger, One teaspoon of mace, One cup of sour cream, Txce teaspoons of vanilla. Werk te xnmeth mix nnd (hill ever night, In the morning roll out one-half inch thick, cut with luree doughnut cutter and plnce en baking sheet and bike fifteen minutes in moderate even. English Seed Cakes Plnce in mixing bowl Three-quarters cup of biitter nnd beat te smooth fine cream ; new Tite cups of powdered sugar and the yolks of three eggs nnd cream until like a fine hard sauce. Add Ihc gtnted rind of one-half lemon, Thc grated rind of ene whole orange, One teaspoon of anise seed. One ttaspoen of caraicay seeds, Fhe cups of flour, Tice-thiidi cup of milk. Werk te smooth fine dough. Chill erer night and in the morning roll out one-quarter inch thick, and cut with roekm i utter, llake en baking ulieet In moderate een for ten minutes. (Inner Jinn Crihc Place in saucepan Ve cups of molasses, Oue and one-half cups of honey, One teaspoon of cinnamon, I've teaspoons of glngir, One-half teaspoon of mace. Rring te boiling point and reek for Me minutes, new pour this sirup en oue iup et butter, which hun been cicamcd "Ithtwe cups of brown suiir. Add Hiftclcnt (lour te make a stiff dough, nuuing three level tablespoons of bnk injpuwihT and weik the baking powder "HI into this dough. Chill this dough ler twent -four hours, then roll out lirec-miiu-tcrs of an inch thick and cut in e ginger men, Women, horse and oilier annuals. 'I'e make a pattern for the ginger man nu the guigir weiiian up a stiff piee ft innlbe.ird, outline the figure en this irdbenrd, and with n sharp kitchen nife cut out. Hub this pattern well 'lure tuma, drving between each nib b"S. "iih oil. ( liristnias l-Ytilt Cookies Put thieugh the feed chopper One-half pound nf shelled nuts, One-half pound of canditd citron, "lie pa, Lane of .ceded tuisins. Hare in mixing bowl lhi(-iuatcn cup of butter. '" id ck.uu. Add 'no enit nf hi nun n Ihicr ilIiiiIi' i ,in '"I cream well; new add 'lie tups nf flout, "lie.! truAioen of hakxnij pundit, Onchnlf cup of mill, and the pre- pnrtd ft nit "rn W0J,,1 "inoelh tine deugii. Add "hi. ml pound f mirants, "d lilt ml in the cm rants well ; chill for 'Mniwfeur lieiir-, then mil out en "iireil instry heuid about one-half Inch l!!f. ""I1,'!", '"id Place en buklng "l,ft aul bake lu slew uuui ler ilftwn nuiuiti-.. sugai, Things You'll Leve te Make I'er Celd Slintlng I)as DrcrUi''0''1 sKa,'" ,uH " will "P" hat, v (?" "f tl,ese lntw,t "kl'"R la. ,,i. 'K(' n f,eft" s',,,Bly Wtted tur tur Hen ?, i)nn ' lll l'"w imita mak.. ,,. ".V"11.1 '"iterials or real furs C " "'J' lc. Embroider a wide nuel,h.0. rut semi .Uvular pieces tabu ,hetV"uc,,,m"',l',l fur the cur he li,?'iU J,'se .,0 ""' nds of fnera ,1 ?' ite t,, .ca'. or Bnnl' 'os' lab6 'V(,rl without the band and FLOIU. The Read te Christmas Leads Through Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere Thousands of Gifts at $5 and Less Boxed Sets of Toilet Goods $2 te $5 t Frapranccs and face pow ders from famous makers, boxed In various combina tions for giving. $2 sets combine a bottle of toilet water with a box of fnce powder. Other sets up te $5 grew larger nnd mere . elaborate until they include toilet water, face powder, extract, talc nnd soap. Priced siccerdingly. (Down Stitlrs Stere, Central) Tiny Bathrobe and Slipper Sets The cozy bathrobes fit snugly around the threat and are cut long and full te meet thc tops of piquant little matching slippers. $2.60 sets of robe and slippers are of nappy blan blan ketcleth with nursery figures outside and in. Sizes 2 te 6 years. $3.50 sets include robes of soft white eiderdown trimmed with pink or blue banding, nnd the slippers have long bunny ears and pink button ' eyes. Sizes 1 te 3 years. (Dawn Stalls Stere, Central) Corset Cevers 85c te $1.50 Each one individually boxed for Christmas. Made of fine white cotton with edgings of lace or embroid ery, mere or Jess elaborate, according te price. Nightgowns, $1.50 Seft white cotton ones in round or V-neck style, with the elbew-length sleeves that many women prefer for winter wear. Trimmed with embroidery. (Down Btalr Stere, Centra!) $4.25 $4.25 $2.75 $1.35 $2.75 $4.25 $4.25 Merry Christmas Sweater Sale at Half Price and Much Less Than Half $1.35, $2.75, $4.25 As far back as we can remember we cannot recall offering such valuable sweaters at such a small proportion of their standard price. Nene of them is worth less than double. The large majority is worth mere than double some three and four times as much. The story of their purchase is simply that a large importing manufacturer had mere than a thousand odds and ends of sweaters and wanted te sell them out at one clip because he was moving his factory. The price finally established was se low that we think the sweaters will sell out .almost before the day is out. Wait until you see them ! The Sweaters at $4.25 Fine mehnir slip-ens with high ncckj plain colors and black; regularly mere than double. Sweater nnd f.carf sets of wool and artificial silk; limited number; regularly mere than double. Slip-en sweaters of combination colors. Slip-en sweaters of mehnir yarn with contrast ing trimmings. Tuxedo sweaters of mohair wool knitted in fancy stitch, hand finished. Cashmere sweaters of imported Scotch n aterials in brilliant ecler effectd; they can be worn buttoned or open at thc neck; they were intended te hull nt many times this new price. The Sweaters at $2.75 Thrce-quaitcr length sweaters of mehnir yurn with brushed wool cellar and cuffs. Slip-ens with high neck, mnde of heather mix tures, regularly far mere than double. (Down Stnlrit Mere, Central) Slip-en sweaters in plain colors, including white, dene in a lace stitch. Slip-en3 of fiber silk and wool in two-color com binations. Tuxedo coats from Switzerland, white with rain bow colored borders; regularly far mere than double. The Sweaters at $1.35 are all-wool sleeveless slip-ens, mostly in white, but some colors, te wear under winter wraps and suits. Separate Scarfs at $4.50 are marvelous checked sports affairs of cashmere wool; the bread long ones with deep fringe in artistic colors such as ene sees in exclusive specialty shops at mere than double Scarfs nt $5.75 are of pure silk imported from Switzerland; "seconds," but with the flaws mended. Each scarf is different. Sizes Among the Sweaters are from 34 te 46, but, of course, there is net every size in ench style. Christmas Bayberry Candles Twe in n box for 20c. Almest ns much a part of Christmas as flashing holly or geed old Santa himself. Twe candles in a gay holly box make a Christmas greet ing that's very attractive. (Down Stair Stere, Central) Aquariums Specially Priced $3 Flashing little goldfish in a clear glass bowl seem te capture some of Summer's loveliness for Winter households. These complete aqurrinma contain, besides the three goldfish and the bowl en a wrought iron stand, a Japanese snail and a tadpole, a water plant, pearl chips and a gay floating ornament. (Down Stain Stere, Hlrd Cafe, Central) Children s Scarf and Cap Sets, $3 Fluffy flying scarf nnd bobbing tarn e'shantcr have Just the careless grace that is most becoming te a child, and these beautifully made brushed wool sets nre espe cially warm as well. Caps have a close-fitting knitted band, and scarfs are wlde and long. Brown and beav er. Sizes te fit children 6 te 10 years old. (Down Stair Stere, Central) Pure Linen Dinner Sets, $6 te $13.50 Smeeth pure linen damask sets consisting of a cloth and six napkins te match. They are finished with hemstitched hems, and the weights and qualities vary with the price. Boxed te give, and mightily worth-giving they are. Sets with G7x57-inch cloths nnd 16-inch napkins, $6. Sets with 68x60-inch cloths and 16-inch napkins, $10. Sets with 68x68-inch cloths nnd 20-inch napkins, $13.50. (Down Stair Stere, Central) Novelty Brassieres $1 te $3 Really gifty, se pretty and dainty they are! Starting with satin-striped peplia pink bandeaux, the choice includes leng-line brassieres of satin-striped poplin or novelty brocade, all-ever lace brassieres with ribbon straps or built-up shoulders and satin and lace combination effects. (Down Stain Stere, Central) Sale of Fiber-Silk Scarfs at $1.65 All the maker had left and every one of them will make a delightful Christmas present. Plenty of plain colors in drop-stitch and fancy designs. Alse particularly rich parallel stripes and some beautiful lacy affairs in three color combinations. Deep fringed ends. First quality. (Down Stain Stere, Central) Women's Linen Handkerchiefs Specially Geed at 15c, 25c, 50c and 75c 15c for remarkable white linen handkerchiefs of medium te sheer weight with hemstitched hems or corded borders or one-corner embroidery. 25c for women's embroidered or initialed handkerchiefs of excel lent white linen. Colored handkerchiefs nt GOc and 75c arc charming affairs in ene and two colors with delightful hand embroidery. (Down Stnln Stere, Central) Wrap Your Christmas Wishes in a Fur Gift Ceat Satisfaction all 'round if the Christ mas gift is a fur coat. What woman wouldn't rejoice at such a gift, and who doesn't like te see his or her gift much appreciated ? Coats from the Down Stairs Fur Shep are comfortably big loosely cut ones, modeled en the same lines as coats that cost much mere. They are well made and attractively lined, and n pur chaser has the satisfaction of knowing precisely what he is buying. 40-inch seal-dyed ceney cents, $80. 45-inch seal-dyed ceney coats, $100 and $125. 40-inch feeal-dyed ceney coats with beaver cellars nnd cuffs, $100. 45-inch seal-dyed ceney coats with beaver cellars and cuffs, $200. 40-Inch Natural Muskrat Coats, $125 te $1(55 (Down Stair Stere, Fur Shep, MurLet) iw.vrr vi $80 jm ir Women 's Strap- Wrist Capeskin Gloves, $1.85 Nice te give, or nice te buy for oneself, for they are assuredly serviceable and geed looking for everyday wear. Wade of soft heavy capeskin in brown with tailored strap wrists and quite long cuffs. Women's 2-Clasp Mecha Gloves, $2 Specially fine und soft. Outsenm sewn with spear-point bucks and English thumbs. Gray nnd beaver shades. Unusually durable, gloves, as every woman who has worn geed mechus knows. Women's Strap-Wrist Suede Gloves, $3 Seft and pliable. Mede, ecru and beaver. Pique sewn. Women's Strap-Wrist Mecha Gloves, $3.75 buperier qunlity, in gray brown and beavei. Outscum and pique sewn. (Down htiilrn Mere, Central) Women's Exceptionally Pretty $1 Underclothes Think of the fun of finding a real hand-embroidered envelope chemise for as little as $1; one of the prettiest $1 gifts one could think of. They are made of soft white cot ton materials with hemstitched tai lored tops in built-up shoulder or satin ribbon strap styles. Anether style of envelepe chemise is edged with lace and trimmed with a bit of feather stitching. Nice crepe nightgowns in flesh color and white trimmed with colored stitchcry are also $1. And well-cut sateen bloomers, ilesh or white, are the same exceedingly moderate price. Celd weather underthlngs nre net forgotten in this remarkable collection. Flnnnclet pajamas in the favorite Billie Burke style, pink or blue stripes, are $1. ; (Dawa Stairs lore, CeatraJ) II I s tVx Jl New! Japanese Print Luncheon Sets, $3.50 Just arrived for Christmas cheesing and they hardly get out en display before they began whisking out. That proves hew gifty and practical and nice they are. Jnpanese printings in blue en a snowy white cotton background. The cloths are 49x54 inches and hemstitched', the 13-inch nnpkins match. Attractively boxed. (Down Stain Stere, I'eiilrnl) Sale of Sample Gleve and Handkerchief Bexes, 85c Who doesn't find it much easier te keep little belongings in order when provided with plenty of geed-looking boxes in convenient sizes? These dark blue and green boxes nre trimly made with woven grass Bides nnd leather-like tops. They will make attractive gifts and nre mere than a third less. (Down Stnln Stere, Art Needlework hliep. Central) Luggage te Carry Your Christmas Thought Through All the Year Something lastintr and useful te give him or te give her. The outlay may be almost anything you feel like making, for at every price Wanamaker Lug gage is assuredly geed. Men's 18-inch black or tan cowhide traveling bags, $4.75 te $22.50. Men's black or tan cowhide suit cases, $10.73 te $22.50. Women's fabric week-end cases, $3.50 te $5. Women's leather week-end cases, $9.50 te $22.50. Women's leather traveling bags, $9.50 te $18. Women's leather overnight bags, $5 te $9.50. Weme'a fabric hat boxes, $5 and $10. I Vwa Btairi mere, Central) Satin Breakfast Coats, $8.50 New ones are lovely! Any woman u ill like te rind one among her gift boxes Christmas morn ing. Made in straight belted coat Btyle with short set-in sleeves and pockets. Trimmed with self frillings nnd the hem is scalloped and frilled. Celers include Amer ican beauty, Copenhagen, pink, light blue, rese and lavendci. (Down Malm Murr, Outrun A W w J$ $10.75 Workbaskets Spe cially Priced $1.75 Just in the nick e' time for Christmas shoppers conies this special purchase of well-made and capacious work baskets. A third less than their usual price, and just the bert of wide -topped, roomy baskets that are most con ' venient for sewing. The round bnse is covered with rr.tiny blue or pink, and n matching pocket Is attached te one side. (Down Hlulrt sterr. rt Nerilleerk Hliep, Central) Girls' Gingham Dresses Xe question nt all but that Miss Seven-to-Feurtcen will be pleased with the trim girlish lines of these new gingham dresses. They nre se fresh nnd crisp, nnd the straight-line style hns proved itself most comfort cemfort comfert nblc and becoming. Three pretty styles, ene of plain-color blue ginghnm with checked piping at neck and patch pockets and but ton trimming, the ethers of checked gingham with contrast ing band trimming, $1.50, $1.65, $2. . (Dewa atalra Blare, Market) w X L Men's Linen Handkerchiefs Uncommonly Fine at 35c and 50c 35c for men's plain white linen handkerchiefs with hemstitched hems big, fuH size, geed looking ones. 85c for men's initialed handkerchiefs the initials arc long ones, well embroidered and the linen is of excellent quality. , , ,it , , 50c for men's white linen handkerchiefs with colored borders; the best of the kind we have had in many a season. Beys' Silk Handkerchiefs, 122c White Japanese silk with gayly colored borders. Put n couple in his stocking! (Down Stalrn S'tere, ( entrnl) Triple-Sewn Gloves for Men Will Wear Well Capeskin in One-Clasp Style, $2.75 Heavy, well-worked capeskin gloves in tan and brown. All the se,ams sewn three times te prevent ripping. Capeskin in Strap-Wrist Style, $3.75 With extra length at the wrist. Buckskin in One-Clasp Style, $3 Outscam sewn with spenr-peint backs. Gray only. (Down Btalre Htere for Men, en the Gallery, Market) Thousands of the Best Leeking 65c Neckties We Can Recall Better patterns, better silks and mere varied assortment. Something for the man who likes black and white. Wide choice for the man who likes the new Paisleys and stripes and rich-looking brocades. Plenty of handsome dark blue effects. All fresh and new and giv- able. Separately boxed upon re- quest. (Down Stalm Stere for Men, en the C.allrr.r, Junt Intlde the Subway Doer) De Yeu Knew What Geed Shirts There Are for Men in Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere for Men en the Gallery? Fer Instance, Five Styles at $2 Woven white madras shirts at $2 have mercerized white stripes and little woven figures or else doubled woven stripes without the figures. Plain-color shirts in the new blue, tan and gray at $2 have attached or detached cellars or else they can be had without cellars. Many men like them almost as well as silk. They are the particularly well-made kind that will be appre ciated as gifts. Men's Striped Woven Madras and Percale Shirts at $1.50 Come in the favorite stripps en white grounds. They nre all cut plenty large and are made te special Wanamaker specifications. (Down Stalr Stere for Men, en the (inller.t. Market) Christmas Suggestions Frem the Shee Stere for Men and Beys Men's tan leather Remee house slippers, sizes 6 te 11, $3.75. Men's tan leather Remee house slippers, sizes 5 te 7. Special at $2 Men's felt slippet?, SI. 50. Blue, brown and grav. Men's Arctics, Sizes 6 te 11, $4.75 ' Beys' tan Remee house slippers, size L'Vs te ."' , $3.50 Beys' high tan leather lace shoes, sizes 1 te 5'- $-4. (l)ewu Mnlr Mere for Men, en the flnllerr, MurUet) Gift Thoughts Frem the Women's Shee Stere Christmas everywhere in the Down Stairs Stere, and specially in the Shee Stere, which has thrown efT its cus tomary staid appearance and assumed an air of holiday color and festivity. Women's Felt Slippers. $1 Plain or tibben trimmed slippers in all and the most popular colors, including lavender, purple and green; chrome leather soles. ' Women's Felt Bedroom Shoes. $1.2.) Designed with h turn-eer cuff which mav be worn down us a shppsr or up as a high shoe; blue or brown Women's Juliet Heuse Slippers, .SI..'!.") Ulnck, oxford or old iesu felt, plu.h tiimmed. "-. Women's Sheepskin Slippers. $1.(53 Warm as can be! In thc nut'irul color with purple pompom. Women's Suede Hedroem Slippers, .S1.7." In old rose, red, brown or lavender .Made en chrome leather sole- and tnmmtd with pompon a few black kid boudoir slippers ut the same price Lambs'-Weel Bedroom Slipper Seles, eOc Quilted Satin Bedroom Slipper Seles, 33c Alse & Slumber Socks, $1 Pair j "ITT-, Spats in Fashionable Shades. 73c Pair Women's Lew Shoes and ICveniinr Slinnprs New Only $2.50 Pair A limited number of pairs of tarnished silver slippers and undir prlM."' ' Xfrd8' mebt,y '" hmM " Much (len Slulrn Mere (llcMllut) Chests of Tennessee Red Cedar, $20 te $35 Veritable treasure chests for the lovely linens and pieces of handwork that every housewife holds pre cious. They come from a noted manufacturer and are made of fragrant red cedar and finished satin-smooth within. Lids are grooved te exclude dust and pro tected by extra-strong hinges. Seme are window-seat style with arms of cedar or solid mahogany. Some have sliding trays. 36, 42 and 48 inch sizes. riny ones for children's use ure $8.60. '"own SMr Hter. Cheitnut, and 1'vrtlera Bnep, Marbat) lk ft 1 ?l 1 k ? ' 4P i ! "a! 1 m i I l 4 i ' 1: V. s1 i !$! l ! ! I' hi t 1 I ,- . !L '- M.jaB&s,w.. ., ir jl